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5 Halloween Costumes That Are SO Last Year & What to Wear Instead


Some Halloween costumes are timeless. Many are not. Don't get caught wearing a passé Halloween costume this year - what's Miley Cyrus doing now, anyway? Check out HC's suggestions for what to wear (and what not to wear!) on Halloween this year!

1. Last Year: Miley Cyrus

This Year: Nicki Minaj

Last year's Miley drama is definitely over - no one is even thinking about the "Wrecking Ball" video since "Anaconda" came out. Channel your inner Nicki - strong, fab and fearless - with a sparkly green outfit and some shiny black sneakers. Bring a stuffed snake with you when you go out, and you'll be the hit of every party. Or, for a different look, check out Nicki's pink giraffe costume.

2. Last Year: Despicable Me minions

This Year:Frozen characters

Unfortunately for Gru, it may be time to say "Let It Go" to the minion costumes and dress as characters from our new favorite animated movie, Frozen. Try this amazing Elsa costume and get ready for a lot of people to break out in song when they see you.

3. Last Year: Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games

This Year: Tris from Divergent

We know you still channel your inner Katniss when you have to study for a particularly hard test or are in the middle of an intense workout, but we have a more recent female heroine. It doesn't hurt that Tris has great style, too - check out this jacket!

4. Last Year: Walter White from Breaking Bad

This Year: Piper from Orange Is the New Black

We loved Breaking Bad, but Walter White has to step aside, because we have a new favorite criminal: Piper Chapman. With a simple but instantly recognizable costume, you'll have a great time at your Halloween parties (and be pretty comfortable, too!).

5. Last Year: Kim Kardashian

This Year: North West

The Kardashians are undoubtedly reality TV legends, but you can really renew this idea by grabbing a friend and dressing up as Kim and North. Get out the pacifier and the Gucci, because the Kardashians trick-or-treat in style. You can also take this literally and dress yourself up as a compass pointing northwest. The options are endless!

Her Story: I Was Diagnosed with Breast Cancer in My 20’s


On January 30, 2013, I flew to Miami to celebrate my 28th birthday. Upon waking up the morning after my arrival, I noticed a large bloodstain all down my nightshirt, all over my bed sheets and down my left arm. I looked everywhere on my body to find a scab or even a clot, but I couldn’t find anything.

Since I was on vacation and didn’t want to put myself into a panic, I decided it must have been a nosebleed. For months after, I continuously kept seeing small blood stains on my shirts or bras, but when I looked for a cut or a scab I still couldn’t find a source.

Then on the morning of April 20, I woke up with a feeling that something wasn’t right in my body. I felt fatigued and I had no appetite. I decided the only way to feel better was to take a hot shower and soak up the steam. After standing in the shower for nearly ten minutes I looked down and saw that blood was streaming from my right breast nipple. The bleeding wouldn’t stop, and I was so terrified that I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. As my mind kept racing, I kept asking myself, “How didn’t I catch this sooner?!” At the same time, a part of me was relieved to find the source after all these weeks of finding blood on my shirts.

Immediately, my boyfriend rushed me to the emergency room, where they ran many blood tests, including on the blood from my breast. They couldn’t find any abnormalities. The next day I saw a breast specialist, and after a negative mammogram and ultra sound the doctor assured me it was a benign growth called a papilloma that was causing the bleeding. Nevertheless, she wanted to be certain and on May 8, 2013, I had surgical biopsy of the right breast nipple.

On May 14, 2013, my boyfriend insisted that he come with me to the doctor’s office for my biopsy results. I told him it would be a quick appointment and that he wouldn’t be necessary, but he wanted to come anyway. I was sitting on the table, all smiles, to show the doctor how well my incisions were healing and how I wasn’t bleeding anymore. However, when she walked in, she wasn’t sharing my enthusiasm; in fact, she seemed to feel the opposite. I don’t remember much of that appointment except hearing the four words that had never occurred to me: You have breast cancer.

After nearly fainting, I couldn’t even grasp those words and identify them with myself. To make matters worse, I live in Los Angeles, and my entire family lives in Pennsylvania. My grandmother had just been diagnosed with Stage 4 lymphoma the week before.

I had a million questions going through my head: How?! I’m healthy. I’m young. It doesn’t run in my family. All of my tests were negative and there was no lump! How do I tell my friends?! More importantly how do I tell my family?! Wait… how do I tell my mom?

I looked up from the table into my boyfriend’s eyes. I could tell he was holding back the tears as his eyes became bloodshot and glossy. His face turned grey and then white. It was like a dagger went through him. I reached for his hand, and he sat quietly being my rock as the tears were rolling down my face. Immediately after I left the hospital, I broke down. My life flashed before my eyes, and all I could think about was whether I was going to survive.

I called my aunt Julie, my mother’s oldest sister, who is like a second mother to me. She beat lymphoma in April, and I needed to talk to someone who could relate to me. My mother called me for my results that same day. My heart stopped when the phone rang. She was still digesting the information that her mother had lymphoma, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that her only child was now fighting breast cancer. I also needed to make sure I had enough information and a plan of action so I could assure her that I would be all right. A few days later I had an MRI, which showed abnormality throughout the entire breast and my doctor told me I had no choice: I had to have a mastectomy. It was then that I called my mom and told her.

In the meantime, I closed my Facebook account and told only five of my closest friends. I assured them I was going to be fine before they had a chance to react because I was too afraid to see their emotions. It was so hard to wake up and go about my day without thinking about my diagnosis. The longer I kept it to myself to try to come to terms on my own, the harder it was for me to bear. I felt so alone and scared. I didn’t know anyone my age who had been through or was going through cancer. I had no one to relate to, and when I searched online, the stories I read were so depressing that they made me feel worse.

On July 7, 2013, my grandmother lost her battle with lymphoma. My doctors had allowed me to fly back to PA the week before to say good-bye. For four days I sat by her side while she was put on hospice. It was the first time in over a month that I didn’t think about my diagnosis. I had to be strong for her and, at the same time, she was being strong for me.  It was very surreal knowing that we both had gotten diagnosed with cancer around the same time. I cherished every moment up until the day I had to tell her good-bye. It was so hard seeing someone I loved so much losing a battle that I was fighting myself. During our last few minutes she told me how brave I was and how she was so proud of me and that she loved me very much. She then gave me her emerald ring that was on her finger and put it on mine. I knew I had to stay strong and fight for my life.

On July 18, 2013, I underwent a unilateral mastectomy with the removal of three lymph nodes. Immediately after the mastectomy, my reconstruction/plastic surgeon reconstructed my breast with an empty expander, which basically looks like an empty implant. My doctor said that if I had waited any longer this tumor would have reached my lymph nodes and I only would have had a few months to live. My life flashed before my eyes again, and I felt like I dodged the biggest bullet of my life. I stayed in the hospital for five days with two drains under my armpits. The pain was excruciating. My boyfriend was able to sleep at the hospital with me, and my mother was able to fly here and stay with me for a month. 

One month after my mastectomy, my drains were removed, and I was able to start getting expanded. When you get expanded, the doctor takes a large syringe filled with saline solution and injects the implant with 20-40cc of the solution at a time. This stretched my skin and pectoral muscle, so it took multiple weeks of injections to achieve the size I wanted. On October 22, 2013, I had my first reconstruction surgery to replace the expander with an implant. I had another surgery January 20, 2014 to augment the left breast so it would look symmetrical and to also recreate the nipple of the new right breast. I wish I could say by now I am finished, but this month, I will be undergoing a final reconstruction surgery to finish the symmetry of the left breast.

I’ve had countless doctor visits, blood tests and scans to figure out why this happened and how to be proactive about reoccurrence. My oncologist referred me to a genetics specialist who ran a DNA gene panel of 18 different genes. In August 2014, I completed one round of IVF to freeze my eggs to prepare for my next step of treatment. My next step is still to be determined because of they found an abnormality within one of my genes that could conflict with treatment and cause another type of cancer. In the meantime, I see my oncologists every three months for blood draws, and I get a mammogram and an MRI every 6 months to check for reoccurrence.

After my diagnosis I was advised to take a medical leave from work and to return when I was fully recovered. When I initially met with my doctors I was told each surgery took two to three months to recover and I would be back to work within nine months after my mastectomy. Were they wrong! It’s been a little over a year and I’m still not able to work. I still have multiple doctor appointments a week. I have chronic fatigue and pain in my upper back that makes it hard for me to function.

In the beginning, I tried keeping an active social life, but unfortunately not a lot of my friends could grasp that I couldn’t go out all night or understand how easily I get tired. Most of them compared my mastectomy to a “boob job,” and it was hurtful that they could be so ignorant. It was like I had nothing in common with any of them anymore. While they were telling me about the crazy night they had or their amazing vacation, I was telling them about my “wild” nights in the hospital. I hated seeing their deer-in-the-headlights face and the disconnection in conversations.

I decided to start focusing on myself. I decided I had to teach myself how to live again and find a new normal. Since January, I’ve completely accepted myself for who I am and what I can and cannot do. My health has become my full time job. I lost interest in most of the things I used to find joy in, but I found a new love for other things such as cooking, yoga and meditation.

Even though I will never be the same after my breast cancer diagnosis, I believe in some ways it was a blessing. I learned a lot about myself, and I appreciate my second chance at life. I learned who my real friends are and also gained new amazing friendships with other breast cancer survivors. It’s the quality, not quantity, of friends that matters. Cancer really took a toll on my emotions and my mind. I had to learn to accept what I couldn’t change and focus on the things I could. I learned a lot about wellness and how important it is to be aware of what I put in and on my body and to be aware of any changes.

My cancer may be gone today, but it will always be in the back of my mind that it could come back tomorrow. Knowing that reality, I’m grateful to wake up every day. I live every day to the fullest, and I don’t sweat the small stuff. I cherish the people in my life and have purged the people who were toxic. My relationship with my boyfriend is stronger than ever, and I’m grateful that he’s been by my side through everything. I’m proud of my scars. They remind me everyday that life is tough, but I’m tougher. I’m happier because I learned what matters, and I stand taller because I’m a survivor.

Do you have a story to share? Submit your story to Her Story!

Spotted on Shelves: Tyra Banks Beauty


Don't pretend like you've never smized in front of the mirror before (or tried it in a selfie). If it didn't turn out quite like you had imagined, never fear—Tyra Banks herself is here to give you a little help in that department.

(And we don't mean this tutorial).

So how do we even try to get on her level? Besides booking the Victoria Secret Fashion Show or starting our own super successful TV show, what’s a girl to do?

Well, Tyra has just invited you to her world... TYRA Beauty!
Her new beauty line has three cornerstones: "beauty, business, badassery." Sounds pretty Tyra to me! She’s calling her new line a “beauty equalizer” to prove that not everybody #wokeuplikethis, and with the right tools you can “transform what you’ve got into what you want.” There are 12 total products in the line, ranging from $24 to $78. Her line is all about perfecting the eyes, cheekbones, and lips, which is pretty much a fail proof model formula if you ask me! You can get tips & tricks from the master herself, and as for what we're most excited to try out? The 6 Minute Tyover, which promises to deliver a natural, gorgeously contoured face and plump lips in a short amount of time (perfect for when we're dashing out the door to that 9 a.m. lecture).
It’s nice to get confirmation that even supermodels need a little makeup here and there to beautify them, so what are you waiting for collegiettes? Get your smize on, prepare yourself for your very own TYover, and join Tyra’s World! You want to be on top?

Will you be trying Tyra's new line? Sound off below!

Real Live College Guy: How Do I Start Something With My Freshman-Year Crush?


We all need a little guidance now and then, so whether you’re stressed about a fling gone wrong, a recently wrecked relationship or how to handle a stage-five clinger, Real Live College Guy Dale is here to help you navigate the college dating scene.

There is this guy whom I was seeing for a few months my freshman year of college. We never actually dated because we both weren't in a place where we wanted to have a relationship. However, just before that summer, he wanted to make things exclusive. I panicked and started avoiding him.

Now it’s my junior year, and I’m feeling ready for something serious. The same guy got a hold of me, and we hung out once. He made it obvious he’s single, and he invited me to a party he and his housemates were having. He spent a lot of time trying to convince me to go.

I decided to go because I remembered how much chemistry we had, but when I went there, he hardly talked to me, and we haven't talked since then; it has been a couple days. I want to give what we had a try, but I don't know if he just wanted to catch up as friends and invited me to be nice or if he’s open to trying again. How do I find out where I stand? – Baffled at Bradley


Once upon a time I was the guy who needed to be next to that one person for the whole night at a party because I was too afraid to venture out and socialize, but that changed (thankfully, phew) over time. The thing about parties is that they’re meant for socializing and having fun, not being wrapped around one person for the entire night.

That being said, I understand the frustration. He invited you, right? Why wouldn’t he talk to you?

Maybe he didn’t want to be overbearing. Honestly, I think that’s the most realistic answer, because I do think he genuinely wanted to catch up with you and maybe try to start things up again. I don’t think inviting you to a party is the best way to do that, but to each his own.

Most of my columns boil down to how to find out what a guy thinks of you. The secret is, as I’ve said before, very few guys are going to up and lay everything out for a girl. Rejection is real, and it’s a crappy feeling, so to combat that possibility, we beat around the bush. So, instead of directly asking her out, we ask her to hang out at a party, or something that’s just as nonconfrontational. We hope, like a lot of women do with men, that you’ll get the hint. Both sides drop hints just as frequently, and I think that’s because we’re all so afraid of getting shot down.

So, how do you find out where you stand? Take the initiative and ask him out. You’re the one who came to the sudden realization that you’re ready for something serious. You’re the one who went to the party. He asked you to come to the party – he practically begged you – so the ball is effectively in your court. Make the move, girl, and good luck.

Fill out my online form.

The 8 Emotional Stages of Visiting a Haunted House


Halloween is right around the corner, and what better way to get in the spooky spirit than by visiting a haunted house? Sure, the last time you visited one was when you were like 5 years old and you left crying like a baby, but now that you’re older, you can definitely handle the fake blood and faux zombies. And even if you do get a little scared (not like you would admit it), it’s all for fun, right? The emotional stages you go through while in a haunted house are all part of the experience.

1. The Excited Stage

On the drive over, you’re pumped. Haunted houses are fun, not scary.

Those knots in your stomach? Pure excitement - NOT anxiety.

You’re here. You’re ready. Bring on the monsters.

2. The Denial Stage

As you get in line, you start to feel butterflies in your stomach like you're 5 years old again, but you shake it off.

You’re in college now! You’re brave!

No silly haunted house will scare you. Nope. No way.

3. The Bargaining Stage

You take your first couple steps into the house and take in your surroundings. Fake lightning? No big deal. Spiderwebs (aka silly string) hanging from the ceiling? Won’t scare you.

But that creepy clown in the corner is looking a little menacing...

But you’re not scared. It’s okay. You’re going to be fiiinneee. It'll be over before you know it.

4. The Slightly Scared Stage

Alright, the eerie music is a little creepy. And that zombie’s costume looks freakishly real.

Did something just touch your leg? OMG, that guy in the mask is definitely coming to kill you.

5. The Rationalization Stage

With a quickened pace, you start to reason with yourself. None of this is real.

That isn’t real blood. These are people in costumes. All of this is fake.

Relax, breathe - just BREATHE.

6. The Completely Terrified Stage

Suddenly something jumps out at you, and you can’t help but jump 10 feet in the air and scream.

Your heart is racing, and your palms are sweaty. This isn’t fun anymore. You feel like you're 5 years old again and want your mom.

You want out NOW.

7. The Relief Stage

You sprint through the maze of monsters and past the guy with the chainsaw, and you finally spot the exit.

As you push through the door, you can’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

8. The Nonchalant Stage

When your friends come out making fun of all the fake ghosts, you laugh along with them.

It wasn’t that bad. You totally weren’t scared. 

But once is enough. Forever.

9 Reasons Why You Should Love Your Body


The never-ending stream of TV shows and ads about losing more weight, getting smaller waists and achieving skinnier legs makes it seem as if you aren't beautiful until you've tried the latest fad diet and managed to squeeze into a size negative two dress. Let's admit it: the constant pressure for self-improvement can get a bit exhausting! What happened to appreciating your body just the way it is?

It's easy to forget about all the amazing things your body is doing every moment you talk, walk, think and breathe. It works hard around the clock to keep you functioning so you're able to attend all of your classes, go to sports practices and enjoy your favorite extracurricular activities. So instead of striving to make your body look impossibly perfect, show yourself some love by appreciating your body's strength, functionality and beauty. Take a look below at nine reasons why your body is truly amazing!

1. Your Eyes

Your eyes can process 36,000 bits of information every hour, distinguish about 10 million colors and also express your colorful personality—those are definitely some eye-catching qualities! Kelsey Mulvey, former HC editor, loves her eyes because they "look super brown one day, and oddly green the next,” she says. “Personally, I love it! I feel like you can't accurately describe my hair and eye color. Instead, I'm uniquely myself.”

2. Your Nose

Your nose lends character to your face and makes you recognizable. You wouldn't look your beautiful self without the one that you have right now! Your nose can also remember 50,000 different scents (an excuse to go perfume shopping), and it's a fact that women are born better smellers than men and stay better smellers for the rest of their lives. Let's also not forget that your nose makes it possible for you to experience all of those amazingly delicious flavors whenever you dig into a meal, since flavors result from a combination from both taste and smell. Loving your nose makes perfect scents (pun intended)!

3. Your Arms

Your strong arms allow you to do everything from hugging to playing sports, and they can even be used as a canvas for art. University of Rochester senior Katherine Varga says, "I really like my arms because they're covered with freckles. When I'm bored, I connect the dots on them to form constellations."

4. Your Chest

Has any other body part ever been so celebrated in art, literature, pop culture or life in general? From paintings of Greek goddesses and pictures of pin-up girls to modern-day lingerie ads, there’s a lot of hype about that region of our bodies. No matter which bra size you wear, be proud of your femininity. After all, you're #flawless!

5. Your Stomach/Waist

Women have a lot of guts—literally! The lower portion of the colon, called the sigmoid colon, tends to be longer in women than in men. Also, about 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut, so you can thank your stomach for keeping you strong and healthy.

6. Your Hips

It's basically historically proven that curves are beautiful (think the original supermodels of the past and Kim Kardashian and Beyoncé of today). It's also scientifically proven that smart women have curvy hips, so embrace yours!

7. Your Butt

Your glutes are a powerful muscle group that represents both power and femininity. The gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle in your entire body and allows you to walk and run upright. It also doesn't hurt that your assets make your new pair of jeans look amazing! It's no wonder that both Jennifer Lopez and Kylie Minogue have insured their backsides for millions.

8. Your Thighs/Legs

It takes 200 muscles to take just a single step, so your legs are a real powerhouse! Your thighbone is stronger than concrete and is the longest bone in your body, measuring about a quarter of your height. Bigger thighs have also been linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. Strong legs are so in! Just look at Queen Bey—she doesn't have a thigh gap, but she's considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. Her thighs even have their own Facebook fan page!

9. Your Skin

Your skin does so much more than make you look presentable—without it, you'd just evaporate! It also guards the body against extreme temperatures, sunlight, chemicals and infections. It's magically recuperative and elastic; humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin per hour, so your entire outer layer of skin replaces itself once a month like a waterproof, self-cleaning fortress (talk about a new you!).

So the next time that little negative voice in your head starts to say mean things about your body, remember all the wonderful things your body does for you. Admire all your body parts equally, because each is an extension of who you are. Love and respect your body, and it will love and respect you back!

Go ahead and treat yourself to some pizza, indulge in some chocolate or take a nice, long bubble bath (or all three!) —your body deserves it. Beauty comes in all sizes, shapes and forms; always remember that your body is already beautiful just the way it is.

5 Beauty Products That Are (Almost) Too Pretty To Use


Even though the main reason we buy makeup is to use the product inside the package, there are some cases where we buy the product because we love the packaging. Hello—how chic does a pretty perfume bottle or a gorgeously-wrapped soap look on a vanity or bathroom counter?

We’ve rounded up a few of our favorites to showcase just how eye-catching some of our fave beauty products truly are. Get ready to “ooh” and “ahh” over these fabulous beauty picks!

1. Too Faced Chocolate Collection

Obviously, we collegiettes love anything that has to do with chocolate, so when this collection came out we totally swooned. The eye shadow palette is designed to look just like a chocolate bar, and the shadows are pigmented with cocoa powder, so when you open it up it smells just like chocolate. Yum! The collection also features a chocolate-scented bronzer in a glam gold container—seems like Willy Wonka may have had something to do with it?

2. Proenza Schouler Makeup Collection for MAC 

We adore how often MAC releases special collection cosmetics wrapped up in the prettiest packaging. The current Proenza Schouler collection radiates a neon vibe, and is ultra-chic. In the past, MAC has released other special edition cosmetics, such as the Wonder Woman collection and the Betty and Veronica collection. Most recently, a collection for The Simpsons was launched as well, each with their own unique look.

3. Tarte Cheek Stains

These cheek stain sticks are wrapped up in delightful packaging, from floral patterns to watercolor prints—is it just us, but does it make applying color that much more fun?

4. Nostalgia Soaps

How adorable are these little bars of soap? We love the titles of the different scents too—we'll take some Happy Days, thank you very much. The dainty little bows are the perfect feminine touch, and the fonts are girly with just the right touch of elegance.

5. Daisy by Marc Jacobs Perfumes

Marc Jacobs is one of the most well-known designers for a reason—his products are top notch, and are always visually appealing. There was the original Daisy perfume, with the two sweet white daisies on the side of the top of the bottle, but soon came Daisy Dream and other varieties, all decorated with beautiful flowers in a variety of on-trend colors for every season. These perfumes will have you smelling fantastic, and will look great on your vanity too!

What beauty products would you buy for the packaging? Let us know in the comments if we missed your favorite!

5 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick in College


Flu bug, what did we ever do to you? One minute, we're happily going about minding our own business, and then, BAM, the mini-epidemic hits and half the campus population is in bed "Netflixing" their sniffles away. With sneezes and headaches, all we can do is watch helplessly as friends and suitemates fall victim to the campus virus, vigorously sanitizing and hoping that the illness will spare us just this once. This is one trend we definitely want to avoid like the plague, but getting sick that one time of the year when everyone else does just seems inevitable. If taking tests with a ridiculously runny nose isn't your thing, you're in luck. Check out these five ways to prevent the dorm sniffles from hitting you!

1. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer

We’re not talking about the lightning-fast rinse under the water that people tend to do because they've got places to be; we mean truly washing your hands. When was the last time you took the time to sing "Happy Birthday" twice while you scrubbed your hands? Thought so. Washing your hands frequently and long enough is essential to keeping the germs away.

It is especially important if the flu is going around and you have a roommate or are living in close quarters with others who are sick. Pay special attention to items that you and all of your suitemates have to share every day, like the doorknob or the sink, and make sure to sanitize your hands like crazy after using them.

"If your roommate is sick, you have to be ESPECIALLY careful, and it may be worth asking if you can stay in another room until she’s better, since the cold is so contagious," says Dr. Darria Long Gillespie, executive vice president of clinical strategy and chief doctor at Sharecare, an online health and wellness engagement platform.

In addition, make sure you're actively reminding yourself to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth unless you've just washed or sanitized them. Often, this is how germs are spread.

The age-old adage of washing your hands hasn't survived this long for nothing!

2. Stay hydrated

Coffee addicts, we're looking at you in particular. Your body needs water to fight infection, so drinking too much coffee, soda or juice can actually dehydrate you and weaken your body's sickness-fighting abilities.

"Drinking plenty of water can be helpful, especially if you are drinking alcohol or caffeine, which dehydrate the body," says Dr. Debra Greene, an expert in the field of energy medicine and mind-body integration. "Water helps all of your of your body's systems function better. It energizes your muscles, improves bowel function and balances your body's fluid levels."

In addition, staying hydrated keeps mucous membranes of the nose and throat soft, which prevents tiny cracks where viruses can enter from forming. Mucous membranes are thin layers of moist tissues that line body cavities and secrete mucus, which protects the respiratory tract from viruses, germs and bacteria. Hydrating the body also helps your natural drainage system carry encountered viruses down to the stomach to be flushed out.

You should drink six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day. Decaf green tea is a great way to sneak in your daily dose of water, and it even has immune-boosting antioxidants just for us hardworking college students.

3. Eat right

Your immune system is your savior during times of the campus-wide plague, and it's partially turned on or off by what you eat. Eating right can help you boost your immune system and combat any illnesses that might be floating around. This means eating less food that’s nutritionally empty and can compromise your immune system, like junk food.

"To boost your immune system, you'll want to eat foods that are nutritionally dense," Greene says. "Fresh veggies and berries have high antioxidant capacity compared to canned fruit and veggies, which are severely compromised."

According to Greene, there are a number of other healthy food options you can eat to keep yourself from getting the dorm sniffles:

  • Whey protein, which comes from milk and is a by-product of cheese-making, supports the body's natural detoxification processes.
  • Fermented foods like pickles, sauerkraut, olives and yogurt provide friendly bacteria that help the gut's immune system.
  • Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which converts to monolaurin in your body, the component found in breast milk that strengthens a baby's immune system.
  • Fresh garlic is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.
  • The superfood chlorella, which is a type of algae that grows in fresh water, binds to toxins and carries them out of your system.

4. Get plenty of rest

Have you ever noticed that your immune system always stops working at the worst times? And by worst times, we mean I'm-about-to-take-midterms-but-let-me-get-sick-first times. Since sleeping and the immune system are connected, it's no wonder that students who stay up all night studying for exams seem more susceptible to the dorm sniffles.

"Studies show that people who don't get enough sleep or don't get quality sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as the common cold," Greene says. "The body needs sleep to fight infectious diseases."

So while those notes definitely won't study themselves and that weekend party won't happen by itself, staying up late makes it easier for you to get sick, which makes it harder for you to study or have fun in the first place.

"Getting back to the basics is the best prevention," Dr. Gillespie says. "If you’re tired, your immune system can be worn down, too, making you more likely to get sick."

So, if a bug is going around on campus, it's not a bad idea to call it an early night, stick in your earplugs and catch some zzzs so you can aim for those As without a cold to worry about.

5. Don't share

Sharing is caring, unless there's a plague going around campus. Sharing food is cute and all, but spreading germs definitely isn't. It's important to remember to not share towels, eating utensils, cups or other things that can carry viruses, as well as to not drink or eat food or beverages other people have already touched.

This also applies to things shared by the public, like cafeteria utensils. Dr. Gillespie suggests using a napkin to grab the tongs at your dorm buffet or salad bar to prevent getting sick.

"Everyone is touching them, and then touching their mouth and eating — SO easy to spread germs!" Dr. Gillespie says. "So, either use a napkin to hold the tongs, or use a hand sanitizer just before you eat to prevent catching any germs."

If you have a roommate, this will probably be even more difficult because sharing your stuff with each other is pretty inevitable. But if there's a flu bug going around, avoid touching and using the same objects. Unfortunately, that might mean temporarily separating your desks, pens and other things you might normally share, because they all can carry the cold virus.

Sanitize often and be considerate, and you'll be spreading the love, not the germs.

Don't let college life wreak havoc on your immune system and make you susceptible to even the most minor pathogens. Even though you live in close quarters with lots of other people and interact with them on a daily basis, you can take preventative measures now so you don't end up huddled in bed watching reruns of old TV episodes again!

Fall Boots Practically Custom-Made for You--Win Them Now!


With fall comes some of our favorite outfits of the year: Oversized knits, tons of street style-approved layers and of course, boots, boots and more boots. While a collegiette can never have enough pairs, it can be pretty frustrating to shop for them. You might spot the perfect pair, only to find that they just don’t fit over your calf because hey, not everybody is the same calf size, boot designers!

Trust us—no matter what your size, it’s a problem every collegiette has experienced. Let us introduce you to Duo, a footwear brand from across the pond (available stateside via their e-shop!) that just gets it. Among the dozens of styles available, you’ll find classic riding boots, sleek over-the-knee beauties and edgy moto boots; all of them are available in up to 21 different calf sizes and 3 different widths, so these boots are as close to custom-made as you can get. Check out their Fit Guide, which will help you measure out the exact size you need.

To help you upgrade your fall wardrobe with boots that fit better than any other pair you own, we’re giving away a free pair of the boots of your choice! Enter below for your chance to win, NOW—this is one you don’t want to miss out on!

Be sure to "like" Duo on Facebook!

Fill out my online form.

RSVP Now for College Fashion Week Chicago!


We’re bringing the catwalk to campus in Chicago, so mark your calendars for College Fashion Week® 2014! With shows hitting Chicago and San Francisco this month (and Boston and New York already wrapped), CFW is the event of the season for style-savvy collegiettes across the country - don't miss out on Chicago's show this Saturday, October 18th!

Doors will open at 6 p.m. at Revel Downtown (440 W Randolph St., Chicago IL 60606). We're giving away free swag bags from our sponsors for the first 400 people who arrive, so make sure to get here early!

You can have your hair done by TRESemmé, get foundation shade-matched at bareMinerals, play in the boohoo fashion closet and take fun photos in the Premium Outlets GIF photobooth (yes, you heard us right - a GIF photobooth)! Check out snapshots of all of the fun at CFW Boston for a sneak peek here! The event will wrap up at 9 p.m.

Registration for CFW Chicago is coming to a close with only a few spots left, so RSVP using the form below ASAP and tell your friends to register, too! While you're at it, get involved in the social conversation with #CollegeFashionWeek!

In the meantime, get ready for our fab pre-CFW Chicago primping party at bareMinerals this Friday at Water Tower Place! We want you and all your friends to attend to get ready for the runway show, so spread the word!

Fill out my online form.

The Top 7 LGBTQ+-Friendly Cities


So you’re an LGBTQ+ collegiette, and you’re sick of sitting around watching Netflix. You want to party, or maybe just to hang out, but you don’t know where to do it— we get it. Straight bars and hangouts are fun, but sometimes we just want to visit places more catered to our interests. What’s out there? From bars to beaches to poetry slams, we’ve got you covered with the best cities for LGBTQ+ collegiettes!

1. Washington, D.C.

Voted the gayest city in America by The Advocate in 2014, D.C. has all sorts of alternative nightlife to help us escape frat-party life, including the always popular Busboys and Poets. Check out this combo restaurant-and-reading hangout for some of the best vegan food in the city.

Phase 1, the major lesbian bar in D.C., may have gone out of style, but D.C. has loads to offer LGBTQ+ collegiettes. One place in particular is Town, a nightclub. More often than not, a night out at Town involves the removal of a substantial amount of clothes—not to mention twerking competitions.

2. San Francisco, California

Search for gay bars in San Francisco on Yelp, and you’ll get literally hundreds of cool hangouts definitely worth checking out. Not only that, but San Fran is known by some as “the gay capital of the U.S.” If you’re a native, you’re lucky. The culture is all about inclusivity, and trans* people are a major part of this inclusion.

The must-visit neighborhood of San Francisco is definitely The Castro District, the gay melting pot of the city. One of the first gay neighborhoods in the country, The Castro District is home to The GLBT History Museum. With the low general admission fee of $5 ($3 for California students!), you can learn some history and bond with friends by taking a tour.

For the artistically minded, check out some of the free performing-arts festivals in San Francisco, like the Stern Grove Festival and Free Shakespeare in the Park.

With restaurants, relaxed nights along the water and more romantic options, San Francisco remains the U.S.’s little pocket of LGBTQ+ paradise.

3. Portland, Oregon

Hounded on for being the home of the hipsters, Portland is a location recommended time and time again by LGBTQ+ folks.

Portland shows its inclusion on its sleeve, having an entire section dedicated to offerings of LGBTQ+ events on its main travel site. The Escape offers nightlife for LGBTQ+ people of all ages, and Holocene hosts cool indie music.

Want to venture to the beach? Hit up Sauvie Island’s Collins Beach, a nude beach safe for the LGBTQ+ community.

Looking for a safe hangout and resources? Visit the Q Center, a safe space for LGBTQ+ folks. They have information about sports, health care resources, resources for LGBTQ+ people with disabilities and more.

4. Seattle, Washington

With all of the good press Seattle gets for being inclusive, you probably don’t need a reminder that Seattle is a beautiful place to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community. The Wildrose offers loads of low-stress going-out options, like beer and trivia (does it get better?).

If you’re into slam poetry, check out The Seattle Poetry Slam at Re-bar. Cross your fingers and hope that you or a friend get picked as a judge, and get to watching! Nothing better than a solid group of LGBTQ+ pals and some incredible poetry.

Finally, grab some queer female friends and hit up Babeland, the home of women-focused sex toys. Go giggle about the strangest gadgets you can find, and keep up with Babeland on Twitter to get a coupon for a new best friend!

5. New York, New York

If you’re looking for a million options of things to do and you have the time and money, hit up New York City for the most incredible LGBTQ+ nightlife you’ve ever encountered. One of the most visible hubs of diversity in the country, NYC has serious cultural opportunities you shouldn’t miss out on. Do the touristy things, and then grab your friends and barhop.

To get some history and take part in a great happy hour, visit The Stonewall Inn, the home of the start of the modern Gay Rights Movement.

Depending on when you’re in NYC, there will probably be any number of festivals and celebrations happening. If you’re there for the summer, check out the Gay Pride parades in boroughs throughout the city. If you’re into films, be sure to check out NewFest, New York’s LGBTQ+ film festival!

6. San Diego, California

If you’re into LGBTQ+ theatre, lesbian bars and restaurants and great beer, San Diego is worth checking out. San Diego is home to The Gossip Grill, a place where lesbians dominate.

There are also tons of adorable dessert shops in the city, which is a fun opportunity to destroy all calorie counts. Gather your friends and see who can handle the dessert at D Bar, especially the “Molten Cake Thingy That Everyone Has…” (seriously, that’s what it’s called—but don’t you want to try it?).

While you’re around, stop by the NTC at Liberty Station. This entire area is dedicated to the creative community of San Diego and is open every day of the week with running programs and classes.

7. West Hollywood, California

This list would not be complete without West Hollywood, the gay hub of Los Angeles, if not the entire state of California. No doubt one of your most memorable experiences will be driving through West Hollywood and passing over rainbow crosswalks.

In terms of nightlife, think of West Hollywood as a place where all normalcy is reversed. Searching for an LGBTQ+-friendly hangout is almost laughable, because the entire city itself is LGBTQ+-friendly. Grab some friends, drop your guard and walk along the rainbow road.

One great resource in West Hollywood is the Los Angeles LGBT Center. This center has everything from support for youth to STI testing. The simple fact that this center – made up of multiple buildings! – exists shows that West Hollywood truly focuses on the queer community in Los Angeles, so be sure to check it out if you’re in the area.

Comedy clubs are also big in West Hollywood, so drop by the Laugh Factory and The Comedy Store to get some laughs in.

Though we list seven cities, don’t lose hope if you aren’t living in one of these places. LGBTQ+-friendly hangouts can be found almost anywhere if you know where to look. Turn to your friends or to the Internet to figure out a space where you can belong and truly be yourself, and if you’ve already got your go-to hangout, share it with us in the comments!

8 Reasons To Be Excited for College Fashion Week


College Fashion Week 2014 has officially kicked off in Boston and New York City, so if you aren’t already registered to attend one of the next two shows on the tour (Chicago and San Francisco), then what are you waiting for? Get on that ASAP, because space is filling up! You don’t want to miss out on all the fabulous fun and glam goodies! In case you need convincing (which you shouldn’t), here are the top reasons you should be pumped for CFW 2014 (and continue reliving the excitement after the show):

1. Getting ready is half the fun. When you’re with your besties and the music is turned up, it almost feels like a party itself. Plus, the makeup options are endless if you combine all of your collections.Don't love your makeup? No worries - bareMinerals will give you a make-under at the event, plus shade-match you to your free foundation!

2. You’re going to feel like a rockstar when you arrive at this exclusive event.Oh, you mean all those flashing lights are aimed at me? This is how life should be whenever you walk into a room.

3. The professional headshot station will make your LinkedIn profile polished and perfect, so get ready for your close up! Plus, the GIF photo booth (courtesy of Premium Outlets) has you covered - it'll turn your snapshots at the booth into actual GIFs. Is this real life?!

4. The TRESemmé stylists will style your hair and make it look ah-mazing! Prepare to turn some heads, feeling ***flawless.

5. With all of the amazing boohoo style trends rocking the runway, you’ll feel like you’re at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week...

6. ...Except the clothes you’ll fall for will actually be reasonably priced, meaning you won’t only have to see them in your dreams! You can actually afford to rock them on campus, so cue #stylecrave! Plus, score 25 percent off your boohoo order with the code 'boohooCFW25'!

7. There will be some amazing free swag. And we know how much you love free things.

8. Everyone is going to be there. You don’t want to be that one who stays home and suffers from an intense case of FOMO (especially when you see all of the fab photos on Facebook and Insta).

To find out more about the upcoming shows, check out the CFW website! Don’t forget to join the social conversation with #CollegeFashionWeek. Remember, time is running out, so make sure you RSVP to CFW Chicago or CFW San Francisco ASAP. We guarantee you'll have a glittering, glamorous, totally fabulous time!

The Best Brows from College Fashion Week NYC


ICYMI: College Fashion Week took place in New York City this weekend, and with it came amazing fashion trends and of course, must-have beauty looks. And the ultimate accessory? Perfect brows! With a little definition and on-point shaping, your brows are all you need to step out with your best face forward. At College Fashion Week in New York, European Wax Center made sure everybody in attendance was showing off some #browfection. 

Models and attendees alike were treated to complimentary shapings at the brow bar, where technicians created brows based on face shape, and filled them to perfection with the brand's famous brow powder ($20). European Wax Center even provided brow waxes to models selected in the #CastMeCFW model search this year, to make sure they were all runway-ready before the big day!

Ready to see the final result? Check out some of the best brows from College Fashion Week in New York City!

Why wear a full face of makeup when your brow game is on point? We love how fresh-faced she looks—and the bold red lip totally amplifies the whole look!

Check out that arch—to die for, non? Brush a little bit of highlighter under the brow for the ultimate definition.

Thick brows aren't for everybody, but that doesn't mean thinner brows can't stand out. With a little TLC, they still look super fierce!

Experiencing some brow envy? If you are looking to achieve this #browfection and get runway-ready brows so you can strut that sidewalk as if you've never left the catwalk (all year long!), be sure to make a reservation at your local European Wax Center (seriously—they're the experts when it comes to eyebrows). Plus, if you're a first-time guest, you'll get a complimentary wax! We're not sure what you're still waiting for—go make an appointment, now!

Want more College Fashion Week updates? Check out collegefashionweek.com for the latest from the runway, and stay tuned for more from our upcoming shows in Chicago and San Francisco!

The Top 8 Moments From College Fashion Week New York


After wrapping up a successful show in Boston, the Her Campus team packed up and headed to New York City for the next stop on the College Fashion Week 2014 tour! Hundreds came out to attend the bareMinerals Primping Party and Her Campus fashion show this past weekend, and both were beyond fabulous! Between the incredible boohoo fashions and the impressive TRESemmé hairstyles, the fabulous #browfection brow touch-ups from European Wax Center and makeup by bareMinerals (plus so much more!), the weekend was full of glamour. Of all of the memorable things that went down, we've picked our top eight to share with you!

1. The grand entrance

On the evening of the big CFW New York show, everyone showed up in style and the line snaked down the block! We gave away goodie bags filled will all kinds of fashion and beauty swag that would make any collegiette swoon.

2. The hot hairstyling

As the official hair care sponsor of College Fashion Week, the TRESemmé team worked its magic to make the models' and attendees' hair look super stylish! Here, famed stylist Tyler Laswell preps a model backstage for the show by creating the Imperial Two-Strand Twisted Half-Up. He's responsible for some of the hottest looks rocking the runway at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, too, so we were thrilled to be in the presence of hairstyling greatness. All hail the hair genius!

How amazing did this look turn out?! It's the perfect combination of simple and chic, plus it doesn't require any crazy hairstyling skills on your part. This look is so practical that any collegiette can do it before class in the morning. Follow these steps (straight from the TRESemmé experts themselves) to recreate the fab do!

  1. PrephairwithTRESemmé24HourBodyFoamingMousse androughdry.For addedtexture,useaone-inchcurlingirontocreateasoftwave.
  2. Createadeepsidepartandseparatethebiggersectionofhairintotwoequalportions. Beginbytwistingthesectionofhairatthehairlineby crossing thestrandthatisclosesttothehairlineovertheothersection.
  3. Aftereachtwist,addasmallamountofhairto eachsectionandrepeat.Continueuntilthetwististhree-fourths ofthewayaroundtheheadandsecurewithanelastic.
  4. Repeatsteps2-3with the oppositesideanduseanelastictotie thetwoponytailstogether.
  5. CompletelookwithamistofTRESemmé24HourBodyFinishingSpray forarunway-readylookthat's easy to achievebeforeclass!

For more hair how-tos, check out TRESemmé's ultra-helpful YouTube demos.

3. The #browfection
Among the other can't-miss perks from the night was the European Wax Center station, where collegiettes could got their brows touched up by the experts! We're all about bold brows, and these ladies were rocking total #browfection.
4. The glamorous make-unders
Of course, with great brows come great responsibility (and a heck of a lot of eyes on you), so we spiced up our allover looks with amazing make-unders and foundation shade-matching from bareMinerals! There's nothing better than enjoying some high-quality primping and pampering, and that's why this Hollywood treatment is high on our list of fave moments from the event. Attendees even received full-sized, shade-matched foundation and a high-quality brush; score!
5.The fab photo shoots
Once everyone had his or her hair, brows and makeup spruced up and camera-ready, they hopped into the Bosco GIF photo booth courtesy of Premium Outlets - yes, an actual GIF photo booth! Check out one of the fab photo shoots:
6.The fall fashion
This cozy-looking chunky knit sweater from the boohoo Woodlander look is the answer to your chilly weather woes, and we nearly swooned when we saw it coming down the runway! The distressed denim totally completes the fall-inspired outfit, which we can easily picture a collegiette wearing on campus and in class. Plus, it's actually affordable, and you can score 25 percent off your boohoo order with the code 'boohooCFW25'!

7.The faux fur

Fashionistas, take note, because this is the way to rock faux fur! The contrast between the creamy plush vest and the floral dress are on point, and dare we say, so Olivia Palermo! From the U.K.’s best-kept secret to one of the fastest-growing international e-tailers, boohoo.com has quickly evolved into a global fashion leader of its generation, and this vest is cold, hard proof (or, you know, plushy, soft proof).

8.The spot-on styling

This ensemble from the boohoo Imperial scene is so chic! The sweater-around-the-waist look is one of our fave '90s throwbacks, and we're thrilled to wear it ourselves. The loose blouse tucked into the asymmetrical skirt is a great pairing for an internship or job interview!

For a better taste of what the weekend had in store, check out our Facebook album or "like" the CFW Facebook page for updates! With two more stops to go, CFW 2014 is already half over (tear)! Be sure to register for one of the next to shows in Chicago and San Francisco, but don't wait any longer, because space is running out as we speak! Plus, there are eight major reasons to get excited for College Fashion Week, so why wait any longer? Don't miss out on all the amazing moments when the catwalk comes to your campus!

Photos courtesy of Rob Tannenbaum.

Sh*t Single College Girls Say


Despite the many perks of being currently unattached (e.g., no need to shave your legs, extra Netflix watching hours and more time to dedicate to your love/hate relationship with Nutella) it’s safe to say that the single life has its downfalls––especially when all you see around you are grossly happy couples and a plethora of cute, single boys just waiting to be snatched up. It’s not your fault that they just aren’t looking to commit!

Even though we know that you don’t need a boyfriend to be happy, that still doesn’t change the fact that sometimes a girl is just tired of always being the single one in the group. Being single can definitely suck from time to time, but we can’t help but make fun of ourselves for acting like the world will end if we don’t find ourselves a boyfriend. And while we’re all too familiar with the sh*t college guys say, most single girls are known to say the sh*t that’s just as funny when it comes to the never-ending quest to snag that perfect guy.

Chances are, if you’re a single girl in college, you can usually be found saying at least one of these quotes on a daily basis:

  • All I want is a cute boy to cuddle and watch Grey’s Anatomy with me. Is that too much to ask for?
  • I have a hot date tonight… with my Netflix account.
  • “Who cares about boys—I just want to dance!” – Madison, University of San Francisco grad
  • I’m probably going to die alone.
  • What if I never get married?
  • Can you set me up?
  • “The only day of the year I’m jealous of girls with boyfriends is move-in day, because I have to do all my own heavy lifting!” – Amanda, Seattle University senior
  • Guys, I think I forgot how to kiss.
  • What do you think this text means?
  • OMG, I just pinned the cutest bridesmaid dress/wedding dress/engagement picture/centerpieces to my Pinterest wedding board!
  • Maybe I should just become a nun.

  • I’m pretty sure I repel all men within a 50-mile radius of me.
  • “I’m not dating because I need to lose weight first.” – Caitlin, Gonzaga University junior
  • If I don’t have a boyfriend, I really don’t see the point in shaving my legs.
  • I hate guys.
  • I love guys.
  • Do you think he’s gay or just really fashionable?
  • I just want a relationship like Nick and Jess’s from New Girl...wait...
  • Can the iPhone 6 help me find a boyfriend?
  • This is perfect cuddle weather! I guess I’ll go snuggle up with my pillow…
  • I vicariously live through my friends’ relationships.
  • Is he single?
  • I could try and find a boyfriend… OR I could eat this entire jar of Nutella.
  • I think I’m destined to be single forever.
  • I have no idea how to flirt.
  • I love being single.
  • I hate being single.
  • Who needs boys when you’ve got your best girlfriends by your side?
  • I only like Valentine’s Day for the chocolate.
  • Why do I only attract jerks?
  • Why do I only attract creeps?
  • At least Taylor Swift HAS breakups to write about.
  • I third-wheel like it’s my job.

  • He hasn’t asked me for his sweatshirt back yet. I totally think he wants me to keep it! 
  • Let’s have a girls’ night!
  • I just want someone to play with my hair until I fall asleep.
  • Help! I’ve been watching wedding videos for four hours and I can’t stop!
  • Who needs a boyfriend when you’ve got a tub of cookie dough ice cream and The Notebook on DVD?
  • “My boyfriend is in the hospital with a case of non-existence.” – Pardis, Gonzaga University grad
  • I spent three hours rearranging my Pinterest boards today.
  • Can we just fast-forward to my wedding?
  • I’ll never find a boyfriend.
  • Does he have a brother?
  • Why can’t my love life be like a movie?
  • "Feel my leg hair. I haven’t shaved in two weeks!” – Sadie, Gonzaga University grad
  • There better be some hot guys at this party.
  • I’ll probably end up having to make an online dating profile at some point in my life.
  • He liked my Facebook profile picture! Do you think he likes me?!
  • Should I text him?
  • Is he flirting with me or just being nice?
  • Nutella is my one true love.
  • I’m going to find a boyfriend this year. I just know it.
  • I just want to watch reality TV and lay in my bed.
  • I wish every boy looked like Ryan Gosling, but didn't have a kid with Eva Mendes.
  • I just want to go home so I can take off my bra.
  • When is The Bachelor coming back on? I’m having serious withdrawals.
  • No, Mom, you can’t be my Valentine.
  • I need chocolate.

Even though our nonexistent love lives can make us reach for the Ben and Jerry’s a little too often, we can’t help but laugh at ourselves, because we totally act like this. Maybe our search for a guy who will pay for our fro-yo and watch endless rom-coms with us is at somewhat of a standstill, but at least we have each other!

All the single ladies, put your hands up!  

Facebook & Apple Now Pay Female Employees to Freeze Eggs


The question of whether “women can have it all” has been particularly controversial since Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s feminist book Lean In challenged the traditional notions of women making more room in their careers for raising a family. Now, Facebook and Apple are launching a new initiative to allow female employees to further focus on their careers and stay in the workforce longer by helping them delay parenthood: the companies will pay to freeze women's eggs. Facebook has already begun its program, while Apple will start in January. Facing a cost of $10,000 per round and $500 in storage fees each year, these Silicon Valley companies view their investments as a way to help bridge the gender gap in the competitive field of technology, according to NBC News.

egg freezing women

Some argue that when women drop out of the workforce or go on maternity leave, the result is an increased pay gap and permanent damage to their salary in future years. Out of Apple’s 98,000 global employees, 70 percent are male, according to CNN, and Facebook is right behind at 69 percent male. The egg-freezing procedure has become increasingly popular among young women at the start of their careers – even if they don’t end up using them, there is comfort in knowing that the option is available. NBC says advocates of this new policy feel that “without the crushing pressure of a ticking biological clock, women have more freedom in making life choices.” 

women can't have it all

Yet the suggestion that women, by virtue of their reproductive abilities, should deliberately sacrifice their personal lives for their careers has drawn some backlash against Facebook and Apple’s new policy. Critics of the gender pay gap have long argued for a more even split in parental leave between mothers and fathers, since child labor is only a fraction of the problem (and much of the gap comes from taking off time to care for children in their early years). Whether or not freezing eggs is ultimately beneficial to women and their careers is yet to be determined, given that the technology is still relatively new. One thing that is certain is that women’s perspectives and concerns are becoming more influential in the decisions that companies and employers make as they realize the value of women in the workplace, and we're on board with that.

5 Surprising Cities to Start Your Career


New York City, D.C., Los Angeles — we all know the hottest cities to flock to after graduation.

The pressure to relocate to one of these classic places can be overwhelming, but many of us —whether it’s because of a lack of funds or an aversion to densely populated areas — might feel a bit apprehensive about making the move.

Rest easy! These aren’t the only places you can go to jump-start your post-college career. There are a host of smaller cities that offer just as many great opportunities that you might not have thought to consider. We did our research and spoke to some graduettes to bring you a list of cities to keep on your radar as you begin the infamous job hunt.

1. Birmingham, Alabama

Population: 200,000

Average rent (one-bedroom apartment): $660

Prominent industries: health care, education, finance

Livability, an online resource that researches American communities, lists Birmingham in its ranking of the top 10 best downtowns. The area is continuing to progress: Several projects involving renovation and housing — like the development of new residential spaces surrounding Regions Field — are helping to bring people downtown.

Jaime Ritter, a graduate from the University of Alabama at Birmingham who currently lives and works in Birmingham as a journalist, says this is her favorite part about the city.

“I love watching it constantly grow and evolve,” she says. “It’s come such a long way in the five years I’ve lived here, and I can’t wait to see what else it has in store!”

Health care is a major industry, thanks to UAB and its attached hospital, one of the area’s largest employers; as of May 2013, almost 40,000 people were employed in the health care industry and related occupations in Birmingham. Education and finance are also highly popular, with around 20 percent of the female population of Birmingham employed in both of these industries.

Move here if: You’re looking to ease into the post-college lifestyle.

According to Area Vibes, Birmingham has a cost of living that’s about 17.2 percent lower than the national average. This is great for recent grads trying to establish a career.

“Every place was completely affordable and inclusive,” says HC alumna Elana. “I never had to worry about not getting a reservation at a restaurant or being priced out of a place.”

Compared to more expensive cities, Birmingham could be the perfect place for those of you stepping out on your own for the first time!

2. Columbus, Ohio

Population: 800,000

Average rent (one-bedroom apartment): $698

Prominent industries: education, health care, arts/entertainment

Columbus stands as the 15th most populated city in the U.S., ahead of other metropolitan areas like Seattle, Miami and Boston, making it the perfect place for collegiettes looking to mingle.

“Most people wouldn’t think of this city in Ohio as a place to start their career or life, but it is actually a super fun and exciting place to be,” says Malone Ryan, a sophomore at John Carroll University in Ohio. “There is always something new to do in Columbus, no matter what type of person you are. From art museums to cultural festivals and more, you will never get bored here.”

Move here if: You have a passion for fashion.

“Columbus is an up-and-coming major fashion hot spot,” Malone says. “The city embraces all kinds of styles, people and walks of life and is a great place to start your career.”

Columbus is home to over 500 fashion designers, and the headquarters of many popular brands are located in the city or close nearby, including Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria’s Secret and Express — the perfect hub for any fashion-forward professional. The city ranks third in fashion employment, right behind New York and San Francisco, making it one of America’s leading boutique districts. As a result, many companies are looking to expand in the area: ELOQUII Design, Inc., is currently taking steps to complete a sevenfold increase in the number of jobs added to its Columbus branch by 2017.

3. Nashville, Tennessee

Population: 620,000

Average rent (one-bedroom apartment): $1,048

Prominent industries: education, music/entertainment

This Southern music hotspot ranked in the top five cities in the nation for the highest levels of job creation. Nashville has a growth rate expected to outpace the national average by 2017, with an estimated 140,000 new jobs to be created by 2018.

“It is such a fun city and growing so fast,” says Erica Barrett, an alumna of the University of Massachusetts Amherst who has lived in Nashville. “There are so many opportunities, and not just in music. The nightlife is a blast, they have tons of sporting leagues and clubs for young singles, there are lots of networking opportunities in the community and I found it to be a true melting pot — my friends were from everywhere!”

Move here if: You’re looking to break in to the music industry.

While other opportunities are available, Nashville is the perfect city for collegiettes interested in a career in music. Erica cites this as the reason for her move to the city after she graduated: “I knew I wanted to work in [the music industry], but didn’t want the fast-paced life of NYC or LA. It was an amazing place to begin my career, and I was able to do everything they did in the larger hubs career-wise.”

Music in Nashville is a billion-dollar industry that has led to a host of opportunities in several related fields, such as recording studios, booking agencies and publishing companies. As of 2013, Nashville has 27,000 jobs in the music industry, so the musically inclined who are looking to make it big should pack a bag and head down south.

4. Atlanta, Georgia

Population: 450,000

Average rent (one-bedroom apartment): $962

Prominent industries: business/finance, arts/entertainment

Metro Atlanta saw an increase of 64,000 jobs in 2013. Home to Delta Air Lines, UPS, Coca-Cola and the media conglomerate Turner Broadcasting, the city ranks fourth in the nation in hosting the most Fortune 500 companies.

This major transportation hub is home to the world’s busiest airport, making Atlanta one of America’s premiere international cities, as well as a global business and trade center. Over 1,300 foreign-based businesses have operations in the area, employing over 81,000 people.

Move here if: You want to be a star of the silver screen.

Move over, Hollywood. With hits like The Walking Dead and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire shutting down city streets, Atlanta is a booming market for film and television production.

In 2013 alone, the city invested in 142 film and TV projects, spending almost $940 million in the process. The reason? Tax breaks. The state of Georgia offers tax credits to companies spending at least $500,000 on production. In addition, the state’s official Film, Music & Digital Entertainment Office lists cast and crew jobs on its website, as well as Facebook and Twitter.

These incentives draw companies to the area: Pinewood Studios, which is based in the UK, recently opened an Atlanta branch in 2014 (and is already set to begin filming Marvel’s ANT-MAN). Moreover, this increase also brings job opportunities in related fields, such as catering, equipment supply and transportation.

“Atlanta has the talents and the resources to become the next major movie hub,” says Marisa Tontaveetong, an alumna of the Savannah College of Art and Design. “It’s heading that way right now.” If you’re looking for your next big break, then Atlanta is definitely the place to be.

5. Research Triangle Park (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill), North Carolina

Population: 2,700,000

Average rent (one-bedroom apartment): $750

Prominent industries: research and development, technology, medicine

This region gets its name from the three universities that mark its boundaries: Duke University, North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Triangle surrounds the cities of Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill.

Research Triangle Park (RTP) was founded in 1959 and is now one of the largest research parks in the world. RTP is home to over 170 companies, including Cisco, United Therapeutics and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Current development plans hope to add up to 100,000 jobs to the area.

Move here if: You want to make a major scientific discovery.

The Triangle is a leading center of research and development in America. Almost $300 million is invested each year for research and development at the Triangle’s universities, in fields as diverse as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, innovative technologies and advanced medical care.

Ashley Xu, an alumna of the Ohio State University, had an invaluable opportunity working in the Triangle. “I had a great experience at Duke Hospital because it’s one of the nation’s best trauma centers,” she says. “It provided me with a variety of educational opportunities involving rare diseases and first-rate technological advances.”

If you want to be on the cutting edge of science and technology, the Triangle should definitely be on your list.

You don’t have to move to the classic big cities to succeed in your career, collegiettes! A lot of amazing opportunities can be found in places that fly just under the radar. They may not have the historic glamour of New York or Los Angeles, but if you want to save money, are interested in a niche field or simply prefer a more laid-back lifestyle, then these cities definitely have something to offer. Keep these surprising places in mind as you begin your post-collegiette job search!

9 Adorable Pictures to Take with Your SO This Fall


Looking to beat out the same old Instagrams of #PSLs and basic girls in cat costumes this fall? Well, grab your significant other and a photographer, because you're about to score more likes than an Insta video of Taylor Swift's cat. These adorable photo ideas are not only bound to keep the notifications coming, but are guaranteed ways to capture charming memories with your SO as the leaves change this autumn.

1. Leaf Pile Laughter

Other than pumpkin spice lattes and cozy sweaters, what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of fall? Leaf pile! What better way to ring in the best season of them all than by snapping some incredibly cute pics with your SO while having a blast among the leaves?

2. Pumpkin Patch Photoshoot

For a super like-worthy weekend outing, head to a pumpkin patch close to campus and take pics as you choose your winning pumpkins. Even better, carve them together and photograph the process!

3. Heartwarming Hiking Insta

Trek away from classes for a day and hit the trails! Be sure to stop your mountain man along the way for an Insta-worthy couple pic.

4. Snuggly Bonfire Shot

Fall is bonfire season, and who better to snuggle up with by the fire than your SO? The flames will be sure to light up your faces in a super heartwarming, like-able photo.

5. Football Game 'Gram

While you're cheering on your #1 team with your #1 guy this football season, make sure to turn away from the action for a moment and let a friend snap an adorable game-day couple picture.

6. Apple-Picking Selfie

There's nothing like apple orchards in fall. And with your SO, there's nothing like an adorable apple-picking selfie! Between delicious bites, snap a couple selfies that will put every basic girl's Instagram to shame.

7. Bundled-Up Smooch

While PDA isn't normally appreciated on social media, how can anyone resist an adorable kiss when you're bundled up in hats and scarves to fight off the oncoming cold weather?

8. Cutesy Couples Costume Pose

We may not always be able to find Waldo, but everyone will be able to spot the cutest couples costume this Halloween - right on their Instagram feed! Snapping a charming picture of you and your SO in your coordinating costumes is sure to warm some hearts this fall.

9. Sunset Snap

And finally, a romantic sunset picture with your SO really can't be beat.

What are you waiting for? Get 'gramming!

The 11 Costumes You'll See at a College Halloween Party


In college, Halloween is a week of fun, partying and getting the chance to be someone besides yourself for a change. The ultimate goal is to dress as something unique that no one else at the party will be. Some people don't exactly get the memo. Keep reading for a list of the 11 Halloween costumes you're guaranteed to see at any and every college party.

1. The Cat

We're convinced that cat costumes are for those who couldn't care less about Halloween. They either don't care enough about the holiday to plan an actual costume, or they procrastinate, and when October 31st comes around, they're so antsy to get drunk that they throw on the nearest scrap of fabric and cat ears and call it a night. This costume is typically worn by those who are, in layman's terms, basic.

2. The Main Character From a Hit TV Series

Whether its Pinkman, Khaleesi, Dexter or Crazy Eyes, when people like a TV show, they find it necessary to dress up as a main character. Expect at least six people at your party this year to be dressed as the main character of whatever the most popular TV show is around Halloween 2014.

3. The Solo Cup

This dude loves inconvenient costumes and really loves the attention that comes with them. His likes include beer pong (obviously), being shirtless and pushing through the crowded dance floor, making everyone else tumble to the ground and have no choice but to notice him.

4. The Risky BusinessCostume

Similar to the cat costume, the Risky Business costume is generally worn by basics. It requires little to no effort and is almost always worn by those who haven't actually seen the movie. "Wait, there's a movie?"

5. The Sexy [Insert Literally Anything Here]

Want to go as sexy beer can? Sure. What about sexy Skittles? No problem. Sexy iPod? Yeah, that can be a thing! All it takes is a tight dress, sometimes made out of duct tape if you're into that kind of thing, and a logo on the front. You can be anything your heart desires with a trip to Michaels and a good printer.

6. The Literal Costume

This guy is all about the irony. He's a total goofball, and his goal of the night is to make people laugh. When a literal costume is as elaborate as the picture above, it's a great costume, but literal costumes can often be a failed attempt at wit and will produce many an eye roll. The same guy has also been seen going as a "pothead" by wearing an actual pot on his head at past Halloween parties. 

7. The Creeper Costume

The creeper costume is always worn by an equally creepy dude. He just came to the party to get with girls, and, ironically enough, his costume is doing the exact opposite of its intended purpose. Ladies, keep your distance from the "Free Mammograms" guy. He's not a real doctor. 

8. The Non-Costume

Costumes like this are for the guys who are too cool to care. Hipster, intellectual, mature - whatever this dude calls himself, he sucks. Yeah, the non-costume can be funny if done like our boy Jim Halpert, but what's the point of Halloween if you're going to be boring and dress normally? Come on - it only happens once a year, everyone dresses up and, as Cady Heron once said, "you'd better be one of them, biotch."

9. The Costume Nobody Gets

There's always someone at the party who wants to flaunt her intellectual side and show that she's above the typical and childish costume choices that most college kids are into. And there are always drunk people who straight up don't get it. Most conversations overheard between a person wearing this costume and a drunk partygoer go as follows:

Drunk: "Like, what are you?"

Intellectual:"A Freudian slip."

Drunk: *Stares blankly*

Intellectual: *Stares blankly*

Drunk: *Burps then walks away*

10. The Buzzed LightBeer

This costume is for BROOOOs. If you don't bro out as hard as this bro, then go home. This bro wants everyone around him to know that he drinks alcohol. And he drinks a lot of it, often. He can pound tons of beers. You only drank eight beers? That may as well be like drinking water.

11. The Costume That Ruins Your Childhood Memories

At every party, you're always graced with the girls who choose a beloved childhood character, such as a Disney Princess, a Rugrat (Yes, we've seen "sexy" Chuckie before) or even Mario and Luigi, and wear lingerie in relevant colors to try to pass as said characters. We personally don’t remember Mario or Luigi wearing sparkly bras in Super Smash Bros. That must be in the newer version.

Dressing for a Chic, Fall Night with Miss Me


It’s definitely getting chillier—but that doesn’t mean your fashion has to suffer. It’s not yet cold enough to completely hide your body with sweaters and leggings, so embrace the temperature and show a little skin!

I decided to try a new look (for me) with a Miss Me Faux Leather & Tweed Moto Jacket ($99) paired with Miss Me black floral shorts. I’d always wanted to work a pair of winter shorts, but had never really tried before.

While shorts and a black jacket can easily scream 'summer', this worked because of the thick, warm fabric on the shorts, which gave it more of a cold weather feel. In fact, if it had been cooler out, it would have been totally acceptable to wear a pair of black tights under the shorts. But, alas, I wanted to show a little leg while I still could.

The outfit, with black simple heels, made for a great going out outfit (which, as collegiettes, we can always use more of). The jacket was trendy, but also kept me warm (which made up for my admittedly cold legs—but that’s of my own doing!). The jacket also had these great gold accents throughout the tweed that jazzed it up and made it more fun. Because of that gold I actually felt like adding any necklaces would have been overkill—the jacket already had enough going on.

While these pieces clearly go great together, there is so much more you can do with both. The shorts would work with either a fitted black top tucked in or a dark, very oversized top to keep the attention on your legs. The jacket can work simply as a top (as seen here) or work over any top on any bottom, from jeans to tight black skirts.

For more stylish ideas, check out Miss Me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+!

This post is brought to you by Miss Me, however opinions are my own.


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