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5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do During College Visits


College visits are an extremely important part of the college decision process. Often, visiting a campus can help you form an idea of what you are looking for in a college. Standard tours and sitting in on classes are pretty common, but there’s much more you can do while on a college tour.

We’ve talked to collegiettes and Judi Robinovitz, a certified educational planner and founder of Score At The Top, to help let you in on the best things you should do during college visits. Don’t miss your chance to make the most of your on-campus visits—because trust us, you can always do more!

1. Stay overnight

Many colleges offer overnight visits, which can help you get to know the real feel of the campus. You can stay in a dorm, get to know other students applying and find out more about how the college works. If a school you’re applying to doesn’t offer overnight visits, reach out to a friend who goes there to see if they’ll let you crash for the night! Staying over allows you to process what you saw during the day, and it can help you decide whether or not the environment is for you.

“There are two ways to do overnight visits,” shares Robinovitz. “You can set one up on a personal level with a student you know or through the admissions office. Large state universities will likely turn you down, so you can do some networking to get in touch with a student.” Doing an overnight visit from a Saturday to Monday is ideal so you can see the social scene as well as the academic side of things.

Erin Crabtree, a senior at Belmont University says, “As an admissions representative, I have hosted multiple students who stayed with me in my dorm, hung out with my friends and went with me to classes. If you're unsure whether or not a college is right for you, this is a great way to get to know the campus and the community a bit better.”

Lauren Antonucci, a sophomore at the University of Rhode Island, did an overnight visit before committing to the school: “I did an overnight visit at the University of Rhode Island, and it was definitely the deciding factor that made me want to go there,” she shares. “Seeing the dorms and campus from a student’s perspective got me thinking how awesome it would be if I went there.” If you’re almost ready to commit to a school but want to be 100 percent sure, an overnight visit is a great tool to help you with that.

2. Shadow a student

Shadowing a student will show you what a day in the life of a student at a particular college is like. Walking tours can be tiring and overwhelming, especially after hearing a ton of information about so many different colleges. If you’re really considering the school, shadowing a student will help you feel out the campus, learn more about student life and even experience college classes. Most colleges offer this option, and it can be an awesome way to see if you see yourself attending said school. College websites have this information and it’s a simple online registration process!

“If the school doesn’t offer an overnight, shadowing a student is the next best thing,” Robinovitz says. “Remember that the student you’re shadowing likely works for the university, so it’s important to be positive, intellectually curious, ask questions and take notes during classes for an in-depth visit.”

Liz Sidaros, a sophomore at James Madison University, participated in the school’s shadowing program and had an awesome experience: “Shadowing a student with the Duke for a Day program was an awesome way to experience a JMU classroom environment. We all know the statistics and the average class size, but it was helpful to actually see firsthand.” What better way to see if the college is right for you than become a student there for 24 hours?

3. Attend a club meeting

Attending a club meeting is a great way to meet students with similar interests as you and see what the school has to offer. If you can participate, that’s even better!

“If you’re only visiting one university in a day, make arrangements with a club,” Robinovitz shares. “Cultural heritage groups (CCM, Hillel, Asian Students Union, etc.) tend to be amazingly welcoming.”

Brianna Susnak, a freshman at Indiana University, decided to check out her school’s newsroom since she knew she wanted to write for the newspaper. “I started talking to a girl [who] worked there and was involved with the newspaper, and we ended up becoming good friends,” she says. “I kept in touch with her after and she helped me through a lot of the decision process. Even now that I'm a freshman, we still talk, and I can still go to her with questions or for advice. Plus it's nice going into your freshman year with an upperclassman friend that has interests similar to yours.” Don’t be shy about getting involved—upperclassmen love showing newbies the ropes!

Club schedules can often be found online, or simply check out the posters around campus! If you contact the president or editor-in-chief, they’ll be happy to help you out.

4. Sit in on a class (more than once!)

If you live near the college you’re thinking about attending, you may be able to sit in on a class that interests you more than just once. If you don’t want to register (and pay) for the class, talk to the college or the professor to get permission to observe. Sitting in on a class for an extended period of time can help you see how you like it rather than simply sitting in on a class one time. Seeing the progression of the class will help you get a feel for if the dynamic is right for you.

If you want to audit a class, the first step would be contacting the professor. Classes and professor’s emails can be found online. If they give you the go-ahead, you’re pretty much set! Sitting in on a late afternoon or night class is a great way to experience a college without having to enroll in the school.

5. Talk to a student in your major

Talking to a student in the major you’re considering is a great way to find out more about how the program works at that specific school and see what opportunities lie ahead. Information sessions are helpful, but getting a student’s perspective is the best way to find out the truth. If you’re unsure what you want to major in, talk to a few students in different majors to see if something catches your attention.

“Talking to a student in the major you’re interested in is very helpful,” shares Robinovitz. “In addition to the information session and campus tour, talking to a student or professor in your area of interest is important.” You can set this up through the admissions office, a friend, Facebook or even Yik-Yak!

Brianna talked one-on-one with a student in her major and says, “I found it really cool to hear their perspective on classes, how they made their college decision, and it was a nice change from hearing from a bunch of adults/admissions officers.” Talking to a student in your major is a great way to learn how the program really operates, and whether that’s a good fit for you. If you contact the department you’re interested in, they can put you in touch with a student in no time!

If you’re unsure of what to talk to them about, ask about the best professors, requirements for that major, study abroad opportunities, or cool classes to take!

Whether you’re pretty sure you know what school you want to attend or are still narrowing it down, taking advantage of these options will help you get the most out of college visits. Finding out more about the student life, academics and activities will make your decision process much easier! The next time you’re going to book a college tour or sit in on a class, ask about one of these options for an even better experience. College visits should be enjoyable, so don’t stress—relax and have fun!

How to Beat Test Anxiety in College


Most collegiettes know the feeling: You sit down to take a test and you feel a few butterflies in the pit of your stomach. You go over definitions and formulas in your head one last time, take a deep breath and pick up your pencil with a steady hand.

But what if that’s not what happens? What if you sit down to take a test and your mind suddenly goes blank, your stomach twists itself into knots and you start to feel faint?

Sound familiar? You’re experiencing test anxiety, a very real type of anxiety that sets in before a test or exam. “Everyone becomes anxious before an exam,” says Dr. Roy Stefanik, a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Georgetown University School of Medicine. “Some degree of anxiety helps in preparation and focus, but too much anxiety can cause poor outcomes.”

Test anxiety affects more college students than you might expect, but it’s not talked about very often. If you think you may suffer from test anxiety, you’re not alone, and we’re here to help you understand it and kick it to the curb so you can feel calm and confident for your next big test.

What causes test anxiety

Test anxiety has many potential causes, and understanding what triggers your anxiety can help you determine the best way to tackle it. It’s important to keep in mind thatanxiety can often be passed down from your parents, according to Dr. Stefanik: “Anxiety often has a genetic component, particularly in the offspring of anxious mothers.” If your siblings or parents struggle with test or performance anxiety, that could explain why you do, too.

If you’re the type of person who has a fear of failure and needs to excel at everything, test anxiety could be a result of your fear of not doing well. “Although obsessiveness can improve test scores, it can wreak havoc on one's emotional state, and a fear of failure (with either real or imagined consequences) can contribute to test anxiety,” Dr. Stefanik says.

If your train of thought before a test is something along the lines of, “If I don’t do well on this test, then my overall grade will probably drop a letter grade, and then that will knock my GPA down, and then I won’t be in the range of ideal candidates for my dream graduate school and I’ll end up living at home with my parents forever,” then you might have a fear of failure, which will cause you to be incredibly anxious about any exams or performance tests.

Similarly, a traumatic test-taking experience from the past, like bombing a calculus midterm or having a panic attack before the SAT, can leave a bad taste in your mouth and give you major anxiety about all future tests, says Dr. Stefanik, “particularly if the person bombing the test relies heavily on her academic performance as a measure of her self-worth.” Test anxiety can be your brain’s way of avoiding any more trauma by simply shutting down when faced with a similar situation.

The final common reason for test anxiety is unpreparedness. If you know you should have stayed in last night and studied but you went out anyway, you’re bound to have more than your usual amount of anxiety when you sit down to take your test the next day. Feeling underprepared happens to most collegiettes at one point or another, but if you feel that way before every test, your study skills (or lack thereof) might be to blame.

Signs and symptoms

Before we get into exactly what the signs of test anxiety are, it’s important to realize that there is a difference between the usual pre-test jitters most collegiettes experience and actual crippling test anxiety.

“Although there is no formal DSM [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders] diagnosis of test anxiety, it is a very real phenomenon,” Dr. Stefanik says. “When you have excessive uneasiness, worry, fear or apprehension about the outcome of an exam to the point that it hinders your performance or impairs the quality of your life, it becomes a problem.”

You may have test anxiety if your nervousness about an upcoming test keeps you from sleeping at night, affects your appetite or keeps you from enjoying activities you usually love. It’s normal to have a bit of trouble falling asleep the night before a midterm, but if you consistently struggle to fall asleep for several nights before a standard test, there’s probably a bigger problem at hand.

While there is no official diagnosis for test anxiety, your doctor or college counselor will be able to determine whether you suffer from test anxiety based on your symptoms. The telltale sign is “blanking out” during a test. It’s like everything you knew disappeared from your brain, and you can’t recall a single flash card or key term. This feeling of “blanking out” is one of the most common signs of test anxiety and often the most upsetting for collegiettes.

In addition to “blanking out,” physical symptoms of test anxiety can include headache, nausea, stomachache, excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat and light-headedness. It’s one thing to feel butterflies before an exam, but if you’re doubled over or you feel like you might pass out, it’s probably something more serious.

Mental or emotional symptoms like excessive anger, fear, helplessness or negative thoughts can all suggest serious anxiety associated with test taking. You may even experience panic attacks, which can show up out of nowhere and make you feel an intense fear or discomfort.

“Panic is a sense of impending doom, like something bad is going to happen out of nowhere,” Dr. Stefanik says. “Along with terrible emotional feelings, the physical aspects can be terrifying, including chest pain, shortness of breath, numbness, tingling, nausea or light-headedness.”

Some girls get panic attacks during particularly stressful situations, but if you experience these attacks before every test or exam, they’re almost certainly related to test anxiety.

How to cope

Any sort of anxiety is debilitating, but anxiety surrounding a heavily weighted test can be crippling. Luckily, there are a number of proven ways to ease your level of anxiety considerably, which means less stress and more success!

1. Eat and drink healthily

With all the studying you’ll be doing, it’s important to stay healthy and keep your body (and your brain) fueled!

Before you study, stop by the dining hall for a low-fat, high-protein snack, like Greek yogurt, grilled chicken or part-skim mozzarella cheese. These snacks will give you energy and keep you focused without causing you to crash later on.

It’s also important to stay hydrated to keep you healthy and avoid fatigue, so aim to drink eight to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day. You can use this CamelBak calculator to determine how much water is right for your frame and lifestyle.

2. Get enough sleep

Once you’re fueled and hydrated, it’s time to tackle your sleeping habits! “Although it's tempting to stay up and cram the night before an important exam, I find it much easier to relax during a test when I've had a full night's sleep the night before,” says Brianna, a freshman at Indiana University. “Look over [the] material, but know when it's time to call it a night!”

According to Dr. Stefanik, you should aim to get eight hours of sleep a night, particularly before a test. Plus, pulling an all-nighter is bound to leave you exhausted the next morning, and you’re more likely to reach for coffee or Red Bull, which Dr. Stefanik cautions against. “Avoid caffeinated drinks – they can worsen anxiety!” he says.

If you follow your study schedule, you shouldn’t be cramming the night before your test and you can get a good night’s sleep.

3. Exercise

If you don’t already, it’s a good idea to incorporate some light exercise into your daily routine to give your mind a chance to focus on something other than schoolwork. Dr. Stefanik recommends yoga to help ease anxiety.

Working out also increases endorphins, making you happier and less stressed. The next time you hit a study wall, head outside for a quick jog or a brisk walk to mix up your surroundings and take your mind off of the things that are stressing you out.

4. Visit your counseling center

While you obviously need to keep your body healthy, it’s just as important (if not more important!) to keep your mind healthy. If you suffer from test anxiety, it’s a good idea to visit your school’s counseling center to talk to someone.

College counselors can help you create a study schedule or plan of action for your next big test and may even help you receive extra time on your test if he or she feels as though you would benefit from it. Most college counselors can meet with you as often as you want, whether that’s once a week or just before midterms or finals.

If you consult with your counselor and find that you still experience test anxiety regularly, you might want to consider anti-anxiety medications. “If necessary, medications can be helpful,” Dr. Stefanik says. “[For example], there are beta blockers, which are used to treat blood pressure and reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety.” Of course, talk with your doctor before starting any medications!

5. Study smart

To give yourself plenty of time to prepare, go through your class syllabus and add the dates of any important tests or exams to your planner ahead of time. You should aim to start preparing for a test at least a week in advance, but the more time you have to study, the better. You may find it helpful to make study materials, like note cards and study guides, two weeks before an exam and then spend the week before the test actually studying to reduce last-minute stress.

When it comes to study skills, experiment with a few different techniques to find out what works for you. Try color-coding your notes or making flash cards, or try reading your notes out loud or have a friend quiz you with your flash cards so that you can hear the material out loud. Alternatively, try going through your notes and highlighting the important material and then creating a condensed study guide. Having one or two pages of crucial study material is much less daunting than flipping through 20 pages of scribbled notes!

6. Practice

As important as it is to study, the best way to prepare is to practice! Create your own practice test by finding unassigned questions in a textbook, or look online for questions related to your study material. Professors will often provide a practice test or a link to past tests online, so take advantage of those.

If possible, Dr. Stefanik recommends “taking the test in the same room as the real one, with the same time constraints.” Simulate the test environment by turning off your phone and isolating yourself in your classroom or in the library, and give yourself only the amount of time you will be allotted during the actual test. Don’t pause to look at your phone or check Facebook, and try to treat the test like the real thing!

7. Keep calm the day of the test

Before you get out of bed on the day of your test, try to breathe deeply and relax your body to set the tone for the day. Try guided meditation apps, like the Simply Being app. It’s only $0.99 and it offers a guided meditation for anywhere from five to 20 minutes. You can choose to meditate with a soothing voice and relaxing music or the sounds of the ocean, rain or a stream.

As difficult as it might be, don’t talk about the exam with anyone else before you take it (try headphones on the walk to the exam). If you run into a classmate who says he or she isn’t worried at all, you might start to feel insecure or stupid (obviously not true!), while talking to a classmate who is freaking out will only reinforce your fears about the test. Either way, talking to your classmates will only stress you out, so don’t do it!

It’s a good idea to take this quiet time before the exam to give yourself a little confidence boost by being optimistic. “In the third grade, my teacher had all of us write down [encouraging thoughts] before a test,” says Anais, a junior at the Savannah College of Art and Design. “It sounds pretty simple, but positivity can help influence how well you take tests.”

You might feel silly, but actually writing out encouraging thoughts, like, “You got this!” or, “I’m super nervous, but I studied as much as possible, and that’s the best I can do!” can help flush out feelings of anxiousness before a test to help you be able to focus on the material in front of you.

8. Don’t forget to breathe!

When you get to the classroom or lecture hall, remember to breathe. Anxiety often causes our breathing to become more rapid and more shallow, meaning our lungs aren’t taking in as much air as they should. To combat this, Dr. Stefanik recommends breathing with your diaphragm. Close your eyes and place one hand on your stomach and one on your chest and take five slow, deep breaths, breathing through your stomach and keeping the hand on your chest as still as possible. Do this before you sit down to study and right before you take your exam to center yourself.

9. Treat yourself after the test

Take a deep breath and give yourself a pat on the back, because you did it! Treat yourself, whether that means buying yourself a decadent Starbucks latte, getting a manicure or even just having a sweatpants-and-Netflix night with your roomie.

As stressful as college tests and exams can be, a little nervousness can actually be motivational if it’s kept at a reasonable level. If you prep for your next exam by staying healthy, developing good study habits and having a game plan for the day of the test, you’ll feel like the confident and in-control collegiette you know (and we know!) you are. 

This Mascara Arrived Just in Time for Daylight Savings


Found yourself running late to your AM lecture today? You're not the only one—you can blame daylight savings for the early wake-up call. With such little time to get ready in the mornings, you need all the help you can get. That means using products that do some real work for you, making it look like you spent 30+ minutes on your look when really, you hardly had time to put clothes on before rushing out the door.

That's why we just can't stop raving about Benefit Cosmetics' newest mascara: Roller Lash, the product that takes you from being half-asleep to looking fab in literally seconds. With a patent-pending "Hook 'n Roll" brush design (inspired by the rollers that curl your hair to perfection!) that lifts and curls lashes as you apply, you don't even need to bother with those pesky lash curlers anymore. Yes, we know. It's a total gamechanger.

Thanks to a long-lasting formula made with good-for-you ingredients, not only do you have intense curl that lasts from your very first coffee fix to your trek back to the dorms after your last study session, the mascara also works to condition your lashes while you have it on. That's just the cherry on top. Any product that gives us all-day glam while allowing us a few extra minutes each day to catch up on our ZZZ's—especially now that we've lost a whole precious hour!—is an immediate must-have in our book. Now, all we're wondering is if anybody is going to notice our third-day hair...

The Most Damaging Beauty Practices (& What To Do Instead)


Let’s be real, some of the things we do for beauty are ridiculous. Between our hair, skin and nails, we’re constantly doing something to improve our look, often without considering the consequences. You might have heard that “beauty is pain,” but we shouldn’t damage our bodies for the sake of looking good! Here are six of the most damaging beauty practices we are all guilty of, plus safer alternatives that will have you looking fabulous without hurting your body.

1. Going to tanning salons

While most of us know that indoor tanning is a big no-no, having that bronzed glow all year long is tempting. Even if you have only gone once or twice, the effects of sitting in a tanning bed at all can greatly increase your risk for cancer.

“It’s a risky behavior because the radiation from tanning beds is 20 times more powerful than [that of] the sun,” says Dr. Elizabeth K. Hale, a certified dermatologist and skin cancer expert. “Even if you indoor tan only once, it can increase the risk of melanoma by 20 percent.”

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, UV radiation can cause wrinkles, brown spots and sagging skin. Moreover, regular indoor tanners increase their risk for melanoma by 74 percent compared to those who have never been to a tanning salon, which is pretty scary.

“Melanoma is one of the leading causes of death in young women,” Hale says. “But it’s also completely preventable. And if it’s caught early, it can be cured completely. If you’ve ever been to a tanning salon, make sure you see a dermatologist just to be safe.”

Alternative: Self-tanners

No matter how much we want to be tan in the middle of the winter, the risk of skin cancer is just not worth it. Skip the indoor tanning and try self-tanners instead. Fortunately, there are a ton of different products to ensure that you won’t look streaky or orange! For a natural, gradual tan, try Jergens Natural Glow Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer ($9.99), or check out Neutrogena Micro-Mist Airbrush Sunless Tan ($11.99) for even coverage all over your body, including your back! Not a fan of the chemical odor? Try Nature’s Gate Glow Lotion ($13.99) which will give you a subtle tint without the fake smell.

Remember to exfoliate first in the shower (it helps avoid streaks) and wait until you’re completely dry before applying a self-tanner. If you’re using a lotion, wash your hands immediately after to avoid orange palms. Most self-tanners build gradually, so to achieve a darker shade, you’ll have to reapply for a couple days. To prolong your color, use a gentle cleanser in the shower and keep your skin moisturized. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be looking bronzed in no time, without those harmful UV rays!

2. Popping pimples

One of the worst things in the world is waking up to a huge zit on your face. It hurts, looks gross and pretty much sucks all around. It’s natural to want to get that annoyance off our face ASAP, so many of us resort to popping our pimples instead of letting them naturally heal. As rewarding as it is to squeeze all that yucky stuff out, it does more harm than good.

“Popping zits causes inflammation under the skin,” Hale says. “When your skin gets inflamed, it becomes a red mark which tends to stick around longer and is harder to cover up.” Plus, you risk having scars or dark marks on your face, which is clearly something you don’t want.

Alternative: Warm compress or aspirin

Instead of popping your pimples, try applying a warm compress to them. “Warm compresses can speed healing because they increase the blood flow to the pimple,” Hale says. “They will also prevent inflammation.” Simply wet a small washcloth with warm water and then place it in the microwave for about 40 seconds. Hold your compress to your zit until the washcloth starts to cool down, and then wash your face with your normal face cleanser. Don’t forget to moisturize afterwards!

If you have a really stubborn zit, apply products with salicylic acid to dry it out (Almay has a product that conceals AND heals zits!). Don’t have any salicylic acid on hand? Hale suggests making an aspirin paste to reduce the pain and size of your pimple. “Crush up an aspirin and add it to warm water,” she says. “Then apply it to your pimple. The acetylsalicylic acid in the aspirin will help heal your zit.” Make sure you only keep the aspirin paste on for about 15 minutes and apply moisturizer afterwards. And if you find yourself struggling with consistent acne, visit a dermatologist to get a stronger treatment.

Unfortunately we all get zits from time to time, but preventing them can also save you some frustration! Avoid touching your face throughout the day and always take off your makeup before going to bed. Try a gentle cleanser that has benzoyl peroxide in it and always remember to moisturize after washing your face. This should help you avoid those pesky pimples as much as possible!

3. Bleaching your hair

If you want to lighten your hair color, chances are, you’ll have to bleach it first. While getting your hair bleached every once in a while is okay, bleach and hair dye have toxic chemicals in them that can dry out your luscious locks.

Bleaching strips your hair of its natural pigment, which changes the structure of your hair. This can make it more susceptible to damage resulting in coarse texture, dullness and split ends. You never want to weaken your hair because it can take a long time to reverse the effects.

Alternatives: Lightening shampoo or lemon juice

If you’re looking to go just a little lighter with your hair, consider a hair lightening shampoo. John Frieda ($6.99) makes one for blondes that naturally lightens hair without ammonia or peroxide, aka the harsh chemicals that salons use. Its special formula increases blonde hair pigment for subtle highlights and increased shine. You won’t get the dramatic effect that bleaching gives you, but your hair will appear brighter after a couple of uses.

If you have darker hair, try using this simple tip: Simply combine lemon juice and water and brush it through wet or dry hair. Then sit out in the sun for a few hours (don’t forget sunscreen!) to get natural highlights. You should see results after four or five uses. Stuck in the cold winter weather? You can also apply Sun-In ($4.99) to wet hair and blow it dry. Just remember that a little goes a long way, otherwise your hair might turn out more orange than sun-kissed.

While there are safer alternatives to lightening your hair, sometimes if you want a specific color, bleaching is unavoidable. If you do end up bleaching and dying your hair, make sure you use hair-strengthening shampoo to help restore those locks. “Use products that contain biotin or keratin,” Hale suggests. “It will help strengthen your hair and reverse any damage.” Try OGX’s Full Biotin & Collagen Shampoo to keep your dyed hair looking and feeling healthy.

4. Getting gel manicures

Most of us love to get our nails done, but hate it when they chip… sometimes moments after we’ve stepped out of the salon. That’s probably why gel manicures were invented—they’re a guaranteed way to keep your manicure looking fresh for weeks at a time.

Unfortunately, perfectly kept nails come with some risks. Because gel manicures require drying under a UV light, the possibility of skin cancer becomes a concern. “UV can cause cancer, that’s it,” Hale says. “Most people don’t know that it can be very common on the back of hands and nails. Any UV exposure can put you at risk.”

Besides, constantly having gel manicures inhibits your nails’ ability to breath. This can lead to damaged or brittle nails, which can take up to three to six months to heal properly. If you do like having your nails done, make sure you wait a week or two between manicures to avoid nail damage. Additionally, never peel off your gel manicure. Always go to a professional to remove it safely.

Alternative: Gel polish

Fortunately for those of us who love long-lasting manicures, nail polish companies have started making gel manicure products that don’t require the harmful UV lights! Application is easy; all you need to do is apply two coats of color and a gel topcoat and you get a perfect mani that lasts two weeks. The best part? You can remove it with regular nail polish remover, no soaking required. Check out Sally Hansen’s Miracle Gel polishes, available at most pharmacies. 

5. Not washing your face day and night

It’s 3 a.m. on a Friday and you just got home from the bars. Between recounting the night with your friends and sharing delivery pizza, you totally forget to wash your face before passing out. And then it’s 8 a.m. on Monday morning and you’ve pressed snooze for the third time, making yourself totally late for class. You barely have time to get dressed, let alone wash your face. Sound familiar? It doesn’t matter if you’re coming from a frat party or snoozing before your morning lecture, washing your face feels irrelevant when sleep is your priority.

“Let’s face it, if you’re up late, you’re not going through your full bedtime skin routine,” Hale says. “But not taking off your makeup before bed can cause breakouts and clogged pores.”

Besides, by not removing your mascara or foundation at the end of the day, you risk forming wrinkles and cysts near your eyes. Your skin is exposed to lots of toxins throughout the day; when you don’t wash your face, makeup holds in all the bad stuff you don’t want on your skin.

On the flip side, it’s equally as important to wash your face in the morning. While you can get buildup during the day, your skin still accumulates dirt and bacteria while you sleep, too. If you don’t wash your face in the morning, you also risk oily skin throughout the day, which further adds to the buildup.

Alternative: Place makeup removing wipes by your bed

While you might not have time to fully wash your face with cleanser, cleaning off your face a little bit is better than nothing. “Makeup remover wipes are great because they’re easy,” Hale says. “Plus, keeping them by your bed will remind you to do it before you go to sleep [or wake up].”

Most beauty brands make makeup removing wipes. Look for the wipes that are oil-free and that can remove all makeup, including waterproof mascara. Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes are always a good choice, or for more sensitive skin, try Simple’s Cleansing Facial Wipes.

6. Constantly whitening your teeth

Who doesn’t want a dazzling white smile? With all the products out there, from whitening strips to mouthwash, it’s easy to get rid of stained teeth without having to go to a professional to achieve a sparkling smile like the all your favorite celebrities.

However, studies show that over-whitening your teeth can have damaging and irreversible effects. According to the Journal of Dental Research, most teeth-whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide. A high concentration of hydrogen peroxide can weaken tooth enamel and cause sensitivity. It can also lead to gum inflammation, which can last a few days.

So if you’re using whitening strips, brushing with whitening toothpaste and then swishing with whitening rinse, you’re definitely overdoing it. Even consistently using whitening strips every week can lead to damage. If you find that your gums are puffy and red or your teeth are overly sensitive to cold foods, definitely lay off of the whitening for a while, as these are signs of irritation and weakened tooth enamel.

Alternative: Baking soda

For a more natural teeth-whitening method, try using a baking soda paste. Combine half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of water and put the mixture on your toothbrush. Brush your teeth as you normally would, then spit out the baking soda paste and rise with mouthwash. Baking soda is safe to use every other day, and in a week or two, you’ll start to notice the results!

We all have our own unique beauty routine, but we don’t always realize that some of our self-care habits have negative effects on our overall health. Looking like an airbrushed model is not worth damaging your hair, skin or nails for, so keep these alternatives in mind and you’ll be healthy and feel pretty!

Score $500 Worth of Top-Rated Beauty Products from Rank & Style


A walk through the beauty aisle is as exhilarating as it is overwhelming—which red lipstick do you get? Which mascara actually gives you the most length? With all the claims each product makes, it can be hard to know which ones actually live up to their promises without trying them first—but what collegiette has the budget to stock up on every new beauty release?

That’s where Rank & Style comes in—it’s a fashion and beauty site that ranks products in “Top Ten” lists based on popularity, quality and buzz, using data from sources like magazines, department stores and social media. Looking for the perfect work pants under $100 to wear to your internship? The cutest date night sandals for when the weather warms up? The best hand creams you can get at the drugstore?

We’ve partnered up with Rank & Style to give away $500 worth of top-ranked products from some of our favorite brands:

  • $105 worth of all natural tarte beauty products, including the miracle-working Maracuja oil and Lights Camera Splashes Mascara
  • A $100 gift card to use on nourishing and protecting COOLA Suncare products
  • Sarah Potempa’s innovative BEACHWAVER curling iron ($200), for glamorous waves
  • A variety of award-winning Soap & Glory products, including The Righteous Butter ($22), Flake Away Body Polish ($25), Heel Genius Amazing Foot Cream ($18), and more!

Are you ready to experience beauty products from the best of the best? Enter below now for your chance to win this $500 beauty bundle from Rank & Style!

Fill out my online form.

12 Ways to Stay Fit Without a Free Gym


Rent, bills, food—the list of things you have to pay for after graduation seems never-ending. Unfortunately, you can add the gym to that list. Whether you were the type of collegiette who frequently took advantage of free, unlimited gym access or you only stopped by from time to time, the reality for all graduettes is the same: Getting a gym membership is going to cost you a pretty penny.

So how do you stay in shape without coughing up a chunk of change to join a gym? We’ve got you covered with budget-friendly (or free!) ways to work on that fitness.

1. New-member discounts

Have your coworkers been raving about a new cycling studio that opened up near your office? Did you walk past a small local gym the other day with a “Grand Opening” sign? Check the websites of gyms and studios you’re interested in to see if they offer any specials for new members. Many places offer newcomers free classes or a discounted membership for a certain period of time, so if there’s a new place you’ve been dying to try out, check for first-time deals before committing to a full-price membership!

2. Online deal sites

Group-buying and flash sale sites offer discounts to local gyms and studios. Most of the time, these offers are for new users only, but many deals are open to current members as well, so even if you already have a membership, it doesn’t hurt to check them out!

Search offers in your area on sites like Groupon, LivingSocial and Amazon Local. Or, try Gilt City, which is available in select cities; the site generally has a much more curated selection and often has partnerships with trendier boutique studios. Whichever site you choose, you’ll find heavily discounted prices on single classes, class packages (usually of five to 10) and even unlimited monthly passes on everything from barre classes to personal training sessions.

Purchasing these discounted offers can be a great way to try new workouts and studios in your city, and if you decide to join, you might still be able to take advantage of additional deals or new member offers.

“I recently bought a $39 pass for a month of unlimited yoga at a studio near my office, and the company offered me a great deal if I signed up for a membership before the month was over,” says Rebecca Silverman, a University of Arizona alumna. “My initiation fee was waived, plus I get my last month free, and the membership is month-to-month, so I can cancel at any time!”

3. Go for a hike

No matter where you live, finding local walks and hikes to take can be a great way to get into the great outdoors (which you just might find is the perfect getaway from the office!) and get a workout. When you input your zip code to EveryTrail, it’ll pull up tips, trail guides and even hiking groups in your area.

“My go-to Sunday activity is dragging new friends up to Runyon Canyon, my favorite local hiking trail in Los Angeles,” says Andrea Grobman, a recent alumna of the University of California, Davis. “We’re getting a workout in, but we get to catch up, hang out and even take some great photos for our Instagrams!”

Added benefit if you have furry friends to take along—they’ve got to get their workout in, too!

4. Fitness meetups

Love 50-mile bike rides? Or just a low-key walk with your dog? Whatever your preference, there are plenty of likeminded individuals in your area who feel the same way! Meetup is a website where members can create and join hundreds of social groups and clubs in their cities. You’ll find tons of groups involving every kind of hobby and interest—and yes, that includes exercise. Join running clubs, meet with other workout enthusiasts in CrossFit classes and more. Depending on the group, some will even have exclusive deals and discounts at local studios.

Joining the site is free, and although certain groups may ask for a small membership fee, most won’t cost you a penny. Bonus: You’ll be getting your workout in and meeting new friends who share the same interests as you!

5. ClassPass

Bored of doing the same workout every day? ClassPass might be just the thing for you. The program, which is available in select major cities (New York City, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, D.C.), gives you access to hundreds of different workout classes at local fitness studios.

“I tried Broadway dance, trampoline cardio, outdoor boot camp, rowing, Beyoncé-inspired cardio plus a ton of other classes,” says Jessica Jaksich, an Emory University graduate. “I tend to get sick of doing the same workout over and over, so this was a great way to change things up and find new classes!”

The membership, which costs $99 a month, lets you try an unlimited number of studios that are paired with ClassPass, but the pass limits you to three classes per studio each month. The program has an online portal that lets you book your workout classes up to a week in advance, and the membership is month to month, so you can cancel at any point.

6. Bike to work

The initial investment of purchasing a good bicycle may make a dent in your paycheck, but if you live close enough to pedal yourself to work, you’re building in not just one, but two workouts a day—all while saving on gas or public transportation costs!

Biking for 30 minutes can burn nearly 300 calories, so an hour on your bike hustling to and from work each day could make getting a gym membership totally unnecessary.

Put off by the idea of sweating in your clothes? Alison Smith, a USC law school graduate, has solved that problem for herself. “I live close enough to my downtown office that biking to work saves me gas money and the stress of sitting in traffic. It is a great workout, and I do sweat on my new commute!” she says. “So now I wear my exercise clothes when I leave the house, but I bring two or three suits to work at the start of each week so I can change when I get to the office. I stock my makeup bag and rinse my face off in the restroom.”

Looking to buy a bicycle? Consider a road bike or a hybrid bike, which is lighter than a road or mountain bike but still easy to ride.

7. Workout DVDs

If you hate exercising in public, sweating it out in the privacy of your living room is an ideal alternative. Exercise and fitness DVDs are easy to pop in whenever you have a few minutes, and they range from dance to yoga. Jillian Michaels has a wide selection of DVD workouts for less than $10 each, or you can sign up for online workouts with studios like Physique 57, where you’ll find barre and Pilates classes that you can follow along with online.

Don’t like the standard workout regimens those DVDs provide you with? It sounds silly, but hula hooping can be a seriously intense core workout—it engages 30 muscles across your entire body! Gabriella Redding created Hoopnotica, a California-based company that offers “hooping” classes, which incorporate dance moves into traditional hula hooping. You can go into the studio to take classes, or you can pick up a how-to DVD that you can do at home.

Added bonuses of these guided workouts? Most require very little equipment, or none whatsoever. Plus, no one will see you when you mess up a move… and the shower is a mere few feet away.

8. Join a team sport

Feeling nostalgic for the days when you played competitive soccer or repped your school in tennis? Well, you’re not alone, and those days don’t have to be over yet. You can find recreational teams to join in the real world!

WAKA Kickball & Social Sports organizes kickball teams and events in cities all across the country, and ZogSports is a charity-oriented social sports league specifically for young professionals where you can participate in everything from golf to football to ultimate Frisbee. You can also check with your city’s sports complexes—most organize sports like basketball, indoor soccer, flag football and more for adults.

Many of the leagues have a social emphasis, so if you’re new to the area or looking for a new group of friends, this could be your answer! “I just moved to California all the way from Georgia, and I knew very little people,” says Jessica West, who graduated from the University of Georgia. “Kickball was such a good way to meet people in my new city, and I got to get my workout in each week, too!”

Seriously, who doesn’t miss group games of handball and four square on the schoolyard?

9. Sign up for races

Maybe you’re a regular runner or you just tagged along with your college roommate on her runs a few mornings a week. Committing to a race is a great way to motivate yourself to train, and having a specific date that you need to accomplish your goals by means you’ll be less prone to slacking off.

“After I graduated and moved to New York City, I started signing up for races,” says Grace Ortelere, a University of Pennsylvania graduate. “I started with 10K races, and it was a great way for me to see the city and stay in shape.”

Grace ran races in boroughs all across the city, and she recently completed the New York City Marathon. She says she loves that signing up for races gives her something to train and work for instead of just going for an aimless run.

Having a race on your calendar will motivate you to set a deadline, make workout goals and push yourself. Whether it’s a 5K or a marathon you’re working for, you’ll feel accomplished when you finally cross the finish line!

10. Personal training apps

Why not utilize that smartphone you’re always glued to for something other than texting and playing Candy Crush? There are dozens of workout apps that can help you get in shape.

The Nike+ Training Club app gives you workouts based on the goals and fitness levels you input so your experience is customized to your abilities. The app helps teach users specific exercises to start adding to their workout routines and even has photo and video tutorials to guide you through each step.

If you’re looking to get into running, try the Couch to 5k program. It’s perfect for beginners, as the app eases you from basic runs to more intense ones with 20 to 30 minute runs three times a week over the course of nine weeks. You can choose from a few different trainers in the app, each of whom will guide you through when to walk and when to run. 

Nexercise is an app that turns working out into an actual game, tracking your exercise and awarding you points as you go, which you can then use to claim rewards like gift cards and retail discounts. Win-win!

Fleetly is an app that lets iPhone users do everything from track workouts to figure out calories burned, plus it gives you tips for increasing your performance over time. The app also lets you input your own goals or choose from a dozen fixed ones to accomplish over time.

11. At-home workouts

Even if you’ve never worked out on your own or you don’t own (or have room for) tons of equipment, developing workout regimens is very doable on your own at home. Consider investing in some basic equipment: five-pound hand weights, resistance bands, a jump rope, a workout mat or a large workout ball. Then, create a circuit for yourself.

“Sit-ups, elbow-to-knee crunches, squats, plank holds and bridge lifts are some of my favorites,” says Jennifer Blockard, a Carleton College graduate. “I do reps of 10 or 15 and do a circuit of the six exercises I’ve picked. I try to do three or four circuits before I collapse!”

Need some guidance to get started? Check out our DIY at-home workout, which will give you a full-body workout you can do even if you live in the tiniest apartment!

12. Office-oriented exercise

Many companies encourage their employees to stay active by giving them the tools to do so in the form of team sports or company-sponsored classes. Check with HR to see if there is such a company-wide initiative, or even with some of your coworkers in case a team exists among the people you work with.

“When I was an intern at a newspaper last summer, one of my [coworkers] sent out a mass email asking anyone who was interested to come play basketball down at the park with him on Tuesday evenings,” says Sarah Draken, a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles. “By the end of August, a dozen of my coworkers were teaming up shirts versus skins!”

Your company may also offer discounts to local gyms or workout studios, or cover all (or at least part of) a gym membership of your choice as part of a benefits package. Be sure to check with your HR department to see if you’re eligible for any discounts or exercise-related benefits.

Whatever your workout of choice may be, burning calories doesn’t have to be done at the gym, nor do you need to fork over tons of your hard-earned cash to build your muscle mass or core strength. With our tips and tricks above, you’ll get all the cardio and strength training you need to stay active—maybe without even spending a dime. Happy exercising!

How She Got There: Candace Moore, Founder of YogaByCandace


Name: Candace Moore
Job Title and Description: International yoga instructor, YouTube partner and healthy living blogger.
College Name/Major: University of Connecticut/BA in Spanish and MA in Secondary Education
Website: www.yogabycandace.com
Twitter Handle: @yogabycandace

What does your current job entail?

Candace Moore: A little background on how I got to where I am: When I met my husband, I was a Spanish teacher in the inner city. It was a rough job, but I really loved it. Soon after we got engaged, my husband’s job had us moving frequently within the US and I wound up having to leave teaching.

About a month after getting married, I was bitten by a dog, and wound up getting extremely sick. After eight months and six doctors, I finally found out I had Lyme disease, which is a blood disease that can affect joints, energy level and the brain. By the time my doctor found out what was wrong with me, the disease had progressed to the point where I couldn’t walk. I was in a really dark place and vowed that if I ever got better, I would go out and do all the things I have always wanted to do.

I began treatment for the disease, which lasted about a year and a half. After treatment, my body was a mess from the harsh medication, and it took another three years to start feeling back to normal.

When I was on the mend, I left Europe and headed to Thailand to start that promise I had made to myself. I had practiced yoga on and off for about thirteen years and decided I would go complete yoga teacher training. After the training, I came back to Europe and decided that while I couldn’t use my Spanish teaching degree due to my husband and I having to move so often for his job, I could certainly use my education degree in a creative way, and YogaByCandace was born; [it’s] a yoga blog that shares instructional yoga videos, tips and more. It has since branched out to include a popular yoga YouTube channel, international yoga retreats and pop-up classes, a power yoga DVD entitled Sweat and a book currently in the works.

What is the best part of your job?

CM: Helping people. The other day I received an email from a girl who said she was suffering from severe depression and that she recently discovered the YBC YouTube channel. She said the videos had made her feel so much better in two months than she had in four years, and that she feels the videos very likely could have saved her life. I can’t even begin to tell you how much that means to me to know that the content I offer is impacting people to that extent.

What is one thing you wish you knew about your industry when you first started out that you know now?

CM: This has been a real learn-as-I-go process, and I’ve been taking everything as it comes. The thing about blogging is that there are many different revenue streams, and it took me a while to figure out what was going to work best for me and where to invest my time. Now that I’ve got it down, I’ve been able to create a Business for Blogging workshop series that I offer at a handful of yoga retreats to help out future bloggers so they can quickly get to where they want to be.

Who is one person who changed your professional life for the better?

CM: While I feel my background in education set me up with the tools I need to create engaging, educational yoga posts, I felt my business skills were somewhat lacking. One of my friends, Carley, is a brilliant businesswoman in investments and she has always offered incredible, honest feedback for ideas I’ve had and been there to coach me when I had to lead my first conference call and start negotiating business deals. I value her advice so much.
What words of wisdom do you find most valuable?

CM: “For today and all its blessings, we owe the world an attitude of gratitude.” It’s one of my favorite quotes, and inspires me to approach everything with a sense of quiet confidence that everything is going to work out perfectly.

What is one mistake you made along the way and what did you learn from it?

CM: I once lost nearly a thousand dollars on a retreat I lead. Mistakes: Not charging enough for the retreat, nor promoting early enough.

What has been the most surreal moment of your career thus far?

CM: Every once in a while YBC is invited to stay at incredible hotels when we travel for work, and everything is taken care of from food to beautiful suites to spa services. I never get used to that. It is always the most surreal experience.

What do you look for when considering hiring someone?

CM: YBC is comprised of a small team of people and I love them. First and foremost, I look to be sure he or she has an interest in the yoga/wellness industry, and then I look for razor sharp attention to detail and excellent communication skills.

What advice would you give to a 20-something with similar aspirations?

CM: Surround yourself with people who inspire you, challenge you and believe in you. Work hard, be nice to people and think outside the box.

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Win $750 to Guarantee Your Best Spring Break Ever


Whether you’re shopping for a new bikini or booking last-minute travel plans, a collegiette’s budget can only stretch so far. Usually, this means having to prioritize—as in, leaving behind those sandals you really want and picking up the SPF you actually need.

Since that’s no way to have the best spring break ever, we are changing everything: we’ve partnered up with RetailMeNot to give away $250 to spend at Sephora plus a $500 Visa gift card, so you can stock up on beauty products, upgrade your travel plans, give your spring break wardrobe a fresh update and tons, tons more.

Not only that, RetailMeNot is going to help save you more money, making that $750 go even further. Boasting more than 600,000 coupons from over 70,000 brands, RetailMeNot is the ultimate resource for finding a great deal. You can even save on travel costs—find discounts to Expedia, Hotels.com, Hotwire and more—so make RetailMeNot your first stop before you book any hotel rooms or go bikini shopping this year. Already on spring break? You can save on the go, too: download the RetailMeNot Coupons app to access these must-have discounts wherever you are. The app will also alert you to nearby offers, whether you’re staycationing or on some faraway beach… basically, it’s like having a personal shopper to hook you up with insider info on where to score the best deals.

When it comes to spring break, you shouldn’t have to prioritize needs against wants—we’re giving you permission to have it all. Enter below for your chance to win a $250 Sephora gift card and a $500 Visa gift card from RetailMeNot!

Fill out my online form.

Ryan Gosling Used to Have Some Sweet Dance Moves


Hey girl, here's another reason why the Internet is amazing.

It's not Thursday but we'll still accept watching this throwback video of Ryan Gosling dancing and singing like his life depended on it to Elvis Presley's Hound Dog

Yes, what you are currently looking at (and, possibly, losing your mind over) is a video of Ryan Gosling, pre-Mickey Mouse Club and pre-washboard abs. Three videos of young Gosling giving it all that he's got appeared on the Internet this weekend in a Facebook post originally shared by a user named Shaun Swire, who used to dance with Gosling before he appeared on Disney's The Mickey Mouse Club

"Everybody loved him," Swire said. "You could tell that he was going somewhere."

If we were to base his talent off of watching this video of him dancing in silver parachute pants, we wouldn't doubt Ryan Gosling's star-quality either. 

But wait, there's more.

And, in case you were wondering whether or not he's aware of his talent, Ryan Gosling took to Twitter to confirm the authenticity of the videos.

8 Male Child Stars Who Got WAY Hot


We’ve all had our awkward stages that we’d rather pretend never happened (shout out to those middle school dance pics), and famous people are no different. Check out our favorite celeb transformations that made us thankful for puberty!

1. Matthew Lewis

Well done, Neville; well done. 50 points to Gryffindor!

2. Josh Peck

Sorry Drake, but after Josh grew up (and slimmed down), he successfully stole the title of "Most Attractive Sibling."

3. Zac Efron


Troy Bolton was cute and all, but we fell for Zac Efron again after he ditched the long hair and basketball uniforms and turned totally swoon-worthy.  

4. Taylor Lautner 

Sharkboy made the transition from spiky-haired kid to buff, permanently shirtless werewolf seamlessly.

5. Josh Hutcherson

He may still be short in stature, but with that adorable face and sweet demeanor, we’re Team Peeta all the way.

6. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

We loved precocious, young JGL, but now that he’s all grown up (and married!), Joseph is as suave and classy as they come. The man knows how to dress! 

7. Leonardo DiCaprio

Let’s be real; there really wasn’t ever a time when Leo wasn’t gorgeous. But we all enjoyed his evolution from baby-faced teen to leading man. 

8. Justin Timberlake 

The world became a more beautiful place the day JT exchanged his frosted tips and boy-band persona for a “suit and tie,” stubble and seriously sexy dance moves. 

The 15 Cutest Tweets Between Mindy Kaling & B.J. Novak


There are a lot of celebrity breakups that we’re still not over. Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. Amy Poehler and Will Arnett. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. But none stings as much as Mindy Kaling and B.J. Novak. They were without a doubt the perfect pair, and what hurts the most is that we didn’t even know they were a couple until after their split. The entirety of human kind is constantly chastising the two to abandon the friendzone, but until then we’ll just have to settle for their insanely adorable Twitter relationship. Below, we’ve compiled 15 of the cutest tweets between the funny pals to prove they’re made for each other.

1. When B.J. jokingly complained about Mindy texting him too much

2. When Mindy compared B.J. to the face of the $100 bill

3. When they argued over The Dress and Julianne Moore stepped in to settle it

4. When Mindy created a spot-on Flipagram for B.J.’s birthday

5. When B.J. appreciated Mindy’s movie-watching habits

6. When Mindy shared this unbelievably darling pic from The Mindy Project set

7. When B.J. responded to Mindy’s Super Bowl commercial with this affectionate gem

8. When we found out that Mindy and B.J. were watching the Super Bowl…together!

9. When B.J. made fun of Mindy’s Twitter feed

10. When Mindy teased every shipper in the world with talks of a (maybe) date night

11. When they had a practically private conversation that no one else would understand

12. When Mindy called B.J. out for being just like her

13. When Mindy tweeted B.J.’s charmingly intellectual thoughts about Matthew McConaughey

14. When B.J. compared Mindy to crazy Amy from Gone Girl

15. When you realized they’re just as amazing on Instagram!


#Tbt to when @picturesoftext and I dressed up as Harry and Sally for People Magazine

A photo posted by Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) on

How to Reject Your BFF & Still Stay Friends


If you’ve ever been in a situation where your best friend liked you and you didn’t like him or her back, you know how awkward things can get. There are a lot of ways turning down your friend could go wrong, especially if you consider him or her a close companion. You don’t want to ruin the friendship, but can you really turn down a friend and stay close? It’s a tricky situation, but these tips can help!

Dr. Geoffrey Greif, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work and author of The Buddy System, weighs in on how to maintain your friendship.

1. Give hints

If you’re worried about having “the talk” you can first try dropping hints. “Don’t respond too quickly to phone calls, emails, and tweets,” says Greif. “This way there is no confusion about whether or not you’re leading your friend on.” You don’t want him or her thinking you are eagerly waiting to talk to them 24/7.

“I first tried to get the message across by giving him some not-so-subtle hints that I'm glad he is such a good friend to me,” says Taylor Augustin, a junior at University of San Diego. “Try saying things like, ‘I'm glad you have never tried anything on me,’ and hopefully he’ll pick up on your hints and not act on his feelings.” If you’re nervous about telling him up front that you’re not romantically interested, try giving him more subtle  verbal cues first to see if he catches on.

2. Avoid clichés

Saying, “It’s not you, it’s me,” probably isn’t the best idea in this particular situation. When you’re trying to be sensitive to a friend’s feelings you should speak from a more personal level. “You should do it in a private place as opposed to during a class break (but not too private if you have any concerns about his reaction),” says Greif. You shouldn’t make a big scene at a party, but instead go to a coffee shop or your dorm room, somewhere you can have a real conversation.

“I tried to tell him I wasn’t interested but struggled to find the right way,” says Kristen Williams, a sophomore at Florida State University. “Once I really opened up and told him why I didn’t return the feeling, I felt like he really understood better. If you’re close friends you should be able to have a deeper conversation out of respect for one another.” Don’t approach the situation based on what you’ve seen in movies or TV and instead, speak from the heart­—they’ll appreciate it.

3. Be honest

The most important thing to consider when turning down a friend is his or her feelings—especially since they probably spent forever trying to figure out exactly how to tell you (and whether or not to tell you at all). “A certain amount of honesty is always necessary, if not is it really a friendship? But being specific—I don’t find you sexually attractive/you aren’t smart enough for me is being too honest,” says Greif. “Find that balance that will maintain the friendship.” Being honest is the best way to break the news while also showing that you care.

“When my best friend confessed his feelings for me I was flattered, but I didn’t feel the same way,” says Kelly Lawler, a senior at Kentucky State University. “Since we were so close I felt comfortable enough and decided it was best to tell him up front that I didn’t feel the same way. He was hurt, but happy that I didn’t try to play any games.” You don’t want to lead your friend on or give him or her the wrong idea. If the situation were reversed, you’d want someone to be honest with you.

4. Give your friend some space

No one likes being rejected, especially if you have to be around the person who rejected you all the time. After explaining that you don’t share the same feelings, your friend might need some space to process everything.

“It’s important to give a friend space, such as not inviting them to hang out every day,” says Greif. “But keep checking in with them once in awhile to see how they are until they are ready to be around you normally again.” It may seem like your friend is giving you the cold shoulder, but remember that he or she just got turned down and their feelings might be hurt.

“After I told him I didn’t have romantic feelings for him, he needed some time away from me,” says Lawler. “It’s hard not to take it personally, but you have to understand their side of things as well.” It might be hard to suppress the urge to invite your friend out to a party or send him or her a funny video you find, but it’s important to give him or her time and let them come to you.

If you’ve ever been rejected, you know how tough it is. Keep that in mind when turning someone else down. Just remember to be honest and understanding. Sure, things will be weird for a while, but if you care about one another enough, you can bounce back to the friendship you had once before! 

13 Things Every Girl Tells Herself During Spring Break


It's finally here! Spring break couldn't come at a better point in the semester if it tried. Whether you're heading to Panama City Beach, Tijuana, Key West or anywhere else warm and sunny for your upcoming break from exams and essays, these are a few of the things that you're likely to think during your week of sunkissed debauchery.

1. "OMG I need this break SO badly! Where's the alcohol?" 

2. "...But I'm not going to drink THAT much. I know my limits!"

Nice try. You're not fooling anybody.

3. "We definitely won't get hungover. We're better at drinking than that." 

4. "I seriously need a tan."

5. "My hair is going to look so beachy and Blake Lively-esque. For once." 

Or not. 

6. "But I've been working out, so at least my beach body will look banging."

7. "And I'm going to be sure not to drunk eat and ruin that beach body." 

But then there was pizza.

8. "I can definitely put on my makeup for tonight after drinking on the beach all day." 

What could go wrong?

9. "I'm not going to spend that much money; boys will buy us drinks!" 

But really, kiss your savings goodbye. You didn't like money anyway, right?

10. "I really feel like I'm going to meet a great guy here!"

If "good guy" means "guy who is looking for a dance-floor makeout and nothing more," then yes, you will meet a good guy. Many, in fact.

11. "Oh well, at least I have margaritas."

And daiquiris. And piña coladas. So many new friends to keep you company!

12. "Oh, and obviously I'll be sure to get my assignments done before we go back to class..." 


13. Can spring break just last forever, please?!


9 Reasons Why Chris & Whitney Are Perfect for Each Other


What a season! After sending Becca off in a rejection limo—in which she shed not one tear?!—Chris proposed to Whitney. The two are now engaged, and we couldn’t be happier that Chris chose a woman who is this perfect for him. Below, we’re sharing 9 reasons why we think this pair is meant to be!

1. Whitney didn’t cause drama throughout the season



A photo posted by Whitney Bischoff (@whitb624) on

This Instagram post speaks for itself. Whitney clearly doesn’t agree with women tearing each other down. Needless to say we’re totally on board!

2. She was willing to speak her mind without ruffling feathers

We appreciate a woman who can honestly say what she’s thinking without being malicious. Whitney knows how to handle her conflicts like a lady.

3. She actually wants to move to Arlington

Becca was never sure she could move to Arlington, but Whitney was certain even before she visited Chris’s hometown. Now that’s dedication!

4. Whitney fits in perfectly with his family

Chris’s family loved Whitney and seemed to have no issues with her. If Chris didn’t pick her, we’re pretty sure his family would’ve been quite angry. Plus, she’s going to need to love them since they’re just about the only people in Arlington.

5. She’s all about making babies

Whitney’s love of little ones was clear when we learned she was a fertility nurse. She’s comfortable with the idea of kids, and she’s expressed her eagerness to start a family as soon as possible—something Chris has also mentioned.

6. Chris is in awe of her many talents

While many viewers are skeptical of Whitney’s inclination to leave her career behind for life on the farm, Chris is impressed by her work. We feel much more comfortable with Whitney’s decision because Chris knows how great she is at her job and what she’s sacrificing for life as a wife and mother!

7. There’s a mural featuring the two of them, so things were already pretty permanent

Remember the mural that was painted of Chris and Whitney after one of their dates? We’re assuming it’s still there, so there’s no way the couple can break up any time soon.

8. These two know how to get down at a wedding

Their wedding is going to be a total blast. We’ve already seen how the pair parties when they crashed a stranger’s wedding, so we know fun will ensue on their big day.

9. We have an idea of how flawless they’ll look at their wedding


Who is ready to get down and dirty tonight? #thebachelor #muckfest

A photo posted by Whitney Bischoff (@whitb624) on

Whitney posted this adorable behind-the-scenes pic from one of her dates with Chris, and we consider it a tiny snapshot of how perfect they're going to look at their actual wedding.

Do you think Chris made the right choice, collegiettes? 

5 Foods That Will Energize Your Mornings


Your mom and your middle school health teacher weren’t far off when they called breakfast the most important meal of the day!

“Tried and true—eating a healthy breakfast will repay you in energy benefits,” says Carol DeNysschen, an associate professor in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Buffalo State College.

Not only will eating breakfast chase away those embarrassing stomach roars that always occur just as your professor pauses to breathe, but if you eat the right foods, they can also give you more energy, which means a whole lot more productivity and positivity for the rest of your day.  Not sure where to start?  No problem! Her Campus has compiled a list of seven foods that will get you ready to tackle whatever life throws your way.

1. Steel-cut oats

When some of us think of breakfast, images of pancakes, waffles, bagels, toast, pastries and donuts float through our minds.  What do all of those foods have in common?   They all fall into the grain category, but not necessarily in a good way.  Before you reach for that white toast or bagel, think it through.

“Try to stick to whole-grain carbohydrates,” DeNysschen says. “Keep in mind that the whole-grain carbohydrate source will digest more slowly, so that enhances a steady level of blood glucose, or blood sugar.”

Fiber-rich steel-cut oats will help keep you full until lunchtime, unlike those pancakes and pastries!

2. Eggs

Scrambled, over easy, hard boiled, poached—on their own, eggs are a great power food any way you crack them.

“Eggs are a great source of protein,” which means they’ll keep you fuller longer, says Dr. Mary Kay Meyer, professor and chair of The College of Human Environmental Sciences at the University of Alabama. “Don’t be afraid to include them several times a week.”

Give yours an extra energy boost by whipping up an omelet with healthy greens, like spinach or kale, and other vegetables, like mushrooms, tomatoes or peppers.  You’ll have a healthy breakfast that is sure to get you ready for whatever the morning throws your way.  You could also try “framing” your eggs in a piece of whole-grain toast or half of an avocado.

3. Canadian bacon

While eggs may be a great source of protein, some classic breakfast meat won’t hurt either.

“I believe in the old adage, ‘Eat like a king in the morning, a queen at lunch and a pauper at dinner,’” Dr. Meyer says.

If you want to get some protein the healthier way, try Canadian bacon.  It’s leaner than its more traditional counterpart: “Two ounces have only 1.2 grams of saturated fat,” says DeNysschen.

Eat it grilled alongside some eggs, or mix it into an omelet for extra protein that is sure to keep you powered through anything.

4. Low-fat yogurt

Woke up late?  While a breakfast bar might be a quick and easy option, it may not be as healthy as you think.  “They are usually full of sugars,” DeNysschen says.

Instead, she recommends an alternative source of protein that also takes no prep time: low-fat yogurt.  With all of the yogurt varieties available today, there’s something for everyone.  Try Greek yogurt, which has even more protein than regular yogurt.

However you choose to enjoy it, yogurt is packed with protein, potassium, vitamin B12, calcium and more.  Just be sure to choose a low-fat version that isn’t full of added sugars.  Be wary of versions with fruit mix-ins; you can avoid excessive sugar by adding in your own fresh fruit!

5. Coffee

With all the high-calorie, sugar-packed, fancy varieties of coffee drinks available at every coffee shop today, coffee has become more of a dessert than a pick-me-up morning favorite.

“There is nothing wrong with a cup of coffee—just avoid high levels of sugar added in,” DeNysschen says.

If you aren’t quite ready to drink your coffee black, try it with skim milk and small amounts of natural sugar instead of artificial sweeteners.

You pack a lot into your days, so make sure that your food packs enough energy for you! However, we all know that mornings are often rushed and hectic, especially in college.  Try preparing as much of your breakfast as possible the night before so that you won’t have to scramble (no pun intended) around half asleep in the morning trying to make your meal. But when even your best-laid plans don’t pan out and you sleep through your alarm, at least grab a yogurt on your way out the door. Whatever you do, Dr. Meyer reminds us, “Do not skip breakfast!”

The Next Bachelorette Is...


Don’t get us wrong; we’re elated with Chris and Whitney’s engagement! But with this Bachelor’s happy ending comes the announcement of the next Bachelorette. On Monday’s After the Final Rose, host Chris Harrison revealed this upcoming season’s leading lady, and it is…

Britt... and Kaitlyn!

In the days leading up to the announcement, rumors swirled that the show was mixing things up in a way they’d never done before, and we’ve got to say we’re a bit confused about how this is going to work. Not a lot was explained as to how they're going to approach this scenario. Having two Bachelorettes is definitely unprecedented, but we're willing to see how it all plays out. 

Here’s to a great season of The Bachelor and to the next go-around, which is sure to be a wild one—as usual! 

How do you feel about this shake-up, collegiettes? 

Racist Chant Leads University of Oklahoma to Cut Ties with Frat


Effective immediately, the University of Oklahoma plans to sever all ties between the school and its Kappa chapter of the national Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity due to the recent leak of a video of the fraternity members chanting a racial slur.

The video went viral on Sunday night after being posted on Twitter by a black student organization named Unheard, with the accompanying caption, "Racism is alive at The University of Oklahoma." The 10-second video, which the group tweeted to the university's president, David Boren, shows a group of young men and at least one woman on a bus chanting a song that includes the N-word, saying "there will never be a n****r in SAE," and making despicable references to lynching. Boren followed this by promising students that the video will be investigated.

"We are investigating to determine if the video involved O.U. students," he stated. "If O.U. students are involved, this behavior will not be tolerated and will be addressed very quickly. If the reports are true the chapter will no longer remain on campus. This behavior is reprehensible and contrary to all of our values."

Fast forward to Monday morning, when Boren joined a large group of students as they protested the video on campus. In a tweet that was sent out after the protest, Boren condemned the video and referred to the students who participated in it as "disgraceful."

"To those who have misused their free speech in such a reprehensible way, I have a message for you. You are disgraceful," he wrote. "You have violated all that we stand for. You should not have the privilege of calling yourself 'Sooners.'"

After the release of the video, the national Sigma Alpha Epsilon organization closed the chapter at O.U. and suspended all of its fraternity members, claiming that this incident did not reflect the views of organization nationwide.

"We apologize for the unacceptable and racist behavior of the individuals in the video, and we are disgusted that any member would act in such a way," SAE wrote in a statement. "Furthermore, we are embarassed by this video and offer our empathy not only to anyone outside the organization who is offended but also to our brothers who come from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities."

According to Boren, the university is looking into a range of punishment, including the possiblility of expulsion. And, in a statement written earlier, the university stated that all ties between the school and the chapter are "hereby severed." Boren also ordered that the fraternity's on-campus house be shuttered. All members currently living in the house be out by Tuesday at midnight and the university has no plans on helping the students find new housing.

"That's not our responsibility," he said. "We don't provide student services to bigots."

#LeanInTogether Campaign Promotes Gender Equality


A new campaign, #LeanInTogether, is asking men to work with women in an effort to achieve gender equality. "When men lean in for equality, they win—and so does everybody else," reads the campaign's home page. "Men, show the world you're in for equality. Women, celebrate men leaning in." 

Two years ago, Sheryl Sandberg published the wildly successful Lean In, pointing out the differences between genders in the workplace and at home and offering potential solutions for closing the gap between men and women. Shortly after, Sheryl began LeanIn.Org, the organization which launched the #LeanInTogether campaign less than a week ago. Partnering with the NBA and the WNBA, the goal of this campaign is to emphasize "the economic and social benefits men can gain from equality," according to The Huffington Post

Adam Silver, Commissioner of the NBA and WNBA, said in a press release, "Our players are committed to being the best fathers and husbands they can be. #LeanInTogether will help all men achieve this goal and create a better world for them and their families." Using the faces of popular basketball players like Stephen Curry, Skylar Diggins, Dwayne Wade, Elena Delle Donne and Lebron James, this campaign will demonstrate the importance of supporting gender equality and pushing back against traditional gender roles. 

When The Huffington Post asked Sheryl Sandberg why she chose to partner with the NBA and WNBA for this campaign, she answered that she wanted to bring the conversation to where men are already engaged and paying attention. However, players from the NBA and WNBA are not the only celebrities involved in supporting this campaign. Lena Dunham, Hillary Clinton and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are a few more powerful, well-known women getting involved with #LeanInTogether. 

If you're on board with gender equality in all areas—in your workplace, your relationships, your families, and everywhere else—then you should get involved in this campaign. Post a picture to social media demonstrating why you support gender equality or showing off a guy in your life who is leaning in for equality, and be sure to add the hashtag #LeanInTogether. 

7 Brands that Give Back to Women


March is Women's History Month, so there's no better time than the present to celebrate women's achievements and to strive for equality (amen, Patty Arquette and Meryl Streep!). There are so many things we can do this month to support women—and yes, that includes shopping. These brands are helping us support women around the world with products that directly benefit women. Go on—shop and do good this month!

1. eff. Y . bee

By purchasing this adorable Headbands of Hope Signature Bliss Stack ($58), you give a girl with cancer a bracelet and donate to a childhood cancer organization of your choice.

2. Estee Lauder


The Breast Cancer Research Foundation funds promising research for the prevention and cure of breast cancer. 100 percent of the proceeds from this Modern Muse Solid Perfume Compact ($50) go to the BCRF!

3. Ten Thousand Villages

Fair trade market Ten Thousand Villages partners with organizations like St. Mary's Mahila Shikshan Kendra, which provides free maternity care and education assistance to the young mothers it employs. The goal of the site is to "empower artisans in developing countries," many of them women—products like the Denim Bluesy Scarf ($24), for example, directly benefit the female artisans that create them.

4. Kate Spade Saturday

On Purpose is a collaboration between Kate Spade Saturday and women artisans of Masoro, Rwanda. Products like the Beaded Canvas Clutch ($75) support the economic stability of the artisans' community.

5. Tory Burch

Through small business loans, mentorship programs, and entrepreneurial education, The Tory Burch Foundation supports American female entrepreneurs and their families. Plus, 50 percent of the proceeds from this citrusy, earthy Eau De Parfum Rollerball ($25) are donated to the foundation to help economically empower women.

6. Ralph Lauren

The Pink Pony Campaign supports an international network of charities that fight breast cancer. 25 percent of the proceeds from the Pink Pony Full-Zip Jacket ($165) support the campaign.

7. Avon and mark.

The Avon Foundation for Women and m.powerment by mark. are working toward ending the cycle of dating abuse and partner violence. 100 percent of the proceeds from this Mighty Pretty M.Powerment Bracelet ($25) goes directly to the initiative. 

How will you help support women around the world this March, collegiettes?

What to Do When You're Stuck Between Job Offers


The end of the school year is approaching, and in just a few months, you’ll find yourself in the real world. Searching for a job has probably consumed the majority of your time, and after all the interviews you’ve been doing this semester, you’ve scored not one—but two different job offers. We’ll start by saying congratulations, because that’s a great situation to be in! But choosing between the two is a struggle in itself. It’s a life-changing decision that you definitely shouldn’t take lightly… so what do you do? Do you go with the job that pays better? The one you will enjoy more, but lacks in benefits? Or do you choose based on location? Here are some tips to help you make the best decision for you.

1. Pick what kind of experience you want

Most likely, this is going to be your first serious job (and you can finally say goodbye to those part-time summer waitressing gigs!). The most important factor to consider is the experience your heart is yearning for. But before you stress out, take a deep breath. “Take a moment to enjoy [the] process! You received not only one offer but additional ones and you are in demand!” says Vicki Salemi, a career coach, career and HR expert and founder of job search boot camp for college grads.

Salemi also adds that if contemplating over which job you think is best for you:  “Focus on a few things. Here's the kicker: there's no right answer and no wrong ones. Perhaps one company has an amazing culture and an incredible boss you clicked with! Or maybe the other opportunity has room for advancement and travel and that's most enticing to you.”

According to Salemi, the best thing to do when considering different jobs is to rank what is most important to you, whether that be potential for future advancement within the company, the office culture or how well you meshed with the team when you interviewed. Only when you know what kind of an experience you want will you know what job is best for you.         

Need some pointers on what to start thinking about? Vicki suggests figuring out which job can give you advancement, opportunities to learn, a good package and a friendly and supportive corporate culture.

2. Don’t be blinded by the money

Chances are, you likely have tons of student loans tucked away that you know you are going to have to start paying back in a few months—so accepting the offer that is most likely to help you do that is going to be tempting. While money is important, make sure it’s not the deciding factor for which job you decide to take right out of college. Emily Miethner, founder and creator of FindSpark, says, “Experience should always trump pay, especially when you are just starting out. I don’t think salary should be the number one deciding factor. [If it’s between] money and salary or a good boss and great experience that you would love—pick [the second] one.”

If the offer you received from the job you really want just isn’t enough, Miethner says she heavily recommends that new employees negotiate salary

Rachel Crocetti, a sophomore at Hofstra University, shares why she chose one work experience over an alternative based on which experience she believed she would enjoy more. “One was a food-related publication and the other was an entertainment-related one,” she says. “While the food one paid better, the entertainment one is what I really wanted to do—and I'm so happy I picked it. The experience has been amazing and I love going to work every day!” So if you are finding yourself being tempted by a higher salary, just think about whether you are going to like the job as much as the other one.

3. Know what you will actually be doing

Another great way to determine which job offer is the best one for you is to know up front exactly what you will be doing at the job. While this might sound like the obvious thing to figure out before you make a 9-to-5 commitment, far too many people blindly accept an offer without having details on exactly what it is their responsibilities will be. So, make a list of pros and cons about the daily responsibilities for each job you have been offered and go from there. What is your position? What are your duties? What does a typical day look like for you? Is this going to be a desk job or are you going to be out and about doing something new each day? Which would make you happier?  

Perhaps one of the most important questions to ask yourself is: Does a job entice you because it is flashy or because it is actually a great fit for you? Miethner warns, “Big fancy names can be misleading. There’s a lot below the surface.”

Miethner continues that the most important thing is to do your homework; don’t allow the sexiness of a company to play too much of a factor in your decision-making process. While you may get a job at a top level magazine or fashion company, are you really going to be happy doing clerical work all day? If you’re unsure of how to figure this out, Miethner suggests talking to people who have worked at the company before or requesting an informational interview. Another great idea is to visit company review websites such as GlassDoor.com before you make any final decisions.

4. What to do if you just can’t decide

You’ve considered your priorities, ranked everything each job has to offer, and weight the pros and cons. As it turns out, you’re no closer to making a final decision, because your dream job is a mix of the two. Company A is a place you’ve wanted to join for years, but you’ve been offered a specific position you dislike, and Company B offers you your dream position, but is not exactly a company you are entirely excited about. What do you do?

“That is not an easy choice,” Miethner says. “That’s really tough. And it really depends on the industry.” She suggests first figuring out how set you are on working for your dream company (the one that has potentially offered you the low-level or not very exciting job). Then, do research through LinkedIn. By searching through current or previous employees of the company, you can easily find out whether that company promotes from within and has opportunities to advance to higher positions. By using LinkedIn’s advanced keyword feature settings, you can search through current and past job titles of a specific person or position, companies, names and locations to see how people have moved up in a specific company.

This can give you a better idea of whether you should take the job (as in, you’ll know if you have to just pull an Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada and stick it out for a year). For example, if the company has offered you the position of administrative assistant, look on LinkedIn for the previous administrative assistant positions for that company. Did they eventually move up to a higher position, such as being the editorial director? How long did it take? Miethner adds that these are also great questions to ask during an interview, especially because you will come across as a very serious potential employee who is thinking long-term (companies love that!). If you don’t see mobility or promotion, Miethner warns, “Avoid that company.”

Salemi agrees. “There's always going to be one or more aspects of a job which are less than stellar,” she says. “If company A is your dream company to work for but the position is less than ideal, weigh the pros and cons. Find out specific responsibilities and what the job entails and how long it's anticipated you'll be in that role as a jumping off point. And then go with your gut—it's an excellent idea to look at the big picture to get your foot in the door. Work really hard, prove yourself and make key connections internally.”

5. Turn down the offer the right way

Now that you have a general idea of how to go about picking between job offers, it is important to also learn how to let a job offer down. The most important thing? Be communicative. “Ask if there is a timeline.” Miethner says, adding, “Far along in the process, let them know you are interviewing at multiple places. Be as clear as possible so if you do turn them down you’re not leaving a negative taste in their mouth because you led them on for so long.” Employers will understand that when you are first entering the working world, you will have many opportunities that you may want to explore. However, they definitely won’t appreciate believing you are fully committed to working for them until the very last minute, simply because you didn’t know how to handle the situation.

If you have decided to turn down the offer for good, Salemi suggests, “Be professional and succinct.” She adds, “Tell the recruiter you really appreciated their offer but you need to respectfully decline. If they ask you why, you can say you accepted another offer but would like to stay in touch.”

Both Miethner and Salemi, however, also recognize the importance of leaving things open ended, should something change in the future. Miethner suggests sending a professional email that leaves room for future employment possibilities and letting the employer know that the decision to turn down the job offer was not easy. Salemi suggests, “Connect on LinkedIn! You never know what happens six months down the road or more—keep the lines of communication open!”

Turning down a job offer can be difficult. Knowing which job offer to turn down can be even harder! Just remember to do what you know will be best for you (if all else fails, trust your gut instinct!), get the experience you want and remain professional in the process. 

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