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The 5 Craziest Fitness Events Ever


Many of us love a good challenge, but just how far would you be willing to go for one? What if the challenge includes jumping over fire, running for hours in cold sweat and being suspended in the air at crazy heights? If any of the above activities sound like a good time to you, you definitely need to try one of these crazy events that will get your pulse racing and your adrenaline pumping just by reading about them!

1. Rugged Maniac

Price: Starts at $39, can be up to $110 if you register the day of

Ideal for: Someone who is hungry for a constant challenge, but not up for a ton of running

It may sound like your average fitness challenge like Tough Mudder, but Rugged Maniac takes the cake when it comes to intensity! Lasting only 3.1 miles, Rugged Maniac is shorter than other competitions like it, but where the course lacks in distance, it sure makes up for in obstacles, packing a whopping 25, compared to Spartan Race and Tough Mudder’s 15.

The tough course resembles an adult-like jungle gym where you can expect to do everything from jumping over half-pipes to dodging huge, swinging punching bags that are headed right in your direction. Consider it a combination of a marathon, American Gladiators and Wipeout!

2. Death Race

Price: $250 for the winter race, $400 for the summer race

Ideal for: Someone who enjoys a surprise around every corner and completing atypical tasks

Though the name of the event sounds a bit dramatic, the actual course proves it's seriously no joke. If you're daring enough to try Death Race, you can expect to not only complete physically demanding obstacles, but also mental challenges involving puzzles and trivia, such as translating instructions for the next obstacle into English (no dictionary included).

Death Race creators have intentionally kept future race details a secret, and for good reason: to surprise the competitors at every corner. They don't disclose what time of day or night the race starts or where the finish line is until you’re actually at it. With typical obstacle-course events, you know what’s ahead of you. With Death Race, you only know what’s coming after you’ve been directed on the spot by race officiators or written instructions. In the past, participants have had to finish wacky tasks like cutting and carrying timber, chopping onions and doing farm work, which sounds like a nice break from crawling under barbed wire!

3. The Zombie Mud Run

Price: Starts at $55, can be up to $85 on the day of the event

Ideal for: A team player who likes competition, but still likes to have fun

If competing in your average sweat-inducing, heartbeat-pumping fitness event isn't putting your stamina to the ultimate test, try participating in a race where you're being chased by zombies. In The Zombie Mud Run, it's up to participants to save the human race by carrying three flags (your vital organs) across the finish line.

Expect to crawl, slide, climb and duck through this 5K track, which seems a lot more doable until you're running for your life from some flesh-eating monsters. All participants get to attend a Human Salvation Party after the event's conclusion, so even if you were infected along the course, you still get to celebrate all your effort with food, drinks and a live DJ! Though men, women and teams compete together, the participants of each type who complete the circuit the most number of times in the daylong period win.

4. World’s Toughest Mudder

Price: Between $375-$550, depending on how far in advance you register

Ideal for: Someone who has hardcore stamina (we’re talking someone who runs marathons for fun) and the utmost determination

Most fitness event participants have a certain amount of stamina, but only the fiercest athletes compete in the World’s Toughest Mudder. As the championship level of the Tough Mudder franchise, World’s Toughest Mudder highlights those who have more endurance than you could ever imagine. Instead of trekking through freezing water and troughs of mud for a set distance in order to finish, registrants of this race complete an obstacle-packed, 5-mile circuit for 24 hours.

As a seemingly endless race, World’s Toughest Mudder adds new meaning to the phrase “survival of the fittest.” Any common fears most people have –heights, darkness, fire– are brought to life with the course's many obstacles that include anything from cliff jumping to running through smoke bombs. But in the end, it’s not a question of how fast you can crawl on a pole suspended high above the ground—it’s a question of whether or not you can last.

5. Badwater 135

Price: Entry fee is $250, but you have to apply and qualify first

Ideal for: A regular marathon runner who has experience with running in the heat

Unlike enduring the World’s Toughest Mudder’s almost endless course, Badwater 135 has a set distance: 135 miles. Sure, that’s a huge distance to run, but it’s just running, right? Nope. It’s having to deal with some of the steepest terrain in the country. Even the most well-trained marathoners, who are no running novices, might find this race too challenging for comfort.

The course snakes through Death Valley, where temperatures average 100 degrees at the time of the July race, and eventually culminates to the huge ascent to the highest paved point on Mount Whitney. In total, the course covers 17,000 feet of vertical ascent, so you might want to sit this one out if you get altitude sickness while standing still, let alone while running.

If these events are a bit too thrilling for you, consider giving one of these slightly less intense but still challenging running races a go. And whether you choose a wacky marathon or mud run, remember that you're doing it to have fun and create some lasting memories!

We're Giving Away 3 Chances to Score Your Dream Internship


Whether you’re a freshman in college thinking about your first internship or you’re in your last year and looking for a job in the real world, it’s never too late to bolster your resume with work experience that makes you that much more attractive to future employers. But with the market being as competitive as it is, how do you find the right internship for you—and ultimately, land the position?

What you need is valuable experience, an impressive portfolio and industry contacts—and we have just the place for you to achieve that all. We’ve partnered up with ProSky, an innovative company providing online training series that are completely changing the definition of the traditional internship: Three collegiettes will have the opportunity to win an internship of their choice, ranging between SEO, Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing! With ProSky, you’ll never make a coffee run or handle just the busywork; you’ll work closely with mentors and team members to complete projects for actual companies, who look to ProSky as a recruiting tool. This means that when you impress during your internship, you’ll be at the top of the minds of the companies you contributed to.

Since the internships are completed online (and with new offerings every month), you get to do them on your own time. Enter below for your chance to win—and be sure to select which series you’re most interested in!

Fill out my online form.

Microaggressions: What to Do When They Happen to You


That store is sooo gay.

Are you sure you don’t like guys? Have you ever, like, had sex with one?

“Are you a man or a woman?”

But you don’t look like you like girls…

Do these phrases hit a little too close to home? We feel you—it can be super frustrating dealing with people who spew insensitive comments, especially if they’re people you see every day on campus. Feeling accepted at school for you who are is an amazing feeling, especially if you’re not out at home. That being said, even if your campus is pretty accepting, dealing with the little insensitive comments that run rampant there can be a whole new ordeal. 

The great thing is there are ways to defend yourself from the hurtful and thoughtless things people say. But first, let’s look into what exactly a microaggression is and what it might look like for you on campus.

What is a microaggression—and why should you care?

Microaggressions, according to Columbia University counseling psychology professor Derald Sue, are “the everyday encounters of subtle discrimination that people of various marginalized groups experience throughout their lives.” Basically, if someone says something offensive that they didn’t actually mean to be offensive, it still doesn’t change the fact that it is indeed offensive.

Because microaggressions are deeply embedded in the way society thinks and behaves, it can be harder to explain to people why what they said was offensive. Just think of how annoyingly common casual homophobia, gender roles and other problematic assumptions are in our everyday lives. According to Dr. Sharon Horne, a professor of counseling psychology at University of Massachusetts Boston and a researcher of both LGBTQ+ and college student mental health concerns, the most important thing to remember about microaggressions is that they are harmful and can contribute to stigmas and the inescapable feeling of marginality.

“[Microaggressions] come in three forms,” Dr. Horne says. “Microassaults (everyday, recognizable aggressions such as calling someone a dyke or saying, ‘that’s so gay’), microinvalidations (innocuous-seeming comments that serve to remind LGBTQ+ students that they aren’t in the norm—'You’re so lucky to be a lesbian since you don’t have to deal with men') or microinsults (reinforcing stereotypes about LGBTQ+ identities—‘Well, you have to date one of each since you’re bi, right?’).”

Don't think that microaggressions are a micro problem. Microaggressions can contribute to minority stress, Dr. Horne says.

“Minority stress is chronic and powerful form of stress that goes beyond everyday stress," she says. "It is experienced by people who have minority identities, such as racial and LGBTQ+ individuals, due to the stigma, prejudice and discrimination and internalizing social attitudes towards one’s minority status. Most concerning, minority stress has been found to contribute to both physical and mental health problems for LGBTQ+ college students.”

How microaggressions and casual homophobia play out on campus

Chances are you run into microaggressions all the time. Casual homophobia can take the form of people asking you who the guy is in your relationship with another girl or if you’ve ever had sex with a guy—or even when people just assume you're straight in the first place. If you’re a gender nonconforming person or a trans woman, this might look like someone asking you if you’re a man or a woman. Even something as mainstream as gendered phrases telling someone to “man up” or to “stop being a pussy” can be considered microaggressions.

The more subtle forms of casual homophobia are a lack of campus resources for LGBTQ+ students. This can look like the absence of an LGBTQ+ resource center, gender-neutral bathrooms or even inclusive courses on LGBTQ+ topics. If these don’t exist on your college campus, it means that your school’s administration might not be prioritizing (or even thinking about) how these potentially amazing assets could directly affect their LGBTQ+ student population’s campus experience. This could be particularly harmful if your campus isn’t in an LGBTQ+-friendly city.

How to deal

1. Address one instance at a time

Maybe you overheard one of your friends use an insensitive word or say something that wasn’t cool, or she said something offensive directly to you. If you feel comfortable, you can pull her aside and explain to her how it made you feel and why it made you feel that way, and politely ask her not to say things like that anymore. Not only does it create a dialogue where she knows that she’s with a friend who genuinely knows you mean well and you’re not trying to attack her, but she’ll learn from the experience.

The situation can become different when you’re talking about it with someone you barely know in class as opposed to a friend. Your friends might be a little bit more understanding because they love and care about you, while a peer who barely knows you might not really care.

“The most important thing to consider when it’s someone who is not a friend or acquaintance is safety,” Dr. Horne says. “It may be that gathering support from the campus group or allies is what is called for in these situations.”

In either situation, it’s also possible that the person will get offended by you calling them out. The whole “chill out, it was just a joke” thing is all too common in these types of situations. However, it’s super important to stress to the person that even if they “didn’t mean it that way,” it doesn’t make what they said any less offensive or change the way that it makes you feel.

If the person saying something offensive isn’t someone you know very well and you don’t feel comfortable having that kind of conversation, you can talk it out with another friend who might understand. While it won’t directly alleviate the situation, it might help you feel better to talk to someone about it and create awareness that these types of negative things are happening on your campus.

2. Talk to a campus professional about it

If you’ve personally experienced or witnessed any cases of microaggressions, sometimes talking to someone who’s on staff at your school can help. It can be someone as high up as the dean of students or as relatable as an RA.

If you’ve experienced microaggressions in your dorm, your RA might be able to host a program with the other residents to explain what microaggressions are and how they affect people. If it’s a bigger, campus-wide issue that you’re seeing, setting up a meeting with a dean or the chancellor can help so that they know that this problem exists at the school and it deserves their attention.

3. Spark a campus-wide conversation about it

If you are part of an LGBTQ+ student organization, host an event! By having an event, whether it’s as big as an educational workshop with a speaker or as small as a discussion, you’re fostering a safe space for everyone to come together and talk about these issues that are happening on your campus.

If you aren’t part of a student organization, no worries! There are plenty of things you can do on your own that might be incredibly helpful. Kevin Nadal, an associate professor of psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, created a photo project made of students and faculty in the LGBTQ+ community holding signs addressing the microaggressions that they experience on a daily basis. Projects like these aren’t just easy to create, but they are often incredibly impactful, giving a face and a name to the discrimination many people face.

4. Seek out the support of allies

Allies can be the people over at your campus’s LGBTQ+ resource center, your professors in the gender studies program or even just self-professed allies of the LGBTQ+ community whom you know have your back.

You probably (hopefully) know many allies on campus. Let them know that these types of things are going on and ask for their support in these instances. For some, it can be more powerful to hear an ally check someone on a microaggression, because while the microaggression doesn’t affect them directly, he or she still recognized it as offensive and stood up for what was right.

Having people like these in your corner can be helpful in instances when you need emotional support or people to back you up when you take your case to the higher-ups on campus.

The most important thing you can do to make change on your campus is creating conversation and awareness. Language (and the way people use it) can be very powerful, so it’s important to let people know when they’re using it in a harmful way.

You should never be afraid to make your campus a more welcoming place for you and your peers, so make your voice heard when you see or hear anything that could be potentially harmful!

5 Celebs Who Make Us Want to Wear Overalls


As if you didn’t notice, overalls ruled 2014. They even outsold yoga pants last year, according to eBay, and that’s saying something. But for those of you who still think you can’t wear the one-piece outfit maker without looking like a baby in the midst of an awkward family photo, we’ve rounded up 5 celeb examples of overalls done right, plus where to get the look... since you just might be lusting for a pair of your own after you've seen these looks.

1. Blake Lively

Shortly before announcing that she was expecting her first child with husband Ryan Reynolds, Blake hit the town in the sleekest overalls we saw all year. From the black hue to the expert fit, she had us running to buy a pair just like hers for ultimate street style cred. Madewell's all-black Zip Overalls ($148) will get you the look!

2. Alexa Chung

Alexa is the queen of casual wear, making overalls a staple in her wardrobe. This outfit was one of our favorite with its cuffed legs and khaki trench draped over her shoulders. She definitely took overalls from the farm to the big city, and you can too with the Paige Sierra Overall ($145)!

3. Emma Stone

This starlet made her mark on the red carpet this year, and her off-duty style didn’t falter either. We love the dark stitching, simple white shirt underneath, and especially how she left her cuffs crumpled—effortlessly chic! Snap up this look with these Classic Denim Overalls ($55) from Guess.

4. Selena Gomez

Selena’s peek of skin and luxe accessories prove that these denim darlings aren’t just for dressing down. Are you thinking what we are? We’ll absolutely be copying this look for a summer date night in a few months! Try Selena's look with a pair of loosely-fitted set, like the Park Overalls ($148) from Madewell.

5. Hilary Duff

Switch out your jeans for undone overalls like Hilary! Steal her look with Charlotte Russe's Destroyed Acid Wash Denim Overalls ($16). Bonus: The knotted white tee and messy hair expertly add to this equation.

Will you be adding overalls to your wardrobe rotation anytime soon, collegiettes? 

If the Disney Princesses Had Twitter

Let's Talk About THAT Beyoncé Photo... You Know the One


Will there be a new addition to the royal family? No, no—we're not talking Prince William and Kate, we know all about them and their newcomer. We're talking Beyoncé and Jay-Z. In fact, maybe when the pairs crossed paths on that fateful night at the Brooklyn Nets game (and basically broke the internet) Beyoncé may just have come down with some of that baby fever.

The Carter family recently celebrated the ever-so-adorable Blue Ivy's 3rd birthday last week, January 7. Which begs the question... is it finally time for another little princess (or prince!) to be inducted into the royal family? Just days later, Beyoncé posted a rather cryptic picture to her Instagram account on Sunday. See it for yourself below...

If you didn't already notice it, it looks like Bey is having a sand baby. And of course, there was no comment. Not even an emoji. No trace of a caption. So now, we're all left to wonder: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!

While former fellow Destiny Child member Michelle Williams is debunking those pregnancy rumors, we're not quite convinced just yet. Bey herself definitely isn't quelling our confusion—but rather fueling it. Just last night, Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z attended their usual Nets Game, though Queen B was noticeably covered. And by that, we mean she sported a knee-length trench coat the entire night, only adding to our speculation!

We know for a fact that Queen B definitely has a way with her announcements. Just think back to her, you know, surprise album and all. It wouldn't exactly come as a shock to us if this means exactly what we think (or hope) it does!

We guess we'll just have to see how this unfolds! We're already thinking about possible baby names, to be honest. What do you think, collegiettes? Is it time for a new member to be inducted into the royal family? Or is this all a big fuss over nothing? 

Beauty Looks from the Golden Globes We're Still Obsessing Over


This year at the 72nd Golden Globe Awards, old Hollywood glamour was all the rage. Though we’re obsessed with the voluminous manes and look-at-me lashes sported by celebs like Jennifer Lopez and Jenna Dewan-Tatum, our hearts really skipped a beat when Allison Williams displayed a breath-of-fresh-air asymmetrical bob. Keep scrolling to see seven starlets who killed it in the beauty department (some of whom also made our best-dressed list).

1. Emily Blunt

The Into the Woods star gave us major hair envy with her whimsical braid. Hair pro Laini Reeves, who partnered up with Birchbox for this look, says she made a center part then created inside-out braids before crossing them at the nape of the neck. After she pinned the plaits in place, she sprayed Serge Normant’s Dream Big Instant Volumizing Spray ($25).

2. Chrissy Teigen

Teigen's cry face at the announcement of her hubby’s win may have been funny, but her bronzed glam, courtesy of Mary Phillips, was no joke. And neither was her hair; stylist Giannandrea used an array of Macadamia Professional products to achieve the look. Recreate her effortlessly chic ponytail by wrapping your hair around a 1.5 inch curling iron in alternating directions. Pull it into a ponytail, then spritz Macadamia Natural Oil Control Spray ($23) all over. Leave a few wisps around your face to add a soft, super-feminine touch.

3. Jenna Dewan-Tatum

Move over Channing, we’re currently lusting over your wife! Hair stylist Bridget Brager volumized Dewan’s shoulder-length bob with soft waves and makeup artist Jake Bailey perfected the look using Pür Minerals Cosmetics.

4. Jessica Chastain

We only have one word for this look: Jaw-dropping. The old Hollywood waves that hair maven Renato Campora gave Chastain look stunning paired with the subtle smoky eye Kristofer Buckle created. For Chastain's extra-dimension eyelids, Buckle used Yves Saint Laurent’s Couture Palettes ($60) in 01 and 03.

5. Allison Williams

Williams exuded elegance with her glossy, asymmetrical bob by Renato Campora and a smoky eye thanks to makeup artist Gianpaolo Ceciliato, who used Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill Shimmer Palette ($60) in 11.

6. Nicola Peltz


What a fun night! Thank you @lesliefremar @quinnmurphy1 and @jennychohair

A photo posted by Nicola Peltz (@nicolaannepeltz) on

We may not have seen Nicola Peltz on the red carpet but she definitely made up for it when she hit an after party looking smokin’ hot. Jenny Cho’s magic touch was responsible for Peltz’s edgy lob and makeup artist Quinn Murphy gave her a sultry smoky eye and nude lip.

7. Jennifer Lopez

Aside from this being the best beauty look from this year's Golden Globes, do we all agree on the fact that JLo doesn’t age in the slightest?! Yep. She blew away the competition with hair à la Brigitte Bardot from hair stylist Lorenzo Martin and dreamy peepers courtesy of Mary Phillips

Which celeb from the Golden Globes 2015 gets your vote for best beauty?

9 Times When Being Single is the Best


Waking up to a mushy good-morning text from your SO and spending hours on end together are special, but sometimes these relationship perks don’t stand a chance against the ones that come with flying solo. Here are nine times when you’re actually really happy to not have an SO.

1. When there’s a cutie in your class.

Ready, set, mingle.

2. When you have a really specific craving for Chinese food for dinner.

You don’t need to make sure your SO would be down for General Tso’s chicken—no one’s taste buds matter but yours.

3. When you don’t feel like shaving for a few days (or weeks).

Letting your hair grow everywhere is the definition of happiness.

4. When you unleash your PMS monster.

Sorry not sorry.

5. When you want to break out your collection of chick flicks.

And embrace your ugly-cry face until the wee hours of the morning.

6. When you don’t have to worry about bad breath.

A make-out sesh is nowhere in your near future, but eating a cheeseburger with onions definitely is.

7. When your girls’ night goes way past curfew.

Phone off; dancing pants on.

8. When you go on an eight-hour shopping spree and no man is there complaining.

It’s all in a day’s work.

9. When you don’t have to share the pizza you ordered with anyone.

Plus the pint of ice cream you plan to devour afterwards.

The Definitive Ranking of Guys' Facial Hair


From cute scruff to nasty staches, guys' facial hair can be attractive or just plain gross. While some dudes can totally pull off a beard, we fear No Shave November when it comes to other guys. Here's our definitive ranking of facial hair on guys.

11. The Pedophile Mustache

This thin, unruly, patchy mustache is easily the worst kind of facial hair. It immediately makes guys look creepy, and it's just not attractive. You're adorable, Michael Cera, but the stache has got to go.

10. The Mutton Chops

This type of facial hair is more likely to be found on men 50 years down the road than college guys, but mutton chops still pop up every now and then. We just don't understand this look. Grow it out on the sides, but shave off the chin? Why? Just... why? Good luck with the ladies, Wolverine...

9. The Soul Patch

If a guy dons a soul patch, he's definitely trying to say something about himself. Whether that's, "I'm deep," or, "I listen to Nickelback," or, "I strive to be Howie Mandel," we'll never really know.

8. The Hobo Beard

The hobo beard is the ultimate sign of letting yourself go. It's messy, it's unruly and it really just looks scratchy. A guy who chooses to sport this type of facial hair really does not give a hoot. This was obviously a trying time for you, Brad.

7. The Chinstrap

This is a purely aesthetic decision. We're just not sure what aesthetic. Tip: Just grow it out all the way next time, hon. 

6. The Ordinary Mustache

Mustaches either totally work, or they do not work at all. For example, if you're Tom Selleck, then YES. You own that mustache. For most other people (especially in college), this is probably not your best look. 

5. The Scruffy, "I Can't Grow a Real Beard Yet" Stubble

This is probably the most common facial hair we see around campus. We're sure there comes a time in every young man's life when he thinks, "I would look really kickass with a beard," but babe, you can't grow one yet. We gotta hand it to them for trying, though. (Either that, or they just got too lazy to shave.)

4. The Goatee

If done properly, goatees can be really hot. Case in point: Brad Pitt, but that might also be because he's just Brad Pitt. If a guy has great style and a strong jawline and he's dark and mysterious and drinks whiskey and plays acoustic guitar... well, none of this truly matters, but we're just assuming this type of guy could probably pull off a goatee well. 

3. The Full Beard

Sweet mother of all things facial hair, if a guy can grow a well-trimmed beard, he should. This straight-up says, "I am a man." Bonus points if he wears plaid and listens to Bon Iver.

2. The Clean-Shaven

Let's face it, facial hair is either done really well or really poorly. If a guy simply can't pull it off, he should just go clean-shaven. He probably won't look that baby-faced. Chances are, he looks damn good! Plus, girls love a soft face.

1. The 5 O'Clock Shadow

Holy hot dayum. The sexiest facial hair is the (likely) unintended kind. Five o'clock shadows just scream "hunk." We could stare at Patrick Dempsey, Adrian Grenier and Adam Levine's perfect facial hair all day. Yes. Just... yes.

While most facial hair is on the less-than-cute side, when it's done well, it can be incredibly attractive. We'll hold out for our twenties for the good stuff and let our baby-faced college guys try as they may for the time being.

Columbia Investigated: Justice for Sexual Assault Survivors?


When you think of Columbia University, you think of New York City, diversity and the benefit of an Ivy League education. Unfortunately, the 28 students and alumni who filed complaints against Columbia’s faulty handling of sexual assault and harassment cases had different experiences. Columbia is now being officially investigated by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights as it's being questioned about its compliance with Title IX sexual violence regulations. Title IX requires that schools provide support for survivors of sexual assault and respond to allegations of assault, which these 28 victims believe Columbia failed to do.

Columbia spokeswoman Victoria Benitez explained in an official statement that Columbia “will fully cooperate with OCR’s inquiry” and that Columbia has “no higher priority than protecting the safety and well-being of all who are part of [Columbia’s] community.” Benitez went on to acknowledge that Columbia has reevaluated and updated its policies regarding sexual assault cases, and has plans to launch a new sexual violence prevention initiative that will include all members of Columbia’s community as well as experts in the field of sexual and gender violence prevention.

While complaints about Columbia’s handling of sexual assault have been around since the spring of 2014, the movement to remodel Columbia’s approach gained national attention with a single student’s art thesis. Emma Sulkowicz, a survivor of sexual assault, began carrying her dorm mattress wherever she went as performance art at the beginning of the school year. She vowed to only stop carrying the mattress if and when Columbia expelled the accused attacker.

Her actions went viral and students Mount Holyoke College to Arizona State University, Yale to UPenn acted en masse and carried mattresses on October 29, 2014, to demonstrate solidarity with Sulkowicz and her mission to get justice for sexual assault survivors. Sulkowitz was profiled in New York Magazine, garnering her a national platform to advocate for survivors on college campuses. 

While Sulkowicz’s attacker still has not been expelled from Columbia, her performance piece brought national attention to the epidemic of sexual assaults on campuses. One woman survives a sexual assault or assault attempt in college to every 4 who do not, so this is a serious problem on college campuses in the U.S. The Office of Civil Rights is now investigating 95 colleges’ and universities’ handling of sexual assault cases in an effort to empower survivors of sexual assault hopefully put an end to the epidemic. 

What You Can Do Now to Land Your Dream Job Later


What do you think of when you imagine the internship of your dreams? Whatever industry you’re in, you’re probably hoping to seriously impress your boss, work alongside experts in your field and—if all works out—land a job at the end of it all. Then reality hits, and you’re getting to know your boss’s coffee order better than you know her, and you’re working more closely with the copy machine than you are anybody else in the office.

It’s time to change that reality—we’re making it possible for three collegiettes to land internships that promise a valuable learning experience! With ProSky, you’ll have the opportunity to work on projects and execute campaigns with teams (for real companies!) and be trained by top professionals from Marc Eckō, Facebook, Sony, Twitter and more. You’ll come out of the internship with actual work experience to show on your resume (since “Expert Coffee Runner” doesn’t count), plus concrete examples to add to your portfolio. And as millennials, you’ll really like what we’re going to tell you next—the entire experience takes place online (choose from internships lasting anywhere from nine to 12 weeks), so you’re not limited by your location or schedule… nor will you need to get your one business casual outfit dry-cleaned to go into the office every week.

Right now, ProSky is offering internship programs in SEO, where you’ll learn strategies on how to increase visibility across online searches; Digital Marketing, where you’ll master the digital strategy tools you need to increase a company’s reach; and Social Media Marketing, where you’ll be taught that social media is about way more than just how many Instagram likes you can get on that Valencia-filtered shot of your latte. You’ll have a chance to win one of each (just let us know on the giveaway form which one you want to enter for)! Even if you don’t take home the grand prize, you can still score 20% off the program cost and get priority placement by registering with the code “Hercampus20” by 1/31/15!

The best part about ProSky? You’ll be building close connections with mentors, industry professionals and peers (when you once only grew to have an intimate relationship with the copy room)—all while completing real-world tasks using employable, high-demand skills. Think of these internships as an extended interview (companies use ProSky as a recruiting tool!); when these companies see what you’re capable of bringing to the table, you’ll pretty much make the short list for any future internships or better yet, job opportunities.   

This is the future of internships, collegiettes—there’s no better way to get on the fast track to your dream job.

6 Ways to Make the Most of the Elliptical


Even if your gym offers Pilates, yoga, Zumba and all of the other fitness classes that are all the rage right now, sometimes you may just be in the mood for a no-frills elliptical sesh.

Since you have a million other things on your schedule, like classes, club meetings and fitting in a social life somewhere in between, it’s important to make sure you’re making the most of your time at the gym. Look no further to learn how to make your time on the elliptical as productive as possible! We talked to personal trainer Melanie Ludwig, owner of Prestige Fitness in New Hampshire, to find out the best ways to make the most of the machine that we collegiettes love (or love to hate).

1. Enter your information

Before you even begin moving, take a minute to enter your weight and age into the machine. This will give you a more accurate estimate of the amount of calories you’re burning and the results that you will see.

“Most exercise equipment has settings you can change for calculating calories burned,” Ludwig says. “The usual default is for a 150-pound man.” That means that if you weigh less or more than that, the calorie-burn data will be off. By entering in your specific weight, you’ll ensure that you’ll get more accurate information. 

A range of calories to aim for is dependent on your goals and expectations through your exercise. In terms of a number of calories to aim for to aid with weight loss, Ludwig says that “to lose 1 pound, you need a loss of 3,500 calories. The best way to accomplish this is by monitoring what you eat and by exercising. If you cut 500 calories a day from your diet and burn 150 calories by exercising, your loss of 4,550 calories for a week should equal 1.3 pounds lost.” Ludwig also notes that “a healthy weight loss is 0.5 to 2 pounds per week.”

She also says that with clients she “stresses the balance of calories in [food] and calories out [activity], and moving your body in ways that make you feel strong and healthy.”

2. Try an interval workout

By breaking up your time on the elliptical into bursts of high-intensity activity followed by lower-intensity activity, you’ll help to challenge your metabolism. According to Ludwig, an interval workout “challenges the cardiorespiratory system by making you work harder and helps ‘push the envelope’ by increasing your capacity to do higher levels.”

Her suggestion for an interval workout is to start off on the elliptical for five minutes on a moderate setting, and then push yourself for 30 seconds with a higher resistance or other feature. Then, repeat five times and complete an easy two-minute cool down. The workout will then total 35 minutes, three minutes of which were high intensity.

“After a few weeks, you will be able to increase those high intervals and shorten the rest intervals because your body will be more fit and able to handle it,” Ludwig says. “Then, maybe go for a five-minute moderate warm-up, one minute of speed and repeat, followed by four-minute rest intervals. Repeat five times before cooling down for the remainder of the 35 minutes.”

Since there is also a risk of injury with too much intensity, Ludwig says to make sure that you always check in with your doctor before trying a new exercise.

3. Amp up your resistance

Speeding through on the elliptical for miles in only a few minutes feels great but prevents you from seeing the proper results. That’s because you’re not getting the biggest calorie burn possible for your time because your resistance is set way too low. Instead, you should feel completely worn out once your workout is over. A good resistance is a level that challenges you enough to power through your workout but doesn’t completely wipe you out in a few minutes. You can change your resistance in intervals throughout your workout, as mentioned above.

“Increasing resistance will increase caloric expenditure, as will increasing the duration of the workout,” Ludwig says. “The main goal is to try to vary what you do so your body has to respond to different stimuli!”

However, don’t get this tip confused with the ramp incline feature that may be available on your machine, which literally increases the incline of the surface of the machine. Although it’s a beneficial feature on a treadmill, it only makes it easier for your legs to stride when it comes to an elliptical workout. On the other hand, an increase in resistance will simply make the workout more challenging by making it harder to stride due to a pressure increase.

4. Set goals to improve your previous time or strides

Just like you can set fitness goals for yourself when you’re running or completing any other fitness routine, you can do so with the elliptical as well! Whether you count the number of strides that you completed in comparison to your last workout or go for an extra few minutes, you’ll have something to strive for with each workout.

Ludwig says “your goals/time depends on where you are starting from. Try to start with achievable goals. If you are not active, maybe 15-20 minutes of exercise three times a week is a good start. A good goal is to try and be active most days of the week!”

To stay motivated, Ludwig suggests keeping a log so that you’re able to see your progress. “Write down all the data and you won't believe what [improvements] you will see in even a few weeks!” she says. “I record all my clients’ data, and it is so cool to see their improvements.”

5. Work your core

The elliptical isn’t a machine that works only your legs and arms—you can get a worthwhile core workout from it as well! By adding this extra dimension to your routine, you’ll continue to burn more calories while strengthening a different part of your body.

To do this, go hands-free by letting go of the handles. This practice helps to challenge your sense of balance and places the target of your routine on your core. Do make sure that you’re not swaying side-to-side while you do this, since doing so will reduce the effectiveness of the routine. To keep your posture strong and tall, simply place your hands on your hips and flex (or “activate”) your core. “This takes balance and some practice, so safety first!” Ludwig says.

If you’re not comfortable with letting go of the handles of the machine but still want to work your core, make sure that you’re standing up straight without slouching so that your abs are lengthened and flexed.

6.Pedal in different directions

The elliptical is one of the most versatile fitness machines because it allows you to move forward and backwards, so take advantage of its flexibility. By moving in the direction opposite of what you’re used to, your routine will stay interesting and engaging.

“Going backwards has not been shown to improve cardiorespiratory benefits, but it does allow you to use your muscles in a different way, and also provides a little variety to help with boredom,” Ludwig says. “When you change direction on the elliptical, it challenges your balance, and this makes your core work harder to keep you from wiping out.”

If you’re looking to work your quads, pedal the machine forward. If you’re hoping to work on your glutes or hamstrings, pedal backwards.


The next time you’re headed to the gym to use the elliptical, keep these tips in mind to have your most productive and energizing elliptical workout yet. These ideas will ensure that you’re getting the most out of your time without getting bored or sidetracked. Feel the burn! 

5 Products That'll Cure Dandruff


Dandruff can be embarassing and you may find yourself struggling to get rid of it. For those dealing with a dry, perhaps itchy scalp this winter, we have put together a list of hair care products that will help with those unwanted flakes. Check out our picks below!

1. Phytheol Intense Anti-Dandruff Treatment Shampoo, $24

This shampoo helps get rid of both dry and oily dandruff, and the formula will help prevent its return in the future. It cures itchiness on the scalp and will also help those who suffer from eczema or psoriasis.

2. Green Olive & Lavender Scalp Oil, $15.50

This hair oil is perfect for anyone with an extremely itchy and dry scalp. If you don’t want to change your shampoo but are looking to add something to your hair care routine to get rid of your dandruff, this is the product for you.

3. Superbalm Hair Treatment, $19.95

This scalp treatment was made for people who are suffering from itchy, dry scalps and haven't found relief with a more standard shampoo treatment. The treatment is more effective than a washout shampoo and is also vegan friendly. 

4. Scalp Remedy Dandruff Solution, $26

This leave-in treatment by Aveda helps reduce dandruff in just one week, thanks to soothing ingredients like rosemary, sage and more.

5. Flaky Itchy Scalp Toner, $35

This leave-in scalp toner by Philip Kingsley gives you instant relief from itchiness and helps reduce any dandruff you may already have.

What products do you turn to in order to keep your hair healthy and moisturized in the winter?

6 Ways to Brighten Up Your Winter Wardrobe


With the winter months come cold weather, shorter days and the winter blues. The gloomy weather gets all of us down—even our outfits, which tend to be all black or gray. But there’s an easy fix to this, and that’s adding a pop of color to your ensemble! Whether it’s a small accessory or a larger piece of clothing, adding some color to your outfit might be just what you needed to cheer you up this season.

1. Cozy up in a colorful coat

Cozy Up in a Colorful Coat

Wool coat



Warehouse black jacquard pants
$55 - johnlewis.com



Forever 21 shoes


Coats are a winter wardrobe staple, so they’re the perfect way to introduce some fun hues into your outfit. A nice woolen coat already keeps you warm during the chilly months, but wearing one in a color like a mint or royal blue will make your outfit much cheerier than an all-black getup. Wearing darker colors on the bottom half of your outfit will prevent the outfit from looking too over-the-top and colorful.

2. Rock a statement scarf

Rock a Statement Scarf

Glamorous wool coat
$160 - nastygal.com




Ankle boots
$38 - newlook.com




Only looking to add a splash of color to your winter wardrobe? A scarf is a perfect, subtle way to instantly brighten up an outfit. Plus, it’s super warm! Wear yours with a neutral coat (in black or white, for instance) to avoid overkill, and voila! A warm winter outfit that’s a lot merrier than the weather.

3. Match your hat to your bag

Match Your Hat to Your Bag



Evans knee boots
$83 - houseoffraser.co.uk



CHARLES KEITH blue tote bag



Merona hat


Every collegiette has to transport her books to class somehow, so it might as well be in a stylish and fun-colored bag! Wearing a hat in the same bold color is guaranteed to boost your mood even more. Even if you’re in a black coat and boots, a little pop of color here and there is a great way to liven up your winter wardrobe!

4. “Give a girl the right shoes…”

Colorful Shoes

Black oxford
$68 - nastygal.com



Berkshire hosiery



A little black dress is a go-to piece for a night out on the town that allows you to get super creative with your accessories. Pick up a pair of fun and bright heels in a neon color. Bold pumps like these will be refreshing in a sea of dreary blacks this winter, and who knows whose attention they’ll catch?

5. Make your blouse stand out

Make Your Blouse Stand Out

HD in Paris petite top



Levi s black legging
$98 - houseoffraser.co.uk




Green bracelet


When looking for an easy outfit to throw on for class, why not go for a colored blouse? It’ll make an otherwise gloomy outfit a little more exciting. You could pair it with a colorful bangle or other pieces of jewelry to spruce up the outfit even more. Polish of the look with a pair of black pants and your favorite riding boots, and you’ll be the most stylish girl in the lecture hall.

6. Sport some pants with a pop

Sport Some Pants with a Pop



Short boots


During winter, we collegiettes wear pants almost all the time, so they’re a great way to bring a vibrant hue into an outfit with minimum effort. To make your look even more exciting, don’t be afraid to go bold with a bright pattern. We love the beautiful light blue of these pants—it will fit right in with the snowy winter scenery—but any color will work as long as you balance it out with neutrals in the rest of your look.

All it takes to lift your mood and turn some heads is a little pop of color! We know these bright ideas will inspire you to get out of your gray-sweater rut. You could even browse your summer wardrobe for lighter, brighter items to wear under your coat and over your tights!

Hanky Panky Now Makes Perfume (& You Can Get it, Free!)


We’ve been longtime fans of Hanky Panky’s perfect-fit lacy underpinnings. There’s no better way to say it: They’re cute enough to be date underwear, but comfortable enough to make for practical everyday wear, too.

Naturally, when the brand came out with their first ever eau de parfum, we expected nothing less than a fresh, delicate fragrance that could serve as our new signature scent, yet still leave an air of mysterious appeal. And boy, does Hanky Panky deliver. Inspired by the line’s popular floral-patterned lace, the perfume weaves together feminine floral notes like neroli, jasmine, lily of the valley and more; crisp fruits like bergamot; and subtle musks and woods like white cedar and skin musk. Crafted in the U.S., this fragrance is made with only the finest ingredients.

Since describing this intoxicating eau de parfum isn’t the same as wearing it, we’re giving ten winners the chance to own this luscious blend for themselves! Each winner will receive a rollerball perfume (perfect to throw into your school tote or for travel!)—enter below now for your chance to win!

Fill out my online form.

5 Things You Should Never Talk About at Work


Getting along with your coworkers is great—they can be wonderful new friends in the real world or, at the very least, they can make your workday a little more pleasant. But being close with your officemates doesn’t necessarily make it okay to talk about your crazy weekend at the water cooler. Here are five conversation topics you should avoid at work.

1. Salary

Talking about how much you make with your coworkers is a huge office don’t. Money is a touchy subject even among friends who don’t work together, and bringing it up with others in your position can get awkward quickly.

“When you are at work chatting with your coworkers, never discuss your salary,” says Samantha Moyer, an admissions counselor at Marymount Manhattan College. “You don't know if you are being compensated differently, and it can lead to resentment either on their part or yours.”

In fact, don’t bring up money with your coworkers at all. Discussing your own financial status can only lead to discomfort if others are not in the same boat. You should even avoid talking about how much something as simple as your new shoes cost—what might seem like a great deal to you might not seem so cheap to a coworker having money troubles. If asked by your work buddies about your salary, personal finances or expenses, it’s best to avoid answering, whether by pretending you don’t remember what you paid for your cute bag or simply saying you would prefer not to discuss your paycheck.

2. Crazy party stories

It’s a lot harder for your coworkers to take you seriously if they know you spent Saturday night puking in the bar bathroom. Even if you work with people your own age, you run the risk of being overheard by your boss or another higher-up when talking about wild weekends at work, which reflects poorly on you.

“You are building a brand for yourself in your career, and you want to keep that brand as clean and pure as possible,” says Marta Steele, partner at PeopleResults, a change and human resources consulting firm.

Similarly, make sure you keep it together when going out for happy hour with your cube-mates or attending office parties by limiting how much you drink, lest you earn yourself a reputation as a sloppy party girl. If your coworkers become friends you socialize with outside of work—or even share an apartment with—make sure you establish ground rules for keeping your personal and professional lives separate. Keep any discussion of booze-fueled escapades out of the office, and mind what you post on social media. Remember that at work, you are coworkers first and friends second. You’ve been hired to perform the tasks required of your job, not Snapchat each other from your separate cubicles.

3. Hurtful office gossip

Under no circumstances should you steal printer paper to compile an office Burn Book.

“Avoid gossiping around the office,” advises Leandra Falotico, a junior accountant at Winthrop-University Hospital. “While you might think that everyone feels the same way about a particular coworker, word travels fast, and you don't want to be associated with negative feelings.”

Speaking critically of the people you work with can keep you from being seen as a team player and cause others to wonder if you say similar things about them behind their backs. This, in turn, creates a hostile work environment that can make doing your job much more difficult, particularly if you need to collaborate with your coworkers in order to accomplish the tasks you’re given. If you simply must vent about the annoying girl in the cube next to yours, save it for your non-work friends and family so that it doesn’t get back to anyone who might have his or her feelings hurt.

In the event that you do get pulled in to a gossipy conversation, don’t contribute to it.

“If you find yourself in the middle of others sharing information that you don’t want to, then be the person quietly listening,” Steele says. “Change the topic or wait for the topic to change, and then jump in.”

4. Religion and politics

Chances are neither subject is related to your line of work, and discussing divisive political issues or matters of faith can lead to resentment between people on different sides.

“There's a stat that to be a fully engaged employee, you need to have a best friend at work. How can you make friends without getting personal? You can't,” says Emily Miethner, president and founder of FindSpark, a career development community for young creatives. “When making friends at work, stick to fun topics like your hobbies, music, food, sports, your neighborhood, movies and other broad topics you can use to connect with people. As always, religion, sex and politics are good topics to avoid, and are better for making enemies than friends.”

If any of these subjects do come up, don’t let it become an in-depth discussion of your personal beliefs.

“It’s okay for coworkers to know your religious and political preferences, but it’s not okay to make any discussions personal,” says expert interview coach Barry Drexler. “Never insult or criticize a colleague for any reason, particularly related to their religious or political views.”

5. Plans to quit your job

Even if you think you can trust your coworkers to keep your plans to give two weeks notice private, it’s best not to broach the subject with them at all until it’s a done deal. You may have misjudged their willingness or ability to keep your secrets, or they could simply slip up in front of your boss. You don’t want word getting out that you’re trying to leave until you’re ready to make that announcement yourself. If your boss knows you’re considering moving on, he or she might make that decision for you and fire you before you’re ready to quit.

“Your boss should be the first to know, but if she or he finds out from your coworkers, then it’s time to immediately speak to him or her and apologize that the information leaked,” Drexler says.

Keep in mind that even if your boss accepts your apology and keeps you on board, this makes for tense office interactions until you do leave on your own terms. If you’re excited about a new job prospect or are thinking about going to grad school, call up your parents or college friends rather than discussing those plans with your cube-mates.

Workplace friendships can be rewarding, but remember that this is your job, not your college dorm. Maintain a high level of professionalism whenever interacting with anyone from your office, and you’ll make your transition into the working world that much smoother.

Why Judd Apatow Thinks Bill Cosby Should Be in Jail


If This Is 40 director Judd Apatow and Bill Cosby were ever to cross paths, we have a feeling the encounter would be far from pleasant. After all, Apatow did just reveal that he “would like to see [Bill Cosby] in jail.” That’s a pretty bold statement. Ever since over two dozen women alleged that Cosby sexually assualted them, Apatow has made it crystal clear via his Twitter timeline that he’s their biggest supporter.

During a recent interview with Marc Maron for the WTF podcast, Apatow revealed the reasons behind his sniping about the famed comedian. 

"I can understand why someone would say, 'Why does Judd care about this?' I don’t know, I have two daughters. I'm a comedian. I see him a little bit as our comedy dad. It's like finding out your comedy dad is a really evil guy. You want to say, 'Hey, does everybody care about this? That he's doing that?' And when the community is pretty silent, then I feel like, 'Well, if no one is going to talk, then I'm going to talk.' If everybody was talking about it, I probably wouldn't have much to say about it. But I don't want it to suddenly disappear and then he kind of just goes back out on the road and does his thing."

Despite the aftermath of allegations against Cosby, such as Netflix postponing the release of the stand-up special, “Bill Cosby 77” and NBC pumping the breaks on a new sitcom collaboration, he had the gall to make light of the situation. During his show in Canada last week, he told a woman from the audience that, “you have to be careful about drinking around me.” 

It’s one thing to be in hot water, but it’s another to be in boiling water—and in this case, Cosby is immersed in the latter. He sees nothing wrong with using his recent comedy gigs as a platform for making crude jokes about the matter yet he continues to turn a blind eye to overt speculations. Which is exactly why Apatow is justified in being “strangely obsessive” about Cosby on Twitter. 

Apatow also mentioned in the podcast interview, "One thing that I do know is I'm not comfortable with him running around the country doing stand-up like nothing's happening.” He added, "I guess, on some level, I feel like I can't be a part of solving that many problems in the world—I do my best to get involved where I can be effective—but this is our neighborhood. [...] I absolutely would like to see him in jail. That's where people who commit sexual assaults go.”

Until Cosby gives us answers—we say tweet your heart out, Apatow.

What do you think about Judd Apatow's anti-Cosby stance?

7 Crimes Committed on 'The Bachelor' This Week


The Bachelor certainly wouldn’t be the show we’ve all come to love without a little bit of bad behavior. It’s even expected at this point. But this week’s episode in particular had the ladies—and even Chris—committing crimes ranging from breaking and entering to murder. Below, we’ve got our arrest warrants at the ready along with designated punishment for these awful crimes.

Kimberly's return

The rules of the game clearly state that when you’re asked to leave—especially on the first night—it’s time to take a moment and say your goodbyes. But when Kimberly waltzed right back in for a second chance, Chris made the fatal mistake of letting her stay. Her return was short and sweet as he sent her packing again at the end of the night but not before making her shamelessly ride a tractor through L.A. in her bikini.

Crime: Trespassing

Punishment: Not sorry to see you go… again!

Chris... and that outfit

We were promised a sexy farmer as the Bachelor, so whatever stylist has taken it upon herself to dress Chris in shorty-short swim trunks and bright blue hoodies without proper shirts on underneath (remember his horrid pool party outfit?) better respect his and our boundaries.

Crime: Fraud

Punishment: We’ll let you off with a warning, Chris, if you promise to take back control of your wardrobe.

Jillian & Megan

These two thought it would be fun to snoop through Chris’s house, conveniently located at the end of the mansion’s driveway, while he was out on a date. They do know that’s not actually Chris’s stuff in there, right? Because who would park his motorcycle in the middle of his bedroom?

Crime: Breaking and entering

Punishment: We sentence you to bikini bottoms that cover your entire bums, a not-so-graceful slip at the rose ceremony, and a major headache from repeatedly banging your head against Chris’s wood-paneled walls.


The #1 rule of a first date? Don’t mention aliens or how big your date’s nose is. Mackenzie did both, and that was after she blurted out that she has a son appropriately named Kale. Watch and cringe.

Crime: Harassment

Punishment: Many alien children named after other trendy greens.

Ashley S.

After not fully realizing the point of zombie paintball is not to shoot your own teammates, Ashley S. headed out to the battlefield with guns blazing. Not only did she kill her fair share of the undead but she also kicked them once they were down and strangely shouted “We will kill you!”

Crimes: Murder, aggravated assault

Punishment: A night alone with the zombies in the dome/Mesa Verde.


Are we the only ones who are still a bit confused about who Jordan is? Regardless, she should have learned from Tara’s drunken mistakes last week before desperately trying to make out with Chris. Not attractive!

Crimes: Public intoxication, disorderly conduct

Punishment: A plane ticket home and a 12-step program.

Ashley I.

Ashley I. had just been bragging about her virgin status before climbing on top of Chris in front of all the other girls at the cocktail party. As if it could get any worse, she also told him to rub her belly button ring and make three wishes.

Crime: Solicitation

Punishment: You must relinquish your spider-like eyelashes and all bodily piercings for the remainder of the season—including The Women Tell All!


What other deplorable acts do you think we’ll see this season, collegiettes?

15 Things Every Sorority Girl Says During Rush


Costume changes, choreographed dances and memorizing lines— rush has more practices than a high school musical.

Rushing a sorority is a flurry of going from house to house and trying to impress the sisters, but from the sisters’ side? Rush is a carefully calculated routine of smiles, conversation starters and rotations. Here are the 15 things you’ll definitely hear a sorority girl say during rush.

1. “I didn’t think I’d ever join a sorority either!”

Yeah, okay, we’ve all said this one to the girl who didn’t quite look like she wanted to be there—even if we didn’t mean it.

2. “I really found my home away from home!”

Except our real home doesn’t have parties, catered food and 30 girls to compete with for the showers.

3. “These girls really are my sisters!”

They drive us crazy, just like real siblings do. 

4. “I’ve found my best friends and my future bridesmaids.”

Who else will hold your purse and your hair back in one night?

5. “It was so great meeting you!”

It’s great meeting everyone during rush—we are trying to find our future littles, after all!

6. “You guys, I just found my little!”

We’re going to say this on the first day of rush, and the second day of rush…

7. “We have good relations with all fraternities and sororities on campus!”

Our relations are all anybody wants to talk about—but this is the one week we CAN’T!

8. “We love getting ready together before all of the cocktails and mixers!”

Code for: I party with my sisters before, during and after functions.

9. “We really shouldn’t be talking about going out, but…”

Booze and boys are off-limits during rush conversations, but if you’re not going to drop it…

10. “We’re gonna get fined for that!”

Let a girl carry trash outside the house? Fined. Booze? Fined. Boys? Fined. Rush songs could be heard outside? Fined. 

11. “Me too!”

You like going to football games? Me too! You like underwater basket weaving? Me too! No matter what you say, I’m going to be relatable and lovely because I want you to like me as much as you want me to like you.

12. “What were you involved in in high school?”

Ah, the opener. Hopefully we’re going to hit it off when we both realize we played volleyball and I’m going to tell you about our intramural team and it’s going to be great.

13. “Our whole chapter is really close; I could tell you every girl’s first and last name.”

Umm… is that Brittany? Ashley? Maybe that’s Hannah…

14. “Why did you decide to go through recruitment?”

Another great opener question! Why are you here? Tell me about how you want sisterhood and fun, and I’ll tell you anecdotes about my sisters and the fun we have.

15. “Our chapter is actually really affordable!”

Yeah, you’re clearly going to spend a fortune—if not on the actual sorority, then on the T-shirts, food and spirit jerseys.


A weeklong marathon of smiling, repetitive conversations and no booze or boys? Do it for the littles. 

The #GirlBoss Steps Down & Nasty Gal Names New CEO


On Monday, Sophia Amoruso, founder and CEO of the popular e-commerce site, Nasty Gal, announced to her staff that she is stepping down from the throne

The CEO and bestselling author made her announcement in a video blog that was posted to the company's website. 

"Today is a big day at Nasty Gal," the post reads. Over the course of the past year, it's become evident that I am the brand connector—both to the world at large, to the influential individuals and organizations, and to our customers. And it's also become resolutely clear that I and Nasty Gal are ready for a move I've been thinking about for going on two years now."

The #GirlBoss author will be handing her title over to the current president of Nasty Gal, Sheree Waterson. According to an interview with Re/code, Amoruso believed that the job was meant for someone with more experience in day-to-day operations and Waterson fits that description. Waterson is the former Chief Product Officer of Lululemon; she was dismissed from that role back in 2013 after the company was forced to recall transparent yoga pants.

Amoruso, who started the business as side project on eBay, has been in charge of Nasty Gal for eight years now. Her departure comes as a shock seeing that she recently became a best-selling author after releasing her first book,, #GirlBoss, a memoir about how she went from being an unemployed and unresponsible twentysomething with no formal business training to the head of a multi-million dollar fashion empire.

"I was 22 and, like most 22-year-olds, I was looking for a way to pay my rent and buy my Starbucks chai," she writes. "Had someone shown me the future of where Nasty Gal would be in 2014, I would have gasped in revulsion, thinking, 'Oh, hell no, that is way too much work.'"

Although the book gave us a pretty impressive glimpse into Amoruso's rise to the top (and how to be a boss), Nasty Gal has had a pretty rough year. The company laid of 10 percent of its staff this past summer after a slight decrease in sales, likely attributed to competition from other fashion giants such as Tobi. 

While Amoruso will no longer be the head #GirlBoss, she will still help the company make important daily decisions. 

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