I Did A Thing is our weekly advice column where the Her Campus editorial team helps you out when you ruin your own life (hey, we've been there). Email advice@hercampus.com for any and everything you need help with. We’ll answer you (anonymously!) on hercampus.com so we can all learn, together. We’ve got your back.
@cramps4days: so real talk: my period makes me MISERABLE. I feel like I just have literally endless cramps, so I get my period and then I cry and just feel awful. how can I make it less awful?
@AthenaClub: Do not worry, there are multiple things to do to help with periods! First off, Omega 3 supplements really help with period cramps. Omega 3 is a natural anti-inflammatory that works miracles if you take it before and during your period (make it a healthy habit and take it everyday).
Next up is diet! Our bodies often long for calcium and lean proteins. You could incorporate rich, leafy greens, beans, and cold-water fish into your diet to help support your body’s natural flow. Since inflammation is a major culprit, up your Omega-3 fatty acid intake (cannot forgo the importance of Omega 3) and other natural anti-inflammatories and try to avoid processed grains, oils, and sugars when possible. And as always, water is always there to help keep everything on track, so keep an eye on your water-to-caffeine consumption, especially if you experience stomach issues during your period.
Next, you could try doing some yoga. Yup! Whether you’re a tentative newbie or an advanced yogi, a regular yoga regimen can improve both pre-menstrual and period symptoms. A recent study found that relaxation-based yoga leads to calmer breathing and increases serotonin production, both of which aid reducing period-induced pain and tension. Lastly, you can try essential oils such as peppermint, lavender and evening primrose oil - you can either take supplements or apply it directly to your abdomen if you do not have any allergies. You can always look for more tips and advice on our Periodical - The Owl.