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The Manchester Attack Was an Attack on Femininity


The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

On May 22, almost 21,000 people gathered in Manchester for a profound celebration of freedom, love, and the strength of women. Not only was this celebration profound, but it was revolutionary. For a very long time, women on this planet were viewed as no more than the property of men. When we began to stray from that narrative, we did so slowly. At the time the U.S. Constitution was written, it was assumed without controversy that women would not be allowed to vote.  There are still plenty of people today who can remember a time in America in which it was frowned upon for a woman to have an education and a career. So when a highly successful career woman like Ariana Grande stands onstage in the name of freedom and femininity? And 21,000 people support her, encourage her, even aspire to be like her? This act is so rebellious, so threatening to the long-established misogynistic norms of this world, that it elicited a terrorist attack.

Twenty-two people were murdered at Grande’s concert. Among these twenty-two revolutionaries was eight-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos, who died as she attended the concert with her mom and sister. Another revolutionary, 18-year-old college student Georgina Callander, died at the concert after she tweeted Ariana on Sunday saying, “SO EXCITED TO SEE U TOMORROW." A 32-year-old woman named Kelly Brewster died while her body was protecting her sister and 11-year-old niece from the explosion. Each of these twenty-two people took the brave and rebellious route of rejecting misogyny and choosing love. Attending an Ariana Grande concert is an act of resilience in a world that shudders at the thought of a “dangerous woman."

Maybe this isn’t the narrative you’ve understood about the Manchester attack. Maybe you’ve viewed it as a senseless act of violence, and the venue was of sheer convenience—21,000 people gathered in one building. However, acts of terrorism have very specific objectives. There are countless concerts and sporting events every day. There’s a reason that the attackers chose an Ariana Grande concert. First of all, there’s the publicity: there’s no doubt that an attack at such a venue would be a headline on every news outlet. But why did they want this publicity? What message were the terrorists trying to send? Simply put, they were demonstrating that femininity is a threat. As Spencer Kornhaber states in The Atlantic, “There’s really no exaggeration in saying Grande stands for freedom—female freedom, and also the general freedoms of expression the liberal West aspires to embody.” She’s a self-described feminist, but, compared to the likely values of the attackers, simply existing as a woman with a successful career is a flagrantly feminist move. Grande’s success, which is a product of her millions of supporters, exists in direct opposition to the misogynistic ideals of ISIS and other terrorist organizations. The Manchester attack, of course, was likely not meant to target Grande as an individual, or even her specific fan base, but rather, it was meant to target a culture that allows someone like Grande to emerge.

For generation after generation, global norms relied on a binary. Masculinity and strength were on one end of the spectrum, and femininity and weakness were on the other end. The further you got from masculinity, the weaker you got, and the more masculine you were, the stronger you were. Countless cowardly men were kept in power due to this binary. They did not possess any authentic strength, but, because they were men, their strength and superiority over women was assumed. Our generation is destroying this binary, and Ariana Grande is one of the primary faces of this destruction. Femininity and strength are no longer on opposite ends of the spectrum. Instead of combatting her femininity in order to be a “strong woman," Grande is both strong and feminine. Her image is the epitome of femininity: her Instagram typically boasts photos of her wearing a long ponytail, fake eyelashes, and bunny ears. And yet, she is strong by every definition of the word—successful, intelligent, outspoken, independent. Her femininity and strength coexist not in spite of one another, but because of one another. This phenomenon is revolutionary.

Grande’s fans may don't just recognize it; they too are revolutionary. They are strong, independent, proud, confident women wearing little dresses and cat ears and pink balloons. Sweet little Saffie, the eight-year-old victim, was revolutionary. She was a dangerous woman: dangerous because simply by existing, she was stripping wicked misogynists of their power. And the terrorist organizations were threatened by her. Their strength is built upon masculinity, and when strength and masculinity are no longer synonymous, these cowards are left only with a useless, empty masculinity. Terrorist organizations were threatened by Saffie Rose Roussos because by attending an Ariana Grande concert, she unknowingly rejected the binary that separates femininity and strength. When you destroy that binary, entire institutions are endangered.

I say this not to glorify or romanticize these murders. Let it be known that these people are dead due to an act of pure evil. The attack was a cowardly, disgusting demonstration put on by cowardly, disgusting people. The victims did not want to die and they did not deserve to die. They still had love to spread. They still had stories to tell. They were each going to change the world in a unique way that only they could do. And now there is a void left in our human family, a void that only they could fill. The world is something less without them.

Rather, I seek to remind you that the Manchester attack act was not an isolated event. It is in congruence with humanity’s larger narrative: a narrative in which, up until very recently, women were seen as the indisputably inferior sex. Terrorism exists to threaten a way of life, and Grande symbolizes a way of life in which women and men are equally powerful and deserving of love. Until the terrorists have threatened that way of life, they have not won. As Sophie Gilbert says in The Atlantic, the Manchester attack “reminds girls and young women that there will always be people who hate them simply because they were born female.”

We may not be able to stop terrorists, but we can ensure that they don’t win. We must continue to stand in defiance, celebrating the same revolutionary freedom and love that our twenty-two victims were celebrating. The terrorists will not strip us of our feminine strength, because as soon as they’ve done so, they have won. This is my challenge to everyone whose heart is hurting because of the evil that has been so poignantly demonstrated this week: as an act of rebellion against these terrible acts, go out into the world and exist as a dangerous woman.

Lucy Hale's Faux Pixie Cut Will Give You Serious Hair Inspo


Actress and Singer Lucy Hale is amazing, and chances are, she's already inspired you in many ways. She has been rocking a short cut for quite some time and might've made you think about cutting your hair as well. There is one problem: there are so many questions that come with a hair cut, like "what about my go-to ponytail?" or "will I ever be able to change it up?" Coming to your rescue, Lucy Hale proved that you can fake it till you make it. She posted a picture of herself on Instagram in the cutest faux pixie cut.

Kristin Ess, Lucy Hale's longtime hairstylist, gave Hale this faux short cut and it looks so good, not to mention real! Ess pinned Hale's hair up in the back while leaving the rest loose, making it look like a true pixie. So cute!

The New Koko by Kylie Cosmetics Kollection Will Make You Cry Tears of Joy


Summer is coming up and of course, Kylie has been prepping with better-than-ever lip colors. She's been working with her sister Khloé Kardashian on the Koko Kollection. You might remember that the sisters "kollaborated" last fall and created a bomb lip kit that was totally Koko. Now the collection is expending, and it is glorious.

Look at these babies!


Koko Round 2 5/31

A post shared by Kylie Cosmetics (@kyliecosmetics) on

From left to right: Doll, Sugar Plum, Bunny and Baby Girl. Yes please! I need Sugar Plum in my life.

You thought they worked on only lip kits, didn't you? Think again, because there's an eyeshadow pallette to die for:


WE ARE LIVING! Koko Kollection additions launch 5/31 at 3pm pst

A post shared by Kylie Cosmetics (@kyliecosmetics) on

I AM DECEASED! This palette is so gorgeous. Is it May 31 yet?

5 Signs You Really Are Afraid of Commitment


Surprise, surprise ladies! Men aren’t the only ones who fear commitment. You, too, may harbor an intense fear of getting involved in a serious relationship and not even realize it. However, there are definitely signs that you’re someone who’s chronically afraid of commitment. Does the thought of marriage have you running for the hills, screaming? Or saying the word “love” make you want to throw up in your mouth? Exactly. You probably wouldn’t even be reading this article if you weren’t a little bit curious to find out that maybe you really are afraid of commitment. Check out our five tell-tale signs below for some good old self-diagnosis.

1. You have chronic issues committing yourself to just one person

Nowadays it’s not uncommon for millennials to think, “Pssssh, monogamy.” That doesn’t mean we aren’t open to it, but it’s more accepted to spend our 20s uncommitted with multiple partners before eventually settling down. However, there is a difference between being a free spirit and actually having trouble dedicating yourself to one person.

“Pretty often my relationships are really short,” says Arianna Delira, a junior at Georgia State University. “It can be for a variety of reasons, but I think I have a hard time wanting to be with one person forever—and sometimes even six months feels like forever. I’m not like cheating when I am in a relationship, but I don’t date someone for more than a few months. I do admit I have a fear of commitment, specifically because I’m scared being with someone for too long will make us both bored or cause the relationship to end badly instead of casually.”

Your commitment issues aren’t something you have to worry about now, because it’s fine to play the field while still taking the time to develop yourself. You don’t need to be getting married tomorrow. Still, your commitment should be self-monitored so that you’re able to anticipate your detest for long-term monogamous relationships in the future, and deal with them accordingly when you meet someone worthy of your commitment.

Related: [How to Deal with a Relationship You Know Isn’t Going to Last]

2. You feel as though relationships hold you back

If it means missing the opportunity to hang out with friends or even sacrifice a career advancement, relationships may seem utterly oppressing to you because they’re restrictive. You’re the type of person who enjoys having their options open, and a relationship is much too limiting for you. It makes more sense to orient your future and schedule your time between work, friends and family. Love is a demanding priority, so you avoid it at all costs.

“The future is really daunting, and there’s a lot of other things that seem more important like graduation and figuring out what you want to do with your life,” explains Briana Ruba, a sophomore at Marquette University. “Even if someone is amazing and I’m madly in love with them, I’m worried that I’ll have to make life sacrifices for them and compromise my own goals for them.”

Consistently ending your relationships because you’re worried about missing out on something better is a sure sign that you really are afraid of commitment. Realize that it’s time to let go of this fear, and understand it’s possible to have the best of both worlds. Committing yourself to a partner is an opportunity in and of itself to take on the welcome twists and turns of life alongside someone who adores you. Spending time with couples who have complicated careers and social lives but are still able to maintain successful relationships might be of some encouragement to you.

3. You still feel emotionally scarred from previous relationships

Sometimes the past can inhibit you from moving forward with healthy relationships. It’s totally reasonable to still feel the emotional effects of someone who hurt you, but it becomes problematic when you prevent yourself from committing to another person who’s not the jerk who hurt you. Let’s be real, we’ve all got trust issues, but it’s time to pack those gremlins away and let love happen.

“I know it’s not fair to have trust issues with my boyfriend, because he’s not the one who cheated on me, my ex did,” says Katie McNierney, a junior at Barnard College. “Part of me thinks that maybe I won’t be able to let myself be happy or ever commit to someone again, because I’ve had someone hurtfully break their commitment to me. It’s a vicious cycle where my relationship escalates and I have a meltdown thinking I’m going to get hurt again so I run away.”

It sucks to have to be guarded with your partner and never fully give yourself over to them out of fear. Our encouragement is to just go for it! Don’t close yourself off from being with a potentially amazing person just because of your past! This is definitely a situation where you will need to take risks to get over your fear of commitment.

4. Even your best relationships end for the smallest reasons

It’s a sure sign that you have commitment issues if you can’t help but sabotage your own relationships—sometimes even on purpose. Think about the last time you broke up with someone. What caused you to leave them? Was it the annoying way they ate their food or that they only did laundry once a month? Whatever it was, it probably wasn’t a good enough reason to end your relationship.

It’s reasonable to break up with someone for unmatched ideologies, excessive fighting and differing life goals among other legitimate problems. However, ending a relationship over small annoyances that you tell yourself are “big things” prove that you don’t want to be committed to that person.

“I notoriously stop dating people for stupid reasons to the point that it’s a joke among my friends,” says Morgan Mozzacco, a junior at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. “I’ve ended relationships because of hygiene habits, movie preferences and even the way someone dresses. It’s awful and I know it. My friends have psychoanalyzed me to the point that we all collectively agree it’s because I have commitment issues and actually can’t handle being with someone.”

Our best advice is to just stick it out. You will learn to love your partner’s weird quirks over time, you just need to give them a chance first. If you actively stop sabotaging your relationships, it will definitely pay off.

Related: [Why We Ended It to Save Our Relationship]

5. You’re more interested in sex than an emotional connection

Sex is easy. A relationship oriented around sex means that your partner never has to meet your parents. There isn’t any ooey-gooey love talk or serious dates where you have to eloquently discuss your feelings. You’re relieved from thinking about the future or moving in together because sex is focused on the here and now. Basically, an emotionally connected relationship is much, much harder.

“I’m really good at sex, not so good at the whole love thing,” says Hunter Laningham, a senior at the University of Tennessee. “I know that if I took the time to stay with one person my relationship would be super cool, but I’m scared of getting hurt by someone I finally commit myself too. That’s why brief, physical relationships are working for me right now until I’m stronger.”

Years of casual dating may have taught you just how emotionally present you need to be for the relationship to survive, but overall, you don’t give much of yourself to it. It’s time to change this mindset girlfriend. Yes, sex is delightfulbut it’s certainly not everything. Plus, having sex with a partner that you’re emotionally connected to might just feel 100,000 times better than some anonymous person from Tinder. Give it a try!

So how did that trip of self-diagnosis go? In all honesty, it’s fine if you’re a person that’s deathly afraid of commitment. We only hope that one day you can let go of this fear and enjoy happy, healthy relationships that last. You’ll get there—we promise.

7 Tips for Gorgeous Summer Hair From Celebrity Stylist Charles Baker Strahan


Summer is in the air–so we need that summer hair. It's tough styling hair in the summer with the heat, humidity and chlorine getting in the way. We have to make it look cute, but stay practical. Her Campus received word from Herbal Essences Celebrity Stylist Charles Baker Strahan and compiled seven tips for summer hair—whether it's dealing with the humidity or keeping hair healthy at the beach.

1. Start with a solid base from the right shampoo and conditioner.

Just like putting on makeup, a good hairstyle starts with the right primers. For non-heating hair styles, try the new bio:renew collection by Herbal Essences. The products remove free radicals with antioxidant tech; it makes your hair soft so that it's ready for any sort of updo or beach wave you want to try out. Top-notch shampoo and conditioner are like the foundation of good summer hair.

2. Use mousse with curly hair.

If you hair is textured or curly, you should use mousse to hold the strands together while they air dry. We all know the chaos that can come with blow-drying curly hair, so use mousses like the Herbal Essences Curl Define Mousse and the Herbal Essences Flexible Style Mousse to keep your curls intact.

3. Scrunch your hair for extra volume.

After your hair dries, you should scrunch it up "to release the movement." Herbal Essences also has two products to help with volume–the Volume Airspray and the White Grapefruit & Mosa Mint Dry Shampoo. Squirt the airspray onto your fingers and massage throughout your hair. The dry shampoo is specifically for the roots and scalp. The greater the volume, the healthier and more vibrant your hair will look; instead of flatly laying on your shoulders, it will have some oomph.

4. Use an oil-infused crème.

If your hair is a frazzled mess in the humidity like mine, you can dab a small amount of the Herbal Essences Coconut Milk Oil-Infused Crème onto your fingers and toss it throughout your hair. The crème helps prevent frizzing since the oils hydrate and detangle your luscious locks. This is especially good to keep on the go in case you get caught outside in the humid summer air.

 5. Use heat to stop the frizz.

Charles Baker Strahan says that heat changes the shape of your hair, so if you have a few frizzy patches you can quickly stop them with a little heat treatment. Grab your blow dryer or curling iron to "smooth out any kinks caused by frizz." Sounds like a great plan B if you're about to run out the door, but see a little frizz at your ends. Make sure to also use the Herbal Essences Argan Oil of Morocco Oil-Infused Crème, which guards against styling damage and frizz.

6. Try applying mousse with an updo.

Even if you're planning to put your hair up, that doesn't mean you can leave it au naturale. Fix your frizz with the Herbal Essences Curl Define Mousse and the Herbal Essences Flexible Style Mousse before putting it up for a summer picnic or beach day. Apply a small dap into the frizzy parts of your hair. Then you're set to twist your hair into an elegant knot or to loosely French braid your hair. Keep your hair out of your face in the heat, but still make sure it gets the love it needs to be healthy.

7. Hair is like a sponge.

Wait, what? Yes, this is Charles Baker Strahan's advice: remember that hair is like a sponge. "If you submerge a dry sponge in wine or juice, it would stain the sponge. However, if the sponge is wet with clean water first, you can wring out the wine or clean the juice from the sponge. The same is true with hair!" He suggests combining the Herbal Essences Coconut Milk Conditioner with warm water in a spray bottle. Then you can carry that in your tote to the beach or pool. Not only does the conditioner smell heavenly (think fruity summer vibes) but more importantly, it also hydrates your hair after the salt or chlorine causes it to crunch and dry out. A quick spray will help hair air dry to perfection.

Ed Westwick Won't Do a 'Gossip Girl' Reunion Unless He's Offered A Lot of Money


While reboots and reunions seem to be a thing of the times, not all our favorite shows are returning. We got Gilmore Girls, Fuller House and many more, but there are only so many shows Netflix has the budget for. So where does our beloved Gossip Girl fit into this equation?

GG reunion talk certainly hasn't died down. As recently as April, Blake Lively agreed to revisit the series if the opportunity presented itself. But one of her costars is not so keen on the idea. On Wednesday, Ed Westwick told Radio Times that he’s more than ready to move on. “It feels like we only just finished! And I did so much with that character—it’s played out, man. It’s done.”

Gossip Girl ran for a solid six seasons, transforming from a newbie to one of The CW's biggest hits ever. There’s so much that we miss about the show, but Chuck Bass (and his jawline) is definitely in our top five. Can you even imagine the show without him? When everything else fell to pieces, we could always rely on the love of Chuck and Blair.

According to Ed, the only thing that could change his mind about the reunion is a massive payday. If Netflix sent “a gazillion dollars” his way, the actor said he couldn’t help but accept the offer. You hear that, Netflix? Time to pull through.

In the meantime, you can watch Ed play another bad boy (with his true British accent) on White Gold and hopelessly pray for Chuck Bass to re-emerge. 

Follow Rachna on Twitter.

This Student Council President Was Banned From Her High School Graduation Because She's Pregnant


Maddi Runkles, a high school senior in Maryland, will not be able to walk at her school's graduation because she's pregnant. Yup—in 2017, this is happening.

Runkles attends Heritage Academy, a small Christian school in Maryland. The school's website has posted a statement from Principal David R. Hobbs explaining why Runkles won't be allowed to join her classmates at graduation: "not because she's pregnant, but because she was immoral," breaking the school’s pledge to commit to abstinence. The New York Times reports that Runkles attained a 4.0 GPA and served as student council president during her time at school. But apparently having sex one time is enough to erase all those accomplishments.

Runkles' choice to keep the baby has been praised by various pro-life groups, who've pointed out that she could have quietly had an abortion and still walked at graduation, but instead decided to follow her Christian values. The president of Students for Life, Kristan Hawkins, told the Times that rather than being publicly shamed, Maddi should be “treat[ed] in a graceful and loving way.” While Slate reports that Maddi was originally ordered to leave the school altogether without graduating, the school's reduced punishment has still garnered tons of criticism at the national level. Runkles told The Washington Post that she will be attending Bob Jones University in the fall, a college listed as one of "The World's Most Controversial Religious Sites" by Foreign Policy in 2007.

Maybe instead of judging each other and stigmatizing individuals for what they did in the past, we should exercise forgiveness and kindness—you know, like Jesus said to? Runkles followed her heart, and all she's gotten from her school is punishment and scorn. She, and all young women who find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy, deserve way better.

Follow Rachna Shah on Twitter for more.

This Montana GOP Candidate Won a Seat in Congress Despite Assaulting a Reporter


You may have heard about Greg Gianforte, the Republican from Montana who allegedly body-slammed a journalist on Wednesday night when asked a question about health care. Well, it seems like he won't face many consequences for his actions—On Thursday night, Gianforte was elected to the sole congressional seat for Montana, NPR reports.

Until his victory party, Gianforte refused to comment much on the allegations. His campaign released a short statement claiming the journalist, The Guardian's Ben Jacobs, was the aggressive one, not Gianforte himself, despite an audio recording that seemed to contradict this. But at the party, Gianforte apologized to Jacobs and admitted he "made a mistake" and he's "not proud of what happened." He added that his actions do not represent who he is, and that they do not represent how he will run the state. Members of the crowed chanted "you're forgiven" to the new congressman, according to CNN.

The assault happened only a day before the election, and most voters had already cast their ballots through early voting. There's no way to know if the results would have been different had the incident, which was pretty violent, happened earlier. The audio Jacobs recorded proves that Gianforte got aggressive, and Jacobs ended up with broken glasses and an injured elbow. Three Fox News reporters also witnessed the assault, and they confirmed Jacobs' story, saying, "To be clear, at no point did any of us who witnessed this assault see Jacobs show any form of physical aggression toward Gianforte."

Gianforte has been charged with misdemeanor assault and has to appear in court on June 7. He could face a $500 fine or six months in jail.

At his victory party, Gianforte shared his support for many of Trump's initiatives, even using some of Trump's signature slogans, like "We're going to drain the swamp." While many voters in Montana told reporters that the assault allegations didn't impact their opinions of Gianforte, the incident happened so late on election day that it really couldn't have impacted the results—lucky for Gianforte, as the race for the seat was getting close with Democrat Rob Quist.

Police Have Arrested a Man Who Was Allegedly Secretly Living in His Ex's Attic Before Attacking Her


Authorities believe a 21-year-old Louisiana man, who has been arrested for stalking and domestic abuse, hid in his ex-girlfriend’s attic for an unknown amount of time before attacking her in her home.

Cosmopolitan reports police from the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office found bedding, food and bottles of urine in the victim’s attic, which led them to believe he had been living there before his attack on May 3.

Police say the alleged stalker, Taylor Broussard, punched his ex several times in front of a child and threatened her with a knife. He then stole her purse, phone and SUV and fled, according to the New York Post.

Just a few days before the attack, the police had been called to the ex-girfriend's home when Broussard was accused of breaking in without her permission. It wasn't until they investigated further that police found the items in the attic and realized he'd probably been hanging out in the house all along.

Broussard was arrested Wednesday in Baton Rouge and faces a huge list of charges, including stalking, domestic abuse, home invasion and theft, according to Cosmo. Hopefully his ex is okay after what was surely an absolutely harrowing few weeks.

14 Cruelty-Free Beauty Brands You Should Know About


Makeup is ever-changing. The trends change with the seasons, brands release new products all year long, and new brands are popping up all the time. The question is, are these brands and products cruelty-free? As a consumer, it’s entirely your choice to buy the makeup you want and support the causes you want. Buying cruelty-free products means that the company you’re buying from doesn’t test their products or products’ ingredients on animals in any way. Some of these brands are also vegan which means the products don’t contain any parts of animals and the ingredients don’t come from animals. Although a brand may be cruelty-free they might not be vegan so if that’s important to you, definitely check the ingredients list. Here is a list of some of the cruelty-free brands we love!

1. Lime Crime

Lime Crime is not only totally cruelty-free, but also all about the unicorn trend. Their love for unicorns extends to all furry friends, making them a completely vegan company! Producing vegan makeup means that Lime Crime’s products don’t contain animal ingredients or byproducts like beeswax, lanolin, whey, and carmine. Lime Crime is even certified by both People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and The Leaping Bunny Program. Lime Crime is well known for their colorful liquid lipsticks. If you’re in need of a new eye-catching lip color or just a new go-to, check them out.

2. Kat Von D

You know Kat Von D slays! She is on a whole other level of girl boss. About KvD beauty, Kat says “We are bold, unapologetic, outspoken and different in our own way. We are artists, poets and lovers. We are the outsiders and the insiders.” Her website also states that KvD beauty doesn’t test on animals and never will. Not all her products are vegan, however, there is a list of products that have #VEGANALERT on them to signify that they are.

3. Lush

Where do we even start with Lush? Cruelty-free, actively fighting animal testing, ethical buying (meaning they only buy ingredients from companies that do not commission tests on animals), handmade (also only testing products on humans), sustainable packaging AND sparkly and smells good! Charitable giving is at the heart of the Lush business and they believe it’s their responsibility to advocate for the environment, animals and people in need. Currently, sales from their Charity Pot lotion and FUN soap go towards different causes locally and around the world. Since Lush was founded, the company has partnered with multiple organizations (including the Vancouver Humane Society and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society), creating specific products to sell and using 100% of sales to support those organization’s work. Seriously, Lush makes the world such a better place.

4. W3ll People

W3ll People creates makeup for the naturalist with an emphasis on using organic green tea, organic chamomile and organic Aloe Vera which they say is their superstar ingredient. This company is dedicated to creating products with advanced performance, all natural ingredients and being socially responsibly (which includes being cruelty-free!) with their mission being to build on simplicity, authenticity and performance. With this brand, you don’t have to worry about it clogging your pores because the products will simultaneously provide coverage and work to improve skin’s texture.

5. Anastasia Beverly Hills

Do you want your eyebrows to be on fleek, your highlighter to be poppin’ and to support another cruelty-free brand run by a boss lady? Anastasia Beverly Hills is where it’s at. We all see ABH on our favorite makeup artists’ Instagram. The quality is impeccable and we’re always trying to support girl bosses. Need we say more?

6. ColourPop

If you’re looking for a Kylie Cosmetics lip kit dupe, ColourPop has it. The lipsticks are super similar and are literally a quarter of the price. Kylie lip kits retail for $29 and ColourPop matte lipsticks retail for $6. This brand is dedicated to providing its customers with the latest trends in makeup without breaking the bank. ColourPop also prides itself on being bunny approved.

7. Pixi by Petra

Pixi by Petra is makeup and skincare that’s created with botanicals and beneficial ingredients. They don’t test on animals and they also don’t have other parties test products on animals for them. Petra Strand, the founder, is a busy mom of four and she’s created Pixi for women on-the-go so of course it’s available at your local target. With Pixi, you get cute packaging, high quality ingredients and no animal testing. Serious score.

8. e.l.f.

The e.l.f. vision is about empowering and educating women to play in innovation by providing quality, affordable makeup. Their products range from colorful playfulness to natural every day looks, there’s something for everybody! Elf is also a partner with PETA in the Caring Consumer Project and does not use ingredients derived from animals.

9. Pacifica

Pacifica is an all around eco and animal friendly company. Pacifica’s mission is to provide luxurious and unique natural beauty products specifically, fragrances. They use safe ingredients (meaning it’s not going to damage your skin), package with recyclable materials, are gluten free, 100 percent vegan and always cruelty-free.

10. Sonia Kashuk

Another Target favorite! Sonia Kashuk is exclusively available at Target and is a brand that is passionate about fighting animal testing. From brushes to nail polish to makeup and skincare, these products are very high quality and the packaging is super chic too!

11. Ciaté

Ciaté is well known for their nail polish and nail accessories, but they also sell makeup too! In addition to their totally cute and quality products, Ciaté is PETA certified and dedicated to being cruelty-free. They make an effort to create vegan products and indicate that where applicable.

12. Charlotte Tilbury

Charlotte Tilbury is a successful makeup artist, having worked with stars like Kate Moss, Cara Delevingne, Naomi Campbell and Penelope Cruz, just to name a few. Charlotte decided to create her own makeup line in 2013. She believes that every woman should feel as fabulous on the outside as they do on the inside and says that makeup is the way to do that. Although this brand doesn’t emphasize being cruelty-free, it’s dedicated to not testing on animals and not buying from suppliers who test on animals either.

13. Marc Jacobs Beauty

Marc Jacobs Beauty is all about creativity and uniqueness. Marc writes “I see beauty in many things and I am attracted to all sorts of imperfection, to style, to confidence or experimentation. It’s unexpected and surprised you.” To name a few exciting things Marc Jacobs is doing, they just launched a coconut-infused makeup line and Lady Gaga was seen wearing the highliner gel eye crayon at Coachella. If you want to treat yourself and splurge on luxurious cruelty-free makeup, splurge on Marc Jacobs.

14. BH Cosmetics

Rounding out the end of this list is BH Cosmetics. They are glam, affordable and all about color. Their goal is to help customers express their individuality one bold, brilliant and beautiful color at a time. On top of that, they produce quality products without testing on animals! Definitely check out BH Cosmetics if you want to add some diversity to your makeup routine.

Each of these brands has great products and adds their own flare to the beauty community all while refraining from animal testing. Check one out or check them all out, you won’t be disappointed. Yay for keeping animals safe and healthy!

Bella Thorne and Scott Disick's Fling May Be Over Before It Even Started


The Internet may have been freaking out when photos surfaced of 33-year-old Scott Disick and 19-year-old Bella Thorne getting rather cozy at Cannes earlier this week, but the fling between the actress and former Kardashian beau might have been NBD after all.

Cosmopolitan reports that Bella left Cannes after Scott was spotted rekindling things with his ex, stylist Chloe Bartoli. (Within days of his poolside fling with Bella.) Despite the fact that her PDA-filled photos with Scott would indicate otherwise, Bella hinted that things may have gone sour with a Snapchat story saying, "Bye Cannes you were boring," and tweets that explicitly denied that anything was going on between them.

While it's hard to tell via Twitter, it's entirely possible that she's pissed - or that she saw the whole thing as a fling anyways, which would be understandable considering Scott's playboy past.

A source backed the latter up, telling People that Bella was never taking any of it seriously. "She’s just being young and having fun and doesn’t really care what people think or what their opinions are," the source said. "She also knows that Scott is a huge playboy so she isn’t getting too invested."

The bottom line? It's looking like things might be over before they even started, so don't freak out yet.

15 Things You Should Know About Dating an English Major


If you're dating an English major, you're in for a treat. She's probably a little different but definitely in a good way. She loves her books almost as much as she loves you, and she's always got a fun story up her sleeve. If you're crushing on an English major, you should know these 15 things are coming. 

1. She prefers a night in for reading or writing. 


2. Her reading obsession isn't just limited to books. 

Magazines and nutrition tables also count.

3. She's quick to correct your grammar. 

Be very careful of your grammar when you text her.

4. She gets joy out of finding typos. 

So fun!

5. She appreciates handwritten letters. 

It's a forgotten art.

6. And while some loathe poetry…

…she loves it.

7. Writing an essay isn't terrible for her. 


8. You may catch her quoting some authors or playwrights. 

It's no big deal.

9. Get ready for inconsistency.

One week she'll be swamped with essays and the next week she'll have no homework except for some light reading.

10. She might complain about never being able to find a job. 

It can be tough out there for grads.

11. Be prepared to watch the Keira Knightley version of Pride and Prejudice over and over again. 

It's only 12 years old, but it's still a classic.

12. She enjoys a good debate. 

Often, actually.

13. Don't bother talking to her about The Great Gatsby

She's already analyzed it to death.

14. She probably has a fascinating collection of writing supplies. 

Gel pens, calligraphy pens and stationary are included.

15. She can read between the lines. 

In literature AND in life.

Ariana Grande Plans to Hold a Benefit Concert in Manchester to Raise Money for Attack Victims


While she released a short statement via Twitter immediately following the bombing at her concert at Manchester Arena on Monday, where 22 were killed and 59 were injured, Ariana Grande shared a second, longer statement about the attack to her Instagram on Friday.

"My heart, prayers and deepest condolences are with the victims of the Manchester Attack and their loved ones," she began. "There is nothing I or anyone can do to take away the pain you are feeling or to make this better. However, I extend my hand and my heart and everything I can possibly give to you and yours, should you want or need my help in any way."


A post shared by Ariana Grande (@arianagrande) on

She added that the best response to the tragedy was not to allow it to divide people or, "let hate win," but bring people closer. For this reason, she announced a benefit concert in Manchester to support the victims and their families in the wake of the tragedy.

"I’ll be returning to the incredibly brave city of Manchester to spend time with my fans and to have a benefit concert in honor of and to raise money for the victims and their families," she said later in the statement.

She added that she would have official details for the event when everything had been confirmed, ending the statement saying that she would think of the victims with everything she does for the rest of her life. While it's impossible to make sense of the horrific events that took place in Manchester this week, it seems like Ariana is stepping up to do everything she can to help those who were affected by the attack.

17 Things Only Members of the BeyHive Understand


A household name and worldwide phenomenon, Beyoncé is the queen of all things entertainment. And like any other powerhouse sensation, she has her own stan group that has become just as popular: the BeyHive. Now, most BeyHive members are essentially obsessed with everything Beyoncé and are willing to do anything to defend her honor, but if you love Beyoncé and want to prove you adore her as much as a bee loves honey (wink, wink), here are the signs that you are a true VIP member of this pretty inclusive club.


….of everything. There’s not a even a question.

2. The bee emoji has a resident place amongst your most used emojis

3. And now a lemon!!

4. Knowing her birthday date like the back of our hands is a normal thing

5. Even after Lemonade, she and Jay-Z are #RelationshipGoals

6. Whenever we see the initials BIC, we don’t think of the pen, we think of Blue Ivy!

7. Knowing that this symbol is NOT part of the Illuminati 

8. Being able to reference her most iconic performances

9. ….Even as a member of Destiny’s Child

10. Repping Houston, TX as your hometown…even if it's really not

11. You try to BeyGood as much as possible

12. Having Beyoncé as the artist with the most songs on your iTunes

13. Still listening to the Dangerously in Love album at least once a week is a rite of passage

14. Knowing who Les Twins and Ashley Everett are

15. Keeping enough money in your Tidal or iTunes account just in case Bey drops any surprise albums

16. Looking at the "Bow Down" video for inspiration on how to walk into class 

17. We will defend our queen until the very end because we know she appreciates it

Selena Gomez Just Hinted That Things Are Super Serious With The Weeknd


While Selena Gomez and The Weeknd have been dating for months, they've both remained pretty tight-lipped about the details of their relationship - that is, until now - and what Selena said about it has us thinking things are getting pretty serious.

In an interview with Miami's Power 96.5 on Thursday, Selena got real about just how hard she falls in relationships (and girl, same). "I'm the kind of girl that loves tremendously big. I just have always been that girl," she told the radio station. "I will give my heart and my soul to the person that I love. It's just how I operate. With that comes a lot, you know?"


A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Did she just admit to being super seriously in love with The Weekend? It definitely sounds like it. She never actually mentioned his name, but she also had no problem admitting to the host, "I'm taken!" (Which obviously, we already kind of knew by now.)

In honor of her new song "Bad Liar" she was also asked about the last lie she told - which sounds like it could involve her beau too. "I was planning a trip and I was saying, like, 'I'm going to leave,' but I was trying to get somebody really cute to tell me to stay."

Let's be honest, we've all used this tactic to gauge just how interested our crushes are at least once - and it sounds like it worked out pretty well for Selena.

8 Ways to Maintain Your Social Life No Matter How Busy You Are


Between college, internships, jobs, and, you know, sleeping (duh), life as a twenty-something can be an extremely busy and stressful time. Some days you might even wonder how you have time to breathe or think! Although all of those things mentioned above are extremely important—you are in the best years of your life, after all!—another important aspect of balancing your abundant responsibilities is having a social life. You are away from your parents, most likely for the first time, and it’s a time in your life where you get to explore who you are and the type of people you want to be around. So how do you do that when you have so much else going on? The good news is it is possible with these tips.

Schedule, Schedule, Schedule

If you are known for being constantly busy, a planner is going to be your new best friend. You are probably already pretty organized between having classes and multiple jobs, but you can use your planner to schedule a social life, too! Iris Goldsztajn, a senior at UCLA, says, “I color code my planner, and social things are pink. That way, it's really easy to tell if there isn't enough pink in any given week, and I can work to schedule more fun things!” Here are a few tips involving scheduling to maintain a social life and keep up with your constantly busy agenda. 

Related: 4 Ways to Stay Informed When You’re Way Too Busy

Schedule lunch breaks and coffee dates

Although your day may be packed, you probably have a lunch break at some point. There is no better time to meet up with friends than during something you usually do every single day anyway! Even if it is just half an hour in the middle of the day, keeping those relationships alive is extremely important to your well-being. As well, instead of grabbing your usual cup of coffee on your way to work in the morning, plan it for a time where you can meet up with a friend. That way you can keep your normal routine to some extent but still work around other people’s schedules.

Work with a friend

If you typically stay cooped up in your apartment or dorm doing your homework, maybe try heading to a local coffee shop with a friend instead. This way you can have some company while still doing all the work that you need to do. This setup is also a plus if you have to go to the bathroom and don’t want to leave all your stuff alone. Plus, going to the library on campus is a really great way to make new friends if you are struggling with that because you are so busy. Maybe take a risk and sit next to somebody new! You never know who you might meet. Allie Walter, a sophomore at University of Florida, says that although she is constantly working with her internship, she tries at least once a week to meet up with a friend at the local coffee joint to do work together. "This way we can both finish the stuff we need to but also socialize when we are taking breaks," she says. It really is a win-win situation. 

Plan an evening out at least once a week

Every week you need to make sure that you are saving at least one night to see a friend. Even if it is just for coffee or drinks, spending some time with real people outside of the classroom or office is extremely important. For example, Jazyme Jackson, a sophomore at Boston University, has “Empire Wednesday” every week with her friends to watch Empire and hang out. “We bring snacks and stuff to have an hour or so to break up our schedules. If I'm loaded with work, I'll bring it with me but I try to avoid that. We've been doing it for almost a year now and I love it.” Even something as small as one hour a week can keep things social! Also, switching up your routine will keep things fresh and new. If you are constantly doing the same thing week after week, there is a pretty good chance that it’ll get boring even if you absolutely love being busy and having a tight schedule. 

Take advantage of the city you live in

For most places, no matter how small the city, there is always probably at least one thing going on. Even more if it is during the summer! Find some local bands, a festival, anything, and use it as a reason to get out. Any part of your busy routine can be changed just enough to enjoy the local scene. All it takes is being a bit flexible. For Lucy Roberts, a senior at NYU, living in New York during the summer is particularly amazing because of all the social events going on. "I work full-time during the day but at night I try and relax by listening to live music and just meeting new people. It's totally effortless because everyone is doing the same thing," she says. A social life and work? What could be better?

Be flexible

Because you are so busy, you might be used to everything going according to plan. But also because your free time to socialize is so limited, you need to be able to adjust accordingly if something doesn’t go exactly as planned. Being flexible is a huge key to staying successful and having a social life. Although you may be busy, your friends may not be, or they might have other plans. So don’t just assume that everyone is going to drop everything for you the moment that you are free to hang out for once! 

Busy People + Other Busy People = One Happy Life

When your schedule is always packed, it may feel like you will never have time to hang out with friends or have any social life at all. But one of the keys to making this possible is finding people who understand you and your busy schedule. Here's how to find those people. 

Find people with similar lifestyles to yours

One of the most important aspects of maintaining a social life and a busy schedule is finding people who have the same values as you. If you are very career driven, finding others who are the same allows for more flexibility and understanding. If you have to cancel a lunch date because of a work meeting that came up, find the people who will totally understand. They probably have issues fitting friendships into their life, so as long as you have a mutual understanding that you will both make time for each other somehow, it will work out. Alaina Leary, a graduate student at Emerson College, says that it's especially important to schedule time with your SO as well if you both are equally as busy. She says, “We plan specific date nights and in-home movie nights so that we both know we can't come home from work and just separate all night. It helps keep our quality time prioritized!” This is a great example of how people who are like-minded have managed to figure out a way to make the relationship work regardless of how busy each of them is! 

Know when it’s time to walk away

One of the most important things is understanding when a friendship is not working. Although you may be flexible with your scheduling and change of plans, your friends may not be. If someone who you were once close with is constantly getting upset with how busy you are, you have to reflect on what you are gaining from the friendship if there is always negative energy. 

Happiness is the most important 

At the end of the day, regardless of how busy you are, the most important thing is that you are happy with your choices and your life. If you love being busy, then BE BUSY! It is your life. But with that you have to make sure that you are sane. You won’t be able to maintain a healthy social life if you are not taking time for yourself. 

Allow yourself one day off each week, sans people

It is extremely important each week to take a night to do something just for you. Whether that means going to your favorite restaurant and ordering your go-to meal, or just sitting and reading a book, having that time to reflect and think about your week is very important. When you are busy you are constantly surrounded with people, oftentimes not by choice, so it is important that you enjoy some peace and quiet. 

Related: 7 Daily Habits of Wildly Successful Women

Overall, the truth is that maintaining a social life when you are always busy is hard. It means scheduling everything down to the last minute and being a stickler about time. But at the end of the day, it will make you so much happier to have a life where you are surrounded by the ones you care about as well as reaching your career/job/school goals. You really can have it all as long as you put in the effort to make it happen.

A Man Who Raped His Teenage Family Member Has Been Sentenced to Only 4 Months in Jail


20-year-old California man Nolan Bruder, who pleaded guilty to drugging and raping his teenage family member, has been sentenced to only four months in a local jail with probation after a judge said that the "stigma" of being convicted would be enough to prevent him from reoffending in the future.

The Los Angeles Times reports that a Northern California district attorney has called the case, "more egregious than Brock Turner," in reference to the 20-year-old Stanford swimmer who was sentenced to only six months in jail last year after sexually assaulting an unconscious woman.

According to court records, Bruder and his 16-year-old victim were smoking marijuana and playing video games in his room. The victim said Bruder asked her to have sex multiple times, to which she repeatedly said no.

"Eventually, it got to the point where I couldn't say 'no' anymore, like, I didn't know how to," the victim told police, according to BuzzFeed News. "So I ended up having sex with him." She later added that she felt she unable at the time to resist, and was too high to view him as a family member anymore.

Judge William Follett, who sentenced Bruder, used the fact that the victim was not unconscious and that she took her own clothes off as reasoning for the light sentence, speculating that the stigma of being convicted, coupled with being forced to register as a sex offender, was punishment enough. Laws have been put into place following the Brock Turner case that ensure tougher punishments for perpetrators of sex crimes, but the crime was comitted before new legislation was passed. meaning Follett was not required to apply them.

Meanwhile, the Times reports that the three probation officers who reviewed Bruder's case said that he, "showed no real remorse and seemed smug," and "tried to normalize, minimize and excuse his predatory behavior."

Quick reminder: this is not okay. No matter how "sorry" the perpetrator is, rape is always rape - and four months of punishment is never comparable to what victims of rape and sexual assault will be forced to suffer from for the rest of their lives. 

Hillary Clinton Threw Major Shade at Trump During Her Commencement Speech at Her Alma Mater


On Friday, Hillary Clinton returned to her alma mater, Wellesley College (where she was the first student to ever deliver a commencement speech 48 years ago!), to offer a message to graduates - and she had no problem throwing shade at President Trump multiple times, without even saying his name.

She opened her commencement speech by acknowledging that things haven't exactly gone her way since November 7 - and luckily, she now has a sense of humor about the whole thing. "You may have heard that things didn’t exactly go the way I planned, but you know what? I’m doing OK."

Clinton went on to draw parallels to her own graduation year, 1969, a year when she and other young people were upset about the election of President Nixon. "By the way, we were furious about the past presidential election, of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for his obstruction of justice," she said. (Sound familiar?)

It wasn't all about throwing shade at her former opponent though - she also delivered a message of empowerment by encouraging graduates at the all-female college to "break glass ceilings," because she's been there, done that.

"Don’t let anyone tell you your voice doesn’t matter," she said. "In the years to come, there will be trolls galore, online and in person, eager to tell you that you don’t have anything worthwhile to say or anything meaningful to contribute. They may even call you a Nasty Woman." 

So how does she believe we should be moving forward when the trolls just won't stop? "Don’t be afraid of your ambition, of your dreams, or even your anger – those are powerful forces. But harness them to make a difference in the world. Stand up for truth and reason."

Watch Clinton's entire commencement speech below:

4 Ways to Set Boundaries with Your Parents Before College


Imagine you are at the end of your freshman year of college, packing up your dorm and reflecting back on all that’s happened your first year away from home. All of your peers are boasting about the unforgettable nights out and people they’ve met ––and then there’s you. All you can think about are the weekends you watched your college disappear into the rearview mirror of your mom’s car. Your friends tell you to just ignore your parents, but in reality, it's not that easy. 

So how do you pick between your family and wanting to be independent? As impossible as it may seem, you can live out your newfound freedom to the fullest and still please your family. To make things easier, try to establish these four boundaries before you leave for college. 

1. Limit phone calls

It’s important to speak up before you leave to school. That way, you’re not receiving six missed phone calls and angry voicemails because you didn’t call your mom at 4:00 p.m. on the dot like you said you would. Your schedule in college will be hectic, and things can pop up at any moment, so setting a calling schedule may not be ideal.

For Jacqueline Torres, a junior at Georgia State University, speaking to her parents was necessary. “I am the child of immigrants," Jackie says. "For my family, it’s part of the culture to put family before everything. So, when my mom or dad would call what feels like a million times a day, I would pick up. However, that gets old really quickly. It wasn’t easy at all, but you have to speak up for yourself! Don’t let your parents and their views run all over you.”

Instead of being bombarded with phone calls, lovingly let your parents know that you will call them on your own time. Acknowledge that this may be hard transition for them, but that you are excited to enjoy this new chapter in your life. "Let your parents know that you need the chance to explore all that college and the surrounding city can offer you, even if that means you make mistakes along the way," says Sara Micallef, a former college counselor at Reinhardt University. "That way you are prepared to face any other challenges that inevitably come in life."

Update them over the phone for example, once every week. You can also shoot them a text every day or two to let them know how you are doing. After all, they are your parents and don’t deserve to be completely cut off. If the phone calls don't stop, it's best not to ignore them. Your parents may think the worst. Instead, send them a text saying that you are grateful that they care about you so much, but you are busy making the best of the opportunity they so generously afforded you. 

2. Don’t constantly go home

Going home can be a breath of fresh air when you’ve been away at school. If you constantly go home, the roles will reverse and your dorm will feel like an escape, which shouldn’t be the case. Remember that you can tell your parents, “no thank you.” So no, you don’t have to go back home just to go to your neighbor’s son swim meet even if your mom asks nicely. 

Aside from setting a schedule when you are coming home, one of the easiest things to do is get involved on campus by joining a club or sorority, and dedicate yourself to it. There are so many organizations on campus that you can find something you're truly passionate about, not just something you busy yourself with to avoid your parents. Let your parents know that you found something that you really feel apart of, and you can even use it to expand your resume.

If the situation is seemingly impossible to get out of and you feel you have to go home, invite a friend along. If all goes well and your family feels comfortable around your friend, you can always let them know you may not be able to make it home one weekend because you and your friend have plans. 

Kristen Pierce, a sophomore at the University of Alabama, went home pretty much every weekend or every other weekend her first year of college, but doesn’t want the same situation for her sister, who’s graduating this year. “It’s hard for me to say no,” Kristen says. “But I wouldn’t recommend anyone, including my sister do the same. Say ‘no’ every once in a while, and tell your parents that a ‘no’ doesn’t mean you don’t love or appreciate them.” Saying no to be people who raised you for 18 years can feel awkward, but sometimes it's necessary. 

3. Aim for financial independence

The less you have to rely on your parents, the more likely it is that they’ll treat you like an adult. Chances are they may be funding a big part of your education, However, aiming to have your own spending money, is a step in the right direction.

As tempting as it may be, don’t blow all your graduation money or any money saved up from working. Save at least a portion of this money for when you go off to school, that way you don’t have to ask your parents for spending money. As time passes, you’ll eventually take more financial responsibilities under your belt like your phone bill, car insurance, rent and other assorted bills -- yay! No, it is not ideal, but it’s part of being an adult. The more financially independent you are, the more power you have to create boundaries with your parents. They will no longer have the “but I pay for this, this, and this, so you can’t do this, this and this!” threat looming over your head.

Nicole Selman, a sophomore at Kennesaw State University, felt like her parents cut their overbearing ties once they realized that she was making enough money to function independently of them. “All of the working and side gigs for money paid off,” Nicole says. “I felt like I earned a new level of respect once I started paying for the majority of my things. For example, my mom would also threaten to take my phone away because I didn’t pick up her call, but now that I’m paying for my own bill, she’s accepted that I won’t necessarily pick up every single last one of her calls.” Your parents may not come around and understand your point of view overnight, but your effort will eventually pay off. 

4. Step up to the plate

It's time to show your parents that you're ready to take control of your life. Instead of turning to your parents to ask all of your questions at orientation, show them that you are capable of doing things on your own. If your parents offer to fill out a form for you, let them know that you are capable of doing it your own. "All too often parents will introduce themselves and say that they are interested in learning more about this or this program," Sara says. "Meanwhile, the child is standing there saying nothing. This kind of behavior really feeds into the whole 'helicopter parent' phenomenon." 

Instead of turning to your parents for every one of your problems in college, prepare to turn to the staff at your college for help. Advisors are readily available to first year students to successfully make the transition from high school to college. Don't let your parents take away your opportunities to form real life connections and become comfortable around professionals.

Related: 6 Ways Proximity to Home Affects Your College Experience

Creating boundaries with your parents is necessary to your own personal growth. College is about discovering who you are and what you want to do with your life, and you can’t do that if you’re still under your parent’s control. So to all parents, we love you and are so grateful for all you’ve done for us. You’ve done a fantastic job raising us and now it is time to use all the skills you instilled in us in college. 

22 Things Only People Born to Travel Will Understand


Some say that the love of travel is a gene--the wanderlust gene. You either have it or you don't. Only true born travelers can match to the following traits. Do you have the travel bug?

1. You have no fear of getting jet lagged

2. You get a high when booking a trip

3. Your passport stamps are your most valued possessions

4. You're naturally curious  

5. You have an active imagination

6. You are fearless

7. Your favorite class was and always will be world geography

8. You're a born planner and love asking questions

9. You are a go-getter

10. You could never imagine yourself living in the same place forever

11. It comes as a surprise when people tell you they have never left the country

12. You have a thing for maps and marking all the places you've been

13. You’ve spent countless hours looking at inspiring travel pics on social media

14. You have (or have considered getting) a tattoo to symbolize your love for traveling

15. You're fascinated by other languages

16. You’ve daydreamed about working for National Geographic

17. When people ask you what your dream vacation would be, you can never decide on just one place

18. Your dream job has always been a position that allows you to explore the world

19. You have friends from all over the world

20. You're always thinking about where to go next

21. You collect currency from every country you've visited

22. You can never get enough

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