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Pre-Order Her Campus's Book NOW (+ Sneak Preview!)


Hey collegiettes!

We know you love reading HC on your laptops, your smartphones, and your tablets... but now you can truly curl up with HC because our first-ever book hits stores this April, and it's available for pre-order on Amazon NOW! 

The Her Campus Guide to College Life: How to Manage Relationships, Stay Safe and Healthy, Handle Stress, and Have the Best Years of Your Life covers everything you need to know to rock college, from how to get along with your roommates to how to avoid the 'freshman 15', deal with tough professors, snag internships, decide whether to study abroad, and much, much more.

Whether you're already an upperclassman or are just getting ready to go off to college next fall, this book has everything you need to survive and thrive on campus when it comes to all aspects of your life. Our book also includes handy resources like a template roommate contract, dorm room grocery list, and more.

The book officially hits stores in April, but you can pre-order your copy NOW on Amazon so that you'll be one of the first to receive it once it comes out!

Want a sneak preview?  Read an excerpt from our book here!

I can't wait to hear what you think!

HC Love,
Stephanie Kaplan Lewis, Co-founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus

Is Catcalling A Crime?


Last week, Peru passed a new law calling for jail sentences of up to 12 years for men who make inappropriate comments to women in public places. Fusion reports that the "catcall crackdown" came shortly after a street harassment video called "Silbale a tu madre" (in English, "Catcall your mother") was released in Peru and went viral. Since then, men's attention has been drawn to the street harassment that women in the country deal with regularly.

Police officers are being trained in handling situations like this, according to a Peruvian daily newspaper called El Comercio. Some, like lawyer Luis Lamas Puccio, are not on board with this new law. "How do you determine whether a look or a whistle is being done with sexual intent?" Lamas Puccio asked.

We don't know about you, but here at Her Campus, none of us have been whistled or hollered at on the street without it feeling sexual in nature. But that's just us.

Regardless of the naysayers, this new catcalling law is here to stay, at least for now. Maybe now that Peru has taken steps in this direction to crack down on street harassment, other countries will follow suit.

Taylor Swift is Insuring Her Legs for HOW Much?!


It's no secret that Taylor Swift loves to dance.

Now, she's making sure that nothing prevents her from doing so. While she's made it very clear that she can't stop (won't stop) moving, T. Swift is now backing up those claims with big bucks—40 million, to be exact. According to the New York Daily News, Taylor's team is looking into insuring her famous long legs before her world tour starts, just in case something happens to them. 

The Daily Mail reports that Taylor was "embarrassed" when she found out just how much her legs are worth. "It seems like a ludacris sum," a source told the National Enquirer. "But if something was to happen to her legs, Taylor wouldn't be able to give her signature stage performances."

The "Shake It Off" singer, who recently announced that she will be the godmother to Jaime King's soon-to-be child, kicks off her world tour in May. 

7 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Blowout


When we treat ourselves to a blowout, it better darn well last! We are either shelling out a good $30+, or are getting an arm workout blowdrying our own hair. There’s nothing as disappointing as a fresh blowout falling flat, but don’t worry girls—we've got you covered. With these products to prime, perfect, and finish your blowout, your hair will stay luscious for days on end. 

1. Living Proof Prime Style Extender, $20, sephora.com

This is a product that truly lives up to its name. A key to a good blowout is not to overload on product to weigh your hair down. You can easily use this product solo or before styling your hair, and get ready to turn some heads—it'll help that glam 'do last day after day.

2. Fekkai Apple Cider Shampoo, $20, fekkai.com

If you try to blow dry your hair but find that it has leftover oil or buildup at the roots, you can say goodbye to a good hair day. Instead, wash with a clarifying shampoo to rejuvenate hair that’s been through product overload.

3. John Frieda Luxurious Volume Root Booster Blow Dry Lotion, $6.37, ulta.com

The “v” in va-va-voom stands for volume (and lots of it!). Use this John Frieda lotion on the roots to give your hair a little boost while keeping strands soft to the touch.

4. Blow Pro Heat Is On Protective Daily Primer, $18, ulta.com

A blowout means flipping onto high heat, so definitely do not skip the heat protectant. Our friends at Blow Pro are… well, pros. They know good hair.

5. Alterna Bamboo Smooth Anti-Humidity Hairspray, $18, ulta.com

We love this hairspray because it’s extremely lightweight and dry, so it won’t kill your volume. Plus, it creates a barrier on your strands to block out humidity—you don’t even need to think about frizz. 

6. It’s A 10 Miracle Volumizing Blowdry Spray, $18.99, target.com

Again, we can’t stress volume enough! Voluminous hair can quickly fall, but this winner by It’s A 10 is a spray formula that gives effortless volume and just enough moisture to leave hair soft, not brittle.

7. Redken Pillow Proof Blow Dry Two Day Extender, $10, ulta.com

We all know dry shampoo is the key to good hair and a happy life. It absorbs oil to prolong your blowout, which we love. Apply on the underside to hair in sections, and use your fingers to push the product into your roots—and avoid piling on too much product. 

Collegiettes, how do you get your perfect blowout—and keep it looking great?

15 Thoughts We’ve All Had While Flirting


It’s the weekend, you’re at a party, the cute guy from across the room catches your eye and before you know it, you two are engrossed in a flirtatious conversation full of eyelash-batting and hair-twirling. At this point in our college careers, flirting should almost be second nature to us, yet we STILL get totally nervous whenever the cute guy invites us out onto the dance floor.

Chances are if you’ve ever flirted with a cutie from a party (which you totally have, don’t lie) you’ve probably had at least one of these embarrassing thoughts!

1. Wow, that guy’s really cute. Is he looking at me? I can’t tell if he’s looking at me. Oh no, he caught me staring. How long was I staring at him? Act casual. ACT. CASUAL.

2. Oh my God, he’s coming this way. Is he coming towards me? What am I going to say? I DON’T EVEN REMEMBER MY OWN NAME RIGHT NOW!

3. Oh, he said something kind of funny. I should laugh. Am I laughing too much? Does my laugh sound cute, or do I sound like a dying hyena?

4. He asked if he could buy me a drink. Do I stick with my signature vodka-cran, or do I ask for a beer to look tough?

5. Why does he keep staring at my mouth? Is he going to kiss me, or do I just have something stuck in my teeth?

6. Wait… am I wearing cute underwear right now? Yes, I definitely am. Good. WAIT, did I shave my legs last night?! No, I definitely did not. Not good.

7. Did I really just say that? Why am I acting like this is the first time I’ve ever interacted with a member of the opposite sex?

8. Maybe I should throw in a sexy wink or something… nope. That was terrible. That was a terrible idea. He probably just thinks I have some sort of weird twitch now. Great.

9. I literally can’t stop playing with my hair. What is wrong with me?

10. Oh no… awkward silence. Say something to keep the conversation going. Anything. Don’t just stand there! SAY. SOMETHING.

11. He just touched my arm. He totally wants me.

12. Can we just make out already?!

13. Ahh, all of my friends are leaving! Do I leave with them or keep talking to this cute guy? Who am I kidding – I’m definitely staying.

14.  He wants to dance? How’s he going to feel when he realizes that my dance moves are less “Beyoncé at the VMAs” and more “Taylor Swift dancing in the audience at the VMAs”?

15. YES, he asked for my number! Success!

So maybe we have no idea what we’re doing, but that won’t stop us from flirting with every hottie who comes our way! For now we’ll just pray that we can Taylor-Swift-dance our way through any flirtatious situation – vodka-cran in hand, of course. 


Facebook Removes the 'Feeling Fat' Emoji


Facebook finally got the memo that fat is not a feeling.

The social media website has removed its "feeling fat" emoticon amid protests and a petition on Change.org that has garnered nearly 17,000 signatures. The emoji is just one of many "feelings" that the site offers to accompany status updates, including "happy,""anxious,""sick," and "blessed."

The petition, created by an Ohio State University grad student named Catherine Weingarten and members of the body image group Endangered Bodies, was created last week after Weingarten saw the puffy-faced and double-chinned emoji appear on a friend's status. Weingarten was a little less than amused and didn't think anything about the image was humorous at all. According to her, the use of the image is a form of body shaming. 

"When Facebook users set their status to 'feeling fat,' they are making fun of people who consider themselves to be overweight, which can include many people with eating disorders," she told ABC News. "I think we all need to be a little more careful about how we talk about their bodies and learn how to use a more body positive vocabulary."

Weingarten also admits that she suffered from an eating disorder when she was younger, which is why she feels that the term "I feel fat" is toxic.

"I always had this idea of 'I'm fat,''I feel fat,' but when I was saying that, that wasn't actually how I was feeling," she says. "I was feeling angry at myself and like I wasn't good enough, but I simplified it to 'I feel fat.'"

A few days ago, Facebook issued a statement to ABC News stating that, though the emoticon proved to be pretty controversial, there were still no plans to remove it. 

"People use Facebook to share their feelings with friends and support each other," the statement read. "One option we give people to express themselves is to add a feeling to their posts. You can choose from over 100 feelings we offer based on people's input or create your own."

By Tuesday, however, the option was changed from "feeling fat" to "feeling stuffed."

Shortly after the change, Weingarten shared her excitement with ABC News.

"As someone who struggled with body image, I feel so happy that I am eliminating one form of fat shaming and body hatred on the internet," she said. "I hope that this shows that there is space for body positivity in our mainstream culture and that we really can make a difference."

Now, if only Facebook could get rid of that "feeling ugly" emoji. 

Two University of Oklahoma Students Expelled Over Racist Video


Two students from the University of Oklahoma were expelled on Tuesday due to their "leadership roles" in a video of a racist chant by members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. 

Just days after the video went viral and sparked a nationwide outrage, university president David Boren has expelled (but not identified) two members of the fraternity, stating that they had "created a hostile learning environment for others."

In a statement issued by President Boren, the university is continuing its investigation into the video and the students involved.  

"I have acted today to expel two students who were leaders in the singing of a racist chant," Boren tweeted. "When the identities of others involved is confirmed, they will face 'appropriate disciplinary action.'"

The 10-second video, which was tweeted at President Boren on Sunday night by OU's black student group, Unheard, shows a group of fraternity members riding a charter bus to their formal while chanting a racial slur and making a reference to lynching: "You can hang 'em from a tree, but they'll never sign with me. There will never be a n****r in SAE."

The fallout from the video has been pretty disastrous, with Waka Flocka cancelling his upcoming show at the university and one of the nation's most sought-after high school football players, Jean Delance of Mesquite TX, decommitting to play football for OU. 

Boren has already made it well known that he and the university have zero tolerance for racism and hate speech given his participation in the protest of the video that took place on campus on Monday morning, as well as his statement which condemned the fraternity members and gave them 48 hours to vacate the frat's on-campus house. 

"I have emphasized that there is zero tolerance for this kind of threatening racist behavior at the University of Oklahoma," Boren said. "I hope the entire nation will join us in having zero tolerance of such racism when it raises its ugly head in other situations across our country."

The national chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon has officially suspended the members of the fraternity and have shuttered the house. Now in crisis management mode, the national chapter is also seeking to defend its name, claiming that the actions taking place in the video do not reflect the views of the organization as a whole. 

"I was not only shocked and disappointed but disgusted by the outright display of racism displayed in the video," said Brad Cohen, the fraternity's national president. "SAE is a diverse organization, and we have zero tolerance for racism or any bad behavior."

But, while SAE tries to defend their good name and note that this video is nowhere near a proper representation of the 15,000 members of the fraternity nationwide, other similar incidents involving members of SAE at other universities have since been reported, with one ex-pledge from Louisiana Tech claiming that the same song was being chanted by members at a rush party. 

"Some reports have alleged that the racist chant in the video is part of a Sigma Alpha Epsilon tradition, which is completely false," SAE said in a statement. "The fraternity has a number of songs that have been in existence for more than a century, but the chant is in no way endorsed by the organization nor part of any education whatsoever."

The video was recorded on Saturday night, as the members were on the way to their formal to celebrate their Founders Day, which is March 9. The purpose of celebrating Founders Day, according to the fraternity, is to "bring Sigma Alpha Epsilon closer to its antebellum roots, closer to the original experience and goals shared by the Founding Fathers."

10 Drop-Dead Gorgeous Ways to Style Short Hair


To the short-haired darlings fresh out of ways to style their mane, fear not: We’re here to resupply you with ten charming (and uber-chic) hairstyles perfect for cropped lengths that you can create in a jiffy. Scroll ahead now to get inspired! 

Sometimes, second-day hair allows for the best hair days. Case in point: This adorable front twist. Create a deep side part then spray Batiste’s Dry Shampoo ($8) on your roots. Split the hair at the back of your crown into two and twist them together (like you're French braiding), adding hair gradually as you work your way across the hairline. Pin the end of the twist underneath your hair to conceal bobby pins. 

For a fun and flirty pixie: Starting with straightened side-swept bangs, rub a pea-size amount of Nioxin’s Definition Creme ($15) between your fingers and run them through the end of your bangs to give your locks a rough effect. Add an embellished headband to glam the look up.

When you're going for sleek and sophisticated, try slicking your pixie back. Rub TRESemmé's Thermal Creations Volumizing Mousse ($4) at the roots of damp hair then blow dry the hair back with a brush to maintain volume. Go over the ends with a straightener, then rake a dollop of Oribe’s Rough Luxury Molding Wax ($36) through your hair while gently pressing down to flatten flyaways.

Half-up anything is the definition of effortless glam—simply tie the very top half of your bob into a messy bun and leave a few strands down to frame your face.

A double top knot is a genius (and not to mention underrated) styling hack for cropped hair. Using the sectioning end of a rat tail comb, divide your hair into two even parts. Prep each side with a little bit of Bumble and bumble’s Sumotech ($29); this will add texture and make slippery hair easier to style. Brush one side of your hair up into a high side ponytail using the brushing side of the rat tail comb. Once done, gather the strands of hair that were too short to be tied in the ponytail, brush them upward, and spray them down with Suave Professionals Touchable Finish Extra Hold Hairspray ($3). Secure these strands to the back of your head with a bobby pin. Return to the ponytail and twist it into a small tight bun and pin it in place. Repeat these steps on the other side and your sporty-chic 'do is good to go.

Another super-cute way to style a super-short bob? Grasp a one-inch wisp of hair on both sides of your center part and twist each tightly, leaving the ends untouched. Cross the twists at the back of your head and combine them with bobby pins. 

You don't need long locks to pull off stick-straight strands—no, a chin-grazing bob will work just fine. Get the polished look by applying KMS California Hair Stay Styling Gel ($11) onto damp hair then combing it through with a rat tail comb. Take more of the KMS styling gel, this time slicking the top middle section of hair and holding it back with a barrette. For a gorgeous sheen, spritz Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Sheen Spray ($5) over the sides and the middle.

A deep side part plus tousled locks equal one stunning lob (long bob). Prime and texturize with a mist of Sachajuan’s Ocean Mist Texturizing Spray ($28) then wrap your hair around a one-inch curling iron, going in alternating directions. Finish by straightening the ends and spraying Style Sexy Hair Texturizing Spray Clay ($19) to keep waves intact all day.

Half-up top knots also look divine on shoulder-grazing bobs. Give yourself beachy tousled waves then tie the hair at your crown into a high ponytail. Next, wrap the ponytail into a tight knot and secure it with bobby pins.

There's only one word to describe this Bohemian-esque lob: Magical. Create a straight center part and separate a small section of hair on both sides of the part. Start twisting the first section, adding new strands of hair as you go along the back of your head. Keep this first twist in place with a curl clip then repeat on the other side. When finished, tie the twists together with a clear elastic. 

What other hairstyles do you love for short hair, collegiettes?

How to Afford an Unpaid Internship


When you’ve snagged the internship of your dreams, the last thing on your mind is money. Sure, the opportunity to learn by working hands-on in your career field is priceless. But, unfortunately, your “wealth of knowledge” isn’t going to help you afford an apartment for the summer.

It’s important to plan ahead for all of the hidden costs that come along with an unpaid position. Saying goodbye to your summer job at the ice cream shop will put a strain on your wallet, and finding a place to live can get really pricey really fast.

Freaked out? Don’t be!  It’s time to turn in the ice cream scoop for bigger and better things. Here’s how you can fund your unpaid internship. 

Check with a career counselor

The career services office at your school can actually be super helpful in helping you score money to fund your internship. “The scholarships, grants and alternative funding opportunities that students have the most luck with are those offered through their school's career center, financial aid office or alumni office,” says Laura Keegan Burrell, assistant director of experiential education at Pratt Institute.

You’ll want to visit the career services office before searching for external grants—your chances of winning a grant are definitely better if it’s a grant only given to students at your school. Your counselor can help you plan a budget for the summer (warning: this could mean skipping your daily caramel macchiato at Starbucks!), give you advice on writing essays for grant and scholarship apps and even contact counselors at colleges near your internship site to help you find affordable housing options, according to Burrell. 

Apply for grants and scholarships

There are a TON of grants and scholarships to apply for to fund your unpaid internship. Here are a few examples:

  • The B.A. Rudolph Foundation provides a $4,500 scholarship to young women who have been accepted or have applied to summer internships in progressive public service in the Washington, D.C. area.  Students must be entering their junior or senior year of college after their internship or be a recent graduate.  To apply, you need proof of acceptance for your internship, a statement of financial need, two letters of recommendation, an academic transcript, your resume and a short essay. The deadline to apply is April 15.
  • The Brown and Caldwell Minority Scholarship Program offers a $5,000 scholarship and an optional paid summer internship at a Brown and Caldwell office for minority students who are aspiring scientists and engineers with a 3.0 GPA or higher. To apply, you need a 250-word essay, two letters of recommendation and an official transcript. The deadline to apply is April 15.
  • The Chicago Headline Club Foundation offers two $3,000 scholarships for journalism students doing internships in the Chicago area.  To be eligible, your internship must be unpaid and you must be interning at least 21 hours a week for eight weeks. The deadline to apply is early April.

And if you don’t win a big scholarship…

Work on the side

“Getting a part-time job or taking on freelance work is one way to go about supporting a low-paying or unpaid internship,” Burrell says. Depending on how demanding your internship is, you can earn some cash working evenings and weekends at a store or as a waitress. Realistically, this isn’t going to help you pay for your whole summer, but it’ll come in handy for things like taking a taxi or supporting your froyo habit. It’s not glamorous, but every little bit helps.

Keep your friends close

Know anybody else interning in the area? Sharing an apartment with friends will help you manage the cost of living, Burrell says. With roommates, you can split bills for things like rent, electricity, carpooling and Internet.

Having a posse can also motivate you to save money. “Budgeting is more fun with friends,” Burrell says.  “You are going to be on a very tight budget—you will have more fun going to free local events and staying in if you have someone to hang out with who is on the same budget schedule.  You can work together to stay on track and not splurge on clothes, nightlife, dining out—all major budget busters.”

Live in university housing

Even if your internship isn’t affiliated with a college or university, there are certain schools that have affordable summer housing available specifically for student interns. If you’ll be in the Atlanta area, check out Emory University’s Summer Intern Housing Program. There’s also student housing in Washington, D.C., as well as New York City, Boston,Philadelphia and Chicago.

Talk to your internship coordinator

If taking on a coveted internship could potentially put you in debt, don’t be afraid to talk to your internship supervisor. “Students rarely try out their negotiation skills,” Burrell says. “Ask if there is an opportunity for compensation.” The worst thing that can happen is your supervisor says no, and your supervisor will likely be impressed with how responsible you’re being.

Before you turn down a great opportunity for financial reasons, make sure you’ve explored all of your options beforehand. There are always ways to save money, no matter the situation!

Neville Longbottom Just Made His Instagram Account Public


While we were all ogling the likes of Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory, we kind of missed the evolution of Matthew Lewis, better known as Neville Longbottom. Remember this?

The bangs! Those cheeks! As we all know, Matt has transformed into a real looker, and since then, all we've wanted is more of him. Fortunately, he's heard our pleas and has granted us with the best gift ever: his (finally) public Instagram account! These are just a few of the gems you'll find on his page (there's more where these came from):

1. He holds reunions that truly warm our hearts

2. He makes adorable faces


For England, James?

A photo posted by Matt Lewis (@realmattdavelewis) on

3. He sends festive well-wishes


Merry Fucking Christmas

A photo posted by Matt Lewis (@realmattdavelewis) on

4. *insert heart-eye emoji here*


Up the Bunnies. #SSTID

A photo posted by Matt Lewis (@realmattdavelewis) on

You're welcome.

Taylor Swift's 6 Leggiest Looks


Since we're 99—no, 100—percent sure we'd be best friends with Taylor Swift if we ever got to meet her in real life, we are TOTALLY in support of the insurance of her legs (how else will we have the dance party of our dreams?). While Swift is just the latest celeb to insure a famous body part, she is certainly not the only. Mariah Carey (legs), Dolly Parton (boobs), and Julia Roberts (smile) have all taken the necessary measures to protect their best assets. For all of the skeptics who think insuring a specific body part is useless, we've compiled Swift's six leggiest looks to prove that those glorious gams are worth every penny of that $40 million.

1. American Music Awards, 2010

Even as a young starlet, Swift's legs were destined for fame. Here, in 2010, she shows them off on the red carpet at the American Music Awards. A sparkly dress is nice and all, but do you see those muscles?! #goals

2. Performing at the VMAs, 2014

Here, just four short years later, we find Swift in sparkles again, performing "Shake It Off"—and what better way to do it than in a fringe-y number like this one?

3. Out & about in L.A., 2015

Stars—they're just like us! That is, if we can rock an origami-inspired black skort. Even while off duty, Swift's legs steal the show.

4. Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, 2014

Only someone with THOSE legs could pull this outfit off. Look at that definition—we want to know what Taylor's workout routine is!

5. Performing at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, 2014

Fitting right in with the VS Angels, we love how this high-low silhouette shows off some of her best features!

6. VMAs, 2014

Sure, we are still kind of confused about this outfit. Is it a leotard? A onesie? Whatever it is, T. Swift is rocking it like only T. Swift could—we mean, if we had legs like that... 

We don't know about you, but we're pretty convinced now that the $40 million insurance on these gams is totally worth it.

The Truth About Virginity in College


If we were to believe everything we saw in movies, we would think that virginity was worse than the bubonic plague. Thanks to sex-centered teen flicks like Mean Girls, American Pie, The To Do List and more, many of us collegiettes have grown up thinking of virginity as some backwards, juvenile label we need to shed before moving on to the mature world that is the college campus (to which we have to say: there’s so much wrong with that sentence). We find some cute guy or girl at a party, we lose our virginity and voilà! We become women. Problem solved, right?

The reality? Tons of collegiettes, not just freshmen, are still carrying their V-cards—and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Still, some collegiettes can’t help but worry about the way it’ll affect their love lives (and what guys think of girls who are still virgins). In truth, many of them do struggle in the hypersexual college hook-up scene (as if we really need to tack that onto our list of freshman-year worries about roommates, picking classes and if our mini fridges will really keep our Ben & Jerry’s pints icy fresh). We asked collegiettes to share their real-life experiences as virgins so we could get the scoop on the good and the bad of waiting to have sex (and losing it when you’re ready).

How Many V-Card Carriers Are There on College Campuses, and What Do Others Think of Them?

The Facts

While it may seem like everyone around you is DTF on any given Friday night, the truth is that virginity is way more common than collegiettes think. According to Her Campus’s Ultimate College Girl Survey 2012, which surveyed over 2,500 college women across the country, 43 percent of girls were still virgins at the time that they responded to the survey. Twenty-two percent lost their virginities between the ages of 18 and 19 and 4.5 percent did between ages 21 and 23, which means that more than half of all the girls were likely virgins for at least part of their freshman year, if not longer.

These stats may seem wild when you consider the hot-and-heavy hook-up scene at your own college, but it turns out experts have come across similar findings. Kathleen Bogle, Ph.D., author of Hooking Up: Sex, Dating, and Relationships on Campus, says, “What [college students] do not realize is that approximately 25 percent of college students in the United States are virgins. And, even for those who have had sex, the most common number of sexual partners to have had in the past year is one.”

So though there are plenty of ladies who do sleep with different people on the reg, they actually aren’t in the majority. With these facts in mind, we can’t help but feel a little frustrated with Hollywood for leading us so astray in our understanding of virginity.

The Reactions

Since it seems like so many collegiettes are holding onto their V-cards for their first forays onto campus freshman year—or longer—we had to ask: exactly what do guys think of virginity? We asked real college guys to share their opinions:

“I can respect the fact that they’ve waited so long because I’m sure they’ve been tempted. I don’t know if I’ve ever hooked up with a virgin, but I don’t think it’d be a complete game changer. I’d rather someone to be a little experienced, but I wouldn’t mind showing them the ropes. I would much rather her tell me beforehand than to go into it and find out that she was a virgin. It wouldn’t be a make-or-break [thing]. If you’re a virgin, don’t be too scared to put yourself out there or think that you have to have sex.” – Nolan*, a sophomore at Skidmore College

“There’s no problem with being a virgin, it’s just that there’s something sexy about a girl who knows what she’s doing, I guess. But obviously you don’t want a girl who knows too much what she’s doing... she’s been around the block a few times, and that’s just dirty.” – Silas*, a junior at Middlebury College

“If a girl wants to hold onto something important to her, I’m going to respect that. I would definitely date a girl who was a virgin, but I’m not sure if I’d hook up with her randomly. That’s a lot of pressure, to take her virginity.” – Gabe*, a senior at Reed College

“I wouldn’t want to sleep with a virgin because their lack of experience could be a major turnoff at some points. Having to explain to them what to do wouldn’t be something that would get me aroused. It could get messy. Normally they can cling because after the first time they might get an emotional attachment, and that wouldn’t be wanted.” – Stephen*, a senior at Boston University

While it’s great to get guys’ opinions on hook-ups and sexual experience, it doesn’t mean we have to take their preferences on the matter into account when making those decisions for ourselves. What we do with our bodies should depend entirely on what makes us feel comfortable, not on social pressures! Still, it doesn’t hurt to hear what people on the opposite side of the hook-up scene are thinking. With the facts and guys’ opinions in mind, we figured it was time to hear from the silent majority: the virgins themselves. Check out their testimonials below for the truth about virginity in college!

Hear Their Stories: V-Card Carriers Share Their Experiences

Why They’re Virgins

While some girls show up to freshman year with their V-cards in hand because they simply haven’t found the right opportunity to have sex, others have made a conscious decision to abstain from sex until something special comes along—be it a consistent hook-up, love or marriage. Our five collegiettes share their reasons:

“I didn't leave high school with some grand plan of waiting until marriage or remaining a virgin forever. It just happened that the people I was meeting out at parties or even going on dates with weren't the people that I wanted to wake up next to in the long run.” – Rachel*, a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

“I didn't realize I was choosing to be abstinent until I was in a situation where I had to choose whether to go further or stay put with a guy [mid-hook-up freshman year]. He actually asked me when I told him that I didn't want to go any further, ‘So, why don't you want to do anything else?’ That was a question I had never encountered before. In that moment I realized that hooking up actually meant something to me, even if it didn't mean anything to the guy I was hooking up with. And until it meant as much to him as it did to me, I wasn't going to go any further than making out.” – Sasha*, a sophomore at the University of Missouri – Columbia.

“I was a virgin because I'd never had the opportunity to have sex before. I was embarrassed about that, but it happens to a LOT of people.” – Caroline*, a sophomore at Northwestern University.

“I think because I had an older brother in a frat and heard about his experiences, the whole casual sex thing didn’t sound super appealing to me. I really didn’t have the opportunity in high school, and I didn’t have any serious relationships prior to college. I think I maybe looked forward to coming to college to hopefully have something serious for the first time, but nothing happened. I wasn’t like, ‘Yes, I’m going to be a virgin the whole time.’ Ideally, I was waiting for someone I was in love with.” – Layla*, a senior at a liberal arts school in the Northeast.

How They Feel About Their Virginity

So, since these collegiettes have found themselves surrounded by the hook-up scene, has it changed the way they see their sexual experience? Most say it’s a bit of a struggle, but that it doesn’t define them.

“I lost my virginity at the end of my sophomore year, so I was a virgin for a good two years of college! I definitely was self-conscious about it because my two best friends were both having sex on a pretty regular basis.  But then I had sex, and those two years spent as a virgin didn't seem like a big deal anymore.” – Caroline

“I've met a lot of people who see being a virgin as a bad thing, as something to get rid of so they can be like ‘everybody else’ and enjoy casually hooking up. But I've never been ashamed of being a virgin. In some situations, I'm hesitant to admit this because I feel like some people will see me as a prude or overly innocent because of it. But I'm not. I just don't want to waste something that I see as special on some random guy who may not even remember my name the next morning.” – Sasha

“It feels like a burden sometimes, or like something I need to get rid of before it hinders me more. You don't want to have to explain how you're 40 and it's your first time (unless you're Steve Carrell and can pull it off). On bad days, I feel like the longer I cling to my virginity, the harder it will be to get rid of it. But overall, it's really not like that. It's not an identifier. I'm not ‘the virgin’ in my friend group; I have other things that make me who I am.” – Rachel

“I valued [my virginity]. I didn’t want to dumb down the experience [of sex] at all. I was fine if it wasn’t going to be the guy I was going to marry, but ideally [I] wanted to be in a relationship or have a connection where strong feelings were involved. It’s been a struggle, I’m not going to lie.” – Layla

How Others React to Their Virginity

As awesome as it is for a collegiette to feel comfortable in her skin and with her own decisions, the sad fact is that peer pressure can really affect the way you see your sexuality and experience. Since Hollywood makes it seem like virginity is such a social no-no, we asked these real-life ladies to share how others—love interests and friends—react to their V-card-carrying status. We already know that guys have differing opinions about your un-popped cherry, so do those reactions make collegiettes question their virginity? Luckily, it turns out that social pressure isn’t strong enough to shake their confidence! Hear what the ladies have to say:

“Most of the guys I've been with have been surprised for whatever reason to find out that I'm a virgin. It's like they've found some sort of rare flower or something. And that's usually the way my friends in college have reacted to my V-status. I went to an all-girl, private, Catholic high school where 80 percent of the girls in my class were virgins. So it wasn't a weird thing to me to come into college without any ‘experience’ under my belt. It wasn't until I came to college–a large, public university–that I was seen as some sort of entertaining anomaly.” – Sasha

“Sometimes it weirds guys out, but overall, it's not something I flaunt or feel the need to discuss with people; I'd rather talk about my latest Netflix addiction. If we have to have ‘the talk,’ I mention that I want to feel comfortable and respected, and that ultimately it's my decision.” – Rachel

“I'm a sophomore and I'm still a virgin. When I graduated high school, I was one of the only virgins among a lot of my close friends. But once I got to college, I was actually surprised at how many other people I met who were also still virgins and even said they were waiting until marriage. It hasn't really been difficult for me as far as dealing with guys; my friends usually have more to say about it than guys do.” – Jamie*, a sophomore at the University of Georgia

“The problem I’ve had is guys I’ve hooked up with really want to do it so they almost want to set a deadline and wait for it to happen; there’s a pressure there. I feel like guys build it up, like they have to do so much more work [to earn you] than what really needs to be done, [so they walk away]. We just need a little bit of emotional satisfaction and we’re on our way, but they don’t even want to give that. Then why should we give? I feel like I haven’t gotten a guy willing to put enough of the work in.” – Layla

What it Was Like to Lose it (if They Did)

While three of the five collegiettes we interviewed haven’t had sex at all, two others were virgins when they arrived at college but lost their virginities later. Both of them say they’re happy about their decisions to go all the way. Since there are so many myths floating around about what it’s like to lose your virginity, we wanted to share their real experiences. Check out what they have to say:

“When I did have sex (with a guy who was also a virgin), it was great. We went for it two weeks into our relationship, right before I went abroad for six months. I trusted him and wanted to do it. While I would say that wanting to ‘get it over with’ played a small part in my decision, I also really liked this guy, was extremely physically attracted to him and felt safe with him. Some of my friends weren't happy with my decision, but I wanted to do it and [I] didn't regret it (which is the only thing that matters!).” – Caroline

“Deep down, I know that the feelings were there, and that’s all that matters to me. I wouldn’t take that back. There was time involved; there were mutual feelings involved. I wasn’t just a one-night stand. I’m so happy I waited [as long as I did]. For the next time I have sex, I want to be in a relationship for sure.” – Layla

Advice They Have for Fellow Virgins

If after reading all this you’re still worried about having your V-card, these collegiettes say to let your anxieties go and enjoy it!

“I would tell girls who are still virgins to remember that it will happen. You're not the only one, it doesn't make you weird and you should decide when to have sex on your own terms. Don’t worry about it! Sex is a very personal thing, so make the decisions that feel right for you – and that might mean deciding not to have sex, even if you have the chance.” – Caroline

“Don't sweat it. It's seriously not as big of a deal as you may think. A good partner will respect your choices and whatever reasons you have for making those choices. Just because you're a virgin doesn't mean you'll end up as a spinster in a bonnet.” – Sasha

“There’s absolutely no need to rush. Honestly, I don’t think I sold myself short, but I think I would wait until you’re dating someone or in some sort of long-term thing. Something where you know that the feelings are mutual, ideally. Guys will get the picture. You have to make it known because guys automatically infer [that you’re willing to have sex] if you go home with them, which isn’t always the case, and I’ve definitely learned the hard way.” – Layla

“If you're worried about remaining a virgin, seriously—it’s not a big deal. It's not something that comes up in everyday conversation, and if it's a huge, insurmountable turnoff for someone, they're probably not the people that you want to have your first time with anyway.”  – Rachel

How you feel about your own sexual experience depends on so many factors: your morals, your beliefs, your past experiences, the people you surround yourself with and your feelings about sex in general. Still, it’s nice to know that whatever you decide to do—and whatever your level of experience—you’re far from alone!

*Names have been changed.

11 Moments of Stress Every Twenty-Something Experiences


Sometimes your inner-monologue sounds a lot like, "OH MY GOD, WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE???? I THINK I'M GOING TO JUST GIVE UP AND MOVE TO MEXICO AND PRETEND MY RESPONSIBILITIES DON'T EXIST." Just remember that you're not the only one out there whose brain is telling her that she should just give up. Also remember that you should never give up, because you're awesome. 

1. The moment when you're looking for a post-college job and realize you’re incredibly unqualified. 

Someone just needs to give you a damn job. 

2. The moment that you realize that you have no idea what a 401K is. 

You don’t really need one, right?

3. The moment you remember that you have to worry about figuring out your life on top of all of your work.

You just keep repeating your new mantra: “Stress is my friend. Stress is my friend. Stress is my—” *Bursts into tears* 

4. The (many) moments you get asked, “So what’s next for you?”

Can we all agree to never ask this question of anyone ever again? 

5. The moment you start to realize you can’t eat like you did as a freshman. 

But pizza is bae...

6. And the moment that your doctor tells you that your caffeine intake is unhealthy. 


7. The moment you realize that you probably don’t have time to binge-watch House of Cards on Netflix, and that your time management is indeed a problem that you’ve created for yourself. 

And... now you’re judging yourself. Awesome. 

8. When you look at your bank account and see just how poor you are. 

How are you going to pay for an apartment? A car? Nutella?!

9. When you promise yourself that your nap will only be 15 minutes... and wake up three hours later having gotten nothing done. 

But... But... Why aren’t there more hours in the day?

10. When someone you like asks for a favor but you’re too stressed to even think about agreeing to help them. 

*Hops away from responsibility*

11. The moment you take a step back and realize that none of these should be considered problems. 

And then you feel guilty because all you really need to worry about is taking a breath and telling yourself that you can do this. 

Because you can. #IGotThis

Valentino Featured Some Shocking Models During Paris Fashion Week


Did you ever think that maybe there’s more to life than being really, really, really ridiculously good looking? How about a sequel to Zoolander? That's right, Zoolander 2 is happening! Please excuse us while we celebrate with some orange mocha frappuccinos. 

Social media went nuts on Tuesday afternoon when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson announced the Zoolander sequel in the most unexpected way: by walking the Valentino runway show in Paris, an event that's typically a serious affair reserved for the fashion elite. That being said, we suppose if Stiller and Wilson will be reprising their roles as Derek Zoolander and Hansel, icons in the world of male modeling, it makes sense that they've landed spots in one of the season's most coveted shows. When the two stomped down the runway, the usually-composed fashion crowd actually lost its mind.

The first movie was released more than 10 years ago, but that's not stopping us from being super excited for the sequel, coming out next year. No synopsis has been revealed yet, but we can't help but wonder what crazy shenanigans Derek and Hansel will get into. At the very least, we're hoping (and expecting!) to see some more of this:

In case you haven't seen Zoolander (don't worry, we won't judge), catch it on Netflix before the sequel hits theaters on February 12, 2016!

How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out in the Morning


We get it—crawling out from beneath your warm, cozy covers just to hit the gym at an ungodly hour is a torturous process that seems nearly impossible. Sacrificing that extra hour of sleep in the morning to hit the elliptical may not sound very appealing, but it’s definitely worth it. Here are a few tips for how to get yourself out of bed to master your early-morning workouts.

1. Pick a workout buddy

There’s no motivation like having a workout buddy. Don’t be the friend who cancels at the last minute because you overslept or because you just didn’t feel like getting up. Try calling or texting each other in the morning to make sure you’re both awake.

“If I didn’t have anyone to go to the gym with, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t work out,” says Amber, a junior at Columbia University. “One of my closest friends is on the track team, so she’s definitely the one who motivates me to work out with her when she’s not at practice.”

Just picturing how upset your bestie would be if you blew her off while she was waiting for you bright and early should be enough to get you out of bed!

2. Move your alarm clock to the other side of the room

Your alarm clock is a necessary evil. Moving it the other end of the room means that you’ll have to get out of bed and get up just to turn it off. Once you’re up and stretched, you’ll be less likely to hop back in bed!

“To me, the only hard part about getting up in the morning is physically removing myself from the bed,” says Brittany, a junior at the University of Georgia. “As soon as I’m actually standing up straight, I’m ready to take on the day.”

3. Pack your gym bag the night before

With all the confusion that comes from being half awake and half asleep, there’s a good chance that you may forget something on your way out the door. Packing your gym bag and laying out your clothes the night before will better prepare you for your sweat session and also save you some time before you hit the gym—think of the extra minutes of sleep you’ll save!

4. Do a workout you enjoy

Working out isn’t an easy thing to do for some people to begin with. We know your relationship with your bed is important to you, but getting up to do something that you actually enjoy could encourage you to leave your precious bed to get some fitness in.

“The prospect of getting on a treadmill at 7:30 wasn’t really appealing to me, so I signed up for a yoga class that was offered at the same time,” says Kasia, a senior at Villanova University. “Whenever I didn’t want to get up, I would just tell myself how good I would feel after my yoga class and how much it would be worth it.”

If spending an hour on a machine isn’t your thing, think about participating in an activity like Pilates or dance aerobics that will have you feeling refreshed before your early-morning class.

5. Get enough sleep the night before

As college students, we may be used to late nights and early mornings, but you have no idea how much better a workout can turn out if you’re well rested!

“It’s definitely easier for me to get up when I actually get sleep the night before,” says Ashley, a junior at Georgia State University. “It’s like the combination of being well rested and working out in the morning keeps me way more alert during the day.”

Try to skip hitting the bars with your friends the night before your workout and head home early to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep.

No one ever said it was easy to work out the morning, but the work you put in at the gym will not only help you get fit, but also have you feeling refreshed and alert for the rest of what may be a long day. Change up your early-morning routine by trying a few of these tips to get yourself up and out the door before your AM session at the gym. 

This is the Campaign Every Woman Needs to Know About


On International Women's Day this year, you might have noticed something strange happening. Women began inexplicably vanishing from billboards, magazine covers, online advertisements and more. The resulting blank ads were part of a show of solidarity for the Clinton Foundation's most recent campaign to raise awareness about gender inequality in America, entitled "We're Not There Yet," as well as their "No Ceilings" project. The foundation released the below video on March 8, and features some famous faces (without the faces), providing eye-opening facts about women's rights in this country.

The video has already amassed nearly 500,000 views, although the amount of likes and dislikes for the video are split down the middle.

VogueTeen VogueGlamour and Allure are just a handful of the more than 20 magazines, ad agencies, designers, PR firms and celebrities who have signed on to support the "No Ceilings" campaign. Several publications released magazine covers where women had disappeared, symbolizing the disparity and injustice women still face to this day, despite advances in women's rights.

The "No Ceilings"project provides data pertaining to women's inequality all over the world, giving the issue a solid foundation in fact.

Nobody needs to tell us about gender inequality and oppression—we all face it every day: in the classroom, in the workplace, even in our personal lives. Women are still far from achieving equal status in society, although we've manged to come very far in the past century. There is so much more left to do, and that's why we applaud the Clinton Foundation's efforts in bringing this vitally important, yet rarely publicized (or talked about) problem to the limelight. Let's hope this campaign sparks increased conversation about closing the pay gap, breaking the glass ceiling, or just teaching future generations of women to reach for their full potentional. 

9 Things From the '90s That You Totally Forgot About


The '90s were a very interesting decade that churned out some popular products, shows and icons (think All That, Judy Blume, Friends and scrunchies)! Along with those infamous MP3 players and Kid Pix, here are nine things from the '90s that you might have forgotten about:

1. Slap Bracelets

These were the big thing in grade school, though we now realize they were pretty much just pieces of metal covered in fuzzy fabric.


Was this a toy or an exercise tool? Either way, Skip-Its were super popular in the early '90s!

3. Paper Fortune Tellers

How else would you know what your future holds?

4. Milky Pens

If you had a piece of black paper and one of these pens, you knew what you were going to be doing all class...

5. Mary-Kate and Ashley Movies

Passport to Paris, It Takes Two, Switching Goals... the list goes on and on! Also, can we just acknowledge the fact that it says “videocassette” in this movie poster?

6. “Summer Girls” by LFO

"New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits, Chinese food makes me sick, and I think it's fly when girls stop by for the summer, for the summer..."

7. Aaron Carter

Does "I Want Candy" ring a bell?

8. The Baby-sitters Club

Did anyone else want to be a member of this Stoneybrook-based club?

9. Dunkaroos

Graham crackers and pure sugar? Yum! These were in pretty much every student's lunchbox.


Can you think of any other movies, shows, products or icons from the '90s? Let us know in the comments below!

Ellie Goulding Covered 'Take Me to Church' & It's Better Than the Original


In case you needed further proof that literally everything that comes out of Ellie Goulding's mouth is pure magic, it's here: the British singer just released a cover of Hozier's "Take Me To Church" and we have to say, she might have done it better than the original artist himself.

While we love the soulful sound of the original, Ellie's take on the song is so hauntingly beautiful, it's hard to listen to it just once. She took the rough, raw edge off of the song and added her own touch—her famously unique voice and the subtle synthpop vibe make for an absolutely hypnotic cover that we'll have on repeat for the rest of the day. Put "Love Me Like You Do" on pause for a moment and listen to this new release for yourself, below:

The 7 Most Legendary Gay Bars in the Country


It’s not always easy to meet girls who are into girls, and sometimes a collegiette has to get creative! Going to bars is a fun and inexpensive way to meet new people. Here’s a list of amazing gay bars every collegiette should know about!

1. Gossip Grill

Address: 1220 University Ave., San Diego, CA
Nearest school: The University of California, San Diego
Best for: Casual hangouts, special events

Gossip Grill is a tasteful bar located in San Diego, California, filled with fun art and a great menu. Since it opened in 2009, it’s been notorious as a great hangout for girls. What makes Gossip Grill so cool? The place plays nice with the boys, too, so you can drag your guy friends along. Each week they host a boy’s night featuring a hot body contest and cheap drinks.

2. The Dalloway

Address: The Lower East Side, New York City, New York (moving soon)
Nearest schools: New York University, Hunter College, Marymount Manhattan College
Best for: Casual hangouts, special events

There are many colleges in New York City, and fortunately, there are also many LGBT bars! The Dalloway is owned by Kim Stolz of America’s Next Top Model and Amanda Leigh Dunn of The Real L Word, making it a hot spot. The vibe of this bar is very relaxed; there’s some dancing and a lot of standing and chatting. It’s the perfect spot to meet the girl you’ve been looking for! The bar is in the process of moving to a new location on the Lower East Side, but we’re sure it’ll be just as awesome as the old one once it reopens.

3. Scarlet

Address: 3320 N. Halsted St., Chicago, IL
Nearest schools: Loyola University Chicago, DePaul University, The University of Chicago, Northwestern University
Best for: Inexpensive drinks, fancy environment

Located in Chicago, Scarlet has an old-school style. It was named after the old tradition of members of the LGBTQ+ community wearing scarlet clothing items to show their affiliation with others. Though filled with fancy-looking décor, Scarlet is by no means an expensive place to get a drink, with each night having a special on different drinks ranging from $3-6. You’ll love the relaxed and ambient feel!

4. Phase 1

Address: 525 Eighth St. SE, Washington, D.C.
Nearest schools: Howard University, The George Washington University
Best for: Live shows, variety of events

Lesbian bar Phase 1 has been open since 1970, making it the oldest operating lesbian bar in the country—and not one to miss out on. You don’t have to be afraid about not meeting a girl here. Whether you want to come and dance the night away to hip-hop, see a drag king show, listen to queer bands, see some Jell-O wrestling (or participate yourself!) or just play pool, The Phase has it! This bar is always teeming with lots of energy, so if you’re in the mood to hang out and party, this is the perfect bar for you!

5. Wildrose

Address: 1021 E. Pike St., Seattle, WA
Nearest school: Seattle University
Best for: Pride events, parties

Women-owned and operated since 1984, Wildrose loves to promote partying and having fun, particularly during Pride events. In 2013, they had a wild beach club called “Bush Gardens,” which hosted events the weekend of Seattle Pride. These events included a wet T-shirt contest, many DJs and dance parties and raffles and contests!

6. Sue Ellens

Address: 3903 Cedar Springs Road, Dallas, TX
Nearest schools: The University of Texas at Dallas
Best for: Special events, dancing

Everything is bigger in Texas! Sue Ellens holds two floors of fun and several different rooms. There’s dancing on the main floor and live bands in the Vixin Lounge. Not really feeling loud music or moving? Hang out in the Lipstick Lounge or go out to one of the four patios. With its huge space, this bar is able to host many different events each night, including classics like karaoke and comedy nights. No matter how you’re feeling or what you want to get up to tonight, this is a bar that’ll have it!

7. Blush and Blu

Address: 1526 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO
Nearest school: The University of Denver, The University of Colorado Denver
Best for: Quiet, low-key events

The only bar of its kind in Denver, Blush and Blu is lesbian-owned and run. Though male clientele are welcome, the bar is largely dominated by women. Blush and Blu host many fun events such as karaoke nights, queer poetry readings, poker nights and comedy nights!

Though they may be difficult to find, there are lesbian and gay bars in virtually any big (and even small!) city, and you should definitely check them out. Who knows whom you’ll meet and what sort of fun you’ll have!

Is Street Style Becoming Irrelevant?


Today, we are accustomed to the deluge of images of so-called “street style stars” decked out in vintage Chanel and sky-high heels. While street style may seem like a relatively recent phenomenon, photographers have been capturing the style of budding fashionistas for over a century.

The first documented case of street style photography occurred in London in the early 1900’s. Edward Linley Sambourne, a successful cartoonist, took candid photographs of stylish London socialites, many without their knowledge. A bit creepy? Definitely. However, it is the candid nature of the photographs that gives viewers today an intimate look at the essence of London style at the turn of the century.

Almost 50 years later, the New York Times debuted “On The Street,” a column filled with street style photographs taken by Bill Cunningham. Having a major newspaper take part in the street style phenomenon signaled a growing trend. Cunningham still serves as a fashion photographer for the media outlet today, providing slideshows of the stylish—both well-known and strangers—across the globe.

In 2005, The Sartorialist, arguably the most influential street style blog, was created. The photography blog (run by Scott Schuman) featured street style shots of the glamourazzi at fashion week. He continues to shoot all over the world to provide fashion inspiration to his massive following. Although Schuman keeps up the blog, he has moved onto bigger and better fashion exploits, including a gig shooting a campaign for Burberry. Schuman’s growing fame has even scored him front row seats at major fashion shows, such as Fendi and Prada.

Other former street style bloggers found similar success during the trend's boom. Tommy Tom of Jak & Jil, another renowned street style blog, shot fashion week street style shots for major publications such as Style.com and GQ. However, it was the moment when Tom shut down his blog in 2014 that truly signaled the end of the street style era.

How did such a prolific trend fizzle out? Street style made high fashion more accessible to the general public. Any fashion-obsessed teenager could gawk at and lust after everything their favorite bloggers and fashion editors. Even Pinterest is inundated with street style wannabes. Part of the fascination with street style was that it could be anyone. However, this is not the case anymore.

What used to be random shots of stylish women wearing innovative and new styles has now become an opportunity for brands to pay fashion bloggers to wear their clothes. Many say that the spirit of the street style phenomenon has died—it’s just not quite as exciting to find a cool it-girl wearing an incredibly fashionable outfit when you know she’s probably being paid by the designer to do so. 

So has street style just become a new form of paid advertisement? Does this change your perception of the outfits snapped on the streets—and whether or not you'd want to wear them?

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