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The Boy Scouts of America Will Now Let Transgender Kids Join


Amid the nationwide debate over gender identity policies in the U.S., the Boy Scouts of America made the historic decision on Monday to allow transgender children to join their scouting programs. This reverses a policy the organization has had in place for more than a century, which only admitted boys based on the gender listed on their birth certificates.

“Starting today, we will accept registration in our scouting programs based on the gender identity provided on an individual’s application,” said Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh in a video message. “After weeks of significant conversations at all levels of our organization, we realized that referring to birth certificates as the reference point is no longer sufficient.”

The new policy goes into effect immediately. “I hope you will join with me in embracing the opportunity to bring scouting to more families and children that can benefit from what our program has to offer,” said Surbaugh.  

While the Girl Scouts has accepted transgender members for years, the Boy Scouts only decided to allow openly gay kids to become boy scouts in 2013. It wasn’t until July 2015 that the BSA officially lifted a ban on gay troop leaders and employees.

Sexuality and gender again became an issue for the Boy Scouts after an 8-year-old transgender boy born a girl was ejected from the Cub Scouts in Secaucus, New Jersey late last year. “It made me mad,” said the boy, Joe Maldonado, in an interview with The Record. “I had a sad face, but I wasn’t crying. I’m way more angry than sad. My identity is a boy. If I was them, I would let every person in the world go in. It’s right to do.”

So far, there have been mixed reactions to the BSA’s decision, especially on social media. “This is another historic day for the Boy Scouts of America.” Zack Wahls, the co-founder of Scouts for Equality, said in a statement. “We are incredibly proud of Joe Maldonado — the transgender boy from New Jersey whose expulsion last year ignited this controversy — and his mother Kristie for their courage in doing what they knew was right. We are also proud of the Boy Scouts for deciding to do the right thing.”

Some people joined in Wahl’s excitement, saying the policy tears down walls.

Others were enraged, questioning the validity of transgender identifications in children and the integrity of the Boy Scouts in general. Fox News writer Todd Starnes even called for churches to sever ties with the BSA, writing, “How can the Boy Scouts of America teach ethics and morals when its adult leaders can’t muster the courage to stand morally straight in the face of militant gender revolutionaries?”

Despite widespread controversy over the topic, Joe Maldonado’s mother, Kristie, told the Washington Post that although her son is no longer a boy scout, the two are happy with the result. “No other kid this will happen to, ever again … they’re accepting all.”

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