Being back at school is amazing - your friends live right down the hall, you love your classes, and you finally get to be #BackAtIt on the weekends with your best friends. But sometimes your social life in college is a little more Liz Lemon and a little less Animal House. Here are some of the expectations we had about our college social lives... and the harsh realities we actually faced.
Expectation: You will have classy bar nights with your girlfriends.
Reality: You will witness bizarre antics at a grimy frat party.
Expectation: You will look cute at every social gathering.
Reality: Aren't those the same yoga pants you wore yesterday?
Expectation: You will meet cute guys in that chemistry study group.
Reality: They are in a chemistry study group for a reason.
Expectation: You will totally keep in touch with that nice girl you met at office hours.
Reality: Two weeks later she looks vaguely familiar. Maybe.
Expectation: The guys you meet at parties will make great boyfriends.
Reality: You will never hear from them again unless it's past 12 a.m. and they're drunk.
Expectation: You and your friends will throw great parties in your room.
Reality: You maybe went a little too hard.
Expectation: You will go out every. Single. Weekend.
Reality: You have a boyfriend, and his name is food.
Expectation: You love dancing when you go out.
Reality: How you feel is never how you look.
Expectation: You will face those former flings with a confident smile.
Reality: Just back away slowly and avoid eye contact...
Expectation: You will know every nook and cranny of your college town.
Reality: You walk for 10 minutes and miss the campus Starbucks.
Expectation: You will go to the meetings for every club in which you're involved.
Reality: The only club that trumps the Netflix Club is the Domino's Club.