Dating is already kind of a mess. Dating in college can feel even more hectic and awkward. Some college students date, while others question if it's really worth it. People constantly change their schedules from this to that, and they think of enough questions to fill an entire take-home test. Do they like me or not? What the heck is the talking stage? Should I go on this date, or stay up watching Netflix from the comfort of my dorm room? Do I have time to make that date and get homework done? It definitely can be a little exhausting.
Whether it's trying to meet someone at a party, going on that cringe-y first date, or surviving that first break-up, you might as well be on a rollercoaster ride. And let’s be real, the internet has all the opinions on the ins, outs, and in-betweens of the dating world. Just ask Twitter. So, here are six of the most relatable (and realistic) tweets that will tug at every college student’s heartstrings – even if none of us want to admit it.