We've been thanking the beauty gods for making that tousled, just-woke-up-like-this hairstyle the it-look; it gives us an excuse to not shower, especially on days when we're running late. As easy as the look is to achieve, we can't actually just get out of bed and go; so we usually spritz a bit of a texturizing or salt-based spray through our locks to give it a touch of volume and oomph.
But what exactly is that product doing to your hair? Those with dry hair already know how vital hydrating products are when it comes to keeping those locks sleek. Texturizing spray, on the other hand, is packed with alcohol, salt or other ingredients that are incredibly drying.
So what's a girl to do? First, avoid using the product every day. And when you do, aim for a DIY method that won't dry your hair out as much by combining water with natural sea salt and a drop of conditioner in a spray bottle.