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This Woman Changes Lives by Tattooing On Makeup


There’s nothing we love more than makeup and all things cosmetics, but beauty goes far deeper than just the foundation on your face or polish on your nails. With the power of medical tattooing, makeup is being used to transform the lives of many people by helping them feel beautiful and confident in their skin again, thanks to the generosity and innovation of one tattoo artist.

Although permanent makeup is not an entirely new concept, medical tattooing by one specific woman is aiding countless people who struggle with serious, life-long scars. Toronto-based tattoo artist Basma Hameed was inspired by her own personal journey of being severely burned as a child to help other women recover, in a sense, from discoloration and scars.

With reconstructive surgery being expensive, painful and not always successful, Hameed decided to have permanent eyebrows tattooed on her face. Happy with the results, she wondered if the same procedure could be mimicked, but to balance skin tone pigments on scar tissue and discolored skin.

Hameed tattooed her own pigmentation back onto her face with the procedure of paramedical micropigmentation and realized this cosmetic insight could help the lives of so many others.

One patient of Hameed’s is Samira Omar, a 17-year-old student who was harshly burned with boiling water when bullied by fellow classmates abroad. Parts of her face, neck and hands were left pigmented and discolored, which left her unrecognizable after the incident. After hearing of Omar's story, Hameed felt the need to reach out and help her as much as she could and offered to restore the confidence that Omar felt like she had lost.

Omar is now able to have her natural skin tone returned to her face and body with several visits over the course of a few months to Hameed—at no cost. Since it takes a period of a couple visits to fully heal, Omar is masking the scars with a scar concealer Hameed developed for her patients that hides and blends cleverly with natural skin tone.

Hameed uses a hand-held device to make small repeated punctures into the skin during the procedure. This spreads the permanent pigment under the skin to give the patient a natural look that some may have thought would never come back.

Hameed’s technique is growing in popularity and she hopes to have procedures like this be available all over the world one day so people who struggle with burn scars, skin pigmentation and even those patients who have had a mastectomy will be able to feel comfortable and satisfied in their own skin once again.

Makeup, for most of us, is a way to express and present ourselves—we like to think of it as a way to enhance our natural beauty. There's nothing more important than feeling comfortable and great in the skin you're in, and if makeup can be used in that same way to help restore confidence in burn victims and others, we couldn't be more supportive.

Beauty goes farther than just skin deep cover-up—it can be used to transform people’s lives.

Her Story: I Was On A Reality TV Show


It’s kind of funny how our lives can change in a split second, in a seemingly innocuous moment. For me, that moment came when I was flipping channels on a rainy day in 2004 and decided to stop on a show I’d never seen before: Endurance.

I soon discovered that it’s a bit Survivor-like. Twenty kids ages 12 to 15 are taken to a remote location, paired up, and compete in challenges. Within minutes, I was hooked and hunkering down to watch the all-day marathon.

Endurance Season five

Here’s a quick breakdown of the game. The competitors are sent to a remote location where they immediately compete in a Right to Stay challenge, where three boys and three girls are eliminated. From there, teams are formed (one boy and one girl on each team) and compete against each other. The object of the game is to collect all thirteen Pyramid Pieces; some challenges win you a piece and the ability to handicap another team in the next challenge, and some win you the right to send two teams to compete to avoid elimination. Eliminations happen at the Temple of Fate, and the teams that are sent there play water, fire, wood (basically rock, paper, scissors). The team that wins two out of three returns to the game, while the losing team is eliminated. This continues until one team is left standing.

Fast-forward a few months. What had begun as a product of my boredom had exploded into a full-blown obsession. I was watching old episodes, chatting with other fans on message boards, buying clothes that were the color of my favorite team. One day—one fateful, fateful day—I was watching the latest episode to air, and one of the contestants who’d made it to the final four teams was complaining that she wanted to go home.

I was furious. Furious that there were deserving teams sent home before she was, and furious that thousands of kids were sitting at home and wishing they were in her position. And that’s when it hit me. Well, someone had to be on the show, right? Why not me? When I presented the idea to my parents, they shrugged and let me have at it.

My dream was born. I began researching how to audition and when the time came, I filmed an audition tape with nothing but my brother, a video camera, and some serious enthusiasm. I sent it off to California with high hopes but low expectations. I mean, what would they want with a skinny, soft-spoken girl with no previous TV experience?

A month and a half later, the phone rang. Caller ID logged it as an unknown number, so nobody answered. I’m watching TV in the basement as my mom sprints downstairs. “You need to listen to the message on the machine,” she said breathlessly. “Right now.”

It was a producer of the show telling me they liked my tape and wanted to see more of me. After slapping myself a couple of times to make sure I was awake, I returned the call, got some details, and filmed a second tape.

Unfortunately, that’s where it ended. I didn’t hear from them again and watched Endurance season four from my couch.

However, I was just turning 15; I had one season of eligibility left. I repeated the process the following year and, lo and behold, got another callback after my first tape. But this time, I was ready. I pulled out all the stops for tape number two, enlisting the help of my entire family and filming a masterpiece that culminated with a sprint up a giant staircase to the Rocky theme song. I sent in my tape feeling truly sorry for the kids I was up against.

My confidence was well founded; a month later, I got another callback. I was in the top 40, a 50/50 chance of making it onto the show. All I had to do was fill out some paperwork and wait.

And wait.

The next time an unknown number called my house, I answered.

Darci Miller Endurance Season 5

“Hi Darci, this is Mark from 3Ball Productions. Congratulations, you’re on Endurance 5!”

I promptly burst out laughing.

I don’t remember the rest of that phone call at all. My mom was squealing, my hands were shaking, and as soon as I hung up, we screamed and hugged and jumped around the kitchen for a while. I had done it! Out of 10,000 applicants, I was one of the final 20!

This was at the beginning of May, and filming didn’t start until the last day of July. These few months were some of the most exciting, bizarre, and downright difficult of my life. I was constantly getting contracts to sign and informational emails, yet confidentiality agreements meant I couldn’t tell a soul (though I may have assigned special meaning to the sentence “I’m going on vacation this summer,” so some of my best friends had an inkling!). I went to sleep-away camp carrying the biggest secret of my life. My parents printed out the producers’ emails and mailed them to me with the show’s name blacked out in case anyone else got their hands on them. I felt like a secret agent!

When I came home, I had about a week before I was off to California! The twenty competitors (plus all the chaperones—we were underage, after all) were brought to a hotel in tiny Clovis, California for several days before filming began. Those days were spent having one-on-one meetings with the story producers, executive producers, and wardrobe department… and, of course, competitively eyeing every teenager I ran into!

treehouses Endurance season five

On the first morning of filming, everyone gathered together for the first time in the lobby of the hotel. We technically weren’t allowed to speak to each other, since they wanted to catch our first interactions on camera, but that didn’t really stop us. Despite the fact that we were about to become bitter rivals, everyone was chatty and nice and eager to make friends. We were all loaded onto a bus to be taken up into the Sierra Nevada Mountains; the chaperones went to have a look at our future home (TREEHOUSES!) while we filmed some intro bits, hiking through the mountains.

It was a long, hot, rather grueling day, but it ended on a flat expanse of rock and an introduction from the host, JD Roth. He did his scripted speech for the cameras, and when that was finished, he gathered us all around him. “From now on,” he said, “your life will be broken up into ‘before Endurance’ and ‘after Endurance.’”

From here, it becomes incredibly difficult to describe my experience without doing a play-by-play. I learned very rapidly that the mountains get really freaking cold at night and, when I was voted by the 9 other girls to get a free pass through the Right to Stay Challenge, I learned that even the skinny, soft-spoken girl can come out on top sometimes. I was then partnered with a great guy and, wow, I couldn’t believe how well things were turning out! However, I also quickly learned that life could turn on a dime. My Endurance experience was far from the fairytale I’d always imagined it would be. Reality TV can be cruel, and after several brutal twists (including having my partner switched) and a healthy dose of backstabbing (by, interestingly enough, my first partner), my partner and I were sent home. Confused? Yeah, I was too. Still am, actually.

On one of my last days in the mountains, one of the producers came up to me; the parents were getting nightly briefings, and my mom was worried about whether or not I was handling the drama okay. I shrugged and told him, “I’m fine because I have to be.” And it was true. All I wanted to do every night was curl up in my sleeping bag and cry, but I taught myself how to slap a smile on my face and put the game behind me so I could enjoy myself, one day at a time.

grey team darci miller endurance season five  endurance season five grey team

Even though we didn’t win, nor did we come close to winning, what I came away with was far more rewarding than I could’ve hoped. How many kids ever get to spend an extended period of time living in treehouses with their peers? Or live in a dog-eat-dog environment while simultaneously genuinely liking the people trying to (metaphorically) rip your throat out? It’s a bizarre experience hanging out with, hugging, bonding and trading clothes with a girl who you know would eliminate you in a heartbeat. Even weirder was the fact that we had to put the game on hold when the weekend rolled around due to child labor laws. We swam in the lake, ate junk food, enjoyed the lack of mic packs burning our backs all day, and tried to ignore the fact that there was a (metaphorical) guillotine looming over one team the very next day. Alternate universe much? And THEN get to watch it all on TV a few months later! So. Weird.

Before Endurance, I was extremely trusting and naïve. My experience with reality TV (because, oh yes, it was ALL real; editing is a necessary evil on TV, but we kids were completely unscripted and left to our own devices) helped me grow up speedily, showed me just how tough and badass I can be, and gave me some serious trust issues. (I mean, seriously, if you can’t trust your teammate or your friends, who CAN you trust?) But interestingly enough, I also gained some lifelong friends in the process. I spent three weeks of the following summer visiting one of them; half the cast came to my sweet 16 party; and I even met up with one of them when we were both abroad in Europe last semester!

And even today, six years later, if the going gets tough, I take a breath and think, “you’re an Endurance kid. You can do this.” And I know I’m capable of anything.

cast endurance season 5

7 Ways to Stay Calm When Waiting for College Decisions


You do a ton of work applying to college— prepping for the SAT, gathering all of your application materials and writing the perfect college admissions essay—so it’s only natural for you to be anxious to hear back as soon as you send it all in, right? Knowing that you won’t be getting that coveted college decision letter until March or April, it’s also pretty natural for you to be going a little crazy waiting for it, too. So how do you keep from completely losing your mind?

We talked to collegiettes all over who were in your shoes just a few years ago and got the scoop on how to keep sane during this stressful time.

1. Decide whether or not you want to talk about it

Everybody handles the stress of anticipation differently: Some people like to talk through the stress, and some people like to distract themselves and focus on something else. A very important step in waiting on college decision letters is to figure out how you deal with stress.

“I’m kind of an oddball in that I love to talk things out when I’m stressed,” says Melanie Jenkins, a junior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. “So even though most of my friends were trying to push this all to the back of their minds, I was reordering my favorite colleges into the ones I’m most likely to get into and other stuff like that.”

A lot of other collegiettes prefer to distract themselves from thinking about college too much.

“If I’d thought too much about college, I think I would’ve lost so much sleep,” says Abby Williams, a junior at Michigan State University. “I knew that since I’d already sent everything in, I had no control over it, so I had to distract myself from thinking too much.”

If you’re more like Melanie and would prefer to talk things out when you’re waiting on these decision letters, that’s okay! Just remember that many other pre-collegiettes, like Abby, would rather not discuss it. Try seeking out other students who want to talk about it all or chatting with your parents and family members. That way, you can still discuss your options as you await the decisions, but you don’t bother others who might not want to do that.

You can figure out who is and isn’t willing to chat about it by delicately beating around the bush about the waiting period. Try saying things like, “Oh man, sent in my last application yesterday… Getting pretty nervous,” or, “April can’t come fast enough.”

If the person you’re talking to seems to perk up or seems receptive to these comments, you can start to push more about talking about college decisions. If he or she seems more disinterested by giving you a vague answer or saying something like, “Well we won’t know for a while, so it’s best to be patient,” you should probably leave the subject alone.

2. Remind your friends and family if you don’t want to talk about it

Like we said, many pre-collegiettes are more like Abby and want to distract themselves from overthinking the situation. But just because you know you don’t want to talk about it doesn’t mean your family does.

“Each week, family would ask me if I'd heard back from the school, and each week I would remind them that the acceptance was not going to come until April no matter how many times they asked me if I'd heard back,” says Lillian Noble, a junior at American University. “Once my family finally understood that talking about college acceptances was stressful for me, they stopped asking.”

Having family members constantly asking you about college decisions is especially stressful because you only want to give them good news, but, like Lillian, until March or April, you won’t have any news to give. Keep their questions at bay by telling them that they’ll be the first people you tell when you find out.

Address this with your family and friends as soon as possible. As soon as all of your applications are sent in, sit down with your family and let them know that you’re nervous about the decisions, and talking about them during the waiting period makes it worse for you. Tell them that you know that this is also an exciting time for them, but ultimately, this is about your future, and you need to handle it in a way that works best for you.

If your loved ones keep on bringing it up afterwards, try to be patient and remind them that you understand that they are only trying to help, but you really need some space from that conversation topic. Say things like, “I know you’re only trying to help, but constantly talking about getting into college is actually hurting me right now. I think we need to wait until the decision letters actually come before we can have this conversation.” Letting your loved ones know that you understand their intentions while also staying firm with your needs is the best way to get smooth and conflict-free solutions to this problem.

3. Pick up a new hobby

One of the best ways to distract yourself from overthinking is to dive into new hobby. Since the hobby would be new, you’d more than likely be super excited about it and have a lot to learn. You simply wouldn’t have the time to overthink your college decision letters. Start a blog. Learn how to sew. Learn how to code. Do something.

“When I was waiting to hear back, I decided to get into running,” Melanie says. “It was fun because I started to track how long it took me to run certain distances and was looking at my improvement. It was also good because exercise is such a good way to clear my mind. I thought more about how exhausted I was running than about colleges!”

By getting really invested in something else, you won’t want to think about college—or have the time to. Plus, this could be a great time to uncover a hidden talent or to find a new passion, two things that will really help you pick a major to get into a certain club or activity once you do get to college.

4. Don’t overhype a certain school

One of the hardest parts of this waiting game is making sure you don’t build up your top schools too much. Overhyping schools means thinking you’ll definitely get accepted, thinking a certain school’s program is the only program suited for you or thinking being accepted into a certain school will make or break your entire life. This is definitely something to avoid doing when waiting on those decision letters.

Iris Goldsztajn, a junior at the University of California, Los Angeles, was very careful not to do this. “I didn't want to jinx it by thinking I'd get in,” she says. “I ended up being genuinely surprised/shocked that I got into UCLA.”

Overhyping a school is something that comes when you start to overthink. When you overthink getting into schools, you begin to idealize them and think that they’re the only option for you, and when you do this, you’re setting yourself up for potential disappointment.

College counselor Nina Wilmot suggests weighing the pros and cons of all of your colleges if you think you’re overhyping one. “Reminding yourself that there are good and bad things about each school you apply to is really important in waiting for college decisions,” she says. “I tell some of my students to literally write out the pros and cons of each school and program. Students should include things from location for internships to co-op opportunities at the school to the environment at the school. Forget about things like big names or minimum accepted GPAs, and concentrate on things that make the school unique.”

5. Channel your energy into extracurriculars or schoolwork

We know that pre-collegiettes are super busy, so maybe you don’t even have to come up with a new hobby to distract yourself from overthinking. Between your clubs, sports and schoolwork, you might not have time to think about college decision letters too much.

That was the situation for Sarah Yu, a student in the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. “I was already busy with lacrosse practices and games, so I didn't have the chance or time to worry about getting accepted or rejected to the seven colleges I applied for,” she says.

Keeping busy doesn’t just include after-school sports, either. Really invest yourself in your schoolwork as a way to stay busy. This is a great way to avoid the senior slump and to show colleges who may be checking in on your second-semester grades that you’re really invested in your schoolwork!

6. Practice yoga or meditation

Sometimes no matter how hard you try to distract yourself, you really just can’t. Whenever the stress really builds up, find a proven stress-relieving outlet like yoga or meditation.

“Yoga and meditation are huge de-stressors for me in college, and I can imagine they work really well in high school waiting on those college decisions, too,” says Sarah Watson, a senior at the California Institute of Technology. “I like it because I can’t push stressors out of my life, but yoga gives me an hour where I don’t need to think about them, and it really is calming.”

You don’t need to be a yoga master to try yoga or meditation, either. Download the Pocket Yoga app onto your phone to do yoga on the go, or check out the listings on your TV’s on-demand features for a more thorough workout. Try meditating whenever you worry too much about getting accepted into the right program or receiving enough of a scholarship from a certain school. Check out our article about how to meditate.

7. Use the power of positive thinking

It probably sounds really lame, but positive thinking really does have a lot of power and can make all of the difference when college decision letters are getting the best of you and your self-esteem.

Many pre-collegiettes worry about college acceptances because they begin to second-guess whether or not they are good enough to go to their top-choice school. Whenever your negative thoughts are bumming you out, just repeat over and over that you believe in yourself, and if that school doesn’t accept you, you still have the power to be successful. Channel the confidence that drove you to apply to that school in the first place.

Try hanging a poster in your room or locker at school that has your favorite positive-thinking mantra on it—you could even make it the background on your phone so you have it everywhere you go! Allow that mantra to be something you repeat over and over whenever you doubt yourself or whenever you feel like you’re not good enough.

And whenever you stop believing you’re good enough to be accepted into a school, write down a list of five (or more!) things that you know you can contribute to that school. It can be anything—stimulating class participation, being a friendly face for everyone on campus, kicking butt in intramurals or something else. Remember everything you put in your college application to convince the school to accept you, and start believing it yourself!

Remember: Once the applications and test scores are sent in and the interviews are over, there’s nothing more you can do to get you into college, so stressing over decision letters isn’t productive. By distracting yourself and concentrating on the here and now, you’ll be sure to have a way more enjoyable spring semester.

The Best Moments from the 2015 Golden Globes


We look forward to the Golden Globes every year: The irresistible combo of hilarious BFFs/co-hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. The unpredictable speeches of some of the most beloved actors in Hollywood. It’s usually just one big party, but we were pleasantly surprised by the way that this year’s honorees used their voices to speak for larger causes. In case you missed the show, we’ve rounded up the best moments from the 72nd annual ceremony.

Tina and Amy’s monologue

We had no doubt that they would deliver, but we especially loved their lack of hesitancy toward scoring a laugh at the expense of Bill Cosby, Emma Stone, George Clooney and anyone else they found to be a good target.

Billy Bob Thornton keeps it short and sweet

In a night full of long and at times exhausting speeches, we appreciated his ability to just say a quick, meaningful thanks and move on.

Naomi Watts' adorable ear tug

Did you catch Naomi tugging on her ear before she presented? We have a feeling she was saying a quick hello to her kiddos at home. So cute!

Jennifer Lopez and Jeremy Renner flirt it up

You never know how awkward these presenting pairs will turn out, but Jeremy Renner’s joke referencing J. Lo’s low-cut, cleavage-baring gown was well worth it.

HFPA President’s Standing Ovation

Rarely do we pay attention when the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s President makes his remarks, but Theo Kingma's refusal to accept recent attacks on freedom of speech earned him a standing ovation from not only the audience but us too!

Jared Leto wears a man braid

Because the man bun was so last year.

Prince dazzled on stage

We have no words.

Common’s call for understanding

Accepting for his song “Glory” with John Legend, Common put into words what we’ve all been feeling lately and encouraged us to stand together in the midst of continued racial unrest. And Chrissy Teigen made this face for some reason. 

The return of Ricky Gervais

It just wouldn’t be the Globes without Gervais showing up to roast a room full of beautiful, rich, and all around awesome celebrities. Will he ever learn? 

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris win at coupledom

Hey Anna, we'll take that helicopter if those plans change...

Maggie Gyllenhaal applauds complicated women

While many have been praising the wealth of roles for strong women on television, Gyllenhaal more appropriately credited roles for actual, complicated women. We agree that we’d much rather see roles for women like ourselves—multi-dimensional and authentic.

George Clooney gets oh-so-romantic

We have to admit we shed a tear when George, while being honored with the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award, uttered the most perfect sentences we’ve ever heard: “It’s a humbling thing when you find someone to love. Even better when you’ve been waiting your whole life.” Swoon!

And that's a wrap! What were your favorite moments from the Golden Globes, collegiettes?

Tiffany & Co. Ad Features Same Sex Couple—& It's Stunning


Tiffany & Co. brings a lot of glamorous things to mind: That iconic shade of blue, glitzy jewels and Audrey Hepburn. The company recently followed in the footsteps of brands like J.Crew,Nordstorm, Crate & Barrel and J.C. Penney as they debuted their first ever ad featuring a same sex couple. The ad captures a couple looking cozy on the steps of an apartment.

Even better, they’re a real life couple! We couldn’t be happier that high end brands are embracing the LGBQT+ community in their advertising. Linda Buckley, vice president of Tiffany & Co. North American PR told Elle.com, “Nowadays, the road to marriage is no longer linear, and true love can happen more than once with love stories coming in a variety of forms.”

The ad is part of a campaign featuring seven different couples, shot by fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh. Here’s to hoping that more fashion brands continue to follow this path!

#ManiMonday Sorority Edition: Kappa Delta


Kappa Delta ladies, this Monday we have an olive and pearl manicure that's edgy and fun! For this mani, you'll need to get some striping tape ($1.50)—or, you can cut out thin pieces of tape if you don't have any. 

For this look, I used Revlon Powder Puff ($5.08) and Essie Sew Psyched ($2.99). 

We will use the white polish as a base so paint each nail with Powder Puff. I had to do a couple coats on each nail because the polish is so translucent; do as many layers as you need to create an opaque white. Let your nail dry completely before you move on to the next step.

Start by cutting a piece of striping tape no longer than an inch. Place it vertically on your ring finger, slightly to the left side of the nail. Cut two more pieces and place them so that the tape forms the letter "K" for Kappa. Next we will place the tape to create the Greek symbol for Delta. Cut another piece of tape and place it horizontally on your middle finger, slightly to the tip of the nail. Cut two more pieces and place them so that the ends land on the first piece of tape and angle in so they make a point at your cuticle. It should look like a triangle when you're finished.

Using the olive green polish, carefully paint your ring and middle fingers so that the pieces of tape are covered. Blow on your nails, letting them dry for about a minute. Slowly begin pulling up the tape pieces and you'll see the designs you created! (Note: if you let the paint dry too long the polish will become sticky and smear into the white.)

On our thumb we will create a design that represents a dagger, one of Kappa Delta's symbols. This part is a bit more difficult so it is completely optional. Cut a piece of striping tape and place it vertically on your thumb, making sure it ends somewhere before the tip of the nail. Take two more pieces and place them in an upside-down, narrow "V." They should make a point right at the tip of your nail, and they should end about 2/3 of the way down. Lastly (and this is the hard part), cut an VERY tiny piece of tape and place it horizontally right on top of the open ends of the "V" to close the dagger. Again, carefully paint over the tape with the olive polish.

We're almost finished! To complete the look, take two pieces of tape and place them horizontally in the middle of your pinky and pointer nails. Take the olive polish and paint the top halves of both nails.

There you have it; your Kappa Delta mani is complete! The Revlon polish has a matte suede finish which creates a different and interesting look, so I chose not to use a topcoat. But it's totally up to you, because using a topcoat will help that mani last longer!

Now, go show off your innovative mani to your all your Kappa Delta sisters!

6 Ways to Shine at Spring Rush


It’s recruitment season! For collegiettes whose schools do spring recruitment, it’s time to prepare your elevator speech, choose your round outfits and send in those recommendations.

HC talked to Elizabeth C., founder of sorority sugar, a blog and resource for Greek women, about the ins and outs and spring recruitment, which can come in two forms: formal and informal. Formal recruitment is highly structured: You meet every chapter on campus for several rounds (think typical fall rush, but in the spring). Informal recruitment, however, is only for chapters with membership openings. There are often fewer rounds, and it is usually more casual. Most colleges do formal fall recruitment and informal spring recruitment, but many colleges do the opposite.

Regardless, though, the game’s the same. Read on for six surefire ways to dazzle at formal or informal spring recruitment!

1. Be your most radiant

First things first: Sororities are not judging you on looks alone, and any sorority that suggests otherwise is probably not one you want to join. That being said, your appearance is going to define the first impression you make when you walk into round one. Wrinkled clothing and un-brushed hair may signal to the sorority that you really don’t want to be there.

“The goal is to be well groomed, naturally glowing and attired in the required fashions for each round,” Elizabeth says. Most schools will have several rounds of recruitment, and there may be a dress code for each night – usually the last night will be more formal than the rest. Talk to your school’s Panhellenic council for the specifics, as this can depend on your school and whether or not your recruitment is considered formal or informal.

“If you look and feel your best, it reduces stress and allows you to be more self-confident,” Elizabeth says.

The goal is to look polished. Now’s not the time to try bright purple lips or a wacky, cool hairstyle. Keep it basic, but still you. Elizabeth recommends “simply styled hair, light makeup, manicured nails and figure-flattering clothes.”

2. Have a story that makes you stand out

During recruitment, you’re going to talk about yourself—a lot. “There will be questions regarding your achievements, activities, travels, family background, home state, etc.,” Elizabeth says. But keep in mind that each sorority is going to talk to and listen to hundreds of girls over the course of a week—so your goal is to be remembered.

“Have a few funny stories and several poignant moments from your life ready to share,” Elizabeth says. “Making a lasting impression on each sorority sister you speak with is vital. Have your personal package of information squared away in your head, and it will help you greatly.”

Figure out your talking points, and practice, practice, practice! Before you even walk into the sorority house or recruitment room, have a few stories ready to go. Did you found a super-successful business or club in high school? Talk about that. Are you from a foreign country? Talk about that. Anything that you can imagine that makes you stand out in a positive way is going to grab their attention and make you unforgettable!

3. Small-talk your heart out

If there is one make-or-break quality that sororities are looking for, it’s that you can hold a conversation comfortably and confidently. Sororities are looking for girls whom they could see themselves being sisters with, and that means looking for a certain amount of chemistry.

Elizabeth says, “The structure of a recruitment conversation goes like this: You will be asked a question by a sorority sister, you answer in a charming way while she listens, she will then relate to what you've said and hopefully you have something in common, then the two of you discuss the topic.” The sister you’re talking to will likely ask some follow-up questions, which can lead to new topics.

Now, this doesn’t mean you have to be super outgoing to shine during recruitment, but you’ll probably need to practice. Elizabeth recommends enlisting a best friend or roommate to practice these conversations. If you know your resume, you’ll already have talking points. Nod, look engaged and have great body language. Keep your arms uncrossed, make eye contact and nod often!

One absolute no-no? Yes/no questions. They’ll kill the conversation quickly. If one slips out, ask another open-ended question and drive the conversation elsewhere. Check out the top 18 things NOT to say during recruitment.

4. Don’t compare yourself to other potential new members (PNMs)

Formal recruitment can be very stressful—and the last thing you want to do is psych yourself out. We’re not gonna sugarcoat it: The other girls rushing are competing against you in a way, “but every PNM is unique in her own way,” Elizabeth says. “There is a sorority home for every type of girl, so being intimidated by others is not productive. Focus on your own attributes and make your own choices.”

Keep an open mind during recruitment. Push past any gossip or reputations you’ve heard about the sororities and try not to go in wanting only one chapter. Look for the sisterhood that you see yourself best connecting with. “Each PNM's experience will be different, so walk your own path and don't let other girls’ looks, opinions, successes or failures get in your head,” Elizabeth says.

You may end up in a sorority you never expected you’d end up in—but remember: Those are the girls who loved you during recruitment. Those girls thought you’d be a perfect match. Don’t be concerned with where your best friend ends up—chances are, you’ll love the sisterhood you’ve been matched with if you give it a chance!

5. Highlight what you can offer the sorority

Ask not what your sorority can do for you, but what you can do for your sorority! You already know going into rush what you’re going to get come bid day: tons of new sisters, some pretty awesome swag, a big, etc. But what are you going to give them? If you’re a valuable asset to a sorority, you’ll instantly stand out as a PNM.

“In conversation, share what talents you can bring to a chapter,” Elizabeth says. “How can you help them? Share your interest in leadership, your talent for finance or your experience in fundraising.”  These are the sorts of tidbits you can insert during small talk.

Make it clear to the sisters you’re talking to that you have interesting and useful talents that could potentially help the sorority. “For example, talk about your experience managing the social media for a local charity and how you would be thrilled to do the same for the sorority you join,” Elizabeth says. “If you are a talented artist, let the sororities know how much you would love to paint their banners and lawn letters.” Showing what you can offer the sorority will make a great impression.

6. Relax!

Sorority recruitment is a lot like applying to college: You have to accept a certain lack of control over the situation. You prepare your app, nail the interview and have great teacher recs—but at the end of the day, even if you were totally qualified for X University, you may have not made the cut. If you go into recruitment fully accepting this, you’re likely to be a lot less stressed.

Recruitment is a two-way street, meaning that you rank the chapters and the chapters rank you. However, there very well may be cuts that can’t be explained.

“As a PNM, you will be mystified by why a certain house didn't invite you back after a fabulous conversation with your favorite sister,” Elizabeth says. “A legacy may get the bid you wanted in your number one choice chapter. Your GPA may not be high enough for another sorority.”

All sororities have their own ways of choosing sisters, and you’ll only ever be privy to the rules of the house you finally end up in.

Elizabeth’s biggest advice? Trust the system. “Let the Panhellenic sorting hat do its thing and relax,” she says. “The PNM who accepts what happens each round shines brighter.” If you’re not on the invite list for your first choice house for round two, accept it and move on. Trust that you’ll love another chapter just as much, if not more.

Formal or informal, recruitment is stressful, but when it’s done, you’ll end up in a sisterhood that loves you! Take a deep breath and present your best self. You’ll definitely end up in the right place. 

Win the Coziest Cashmere Robe & More Loungewear Essentials!


Winter break is over (sniff) and while you were at home, you could get away with wearing your old sweats from high school and slightly tattered-but-beloved slippers around the house. Now that you’re back on campus, though, your winter break uniform just isn’t going to cut it.

So we’re going above and beyond to score you a head-to-toe look from Lemon, a line of simple-yet-sophisticated loungewear that proves elegant style can be completely practical, too. You’ll get a sleek, super soft Brushed Modal tank, an adorable pair of knitted mukluks that’ll keep you warm when you’re hanging out in the dorms and the most luxurious cashmere robe (worth $350!) that is just beyond. Whether you’re cozying up in the common room to get a head-start on your workload this semester (read: indulging in a Netflix binge session), hanging out with your dorm besties or just winding down after a long day of classes, there’s no chicer or more comfortable way to relax.

Enter for your chance to win the entire set—worth $430 total!—below:

Fill out my online form.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Married


Some of us spent the past several years carefully curating a wedding inspiration board on Pinterest; others may not have even given marriage much of a thought. Whether you already have a ring on your finger or you’re still looking for your better half, marriage is a subject you might be faced with sooner than you think after college. But could marriage be the wrong move for you?

We talked to experts for reasons why you shouldn’t get married—and what to do if you and your SO are taking that next step.

1. You’re getting married because you feel like you’re running out of time

Maybe your biological clock is ticking, or you’ve been a bridesmaid in one too many weddings and you feel like getting married is what you’re supposed to be doing, too. You might even be dealing with family and friends who are urging you to settle down. These external pressures can unintentionally convince you that your partner now is the right one for you, or even push you to jump into a relationship with the first person you can grab a hold of.

Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a psychology professor at California State University, Los Angeles, says it’s important to figure out why you want to get married.

“Take a step back and reflect on your motivations—are you doing this for you or your family?” Durvasula says. “Is this the right man for you, or your mom? Is it because everyone else is getting married and you don't want to be left behind? What does marriage mean to you?”

Even if you’re engaged, Rutgers University graduate and soon-to-be-married Kristen Kraemer believes that it’s important to enjoy the engagement period, not only to leave time to prepare, but also to make sure you’re not rushing into marriage.

“It’s important not to rush because you never want to rush something that’s as important as important … as marriage,” she explains. “Whether you’ve been dating for two years, six years or six months, you always want to make sure what you’re doing is right for you, and taking time to think is never a bad thing.”

2. You think marriage will change your partner

They say love is blind—and marriage consultant and coach Lesli Doares agrees. Whether you see the red flags your partner is putting up or not, when you’re in love with him or her, Doares says it can cloud your judgment.

Doares adds that some people think tying the knot with their partner will help those red flags disappear; maybe you feel that taking the next step will put your SO that much closer to wanting the big family you do, or that saying your vows will convince him or her to prioritize you in his or her life. This, Doares says, is a big sign that you shouldn’t be getting married.

Durvasula agrees, saying, “Most of the women I have interviewed in the aftermath of acrimonious divorces have told me they knew during the engagement that they were making a mistake, that he was already showing signs of being a liar, selfish, unkind, secretive, unfaithful, narcissistic or a bully.”

If you see any major obstacles either in the relationship or in your partner but you’re still trying to make it work, address those issues first. For some, that might simply mean a discussion—for others, it could mean couples’ therapy.

“Some of the most powerful clinical work is done with [the couples] as they learn tools they take into their lives together, rather than learning these tools down the road to fix larger problems, or figuring out later that they are not a good match,” Durvasula says.

Relationship and marriage expert Susanne Alexander says that gaining good communication skills early on can do a lot to help a marriage thrive.

“Marriage is about creating lifelong companionship, not about fixing what is wrong in each other,” Alexander says. “When couples have the necessary knowledge and skills and know each other well enough to be confident of their compatibility, then marriage has a better chance of being happy and lasting.”

3. Your friends and family are against it

The decision to get married is yours alone, but when you’re in the throes of a relationship, it’s possible you’re not necessarily ignoring the red flags, but missing them altogether. Sure, your mother may have only met your SO on the few times the two of you flew home for holidays or breaks, but she may have caught signs—both in your SO’s behavior or yours—that give her insight you might not be recognizing.

“We’ll try to downplay things we shouldn’t ignore,” Doares says. “When we want something, we don’t necessarily take an objective look at the obstacle.”

That’s why it’s important to listen (objectively!) to your friends and family, even if you don’t want to hear what they have to say; you might be able to see the relationship from a different perspective. That being said, do keep in mind that perspective works both ways. You might not be seeing what they see, but they aren’t seeing what you see either, so it’s up to you to take all that information into account and make the best decision for you.

4. Marriage feels like it should be the next step

There are several key milestones you hit over the course of a relationship: You define the relationship, have your first anniversary, meet the parents, move in together. Marriage is what’s supposed to come next, right?

Doares cautions against this mindset.

“We’ve been together for two or three years or four years and this is the next step, or we’re living together, and why not get married,” she says, citing the reasoning she often hears. “It’s almost like happenstance instead of intentionally making the decision to take this next step of life.”

If you and your SO are in a serious enough relationship for you to be thinking about marriage, consider bringing the topic up—and making sure the two of you are on the same page when it comes to your future together.

“Lots of times people do not ask their partners the toughest of questions or take them on adequately because they are afraid of the answers,” Durvasula says. “Ask the hard questions now, and don't let him put you off.”

5. You’re more excited about the wedding than you are about being married

This isn’t to say that wanting to have a glamorous wedding and a perfect day surrounded by all your friends and family is wrong, but it’s important that you don’t let your excitement over the wedding overshadow the real meaning of why you’re getting married.

Alexander advises against putting the main focus on the wedding itself.

“Marriages that happen without careful thought and preparation, with more focus on a lavish wedding ceremony than the quality of the marriage… are highly likely to end in divorce,” she says.


Getting married is a huge, life-changing event, so it’s important not to rush the process and to recognize the reasons why you want to get married. No matter how well-planned your wedding is (on Pinterest, that is), how loudly your biological clock is ticking or how strongly you feel about spending the rest of your life with your SO, make sure you’re asking both yourself and your partner the right questions before you say, “I do.”

How She Got There: Christy Ferer, Founder & CEO of Vidicom


Name: Christy Ferer
Job and Description: Founder and CEO of Vidicom
Website: www.vidicom.com

What does your current job entail? Is there such a thing as a typical day?

Christy Ferer: Right now I am the founder of CEO of Vidicom, so that means I try at all costs to resist micromanaging! I’m still very much involved in the content we turn out here and a little bit in sales and ideas. Every day I come in and I talk to the heads of my [sales and production] teams and see what they need from me. Then I’m also networking within the business community and the media community to see how we can create new plans and platforms for our content.

So overall I’m checking in with my team, meeting new people and finding new ways to distribute our content.

What is the best part of your job?

CF: The best part of my job is dealing with “young predators” as we call them—they produce, they edit, they write, they shoot. When I was a reporter, I didn’t have most of those skills because I could tell the story but I couldn’t edit and I couldn’t shoot, and those are two-thirds of the battle.

So my greatest joy is seeing these kids really getting to go full circle and to get the story and shoot it, edit it, report it and write it.

What is one thing you wish you knew about your industry when you first started out that you know now?

CF: The media industry has changed so much that there’s nothing I know now that would’ve helped me then! There are two other things though. One thing is if I really knew the importance of having a beat, I would’ve tried harder to carve out a niche (like politics or lifestyle). Eventually that came for me, but not so much when I started.

Second, I was always afraid of self-promotion. But when you’re storytelling in a unique way, especially with your face on it, you should allow yourself some time to take credit for the stories you report. You should never be the story ever, but you shouldn’t shy away from publicity from the stories and the reporting and the breaks that you made. I never pursued that and I wish I had.

What words of wisdom do you find most valuable?

CF: “It’s not so much the story; it’s how you tell it.” Life is more interesting than fiction, and you just have to dig it out. I also feel in telling stories in video, you do everything you can to make something that’ll make someone smile, cry or laugh. You want to tell people something they don’t know, and you want to affect them in some way.

What has been the most surreal moment of your career thus far?

CF: When you report, you cover everything from popes to presidents to other crazy, crazy things, but one of the most interesting things I did was actually for a client. I got to report from the Great Wall of China during the first fashion show there. To be in China in the late 1980s was very adventuresome. It wasn’t just about telling the story; it was about delivering the story, especially because we had to go through censors, and we had to deal with them so that we could get the live video out in a timely way. It was almost like being a war correspondent in civilized territory!

I ended up having to send my videotapes down the Great Wall of China to a messenger, who then motored them to Beijing for uplink on a satellite. It was pretty funny since it was only fashion, too!

What do you look for when considering hiring someone?

CF: Somebody who’s very entrepreneurial and proactive. For example, we were just looking for a “predator” (the person who’s trained in everything). I personally vet everyone since I’m stringent with my news standards. I just interviewed someone I ended up hiring because she not only wrote the story, but she also voiced it and edited it, so it showed me she was proactive, entrepreneurial and [willing to go] beyond the call of duty. She also had a passion for what she was doing.
What advice would you give to a 20-something with similar aspirations?

CF: Don’t be afraid to fail. I can’t tell you how jobs I wasn’t offered, how many jobs I failed at. You just try different directions and different niches. You don’t give up.

And fail upward! Failure is the best kind of inspirational fuel ever.

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The Top 8 Pre-Fall 2015 Collections


Each year, the fashion community comes together in the fashion capitals of the world for their Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter collections—but there's another season that deserves our attention: Pre-Fall. Over the past several weeks, our favorite designers have been releasing their Pre-Fall 2015 collections, and below, you'll find our favorites. Start getting your wishlists ready!

1. Alexander Wang

Alexander Wang’s latest, slightly grungy collection is definitely not one to miss. From boxy jackets to this army green slip dress, Wang’s collection had a militaristic feel to it. But leave it to Wang to also add a provocative and sultry dimension to his collection. His use of fishnet tights and leather offered a fresh take on the classic utilitarian trend. We'll take two of everything, please!

2. Oscar de la Renta

If there’s one fashion label that knows how to dress a woman, it’s Oscar de la Renta. With a plethora of beaded gowns, bright floral prints and fur shawls, Peter Copping, creative director, kept with de la Renta’s signature feminine looks in this collection. Even after the beloved designer passed away in October, his legacy still carries on in this beautiful Pre-Fall collection.

3. Chloé 

Evoking '60s vibes, this French fashion label brought out the chic boot cut trousers and turtlenecks that are so emblematic of its brand. But while the trousers and turtlenecks were gorgeous, the true highlight of the collection were the silk blouses that could rival those seen during the Woodstock era. Coming in paisley, beige and even lace, these feminine tops can be dressed up or down for occasion.

4. Versace 

If we had to choose only three words to describe Versace’s most recent collection, they would have to be: prints, prints, and more prints. Donatella’s lively colors and prints made for a great Pre-Fall collection, and we’re definitely keeping an eye out for when this electric blue sweater dress hits stores... so we can window shop, of course.  

5. Vera Wang

Known for her beautiful wedding dresses, Vera Wang took a different turn for this collection. Wang created a feminine yet grungy look with her fur coats, pleated skirts and over-the-top textures. We also are head over heels for the messy, bandana-adorned hairstyle that all the models rocked!

6. Altuzarra 

In this collection, Joseph Altuzarra seemed to be inspired by a completely different season of the year: hunting season. Influenced by the traditional attire worn by explorers and hunters, Altuzarra opted for muted colors. To further keep in line with his theme, the designer had each model wear a neat chignon and a sleek cat eye. 

7. Mugler 

David Koma is back in black with his latest collection for Mugler. Full of mostly black or jewel-toned fabrics, the collection features sleek coats and unique touches such as metal-rimmed holes in the skirts. While these looks were simple, they were the farthest thing from plain.

8. Christian Dior

East meets West in Dior's latest collection! Raf Simons created 63 gorgeous looks that resembled something out of a futuristic anime show. The collection stood out more and more as each sequined turtleneck and brilliant fairisle sweater went down the runway. We also love the unique anime-inspired makeup and hair. While we probably won’t be able to wear that same hairstyle to class, Simon’s work at Dior is definetely one to remember.

Which collection will you be adding to your lust list?

The 5 New Year’s Resolutions Every College Girl Should Make


2015 is finally here, and it feels like it’s about to be a special year – we’re already feeling a little older, a little wiser and a whole lot more futuristic. Best part? It’s a chance for a fresh start on making positive changes. Still, chances are that after you counted down on New Year’s Eve and watched the ball drop in Times Square, you probably made a few promises you can’t keep (or worse, didn’t make any resolutions at all). This year, pick resolutions you can stick to that’ll make 2015 your best year yet!

These easy resolutions are everything you need to start (and end!) the year with a bang.

1. Put your best face forward

Vow to make this year the one where you shine, inside and out. Of course, the key to rocking that confidence is feeling your best, which means you have to treat yourself right! With everything else that’s taking up your time, your body – and your skin in particular – just isn’t getting the attention it deserves. Take matters into your own hands – use the Proactiv+ 3-Step System to put your best face forward this year!

The Skin Smoothing Exfoliator, Pore Targeting Treatment and Complexion Perfecting Hydrator feature more medicine and more skincare benefits, plus a new, smarter way to target acne, so you’ll show off your healthiest complexion yet (we’re obsessed!). Plus you can actually afford it (less than $30 per month for a fresher face is something your budget can handle).

2. Pick back up a hobby you’ve lost

Ever since you arrived on campus your first day of freshman year, you’ve picked up a thousand and one new activities; between clubs, intramural sports, out-of-the-box homework assignments, hanging with roomies and friends and exploring your college town, you’ve got a ton going on. With all those new activities on our hands (and our schedules), though, it’s nearly impossible to keep up the things that used to make us who we were – playing tennis or swimming, reading for fun at all hours, baking desserts, discovering new underground bands, practicing the guitar… we could go on and on. Make a pact to pick up one of your favorite lost hobbies this year, and work it into your schedule every week. After a while, it’ll feel natural again, and you’ll gain back that bit of your old self you’ve been missing!

3. Make a plan

We’re all about the future these days – after all, 2015 is the year that Doc and Marty travel to in Back to the Future (sorry not sorry for our nerdiness). We may not have hover cars yet, but we dare to dream – and better yet, we dare to make some serious future plans. Figure out what your next big move is going to be; maybe you’re choosing a study abroad destination, applying to internships or even researching jobs and cities to live in after graduation. Whatever your next chapter is, make a resolution now to give it your all. Create a list with the steps needed to reach the goal, then plan out when this year you’ll have to accomplish each smaller goal or step to reach it. 2015 is about to get a whole lot more ambitious (and exciting)!

4. Conserve your cash

Money flows out like water in college – between tuition, rent, books, study snacks and everything else you use to have fun (A car? Movie tickets? Fancy restaurant meals?), you’ll be hard pressed to actually save any money you might make from part-time jobs or babysitting. Still, the cash you’re spending now could come in handy later on, so why not try your best to pocket some? Even saving $20-50 a week can make a huge difference by the end of the year!

Keep track of your spending with a finance management app like Mint to see where all your money’s going, then make a plan to start saving more and more each month. Maybe you cut down on coffee costs by brewing it in your dorm or grabbing some for free in the dining hall. Maybe you plan to see only one movie a month instead of two, or you have more girls’ nights in with popcorn and Netflix (win-win situation). You’ll feel better knowing you’re taking control of your cash and keeping as much as you can for when you need it most!

5. Take a trip

Unless you’re about to study abroad (yay you!), chances are you’re going to spend a whole lot of time on campus or at home this year – after all, college students aren’t exactly known for having the means (or the time) to travel across the world on flights of fancy (Sad, we know). Decide on a trip to take this year – it could be something as wild and crazy as a month-long backpacking trip abroad or as simple as a weekend road trip with your roommates – whatever it is, you’ll want to start saving and make plans early. It’s the resolution you won’t want to miss – now’s the time to see new places (future home cities?) and meet new people along the way!

With these resolutions, make 2015 your best year yet. Look fabulous, feel fabulous and make fabulous plans – however you spend your year, know that you’re treating yourself to one fantastic 2015.

Top 10 Tina & Amy Moments from Last Night's Golden Globes


Well, they did it again. Last night’s Golden Globe Awards was once again hosted by our favorite funny female duo Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. With their strongest opening monologue yet, they received endless laughs and a few gasps from the star-studded audience. Between their clever jokes and costume changes, they only left people wanting one thing... MORE. Let's face it, these two hilarious and talented women can make anything better. Here are our top 10 "TinAmy" moments from the 72nd Golden Globes!

1. Oprah brought everyone cranberry scented candles—well not really

Early in the monologue Tina expressed her excitement over being in the presence of the one and only Oprah Winfrey, joking that “She has put a cranberry candle under all of your seats!” This got a big laugh, especially from Ms. Winfrey herself. In fact, it wouldn't be surprising to find out that some people actually glanced under their seats, just to be sure.

2. Emma Stone is actually a famous "Big Eyes" painting

If anyone can embrace being the object of a joke, it’s the adorable Emma Stone. It was actually her famous large green eyes that took the hit, when Poehler claimed that one of the paintings from the new Tim Burton movie Big Eyes was on display at the show. Instead it turned out to be a surprised Emma Stone laughing at herself. 

3. Becoming a human woman isn't easy

After acknowledging Steve Carell, Tina explained how it took 2 hours to create his look for the character in the film Foxcatcher. She poked fun at herself for taking even longer to get her own look together, as well as hinting at the expectations for women to maintain typical beauty standards. Even so, both hosts looked flawless in their many dresses... and a tux. 

4. Julia Louis-Dreyfus won’t leave Tina Fey alone

We all know that Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Tina Fey are buds (Julia even played Tina's character Liz Lemon in an episode of 30 Rock), which is why it was even funnier when Fey called her out Mean Girls style. Tina claimed she was obsessed with her and that they weren't even friends while Julia played along in the audience.

5. When they told it like it is

The film Selma, about Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights movement, has been getting a lot of buzz—and for the right reasons. This powerful film highlights an issue that is still relevant today. In light of recent events these past months, Fey used a little bit of sarcasm to emphasize the fact that not enough has changed when it comes to racial discrimination.

6. A quick game of “Would You Rather?”

Who wouldn't wanna play a game of "Would you Rather" with these ladies? The key to their friendship may be their differing taste in men, but it also may be the fact that in the words of Tina, "They have been friends for almost 50 years." All jokes aside, Tina seemed to be very sure of her choice as she professed her love for actor Chris Pine. I mean, can you blame her?

7. Amy likes it Ruffalo

In yet another round of "Who Would You Rather?" the choices were Ed Norton or Mark Ruffalo. Tina chose Ed for his method acting, while Amy chose Mark because she "likes it Ruffalo."

8.  Some Cosby controversy

People were wondering whether or not Tina and Amy would go there, and boy did they. With the Bill Cosby rape allegations all over the news, it was just a matter of time before someone really called him out... in front of the entire entertainment industry. The joke started off with Amy saying, "And Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with Bill Cosby." It didn't end there. Both comedians tried out their own Cosby impressions (They should probably stick to Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin), getting both laughs and groans from the audience. Some people feel that the joke went to far, while others are defending the fact that they made the joke to call out and shame Cosby himself, rather than make a joke about rape. The important thing is to recognize that both these women identify strongly as feminists who also publicily support organizations that help victims of sexual assault. 

9. The best feminist joke possibly ever

The hosts took another swing at George Clooney this year, but this time with a positive motive. They took the time to praise Clooney's new wife, Amal Almuddin, for her work as a human rights lawyer. After naming all her achievements, they finished off with a line about how even after all Amal has done, it's her husband who is geting the a lifetime achievement award. Of course Clooney is a talented actor with a respected career, but that shouldn't be any more celebrated than his wife's accomplishments. Tina and Amy found a great way to make a lighthearted joke out of the fact that men are often still praised more for their achievements than women. Bravo ladies!

10. Meryl Streep summed it all up

After hosting three successful years in a row, it's time for TinAmy to pass along the torch to someone new. Multiple Golden Globe winner Meryl Streep wrapped up the last award of the night by saying, "I just wanna say how much we are going to miss Tina and Amy... oh my God." We feel the exact same way, Meryl.

ICYMI, be sure to catch the entire opening monologue, below!

12 Signs You're Olaf From 'Frozen'


It's almost impossible not to love Olaf, the perpetually happy snowman from Frozen and possibly the cutest cartoon character of all time. Here are 12 signs that you're everyone's favorite Frozen character! 

1. You find happiness in the simple things.

2. Especially hugs.

3. You rarely meet a person you don't like.

4. You're always smiling. 

5. You don't get worried easily.

6. Although you are easily distracted.

7. Sometimes it takes you a while to catch up.

8. You're a hopeless romantic.

9. You can be a bit of a drama queen.

10. Although you may not be the sharpest crayon in the box,

11. You have a huge heart.

12. And you'd do anything for the people you care about.

Vaseline Hacks for Your Face, Hair & Body


Chances are, there's a tub, tube or bottle of Vaseline somewhere in your bathroom or buried in your purse. Besides being the ultimate, no-fail lip balm, Vaseline has many other beauty tricks up its sleeve. We've got plenty of ways for you to use Vaseline in your everyday beauty routine, so next time, go ahead and buy that extra-large tub.


Stunning earrings quickly lose their appeal when it hurts just to put them in. Before putting in your bling, rub some Vaseline where your piercing is. The balm will help ease any pain, especially when it comes to those heavy studs.


If you're out of eyebrow liner or just out of time, a quick and light coat of Vaseline will define your brows just as well. Warm up a dab in between your fingers and gently brush your brows up and out. The Vaseline will also nourish and protect your brows—perfect if you're trying to grow them out!

Cream makeup

Want to achieve that natural makeup look that we all work so hard (read: too hard) to get? The secret is Vaseline. Turn your powder blush into a cream blush, which will dilute the color for a subtle flush. Or, make a champagne eyeshadow into a luminizer to highlight your cheekbones. You can even transform your lipstick into a tinted lip balm for more natural color. Get where we're going with this?


You've got to hand it to the Kardashians. Those ladies own sleek ponytails. Next time you want the same polished look, comb a tiny amount of Vaseline into your hairline to easily banish those pesky baby hairs.

Split ends

We all get split ends, there's no denying that. We can, however, make them disappear with a little miracle balm on the ends. Just as you would use a hair serum or oil, apply Vaseline (sparingly, so your hair doesn't look greasy!) to hide that you missed your last hair appointment.

Hair dye 

Dying your hair is one thing. Accidentally dying the skin around your hairline is another. Make sure this never has a chance of happening again by putting a thick layer of Vaseline around your hairline to soak up any rogue hair dye. This is a situtation where coloring inside the lines definitely applies.


Going through expensive bottles of perfume too quickly? Rub some Vaseline into your pulse points before spraying your perfume, and the scent will hold longer through the day, which means less perfume wasted!


If you've ever put on lotion after shaving and felt your legs burning, you'll want to switch to Vaseline. The non-irritating and hypoallergenic formula is great for sensitive skin. Also, pertoleum jelly will lend a hint of glow to your legs, making them look slim, long and toned—win. 

Dry skin

Vaseline jelly is well known for its power to heal dry skin. Apply to rough knees and elbows for soft, touchable skin. Rub on cracked heels before putting on socks to lock in moisture. Soften dry cuticles and hands. And don't forget your lips! 

What's your favorite way to use Vaseline?

How to Deal When Your Boyfriend’s Not a Feminist


Your boyfriend is truly amazing, and you’re perfect together… but sometimes, he doesn’t think twice about letting out a little sexist comment. He doesn’t realize it, but it can be offensive to your feminist ideals. Or maybe you’ve tried explaining feminism to him and he rejected the concept for some reason that evades you. Whatever the reasoning (or lack thereof) behind his attitude, it bothers you that he doesn’t support you in this way. Luckily, we’re here to help you make sense of this situation.

The situation: He misunderstands feminism

Even when we don’t realize it, feminism is a big part of our lives as modern collegiettes. We’re no longer pursuing our “MRS degrees,” and our world is getting closer and closer to embracing gender equality. We aren’t quite there yet, and this comes through in your boyfriend’s macho banter.

If your boyfriend tells or laughs at sexist jokes, he might just not realize that he’s being inappropriate. But if he undermines the concept of feminism specifically, this could be based on the all-too-common misconception that feminists are man-hating, domineering, cold women.

“It’s important to remember that just because a college woman’s boyfriend – or any other male peer – misunderstands feminism doesn’t necessarily mean he’s anti-feminist,” says Julie Zeilinger, author of A Little F’d Up: Why Feminism Is Not A Dirty Word and feminist blogger. Instead, Zeilinger says, it’s important to understand that “men today are raised in a culture that largely promotes (false) anti-feminist stereotypes, such as that feminists hate men or want power over men (rather than equality), which may lead them to be skeptical of the movement or people who associate with it.”

How to deal

“Just because [your boyfriend] may have been raised this way doesn’t necessarily mean that [he is] sexist,” Zeilinger says. “It more likely means that [he] probably [hasn’t] been exposed to the truth about the feminist movement.” As his girlfriend, you have the power to change this. College is for learning, after all!

When you bring up the subject, make sure you’re not angry at him. “You should always tackle a testy subject once you have cooled down,” says Laurel House, a dating coach and author of Screwing the Rules: The No-Games Guide to Love. “If you snap back or attack, absolutely nothing you say will be heard. It’s best to bring it up later that day or even the next day.” Proper timing is crucial if you want your boyfriend to truly reevaluate his beliefs about feminism.

One issue might be that he thinks there are no inequalities to fight in such a progressive setting as a university campus. “However, various types of inequality and discrimination are also present in the college setting – like, just to name one example, the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields/academic departments,” Zeilinger says. “In the face of this persistent inequality, feminism is as relevant as ever.”

If you tell your SO this and the other reasons why you identify as a feminist, he should understand where you’re coming from and hopefully rally to your cause!

Finally, if you’re unsure how to explain the concept of feminism to him, start with Zeilinger’s simple and effective definition: “Feminism is, on the most basic level, a movement that pursues social, political and economic equality.” But how does this apply to you? “Feminism is especially relevant for college women because college is a time to figure out who you are, what you’re interested in and what you want to pursue – all tenants of independence and self-realization that are inherently feminist,” Zeilinger says. In other words, if he supports your right to personal and professional growth, he unknowingly supports feminism already. It just needed to be clarified!

The situation: He is openly against feminism

Emily Schulz, a senior at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, says her last boyfriend openly disapproved of feminism.

“I am a women's studies minor and a very outspoken feminist,” Emily says. “He was a conservative business major. I knew from the start we would never last based on our fundamental differences, but when we kept the conversation light, we had a lot of fun together.”

Feminism plays a central role in Emily’s life, and she wanted to share this with her SO, but he remained unreceptive. “There was one time when I knew we had to end our relationship,” she says. “I brought up something I'd read in various research studies for one of my women's studies classes. He continued to dispute anything I said, and in the end, simply said, ‘I think that information is wrong,’ as though all of my research and the scholars' findings that I was citing were flat-out made-up lies.”

There are two problems with Emily’s situation: First, her boyfriend undermined entirely legitimate facts and research findings. Second, he was unwilling to support his partner in an area that was so central to her whole belief system.

“After a while, he would just say that he didn't care and wished politics only revolved around the important stuff – meaning the economy – and that the social issues just distracted from that. Which, again, undervalues feminism and social justice,” Emily says.

You shouldn’t have to stand for any behavior or speech that belittles who you are or what you believe in – not ever, but especially not coming from a significant other.

How to deal

First off, you need to draw the line between unintentionally offensive banter and beliefs that just cannot align with your own. The harsh reality is that if your try to educate your boyfriend about feminism and he continues to subscribe to sexist ideals, he probably isn’t worth having in your life. In this case, you should probably break things off.

“At the end of the day, you should be with someone who makes your life better – who challenges you, who makes you a better version of yourself and makes you happy,” Zeilinger says. “I don’t believe any relationship in which one partner belittles another or believes [he’s] better than another can meet those qualifications.”

As an ambitious and independent woman, the last thing you need is someone ridiculing your core values. If your partner makes you feel this way, he’s a poor excuse for a partner. You deserve to be in a respectful, equal relationship, and if this guy can’t see that, you are SO much better on your own.

The situation: He follows a double standard

A guy might insist on paying for your dinner to show you he cares, but not accept that you pay for the same reasons. In this case he means well, but it might make you uncomfortable, as was the case for Naomi*, a recent graduate from Northwestern University.

“The guy I'm dating is super into paying for everything, and it took a while for him to come around,” Naomi says. “He would assure me that wanting to pay was just how he liked to take care of the women he dated and an important way, for him, to show that he cared.”

Naomi’s partner identifies as a feminist, but apparently not in this way. “He'd say things like paying for our dates had everything to do with being the man he wanted to be and nothing to do with the woman he thought I should be, and insisted that he didn't want me to feel any pressure,” Naomi explains.

Although Naomi felt uncomfortable, this guy clearly respected her as a person and as a feminist. However, there are instances when your SO could follow an [unacceptable] double standard, such as always wanting to know your whereabouts without disclosing his, getting jealous of you talking to other guys but flirting with other girls himself or thinking your sexual number says more about you than his says about him.

How to deal

If you are in a caring, balanced and understanding relationship, your partner will ultimately be happy to compromise to meet your needs.

Naomi eventually told her SO how she felt. “I went with it for a while, but eventually had to sit down and discuss with him that it made me uncomfortable and that I would love to split things more evenly in the future,” Naomi says. “After hearing my side of things, we did just that. It was easy as that.”

Before jumping to conclusions, try to make him aware of his behavior. “Communicate how it makes you feel when he hounds you for information, but seems to hide his whereabouts,” House says. “Reverse the situation for him. How would it make him feel if you constantly questioned what he was up to, but didn’t reveal what you did during your alone time? Relationships should be even, with fair and level expectations.”

If he cares about you, he will understand where you’re coming from and adapt accordingly, but if he openly rejects your argument, you should be very concerned. His attitude could be “indicative of abusive behavior,” Zeilinger says. “Tolerating abusive behavior, or any behavior which positions your partner as having or deserving more power than you in the relationship, is unacceptable.” You should break up with someone like this or speak to a school counselor if you don’t feel able to do it alone.

The situation: He treats you as inferior

There is a clear difference between a nice guy who speaks without a filter and someone who obviously thinks of you as inferior. Karina Reddy, a recent graduate from Boston University, was once seeing a guy who asked her to come hang out with his friends because she made him “look good” – a comment that makes us grind our teeth. “I felt objectified, and it made me feel, along with other things he'd said, that he thought women were there to sit next to him looking pretty to impress his friends,” Karina says.

You do not deserve to – and should never – accept any kind of patronizing, belittling or objectification. If your gender changes the way someone treats you, then that person is not one you want in your life.

How to deal

Some things can be tolerated, but lack of respect is not one of them. “As long as your boyfriend or male friend clearly respects you as an individual, cares about what you think and treats you with kindness, then it may be okay to take some tough behavior or macho joking with a grain of salt,” Zeilinger says.

As in the case of double standards, “it’s unacceptable if it’s not clear to you that this person [respects] you,” Zeilinger says. “If your boyfriend treats you like [his] property and makes it clear that [he’s] in control and [is] more important in some way, then that is a clear indicator that your relationship is unhealthy.” Here too, you should get yourself out of this potentially dangerous situation or seek out help to do so.

So many people misunderstand the essence of feminism, but the vast majority of them can be swayed by a proper explanation, including your boyfriend. If he’s smart, he’ll understand the relevance of this theory. If he cares about you, he’ll embrace your value system and respect you all the more for it. But if he insists on keeping up his sexist ways, it’s probably time to let him go (and dodge a bullet). Good luck, collegiettes!

11 New Year's Resolutions You'll Actually Keep


You may not believe it when you check Instagram, but even that girl who decided to go on a Paleo diet is struggling. It's easy to jump on the "New Year, new me" bandwagon, but wasn't old you awesome? Yes; yes, she was. So why not try some more reasonable New Year's resolutions that you'll actually keep?

1. You will watch more hours of Friends per day than hours you sleep.

Who needs to make new friends in 2015 when you've got a great group right on Netflix?

2. You will schedule fake "meetings" so that you can nap instead of doing anything productive. 

It's the best way to ensure that you get more rest in 2015.

3. You will clean out your closet so you can fill it with things that you probably won't ever wear. 

Out with the old, in with the trendy articles of clothing you'll feel too stupid to wear in a week. 

4. You will buy beauty products that cost way too much in the name of putting your best face forward in 2015, but you'll also forget about them in a week. 

What? You're just sticking to the old saying, "Less is more." 

5. You will go to the gym every day—at least for a week or two—but you will also complain about it every day. 

Did you really go to the gym if you didn't spend an hour on the couch screaming, "My arms! They're falling off!" afterwards? We didn't think so. 

6. You will eat healthily, but only if you can tell everyone how hungry you are. 

"Ugh! Don't eat that in front of me; I'm starving." 

7. You will delete your ex's number out of your phone... but remember it by heart so that you can put it back in when you're feeling lonely. 

Because if he isn't good for a booty call in 2015, what is he good for?

8. You will add push-ups into your daily regimen. By push-ups you mean the pops, not the exercise.

It's 2015, and it's time to TREAT YO SELF. 

9. You will try to judge people less. The key word is try. You didn't say how hard. 

Maybe you'll try *silently* judging. 

10. You will feel guilty about not making the effort to dress up for class, but then remind yourself that you are just living life like Beyoncé. #flawless

"If that boy in chem can't love me at my worst, he doesn't deserve me at my best."—Every girl trying to justify wearing pajamas to class

11. After a rough night, you will vow never to drink again, but then remind yourself not to make promises you can't keep. 

It's better to be honest with yourself than to go on living a lie. 


Now that you've got your resolutions in order, go out there and stick to every single one of them. Seriously, it shouldn't be hard. 

The Best & Worst Looks from the 2015 Golden Globes Awards


Despite how much we loathe winter, the season does have one redeeming quality: It's award season! And sure, we want to know which films and actors score big, but let's be real, we're really tuning in for the exquisite display of fashion. Between the flowing gowns and sparkling jewels, there's just so much to ogle. Sunday's Golden Globes were no exception—all of the glitz and glamour was in full swing (as it should be). Here's a recap of the best and worst looks from the evening.

Best Dressed

Reese Witherspoon in Calvin Klein

Reese Witherspoon always brings her style A-game to the red carpet, so it was no surprise that she looked gorgeous! We're getting an old Hollywood glamour feel with this shimmery stunner.

Allison Williams in Armani Privé

Normally, we'd think that tons of ruffles and cascading layers would a bad thing, but the Girls star totally rocks this gown. The vermillion red complements her fair skin tone, and her slicked-back curls perfectly tie the whole ensemble into a retro Barbie look.

Emily Blunt in Michael Kors

Emily Blunt's Grecian gown is simple, but it goes a long way! The criss-cross detail prevents the dress from looking boring, plus she wore just the right amount of jewelry!

Lupita Nyong'o in Giambattista Valli couture

Ever since her red carpet debut at last year's Oscars, Lupita Nyong'o hasn't disappointed us with her fashion decisions. This springy gown is dramatic in all the right ways. The purple hues and cascading flower details are just beautiful, plus we love how the cut shows off her enviable arms!

Anna Kendrick in Monique Lhuillier

Anna Kendrick looks like royalty in this gorgeous gown. The nude-colored tulle and maroon embellishments dazzle together, making this Into the Woods star look like a real princess!

Worst Dressed

Katherine Heigl in Zac Posen

We love the deep blue shade of Katherine's dress, but the overall shape looks stiff and the giant ruffle at the bottom drapes oddly.

Rosamund Pike in Vera Wang

Although this Gone Girl star's gown has a unique design, it ultimately ends up looking too loose-fitting. We were seriously worried Rosamund's dress was going to fall at any second!

Lena Dunham in Zac Posen

Though we like the asymmetrical, high-low hem of Lena's dress, the satin material and boxy fit make her a bit frumpy.

Lana Del Rey in vintage Travilla

Between the wavy hairdo and pleated seafoam-colored gown, Lana Del Rey is practically channeling Ariel from the Little Mermaid. She rocks the deep plunge, but there are just too many pleats for our taste!

Keira Knightley in Chanel

Keira Knightley has taken a lot of fashion risks on the red carpet, and while many have been successful, this one just isn't. The frilly tiered layers resemble something your grandma might sew (no offense Grandma!) and the main bodice is just too busy with all of the butterflies and random feathers floating around.


What were your favorite looks from the night, collegiettes?

The 17 Cutest Things to Do With Your Boyfriend on Valentine's Day


It’s the most romantic day of the year…until you end up basically sitting in the lap of the couple next to you at an exorbitantly expensive Valentine’s Day dinner, wondering if the gift you got your boyfriend was too much or not enough.  We have all fallen prey to Valentine’s Day snafus (don’t even get us started on Valentine’s Day 2006)—from lingerie mishaps to dining disasters. This year, to keep you embracing candy hearts and pink cupids, Her Campus has compiled 20 cute things you can do with or for your boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. What are the most unique and romantic ways to celebrate? What does your boyfriend really want? How can you spice up the day without stressing out? We have you covered.

couple laying in the snow snow bunnies snow angel winter coats scarves skiing

1. Be a snow bunny

I know, I know, we’re all tired of freezing every time we step outside and slipping on ice when we walk to class. But few things are as romantic as playing in the snow with your boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. Channel your inner 10-year-old and head outside for a snowball fight and snow angels—we're sure your man will be happy to keep you warm.

2. Dress the part

The easiest way to spread Valentine’s cheer is to go elementary school and wear pink and red. Meet your boyfriend for a day date in fitted jeans and a pink top or sport a red mini for your night together. For after hours, try Victoria’s Secret Valentine’s-themed lingerie.

3. Give a gift that keeps giving

As we searched for the perfect gift for our boyfriends last Valentine’s Day, we knew that guys love two things: beer and lots of beer. It was with this information that we stumbled upon Amazing Clubs. Amazing Clubs is a website that lets you send a 6-pack of gourmet beer to your boyfriend every month for as many months as you choose. If beer is too pricey you can also order coffee, BBQ sauce or ice cream. 

4. Go ice-skating 

The HC team’s number one recommendation for a perfect Valentine’s date is ice-skating.  If romantic comedies have taught us anything, it is that skating rinks breed romance. So go have yourself a Serendipity moment and spend the day ice-skating with your BF—don’t forget the cocoa!  

5. (Or skinny dipping) 

scarlet johansson he's just not that into you skinny dipping in a pool swimming

If ice skating is too tame and your school is in a sunny place, many HCers recommend nighttime skinny-dipping. Seriously, not much is hotter than a steamy late night swim. Just be careful please, getting caught trespassing might kill the mood. 

6. Buy him tickets to a sports event

If you want all of his friends to be saying “you seriously have the best girlfriend ever, ” tickets to his favorite sporting event are the way to go. Not only will you make his night and show that you’re into his interests, but you’ll also get to share something special to him, together, and what’s better than that? StubHub is a great place to look for discounted tickets. 

7. Dinner in bed

Going out for Valentine’s Day dinner is a tradition that needs to go. Unless you’re Posh and Becks the service is bound to be terrible, the menu limited, and the prices steep. Instead, try ordering in from a favorite restaurant and eating the meal in bed. Spend the night relaxing over good food and cozy company instead of cramped with strangers.

8. Indoor picnic 

vday valentine's day romantic decorations fireplace rose petals spelling out I Love You champagne I heart you candles pillows

Harvard collegiette Olivia Ford suggests taking the dinner in bed idea even further with an indoor picnic.  To decorate your space, string white Christmas lights around the room, buy some picnic-y snacks, pop the champagne and set up a blanket and pillows for you and your boy to sit on. Oh, and don’t forget to ask your roommates for some alone time!

9. Cook it!

Strawberry bellinis, chicken parmesan, spaghetti and chocolate mousse—nothing will make your man swoon more quickly than a delicious Valentine’s meal. If you are feeling ambitious and extra sweet, cooking dinner for your boyfriend is the way to go. If you are an all-star in the kitchen, check out The Food Network’s Valentine’s Day food and dessert recipes. However, if you’re like most of us and cooking a full gourmet meal is not a possibility, look at ifood’s simple recipes like heart-shaped pizza. Also, if your boyfriend is up for it, cook dinner together—it will be surprisingly sexy to see your guy move around the kitchen.

10. A classic card

Whether you’ve been dating for a while and want to tell him how you feel or haven’t been dating long at all but want to show you care, a card goes a long way.  Get out the construction paper, doilies and stamps and get artsy. For amazing card ideas, check out Martha Stewart’s card projects. When it comes to writing, a cute poem or heartfelt message is always a hit. 

11. Set a budget and make it fun

Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day can get pricey.  Instead of stressing about buying an expensive gift, set a budget with your guy and get creative. For 10 dollars you could buy a cheesy V-day themed stuffed animal, bake cupcakes or better yet purchase massage oil to really make his night.

12. Head to Victoria’s Secret

valentine's day underwear with a kiss on the butt lips pink lingerie victoria's secret girl in her panties

To ensure a smile on his face this V-day, the HC team recommends wearing hot underwear that he has never seen before. Let’s be real, what makes him happier or you feel sexier than a new lacy bra? OUr bra pick is VS’s Unlined Demi Bra because it provides a lot of lift (and padding!) but still looks flirty.

13. Take him down memory lane

Even though Valentine’s Day is about celebrating the moment, there’s no better day to reflect on what makes you so happy with your man in the first place. A great way to celebrate your relationship is to make a scrapbook—look through old pictures, find cute stickers and paper and then channel your inner Warhol. If making a full scrapbook is too time-consuming, make a collage card or mini scrapbook.

14. Splurge on a hotel room

If you are willing to splurge on a gift, why not get away from roommates and sharing twin beds (no matter how much you love sleeping right next to your boyfriend!). Sometimes, the best way to get in the mood is to invest in a change of space. Spend the night ordering room service, cuddling in a big bed, and taking bubble baths…what could be better than that?

15. Coupon book

It’s true, coupon books are hardly a new concept, but what guy doesn’t want his Valentine’s gift to last all year?  Make him a coupon book for things like fresh-baked cupcakes, a movie night or a massage—and feel free to spice it up!

16. Get drunk! (just kidding)

valentine's day themed cocktail raspberry cocktail red drink pink drink love happy hour alcoholic beverage

While getting drunk on V-day is probably not the best idea, making Valentine’s Day-themed cocktails with your boyfriend is a fun and festive way to celebrate the day. Make each other drinks post-dinner; after all, ending Valentine’s Day with a homemade Be Mine Mojito doesn’t get much better. If you’re under 21, check out these awesome mocktail recipes

17. Be appreciative

I know, we can all get a little carried away with a Valentine’s Day fantasy. But even if you spent the past three weeks dreaming of sailing on a yacht with your boyfriend or opening a Tiffany’s box, be appreciative if he gives you a teddy bear. I’m not talking being understanding if he forgets the day altogether, but V-Day can be a little stressful for everyone, so make sure to acknowledge the effort he makes—you will have more fun and he’ll be thankful to have such an appreciative girlfriend!

6 Ways Celebrities Have Responded to the Charlie Hebdo Attacks


Since last week's devastating attack on satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo, an unprecedented number of people across the globe have come together to not only express solidarity against terrorism, but also to affirm their support of free speech. Many celebrities have come forward in response to the tragedy, many expressing sorrow, and others defending the freedom of the press. Here are what some of them had to say:

1. Mark Ruffalo

Shortly after the tragedy, Mark Ruffalo reminded others of the crucial role a free press plays in society.

2. Helen Mirren

Though Hollywood was focused on the Golden Globes on Sunday evening, a few celebrities like Helen Mirren took the opportunity to speak out on the recent terrorist attack on the red carpet. Mirren, who wore a pen to symbolize freedom of expression told the Today Show's Natalie Morales, "It's a great reminder for all of us to stand by each other for the ideal of free speech. It’s very difficult to maintain that ideal but it’s a great one to aim towards."

3. George Clooney

In the final words of his Lifetime Achievement award acceptance speech, Clooney referenced the recent rallies that transpired following the attack in Paris: "There were millions of people that marched not just in Paris but around the world. And they were Christians and Jews and Muslims. They were leaders of countries all over the world and they didn’t march in protest. They marched in support of the idea that we will not walk in fear. We won’t do it. Je suis Charlie." (We also like that Amal showed her support with a pin on her clutch.)

4. Conan O'Brien

Conan's late night show, which is usually all about bringing on the laughs, took a more serious turn when the talk show host addressed the attack. "In this country we take it for granted that it's our right to poke fun at the untouchable or the sacred. But today's tragedy in Paris reminds us very viscerally that it's a right that some people are inexplicably forced to die for," he said. "It's not the way it's supposed to be,"he told the audience.

5. Tina Fey

During a press conference at the Television Critics Association, Fey asserted the importance of free speech, especially in recent times. "You look at that and you look at the controversy surrounding The Interview, it makes you think about how important free speech is and how it absolutely must be defended. [We] cannot back down on free speech in any way. We all have to stand firm on the issue of free speech." 

6. Banksy

Renowned graffiti artist Banksy sketched a cartoon in response to the attack, where a pencil representing the press is fighting back against terrorism.



A photo posted by Banksy (@banksy) on

We were glad to see some of today's most influential people speak out on this issue, and hope that the message continues on.

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