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7 Internship Disasters & How to Handle Them


Summer internship season is in full swing, and you’ve probably already settled into your rhythms at work and are feeling pretty comfortable about your performance, but that doesn’t mean you’re exempt from embarrassing office mishaps (although we wish you were!).  

Whether you’re the star intern (of course you are, you career-minded collegiette!) or you’re still trying to get on your feet, office disasters happen to everyone at one time or another. While there’s no doubt that an unexpected catastrophe can seriously throw off your workplace game, HC is here to make sure you know exactly how to handle that cringe-worthy moment and keep your office reputation intact.

1. Computer failure

There is nothing, nothing more terrifying than thinking you just lost the last three year’s worth of data on your computer. We’ve been there, collegiettes, we really have, and we feel for you. Unfortunately, the computer gods don’t always understand the critical importance of our Excel spreadsheets, and crashes do happen, so it’s important to know how to deal when they do.

First and foremost, back up your computer. Seriously, do not ignore this tip. You can use an internal backup service, like Time Machine for Macs, or an external hard drive. An external hard drive is a device that you plug into your computer to back up your data. Once you back it up, you should have all of your data stored on the physical device (slightly larger in size than an iPhone), and you can plug the hard drive into your computer to restore all your data if it crashes. Regardless of how you back your data up, make sure you’re backing up your computer at least once a week, if not more often.

Collegiettes, computers are fragile things. If you drop them, spill water on them or simply don’t take care of them, they’ll have a high chance of breaking. If one of these things happens to you while at work, don’t panic. Stay calm and do what you can to prevent the situation from getting any worse.

Aja, a sophomore at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, handled a terrifying tech-related situation perfectly when she spilled coffee all over her brand new laptop at her internship.

“Internally, I was panicking, but I didn’t want my first impression to be a bad one!” Aja says. “I grabbed some rice from a nearby grocery store, put my computer in a bag with the rice, then calmly asked my supervisor if I could take my laptop to a repair store. She was super nice about the situation and told me to take as long as I needed.”

If you don’t have access to rice or you can’t leave work to take your laptop to a repair shop, stay calm. Immediately remove any chargers or plugs from your computer and turn it off completely to avoid an electric charge interacting with the liquid. Clean up whatever you can, making sure to get in between keys on the keyboard (Q-tips are good for this) and underneath the computer so it’s not sitting in liquid. Use baby wipes to get rid of sticky residue from coffee.

Once the excess liquid has been removed, go to the bathroom or step outside and breathe in and out, call your mom if you need to and try to pull yourself together. As dramatic as it sounds, remind yourself that your life is not centered around your computer, and think of all the amazing, technology-inclined people out there who are going to help you recover your data.

Once you’ve calmed down, head back into the office, inform your supervisor of the incident and prop your computer open and turn it over to try and allow gravity to remove some of the liquid. Experts say it’s normal for a computer to take up to 48 hours to dry out completely after liquid damage, so don’t be panicked if it doesn’t turn on that night. Grab a notebook and pen (or use a computer at a local library) and do your best to keep up with your workload until it starts working again or you can take it to a repair shop.

If you can stay calm in the office, you’ll impress your office and keep your computer crash in perspective.

2. A nasty coworker

Are mean girls the worst or are mean girls the worst? We wish we could say that catty girls don’t exist outside of high school, but, unfortunately, they do. Maybe she’s ultracompetitive and determined to outshine you at every opportunity, or she’s eyeing the same office cutie and intentionally flirting in front of you, or maybe she’s just a good old-fashioned Regina George, the leader of the office clique. No matter who she is, it’s important to be able to stand up for yourself and not let her catty ways affect your performance on the job.

If she’s a gossiper, it’s best to steer clear of her. The whole idea of “kill her with kindness” is all well and good, but you shouldn’t feel like you have to be overly nice to someone who isn’t nice to you. Don’t retaliate by gossiping about her, but don’t be afraid to call her out if you overhear her talking about you—it’s your right to defend yourself in the workplace, especially if her attacks are genuinely offending you, becoming detrimental to your performance or making it difficult to concentrate at work.

“If you sense negativity or experience outright attacks and defensive behavior, try your best to approach the person directly about it—alone,” says Joan Snyder Kuhl, founder of Why Millennials Matter, a Gen-Y speaking and consulting company. Just make sure you’re being calm, composed and professional in your delivery. Say something along the lines of, “Is there something that I did to upset you? I would hate for there to be animosity between us. I know we’re both dedicated to this job and I want us to both be able to perform at our best.”

If that doesn’t work, talk to your supervisor about being relocated within your department or switching to a different project. Try something like, “I really love the project I’m working on, but I’ve always wanted to learn more about marketing and I think I could offer some valuable contributions to the department project.” No need to slam your coworker (you’re better than that!), but putting some distance between you and the office mean girl will allow you to focus and excel at work.

3. A wardrobe malfunction

It’s the morning of your big presentation, and you’re minding your own business, sipping your Starbucks venti iced caramel macchiato, when a woman on the street runs into you head-on. Before you know it, you’re left with an empty coffee cup and a massive stain. What’s a fashion-forward collegiette to do?

Well, for starters, break out those paper towels and get to work on damage control. Once you’ve cleaned up, assess the situation. Do you have time to run home and change before work? If so, run like the wind. If you don’t and your office requires a more professional look, consider borrowing a colleague’s sweater to disguise a stain or ducking into the nearest Ann Taylor to purchase a replacement dress or skirt. If you’re pressed for time and can’t, walk into the office with your head held high—it happens to everyone!

If clumsy mishaps are an unfortunately common occurrence for you, Kuhl recommends putting together an “emergency kit” for just such an occasion.

“I have an extra pair of black heels, lightweight walking shoes, Spanx, an umbrella, clear tape used for closing a blouse (if a button pops), hairspray, static guard, mouthwash/mints, etc.,” Kuhl says. “If you have room to fold a non-wrinkle blouse/sweater, then you are prepared for the inevitable coffee spill!”

If your wardrobe malfunction is more along the lines of see-through pants with patterned underwear or your skirt blowing up around an air vent and flashing the office, the best thing you can do is laugh it off. Stressing about your malfunction will only make it into a bigger deal, whereas if you act like it’s nothing, people will forget all about it by lunch—we promise!

4. Hooking up with a coworker … and regretting it

We know; there’s something super sexy about a man with ambition who’s interested in the same things you are (and the professional wardrobe doesn’t hurt, either). Most people will tell you to stay away, far away from an office romance, but sometimes a coworker hook-up just happens, completely unplanned.

Maybe you were all out at the bar last weekend, you had one too many Long Island Iced Teas and things got a little handsy at the end of the night. Now it’s Monday, and you have no idea who in the office knows about your hook-up or if people in the break room will gossip about you.

The first tip is an obvious one: Don’t tell anyone! The more people you tell, the more likely your gossip is to get back to your supervisor or your colleagues. If you’re worried he’ll be the one to blab, talk to him about it beforehand and make it clear in a friendly tone that you don’t want your hook-up to distract you from your work performance: “Hey, John, I know we had a little too much fun the other night—let’s keep this one on the DL so we can focus on the tasks at hand without worrying about petty office gossip!”

The alternative is completely ignoring your hook-up out of sheer awkwardness, which is definitely not the way to go (although it’s tempting!). Let him know that you’re mature and not embarrassed by what happened (even if you are) by acting as normally as possible. Being friendly but professional will let him know that things aren’t going to be awkward but will make it clear that your job comes first.

If word does get out, do your best to play it cool. Take responsibility for your actions and don’t deny it or be immature by talking about how bad he is at kissing to try to deflect some of the heat. Acknowledge that it was a mistake and a one-time deal, and stress how important your job is and that you’d never want to jeopardize it. Everyone slips up now and then; just make sure you’re clear about your priorities. 

5. Running (really) late

Sometimes that custom Beyoncé alarm tone just fails you … or you fail to set it. Either way, even the most organized and punctual collegiette will find herself running late from time to time.

While knowing you’re going to be late can strike panic into the heart of even the most pulled-together girl, it’s important to recognize that this happens to everyone, and your supervisor will most likely be understanding … at least, the first time. Your boss was once an intern or an entry-level employee, and he or she has most likely been in your shoes. Just don’t make a habit of showing up late!

Kuhl stresses office etiquette if you find yourself running late to work. “Own up to this mistake immediately. No excuses,” she says. “Text or email them to let them know your estimated time of arrival.”

When you finally plop your stuff down at your desk, it’s important to make up for lost time by really buckling down. Show your supervisor that you’re serious about your job and you regret being late by going the extra mile or staying later. Kuhl also suggests coming in “at least 15 minutes early the following day.” Ending the incident on a good note will make it much easier for the higher-ups to forgive your lateness!

6. Accidentally sending a personal email to the whole office

We’re not gonna lie—this one is rough. How you handle this sticky situation completely depends on the content of said email. Was it a quick note to your office BFF about what time you’re meeting up for drinks on Friday night? If so, chances are it will be easy to brush off. Fire off another brief email to the whole office apologizing for the mix-up by saying something like, “Whoops, sorry about that! I’ll definitely be sure to check (and re-check!) my email addresses next time!”

If the content of your email was a bit more, shall we say, personal, like you complaining about that super annoying girl from the marketing department, you need to do a bit more damage control. You really shouldn’t ever be sending emails through cyberspace regarding your issues with your workplace—it’s not professional and, frankly, it’s just not nice! Start by talking to your boss or supervisor in person and apologizing for the email, acknowledging that it was a mistake to send it.

At this point it might be a good idea to send another email to the office apologizing and, if it was a legitimate criticism of the company, asking to clarify your thoughts, as they were misrepresented but ultimately genuine. For instance, if you slammed your company for mishandling a big project, make amends by emphasizing that you really care about the success of your company and making suggestions about how to handle a similar project going forward.

There’s really no easy way to handle an email mistake, but handling an immature situation with professionalism and maturity can make things go a whole lot more smoothly.

7. Being reprimanded by your boss

No matter how stellar you are at your job, there will be the occasional assignment that you just don’t fully understand, and sometimes that means botching a project and letting your supervisor down. As terrifying as it can be, being reprimanded by a boss happens to everyone at some point during a career, and it can actually be constructive if you take the time to listen to what your supervisor is saying.

If you do end up getting the dreaded email from your boss asking to meet with you, stay calm. Acknowledging where you made a mistake will show your boss that you’ve been listening to his or her critiques and are taking responsibility for your actions. “Show your ability to take feedback—the good and the bad,” Kuhl says.

Once your boss knows that you’re receptive to criticism, it’s time to offer up solutions. This is something you should think about before meeting with your boss so you can demonstrate your commitment to the company and desire to make it right. “Show how strong and open you are to getting things right to succeed at the job,” Kuhl says. “If your boss is not clear in explaining what needs to be done on the assignment, then ask a couple of clarifying questions.”

The more quickly you can offer up solutions and follow through with them, the more likely your boss will see you as good under pressure. Everyone slips up, but not everyone can recover gracefully.

Knowing how to handle an office misstep is a must-have skill for any career-minded collegiette. Remember, everyone makes mistakes at work; it’s how you handle those mistakes that makes a difference!s

6 Places to Meet Cute Girls This Summer


If you're a lonely collegiette looking for some Grease-style summer lovin', look no further! Summer romances are not just for the heteros, and while lovely queer ladies may be harder to find than men, they could be waiting just around the corner! Here are some summer hot spots that are perfect for meeting cute girls, as well as some tips for starting the conversation that could lead to your steamy summer romance.

1. A gay bar or club

A gay club is an obvious place to meet girls, especially a club catered specifically toward lesbians. A lot of club patrons are there to meet potential partners, so there's a good chance a girl you approach will be looking to meet girls, too. If you see a cutie across the dance floor, buy her a drink or just start dancing with her—don't be shy! It's not an uncommon practice to flirt with strangers at nightclubs or bars, so no one will think you're a weirdo.

2. A party

Since birds of a feather tend to flock together, parties hosted by queer people are usually full of queer cuties. Hit up your LGBTQ+ friends and find out if they know about any local parties going on. If you can't find any, you can even throw one yourself! Parties are made for socialization, so tell your friends to bring their friends, find a cute girl and turn your charm on. A little flirtation, a little booze and some bumpin' music go a long way.

3. The mall

If the party or club scene isn’t for you, try hitting up the local mall. Chances are you'll come across a few queer girls, especially if you stick around stores that sell pride gear or cater to alternative audiences, like Spencer's.

Does hitting on a girl at the mall sound intimidating? Don’t worry. An easy way to approach a cute girl is to check out the products she's looking at. Try making a comment on how pretty a shirt she's buying is or ask her about a CD she's checking out. If things go well, you can even ask her on a date to the food court conveniently located in the very same building! And if you don't find a girl, at least you got the chance to shop for a new summer wardrobe.

4. Your local gay and lesbian center

Local gay and lesbian centers are particularly awesome because almost every girl there is guaranteed to be queer. If you're not sure if your city has one, you can check out this database for an LGBT center near you. These centers create a safe space and a laid-back environment for LGBTQ+ people to meet one another and partake in activities like arts and crafts or an open discussion. The best part about them is that they usually offer support groups and meetings so you can meet lots of like-minded queer people in an intimate setting.

Dr. Reece Malone, clinical sexologist and author of ShoutOut Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Heterosexism and Your Questions Answered. Gender Identity in Schools, encourages girls to check out all the events gay and lesbian centers have to offer, like Dyke Marches, recreational outings, sports events and conferences.

"Summer is also conference season for many cities,” Dr. Malone says. “Checking out an LGBTQ conference can be fun.”

5. The Internet

We live in a digital age, so we may as well take advantage of it! Why not pick up chicks from the comfort of your own home? Planet Sappho andLDate.com are two popular lesbian dating websites you could try.

Megan, a collegiette from the University of Missouri—Kansas City and blogger for Lez Girlies, says Facebook is even a good website to use if you're looking to meet girls. There are tons of groups and pages made exclusively for queer girls.

"My city has a group just for lesbians in the area," Megan says.

For the girl on the go, dating apps are also a viable option to meet hotties. Brenda and Pink Lesbian Dating & Chat are exclusively lesbian dating apps, but popular apps like Tinder also have options for women seeking women. Just send a cute girl a message and see where it goes from there! An added bonus: you can do this in your pajamas.

6. A softball field

Alright, alright; we don’t want to play into stereotypes here, but there’s no denying that softball is a very queer-girl-oriented sport. Most softball teams are made up of all girls, which creates a sense of female empowerment and camaraderie. There are also a lot of gay leagues out there, like the SFSF (Sports Foundation of South Florida) League and the Big Apple Softball League. The North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance actually keeps an ongoing list of gay softball leagues affiliated with them so you can find one in your city.

Whether you just want to check out a game and flirt with the team members or join a team yourself, the softball field at a local park is a great summer spot to meet girls. Just be wary of dating a girl on the same team as you, because a bad breakup could not only ruin a good relationship, but also a whole team.


Love can be found in a lot of different places (even hopeless places, according to Rihanna), but some locations are more fruitful than others. These locations will be helpful for finding the girl of your dreams and avoiding another loveless summer!

8 Confusing Texts Guys Send & How to Respond


Since the day SMS was born, women everywhere have spent countless hours poring over their cell phones with girlfriends, attempting to decode, analyze, and just plain figure out a response to all the vague and flat-out confusing text messages they’ve received from men. Websites such as HeTexted.com have even been devoted to the art. No matter how many texts you’ve worked your way through, there will always be those messages that make you pause and exclaim, “What does he even mean by that?!”

Luckily for you, we recruited those who know best to weigh in on the issue. With the help of some awesome relationship experts, Her Campus is here to decode some of the most common types of confusing text messages!

1. The Noncommittal Text

“I might be going.”
“I haven’t decided yet.”
“I’ll let you know.”

Is he simply indecisive, or does he have you on the back burner?

What it means: When a guy is evasive about what he’s doing later on, it usually isn’t because he has so many plans and just can’t decide—it’s you he can’t make his mind up about. According to Patrick Wanis, a human behavior and relationship expert, “often when someone hasn’t made up their mind, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re noncommittal; it really could imply something worse, such as, ‘I’m waiting for the bigger, better offer.’”

Carole Lieberman, M.D., psychiatrist and author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets, agrees. “What he really means is that he’s hoping for a better opportunity to come up,” she says. “If he doesn’t find another girl to do something with (whom he likes better), he’ll settle for you.”

How to respond: Attempt to make the non-committer commit. Say, “Let me know when you figure it out!” or even ask, “What else do you have going on tonight?” Assertive, yes, but it’s the best way to coax a direct answer from the evasive texter. And if he still doesn’t give you a specific answer, don’t waste your time on him.

2. The Rain Check Text

“Sorry, can’t tonight.”
“Too much work to do.”
“Maybe next week?”

How much work could he possibly have? And if he were sincerely interested in you, would he really let it get in the way of seeing you?

What it means: He really could have too much work to do, or he really could be out of town visiting his grandparents, or he really might be way too tired after work to see a movie. “But, on the other hand, he's being particularly vague about making future plans, so he's not all that enthusiastic about seeing you,” Lieberman points out.

If we’ve learned anything about men, it’s that when a guy wants to see you, he will go well out of his way to ensure that it happens. So while not all hope is lost when a guy can’t keep a date, this type of message should make you wary. 

How to respond: According to Wanis, “The best way to respond to this is to say, ‘Okay, I’m available Wednesday or Thursday, which day [works for you]?’ What you’re doing is responding in a masculine manner by being direct and clear, and you’re now giving him an option.” If your guy is interested, he’ll willingly agree to make alternative plans and, this time, he’ll (hopefully) keep them.

3. The Flake-Out Text

“Sorry I missed your text!”

You texted. He didn’t reply. But now he’s apologizing for it. Is it sincere, or was his oversight intentional?

What it means: With all the emails and texts and tweets and wall posts we’re flooded with on a daily basis, there is a chance your text escaped his notice. But if seeing your name on his phone doesn’t immediately grab is attention, chances are he doesn’t regard you as a top priority.

The fact that he acknowledged his lack of response shows that he does have some courtesy, but only enough to respond when it’s convenient for him. It’s more likely that, instead of truly missing your text, your guy was evading a conversation he didn’t feel like having at the time–or didn’t want to have altogether—and claimed to have “missed” your text as a handy excuse.

How to respond: Play it cool. If he can’t make your conversation a priority, then make sure he knows that he’s not a priority of yours: “Oh, don’t worry about it. I forgot I even texted you!” Your flippancy might just make your guy step up his game (and pay better attention to his phone!).

4. The One-Worded Text


What does it mean when a guy has suddenly morphed into an inarticulate caveman?

What it means: Wanis says there are three reasons a guy might send this type of message: “One, the guy is sincerely busy. Two, he’s stressed out. Three, he doesn’t really care that much.” While Lieberman points out that there are occasions when one word will suffice, especially if your guy is in the middle of something else, “it could [also] mean that he just doesn't think you're worth the effort of texting more.”

Just like with the rain check text message, your guy could be otherwise occupied. But if he were really into you, you’d probably be able to get a little more out of him than “sweet” when you tell him about your day, even if he’s in the middle of a Game of Thrones marathon.

How to respond: Instead of trying to pull teeth to get your guy to talk, the best way to deal with this message is to take the hint. Wrap up the convo and try him again later when he’s a little less distracted and, with any luck, a little more talkative.  

5. The Overly Complimentary Text

“You were definitely the most beautiful girl at the bar tonight.”
“You look unbelievably sexy when you’re working out.”
“That dress makes you look just like Beyoncé––but hotter.”

Beautiful, sexy, hotter than Beyoncé… how could this guy not be infatuated with you? Unless it’s all a bunch of BS from a practiced player. But how can you tell the difference?

What it means: Whether sincere or not, two things are certain: this guy is very confident, and he’s very interested in you—it’s just a question of whether he’s interested in a relationship with you, or just a quick hook-up. “He could be really hot for you and not afraid to tell you,” says Lieberman. “Or he could just be trying to get you to go to bed with him as quickly as possible, and hopes that flattery will make you believe that he wants a relationship with you, not just a hook-up.”

Wanis says the most important things to consider with every text message are the context and your existing relationship with the sender. “If you’re already friends, he might be trying to take the friendship to another level,” he says. If you’ve just met this guy, however, Wanis says that he might be trying to get to know you better, “or he could just be a great player who knows how to compliment a woman so he can win her over.” Tread with caution, collegiettes; this guy may know the right things to say, but he may not have the best intentions.

How to respond: Don’t let his flattery blind you. Respond with playful quip, so your guy knows he can’t take you for a ride: “Oh, stop, I’m blushing,” or, “Oh yeah, nothing sexier than a girl sweating her face off on a treadmill.” Put that guy in his place and he’ll know in the future not to set off your BS detector.

6. The Delayed Text

You: [2:14 p.m.] “Hey, what are you up to?”

Him: [8:27 p.m.] “nm, just watching the game.”

You asked him how his week is going and he says that it’s going really well, thanks... five hours later. What’s with the time delay?

What it means: He could be busy, he could be distracted, he could be at work or in class or driving or on an airplane or on the moon. But more often than not, your guy is playing games. Taking his sweet time to respond to you is your guy’s way of telling you that he has better things to do and that holding his end of the conversation is not his greatest concern.

If your guy is really interested in you, he won’t leave you hanging in the middle of a convo without an excuse. However, if you initiate the conversation and his first reply is delayed, your guy might actually have been busy (and will hopefully also offer an explanation!)  

How to respond: It’s tempting to prompt a guy with a “Hello?” or “Are you there?” or the ever desperate “?????” but it’s best not to acknowledge the delay—if he’s not actually busy, that’s what he wants, after all. His not responding to one of your messages is far less humiliating than not responding to eight of them. And though you’ll want to play games in return (“Okay, so for each hour he made me wait for his reply, I’m going to wait for two hours to reply to him…”) you should give a relatively prompt reply once he responds again. Two wrongs don’t make a right, and two people playing games can make for a conversation that gets absolutely nowhere fast.

7. The Booty-Call Text

[10:45 p.m.]“Yo. What’s up?”

[12:30 a.m.] “You back yet?”

[1:15 a.m.] “Let’s hang.”

Chances are, if any sort of text like this is sent after dark, he doesn’t want to know “what is up,” but rather if you’re “down” to hook up. So do you go for it?

What it means: Christine Hart, dating coach and founder of YourDateCoach, says, “If a guy is interested in a serious relationship, he is not going to send booty-call texts at 3 a.m. Men know better than that. Also, if a guy is interested in pursuing a serious relationship, he does not send you texts like: ‘sup?’ or ‘where you at?’ or ‘you awake?’”

Lieberman agrees, saying that to respond to the booty call is to relinquish control of the relationship. “It shows that he's just using you for sex,” she says. “He obviously has no respect for you if he thinks all he has to do is text you to get you to give him whatever he wants.” There’s nothing wrong with giving in to a little carnal desire every now and then. But if you’re looking for a relationship, collegiettes, the booty call guy is not the one to pursue. This guy is perfect for some consensually detached, late night fun, but you probably shouldn’t hold your breath for this guy to take you out on a date. 

How to respond: If a hook-up buddy isn’t what you’re seeking, then make it known. The best way to express your disinterest in these types of texts? Silence. “You can let a guy know you refuse to take his messages that late by ignoring them,” says Wanis. If this guy really wants to see you outside of his dorm room in the wee hours of the morning, he’ll get the picture and text you at a more socially acceptable hour.

8. The Unprompted Sext

“So, about that dress that made you look bangin’ like Beyoncé…”

“[Picture you would never want your parents to see]”

Do we even need to explain this one any further?

What it means: Guys, as Wanis says, are very visual creatures. So, his unsolicited requests for photos or unexpected confessions of fantasies could be expressing a strong attraction to you—or he’s simply attempting to satisfy his arousal through some naughty texting with the first girl that came up on his contacts list.  

Whether his sexual come-ons are a reflection of his attraction to you or a reflection of his horniness, your guy wouldn’t be sexting if he wanted a relationship. An interested guy will find another way to express his attraction you––and usually it’s a way that isn’t X-rated.

How to respond: Just like the booty call, there’s no reason not to reciprocate if you’re not looking for anything serious. But if a relationship is what you want, and you want a boy who’s just as serious about being in one as you are, ignore these texts. You’ll save yourself a lot of grief—and a lot of anxiety about composing the perfect “sexy” reply. 

Hart says that if a guy is interested in a serious relationship, his text message to you will read more like this: “Hey (name), are you free this weekend? I’ve got passes to…” or “Good to see you at (event) last night! What are you up to this Friday?” His messages will be respectful, direct, and express the desire to make definite plans with you in the future. Bottom line: if a guy is really interested, you won’t need to hire a cryptographer to figure that out.


Someday those guys might stop playing games (we’re hoping it’ll be different in the post-college dating scene), but until then we’ll just have to use our intuition—and a little advice—to decipher all their confusing text messages.   

The Real Reasons Why Guys Cheat


Many of us have totally fallen in love with a guy and then gotten our hearts broken because he decided another girl on the side would be “more fun,” to put it nicely. Been there, done that, and it sucks. So why do guys do it in the first place?

Yeah, there are the classic excuses: “I just wasn’t thinking,” or, “I’m so young, and I needed to explore.” But we found out the truth as to why guys cheat. We talked to college guys as well as couple of relationship experts, and the reasons we discovered may surprise you.

1. He’s afraid of confrontation.

Your guy may be unhappy with you, but he also may not have the courage to break up with you. Ugh, total wimp status.

“If [guys] are not into the relationship, but they’re afraid to break things off, they might turn to cheating as a way to work around that,” says Alex, a junior at Oakland University. “If you stay unhappy in a relationship long enough, some guys will end up doing whatever it takes to find happiness.”

If you suspect your man is unhappy and getting a little side action, do what he doesn’t have the guts to do: Confront him. And then kick him to the curb. A guy without guts doesn’t deserve you, anyway.

2. He’s simply bored.

Nathan, a sophomore at Purdue University, gave us a pretty basic reason for why dudes go astray.

“[Guys cheat] because they get bored,” he says. “Guys are visual creatures, and we like new material.”

Jason*, a recent grad from Michigan State University, echoes the same sentiments. “I would imagine some get bored of a relationship after the honeymoon phase is over,” he says.

Well, there’s not much we can say about that one, although, “Shame on you men for getting bored with us,” or, “Screw you” would work pretty well. Our piece of advice: If he gets bored with you, he wasn’t worth it anyway (although, it never hurts to keep it spicy in the bedroom). You’re fabulous.

3. You’re taking him for granted.

According to matchmaker, author and speaker Marla Martenson, if you’ve been a little lax on giving your guy love lately, he may turn to other means for finding it.

“Guys cheat because of the way the other woman makes them feel,” she says. “Many women jump to the conclusion that a man cheats because he finds a younger, hotter woman that he cannot resist. But the fact is, often in relationships, couples start taking each other for granted, forgetting to compliment each other or make each other feel special. If you aren't making your man feel special, make an effort before someone else does.”

Jim, a sophomore at Illinois State University, agrees that some guys roam due to a lack of warmth and gratitude from their partners.

“Many men cheat on their girlfriends and wives for the same reasons some women cheat on their boyfriends and husbands — because they don't feel loved or appreciated,” he says. “More often than not, it represents a lack of communication in the relationship. It is often assumed that the man is a scumbag who never really cared at all, and in many cases this is true. But the men in question are also hurting themselves, because they are failing to be honest with themselves and others about what they want from other people.”

Listen up, ladies: don’t forget to show your dude some affection! Give him backrubs, lots of kisses and occasional Taco Bell surprises. Or just remind him how much you mean to him every so often. Men want to feel wanted just as much as women, and if you don’t provide him with that feeling, there’s a chance he may turn elsewhere for it.

4. He just wants it both ways.

It’s totally self-seeking, but some men want the thrill of a sexual endeavor with another partner while also maintaining their real, emotional relationships.

“I think guys cheat on girls because the [sexual] opportunity arises with another girl, but at the same time, they don't want to give up on what they've built so far with their partner,” says Eric, a sophomore at Universitat de Barcelona. “Why would anyone want to? Maybe because they weigh the pros and cons of the situation, and they make the selfish choice of going with that girl, assuming it won't be found out.”

In a nutshell, the guy finds it particularly exciting to hook up with a new girl, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to lose the original connection. Incredibly tactless and totally inconsiderate, we know. As Eric said, it’s definitely the selfish choice if a couple originally agreed on monogamy.

5. He’s afraid of getting hurt.

While it’s never okay to cheat in a relationship where both parties are committed, this reasoning is probably the least of all evils.

Bethany*, a recent grad of a small liberal arts school in the northeast, says she and her boyfriend cheated on each other in the same week for similar reasons.

“At that time, we didn't have the official boyfriend/girlfriend label since we were long distance, but we had assured each other that we wanted to be exclusive,” she says. “Later, we talked about it and realized we both had been afraid of getting too attached and getting hurt; we were going to different places even further away for the summer (which was right around the corner), and neither of us felt secure that the other one felt as strongly as we did. I think he cheated because long distance was hard.”

If you’re in a long-distance relationship, like this recent grad was, consider how serious you both are. Can both of you handle the distance? Will either of you be tempted to cheat? Is it better off to be apart? These are all things to consider before engaging in an LDR.

And if he’s simply too afraid to get attached because, well, guys have issues, too, consider talking to him before he goes off the path. You’ll know he’s scared of getting hurt if you suddenly feel him pulling away or growing distant. Have a serious heart-to-heart with him. Be sure to be non-accusatory as well as calm and collected. You could say something like, “Hey, Sam, I feel like you’re giving me a little bit of the cold shoulder. Is there a reason for this? I just want to make sure we’re okay.” Be patient; it’s tough for guys to open up!

6. He feels sexually inadequate.

If your guy feels like he’s not pleasing you in the sack, he may wander for this very reason.

“The easy access to pornography, and especially at such a young age, has created in many a false sense of what a sexual relationship should be like,” says dating coach Margie Burciaga. “Most men and women are inexperienced at sex. Just because a man is wired to have sex doesn't mean he is good, and when things don't go well in bed with a mate or meet up to his expectations, suddenly it is her fault, not realizing he doesn't know how to please her to even create a desire and wonderment about sex.”

While banning your guy from watching porn probably isn’t a good idea (that’ll make him want it more and you less!), you should definitely have a conversation with him about your sex life, especially if you get the sense that he’s feeling bad about it or is dissatisfied. Talk about what you like and don’t like, and make sure you find out what he wants, too! As cheesy as it sounds, walk him through it while you’re doing the deed or even just messing around (sometimes, men need all the direction they can get). Instead of critiquing his moves, boost his ego by giving him lots of compliments when he’s doing it right — men love to feel sexually desired, and if he feels desired by you, he won’t feel the need to find that desire or “wonderment” somewhere else.

Cheating hurts, no matter the reason why it happened. However, it’s good to have a little insight as to why he committed the act in order to better prevent it from happening again in your current or future relationships.

*Names have been changed.

Where to Buy Your Best-Fitting Jeans Ever


This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Abercrombie & Fitch. All opinions are 100% mine.

A good pair of jeans can change your life -- seriously. You can dress them up for nighttime adventures or keep ‘em casual for running errands or going to class. When you find a pair you love, it’s basically impossible to let go of them. Example? I have a pair of jeans from tenth grade that I still wear on the reg. Because the HC team takes our denim very seriously, when we were challenged to find our best fitting jeans ever, obviously we took the opportunity.

So, over the weekend, I trolled the streets of New York City, desperately searching for the perfect pair of jeans to become my new go-to. I knew that I needed something that had a lot of stretch, because I hate stiff jeans that are super constricting, but also didn’t loose its shape after multiple wears. Other “musts”? A pair that wasn’t too expensive (living on an intern’s budget, over here!) and made my butt look good. Just being honest.

And I found them! I found the perfect pair of jeans. It was like reaching denim Nirvana, where everything fit perfectly and made the parts of my body I wanted to accentuate look really good (and made the parts I’m not so stoked about look good too!). So where did I find this elusive pair of impeccable jeans? Abercrombie & Fitch! Yep, you read that right. Every single pair jeans I tried on at Abercrombie & Fitch fit like a dream. I am definitely not model-thin, but the A&F denim I slipped into made me feel like Karlie Kloss, ready to strut down a runway and do a hair flip and everything.

At A&F, the denim options are basically endless. Almost every fit you can think of exists in-store, placed in deliciously straight piles. Some examples? Fits include Boyfriend, Jean Legging, Super Skinny, High Rise Super Skinny, Overall, and Boot Cut. See, I told you they have every type of jean imaginable.

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The jeans I picked out fit my other criteria too. They weren’t as expensive as I thought they were going to be, because this week you can get any jeans in store for $35 (which is way, way less than what I usually spend on high quality jeans) and made my backside look pretty spectacular, if I do say so myself. After trying on almost every pair of jeans in the store, I ended up deciding on the Natural Waist Jegging in a really pretty slate grey color. I have tried on jeggings in the past and felt really awkward in them, but these are absolutely amazing. The waistband lies flat against my stomach, the fabric doesn’t pucker anywhere, and they’re so comfortable. I literally feel like I’m walking down the street in my pajama pants. Really chic pajama pants, that is.

If you’re looking for an awesome pair of jeans at an even more awesome price, then I can’t recommend checking out Abercrombie & Fitch enough. With so many options, you’re bound to find your perfect fit, too.

For more great style tips Follow @abercrombie on Twitter and Follow @abercrombie on Instagram!

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Infographic Shows Graduating College in Four Years is Rare


Not planning on graduating in four years? Don't worry; according to this infographic, you're actually in the majority.

FindTheBest, an extensive research and data site, analyzed federal statistics and found that there is no state where a majority of college students graduate in four years. The state of Virginia has the highest four-year graduation rate, at 46 percent, while Nevada has the lowest rate at 8.75 percent.

The site also analyzed six-year graduation rates and found that there was a slight improvement, but not much change between the states.

According to a report done by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, the overall persistence rate (the percentage of students who return to college after their first year) for first-time college students is slipping. Only 68.7 percent of students who started college in fall 2012 returned to any institution the next year.

Check out the interactive infographics on Huffington Post and find out where your state ranks! 

How to Reconnect With Your Hometown BFF


You both pledged “best friends forever” when you met on the swing set in second grade, but when you moved to different colleges, staying close was easier said than done. As your college career flies by, your calls and Facebook posts to your hometown bestie become less and less frequent. Long-distance friendships are tough to keep up with when you’re both living your own very separate lives, and even though you’re still “friends,” it may get to the point where you start to feel like you barely know each other anymore. If this sounds like you, check out HC’s tips for reconnecting with your hometown BFF so that your high school friendship really lasts forever.

Socialize with Social Media

If you haven’t talked to your former bestie in a while, social media is the perfect way to ease back into your friendship. There’s nothing like a few nostalgic Throwback Thursday Instagrams to remember the good times you used to have together. If you don’t have as much in common anymore as you used to, a cute throwback pic can give you a starting point for conversation.

Another way to ease back into BFF-dom is through Snapchat. Goofy Snapchats are light and fun ways to share how your day is going and show that you’re thinking of your bestie. Alex from Miami of Ohio suggests using Snapchat to stay in touch with old BFFs “to keep each other laughing and [as] a way to visually see each other.” After all, you may go to different colleges, but you still know what can get your HS bestie to laugh!

You should also consider starting a continuing Facebook message where you each post to update each other on your lives, like modern day pen pal letters (except much more eco-friendly!).

Visit Her College

One of the best ways to reconnect with a friend is by visiting her college. “Plan a visit to each others’ college[s] if you can, so you can experience your BFF's college life and meet their friends,” suggests Alex. Everyone is busy, but making the extra effort to spend a little time in your friend’s new world can help rekindle your friendship. You’re both in college and are growing up and changing; take this time to get to know who your friend is as a person now. Make sure you invite her to come visit your college as well. This way, you’ll get to meet each other’s friends and get a glimpse into each other’s new lives. When you catch up later, you’ll both personally know the people that you’re each talking about!

Video Call Me, Maybe

“My BFF and oldest friend from high school, Ali—we've been friends for almost 18 years—and I managed to become better friends in college. I thought we would probably lose touch, since we both would be busy with college,” says Shira, a collegiette from Franklin & Marshall. What’s her secret? She and Ali iChat almost every day, using both the messaging and video call features of the service. With all the different call services available—Skype, iChat, FaceTime, and ooVoo, to name a few—there’s no excuse to not take advantage of video chat in order to keep in contact with your old friends. “Even though we don't go to the same college, it's still like we're in the same room talking to each other,” says Shira. “We also both went through some tough times adjusting in the beginning, and it was nice for both of us to have someone who knew the other so well be there as a great support.”

Be sure that if you make a video chat date, you stick to it, as it’s easy to fall into the “we’ll talk next week” routine. Remember that your chats don’t have to be two-hour talks; try having a simple FaceTime while you are taking a long trek across campus if you can get a WiFi connection. Little five- or ten-minute convos on the go can work just as well as a long chat in your dorm.

Watch a Show “Together”

If you and your BFF had a favorite TV show you always used to watch together, schedule a phone date during or after the show to discuss the latest developments in the show and each other’s lives. Even though you’re on different campuses, you can easily text each other on commercial breaks to share your latest thoughts on what’s about to happen next.

Meghan, a recent grad of Boston College, and her BFF did this with Pretty Little Liars. “We would call each other after to talk about it but also just catch up on our week,” she says. “We knew we'd always hear from each other and always looked forward to it.” This gives you and your bestie a weekly schedule to stay in touch that’s easy for you both to remember. It’s the perfect time that you can both commit to being available for, since you’ll both be sitting in front of a TV watching the same show anyway! 

Make a Hometown Friend Date Night

It may seem simple, but scheduling specific time to get together when you are both home on breaks is a must for staying close with your BFF. This worked for University of South Carolina student Kayla and her best friend when they started to drift apart while separated at college. The two lost contact for more than half a year, but they sat down to figure out a way to reconnect and stay close despite the distance.

“I'm a very open person, but there are some things that I can only talk to my best friend about, and I missed that when we lost contact,” she says. They worked out an agreement to have a lunch or dinner date every time they come home. “Normally, one lunch turns into two, which turns into three, and we end up seeing each other a lot more than we normally would have,” Kayla says.

Be sure to talk about when you are going back for breaks, so that if your time doesn’t overlap, you can try to schedule staying home an extra day to see each other. Find excuses to hang out; over Christmas, host a holiday gift exchange to get the old gang back together for a reunion, or in the summer, find a concert that you all can go to together.

Not everyone is cut out for long-distance friendships, but that doesn’t mean you have to lose contact with your best friend. You may not be together 24/7 like you used to, but there’s still no reason that with a little extra effort you can’t remain close!

The Cutest College Apparel You Need in Your Wardrobe


With college just around the corner, you’re definitely going to need some spirited clothing to rock once you get to campus!  With so many stores to choose from, we chose the five cutest college apparel shops and highlighted our favorite items from each.  Get shopping, collegiettes!

1. Fanatics

Fanatics provides clothing for almost any college you can imagine, and they add their own flair to their spirit gear. 

College T-shirts are essential to your wardrobe, so why not spice it up with a cute halter top ($33.95)?  You definitely won’t see this in the college bookstore, and it will keep you cool on warm game days.

These flip-flops ($8.39) are perfect for going to class, the big game or a late-night run to the library. With your school’s logo all over them, you’ll be showing off your spirit in a fashionable way.

2. College Hautees

College Hautees is an online boutique specifically tailored toward game-day clothing for college women.  They provide cute, comfortable clothing that will make you look spirited and stylish. Their unique approach to spirit gear is one you’ll definitely want in your wardrobe!

These leggings ($40) are cute and spirited with their bright colors and fun print.  You’ll be comfortable and stylish while cheering your team on from the stands.  Leggings are perfect for a lazy day or a chilly nighttime game—we love them!

If you’re looking to be a little more dressed up, this off-the-shoulder dress 

 ($19.99) is perfect!  Whether you’re going to a tailgate or a homecoming party, you’ll be the most stylish collegiette out there.

3. Victoria’s Secret PINK Collegiate Collection

We love the Victoria’s Secret PINK Collegiate Collection!  Our favorite PINK items available with our school’s logo on them—what could be better?  From sweatshirts and sweatpants to T-shirts and more, you’re bound to find some gear you’ll love.


This half-zip ($59.95) is a cute way to stay cozy during a game.  Paired with leggings or skinny jeans, this pullover is sure to keep you looking collegiette chic!


This tank is ideal for staying (and looking) cool on a hot day.  Whether you’re going to the gym or lounging outside, you’ll look great in this tank top!

4. Totally Collegiate

Totally Collegiate is an online shop specifically aimed toward college women.  You can browse their stylish collection by school, color or even Greek organization!  They have a ton of fun gear in addition to apparel, like jewelry, bags and accessories.

Perfect for a game-day tailgate or dressier function, this chevron-print dress ($50) can’t be passed up.  With its adorable shape and pretty bow, you’ll be the hottest collegiette at the game!  Pair it with cowgirl boots for a more casual look, or heels to go dressier.

For a rainy or muddy game day, these “Stadium Stompers” ($39) are perfect.  You’ll stay dry and look spirited as ever in your team’s colors.  Ditch your old rain boots and try these cute cowboy-style boots!

5. Sideline Sweetie

Sideline Sweetie specializes in stylish game-day clothing for fashionable collegiettes (like us!).  With their cute clothing, you’ll look chic while still sporting your team’s colors.  They sell everything from dresses to belts.

This “magic strapless dress” ($48) is perfect for a warm fall day.  With its flattering shape and comfortable material, you’ll definitely want this for fall semester.

This lacy dress ($48) is stylish, elegant and spirited—in your team’s colors!  Pair it with a chunky necklace for a completed look.

With these five stores and essential items, your college wardrobe will be ready for fall.  Ditch the bookstore and look unique and stylish with gear from stores and boutiques designed just for collegiettes like you.

Where Should You Study Abroad?


So you’ve officially caught the travel bug, and you’re ready to jet off. That means it’s time to take the first step toward making your study abroad dreams come true: choosing your destination. Choosing the location at which to study abroad is easily one of the most important decisions you’ll make, as it’ll affect your whole experience. Luckily, we’ve created a guide to steer you in the right direction – literally!

1. For the social butterfly

You love attending events at school and meeting new people, and now you’re ready to take your social endeavors abroad! If your primary reason for going abroad is making connections and new friends, there are plenty of places with outgoing and helpful locals to fulfill your wishes.

Auckland, New Zealand

For your study abroad destination, you may want to think about Auckland, New Zealand. A gorgeous, lively, clean city perched on the harbor? No wonder that Kiwi attitude is so positive! Not only does Auckland have some beautiful views, great restaurants and impressive museums, but also, according to Condé Nast Traveler, its locals are happy and helpful!

Cork, Ireland

If you’re not into the idea of traveling halfway across the globe, consider Cork, Ireland, which has been named one of the friendliest cities in the world. Located on the Southeastern coast of Ireland, it’s a beautiful seaside city with quaint buildings and helpful people. Take a trip to the beach or visit a pub to meet some local friends!

2. For the backpacker

Do you dream of making the most of your experience by country-hopping? Are airplanes and trains your favorite way to travel? Could you fit your life into a hiking backpack? Then you might consider yourself the backpacker.

London, England

If you’re looking for a prolonged Eurotrip, think about spending your semester in London, England. The language is familiar, the city is lively and, most importantly, there are multiple airports and various train stations to get you from point A to point B. No matter where you are in the city, it will always be easy to jet to off to a new destination.

Hannah Hamilton studied in London during her first semester of her junior year, and she says that London was a great fit for her. “I chose England so I could easily travel to other countries in Europe, and my flat was located very close to a number of bus and train stations that could get me around,” she says. “Overall, it was really easy to get around and visit new places!”

3. For the party person

Dreaming of sipping sangria on the beach and buying your friends a round of shots at the bar? You, my friend, are a party person. While the US has some great party scenes, there are multiple destinations abroad where you’ll have nights to remember!

Barcelona, Spain

If you’re looking for a party, consider taking your studies to Barcelona, Spain. The sun-drenched seaside city is just meant for sipping sangria on the beach and making new friends. Spain is an overall great destination for clubbing, and many bar and club promoters love to bring in foreigners and give free drinks to help market their scene. Just stay safe and drink responsibly, collegiettes!

Munich, Germany

In search for the best pint of beer you can find? Head to Munich – but make sure it’s during the fall semester, so you don’t miss Oktoberfest, of course! Germany is essentially one of the best places to drink, as beer is a huge part of the culture (just make sure you’re aware that the alcohol content tends to be higher in German beer). And not only is Munich home to great beer, but it’s also a great location for schools; the city is also home to a host of universities, including two of Germany’s elite.

4. For the foodie

Sure, American food is delicious, but there’s only so much we can take! If you’re dreaming of taste-testing your way around the world, we’ve got the perfect destinations for you.

Sorrento, Italy

Sorrento is a smaller city in southern Italy, not far from Naples. Sorrento and the surrounding area are known for fresh markets (check out the Tuesday Market and the one in Piano di Sorrento!) with various citrus fruits, nuts, olives and local wine. It’s a great place of recluse to work on your cooking while still being close enough to a bigger city if you want to travel around to other destinations. If you end up in Sorrento, we recommend trying Limoncello, a refreshing liqueur with a kick!

Aix-en-Provence, France

Want to eat where Cezanne and Hemingway once sat? Head to one of the many cafes in Aix-en-Provence, France, a graceful and lively city full of art – and food! Explore the quartier Mazarin and stop at cafes, bookstores and multiple fresh markets – perfect for all culinary endeavors.

5. For the beach bum

Wanting to escape the cold of your hometown? Dreaming of spending your semester bumming on the beach? There are several beachy destinations that could be perfect for your study abroad experience.

Sydney, Australia

Luckily, Sydney, the most populous city in Australia, has plenty of beach time to offer. Brimming with history, culture, nature and art in addition to its miles of ocean coastline and sandy surf beaches Sydney is a diverse city that’s home to a number of iconic landmarks.

Boracay, the Philippines

Two miles of soft, white sands and clear waters and one of the best tropical destinations in the world – what more could you want from a relaxing semester abroad? Boracay, a small island in the Philippines, has it all. The Philippines has diverse ecosystems, a rich cultural history, tropical rainforests and, most importantly, tons of sandy beaches for you to get your tan on!

6. For the adventurer

Sure, a semester in London or Spain sounds peachy, but you’re looking for something less traditional. If you want to roam with the elephants and climb to mountaintops, there are plenty of places for you.

Semester at Sea

Let’s hope you don’t get seasick easily, because you’re not just studying abroad—you’re studying aboard. Semester at Sea, or SAS for short, is a new way to explore new places while still working toward your degree. During the spring and fall semesters, this program (offered through the University of Virginia) takes students on a voyage across the globe. About 720 students hop on a boat and visit about 15 various countries around the globe (the stops vary each semester) while studying onboard in between stops. Talk about nontraditional!

Cape Town, South Africa

For the seasickness-prone, there are many more options – one of which is the incredibly underrated Cape Town, South Africa, the country’s oldest city. Cape Town, which has been rated one of the most beautiful cities in the world by Forbes (among others), is sandwiched between Table Mountain and the Atlantic Ocean. There’s an abundance of fun activities to do in Cape Town, like feeding wild baboons, diving or even hiking Table Mountain!

Kim Schultz, a student at Northeastern University, spent a spring semester in Cape Town and loved it. “Cities like London and Paris appealed to me at first, but in the end, I chose Cape Town because it was different,” she says. “I’m so glad I did, because I got to experience things I wouldn’t normally have the chance to, like South African festivals, adventure tours and paddle-boarding on the ocean.”

No matter your preference or primary reason for going abroad, there are plenty of awesome destinations to choose from. Just remember that no matter where you end up, you can always make your study abroad semester the experience of a lifetime! 

Score Over $170 Worth of Skin Treatment!


As much as we love summer, we don’t love what it does to our skin. Whether you’re breaking a sweat on a run outdoors, hanging out under the sun on a hot day, swimming in a pool during your free time or forgetting to wash off your make-up after a girls’ night out, you’re probably giving your skin its fair share of harsh treatment this season. That’s why we’re all about showing it some TLC with the best skincare products around!

To save your skin from the not-so-pretty parts of summer, Her Campus has teamed up with X Out (brought to you by the makers of Proactiv®)to offer you a prize package worth over $170! Score X Out acne treatment, including a 90-day supply of Wash-In Treatment, Spot Corrector, Shine Control, Daily Body Scrub and the Cleansing Body Bar. X Out is a fast and simple all-in-one acne treatment, perfect for the busy collegiette! With all of these products at your fingertips (or in your medicine cabinet), you’re be able to put your freshest face forward for the rest of the summer.

What are you waiting for? Enter now to score the top-of-the-line products you need to save your skin!

Fill out my online form.

UNIQLO Pop-Up Store to Open in Boston


Listen up, Boston-based collegiettes: tired of the same old shopping scene? You're in luck! Get ready to welcome UNIQLO, a Japanese clothing brand and your new favorite spot for beautiful basics. The clothing brand catering to men, women and children will open its first pop-up store in Boston on July 22 in the South Market building in historic Faneuil Hall, occupying the space in which Kingfish Hall used to be located.

The popular international retailer already has over 1,400 stores around the world as well as a number of stateside stores in places like Connecticut, New York and New Jersey, but this will be the first of many new locations in the Boston area. Chief executive of UNIQLO USA, Larry Meyer, a Northeastern graduate, explained to The Boston Globe why the brand will be such a good fit: "Boston is a great city with a great population. We felt that our products would go well with both the weather and style of Boston." The brand is definitely embracing the city, having teamed up with the Red Sox Foundation and planning to donate $50,000 to the foundation to organize events for the chosen charity of the Boston Red Sox. 

Her Campus was lucky enough to chat with Eileen McMaster, Vice President of Public Relations and Internal Communications at UNIQLO, about the Japanese retailer's aesthetic and what we can expect from the new pop-up store.

"The main tenant of what our company's mission is is to change clothes, change conventional wisdom, change the world," says McMaster. When asked why UNIQLO chose to set up shop in Boston, McMaster explains, "It is a very important market for us. I think that your rich heritage and the importance of Boston in terms of American history and your sports teams and the weather, we just feel that we can make life…a whole lot easier for Bostonians.”

UNIQLO's aesthetic is similar to that of the GAP and Old Navy in that they market very affordable but high-quality pieces in a wide array of colors, cuts and fabrics, selling "very innovative clothing at our price-point," says McMaster. The retailer's mottos, "LifeWear" and "Made for All," reflect the brand's goal of providing pieces that can be seamlessly integrated into customers' existing wardrobes. To this end, UNIQLO does not put any logos on their products (which we love!).

Another selling point of UNIQLO is their heat-retention technology, known as HEATTECH, which is ideal for chilly New England winters. "HEATTECH retains heat within your own body and is very comfortable, very lightweight and can be layered," explains McMaster. As any Boston-based collegiette knows, while winters are frigid, summers can be sweltering, so UNIQLO also offers AIRism, the summertime counterpart to keep you cool and dry while neutralizing odor. 

As we're closing in on back-to-school shopping season (it's never too early!), we're beyond thrilled that we've finally got a UNIQLO around the corner. The brand conveniently offers merino and cashmere sweaters at a fraction of the cost that other retailers sell them at, stocking cashmere sweaters that sell for $79.90 and come in over 20 different colors (and a variety of shapes). The brand also offers amazingly comfortable and flattering jeans, tops and dresses, like this navy and white Women's Cotton Modal Striped Short Sleeve Dress ($29.90), perfect for summers in New England. 

The Japanese retailer already has a good deal of celebrity star power behind it, having collaborated with Pharrell Williams in the past and, more recently, with MoMA on a collection of T-shirts "inspired by art that has been in the [museum]," says McMaster. We especially love this adorable MoMA special edition SPRZ NY Tote Bag ($19.90), inspired by Keith Haring's artwork. It's perfect for the beach!

In addition to unveiling the pop-up store in Fanueil Hall, UNIQLO also plans to open stores at 341 Newbury Street, the Mall at Chestnut Hill, Northshore Mall and Legacy Place.

You'll definitely be able to find us browsing UNIQLO's colorful shelves come July 22, but in the meantime, be sure to check out UNIQLO online and on their mobile app!

7 Quirks You Have That Guys Love


As every girl who’s ever envied Zooey Deschanel knows, quirkiness is the cutest trait in a collegiette. The dating scene is full of awesome, attractive girls, so if you want to catch a guy’s attention in the middle of the crowd, you have to celebrate what makes you different from those thousands of others!

Not convinced you’ve got a good quirk? Don’t be so sure. While some quirks may send men running for the hills (think creepy doll collections or nasty hygiene habits), others can be totally endearing. You may be insecure about your tendency to snort when you laugh, but some boys will love you all the more for it – it’s what makes you unique, and it reminds them that you’re a one-of-a-kind catch! Find out which quirks drive the guys wild and how to use them to your advantage!

1. You Have a Really Loud Laugh

You may be embarrassed that you have a horse-like laugh – there’s no denying that it’s inconvenient in the library (and anywhere that you try to giggle about your crush within earshot).

Arden Leigh, author of The New Rules of Attraction: How to Get Him, Keep Him, and Make Him Beg for More, seduction coach, and co-founder of the Sirens Seduction Forum for Women, says that despite the high volume, a genuine laugh is an attractive asset.

“Emotional states are contagious,” says Leigh. “When a guy is around a woman with a great sense of humor who is genuinely enjoying herself, he often can't help but feel good too in the process.”

Shira, a collegiette from Franklin & Marshall College, found that her loud laugh was nothing to be embarrassed about. “My boyfriend loves my real laugh,” she says. “[It] takes so much energy out of me that I can’t breathe, I’m laughing so hard. He thinks it’s really cute.”

Matt, a student at Skidmore College, says that a real laugh is a good sign. “It’s how I know she’s laidback enough to roll with the punches,” he says. “She’s not high-strung.”

Play up those giggles! Guys love positive reinforcement, so if you think he’s funny (don’t fake it if he’s not!), don’t be afraid to let loose a loud laugh. If he’s anything like these fun-loving campus cuties, he’ll love your sense of humor (and he might even warm up to a snort or two).

2. You Bite Your Lip When You’re Thinking

Whether you’re working on plans, attempting to figure out the subway or suffering from a serious case of first date nerves, you can’t help but bite your lip. It’s better than biting your nails, anyway! While you don’t want to look like you’re eating your bottom lip for breakfast, you definitely don’t need to hide this habit in front of your hot crush.

Andy, a former Her Campus Real Live College Guy, admits that guys have a soft spot for this quirk. “Oh my God, I love it when a girl bites her lower lip,” he says. “Such a turn-on!”

Why? “Biting your lip when you smile can be sexy because it draws attention to your mouth and conveys a fun, mischievous attitude,” explains Leigh. Just don’t pout unless you’re genuinely put out about something—pouting signals disdain or childishness, says Leigh. Those are definitely not the messages you want to send!

3. You Have a Serious Sweet Tooth

Candy, cupcakes, mocha lattes, fro-yo... if it has sugar in it, you will eat it anywhere, anytime. Your mother may frown upon your unbalanced diet––we’re sure a nutritionist would, too––but your inability to resist anything frosted is endearing and adorable to guys.

Stacey, a student at Vanderbilt University, once ended up on the wrong side of her sweet tooth, but her weakness for all things Candy Land-appropriate became a bonding moment for her and her boyfriend when she panicked about spending $20 on sweets in one sitting. Now, it’s their inside joke. “[My boyfriend has] been known to bring me my favorite sweet treats from around campus,” she says.

Shira had a similar experience. “[My boyfriend] knows I have a serious sweet tooth and finds it very cute,” she says. “He even told me as we passed by a chocolate shop on one of our first dates that he was willing to get ‘a sweet for my sweet.’ We both thought it was very cute, and now sweets are a major part of our relationship.”

Don’t give yourself cavities in the pursuit of this cute quirk, but don’t be afraid to be honest about your cravings. Carole Lieberman, M.D., psychiatrist and author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets, says that guys see sweet teeth as ultra-feminine.

“It’s cute when a girl can’t stay away from chocolate,” says Mike, a student at Springfield College. “I wouldn’t want her to eat it all the time or anything, but I like to take a girl out for ice cream.”

4. You Have an Intense Obsession or Collection

So you can’t stop watching the Harry Potter movies or quoting your favorite classic poets. Do you have boxes full of vintage magazines or a crazy collection of Friends memorabilia? Read your horoscope three times a day or geek out over the recent discovery of Super-Earths? No need to keep your obsessions in the closet!

“A lot of men are nerds and secretly yearn for a girl who shares their fandom on their favorite pieces of pop culture,” says Leigh. “But even if he's a Star Wars fan and you're a Trekkie, he'll respect your enthusiasm.”

If your interest is completely removed from his – we doubt he’s a big fan of The Bachelorette, but you might have the contestants’ birth dates and zip codes memorized – don’t worry. “Anyone who has a passion or hobby is seen as a much more engaged and interesting person,” Leigh assures us. “Fandom and geekery are always appreciated.” Show him what sparks your interest; he’ll appreciate getting to know the real you, and he might even catch onto the craze, too!

Just be sure to steer clear of over-obsession! There are a lot of reasons why hoarding isn’t a good idea – hello, health and wellness – but it’s also a given that no guy is going to be impressed by an apartment or dorm room completely lined with alien-themed memorabilia or stuffed with baby dolls.

5. You Sing All of the Time

Like Jess of New Girl, you sing your feelings. Sometimes it’s under your breath; sometimes it’s at the top of your lungs. Whether it’s show tunes or R&B, you’re always feeling the beat. And, as a result of your quirkiness, so is everyone around you.

Is it annoying? Sometimes—such as in the middle of a serious conversation. But you shouldn’t keep your voice box under lock and key just to avoid scaring away a guy.

“Guys like girls who are happy, not moody,” Lieberman says. “So, as long as you are singing, he knows he’s not in the doghouse. But, be careful what you sing, since the lyrics can reveal your unconscious thoughts. For example, you don’t want to sing, ‘Goin’ to the chapel and we’re gonna get married...’”

Matt agrees that singing, in moderation, is actually a turn-on. “I play guitar and sing, so any girl who likes to sing is more interesting to me,” he says. “It’s pretty adorable if she sings in the morning, or if I hear her singing in the shower. But it would get on my nerves if it were all of the time.”

Sing when you’re happy, sing during a lazy day on his couch, sing wherever you want (as long as you aren’t disturbing the public peace or substituting song for speech). Your sunny disposition will instantly lift his spirits.

6. You Scrunch Up Your Nose When You’re Mad

Like singing, a scrunched nose can lighten any mood. No, it’s not your most attractive look (we wouldn’t recommend it for your profile pic choice, for instance). But contrary to what the perfectly unwrinkled, un-scrunched noses of models in magazines may lead us to believe, guys love it.

“I scrunch up my nose when I’m playfully mad,” says Kathleen, a collegiette at James Madison University. “Everyone knows I’m playful because I smile with my eyes! Most guys laugh and just acknowledge the fact that this is one of those ‘when I’m right, I’m right’ moments. I can make any tense situation better by being playfully mad.”

“There is something inherently adorable and innocent about a girl who crinkles her nose when she laughs,” says Lieberman. “It reminds guys of cute cartoons from [their] childhood.” We promise: though this quirky crinkle may earn you some endearment, he won’t actually treat you as a little kid. Scrunch away to ease tension during an argument – he won’t be able to stay mad at a face like that!

7. You Blush Easily

True, blushing can be a burden. It makes it impossible to play it cool when you get caught staring at your crush, and you can’t take a compliment without looking like you’ve been painted pink. Still, that sign of embarrassment and excitement can be hugely attractive.

“I’ll say it: I love when girls blush,” reveals Jack, a student at Boston University. “It’s like a mystery. Why is she blushing? I want to know.”

Leiberman says that “blushing shows a guy that you are sensitive and vulnerable, which makes him feel more secure about approaching you.” Your rosy cheeks might just earn you an invitation to dinner!


While these love experts remind us that not all guys find every quirk attractive, these seven are some of the fan favorites. “Generally, if a person is attracted to you already, he will come to find your idiosyncrasies endearing because they're what makes you unique,” says Leigh.

Go easy on the boys! With your lovable quirkiness making him weak at the knees, he won’t stand a chance against your charms.

Tory Burch x Fitbit Make Working Out Way More Stylish


If Form Avenue and Function Boulevard were actual crossroads, Tory Burch’s new collaboration with Fitbit would so be there.

The collection, which was released yesterday, consists of a necklace and two styles of bracelets. All are compatible with the Fitbit tracker, so instead of a clunky, uninspired black bangle, you can sport (pun intended) a super chic piece of jewelry emblazoned in signature Tory Burch colors and patterns. You simply pop out the core of the Fitbit, which tracks movement, your sleep cycle, etc. and insert it into the TB bauble of choice.

The most expensive piece, coming in at $195, is the hinged bracelet. It’s made of solid brass, has an open fretwork design and is so gorgeous we’re positive even the most exercise-averse fashion-lovers will buy it.

The matching brass necklace is also costly--$175.

However, if you love the idea but hate the price, you can buy one of the printed silicone bracelets. They come in blue and pink and are a much more affordable $38.  

Fitbit itself not included. But hey, if you just want to wear these as regular jewelry, we totally understand!                           

17 Things Only Book Lovers Will Understand


What's a collegiette's best friend? Spoiler alert: it's definitely not diamonds or dogs. It's books! If you love reading as much as we do, you'll definitely experience these 17 book-loving phenomenons on a regular basis.

1. You get genuinely stressed out whenever the characters in your book encounter difficulties.

2. You stay up way later than you intended to because you just have to finish just one more page... chapter… okay, the whole novel.

3. Your local librarians know your name, life story and favorite literary genre.

4. Buying new books gives you a bigger rush than four cups of coffee.

5. Everyone knows to avoid you when you’re in the middle of a good read.

6. You’ve figured out ways to incorporate reading into all of your other activities.

7. Trying to understand why someone doesn’t love to read boggles your mind.

8. You fervently believe you owe all of your powers of intelligence to your reading habits.

9. You vastly prefer the smell of books to any scent you can find in a fragrance bottle. 

10. You wish you could un-read books so you could experience them for the first time again.

11. Hermione was your favorite movie character when you were a kid...

12. ...followed closely by Matilda.

13. You eat while you read to save time.

14. You get super emotional over unexpected plot twists.

15. If there's any topic you're unfamilar with, you're confident you can find the answer in a book.

16. You hate when people ask you what your favorite book is...

17. ...but then you come back with a huge list for them.

5 Feminist Dating Dilemmas (& How to Deal)


Dating is college is already a maze of emotions: who calls whom? Who makes the first move? What in the world did he mean by that text? Adding your feminist beliefs into the mix can be even more confusing. After all, what’s a feminist collegiette to do when a campus cutie insists on paying for dinner or opening doors for her all the time?

Luckily for you, Her Campus is here to take you through the most pressing feminist dating scenarios.

Scenario #1: He insists on paying for dinner.

You head to a super-nice restaurant with a cutie in tow for your first date. Everything’s going well … until the check comes around. You want to split it so that he doesn’t have to pay for such an expensive meal, but he keeps insisting that he wants to cover the check. Should you let him foot the bill?

How to deal

When it comes to any dating scenario, it’s important to keep things in perspective. “I personally approach dating with the same feminist perspective that I approach all issues: from a value of equality and general courtesy for other people's humanity,” says Julie Zeilinger, founder of the feminist blog The FBomb and author of A Little F’d Up: Why Feminism is Not a Dirty Word. “I think college women need to stress less about perfectly living up to a feminist script and just worry about being fair and kind to whoever they're spending time with. At the end of the day, that's what feminism is about — not a series of rules delineated into ‘good’ or ‘bad’ behavior.”

Joy*, a senior at Wesleyan University, has found herself in this scenario way too many times. “I personally like to split the check with dates for equality reasons, and it can always be awkward for guys if you call them out and ask them to only pay half,” she says.

Joy’s advice? If it’s a first date with someone you don’t know well, let him pay if he’s being insistent. “It can be overwhelming to spring all of your feminist dating rules on someone you don’t know well, so I’ve just found it’s better to let him pay on the first date if he’s insistent and trying to be a gentleman,” she says. “Plus, don’t think of a guy paying on the first date as patriarchy — a lot of guys are just trying to be nice and courteous! If you end up dating this guy more regularly, feel free to let him know later on that you’d like to split the check or take turns picking up the tab.”

However, Joy notes that if your date is someone you know well, feel free to tell the guy beforehand that you want to split the check or pay. “I was really good friends with my current boyfriend, Dave*, long before we dated, so he knew I was all about equality in relationships,” she says. “Before our first date, I told him I wanted to split the check, and he was totally cool with it. Plus, this prevented any surprises when we were actually on the date!”

But how to do you open up the feminist dialogue beforehand? Jasmine Ryan, a healthy relationships advocate at the University of Florida, recommends trying to talk to your guy beforehand. “It can be extremely jarring to have someone start pulling feminism jargon in the middle of a date, so if it’s very important to you, talk to your date beforehand,” she says. “Even a simple, ‘So for our date tonight, do you mind if we split the check?’ can be a great way to open the conversation.”

Scenario #2: He always wants to open the door for you.

You’ve noticed that every time you go out with a certain campus cutie, he always insists on opening all the doors: the car door, the restaurant door, your apartment door. How do you tell him that it’s too much?

How to deal

First, Ryan remind collegiettes that just because a guy opens a door for you a couple times doesn’t mean he’s looking for the downfall of the feminist movement. “Opening doors for people is generally considered a nice thing to do in our society, so it may not even be a gender issue,” she says. “However, if you notice that your partner is insisting that he open doors for you all the time, it might be time to let him know that you can do the same for him, or you can just open your own doors yourself!”

Still want to split door-opening responsibilities? Lucy*, a junior at New York University, recommends trying to open the door for a guy as much as he opens it for you. “When I started dating my boyfriend, it almost became a little inside joke that I would open the door for him,” she says. “But eventually, I was able to tell him I did it because I believed in gender equality in dating, even with small things like opening door for one another.”

Scenario #3: He expects you to text him 24/7.

You’ve just started seeing a guy, and you’ve noticed that he gets really annoyed when you don’t text him all the time, but he doesn’t think he has to do the same thing in return. How do you let him know that it’s not fair?

How to deal

Joy thinks you should try to avoid these types of guys altogether if possible, but she knows that’s easier said than done. “I’ve dated a couple of guys who seemed totally chill and normal when we started dating but got really controlling about certain aspects of the relationship later on,” she says.

If a guy wants you to text, Facebook message or call him all the time and doesn’t expect anything in return, Joy recommends being upfront with him as soon as possible. “If you start noticing the trend, talk to him immediately before you establish a pattern,” she says. “Ask him why he wants you to text him so much and why he can’t do the same in return. I’ve found that a lot of times, his desire to have you communicate with him all the time comes from his own issues with trust or control, so it’s better to talk about these earlier rather than later.”

During your conversation, Ryan recommends being honest, but not accusatory. “A lot of men aren’t even aware that they’re doing something wrong, so you don’t want them to go on the defensive and shut down completely,” she says. “Your tone during your conversation should be concerned and stern but not angry, and you should figure out beforehand what you want to get out of the conversation. For example, do you want to text him less, or do you want him to text you more? It’s important to have an ideal scenario in mind.”

Ryan also notes that this behavior can be indicative of larger issues. “If a conversation about why he unfairly wants you to communicate with him more without returning the favor fails, I would recommend reconsidering the relationship in general,” she says. “This type of controlling behavior is often indicative of other internal issues (like problems with trust or respect), and you might not want to stick around to see what happens.”

Scenario #4: He wants you to dote on him.

You started dating a guy who seemed really nice at first, but lately you’ve noticed that he’s always asking you to make him a sandwich and grab him a beer. How do you let him know that you’re not in this relationship to play housewife?

How to deal

Jane*, a senior at the University of Florida, started dating a guy named Eric*, who seemed really nice at first but eventually proved to just want someone to care for him. “He would invite me over to his apartment and would ask me to get beers for his friends or clean up after them,” she says. “It was ridiculous and a total red flag. I immediately talked to Eric about it, and, not surprisingly, we broke up soon afterward. There was no way I was going to date a guy who wanted me to be his personal housekeeper.”

Lucy also says that if you’re a feminist in a relationship like this, it’s best to get out of it ASAP. “These types of guys are never going to change, so it’s better not to waste your time trying,” she says. “At the end of the day, some people are all for gender equality and some aren’t. Why stick with someone who doesn’t understand your core values?”

Ryan also recommends trying to figure out when this behavior started. “If your boyfriend has always wanted you to dote on him, then I’d say it’s a problem that can lead to other harmful dating behaviors,” she says. “However, if he just recently started it, a conversation is in order. Pick a time for you two to sit down and talk, and make sure you don’t approach him in the heat of the moment (like when he’s asking you to do something for him).”

Scenario #5: He doesn’t want you talking to other guys, but he doesn’t see a reason to stop talking to other girls.

Your boyfriend freaks out if you so much as look at another guy, but you notice that he has plenty of female friends whom he hangs around with — and even flirts with. How do you tell him that’s wrong?

How to deal

Gabrielle*, a junior at New York University, ran into this issue when she dated her then-boyfriend, Joel*.

“Joel would get weirdly upset whenever I talked to other guys (even about things as mundane as the calculus homework), but strangely thought it was okay for him to keep hanging out with his girl friends all the time,” she says. “I didn’t have issues with him having female friends; my problem was that he didn’t think I was owed the same courtesy with guys. I eventually had to confront him about it from a gender-equality front; in my mind, we both had to have the same boundaries in relationships.”

Gabrielle said that to her surprise, Joel was extremely receptive when she talked to him. “I sat him down for a conversation about it, and after some initial snarky comments from him about how I was overreacting, he eventually opened up about how a past girlfriend had cheated on him, and it left him feeling less trustworthy of women,” she says. “He wasn’t even aware of how his behavior was hurting me or how ridiculous it seemed to me. Luckily, we were able to work through it and dated for two more years.”

Gabrielle believes that talking to Joel early on in the relationship saved it from going down a bad path. “I talked to Joel during the first couple months we were dating, and I can only imagine how much resentment I would’ve had towards him if I’d waited to have this conversation with him later on,” she says. “I think no matter what the feminist dating problem is, college women shouldn’t be afraid to speak up and talk to their men early and often.”

Remember that you have control of your relationship, so if a guy isn’t respectful of your feminist values, you don’t have to date him! Moreover, if you want to make a relationship work, make sure you communicate early with your partner and explain why you feel the way you do.

“I try to bring up my feminist beliefs from the perspective of education and a constructive discussion rather than immediately being defensive,” Zeilinger says. “If the guy I'm dating isn't familiar with feminism, I don't immediately fault him for it or write him off, but rather try to spark a conversation and explain my point of view.”

Happy dating, feminist collegiettes!

*Names have been changed.

17 Things That Make Girls Instantly #SwipeLeft on Tinder


The concept of Tinder is simple: swipe right if you think the suggested match is hot, swipe left if you think he isn't. In a set of very important unwritten Tinder rules, there are four parts to a guy’s profile that we examine before we swipe, creating these 17 deal-breakers that earn an immediate left swipe and send guys into the, “No, thank you” pile.

Part 1: Profile pictures

Since the entire theory of the app is a classic game of Hot or Not, profile pictures are do or die for every guy on Tinder. Not that we try to be picky, but if a guy has any of the following profile pictures, he’s just asking to be swiped left. 

1. Group pictures

We don’t want to search for him in a picture of 26 people 500 feet away from the camera. If we can’t figure out which one he is, we're going to take precaution and assume he's the most unfortunate-looking one, giving him the left swipe just for making us do all that work.

2. All six of his pictures are with his cat

The first one was cute, but the last five freaked us out a little bit.

3. Bathroom selfies

C’mon. Left swipe by principle.

4. Pictures in the gym. Every. Single. Picture. In the gym.

Oh look, it’s him doing pull-ups, and another one of him doing push-ups. Is that him flexing in the mirror?

5. Pictures with bikini-clad girls

Providing undeniable proof that hot females are attracted to him, so, obviously, we too should be attracted to him by default. Classic move.

Part 2: Bio

If a guy has any of the death-trap profile pictures listed above, a quality bio may be his last hope before getting the left swipe. However, if his bio sounds like any of these, there’s no saving him.

6. “Just a good guy looking for a chance at love. Just get to know me.”

If it starts to sound like a stray puppy ad, we might have to nicely decline and wish him the best of luck in his pursuit of romance.

7. “This Tinder game is overrated.”

Okay, so then why exactly is he still using it…?

8. “Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself…”

...then he goes on in detail about his entire life, throwing in his favorite food and his blood type. This is a free dating app, not an autobiography. 

9. “I’m as sexy as I am funny, so why wouldn’t you swipe right?”


Um, because your bio says that…

10. “Add me on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Myspace and Foursquare.”

Anything else? Want to play a game of Words With Friends, too?

Part 3: Mutual friends

We're trying to avoid being matched with a cheater, our ex’s best friend or a distant cousin, so we always double-check the mutual friends. Sometimes mutual friends are good because they give us an open road to stalk via Facebook, but some mutual friends scream bad news.

11. Family

Mom, extended aunts, uncles and cousins… there's a really good chance we could be heading for an inbred Tinder dating disaster. That’s when we realized where we recognized him from: his family’s Christmas card on our fridge.

12. Exes

His only mutual friend is your ex, and we really want to avoid the question of, “So, I see Ben is a mutual friend; how do you know him?” 

13. Nothing but ladies

Every single one of his 56 mutual friends just happen to be all of our freakishly best-looking female Facebook friends.

Part 4: The messaging

The last determining factor is perhaps the easiest way to make us wish we had swiped left, or, even worse, make us want to actually unmatch ourselves from a guy: the messaging. All it takes is a few words to draw us in or send us running for the hills.

14. Asking for the phone number right away

We did just meet him and this is crazy, so he shouldn’t call us maybe because it’s way too soon for us to be handing out our numbers. This isn’t a Carly Rae Jepsen song.

15. Constant messaging

If we didn’t respond to his first three messages, there’s a really good chance we won’t respond the four that follow. He started sending weird vibes when he asked how we feel about hairy guys. There are plenty more Tinder fish in the sea, so he needs to swim on.

16. A revolting pick-up line

Does that really work for him? Does he really get girls with that line?

17. Looking for the golden ticket

No. Absolutely not. Way to go out on a limb there though, buddy!

How to Write an Amazing Professional Email


So you’ve perfected your handshake and practiced your pearly white smile. Now it’s time to take that professional charm into the virtual world!

Email has long since replaced phone calls as the primary resource for business communications. It’s used within offices to communicate about tasks, to send in job applications, and to form important business contacts, which is why being able to send impressive and put-together emails is crucial to business success these days. Here is your guide to composing each part of a business email, so the only shock resulting from your emails will be amazement at your professionalism and style!

1. The Subject Line

Your subject line should be specific and to-the-point. It should tell the person on the other end exactly what you are hoping to communicate. For example, rather than “Important information,” write, “Update to marketing data on Brooklyn campaign.” Sharon Cannon, a clinical associate professor of management and corporate communication at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Kenan-Flagler Business School, notes that while the subject of an email is often overlooked, it acts as the newspaper headline of the email. “Boil your email down to a crisp few words that convey the purpose of your email and any deadlines involved,” she suggests. This will make certain that the person on the other end of your email understands immediately what content they can expect.

2. The Intro

Always address your contact in the most formal way possible until you have established familiarity with him or her. “Bosses, other employees, and recruiters will tell you when they’d prefer that you be on a first-name basis,” Cannon explains. “Missing out on an opportunity because you assumed you could be on a first-name basis isn’t worth the risk.”

If you already know the person you are writing to—for example, if it is a colleague or a boss you’ve worked for for a while—different rules may apply to the introduction. “Go with a simple first name followed by a comma when the person is close to you in age and/or you know the person,” says Cannon.

If, however, it is an email to someone outside of your direct circle of contacts, the introduction is very important for informing him or her who you are and why you are contacting him or her. State who you are (for example, “I am a student studying Biology at the University of Virginia”) and why you are contacting him or her (“I was referred to your job opening by Professor Smith and would like to express my interest in applying”). Ideally it should be short and to the point, so that the recipient has a quick context for the information that is to follow. Gary Alan Miller, Co-Founder of the Innovation Forum For Career Services warns against seeming too curt or flippant, however; that may come off as rude! “There is a balance to be struck between a solid narrative and the brevity people want from their correspondence,” says Miller.

3. The Content

This will be the bulk of the email: the actual information that you are hoping to communicate. The most important thing here is that it is easy to read and plainly stated. If you have three or more paragraphs, you might want to think about cutting it down or finding a way to express your point more simply. “If your email is longer than a few lines, make sure that the first paragraph gives a quick preview or agenda for everything in the email,” says Cannon.

She suggests using bullets or subheadings and bolding important dates or deadlines to ensure they are not overlooked. Most likely the person reading your email will be in the midst of a busy day and buckled down with dozens of emails, and they will be more willing to listen to you if you express yourself simply. Cannon advises this golden rule for making sure your writing is efficient: “Ask yourself ‘so what’ after each sentence you write to make sure the information is relevant and necessary,” she says. “Put your bottom line up front while weaving in polite words like ‘please,’ ‘thank you,’ and ‘appreciate.’”

You should also look to avoid slang or casual language like contractions. Miller advises, “Make sure you use email as a formal, professional means of communication. [Email] may feel more informal, but these interactions leave a lasting impression.” Cannon agrees. “Make sure your correspondence is always a little more professional than the person you're writing [to]. In other words, ‘outdress’ the competition,” she says.

4. The Sign-Off

Next time you receive emails from someone in a professional context, pay attention to how they sign off their emails! This will give you a sense of some of the popular sign-offs and the context in which they can be used. For example, a pretty standard one among business people is “Best” or “Best Wishes.”

“‘Sincerely’ is the safest, most formal option,” says Miller. It is important to always thank the person at the end of the email, so a brief line thanking him or her for however they are helping you demonstrates consideration. Everyone loves to feel appreciated! “Good etiquette includes thanking that individual for his or her time,” says Ali Rodriguez, director of the University of Miami’s Career Center.

You may also want to consider writing your position and company below your name, if you have one. If you are a student, you can write your university’s name and your graduation year beneath your name. So in the end, your sign-off should look something like this:

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you!

Kaitlin Noe
Contributing Writer, Her Campus

5. Proofread Your Email

Always, always, always proofread your emails before you send them. There is no easier way to undermine your professionalism than a skipped-over typo or misspelling. Read it once or twice, and ask a friend or colleague to look it over for awkward phrasing if it’s a particularly important email. It never hurts to get a second opinion! Cannon emphasizes the need for error-free writing in emails: “You wouldn’t want a smudge on your jacket at a meeting with a client, nor would you want a flawed email. Think of a typo as a jacket smudge that can diminish the first impression that you’d like to make.”

6. Email Courtesy

We’ve all gotten frustrated at a friend when he or she won’t answer our phone calls or texts. It’s the same thing with email! Try to always respond promptly, and if you can’t, send a brief email stating why you are unable to and give him or her an estimated time of when you will be able to send a more thorough reply.


The goal for emails is to be polite, respectful, and to the point. Follow those guidelines and you will be well on your way to impressing people digitally on the reg!

What's In My Makeup Bag: Beauty Blogger Shannon


I’m going to take a second to give myself a little pat on the back. You see, I’m currently in NYC with my family, and it was kind of an emergency trip. That means I had to really consolidate my makeup regimen (I would never sacrifice my skincare products), and like the responsible adult I am (insert sarcasm here), I waited until 3:00 a.m. to pack everything.

But maybe that’s a good thing! It means I took only my favorites and essentials, no extra bulk… or, that in my delirious state I packed whatever I could grab. I’ll stick with the former. With that said, it's important that every collegiette know her essential cosmetics; that way, you know you can always look great on the go with the help of only a few key products. Check out the ones I can't live without!


When I got a hold of bareMinerals Pure Brightening Serum Foundation ($29), I was ready to start a revolution. I only use about two to three drops to cover my whole face, and that’s kind of astounding since I’m not lacking in the acne scar department. Just shake it up to combine the ingredients and blend with a dense, short-bristled brush! I have the matching brush made by bareMinerals, but to be honest, I packed it because it's smaller than my regular foundation brush.

I use a mix of Bare Nude 09 and Bare Sand 12 because I’m in that awkward in-between shade. Sigh.

Tools shown: bareMinerals Perfecting Face Brush ($28)


This may be to much info, but I’m kind of a sweaty gal; I could break a sweat putting together a bowl of cereal. Ergo, I depend on a good powder to keep everything in place, and I love Chanel’s Les Beiges Healthy Glow Sheer Colour SPF 15 pressed powder ($57.50) in N°30. It has a great formula that blends seamlessly, so you can easily layer on for more coverage.

I also brought with me Urban Decay’s Naked Skin Ultra Definition Loose Finishing Powder ($34) in Naked Medium Light.  Why two powders? I like to use this loose powder on the center of my face, such as the center of my forehead, nose, chin, and under my eyes. It helps create super subtle contouring because this powder is a smidge lighter than the Chanel and a bit more luminous.

Tools shown: It Cosmetics Heavenly Luxe Wand Ball Brush ($48)


Speaking of contouring, let me introduce you to my Fab Four!

I don’t know if I would look the same without them. OK, I probably would, but I definitely depend on these products to give my face more dimension and glow. I start by sweeping bronzer on the outskirts of my face: the hollow of my cheeks, sides of my temples, under my jawline, and sides of my nose. Basic stuff. Then I highlight my cheekbones, temple, bridge of nose, cupid’s bow, and the center of my chin. My trick is to take the blush--which is a little dark to use as a traditional blush--and nestle that color into the hollow of my cheeks and side of my temples.  Your natural tan has some redness to it, so this is how I fake my tan! By blending a ruddy red into your bronzer, you can get a more naturally tanned look!

Tools shown: It Cosmetics Heavenly Luxe Mega Fat Fan Brush ($48); Laura Mercier Fan Powder Brush ($30)

Eye Make-up

I was really conservative when it came to packing eyeshadows.  I took one palette, two cream shadows, two eyeliners, and only three mascaras (that’s scarce for me).

I love this Guerlain Écrin 6 Couleurs Eyeshadow Palette in Place Vendôme ($90) because I can create endless looks with it. My favorite? A reverse smoky eye! Basically I put the taupe color on my top lids and line my upper lashes in the dark navy. Then I focus on my lower lash line and blend the dark navy from the outer to inner corner. I like to make the vibrant blue my accent color by using it on the inner half of my lower lash line.  If you're interested in this look, let me know in the comments below and maybe I'll do a tutorial to show everyone (eep)!

I only have one word for you concerning Origins GinZing Brightening Cream Eye Shadow ($18.50): long-lasting. This stuff is not playing games.  I have it in Coffee Buzz, and once, in my rush to get my make-up on, I accidentally got it on my contacts... it stayed there all day. I'm not saying you should put it on your contacts, of course, but if you want a creaseless, waterproof eyeshadow, this is it. To go with it, I packed my NARS Eye Paint in Baalbek ($25) because I love using the burnished gold color for a cat eye!

My two eyeliners are Cargo's Swimmables Eye Pencil in Grey Lake ($18) and Urban Decay's 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Goldmine ($20). I love slate gray eyeliners instead of a harsh black for summer, and the gold is fun to play with on the lower waterline.

On to mascara! I can't live without mascara. Seriously, I live by this motto:

I use:

Why so many? Well, I definitely think that making strong eye contact can make a great first impression and make you more confident, so why not give your lashes a lil’ lovin’?

Tools shown: Laura Mercier Flat Eye Liner Brush ($25); Charlotte Tilbury Eye Blender Brush (£25); Bobbi Brown Eyelash Curler ($18)


My everyday look is basically mascara and lipstick.  If you thought I have too much mascara, you don’t want to see my lipstick collection.  This is just a fraction of it! (I know I have a problem, but I’m happy with my problem.) Here are some of my favorites that I brought with me on my trip:

Changing up your lipstick can make you look sophisticated, sexy, laid-back, etc. Basically, invest in good lipstick, collegiettes!

I hope I didn’t overwhelm you, but I’m not a beauty junkie for no reason! My momma sometimes shakes her head at the stuff I buy, but I just tell myself a new lipstick is just four lattes to give up – that's compromise, right?

Carrie Bradshaw, a.k.a. SJP, once said, “I like my money right where I can see it.. hanging in my closet.”

I say, “I like my money right where I can see it… sitting in my makeup bag.”

Which of these products would you add to your make-up essentials list--and are there any amazing products that we missed? Sound off below!

How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out in the Morning


We get it—crawling out from beneath your warm, cozy covers just to hit the gym at an ungodly hour is a torturous process that seems nearly impossible. Sacrificing that extra hour of sleep in the morning to hit the elliptical may not sound very appealing, but it’s definitely worth it. Here are a few tips for how to get yourself out of bed to master your early-morning workouts.

1. Pick a workout buddy

There’s no motivation like having a workout buddy. Don’t be the friend who cancels at the last minute because you overslept or because you just didn’t feel like getting up. Try calling or texting each other in the morning to make sure you’re both awake.

“If I didn’t have anyone to go to the gym with, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t work out,” says Amber, a junior at Columbia University. “One of my closest friends is on the track team, so she’s definitely the one who motivates me to work out with her when she’s not at practice.”

Just picturing how upset your bestie would be if you blew her off while she was waiting for you bright and early should be enough to get you out of bed!

2. Move your alarm clock to the other side of the room

Your alarm clock is a necessary evil. Moving it the other end of the room means that you’ll have to get out of bed and get up just to turn it off. Once you’re up and stretched, you’ll be less likely to hop back in bed!

“To me, the only hard part about getting up in the morning is physically removing myself from the bed,” says Brittany, a junior at the University of Georgia. “As soon as I’m actually standing up straight, I’m ready to take on the day.”

3. Pack your gym bag the night before

With all the confusion that comes from being half awake and half asleep, there’s a good chance that you may forget something on your way out the door. Packing your gym bag and laying out your clothes the night before will better prepare you for your sweat session and also save you some time before you hit the gym—think of the extra minutes of sleep you’ll save!

4. Do a workout you enjoy

Working out isn’t an easy thing to do for some people to begin with. We know your relationship with your bed is important to you, but getting up to do something that you actually enjoy could encourage you to leave your precious bed to get some fitness in.

“The prospect of getting on a treadmill at 7:30 wasn’t really appealing to me, so I signed up for a yoga class that was offered at the same time,” says Kasia, a senior at Villanova University. “Whenever I didn’t want to get up, I would just tell myself how good I would feel after my yoga class and how much it would be worth it.”

If spending an hour on a machine isn’t your thing, think about participating in an activity like Pilates or dance aerobics that will have you feeling refreshed before your early-morning class.

5. Get enough sleep the night before

As college students, we may be used to late nights and early mornings, but you have no idea how much better a workout can turn out if you’re well rested!

“It’s definitely easier for me to get up when I actually get sleep the night before,” says Ashley, a junior at Georgia State University. “It’s like the combination of being well rested and working out in the morning keeps me way more alert during the day.”

Try to skip hitting the bars with your friends the night before your workout and head home early to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep.


No one ever said it was easy to work out the morning, but the work you put in at the gym will not only help you get fit, but also have you feeling refreshed and alert for the rest of what may be a long day. Change up your early-morning routine by trying a few of these tips to get yourself up and out the door before your AM session at the gym. 

5 LGBTQ+-Friendly Shows to Watch on Netflix


Are you all caught up on Orange Is the New Black? Wondering what to binge watch next? Luckily for you, Netflix offers a wide variety of shows to choose from that feature central LGBTQ+ characters. We’ve narrowed down which shows should be at the top of your watch list this summer.

1.The L Word

The L Word has central characters of many different sexualities and identities, primarily lesbian, bisexual and transgender characters. More than a decade after its original release in 2004, it’s still just as riveting!

The show stars Jennifer Beals as Bette Porter, an Ivy-League educated woman of both Caucasian and African-American descent. Bette engages in promiscuous relationships throughout the series, though we find out that she was not always as confident about her sexuality.

“Though I’ve only recently really started to jump into it, I’ve found the character of Bette to be an idol,” says Rebecca*, a collegiette at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. “I seriously love her personality and relate to her way of thinking so much. … I’m not that far into the series, but I’m excited to see what unfolds as I get more into it. I definitely recommend it as a summer must-watch for people searching for those lesbian themes.”

2. The Office

Though The Office doesn’t revolve heavily around its gay character, Oscar Martinez, played by Oscar Nunez, that’s what we like about it! He’s portrayed as a normal man going through his daily life, just like other characters in the series. Of course, he has quirks, but who doesn’t?

Shira Kipnees, a senior at Franklin & Marshall College, says she really enjoys who Oscar is as a character.

“One of the things I appreciate about Oscar and the show is that while he is gay, it is not his defining feature,” she says. “Rather, he's often the voice of reason on the show, and a lot of times has to act like the adult. There are a lot of subplots involving his homosexuality, but it is treated as normal and respected.”

The Office began its run on March 24, 2005, and ended on May 16, 2013, but still has a legion of loyal fans. Will you be next to join them? 

3. Glee

Glee just wrapped its fifth season on FOX and will continue into its sixth sometime in 2015. With countless hours of musical numbers to watch and sing along to, there are also important same-sex relationships to obsess over. We especially love catching up with Santana and Brittany, played by Naya Rivera and Heather Morris, who are on-again-off-again lovers and best friends in the series.

Another fave same-sex couple is Kurt and Blaine, played by Chris Colfer and Darren Criss. We’ll definitely keep shipping both couples, despite Santana’s consistent coldhearted ways. Brittany seems to bring out the best in her, and that’s worth watching!

4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Although Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a fantasy series, Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers was a totally relatable, girl-power heroine. Buffy also featured one of the first on-air lesbian kisses during season five in an episode called “The Body.”

This kiss was between Buffy’s best friend, Willow Rosenberg (played by Alyson Hannigan), and Tara Maclay (played by Amber Benson). And no need to worry about it being a one-off for ratings: Buffy’s team of producers built these characters’ relationship with precision as they gradually fell in love.

“I didn’t know that Buffy had a lesbian relationship until I started my Netflix account about a year ago when I began college,” says Sarah*, a student at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. “I watched the whole series in just a few weeks. I liked Alyson so much as Willow that I started watching How I Met Your Mother. I think she supports the lesbian community, and I want to show my support as a fan and give back to her in that way.”

5. Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars is currently in its fifth season and has new episodes airing on Tuesday nights on ABC Family. If you’re not caught up with the series, it might be a good idea to re-watch old episodes on Netflix! There are too many layers to this show to just jump right in: Death, dating, fashion, drama, oh my!

In the series, Shay Mitchell plays Emily Fields. At the beginning of the series, Emily is dating a guy, but she comes out as a lesbian later when she begins dating her neighbor, Maya. We won’t spoil too much, but let’s just say that Maya wasn’t her last love.

Collegiettes are giving the series two thumbs up!

“I think PLL is great!” says Samantha LaFrance, a collegiette at George Washington University. “Emily is relatable, and her relationships with women are treated like the straight relationships on the show.”

Whether you catch up on old episodes of Pretty Little Liars or watch an old classic like The L Word, your Netflix account is your passport to a summer full of inspirational characters and gripping story lines. Happy viewing, collegiettes!

*Names have been changed.

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