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How She Got There: Belma McCaffrey, Senior Business Development Associate at Associated Press


Name: Belma McCaffrey
Age: 31
Job Title and Description: Negotiation Consultant for Young Professionals/Senior Business Development Associate at Associated Press  
College/Major: Syracuse University / Public Relations and Political Science
Website: http://belmamccaffrey.com/
Twitter Handle:@belmamc

What does your current job entail? Is there such a thing as a typical day?

Belma McCaffrey: Right now, I have two jobs. I am a Senior Business Development Associate at the Associated Press, the largest news organization in the world. My role is to develop long-lasting partnerships with new media and tech companies to drive revenue for the organization. Many of the AP’s customers are traditional newspapers and broadcasters, so the goal is to help our company overcome the challenges facing the traditional media industry by joining forces with the startup community.

When I’m not putting together business deals for the AP, I spend my time working with young professional females as a negotiation consultant. My goal is to help young women who struggle with negotiating for raises and promotions learn how to consistently advocate for themselves and develop a negotiation strategy that will increase their earning potential significantly throughout their lifetimes. Negotiating just an extra 5,000 dollars more when you’re 22 years old can result in an extra 500,000 dollars by the time you retire.

There is no such thing as a typical day! My nine to six [job] at the AP keeps me quite busy, and my evenings are filled attending events and planning workshops to host for young females.

What is the best part of your job?

BM: Working with young professionals is extremely rewarding. At one of my negotiation workshops, one of the attendees approached me, gave me a big hug and thanked me for the new skills she learned at the event. I know she wanted to ask for a raise soon, something she was nervous about, so it meant a lot to see that she felt empowered to ask for what she had earned.

And, working for the AP, a nonprofit news organization, is rewarding as there’s a larger mission at stake. The AP is an especially important player in media as it promotes democracy, transparency and objectivity through information and news.

What was your first entry-level job in your field and how did you get it?

BM: I was an Assistant Media Planner at TargetCast TCM developing media plans for Wyeth brands (such as Advil and Dimetapp). I graduated from Syracuse in 2005 and several media planning agencies in NYC were hiring. I remember at the interview, I established a connection with each and every person who interviewed me. I was young but passionate, enthusiastic about learning and couldn’t wait to start my career. My passion and interest became evident to the team hiring me and they offered me the job on the spot. I was thrilled!

What is one thing you wish you knew about your industry when you first started out that you know now?

BM: I wish I had known how fast the industry would change. Not long after I started working on the traditional side of media (television and print), digital media exploded. It’s important to always stay ahead of your industry to gauge where your next move should be.

Who is one person who changed your professional life for the better?

BM: I have to say both of my parents. I was born in Albania, a small, poor country in Eastern Europe that was once communist. We left when I was seven years old. When we moved here, my dad worked (and still does actually) three jobs to help save for our education and my mother worked part time while taking care of three kids. All of the sacrifices they have made for my siblings and me are a constant motivation to do my best. Their experiences in Albania and struggles give me perspective.

What words of wisdom do you find most valuable?

BM: “Make your vision so clear that your fears are irrelevant” is one of my favorites. We often let fear hold us back for way too long. If you can think of the finish line, what it is that drives you and fuels your passion, focus on that and the negative voices become insignificant. 

What is one mistake you made along the way and what did you learn from it?

BM: At a younger age, I was sometimes too afraid to take risks. That includes making the decision to go back to school for my MBA or even pursuing my own side projects and passions. I’ve learned that there are no guarantees. Sometimes, and usually quite often, things don’t work out the way you plan. It’s better to go with the flow and seize every opportunity rather than wait until you have everything figured out.

What has been the most surreal moment of your career thus far?

BM: I won a lunch with Daniel Lubetzky, the CEO of KIND, and that was incredible. I had the chance to talk to him about my negotiation workshops and work at the AP. It’s not every day one receives business advice from such an inspiring leader and social entrepreneur, so I was on cloud nine the entire day. 

What do you look for when considering hiring someone?

BM: With technology today, we have so many tools at our disposal. I look to hire someone who is resourceful and figures out a way to get the job done, especially when they don’t have all the answers and are in an environment of uncertainty.

What advice would you give to a 20-something with similar aspirations?

BM: If you don’t know what it is you love to do yet, that’s okay. Work hard and make the most of every job and opportunity, no matter how small and insignificant they seem. And read…a lot! There’s so much information out there, and it’s important to always be a student of your work.

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The 5 Best TV Halloween Costumes for 2014


If there’s one thing we know about collegiettes, it’s that we don’t have time for anything… unless it’s our favorite TV shows. This Halloween, live your wildest Netflix dreams and dress up as a character from one of your favorite TV shows!

1. Piper from Orange Is the New Black

Channel your inner Piper with some tan prison clothes and shoes that “sort of look like TOMS.” Wear minimal makeup and feel free to bring a sassy accessory, like the famed chicken or some maxi pads.

2. Olivia Pope from Scandal

Literal white hat or not, you’re sure to be a hit at every Halloween party this year with a classic Olivia-Pope-in-white-with-red-wine ensemble—just don’t spill anything! Be sure to wear a fabulous white ensemble, curl your hair and carry around a glass of red wine (or grape juice). Don’t forget to bring your iPhone just in case you need to quickly take care of something.

3. Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones

Whether you’ve read all the books or you just can’t stop watching the TV show, you can rock this elaborate costume. Carry around a few stuffed dragons, and make sure that your hair is in a blonde wig or is curled like Daenerys’s.

4. Meredith from Grey’s Anatomy

Eleventh season or not, the classic appeal of the Grey’s Anatomy costume is its ease—and scrubs look hot on everyone, right? Grab your scrubs, stethoscope, clipboard and coffee. You could also put a pillow under your stomach if you want to portray the pregnant Meredith.

5. Sheldon or Penny from The Big Bang Theory

Whether or not you’re trying to go for Penny’s look with your guy friends or you feel like crossing over into nerdy-guy territory with your own costume, BBT is a party-pleasing option. Wear this T-shirt or make your own costume—with khakis, a nerdy T-shirt like this one, glasses and a board game, you can emulate Sheldon perfectly. Bazinga! You can also go for Penny’s look in a waitress costume—wear a blue skirt, a white collared shirt and a yellow sweater vest. 

Real Live College Guy Dale: He Made Things Official, Then Changed His Mind


We all need a little guidance now and then, so whether you’re stressed about a fling gone wrong, a recently wrecked relationship or how to handle a stage-five clinger, Real Live College Guy Dale is here to help you navigate the college dating scene.

I just recently started college. The first week, I met this guy, and we really hit it off. After a few days of texting and hanging out with our mutual friends, he told me that he liked me. From there, we went on a date and continued to hang out in the group and be in constant contact through the day. After a week of us being a "thing," I was going to go to a party with a friend, so we brought up being exclusive (exclusive, not boyfriend/girlfriend). I was cool with it because I'm not a hook-up girl and I knew it would reassure him that I wasn't going crazy at the party. Then, a few days later, he brought up that we should keep dating and not be exclusive since it is only "fair." 

I don't care that we aren't exclusive since we've only been talking for two weeks. I just don't understand why he would bring it up only to take it back. Why not just let us naturally get to being exclusive over time and then stay there? I'm not sure if his, "let's keep dating but not be exclusive" really means, “I don't want to even date you,” and he just doesn't want to tell me that.

I don't want to be blindsided later down the road. Is he just trying to slow things down because going exclusive is unhealthily fast for us, or does he just not know how to tell me he doesn't like me?–Confused at Carolina

Well, Carolina, welcome to college dating!

Your entire situation depends on whether or not this guy is a freshman as well. If he is, I can understand why he’d want to play the field as opposed to getting chained down during his first semester. Not that I agree with “playing the field,” but as a guy, I understand the desire.

If he isn’t a freshman, I think you need to be wary of his motives. If he’s not a freshman, he’s trying to get you to be one of his late-night booty calls. While there’s nothing particularly wrong with casual sex (be safe, though), I take issue with his predation on more naïve freshman girls.

As far as his statement about fairness, I have no idea what he’s talking about. “Fair” would be him telling you straight up that he doesn’t want to pursue anything serious with you and he just wants to hook up. But, as you said, you’re not a hook-up person – so that would put his deviant little plans on the backburner. It isn’t so much that he doesn’t like you as much as it is that he just doesn’t want to get into anything serious with you.

If you don’t want to be blindsided, I’d offer up this little tidbit of advice: Drop him. It’s college. You’ve got another three years left here, and you have plenty of time to date other people. He’s a drop in the bucket, and you deserve better. Until you find better, however, you need to look at what you want rather than what he wants. Right now it seems like everything depends on what he’s doing, but it’s your life. As selfish as it might sound, what you want and need is more important than what he wants right now.

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What Your Karaoke Song Says About You


Ah, karaoke. What other activity allows you to casually sing in front of a crowd of complete strangers without feeling completely awkward? Maybe you need a little liquid courage, or maybe you just love to sing and need somewhere to do it. Either way, we know that what you sing at karaoke night says a lot about you, so we've decided to analyze your karaoke song choice. 

Anything from an '80s Hair Band 

Your top picks:"Sweet Child O' Mine,""Paradise City,""Pour Some Sugar On Me"

You were probably the head cheerleader in high school, and you've got the confidence to pull off the booty shakin' and hair flipping that comes hand in hand with these songs. You've probably danced on the bar with your girlfriends more than once, and you love to have a great time. You always seem to go for the bad boys, but hey, it’s not your fault you have a thing for guys with great hair! 

One-Hit Wonders

Your top pics:"Come On Eileen,""Never Gonna Give You Up,""I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)"

One-hit wonders are a tricky business because you never know who will be able to sing along, but you don't care. You march to the beat of your own drum, and there's nothing wrong with that! You like to think that you've got a quirky web presence, and you probably spend a lot more time on Tumblr than you're comfortable to admit. You're probably the funniest person in your friend group... no, definitely the funniest person in your friend group. 

Anything a '90s Kid Would Appreciate 

Your top picks:"Genie in a Bottle,""Barbie Girl,""Oops!... I Did It Again"

You know what you’re comfortable with, and, as an average '90s girl, these are the songs you’ve spent years perfecting while dancing around in your room with your besties and practicing choreography. You're naturally nost∂algic and love making memories with the people around you. You've considered breaking out the platform sneakers and jellies of your youth, but have opted instead to have killer "vintage" fashion sense. Your pop-culture game is on point, mostly because you spend a majority of your time on sites like Her Campus and Buzzfeed. 

Anything Musical Theatre

Your top picks:"Defying Gravity,""I Dreamed a Dream,""I Feel Pretty"

You're used to having all eyes on you, and you don't care if you get some mean side-eye for breaking out a song from your favorite musical. A theatre girl at heart, you can't imagine not breaking out your audition song for every karaoke night. You're supremely confident, but you don't let it get to your head. Okay, you do let it get to your head, but you never know who's in the audience, right?

Anything Your Mom Would Know 

Your top picks:"Hold On,""Only the Good Die Young,""Uptown Girl"

You're either a middle-aged woman or you've just got fabulous taste in music. Either way, you don't really care who's watching you, as long as you're having fun. You might be a little bit awkward, but you embrace it as one of your most endearing quirks. You're loyal to the people around you and always stick with what works for you. You definitely have a habit of putting a smile on the faces of everyone around you! 

Anything Rap 

Your top picks:"Ignition (Remix),""Look At Me Now,""Super Bass"

You're normally pretty quiet, so no one would have guessed that you could rap Busta Rhymes' part in Look At Me Now, but you're a natural. That's because you can do anything that you put your mind to, whether it's learning impossible song lyrics or running a marathon. "Determined" would be the word that most people use to describe you, right after "awesome" and "impressive." You love channeling your inner Nicki Minaj, and no one can pry the mic out of your hand when Super Bass comes on. 

Anything About Girl Power

Your top picks:"Man! I Feel Like a Woman!,""Wannabe,""Girls Just Want to Have Fun"

Probably a little bitter over your latest breakup, you're ready to just have some fun. You're a natural-born leader who knows what she wants when she wants it, and what you want right now is to let loose. You’ve got a group of girlfriends by your side, and you’re about to let the whole bar know it. You all may not be the best singers, but the second “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” comes on, y’all are screaming the chorus like your lives depend on it. 

Anything by Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey or Barbra Streisand

Your top picks:"Hero,""I Will Always Love You,""My Heart Will Go On"

Not far off from the musical-theatre lover, you are majorly confident and you don't care what people say when you break out a power ballad. You're either an only child or really used to getting your way. You might be a diva, but you know that a diva is a female version of a hustler. The only problem is, you may not be quite as flawless of a singer as your mother has been telling you all of these years. Whatever, haters gonna hate. 

Anything That You Would Hear at Last Call 

Your top picks:"Hey Jude,""Closing Time,""Piano Man"

You're probably a middle child who has spent her life seeking out a little extra attention, and there's nothing wrong with that! You're always looking to make things interesting, because you believe that a little competition never hurt anybody. Not to be outdone, you are the girl who is always closing it down. You know that songs like “Hey Jude” should never come before last call. Bonus points if you get the crowd to sing along. 


There are so, so many great karaoke songs out there that it was impossible to break it down for everyone, but if you've got any ideas we didn't mention, leave your thoughts in the comments below! 

The Best Movie Halloween Costumes for 2014


No disrespect to the Academy, but the real mark of a good movie is the number of Halloween costumes it inspires. Check out our favorite movie-character costumes this year!

1. Elsa from Frozen

Awesome costumes like this one make Frozen's Elsa the perfect choice for a Halloween costume. Who doesn't want to wear that blue dress and be a blonde for a day? Don't forget to put snowflakes in your hair and rock the smoky eye!

2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Celebrate the new movie with this cute TMNT costume - fighting crime can be stylish, too! Though these guys aren't typically the most attractive bunch, you and your friends can band together to bring a little girliness to your costumes.

3. Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy

If you're up for a makeup challenge this Halloween, take on Gamora' s green skin and purple hair. Check out this awesome costume and get ready to defend your planet (or eat some candy).

4. Maleficent

If you think you'd make a wicked villain (or you could really rock the red lipstick and pointy hat), try a Maleficent costume this Halloween! You may not have the acting cred of Angelina Jolie, but we're pretty sure you would look awesome in the dress.

5. Katniss Everdeen from Catching Fire

Even if Katniss Everdeen can seem a little overdone, you can put a new twist on it this year by pairing a detailed black dress with a pair of handmade wings. Add some serious smoky eyes and glittery earrings, and you'll rock Katniss's more glam look.

6. The dolphin from Dolphin Tale 2

If you want to go for a sillier Halloween look, try going as the dolphin from this movie! Practice your dolphin sounds and pick up a costume like this one. You can even have your friend follow you around in a wetsuit as your trainer!

7. Mr. Peabody from Mr. Peabody & Sherman

If you haven't seen this "kids' movie" that somehow satisfies viewers of all ages, you need to rent it. Now. Plus, Mr. Peabody is the perfect Halloween costume. Dress in all white, make yourself ears and a tail, do your makeup with a black nose and whiskers, add a red bow tie and glasses and you're done!

How to Deal When You Hate Your Haircut


It’s every girl’s worst nightmare: You’re sitting in your hairdresser’s chair, and suddenly, you no longer recognize yourself in the mirror. You glance at the picture of Jennifer Lawrence you brought, and you don’t look like her, either. As the stylist continues to trim and primp your hair, you’re dumbfounded, unsure what to say. You did not ask for this. Or you did ask for this, but now you realize your mistake. Too short, too boyish, too mom-ish, too ugly. You walk out of the salon feeling awful. Talk about a hairy situation.

But it doesn’t have to be that way! There ARE things you can do to salvage the situation—both while you’re still in the salon and after you get home. We talked to Benjamin Manista, assistant manager and art designer at Dino Palmieri Salon in Cleveland, Ohio, about what to do when you hate your haircut.

1. Stop the stylist

We know it can be scary, especially if you explained what you wanted and brought photos. But the number one way to prevent a bad haircut is to stop the stylist as soon as you’re not comfortable with what he or she is doing.

“Forget about the fact [that] you might hurt the stylist’s opinion,” Manista says. “Say, ‘I don't like what you did. Can you do something different?’”

Being as direct and as simple as possible will ensure your stylist gets the point. But remember to be sensitive! Hairdressers and stylists are artists, and they take pride in their work. They want to be creative, but more so, they want to please you.

“I would want you to stop me,” Manista says. “I was cutting someone's hair and she point-blank said to me, ‘I don’t want you to do anything else.’ I was shocked, but I appreciated the fact that she was willing to say she wasn’t satisfied.”

After your stylists stops cutting, reevaluate with him or her. State what you’re not digging, and see if there’s something he or she can do then and there to fix the problem.

2. Go back to the salon

 Sometimes it’s hard to tell what your new hair is going to look like when it’s still wet or in the process of being cut or blow-dried. By the time you get home, though, or the day after (once you’ve washed your hair and tried to style it yourself), you may be really unhappy. The best thing to do? Go back to the salon.

“Let’s say you didn’t have a bad experience, but when you got home, it’s just not right,” Manista says. “Please call the salon and get it fixed! You might not be able to get in that day, but certainly give the artist the opportunity to correct the issue.”

Hairstylists want to make you as happy as they can! It’s absolutely no big deal to go back in the next day, or even several days later. Stylists won’t be able to magically grow your hair longer, but if you hate your layers or new highlights, he or she can probably fix it.

“We want you to trust us,” Manista says. “We want you to tell us you didn’t like it. I want you to tell me the bangs were too long!”

You should never have to pay for going back in, but Manista says you should go as soon as you’re unhappy. He recommends a two-week maximum on going back—otherwise, your hair will have grown, and by then it’s really a new haircut rather than a change to what was already done.

3. Wait it out

Easier said than done, we know, but unfortunately, waiting may be the only thing you can do to fix your haircut once you’re home from the salon and the cut is over, especially if you think it’s too short.

“Nature has to do its thing,” Manista says. “Hair grows from between a fourth to a half an inch a month, but it depends on the person.”

Manista recommends trying to forget about it—chances are you don’t actually look like Peter Pan with the pixie cut! You may learn to live with your new style, or you may forever hate it, but in any case, you’ll see length in about a month to six weeks.

4. Use a scalp-stimulating shampoo

Totally regret getting those inches cut? You’ll probably have to wait it out, but Manista recommends using a scalp-cleansing shampoo like Nioxin in the meantime.

“[Nioxin] cleanses the scalp [of toxins] that may block and stunt hair growth,” Manista says. “It draws blood to the surface, which will then help to produce hair growth.”

You can also try these tips for growing long, healthy hair. Healthy, undamaged hair is likely to look better and grow faster, too, so check out these tips for restoring unhealthy hair. This will help you move on from an unwanted hairstyle more quickly!

5. Embrace something completely different

Maybe you thought you wanted side bangs, but now that you’ve washed your hair and have tried to style it, you realize you hate the new look. Your stylist can’t magically grow your bangs out, but she may be able to suggest something different that you’ll like better.

Maybe side bangs look ridiculous—but perhaps full bangs will satisfy you, so try those during a follow-up visit. Think the short hair looks dumb? Go shorter—maybe a pixie cut will make you feel more Miley Cyrus than soccer mom. You might not end up with what you had wanted originally, but it may be easier to live with.

Ask your stylist for his or her creative opinion. Trust Manista when he says that stylists love to give their opinion! If there’s simply nothing else the stylist can do (or nothing else you’ll let him or her do), ask him or her how to style it to make the most out of what you have.

In the end, though, going back to your original hair will take time. Remember to never feel bad about telling your stylist you don’t like your haircut. It’s a customer-service relationship, which means stylists want to give you something you’ll love! However, keep in mind that your hair will always grow back, so your discomfort is temporary. You may even discover a chic new look in the process!

Win $500 Worth of Accessories in Your Sorority's Colors (and More!)


You survived Rush Week—and you can finally sport your sorority’s colors! As excited as you are to show off those letters, that tote that every sorority girl has (you know the one) is kind of starting to blend in into a hazy sea of Greek letters.

Since that’s no way to show your sorority pride, we’ve partnered up with accessories line Ame & Lulu to give you a chance to win a $500 gift card to shop colorful totes, bold wristlets, carry-all weekenders and more, all in your sorority’s colors! You’ll also get custom sorority monogramming, and you’ll score half off the entire collection for your whole chapter! Our favorites? For every day campus wear, we love this canvas tote, which features a subtle yet eye catching print (choose from tons of colors and patterns). Might we also suggest grabbing one of these fun key pouches, to store your ID, keys and other daytime essentials?

A shopping spree this size will get you enough sorority gear to last throughout your four years of college (or, if you’re nice, you’ll have enough to share the winnings with your little…maybe), and we’re betting your chapter won’t say no to that 50 percent off discount, either. As if that's not enough, 5 runners-up will each win the Natural Tote in the pattern of their choice!

Enter here for your chance to win!

7 Queer-Girl Dating Problems (& How to Deal)


Let’s be real: No one ever knows the perfect formula to dating, especially not in college. Yet, like a swift autumn breeze, the season for finding a beautiful girl to cuddle with on those cold, lonely nights is upon us. Whether you’re just embarking on your journey of self-discovery or you’re a well-seasoned queer girl, we hope to answer some of your #queergirlprobs with this list!

1. The LGBTQ+ community on your campus is totally lacking

One of the main dating complaints collegiettes have, no matter where they fall on the spectrum, is the lack of options they have on their campuses. But when you’re trying to find a lady friend, that problem has the potential to become even worse. If your school doesn’t have an enormous LGBTQ+ population, it might be really hard to find a girl who isn’t your ex, your BFF’s ex or someone who’s connected to you in some other strange, distant way.

Dr. Frankie Bashan, LGBTQ+ relationship expert and coach, says that if your community is too small or practically nonexistent, you should look into lesbian-specific websites or communities for not only romantic company, but friendships as well. Sites such as Autostraddle and Curve have online communities in which you can talk to other queer women from all around the world whom you might be able to connect with.  

Another potential way to meet new girls is dating apps. Whether you’re trying to find your Tinderella or just someone to talk to, dating apps can be great for connecting with people who might not be on campus but are still just a few miles away.

2. You’re not sure if your crush is into girls

So there’s this girl you’ve just met, and you can’t get her out of your head. You talk all the time, and you have a bunch in common. You’ve started making subtle yet flirty remarks to test the waters, to which she giggles, but never quite reciprocates. Here lies one huge problem: You have absolutely no clue whether or not she’s into girls.

There are a bunch of subtle ways to figure it out, such as testing her knowledge of queer-girl culture or Facebook-stalking to see what she’s interested in. But Dr. Bashan warns that the only way you’ll know for sure is if you straight-up ask her.

“This process can get dangerous when it comes to stereotypes,” Dr. Bashan says. “You can’t trust these assumptions all the time. I’ve seen cases where a girl might look more masculine, but she’s straight, and I’ve also seen girls who I could’ve sworn she was straight, but she was into girls. You really can’t know unless you ask.”

Dr. Bashan also warns that in your early 20s, the topic of sexuality is very charged, and you should tread lightly when it comes to asking about her preference. Make sure you’re a person whom she knows that she can trust, and when you do decide to ask, make sure you’re both sober so you both are making the right choices.

3. You’re still struggling with being out

While coming out is liberating for some, we don’t want to undermine the fact that coming out can be a difficult process for many people. Coming to know this part of yourself can be scary, especially if you come from a family or any type of background that isn’t accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. This directly affects your dating life, especially if you’re dating someone who is out and wants you to be out along with her.

Dr. Bashan suggests that you try coming out slowly but surely to people whom you know you can trust.

“If this person can hold information in confidence, then you should try coming out to them and see how they react,” she says. “Ask them to be respectful of your privacy, but also ask them for advice or help if you think they can assist you.”

Another thing Dr. Bashan suggests is finding resources on your college campus, such as peer-led coming-out groups or a therapist who can talk through these issues you might be experiencing.

“Even if you don’t have these resources available to you on your campus, books and websites can also help you get a better understanding of yourself,” she says.

However, if you’re already dating a girl who is out, she might be trying to push you to be out of the closet. Maya**, a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, admits that she has tried to pressure her partner into being out.

“I would be passive-aggressive about it,” she says. “I wouldn’t actually say that she needed to be out, but I would tell her how hard it was for me to not be able to tell my friends I was seeing someone. I could tell it hurt her feelings that I wasn’t trying to see it from her perspective.”

This is when you need to set boundaries and let her know that this is a decision that you need to make for yourself.

“We all go through our own process, and if you’re not ready to come out, nobody should be pressuring you,” Dr. Bashan says. “You need to be comfortable enough with yourself to let her know that it’s not okay.”

Make sure your girlfriend understands that this is something that is very personal and not something you’re comfortable with doing right now. While she may have been perfectly fine with coming out, everyone’s coming-out journey looks different.

4. Girls are constantly judging you for being bisexual or questioning

Whether you’re for sure bisexual or you’re bi-curious, you may be nervous about telling this to anyone in the LGBTQ+ community for fear of flat-out rejection. Queer girls are wary of hooking up with bi girls and often might respond negatively if you come out to them as such.

“When I date someone, regardless of gender, some people do not know how to handle the fact that I am bisexual and are either confused by it or, in some cases, rude about it,” says Claire**, a senior at the University of Texas at Austin.

Dr. Bashan says that one of the biggest issues that she sees college women facing is trying to figure out where they fit on the sexuality spectrum.

“Many people in college are still trying to come into their own and find out where they fit in the community,” Dr. Bashan says. “Labels can be frustrating to people, especially when it comes to bisexuality. Those who identify as bisexual face lots of discrimination.”

If you’re bi-curious, you need to make sure that you find a partner who is comfortable with the fact that this is an identity you’re still in the process of exploring. If she understands from the beginning that this is something that is new to you, you will know from the start where she stands, and you can plan out together how you want your relationship to play out.

However, if you’re bisexual, it’s a different story. You already know whom and what you’re attracted to. You should have confidence in this, and if someone tries to judge you for it, then you should definitely see it as his or her loss instead of yours!

5. You run into your ex all the time at LGBTQ+ gatherings

Nothing sucks more than going to your LGBTQ+ club’s monthly potluck only to find your ex-girlfriend hitting on the new transfer student. You want nothing more than to scoff, roll your eyes and sulk off in the opposite direction as you contemplate “accidentally” spilling your drink on her later on in the night.

While most people feel like completely avoiding their exes or gossiping about them in these situations, Dr. Bashan suggests that you do the exact opposite.

“When you see your ex in a public space, say hi and be friendly,” she says. “Catch her off guard and be amicable. You don’t have to be best friends with her, but you don’t have to bad-mouth her either.”

Dr. Bashan also says to make sure you’re not putting pressure on your friends to choose sides. While you and this girl have gone your separate ways, you still might have mutual friends who aren’t interested in getting involved in all of your messy breakup drama. If you handle the situation maturely, you have the opportunity to maintain those friendships long after the relationship is over.

6. Girls you like aren’t interested in you because you’re a trans* woman

As a queer trans* woman, the dating scene is even more complicated to navigate in comparison to what queer cisgender women deal with. You might face transphobia from not just the general population on campus, but even from within the LGBTQ+ community.

“I think even in our society right now, I feel like transgender folks are going through what lesbians and gay men were dealing with 20 to 30 years ago,” Dr. Bashan says. “They’re even being discriminated against within the queer community. They’re excluded, even though we’re all queer, and we all know what it’s like to be discriminated against, whether we’re gay, bi or trans*.”

Dr. Bashan says in her experience, lesbians have been more accepting of trans* men than they are of trans* women. But she also insists that trans* women in college should prioritize their safety.

“On a college campus, there are a lot of risks,” she says. “They have to make sure first and foremost that it’s a safe environment to expose themselves. People in college are not fully evolved. We’re talking about young adults who may be less knowledgeable and threatened by [trans* women]. If there is a trans* woman who is trying to find a partner on campus, particularly a lesbian, safety should come first.”

Next, Dr. Bashan suggests finding a group of people you can trust, whether they be trans*-inclusive organizations on campus or online communities, as discussed earlier. When you’re connecting with allies, you’re more likely to meet girls who are supportive of your gender identity. What’s sexier than inclusivity, are we right?

7. You’re friend-zoned because you’re not masculine enough

Femme girls, we know you’ve heard this too many times before. You’re considered “not queer enough” because you prefer florals to flannels and heels to high tops. This can even apply to queer girls who don’t identify as femmes but don’t completely fit the butch stereotype. If you’re even remotely “too feminine” (whatever that means), you might run into trouble finding a date.

“I know that in our coming-out process, we go through phases,” Dr. Bashan says. “When I first came out, I felt like I was too feminine. People always thought I was the bisexual at the bar or the straight girl hanging out with my lesbian or gay guy friends. I got no respect or attention because I looked like a straight girl. I got really tired of it. I cut my hair off, I stopped wearing makeup and I wore looser clothes.”

Dr. Bashan says that it’s perfectly normal to feel the need to change ourselves to fit the mold of what you believe is expected of queer women. She says that she now identifies as more feminine; she has short hair but sports makeup and skirts and owns her femininity.

At the end of the day, what matters is that you feel comfortable and secure in your identity.

“I think people go through phases of trying different looks on to see what’s best for us,” she says. “We discover how our community responds to us and how we feel most comfortable wearing these different outfits. At the end of the day … accept who you are and accept where you fall on this continuum of femininity and masculinity. As long as you are confident in wherever you fall, that’s sexy. That is attractive. You’ve got to own it.”

After all, if someone thinks you should be a different person in order to be attractive, you probably don’t want to date her, anyway! Hold out for someone who will like you for who you are.

Queer or straight, dating in college isn’t easy. There’s still so much that you’re figuring out about yourself, as well as how you relate to everyone around you.

“I think the main point at the crux of it all is maintaining personal boundaries, believing in yourself and knowing that you’re at a stage where you’re comfortable enough to play with roles and appearances,” Dr. Bashan says.

If you make sure that you have the right support system and you’re confident in who you are and what you want, it’s definitely possible for you to have a fantastic dating experience. Happy dating, everyone!

**Names have been changed.

10 Adorable Couples Costumes for Halloween 2014


From music superstars to movie icons, this year has been packed with power couples. And what’s a better way to bond with your SO than to coordinate a couples costume? Check out HC’s suggestions of awesome couples who made headlines this year and tips to get their looks.

1. Beyoncé and Jay Z

Who wouldn’t want to dress up like Queen Bey and be a part the most famous power couple of the year? With their joint tour, this couple has taken on the music scene by storm. But don’t be intimidated by their ***flawless  style; pulling off a Yoncé and Jay look is easier than you think!

Ladies, rock a plain black leotard (long-sleeved preferable) with super glam makeup and natural, beachy waves. Have your SO wear a black blazer, white T-shirt, sunglasses and a beanie. Add a gold chain for the full look. Then, when you walk into a Halloween party, you can say you woke up like dis.

2. Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling (and Their Daughter!)

We know you’re still sad about this relationship (Ryan is off the market forever), but if you personify Eva and your man takes on Gosling’s look, it might ease your heartache.

While this couple makes red-carpet appearances in glamorous attire (which is hard to copy), they’re also featured in tabloids as down to earth and casual. To get Eva’s effortlessly comfy yet stylish look, pair a loose blouse with your favorite pair of jeans. Cuff the bottoms and wear ankle booties (if you have them) or flats. This is the perfect time to try out a cat eye for your eyeliner and an excuse to wear a high pony out.

To match Ryan’s look, your SO needs a pair of jeans, a white T-shirt, a flannel and, of course, aviator sunglasses. Bonus points if you carry around a baby doll to represent their newborn daughter!

3. Will and Kate (and Prince George!)

You will royally rock this Halloween if you decide to dress up like the most regal couple of our time.  As if we didn’t envy Kate enough already, she looked absolutely flawless post childbirth with Prince George. Kate and Will’s first debut with George was a highlight of 2013, and luckily a look that’s easy to pull off!

Before you retire all of your sundresses for the season, save one that’s blue and white for looking like Kate. Long, wavy hair is a must with natural makeup. For Will, your guy will need a blue button-down and khakis, aka the classic new dad look. Find a baby doll and a white blanket for George and practice your queen wave, because people will be hailing you all night.

4. Claire and Frank from House of Cards

With its long list of awards, House of Cards is probably one of the most well-known shows on Netflix.  If politics is you and your SO’s thing, Claire and Frank are the perfect people to dress up as. To pull of a confident First Lady look, find a LBD and some killer heels. If you’re going for authenticity, invest in a short, blonde wig. To channel Frank, have your SO wear a suit and tie, or least a dress shirt and blazer. Carry around a deck of cards just for kicks.

5. Kim and Kanye

Or Kimye, as most people know them as.  Notorious for her reality show and his general narcissism, Kim and Kanye have continued to make headlines this past year, particularly with their wedding. So what better time to dress up and pretend you’re famous enough to name your child North West?

Get Kim’s look by pairing a crop top and a high-waisted skirt with heels, of course. Want something lower-maintenance? Channel your inner Kardashian with a peplum shirt, tight jeans and flats. Kanye is known for his graphic tees, black jacket, jeans and Timberland boots. Bonus points if your BF can find a shirt with a picture of his face on it to wear around all night.

6. Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard

On the very opposite side of the spectrum of Kimye, you can find TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting newlyweds, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard. Known for their very conservative courtship, this couple’s costume will be significantly less scandalous than some of the others. For Jill, find your most conservative dress or cover as much skin as possible. Limit your makeup and tame your long locks with a flower headband. All your SO needs is a polo and some jeans. Props if he can grow the full beard to complete the look. 

7. Brad and Angelina on their wedding day

This couple made waves when they finally tied the knot this year! No need to purchase a wedding gown for this look; a simple white dress will do. Wear your hair pulled back in a low bun, and purchase a cheap veil at a party store. Then, have you and your best friends doodle all over your dress with multicolored Sharpie (like Angelina let her children do to hers). Make sure your boyfriend is clean-shaven except for a mustache (and be thankful Brad didn’t get married with his mountain-man beard). In a suit and tie, he can be the perfect Brad to your Angelina on their special day.

8. Mary-Kate and Olivier Sarkozy

Hey, to each her own, right? While we might not see the appeal of Olivier (he looks like he could be her father), it would be a funny couple’s costume for you and your BF. Mary-Kate usually has a natural look, so go light on the makeup and pair a loose black shirt with some black skinny jeans. If you can get your hands on some faux fur, even better. Wear your hair in a slicked-back bun (like in the picture), or let it go au naturel. As for Olivier, a shirt and tie will do the trick. Gelled-back hair would be a nice touch. Just tell your SO to channel a 44-year-old and speak with a French accent.

9. Barack and Michelle Obama

No matter what your political stance is, you have to admit that Barack and Michelle are a power couple. Better start doing some push-ups, because we all know the First Lady has killer arms! Michelle is the perfect picture of class and grace, so dress up in your best business casual dress (preferably something sleeveless to show off your biceps). Pearls would be a nice touch as well.

For Barack, your boyfriend can rock a white button-down, blue tie and suit jacket. Make sure to act super affectionate all night (seriously, they’re so adorable together sometimes) and throw in a couple fist bumps to be the best President and First Lady.

10. Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert

Calling all country fans! The king and queen of country would be the perfect duo for you and your BF to dress up as for Halloween. Maybe you two could even do a duet?

For a casual Blake and Miranda look, think jeans, flannels and boots. For Miranda, wear a plain white T-shirt or tank top with blue jeans and cowboy boots (if you have them!). Make sure to play up your eyes and curl your hair. For Blake, your SO can rock a flannel and jeans. Some sexy scruff wouldn’t hurt either.


No matter what you and your SO decide to dress up as, you’re doing it together, so it will automatically be an amazing Halloween! 

Upskirt Shots Taken in Public Aren't a Violation of Privacy, Female Judge Says


In a Washington, D.C. court case settled last month, a female judge dismissed charges against a man who allegedly took photos up women’s skirts at the Lincoln Memorial without their consent or knowledge.

The legality of the infamous upskirt shot has been a highly controversial topic, with sides arguing back and forth about a person’s First Amendment rights and a person’s right to privacy, so the recent news may come as a big disturbance to women out there. As collegiettes, we're seriously concerned.

According to the court filing of her ruling, D.C. Superior Court Judge Juliet McKenna argued that the issue at hand was "whether women in a public place with private areas of their bodies exposed to public view have a reasonable expectation of privacy.” Her response to this issue? No, a person does not have “a reasonable expectation of privacy” when “portions of the body exposed by the individual’s voluntary physical positioning and the fit and fabric of the clothing worn," which in this case, translates to simply wearing a skirt.

McKenna’s argument is clear, but it sounds to us like the explanation is just another case of victim blaming. The court seems to suggests that the women who chose to wore skirts to the Lincoln Memorial that day were intentionally “exposing” themselves and knowingly offering the private areas of their bodies to anyone who may want to take a picture. 

In spite of the court’s outcome, McKenna described the perpetrator's behavior as “repellant and disturbing.” But in the long run, the acknowledgement has no significance since the verdict is still the same: taking upskirt photos in public isn't sufficient grounds for arrest.

What are your thoughts on the verdict, collegiettes? Share your reactions in the comments!

5 Pairs of Rainboots You Won't Mind Stomping Around Campus in


Stepping into an unsuspecting puddle on your way to class in the morning can throw off your whole day. Not only are your feet wet, but you've ruined your brand new flats! Be prepared next time by making sure you have a pair of super cute yet durable pair of boots that will get you through the rain, slush or snowy days that lie ahead. Waterproof boots don’t have to be hideous to be useful. In fact, the chicest ones may make you want to step out in them even when it’s not raining. We’ve picked out the most fashionable boots out there, so check them out!

1. Veletto Rainboot - Vince Camuto ($125) 

With these hip moto boots, you’ll be wishing it rained more often. This mid-calf boot is super edgy, with the small heel that will give you a bit of a boost and the rubber studs that you may only used to seeing on a leather pair.

2. Contrast Top Riding Rainboots - Delia’s ($49.90)

This pair of rainboots can double as a casual riding boot since they hardly look like they're made of rubber! The streamlined shape gives a bit more of a fitted look and the contrasting faux-leather panel adds a more elegant touch to the otherwise plain rubber boot shafts.

3. Rain Fenton - Loeffler Randall ($195)

Okay, so these are definitely a splurge for a small pair of rain booties, but you won’t regret it if you buy them. The slim fit shoe offers a tailored look and the gold buckle detailing will make your rainy day outfit stand out from the crowd.

4. Dreech Boots - Steve Madden ($89.95)

We tend to shy away from wearing rainboots that are too colorful and bold (they remind us of the pink or yellow boots we had in our childhood), but this pair is an option that takes the middle road. The pair, which also comes in a wine color, has a nice pop of color on the zipper that is still subtle. The cute buckles also allow you to adjust them to your liking.

5. Plask Mid Rainboots - Tretorn ($85)

Rainboots have a connotation of being dull and bulky. These “boots” are a twist on your waterproof shoe since they look like wedges, but can still endure rain. Combined with the gunmetal color, the contrasting platforms offer a utilitarian yet feminine look.

Having a set of reliable boots that won't disintegrate in the rain means you no longer have to fear yucky weather (and you also can freely jump in puddles like a 5-year-old)!

Dating a Friend’s Ex: Is it Ever a Good Idea?


He’s cute. He’s nice. His glasses make him just the right amount of adorkable. And he’s newly single. What’s not to love? Oh yeah—he and your friend just broke up.

It wasn’t a totally bad breakup, but it definitely happened. However, you think there could really be something there between the two of you. What should you do?

Being interested in a friend’s ex involves treading in some pretty murky water, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. The double success of starting a potential relationship and keeping your current friendship depends on a few conditions. Consider the following questions to decide if it’s okay to proceed with caution or if it’s better just to let this crush go.

What was the nature of their breakup?

Did he break up with her? Did she break up with him? Were there tears involved? Wait, was he that guy whose teddy bear and mix CD she threw out the window?

Sadie, a junior at Missouri State University, knew her friend had broken up with her boyfriend, so she felt like it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if she tried to make something happen with him. “Of course, I talked to my friend about her breakup first to get the details,” she says. “I didn’t mention that was [why] I asking because I was interested in him until after she told me all about it. But because she seemed to be over the whole thing, I started talking to him.”

Sadie passed the first hurdle: Her friend was over him. But, be warned—while she may be over him because she did the breaking up, he may not be. If the breakup was mutual, your chances of success are much higher. No one wants to deal with lingering feelings.

Dr. Patrick Wanis, an expert in human behavior and relationships, agrees that it’s important to find out how their relationship ended before proceeding with your own. “For example, would you still want to date this guy [if] your friend reveals to you, ‘The reason we broke up is because he cheated on me’?” he says. “And you may not have known that before… It’s better to know these things in advance than find out later.”

How long did they date?

When deciding whether or not your friend’s ex-boyfriend could become your next boyfriend, take the length of their relationship into consideration. If they were high school sweethearts and continued dating into college, dated for four years and finally broke up because they didn’t see themselves getting married (because marriage was on the table?!), that is a complete different set of circumstances than if they had only dated for a few months in college.

Saint Louis University sophomore Lena and her ex-boyfriend dated for about seven months. When her friend came to her to tell her she was interested in her ex, she gave her the go-ahead. “We dated for under a year, so it wasn’t that big of a deal,” she says. “I feel like a year is a good cutoff time to determine if you should really be with your friend’s ex.”

Lena’s friend knew that Lena and her boyfriend had only dating for seven months, which, while respectable, meant that neither one of them was ready to propose any time soon. She felt like it was okay to seek Lena’s permission after realizing that seven months was nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Dr. Wanis says that in addition to figuring out how long your friend and her ex were together, you should find out if your friend’s ex is “emotionally free” of her. “There is no black or white answer of how long do I wait before I start dating again,” he says. “We have a belief, and this is a false belief, that time heals and that time heals everything. And it doesn’t. Time doesn’t do anything of itself. It’s an abstract situation. It’s what we do in that time.”

Have they both seen other people since?

After the breakup, your friend made it clear that she was over her ex. She made it so clear by subsequently finding another boyfriend and living happily ever after. It’s sickeningly cute, but you’re totally happy for her. Now you’re thinking it’s your chance for happiness, too. And, just your luck, the ex has already moved on as well. You wouldn’t be the first girl he’s been with since breaking up with your friend. The stars have aligned!

Rachel, a junior at the University of Mississippi, found herself in this ideal situation. “My friend and her ex broke up, but it was totally mutual,” she says. “What made it even better was that they had both already moved on to other people and didn’t seem to have any leftover feelings from their relationship. So, I went for it. I started talking to my friend’s ex.”

The mutual breakup paired with moving on to other people made this the perfect situation for Rachel. She didn’t have to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings, because both parties made it clear that there were none left to be hurt. When that’s the case, proceed.

Were you and the ex friends first?

You and he met freshman year, long before he started dating your friend. When he and your friend started dating, you were totally supportive. He was a great guy, after all. So, even though he and your friend broke up, that doesn’t change the fact that you know him well. And you know that he’d potentially be worth any trouble.

Emily, a senior at Loyola University Chicago, met Brendan freshman year. He lived on her floor and they became close, but she only ever saw them as friends. So, she hooked Brendan up with her best friend, thinking the two of them would be a good match. Her two friends dated for about a year, and during that time, Emily developed a crush on Brendan.

“When they eventually broke up, I hoped that he maybe felt the same way about me as I did about him,” Emily says. “And he did. He told me that I’d been in the back of his mind since freshman year.” They’ve since been dating for more than two years.

Even though Emily didn’t wait long after her friends broke up to profess her feelings to Brendan, she trusted that it would be worth it. She was close enough with him know (or at least hope) how he would respond. And she didn’t feel like she was choosing a guy over her friendship, because he was her friend, too.

Do you think being with your friend’s ex could ruin your friendship?

If you think your friendship could not survive the potential emotional trauma of dating your friend’s ex, you’re faced with a tough choice.

“I picked the guy,” says Rebecca, a junior at the University of Missouri – Columbia. “And I lost some friends in the process. I’m still figuring out if it was worth it or not. I ended up with the guy, but now I’m not friends with a lot of my friends because of it. They sided with his ex-girlfriend and my ex-friend.”

You’ll have to ask yourself if your friendship is worth saving. Is she someone on the outskirts of your friend group, or is she one of your best friends? Is he someone you could seriously see yourself with for a decent amount of time, or is he just a fleeting crush? The answers to these questions should help you determine if it would be better to walk away with your friendship or relationship.

Dr. Wanis advises collegiettes to have a serious conversation with your friend’s ex. Ask yourselves, “Are we truly committed to each other? Is this something we believe is truly long term?” And if/when you get a clear answer that it would be a long-term relationship and you would be committed to each other, you have to decide whether or not you would be willing to lose your friendship.

How does your friend react to your feelings?

No matter what you decide to do in terms of pursuing or even talking to your friend’s ex, it’s important to be honest with your friend about your feelings for her ex. If you’re serious about your crush on her ex, you should tell her. “I started talking to him, thinking that it would be okay because they had both moved on,” Rachel says. “Had I talked to her about it sooner, I think things would have worked out better for our friendship.”

Dr. Wanis says that it’s best to be honest when it comes to talking to your friend about potentially dating her ex-boyfriend. He even came up with a bit of a script to guide you in that conversation: “Jill, I know you’ve finished your relationship with John. Recently, John and I have been hanging out, and I haven’t told you about this. It’s just that we just started hanging out and feeling developed, and I would like to date him. And I am going to date him. And I don’t know how you feel about this. Obviously, I prefer you to be okay with this, but how do you feel about this?”

If your friend doesn’t take the news well, be sympathetic and understanding. Ask her to explain her feelings, Dr. Wanis says. He suggests you say something like, “Because, you know, now that you’ve broken up with him, someone’s going to date him, whether it’s me or someone else,” and then let you friend talk about her feelings toward the situation.

It’s important to note that there are always exceptions to the rule, as our good friends in He’s Just Not That Into You teach us. You could find yourself getting the best of both worlds: finding the love of your life and keeping your friend by your side. Who knows! But when it comes to boys and friends, tread lightly. Weigh your options. Be honest about your feelings. And then, make a choice: Proceed with caution, or walk away.

14 Reasons Why a Puppy is Better Than a Boyfriend


Your ex-boyfriend may have been attractive, but definitely not as adorable as these puppies. The next time boy troubles get you down, don't forget that any puppy would be happy to snuggle with you... and would be a way better boyfriend than your annoying ex or unrequited crush. Here are a few reasons why.

1. Telling him to "sit and stay" is not "demeaning" or "insulting."

2. He can't eat chocolate... so there's more for you.

3. If he hogs the bed, it's okay for you to push him off. He has his own.

4. If you forget his birthday, he'll probably forgive you for it tomorrow.

5. He doesn't find it unmanly to go shoe shopping.

6. He won't send you confusing texts. He doesn't even know how to text!

7. You always know what to get him for your anniversary.

8. He probably won't notice if you don't shave your legs.

9. He knows how to be romantic (like, Lady and the Tramp romantic).

10. When he begs for things, it's really cute.

11. He looks way better in sweaters.

12. He loves Netflix as much as you do.

13. You love his friends!

14. He's always happy to see you, no matter what.

California State University Los Angeles

5 Celebrity Halloween Costume Ideas


If you're still trying to find that perfect Halloween costume, we have a solution for you: Go as your favorite celeb! No matter whom you pick, you’ll definitely feel glam. Plus, putting together the costume will definitely be fun.

1. Beyoncé

If you go as Queen Bey for Halloween, you’ll have an excuse to make everyone bow down. To channel her diva look, use a curling iron to make those huge, bouncy waves she often rocks. Opt for a smoky eye and shimmery lip gloss to go with it. For your outfit, wear a jumpsuit or romper that will show some leg. To complete the ensemble, slip on some metallic heels and add a flashy necklace.

2. Cara Delevingne

When it comes to dressing up as this English supermodel, it’s all about the makeup. Between her amazing eyebrows and her always-perfect makeup, make sure you nail her look! Dark eyeliner or any eye shadow will suffice to get her thick, dark eyebrows. For your outfit, pair a beanie and a moto jacket with a distressed pair of jeans.

3. Taylor Swift

Consider your goal to be dressed to the nines if you go as pop sensation Taylor Swift this Halloween! Taylor is known for always looking classy, even after leaving the gym, so try a feminine skater dress and a dainty purse. Don’t forget a pair of wayfarer-style sunglasses and a bright red lip!

4. Angelina Jolie at her wedding

Angelina Jolie never ceases to amaze us, but when we saw that her wedding gown was covered in her kids’ drawings, our jaws dropped. Her wedding dress will also make a great Halloween costume! You can make your “gown” out of a white maxi dress you already own, or you can buy a costume gown and veil. Doodle on it with paint, markers, glitter, you name it!

5. Kendall Jenner

With her recent modeling gigs at Paris and Milan Fashion Week, Kendall Jenner sure has been stealing the spotlight from her sisters. To emulate her modeling look, part your hair in the middle and either leave your hair down or high up in a pony. To complete the costume, pick out your trendiest outfit - a high-low skirt, a crop top and some clunky platforms would work. To finish the look, emulate her model pout.

5 Websites to Help You Pick Your College


Between the stacks of snail mail you receive every day, the emails regularly coming into your inbox and the countless college fairs your school puts on, there are a lot of colleges trying to gain your attention. Understandably, this just makes choosing the perfect one for you even more difficult!

As nice as it is to get help, being able to do your own research to spot your perfect college (and find out how to get into that school) is exactly what you need. Luckily, there are lots of tools and websites available to you that will help you make an informed decision!

1. ApplyMap

We all have an idea of what we want our college to be like, and ApplyMap takes those ideas and pops out a list of colleges that match!

ApplyMap is a free tool that finds college matches for you quickly. “I was really picky about what college I wanted to go to, which was making my search really hard,” explains Toria Sanders, a sophomore at Bryn Mawr College. “When I discovered ApplyMap, in 20 minutes I had come up with better info than I had in three weeks of searching.”

If you are looking for an easy, free tool for your college search, ApplyMap is a very good place to start!

2. The College Board BigFuture

The College Board BigFuture tool is more than just a place to look at your SAT and AP scores. It also offers insight into what colleges you should apply to, how to get in and how to do well in college – all for free!

Input your stats (GPA, standard testing scores, etc.), and the BigFuture tool will find colleges for you, along with info on what you’ll need to be accepted. “I used The College Board search and found my best match was Pacific,” says Molly Barnes, a freshman at Pacific University. “In the weeks I’ve been here, I [knew] it was the perfect fit. College Board did good.”

3. Cappex

Cappex is another great search engine. Similar to ApplyMap and The College Board, this site makes its own free search engine off of your scores and college preferences. However, it also provides quotes from undergrads, giving you the real deal on what is happening on campus.

“I really liked Cappex for my college search because they not only matched me to colleges, but also gave me reviews from students,” says Boise State University junior Cameron Martin. “I liked that real people told me what the college was like.”

4. U.S. News & World Report My Fit

U.S. News & World Report has come out with its own college matchmaker, and it’s fancier than the new iPhone. My Fit, which is included with the U.S. News & World Report College Compass Access ($29.95/year), matches you to schools with 23 criteria options, meaning you get the best matches.

If you’re not sure about spending money on this tool, one collegiette has some advice. “I was nervous to spend the money because there are so many free options,” says Shannon O’Connor, a junior at the University of Oregon. “But, looking back, I’m happy I did because I felt that my results were spot-on. Plus, the Compass Access has lots of other features that makes your money well spent.” Sounds like those extra dollars were worth it!

5. College Confidential

If you’ve already chosen a few of your matches and you’re trying to decide which one is your dream school, it’s time to get some help from the experts: the students. College Confidential is a forum for students and parents to share their experiences with searching for, applying to and attending college.

“I wasn’t sure about if my scores would get me into UO,” says Clara Sampson, a sophomore at the University of Oregon. “But checking College Confidential showed me which scores kids had gotten, giving me good reference.”

For some real talk from real students, College Confidential is the website to check out.

Whether you’ve just started your college search or have been searching for ages already, you’ll want to use these websites to find your best results. Plus, they’ll save you so much time! Try them out and see how much easier (and efficient) your search becomes. These sites provide lots of information about many of the colleges in the country, with lots of tips on how to apply and get accepted (yes, it’s more than just rocking your Common App). Good luck with your college search, pre-collegiettes!

Ready For Your Closeup: 5 Most Gorgeous Celeb Selfies On Instagram


Good lighting + right angle = perfect selfie. This universal formula is crucial to filling our Instagram feeds. But for some, and by some we mean any celebrity that has a social media presence, proper selfie etiquette need not be followed. Below, five celebs whose stunning beauty close ups will go down in selfie history. 

1. Kylie Jenner 



I decided that what you give is what you're given So I been tryna do it right I been doing like whatever gets me through the night

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Kim Kardashian’s selfie skills were no doubt bestowed upon younger sister Kylie. Flaunting her staple rosy-nude pout and infinite lashes, the hazel-eyed beauty never passes up an opportunity to snap a buzzworthy selfie. And while we’re loving her current long locks, this picture has us missing her blue-green bob. Get her colored ombré with Bumble & Bumble's Spraychalk ($19)!

2. Joan Smalls



It's been a long night. #SweetDreams

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When it comes to supermodel Joan Smalls, every selfie rule we’ve ever been taught can be tossed out the window. Seriously, who needs good lighting with cheekbones like hers? Chiseled to perfection, they complement her equally fierce gunmetal smoky eye—get the sultry look with the Boudoir Eyes palette from Too Faced ($36), which includes both matte and shimmer shades that blend together beautifully.

3. Rita Ora



@madonna where U at?! #LA #MTV #VMA'S

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The British popstar pledged to never let us down—and she meant it, because her helfies (hair selfies) never disappoint. Here, she paired a classic cat eye and red lip with a rad braided topknot-pony duo, courtesy of Chris Appleton, the man responsible for Ora’s hair masterpieces. DIY that hair with Mia's braided headbands ($9), Bumble & Bumble's Semisumo Hi-Shine, Lo-Hold Pomade ($28), a straightening product like this Straight Spray from Living Proof ($29), and with Drybar's Money Maker Flexible Hold Hairspray ($25) to finish it off. Nyx Cosmetic's Soft Matte Lip Cream ($6) will give you that bold red, and get the perfect cat-eye with the Magic Marc'er from Marc Jacobs Beauty ($30).

4. Beyoncé



Quick change

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If heaven has angels, Queen B is clearly one of them. Not only did she fit a backstage selfie in between costume changes, but her honey-dipped hair appears to be blowing. Another indication of her supernatural beauty? Her ability to make the least appealing lipstick shade—matte brown—look flawless. Like we said, angel. Dare to try this look yourself? Your best bet is the highly-pigmented, long-wear matte Lip Tar from Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics ($18) in Anita—or go even darker with the Black Dahlia.

5. Shay Mitchell



You all know my love for bright lips! It's all about the purple pucker today on www.amoreandvita.com Check it! @amoreandvita - This shoot was so much fun!

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Mitchell is serving flirty, feminine appeal in this selfie featuring a faux fringe and radiant orchid lipstick, which by the way, is everything. To get that electric shade of purple, Mitchell’s makeup artist Carlene K paired MAC’s Lipstick in Violetta ($16) with the brand’s Lip Pencil in Magenta ($16) and finished with Benefit Cosmetics' Ultra Plush Lipgloss in Kiss You ($16). 

Which celeb selfie is your favorite—and whose look would you try? Tell us, below!

How to Survive Group Projects


There’s no doubt about it, most college students hate group projects. Homework is tedious, but not terrible; studying for a test sucks, but it’s doable. But when your professor gives you a group project that’s worth 50 percent of your grade, all you can do is groan. Coordinating with group members can be a pain, you inevitably end up doing all the work and your fellow classmates just annoy you. Group projects are the worst.

Most likely you’ll be assigned with a group project at least once during your college career. And while most students dread them, group projects don’t have to be the bane of your existence. Her Campus asked Dr. Amy Way, a Villanova University assistant communication professor who specializes in organizational communication (aka the communication within groups) for some tips for handling group projects. Keep these in mind and you’ll survive any group project!

Be open-minded

We get it: You don’t like group projects. But going in with a negative attitude about them can set you back before you even begin. If you’re open-minded when you approach a group project, you can set a more positive tone for the experience, which can create a more cohesive working environment.

“I think a lot of why students hate group work is because of what they think it will be like or what they think their group members will be like, before giving the process or people a chance,” Way says.  “It boils down to misperceptions that group members have of each other, which are then acted upon and turn into actual problems.”

If you go in assuming that one person will be the slacker of the group (based on previous interactions or first impressions), you probably won’t give her many tasks or responsibilities. That person might then realize you don’t trust her or her ideas, and she may not put as much effort into her parts. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“It can be frustrating and hard to change a dynamic like this, but I think upfront and sometimes difficult conversations early are often the key to moving past bad group dynamics,” Way says. During your first group meeting, try to get to know one another instead of determining who will be the leader or the lazy member of the group.

By being open-minded and getting to know your group members, you can create a positive and relaxed environment. If you’re willing to get to know others, your group members will be more receptive to you and your ideas. Instead of dreading working together, you might actually enjoy it!

Get organized

From all your years of schooling, you know that organization is one of the main keys for success. While staying organized can help you succeed individually, it is also critical to ensure your group project stays on track.

Get organized by creating ground rules for your group communication as well. These can be as simple as “only one person has the floor at a time during discussions” or being respectful of everyone’s ideas. “If you set this precedent early, you’ll be on track for a good working relationship,” Way says.

You should also establish a regular meeting time that works for everyone and figure out a way to keep yourselves organized with deadlines. Reserve a classroom once you’re assigned the project so you don’t waste group time finding a place to work. Consider making a Google calendar that everyone can access so you’re all aware of the upcoming deadlines.

Another good tool to use is Google Drive. You can set up Word documents, spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations that all group members can access and work on. It eliminates sending a thousand emails back and forth with edits, which may lead to mistakes and missing parts. All members can work individually on their parts while seeing what other group members have added. It allows everyone to keep your project cohesive as it progresses.

If you make organization a priority from the beginning, you can prevent the night-before-scramble that can happen during group projects. Scheduling and keeping all documents, sources and visual aids in one place can save your group a lot of frustration.

Set clear and measurable goals

The next step to having a successful group project is making sure everyone is on the same page from the beginning. This could mean discussing what you want to accomplish and when it should be completed by.

“Setting clear and measurable guidelines and expectations is key from the start,” Way says. “So don’t assume you’re all on the same page about what it means to do a task—set clear goals.”

Discuss things like how many sources your group needs and when you all should have them. Think about how many pages long you think your paper needs to be and set a time frame to have them written by. If you’re unsure of deadlines or requirements for a project, ask your professor, and he or she can guide you in the right direction.

By establishing expectations and goals for the group early on, everyone can get on the same page and stay on track. If everyone’s informed and knows what’s expected of them, it’s easier to communicate and get your project done efficiently.

Split up responsibilities and work together

Once you’ve gotten organized and set your measurable goals, it might be helpful to split up some of the responsibilities. The good thing about group projects is that you don’t have to do all the work yourself; you have others to help you!

You should discuss how your group wants to split up responsibilities once you’ve established your goals. Maybe one person prefers researching to writing, while another likes editing over making the visual aid. Just make sure that all the individual parts work together as a whole.

“Sometimes it’s just more feasible and practical for the group to divide tasks and work on them individually,” Way says. “But when that’s what you decide, you should always schedule a time to work through putting pieces together and making it sound coherent.”

With all that said, it’s also important to work as group and not always separately. Sometimes the best ideas are those created collectively. “If possible, I think there’s also something good about literally sitting down and writing together,” Way says. “Having people bounce ideas and wording off each other can be creative. The process creates a sort of synthesis where the end product is so much better than all the pieces put together.” Be aware that this may take more time, but it also keeps everyone involved and engaged in the project.

If you’re trying to brainstorm an idea for your project, get together to bounce ideas off of each other. On the other hand, making final edits is more of an individual task. Each of you can look it over by yourselves so you can ensure you haven’t missed anything.

However your group decides to work through the project, make sure everyone keeps the group’s goals and deadlines in mind. Be flexible and diligent, and you’ll have no problem completing all the project requirements on time!

Encourage instead of criticize

While you went into your project with an open mind about your fellow group members, it’s clear that one person just isn’t pulling his or her weight. With your grade on the line, this person can really cause your group anxiety.

One way to handle this type of group member is by using positive reinforcement. It sounds backwards, but encouragement can go farther than criticism. “Group members should quickly identify what [they] are good at and make an effort to assign them those types of tasks,” Way suggests. “Then, tell them when they do a good job and how it’s been useful to the group.”

If this person really likes researching, tell her how helpful her source was in explaining a certain point. Ask her if she’s artistic or really good at PowerPoint, and if she is, suggest she does the visual aids. Then, offer helpful suggestions and acknowledge her progress.

If this specific group member feels important to the group, she’s more likely to contribute and complete her tasks thoroughly. Feeling depended on might motivate her to work harder.

In the case that one group member continues to not pull her weight, talk to your professor. “Be open with your instructor or supervisor from the start about your concerns,” Way says. “Include what steps you’re taking to work toward including that person.”

By voicing your concerns to your professor, you can also ensure the individual’s lack of participation doesn’t affect your group grade. While these students can be a real downer for your group, consider these ways to motivate them, and they might contribute more than you think!

Communicate, communicate, communicate

The key to any successful team is open communication. You’re probably been working with your group members for a couple of weeks, so it’s important to keep everyone on track by practicing effective communication.

Avianne Tan, a senior at New York University, is currently in an English seminar class that involves a ton of group projects. The one thing she’s found the most helpful is staying in contact with her group. “It’s a great idea to exchange numbers and emails, [friend each other] on Facebook or create a group chat on your phone, Facebook or another app,” Avianne says. “This way, no matter where you guys are, you can let each other know anything immediately. It’s all in one place so that everyone is on the same page.”

Getting together as a group and communicating is just as important as talking outside of group time. When talking as a group, be nonjudgmental and respect others’ ideas. “With each new phase of the project, there should always be space for brainstorming free from judgment or critique,” Way says.

Additionally, be aware of your role in the group and make sure everyone has the chance to participate. “If you’re ALWAYS the first person to speak up or take responsibility, try to sit back and listen to give others the space to speak up,” Way suggests. “If you’re the person who always sits back, try to step up and voice your opinions, ideas, concerns. Take initiative in the group.”

While it’s nice when all group members agree on everything all the time, don’t be afraid to (respectfully) voice your opinions when you disagree with someone. It might feel like you’re creating conflict, but sometimes bringing up alternative ideas can help make the group’s ideas stronger. “Begin by taking a good amount of time to play with a variety of ideas,” Way says. “Once you’ve decided on an idea, play devil’s advocate and consider why it might not be a good idea. Conflict is not always a bad thing—it may manifest into something positive for the group.”

By listening to everyone’s points of view, respectfully challenging ideas to make them better and keeping up a consistent line of communication, you and your fellow group members can come up with the best way to complete the project together.

Group projects might seem like a drag, but when approached with a positive attitude, they can be great experiences to get to know other students and create an awesome collaborative product. Keep HC’s tips in mind, and you’ll be able to survive any group project! 

Win An Amazing Makeup Set from Too Faced--Worth $208!


Stepping out in your favorite beauty look is a total confidence booster, whether you go for something more fresh-faced and dewy, or you prefer a bold red lip and long lashes. And that’s what we love most about Too Faced, a cosmetics company that’s fun and feminine, and most importantly, emphasizes your version of beautiful.

To get you all set up with everything you need to create your best look, we’re giving away an 8-piece makeup set from Too Faced, worth $208! You’ll get the cacao-based Chocolate Bar Eye Shadow Collection, which smells delicious enough to eat, and features 16 shades ranging from neutral to smoky; four Melted Liquified Long Wear Lipsticks, which gives you rich color, high-shine gloss and excellent staying power; the Hangover Primer, which will leave your face smooth and hydrated; the Shadow Insurance Primer, a lightweight primer that will leave eye shadows looking even more pigmented and long-lasting; and our favorite, the Better Than Sex Mascara, which allows you to create a natural fringe (one coat) or a totally dramatic look (three coats).

Learn more about Too Faced (and shop even more of their amazing beauty products!) at toofaced.comand don’t forget to enter to win this makeup collection below!

Fill out my online form.

5 Perfect Pairings: Tights and Dresses


When the colder months roll around it can be tempting to bundle up in your favorite jeans or cozy sweats, but sometimes you want to look a little more pulled together... that's where tights come in! No matter the occasion, tights are always a great option, especially when paired with the perfect skirt or dress. Here are five of our favorite tights and dresses/skirts combinations!

1. Weekend shopping

Shopping Weekend

Branch out from basic black with these Tights for Every Occasion in Red ($14.99 at ModCloth) paired with a loose-fitting striped sweater dress, like this Striped Knit Jersey Dress ($39.99 at Mango). To continue the Parisian-chic vibe, throw on this pair of casual but smart Legalle Brogues ($45 at ALDO) and some seriously sassy cat-eye shades, like these Kitty Shades ($40 at Nasty Gal). Keep yourself toasty warm with jewel-toned outerwear, like this Loose Candy-tone Medium-long Coat in Deep Green ($39.99 at BlackFive), which is a nice departure from the traditional peacoat. Finish off the look with the Chill Out on the Town Scarf in Red ($24.99 at ModCloth) to tie in with the bold tights and you're ready to shop till you drop!

2. Holiday party

XMas Party

Holiday parties and formals call for skirts and dresses, but your usual opaque tights just aren't fancy enough. Try building a look around a pair of romantic and glamorous patterned tights, like these Lace and Fishnet Sheer Full Tights ($24.90 at Express). The lacy look of these tights pairs perfectly with the Strap Lace Bralet ($65 at Topshop), and the cherry red of this Red A-Line Midi Skirt ($29.90 at Chicwish) adds a pop of festive color to the look (and the midi length is super on trend!). Accessorize with these gorgeous Side-Zip Platform Ankle Booties ($40.99 at Charlotte Russe) and a Classic Leatherette Clutch in Gold ($13.95 at DailyLook) to hold all of your beauty essentials. Happy holidays!

3. Classy in the classroom


A day of classes doesn't have to mean a sweatshirt and leggings! First, stay cozy by opting for a thick and warm pair of tights, like these Boho Candy Cottages Tights in Charcoal ($22.99 at ModCloth). We absolutely adore the tartan trend this fall, and this Green Plaid Check Skater Skirt ($36.74 at Chicwish) is gorgeous, especially when paired with this Cable Knit Crop Sweater in Beige ($44.97 at Chicwish)... how cozy does this feel? Finish off the look with your favorite pair of neutral riding boots, like these Pink & Pepper Regiee Boots in Cognac ($39.50 at 6pm.com), and grab a coordinating jewel-toned bag, like this Merona Satchel Handbag with Removable Crossbody Strap ($39.99 at Target). Pick up a latte and you're ready for that lecture!

4. Neutral with a pop

Neutral with a Pop

It can be easy to resort to a wardrobe of only neutrals in the fall, but all it takes is one pop of color to bring and outfit to life. Start with a basic neutral skirt, like this Women Chiffon Pleated Mini Skirt in Gray ($29.90 at UNIQLO) paired with this Cropped Long Sleeve Knitted Sweater in Beige ($14 at 2020AVE). Instead of a pair of standard opaque tights, try these Tina Over Knee Tights ($11.99 at boohoo), which go from opaque to sheer, creating the illusion of thigh-highs without having to keep tugging them up! Opt for sophisticated footwear like these Juliee Boots in Black ($39.99 at 6pm.com) and a structured cross-body bag with gold hardware, like this Duchesne Bag in Midnight Black ($29.98 at ALDO). For an oh-so-autumnal pop, we love this Halogen Strip Selvedge Scarf ($48 at Nordstrom) to keep you toasty and trendy.

5. Everyday edge


Sometimes a girl's just gotta rock some cat tights. You know you love these LOVEsick Cat Garter Tights ($10 at Hot Topic), and they can actually look cool and even chic when paired with basics, like this Maisy Basic Bodycon Mini Skirt ($8 at boohoo) and this '90s Square Crop ($14 at Miss Selfridge). Ground the look with black accessories with unexpected details, like these Leather Laced Up Pointy Ankle Boots ($27 at 2020AVE) and this Faux Leather Drawstring Flap Backpack ($35.01 at YESSTYLE). For some subtle color and some serious cool-girl edge, throw on a floaty kimono, like this Ink and Wash Print Kimono ($22 at Chicnova). Meow!

These tights are anything but basic, and there are so many ways to rock them all fall and winter long, no matter where you're headed. What are your favorite ways to rock tights, collegiettes? Let us know in the comments!

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