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12 Signs You Watch Too Much ‘Law & Order: SVU’


As creepy and twisted as the plotlines can be, there’s no denying that Law & Order: SVU is one of the most addicting shows currently on the air. Whether you’ve been a fan since the Elliot Stabler days, or you began watching more recently, (we hope you started before Nick Amaro!) you’re probably hooked. Here are 12 signs you watch way too much Law and Order: SVU. How many can you relate to?

1. You can recite the show’s voice-over intro from memory

“…These are their stories.”

2. You routinely try to sing the instrumental theme song

“Dun DUN.”

3. You’ve played an SVU drinking game

Take a sip every time someone says, “We need a bus!”

4. Most of your friends think it’s a little weird how into crime shows you are

Except for your BFF, who totally gets it.

5. You’re always prepared for the worst…

Everyone is a suspect.

6. …But you’ve seen enough episodes to learn how to protect yourself

Always look behind you!

7. If you ever had to dispose of a body, you know how not to do it

Some criminals are such amateurs.

8. You want to be Olivia Benson when you grow up

Role model status.

9. You’ve watched episode after episode instead of going to bed at a decent hour

Just one more, you promise yourself as you hit 'play.'

10. You’ve canceled plans because a new episode is on


11. You know that many of your favorite stars got his or her start on SVU

And you love pointing out the more obscure guest stars.

12. It’s more than a show for you; it’s a way of life

SVU forever.

13 Beach Problems That We Know Too Well


It’s finally summer, which means we’re all hitting the beach ASAP.  While working on our tans can be relaxing and fun, going to the beach comes with its fair share of struggles.

1. Sitting in traffic forever because everyone wants to go to the beach. 

So many cars, so little movement. 

2. Not being able to find an open spot to put your stuff down.  

And once you find it, awkwardly navigating between people's umbrellas and blankets to get there. 

 3. Burning the soles of your feet on the blistering sand.

Ouch, step, ouch, step, ouch, step.

4. Catching the cute lifeguard’s eye and trying to look sexy in the waves…

…and looking awkward instead.

5. Reading a magazine in direct sunlight means getting blinded.

How are we supposed to read about beauty tips if we can’t see?!

6. Melting makeup and tangled, unruly hair.

We were going for an authentic “beach-y” look.

7. Trying to work on your tan but inevitably getting sunburn instead.

Could someone pass the aloe?


In your bag, on your blanket, sticking to your legs, stuck in your sandwich, up your bathing suit, all over the car floor...

9. Day drinking too much and getting super cranky by 3pm.

It’s just so hot and we’re just so hung over.

10. Readjusting your bathing suit in front of everyone.

Gotta fix that wave-induced wedgie.

11. Getting hit in the face by a flying Frisbee/volleyball/football.

Um, ow.

12. Not being able to see your phone screen a.k.a. not being able to Snapchat your beach day.

And then your phone overheats and dies. UGH.

13. Realizing that you’ve been stung by a jellyfish. Twice.

Just a nice jellyfish sting to go with our sunburn.

Despite all this, we still love going to the beach.  Rock on beach beauties!

How to Deal With & Prevent Ingrown Hairs


We’ve all seen the insane videos of just how bad ingrown hairs can get, so what’s the deal with these things? Between zits, blackheads, acne and everything else that pesters our bodies, it’s hard to keep up on how to deal with what. While ingrown hairs may be similar in appearance to pimples, they’re definitely not the same thing. We’re clearing up other misconceptions and filling you in on everything you need to know (especially how to get rid of them!)!

What are ingrown hairs?

Commonly referred to as “razor bumps,” ingrown hairs are a condition in which hair grows back into a follicle or grows sideways within the skin, according to Dr. Nada Elbuluk, a board-certified dermatologist and assistant professor at the New York University Department of Dermatology. Rather than the hair rising up from your skin, these hairs curl around and grow back in.

Dr. Elbuluk says they “often look like small round bumps on the skin which have a hair trapped in them.” Their color depends on the person’s baseline skin, but these bumps can be anywhere from pink and red to brown. For women, these commonly pop up on areas we shave, like our legs, as well as our bikini area and armpits. However, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Vicki Rapaport says that ingrown hairs can occur in areas that haven’t ever been shaved, or on someone who doesn’t shave at all.

What causes them?

Even though anyone can get ingrown hairs, shaving, waxing and threading do increase your chances. Shaving is especially risky because you’re breaking off hair unevenly with a sharp tip. Waxing tends to lessen ingrown hairs. “Dead skin cells and increased sebum [oil] production within a hair follicle can also contribute to the formation of ingrown hairs,” Dr. Elbuluk says.

Additionally, people with coarse and/or curly hair are more likely to get ingrown hairs. However, despite these factors, licensed cosmetologist M.E. Nesser agrees with Dr. Rapaport that everyone is prone to ingrown hairs, whether they shave or not!

How can you prevent them?

While there is no 100-percent-guaranteed way to avoid ingrown hairs, here are some tips from Dr. Elbuluk and Dr. Rapaport to lessen the chance of getting them:

  • If you don’t mind not shaving, let your hair grow!
  • Choose a razor that’s sharp and single-bladed. “Sharp razors help swiftly and cleanly ‘cut’ the hair so it is a bit less likely to get stuck inside the follicle opening,” Dr. Rapaport says.
  • Shave in the direction of your hair growth to also get a better chance of cleanly and swiftly cutting the hair.
  • Avoid shaving over the same area multiple times if you have sensitive skin. Dr. Rapaport says doing so can irritate the skin, causing swelling that allows the follicle to open and allow for a hair to get trapped.
  • Before shaving, make sure your skin is wet and try using a moisturizing shaving cream, gel or foam. This helps make the area smooth and easy to glide over!

How can they be treated?

Ingrown hairs can be simple to treat, but if you’re not careful, you put yourself at risk for infection and even scars. If you’re at all hesitant to tend to your ingrown hair yourself, it’s always best to contact your doctor or dermatologist first. Otherwise, there are a few different ways to go about treatment.

Oftentimes an ingrown hair will go away on its own; however, the period of time it takes to go away can vary. According to Dr. Rapaport, an ingrown hair can stick around from anywhere to one to 10 days… or longer, meaning never!

“Sometimes I see an ingrown hair on a patient that has coiled around itself over and over and never actually stopped growing, forming a ball under the skin,” Dr. Rapaport says. She recommends consulting a doctor if the ingrown hair becomes painful, big, red, hard or stubborn.

If this is not the case and the hair is clearly visible, you can remove it yourself. “Use very pointy tweezers and gently lift the hair out through the skin that is covering it,” Dr. Rapaport says. While doing so, try not to pierce the skin too much, as this causes inflammation.

If you try to remove the hair and it’s not coming out, STOP! Dr. Rapaport says you can try again the next day, but do not continue attempting if it’s not releasing. “Be patient and wait for it to grow out itself, which it normally does,” she says.

A lot of times an ingrown hair turns into what looks and feels like a regular pimple and can even be “popped.” Dr. Rapaport explains this as the hair being destroyed by the body, and in its place, a tiny infection or pustule has formed. “It is a bit like a whitehead, but with slightly more infectious contents,” she says. You can choose to pop the bump with your fingers as you would with a normal whitehead. “Once popped, place a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide over it for five minutes, then cover it with polysporin and a Band-Aid,” Dr. Rapaport says.

After either tweezing the hair or popping what used to be the ingrown hair, wait until the next day to see how it’s healed. Dr. Rapaport says if it looks better, let it continue to heal on its own, and if it looks worse, contact your doctor or dermatologist. Dr. Elbuluk says, “Your dermatologist can also recommend a regimen of antibacterial washes and creams that can help calm the inflammation in the area and treat any infection that can be present.”

In order to avoid worsening of ingrown hairs, Dr. Elbuluk recommends avoiding shaving an area that has an ingrown hair. “Shaving could cause increased irritation to the skin and make the ingrown hair worse or possibly cause it to become infected,” she says."

While they may seem like no biggie, ingrown hairs can be extremely tricky, so it’s important to know what you’re dealing with. Even knowing how to shave your legs (and down there!) can make a huge difference in preventing them. Stay healthy, collegiettes! 

Clinique & TED Team Up to Celebrate Smart Ideas


“What’s the next smart idea?” Well, Clinique and TED recently launched a new campaign to find out, and they want you to join the conversation!

Through the Clinique Smart Ideas Partnership with TED, you can share your smart ideas and get the chance to win $20,000 to make your idea become a reality. You’ll also be invited to a Clinique and TED hosted event to celebrate all the amazing women who have made an impact so far.

Check out the video below for more information and visit their website to submit your idea by September 30! 

Panic Attacks: What They Are & How to Deal When They Strike


Whether you’ll be leaving home for the first time next fall, are still searching for that dream job or are handling an overwhelming internship, stress can get the best of anyone. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, but it can leave you feeling anything but normal. Panic attacks fall under the umbrella of anxiety disorders, where you feel an intense fear, sometimes leaving you uncertain about what you’re even fearful about. We’re here to debunk panic attacks and figure out what they are, why they happen and how to handle them.

Anxiety and panic attacks

Unless you have had experience with anxiety—and maybe even if you haven’t— most people are unsure of what anxiety is. It’s a term thrown around all so casually, leaving collegiettes with an ambiguous understanding of what it’s all about. According to Dr. Ramani Durvasula, licensed clinical psychologist and professor, an anxiety disorder is a psychiatric disorder that can range from worry about a specific event (like an upcoming deadline) to an extreme fear of a general situation (such as public speaking). There are six types of anxiety disorders, each with their own symptoms and treatments—one of which is panic disorder, classified by repeated and unexpected panic attacks. 

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) defines a panic attack as a sudden onset of intense fear or discomfort with varying symptoms such as sweating, shaking, dizziness and chest pain. Nearly six million American adults experience these seemingly out-of-the-blue attacks each year.

Pamela*, a senior at Elon University, has experienced regular panic attacks for the past eight years. “My anxiety attacks start when I get that ‘pit in your stomach’ feeling and it just won’t go away,” she says. “From there this feeling of being totally overwhelmed consumes me to a point where I physically cannot move forward with my day.”

Unlike Pamela, Lauren*, a junior at Northwestern University, had never experienced anxiety before her first panic attack. “All of the sudden I started crying and hyperventilating,” she says of her experience. “I felt light-headed and really confused, like I didn’t have control over what I was doing. I didn’t really know why it was happening because nothing specific happened to make me feel like I should be crying.”

Symptoms vary from person to person, and can send many to the ER with a fear of a serious health issue. A panic attack typically takes the shape of at least four of the following symptoms, as defined by the ADAA.

  • Palpitations, pounding heart or accelerated heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Trembling and shaking
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feelings of choking
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Nausea
  • Feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed or faint
  • Chills or heart sensations
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Feelings of unreality or being detached from yourself
  • Fear of losing control or craziness
  • Fear of dying

On their own, many of these symptoms mimic other diseases and disorders such as heart attacks. Put a few together, and you might just have a full-fledged panic attack. The terror of this anxiety often lasts under 10 minutes, although sometimes linger for nearly 30 minutes.

Causes of panic

Being a collegiette comes many pressures, both in school and out. College life causes a change in routine and social environment, as well as increased workload, financial concerns and strained relationships. According to Dr. Carole Lieberman, psychiatrist and author, college students might be more prone to panic attacks. “Not only because of college stress, but because they are separated from the support system of their families,” she says.

Many believe you are either someone who “has anxiety” or not, but the truth is, anyone can be susceptible to panic attacks and other symptoms of anxiety. Panic can be brought on by a number of factors, both biological and environmental, including a change in environment, substance abuse, family history and major life stressors.

Although the initial attack may develop out-of-the-blue, panic attacks can lead to an unsettling fear of future attacks, causing a snowball effect of anxiety. “After the first panic attack, you continue to be concerned that it will happen again and may alter your behavior to try to avoid another one, such as by avoiding situations similar to the one that triggered the first panic attack,” Dr. Lieberman says.

How to deal

Just as symptoms vary, methods to manage panic attacks are different from person to person. Lauren focuses on deep breathing and drinking water to remain calm. For Pamela, she learned that managing anxiety and panic attacks is more preventative. “I’ve gotten pretty good at recognizing the feeling I get when a panic attack is on its way,” she says. “Instead of letting that feeling build, I will work on trying to relax. The best method for me is talking myself through whatever is causing me anxiety and thinking logically about how it will all be okay.”

Although every attack is different, the following steps can help manage the anxiety of an attack.

  1. The first step to dealing with a panic attack is to accept what is happening. Realize the onset of symptoms before allowing your body to work itself up. 
  2. Breathe. This might sound obvious, but often times, attacks are classified by shortness of breath. Focusing on deep breaths can help you relax and focus on what is happening to your body.
  3. Relax and stretch your muscles to relieve your body from clenching up.
  4. Talk yourself through the anxiety. Remember Pamela’s advice, and tell yourself that it will all be okay. All panic attacks end sooner or later. Don’t forget to remind yourself of that.

In addition to relaxation techniques and stress management, psychotherapy can be helpful for some to talk through and understand their anxiety. In situations of reoccurring anxiety, medications can also be prescribed to help control symptoms. Isolated attacks are not reason for worry, but if you have repeated (four or more) panic attacks or lingering fear of future attacks, the American Psychological Association suggests going to mental health professionals for diagnosis and counseling.

Prevent the panic

As collegiettes, we’ll be the first to admit it: We don’t always take care of ourselves as much as we’d like. Some steps to deal with anxiety are as simple as a good night’s sleep, which can help your body cope with excess stress. “My doctor recommended exercising regularly, which I found helps to manage my anxiety and reduce the number of panic attacks I have,” says Pamela.

Dr. Durvasula also recommends exercising, getting enough sleep, meditating, avoiding drugs and alcohol and accessing social support (real life support, not just online). She also puts emphasis on the importance of building relaxation times into your schedule, such as concerts, time with friends, hikes; whatever your idea of a good time is. You heard us—doctor’s orders!

There is no doubt that panic attacks are personal; everyone’s symptoms are different, and everyone’s solutions vary. Even if you wouldn’t consider yourself an anxious person, self-care and the methods to deal with everyday stress can be preventative of future anxiety and might just prevent a panic attack from happening in the first place.

*Names have been changed.

Here's Your Chance to Take Your Tech Career to the Next Level!


As modern college women, you don’t let your dreams and goals be limited by any factors—societal, political or otherwise. So when opportunity presents itself, you take it, and here at Her Campus, we want to give you the chance to go above and beyond.

That’s why we’re proud to join forces with General Assembly, a company that provides in-depth training in skills like web design, digital marketing and more, to give four women an exciting chance to further their careers in tech—right in the heart of Silicon Valley.

GA is flying four lucky women to San Francisco from September 13 to 18, where you’ll be treated to a trip to meet inspiring women working at top tech companies (like LinkedIn and 500 Startups), and visit the offices of Facebook and Twitter. You’ll also get one-on-one time with expert mentors, as well as score passes to Startup Summit at the Dreamforce tech conference.

Ready to take your career in tech to the next level? You have until June 28 to enter here!

10 Female Comedians You Need to Know


We all love Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, but what about the other women of comedy? From writing for our must-watch TV shows, to voicing our favorite animated characters, women are doing big things both on and off the screen. If you’re looking for more (hilarious!) girl power, check out our list of the ten female comedians that should be on your radar.

1. Kristen Schaal

Talents: Actress, voice artist, writer, comedian

You might know her from:Flight of the Conchords, Bob’s Burgers, 30 Rock, Toy Story3



2. Jenny Slate

Talents: Actress, stand-up comedian, voice artist, author

You might know her from:Marcel the Shell With Shoes On, Obvious Child, Saturday Night Live, Parks and Recreation



3. Maria Bamford

Talents: Stand-up comedian, actress, voice actress

You might know her from:Arrested Development, Louie, Adventure Time



4. Chelsea Peretti

Talents: Stand-up comedian, actress, writer

You might know her from:Brooklyn Nine-Nine



5. Tig Notaro

Talents: Stand-up comic, writer, radio contributor

You might know her from:The Sarah Silverman Program, In a World…



6. Abbi Jacobson & Ilana Glazer

Abbi’s Talents: Comedian, writer, actress, illustrator

Ilana’s Talents: Comedian, actress

You might know them from:Broad City

Twitter:http://twitter.com/abbijacobson& http://twitter.com/ilazer


7. Jessica Williams

Talents: Actress, comedian

You might know her from:The Daily Show, Girls



8. Katie Dippold

Talents: Screenwriter, television producer, actress, comedian

You might know her from:Parks and Recreation (Writer/Producer), The Heat (Writer)

Twitter: http://twitter.com/katiedippold


9. Nicole Byer

Talents: Actress, comedian

You might know her from: MTV’s Girl Code



10. June Diane Raphael

Talents: Actress, comedian, screenwriter

You might know her from:Bride Wars, New Girl, Netflix’s Grace and Frankie



You can thank us later.

17 Awesome Ways to Spend Your Days Off


Days off. They’re usually reserved for washing dishes, doing laundry, or paying bills, and while all that stuff definitely has to get done (and fast!), doing chores on days off means that they’re not really days off at all. Instead of constantly deluging yourself with errands and cleaning on weekends, take a day to indulge yourself without guilt, even if it’s only once every now and then. Clear your schedule and do one (or all!) of these super-fun activities!

1. Spend the whole day reading and finishing a book 

Seriously: turn off social media and keep the TV remote out of arm’s reach. Grab that book you’ve been dying to read for a while. Answer no phones, pick a comfy spot, and go from cover to cover. It’s so satisfying to indulge in a book from start to finish, all in one sitting!

2. Pick a place on the map and go 

It should be far enough away that it feels like a vacation, but not so far that you can’t make it home easily! Think about 45 minutes to an hour and a half away. Make a list of the things you want to do there and what you’d like to explore. It’ll feel just like a mini-vacation. Make it a day trip, or stay the night!

3. Have a spa day 

Even if you’re not looking to spend a lot of money on luxury spa services, get yourself a mani/pedi or a facial and ask for a ten-minute massage while your nails are drying. It’s relaxing, indulgent, and rejuvenating.

4. Host a movie marathon 

Pick a theme—Nicholas Sparks marathon, anyone?—and invite some girlfriends over for the day. Have wine, snacks and drinking games planned, or pause the movie to play a round of Truth or Dare in honor of your younger selves. 

5. Have a picnic 

Grab a friend—or go alone. Pack a lunch in a paper bag or go full out with a wicker basket. Head to the nearest park with a book or a camera and soak up the sun. Don’t forget the SPF!

6. Plant a garden 

This is something most of us mean to do but never get around to doing. We love strawberries and tomatoes for fruits, basil, cilantro and parsley for an herb garden, and arugula and peppers for vegetables. Make a list of the things you eat frequently, and plant accordingly. You’ll love being able to get fresh fruit and veggies—just by stepping outside.

7. Go out with a camera 

If you don’t have a point-and-shoot, your phone will do. Take a walk around your neighborhood and go very slowly, taking care to notice things you may have overlooked before. Take pictures of anything you find interesting, whether it’s a scraggly tree branch, an interesting pattern of cobblestones, or old-fashioned lampposts. Whenever you think something is interesting, snap a photo.

8. Set yourself a budget and go shopping 

Budget shopping is a sneaky way to treat yourself without feeling guilty afterward. Give yourself an allowance—and spend exactly that much. No more, no less. Whether you spend it all on a pair of designer shoes, or go for an entire budget-friendly outfit made up of multiple pieces, you’ll finish the day feeling good about indulging; and there’s nothing better than that.

9. Start a journal 

Most of us don’t take time out of our daily schedules to reflect. Change that by starting a journal and writing down what you love in your life right now, what you fear, what your goals are, and all the little perfect and imperfect moments that make up your days.

10. Cook an extravagant meal of all of your favorite things

Pick a recipe you’ve never had time to try out but have always wanted to, especially if it’s one that takes a little longer than usual. It may be braised lamb shank, garlic mashed potatoes and bacon kale, a dessert of flourless chocolate cake, or something equally scrumptious! Really kick things up a notch by creating an appetizer such as crostini; don’t be afraid to play around with some of your favorite ingredients. Cook for yourself, your SO, or your best friend.

11. Learn something you didn’t know before 

Days off are perfect for doing things you never have time to do. Try to learn the rudimentary basics of a new language, sign up for an online lecture you can listen to on your own time (like the ones at The Great Courses), or pick up a new hobby, like painting or sewing.

12. Get moving 

Whether you’re dancing to Taylor Swift in your living room, calling on a friend to teach you some cool yoga positions or giving Zumba a shot, get up and get moving! You never know—you might uncover a secret talent… or just some new dance moves to bust out in the privacy of your own home.

13. Go to a museum or art installation 

Take in some culture—go to a local museum that’ll teach you all about the history of your city, or visit an art gallery and get to know the artists in your area. 

14. Volunteer or donate to charity 

Walk dogs at the animal shelter, volunteer at the soup kitchen, or even go through your closet and put together items you can donate to Goodwill.

15. Go to lunch or dinner—by yourself 

Embrace your solitude and let yourself have anything you want on the menu! 

16. Drink an entire bottle of wine 

Slowly. And not out of the bottle. This might be an awesome way to bond with your best friends or significant other. Have the entire bottle and get ready for some deep conversation… or just binge-watch reality TV!

17. Go on a self-organized food tasting 

Pick a type of food—steak tacos, lobster rolls, or bacon cheeseburgers. Go to at least five places, try one at each stop and share with your friends which one you think is the best. Divide up the food so you don’t get insanely full! 

Your days off should be stress free, so plan on spending those days focusing on you, and what you love doing. Whether it’s just one day on the weekends, during a long weekend or just a few hours a week, using your time off to actually relax will help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the days that you don’t have off!

5 Transgender Models Making Waves in the Fashion Industry


With the world's recent introduction to the glamorously brave Caitlyn Jenner, transgender identities have been a hot topic, finally getting the love and recognition they deserve. But while strong transgender media personalities (including Caitlyn and Laverne Cox, our favorite Orange Is The New Black star) frequent the limelight, many transgender trendsetters are still unknown to a large portion of our population. Trailblazing through the fashion industry, these women have made a historical impact on the world of cover girls and catwalks, opening the doors for future transgender stars to shine. Meet five fabulous transgender fashion icons of today's industry, killing it on runways around the world.

1. Andreja Pejik

Australian model Andreja Pejic is without doubt the most famous transgender model to date. She was the first transgender woman to be featured in Vogue and has strutted down the catwalk of many fashion shows in Paris. We're thoroughly impressed! 

2. Jenna Talackova

Beauty queen Jenna Talackova made history after winning a legal battle against the international Miss Universe organization, which unjustly tried to disqualify her from competing in Miss Universe Canada in 2012. Her strength and dedication allowed her to compete, paving the way for future transgender contestants to have access to the competition. Since, she's had an extremely influential role in the LGBTQ+ community, shown above as Grand Marshall of the Vancouver Pride Parade. We couldn't be prouder!

3. Ines Rau

Ines Rau was born in Paris and embraced her female identity at the early age of 16. Her self-confidence at such a young age led her to great success, landing her a modeling career almost immediately. Now a supermodel, she's been featured in tons of shoots and has even graced the pages of Playboy.

4. Isis King

Isis King made waves when she starred as the first transgender contestant on America's Next Top Model. Though she didn't win, Tyra Banks was so impressed with her performance, ambition, and inherent modeling talent that she's since reached out and supported King on multiple occassions. Now an extremely famous American model, King has been featured in top magazines such as Seventeen and Us Weekly. Even more inspiring, she's American Apparel's first outwardly transgender model.

5. Carmen Carrera

Carmen Carrera is super talented, having worked as an actress, model, and burlesque dancer. You may have seen her on RuPaul's Drag Race, but that's not all she's famous for. Carrera has been the model muse for famous artist David LaChapelle, which is quite an honor! Even better, over forty thousand people signed a petition in 2014 to make Carrera the next Victoria's Secret Angel. While Victoria's Secret failed to address the petition (ugh), it's still an astonishing feat to garner that much public support, and we're both amazed and inspired by Carrera's success.

Serving as role models for members of the transgender community, these five icons are worthy of substantial praise!

What Level of SPF Should You Use?


With non-melanoma skin cancer being the most common type of cancer in America, it is more important than ever to know everything there is to know about sun protection. The best way to protect your skin is to stay indoors or cover yourself in the shade, but that's an unreasonable expectation. Hence, the invention of sunscreen. Although sunscreen is great to ward off harmful rays, it's very difficult to know what's in it, how it helps prevent sun damage, and what kind of sunscreen to use.

One of the biggest things to pay attention to when buying sunscreen is obviously SPF, or sun protection factor, which measures sunscreen's ability to protect UVB rays from damaging the skin. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, everyone should wear at least SPF 30 on a day-to-day basis. This means that it would take 30 times longer for skin to burn than it would without sunscreen, which is generally adequate for little sun exposure. However, the AAD recommends that SPF 50 be worn when participating in outdoor activities where sun exposure levels are higher.

While the AAD does not recommend different SPF levels for various skin tones, not everyone has the same opinion. As with every heavily debated topic, different experts have differing opinions. If you're not down with the idea of wearing SPF 30, this chart from Ocean Potion may help with your decision on which type of SPF to apply.

Remember: SPF only protects against UVB rays, so finding a sunscreen that protects against UVA rays as well is crucial—like the Wetforce Ultimate Sun Protection Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ for Face/Body ($40, Sephora). After all, we only get the skin we have and we need to take care of it to live long, healthy lives.


4 Quick & Easy Mood Boosters


Got work? Undone laundry? A daunting to-do list? We certainly don’t blame you for feeling a bit beaten down by it all. There are plenty of times in college when you just really need a mood booster. But don’t worry—help is on the way! Here are four super-easy tricks to help you perk up in just 10 minutes or fewer (because we know you don’t have 11 to spare!).

1. Have a solo dance party

You know that feeling you get when an upbeat, feel-good song comes on? Maybe it’s Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies” or The Jackson 5’s “ABC.” You hear the beat, and though you might be convinced that you “can’t dance,” you suddenly have the pressing urge to bust a move.  

Well, have no shame. Not only is your impulse totally natural, it might also be the key to a better mood. Researchers at the Kyungpook National University conducted an experiment involving 277 Korean high school and undergraduate students to determine how different types of exercise affected their moods. And guess what? The study showed that aerobics and hip-hop dancing resulted in the highest “positive well-being.”

So download Beyoncé’s new album and let loose! Your mind will thank you. And, as a bonus, your glutes will, too.

2. Meditate

Sitting still in a dark room with your eyes closed might not sound like “your thing,” but it turns out that meditation really can boost your mood, especially when practiced on a regular basis.

In a 2007 study published by Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, researchers taught participants a simple meditation exercise and then tested the participants’ perceived stress levels and mood states before and after meditating. Results showed that the simple meditation technique improved both negative mood and perceived stress in a significant portion of the individuals.

Not sure how to start? Check out this easy step-by-step tutorial to meditation. If  you feel like you need more instruction, try Headspace or Insight Timer --both offer free guided meditation sessions and are available online or as iPhone and Android apps.

3. Sniff an orange

A study published in the journal Neuroimmunomodulation found that when the fragrance of citrus was applied to depressed participants, their need for antidepressants decreased.

Pamela Heyen, a certified holistic health practitioner, suggests using therapeutic grade essential oils to get your dose of that citrus scent. These oils are unadulterated—in other words, chemical-free—and can be applied topically, dropped on your pillow before bedtime or even dissolved in a glass of water and ingested.

4. Download Happier

The mission of the new application Happier, according to CEO and founder Nataly Kogan, is “to help you be happier in your everyday life.” The site, which is available as an app for the iPhone (and is coming soon for Android), provides a space for you to record the things that make you happy.

Whether you write about a frothy cappuccino made just right or a morning snuggle session with your dog, Happier reminds you to celebrate the little things in life. Plus, you can browse the “happy moments” posted by people nearby and around the country.

With the click of a smiley-face icon, you can even “smile” at a post, at which point Happier will notify the user that they’ve made somebody somewhere smile. In essence, it’s a cycle of happiness at the click of a button.

The next time life has you down, try one of these mood boosters! Trust us, your happiness is worth it. 

Mexico Just Legalized Gay Marriage!


Yes, you heard us correctly! Our lovely neighbors down south just legalized gay marriage. While Mexico's Supreme Court didn't explicity allow for same-sex marriage, they did rule that state laws which prohibit the practice are discriminatory, therefore striking down any legal barriers for same-sex couples. The reason that you haven't been hearing about this in the national headlines is probably because these rulings were passed quietly, with "little fanfare" as this New York Times article asserts. 

(Pictured above: a same-sex couple who was just permitted to get married under the new laws)

This outcome not only set an unprecedented new standard for Mexico, the second largest country in Latin America, but is also just one more positive sign in the growing trend of same-sex marriage legalization. Already Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil have some form of legalized gay marriage (especially good for Brazil, Latin America's largest and most populated country). This landmark ruling from such a prominent country could help to encourage even more countries to follow suit (especially those with close political ties to Mexico).


The biggest question that now remains is when the U.S., now officially sandwiched between two countries where marriage equality exists, will follow suit. No longer a question of "if," LGBTQ couples all across the country, some of whom live in the 37 states which allow for same-sex marriage through state legislation or court decisions, anxiously wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule whether gay marriage should be legalized on a federal level (thus superceding the 13 states where same-sex marriage is explicity banned). The ruling is expected to come out some time before the 2014 Supreme Court session comes to a close (by the end of June). 

We can only hope that Mexico's action will help promote some willingness from same-sex marriage opposers on the nine-member Supreme Court, enough so to rule favorably and help ensure that couples will be able to wed and receive the same benefits regardless of sexual orientation. The time for archaic and discriminatory thinking is over--America needs this change for the better! 

A New Bill Threatens Healthcare Accessibility for Women


Birth control is extremely expensive for the uninsured and those underage. Health exams such as cancer and STD screenings are inaccessible to the underprivileged. Sex education programs throughout the United States are dangerously flawed. These are the hard facts that women across the country must face on a day-to-day basis, and a new proposal may make things even worse. The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies is attempting to pass a bill that will prevent women from accessing vital and often life-saving heathcare services. We're just as disappointed as you are.

The proposal intends to cut the funding for—and thus permanently end—the Title X Family Planning program, which is used to provide women with the tools and advice necessary to make educated and informed decisions about their own health and the health of any future children they choose to bring into the world. Title X funds birth control, exams and screenings, sex education programs, pregnancy prevention initiatives and other family planning measures. Most often serving impoverished, adolescent, uninsured and minority individuals, Title X is absolutely neccessary if we want all women, and especially teens, to have access to affordable and safe healthcare. With recent declines in teen pregnancy rates, women's rights activists have been very hopeful about the future of women's healthcare. But with the possibility of such an extreme drawback, all of that progress could be lost, or worse, reversed.

What's most unsettling about the proposal is how misguided it appears to be. Even without considering a possible reversal of healthcare advancements, the bill would still negatively affect a whopping 4.6 million people. Financially speaking, the bill makes no sense according to Glamour.com and the Guttmacher Institute—we currently save $7 for every $1 invested in family planning services. Aren't fund cuts supposed to save money? Considering the fact that the bill would make healthcare access extremely unaffordable for a large portion of our population, we aren't sure who this is helping.

While the bill is currently just a proposal, it's extremely important to stay informed and active regarding the issue. Change happens when it's backed by voices, so whether you're for or against this, it's always best to say so.

11 Clothing Items that Show Off Our Love of Pizza


How do we even begin to describe the awesomeness that is pizza? Whether we’re on a serious binge-watching spree or too tired to leave the house, pizza is always there for us. We consider ourselves to be in a pretty committed relationship with this delicious meal-maker, so we’ve rounded up 11 clothing items we’ll be adding to our closets to properly display our love and affection.

1. Admitting we’re completely vulnerable to its healing powers

Oh, pizza. We always know that when we’re sad you can make it all better. And so can this tee from Thug Life Shirts ($27.95).

2. Hopelessly devoted to you

Oh no. Wait. Hopelessly devoted to pizza. We’ve never seen a sweater ($23.51) that really got us until now.

3. Carryout in a carryall

Late for class but still enjoying quality time with your pizza? Stuff a slice in this tote from Etsy ($13).

4. Pizzas are people, too

Okay, maybe not people. But this Forever 21 tee ($14.90) will help you avoid any questions about where your heart truly lies.

5. When you spot a shining slice

These sunglasses from Nylon ($50) will keep the blinding light of pizza’s brilliance from impairing your vision.

6. The power of pizza

This Human tank ($29) combines two of our favorite things: pizza and Parks and Recreation’s April Ludgate. Boy, was she wise beyond her years!

7. Relationship status – it’s complicated

So, you’re dating pizza? Scream it from the rooftops with pride by wearing this Wildfox sweatshirt ($68.60).

8. Pizza parties are really for the adults

Pizza parties aren’t just for little kids. But we’re gonna be super mad when the pizza runs out. This Etsy tank ($27.95) perfectly encapsulates the ensuing downward spiral.

9. With this ring

The only thing that would make this midi ring from Nylon ($15) better is if it was edible.

10. Pizza > all things ever

Let’s leave the love triangles to our favorite TV couples. This Human tank ($29) knows we only have one cheese-covered treat on our minds.

11. Simply said

If you really want to get to the point, this sweatshirt ($25.88) should do it.

Which of these articles of clothing best describes your pizza obsession, collegiettes? 

A Taco Emoji is Coming Soon


What do a smiley face, a girl in a red dress and tacos have in common? They’re all now emojis! Emojipedia has recently confirmed that 37 new emojis were released, including a long-awaited taco. New fun emojis also include a burrito, hot dog, unicorn and a face rolling its eyes.  

According to Quartz.com, this specific taco addition has been a long time coming. This past December, Taco Bell began a campaign to create the taco emoji. Part of the petition, which received over 30,000 signatures, read: “Why do pizza and hamburger lovers get an emoji but taco lovers don’t? Here’s the better question: why do we need four types of mailboxes? Or 25 different types of clocks? Or a VCR tape and a floppy disk emoji? No one even uses those things anymore.”

Apparently the taco enthusiasts were heard! However, these emojis are not guaranteed to show up in your iPhone or Android keyboard the next time you turn on your phone. The emojis currently only exist in Unicode 8.0, the standard text for all languages and computers, so it’s up to Apple and Google to incorporate them into their programming systems.  

So get excited, Mexican-food lovers! Soon you’ll be able to express your appreciation for tacos in a whole new way. 

A Red Cheeseburger is Burger King’s New Menu Item


After achieving the feat of creating a black cheeseburger, where the bun and cheese are colored black, Burger King is at it again, by releasing a red cheeseburger for customers. According to BuzzFeed, the red cheeseburger was created by Burger King Japan and will only be available there, starting July 3.

This new bright red burger is called the Aka Burger, as “Aka” means “red” and receives its color from tomato powder. However, beef is not the only meat that can be included between the red buns; customers can get chicken as well. Customers can really have it their way by ordering the Samurai Beef or the Samurai Chicken. The two burgers will also include an “ANGRY” sauce, comprised of miso paste (a Japanese seasoning), Chinese chili bean sauce and red pepper.


As previously mentioned, Burger King previously released a black cheeseburger last fall called the Kuro burger ("Kuro" means "black") to not-so happy reviews. Those burgers received its bun and cheese color from bamboo charcoal and squid ink. But, Burger King promises better things for its black cheeseburger which will be newly released in August and will also include deep-fried eggplant.

And who said black and red weren’t a girl’s favorite colors?

5 Signs Your Friends-With-Benefits Relationship Isn’t Working


For collegiettes looking for a more casual fling without wanting to feel like a booty call, a friends-with-benefits setup can feel like the perfect solution. You can hang out during the day like you normally do and hook up occasionally without the stress of a committed relationship.  But what happens when this “casual” hook-up with one of your friends creates jealousy, fighting or unwanted drama?

Because you’re hooking up with a friend and not someone you don’t know as well, you may keep hooking up with him or her long after you realize you’re not happy in the situation, which can potentially lead to the end of your friendship.

Friends with benefits can seem like a great option, but there are times when it just doesn’t work. If any of the following signs sound familiar, it may be time to call it quits with your FWB.

1. There are jealousy issues.

While it’s not exactly fun to see a recent hook-up out with another girl, if you find that hearing about your FWB’s late nights with someone else is affecting your own relationship with him or her or even affecting your self-esteem, it may mean you want something more than the casual label you currently have.

“During my sophomore year, I started hooking up with someone I had been friends with for a while,” says Anna, a senior at the University of Delaware. “We had agreed that we wouldn’t be anything more serious than what we were doing, which was hooking up casually on weekends and hanging out with our friend group during the day, but one night, I saw him hooking up with another girl and started crying. I knew I was more invested in him than I expected to be and that he didn’t want anything more, so we decided to just go back to being friends.”

2. You have different definitions of your relationship.

Do you consider a FWB situation to mean you talk or text more than normal? He may not. Your partner may think that a FWB means you hook up frequently, while you may see it as a once-in-a-while deal. If you’re both on different pages about things such as how you much you talk or hang out, what you’re “allowed” to do with other people or how you act when you’re around your other friends, unwanted problems can arise very quickly.

“When a friend and I started hooking up consistently, I thought that it would be casual because he told me he wasn’t interested in anything more, and I wasn’t either,” says Mary, a junior at the University of Maryland. “I assumed that we would hook up when we saw each other at a party, but he wanted it to be more of something that we did during the week. We were on completely different pages of what FWB meant, but once we talked about it, we were able to agree that in order for us to keep it casual, we had to both see other people.”

While it helps to establish these boundaries before you get too deep into a FWB fling, if you’re still unhappy with the way things are going, have that conversation. The difference between him/her and other casual hook-ups you may have is that he or she is a friend, so it’s probably easier to bring up those topics without feeling awkward and uncomfortable. If you have the conversation and you still feel like FWB means two very different things to you both, consider going back to the “just friends” route.  

3. You only hook up on his or her terms.

Even if hooking up isn’t necessarily hurting your friendship, if one of you holds significantly more power over the mechanics of this FWB situation, it’s not a healthy relationship.

“When it is based on his [or her] terms, it is never going to work,” says dating coach David Wygant.

Kaley, a senior at Hofstra University, experienced this firsthand when she was hooking up with her best friend last year. “It started to get on my nerves when I would text him to come over and he would ignore it or say he couldn’t, but when he texted me to do the same, I was always there,” she says. “It made me feel like I was his last choice, and I finally decided that anyone, especially a friend, shouldn’t be making me feel that way. I got really frustrated, and eventually we just went back to being friends.”

4. It’s ruining your friendship.

If you were friends before you started hooking up and suddenly you only hear from him or her after 1 a.m, you’re being treated more like a booty call than a FWB.

“I knew I didn’t want a boyfriend, and I loved the idea that [my best friend and I] could still hang out during the day and hook up at night when we wanted to with no strings attached,” says Maria, a senior at the University of Maryland. “The problem came after about a month of us being friends with benefits. Soon he started only texting me at night, and we never hung out during the day anymore. When I finally confronted him about it, he said he didn’t want me to get the wrong idea about what he wanted.”

If the hook-up is truly casual, then it shouldn’t disrupt the friendship you had beforehand in a negative way.

“It has taken an unhealthy turn when he doesn't contact you for two weeks, and all of the sudden, he contacts you, comes over, has sex and leaves immediately,” Wygant says.

While many casual hook-ups take this form in college, hooking up with a friend shouldn’t mean that your friendship goes out the window. If hooking up becomes more important than the friendship in a way that feels uncomfortable to you, it may be time to stop and go back to being just friends.

A crucial part of making a FWB relationship work is ensuring that you can actually stay friends. While it’s expected that your friendship will change as you move into the FWB stage, if hooking up is causing noticeable problems in your friendship that didn’t exist beforehand, it’s time to evaluate why that’s happening and if you should continue down the road you’re on.

“I thought casually hooking up with my best friend would give me the best of both worlds,” says Ariana, a senior at Lehigh University. “It was great for a few weeks until we started fighting and there was a lot of unwanted tension between us. It got so bad that we stopped speaking for a few months, so it definitely wasn’t worth going down that road. I wish I had stopped hooking up with him before it got to that point.”

If you truly consider this guy or girl a friend, it’s important to keep that in mind and figure out if the benefits are worth the problems they may be causing.

5. You’re hooking up to hold on to a friendship.

So you started hooking up with one of your friends, and now you’re not that into it anymore. However, you’re scared that if you stop, your friendship might stop, too. This is a problem many collegiettes face when they enter a FWB situation.

If you’re casually hooking up with a friend and find that, for whatever reason, it’s not what you want anymore, continuing to hook up to avoid friend drama will end up creating more trouble for yourself in the end.

Because this hook-up is relatively casual, having a conversation with your friend to either fix what you don’t like about the situation or to end it altogether and go back to being friends shouldn’t have the dramatic aftereffects that a serious breakup would have.

“What you need to do is you need to end it, and end it fast,” Wygant says. “I've seen many girls [and] many women literally continue these things for two years. And it's literally like driving around a cul-de-sac; you're never going to get out, you're never going to get in, you're never going to get anywhere.”

To avoid getting stuck in an unwanted situation, let your FWB know that you think you both were better off as friends. If he or she saw the relationship as casually as you did, this should be a drama-free exit.

While the idea of going home with your go-to movie marathon partner can be incredibly appealing, it may not work the way you planned. If you find yourself struggling to deal with the hook-up, it could mean that it’s no longer working for you. You should either move forward to something more serious or eliminate the “benefits” aspect altogether.

14 Reasons We Have a Love-Hate Relationship With Our Bras


As if it isn’t hard enough being a woman already, we just had to have breasts. And with breasts come a slew of problems all caused by one thing: a bra! Sure, bras come in handy most of the time, but there's still a lot to grumble about when it comes to these expensive suckers. Whether they have our back (literally) or they’re stabbing us in the back (read: chest), we've clearly got a love-hate relationship going on with our bras.

1. We do love that our bras are good for holding more than just breasts.

Say hello to extra storage space!

2. Then again, there are just some things we don’t want hiding in there.

We’ve all had a fry or two miss our mouths.

3. Just like a good friend, bras can lift us up.

They aren’t going to push themselves up, right?

4. But they become our sworn enemies once that pesky underwire breaks free.

It’s enough to trigger our inner-Hulk.

5. We'll never forget how mature we felt when Mom bought us that first bra.

No training bra = womanhood!

6. But how we swell with jealousy and rage at the thought that boys aren’t subjected to this misery.

Makes you want their face to meet your fist.

7. A great bra is definitely a confidence booster.

Next stop: Victoria's Secret runway.

8. Still, that inevitable struggle to take it off is so not worth it.

The clasp is on the back, for crying out loud! 

9. Then again, there’s that unexplainably freeing feeling when you finally take off that booby trap.

Instant liberation!

10. And we just love it when we find the perfect bra.

Cute and comfortable? Score!

11. But the majority of the time, that is NOT the case.

What do you mean you're out of 34Cs?! I guess my life is over.

12. We appreciate when our bras pick up the slack.

Sometimes all you need is a little extra padding.

13. But then there’s always the possibility that…

Maybe we shouldn't even talk about it.

14. Most of all, bras are just way too uncomfortable

All we do is adjust them, all the live long day.

So it's true: our bras do fix a few problems (like avoiding any nip-slip fiascos), and they also cause us a good amount of grief. But love 'em or hate 'em, we can't live without 'em.

10 Things I Learned at Afternoon Tea with Aziz Ansari


Earlier this week, I had the privilege of attending an intimate afternoon tea with Aziz Ansari to learn more about the Parks and Recs actor (and famous standup comic) and his new book, Modern Romance.

A lot of people expected this book to be laced with the humor that Aziz is so well known for, and it is—but it's also full of sociological studies and supplemented by charts and graphs that took months of hard research to create. It's an in-depth look at the dating world today and how much it has changed since our parents' and grandparents' day and age.

Aziz explores the role that technology plays in our evolving romantic landscape, along with how the concept of relationships and marriage has changed over time. Using information gathered from hundreds of focus groups across not only the country but the world, he provides an analysis of modern romance (there's where the title comes in—ta-da!) and a few guidelines for those currently navigating through sticky romantic situations.

Surrounded by tiny cucumber sandwiches, Aziz chatted about a few topics, from finding love to texting habits to monster truck rallies. Here's what I learned from him during our time together. 

College students are way more concerned about texting than older people 

Not super surprising, right? But Aziz noticed a trend after interviewing people from varying age groups. "Someone my age—I'm 32—if they don't get a text back in a couple of hours, they're like, 'What's going on?'" Aziz said. "But if someone in college doesn't get a text back in like, a minute, they're like, 'WHAT THE F***? NOOOOO!'"

Aziz mentioned that the older people in his focus groups didn't place all of their perceptions about their relationship with a person on how quickly that person did or did not respond to their text messages. Sounds a bit healthier, don't you think?

College students also DO NOT want to talk on the phone 

Think about the last time that you spoke to somebody on the phone rather than via text, Facebook Chat, or Snapchat. That person was probably either a) a relative or b) somebody that you were very close with. Aziz noted that college-aged people were not comfortable with the idea of casually chatting on the phone with a potential love interest.

"When we asked people my age, 'What if a guy called you?' they're like, 'Oh, I think that would be really refreshing,''That would be really thoughtful,''I would appreciate that,'" Aziz said. "When we asked younger women, 'What if a guy called you?' they'd be like, 'I don't know what I would say!''That would be terrifying!''Why would they do that? Why would they call me?''It would have to be an emergency!''No, I wouldn't want that!'" Aziz added that it was interesting to see how different things were just based on age. "Point being: younger people are crazy," he concluded. 

People definitely judge one another based on text messages

Aziz talked about how he's got a few friends that think, "If the person likes you, they like you. It doesn't matter how you text." He was very quick to mention that he absolutely doesn't buy into that theory. You could be at a party and meet a person that you really like, but if they text you a message that reads something like "Wsup grl u wanna get 2gether?" then chances are that your interest levels would decrease. "Now you kind of have your 'real self' and your 'phone self,'" Aziz said. "Your 'phone self' is shaped by what you say in these messages, and it leads to people making judgements on who you are and what your personality is." He said it can also lead to people losing interest in you.

At the end of his book, Aziz also mentions this and reminds readers to treat the people they're texting like people rather than like bubbles on a screen. He urges readers to be respectful and treat the other person the same way that they would in person. 

To get excited by somebody, you need to do exciting things... 

Aziz talked about how people go on these dates that are almost set up to fail: dinner, coffee, drinks. These dates force you to sit across from the person that you're interested in, probably not touching, and have almost a resume-type exchange about who you are. From Aziz's point of view, these dates are hardly ever going to get you to know one another on a deeper level that makes either of you feel that spark that you might otherwise totally have for this person sitting across from you drinking a smoothie. 

"If you do something a little more interesting and push yourself to come up with a more interesting thing, you end up really increasing your chance of having a fun date," Aziz said. He added that a few people he spoke to used to take the women they were interested in to monster truck rallies just to do something different and exciting, so that they'd have the chance to relax, laugh, and get to know each other better. 

...But also, it's awesome to do nothing together

Aziz is currently in a committed relationship with a beautiful chef in Los Angeles, and though he mentioned that he still loves to go on fun and exciting dates with her, he also admitted that he loves to relax and just be with her. "A great part of being in a relationship is that you can stay home and do nothing," Aziz said. He and his girlfriend stay in and cook dinner together, watch movies and just enjoy one another's presence. There's always a balance to strike in a relationship between relaxing together and doing adventurous things, and it seems that Aziz has found that balance with his new boo. 

Don't be so quick to move on to the next thing 

At this point, we've all got so many options at any given moment that it's almost impressive that we ever get anything done. Right this second, you could be watching OITNB on Netflix or Googling funny interviews on Conan or reading Channing Tatum's Wikipedia page or doing a million other things with just a few clicks. Aziz thinks that always having a million other options (aside from leading to serious FOMO from time to time) has made us all maximizers. We want to know that what we're getting is the absolute best thing possible, and we're quick to drop whatever we think isn't good enough. 

Aziz talked about how he thinks that this carries over to dating, too. "When you go on a date with someone, I feel like now our expectations are really high. You want this 'Oh my god," amazing thing, and not every date will have that," Aziz said. "We're quick to move on and be like, 'Let's try someone else,' because we have more options than anyone has ever had before. And it's kind of a big mistake, I think, because people are amazing. People have so much more to show you than they can show you in one session of drinks." 

Men and women are worried about the same things, relationship-wise

Often romance books are geared toward one gender over the other—there will be a guide for guys about how to get with girls, and a guide for women about how to lock down a man. Aziz made sure that this book (and that nothing he said at tea) was like that. This book explores how both genders deal with the issue at hand: modern romance. Aziz doesn't think that one gender is more worried about gender than the other. "For every guy that's nervous about what to text a girl, there's a girl on the other end that's nervous about what to respond," Aziz said. The idea is that we all need to relax and be ourselves in order to get to know one another. But you can read more about that in the book. 

However, guys aren't always the best at texting  

When asked what texting pattern he saw most when he spoke to so many different groups across the world, Aziz had a surprising answer. "It's just saying nothing. Saying 'Hey. What are you doing? What's going on tonight? What are you up to?' That kind of stuff is so prevalent, and if you're a guy sending it to some person you've met, then it doesn't seem that bad," Aziz said. "But when you interview hundreds of women and you see it from their end, it's like, 'Yeah, there are all these guys just texting me 'hey' or 'what are you doing' and it's nothing!'" 

Women aren't looking for vague conversations that don't go anywhere—so what are they looking for? "When we broke it down, the things women most respond to by far is just the basic idea of inviting someone to a specific thing at a specific time," Aziz said. "Which seems like such common sense, but so few guys do it!" 

Most importantly: we're all in the same boat

When it comes to dating, we're not all that different from one another. "My positive takeaway [from writing this book] was that we're all in it together. Everyone is sitting there staring at their screens in a dilemma that seems totally their own and very unique to them, but in a way, everyone is dealing with the same nonsense," Aziz said. 

There you have it! The nuggets of knowledge passed along to me from Aziz Ansari. For more words of wisdom on the dating world today, pick up a copy of Modern Romance and read for yourself what this hilarious love expert has to say. 

5 Genius Ways to Organize Your Closet


De-cluttering and organizing your closet can be one of the most daunting tasks to complete. Your shopping addiction has finally caught up with you and your closet is now one shirt away from completely caving in. So, now what?

We’re all too familiar with the struggle—that’s why we’ve shared these amazing organization ideas that will make your life (and finding your favorite pair of jeans) a whole lot easier.

1. Add a garment rack if your room is big enough

Summer is finally here, meaning we’ve bombarded our closets with countless maxi dresses and lightweight cardigans for layered perfection. The problem? A tiny space we call our closet.  A garment rack, like this one from Target, ($18.99) is a great way to create extra room. You can even organize and hang outfits to wear for the week, nixing the use of your closet even for a small amount of time.

2. Hang multiple garments in one spot with soda can tabs

Create even more space for hangers by using the tabs from empty soda cans. Slide the tabs down the hangers, and voila! You can even use the tabs as an organization tool; if you have clothing of a similar style or color, keep them in one place with the help of these nifty tabs.

3. Organize shoes by creating a shelf on the bottom of your closet

Ms. Carrie Bradshaw had it easy when Big surprised her with the shoe closet of her (and our!) dreams. Our tip, while a little more down-to-earth, can create instant space in your closet and keep your prized possessions right where you can see them.

If you’re in a dorm and you can’t install a shelf directly into your wall, this shoe organizer ($29.99 from The Container Store) can be easily assembled to fit inside a small closet space. You can also use these stackable shoe bins ($9.99 from The Container Store) if spacing calls for it.

4. Use shower curtain hooks to organize your scarves on a hanger

With fall coming sooner than we might think, we need a little help organizing our favorite scarves. A quick and easy way to keep your favorites organized is by taking a few shower curtain hooks ($2.99 from Bed Bath & Beyond) and clipping them to your clothes hangers, as pictured above. Then, loop your scarves through the hooks, and you’re all set.

5. Hang wire baskets inside your closet to store clutches and small purses

Our accessories need love, too! Use a wire basket to store any small purses or accessories that you wouldn’t normally hang. If you’re on campus and are unable to drill holes into a wall, use an adhesive wall strip ($4.99 at The Container Store) with a hook to hang the basket.

Sometimes a mini-makeover is all a closet needs. Make even more room for your new, fabulous summer wardrobe with these lifesaving ideas. Have any tips on how you keep your closet organized? Let us know in the comments below! 

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