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21 Things More Frustrating Than Flappy Bird


Even though the game is technically off the market (which is frustrating in itself), Flappy Bird has already been downloaded on thousands of smartphones and iPads, and may well be the most frustrating game that has ever been developed. In case you've never played it, it’s difficult to get a score of 10, let alone the “gold medal” score of 30. After much deliberation, however, we've figured out that there are indeed things in this world that are even more frustrating than Flappy Bird, and who would we be if we didn’t share them with you?

1. Having to pee right after you get into bed for the night.

2. Rips in your tights.

3. When you have to sneeze, but you just CAN'T.

4. When Instagram is down.

5. The US losing to Canada in hockey.

6. Chipped nail polish.

7. Alarm clocks.

8. Getting your period early.

9. Your phone running out of battery.

10. People who mumble.

11. Justin Bieber's face.

12. Stepping in water while you're wearing socks.

13. Airport security.

14. Loud eaters.

15. Forgetting your keys.

16. When something you never studied in class is on the exam.

17. Slow walkers. 

18. When you get a less-than-satisfactory grade on a paper that you literally worked on for weeks. 

19. Your boyfriend zoning out while you're talking... again.

20. That girl whom everyone likes for some inexplicable reason that you don't understand.

21. People who constantly misuse basic words. 

5 Ways to Support National Eating Disorders Awareness Week


This year, National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is February 23 through March 1. NEDAwareness Week, which was supported by all 50 states and 51 other countries last year, aims at targeting the prevention of eating disorders as well as combatting the stigmas that surround them.  Anyone and everyone can be involved in NEDAwareness Week, especially you!

Any way that you can contribute makes a difference; your time is just as (if not more) precious as any financial contribution.  If you’re looking for a way to get more involved in raising awareness during NEDAwareness Week, HC has compiled a short (and easy) list of ways to get involved. 

1. Join a Virtual Walk

This “walk” doesn’t require any physical exertion.  Though there is an actual walk that you can sign up for, you can also promote awareness about eating disorders and collect pledges through social media outlets such as Facebook or Twitter.  This year’s fundraising goal is $3,000. If you want to participate, be sure to check out the NEDA site.

2. Host a Movie Screening or Go to an Event

Ask your RA to help you arrange a movie screening for your floor or dorm, or take charge and plan one on your own!  The National Eating Disorders Association has a list of suggested films to help spark conversation and discussion among you and your peers.  If you don’t want the responsibility of hosting an event, there are hundreds of events taking place all over the country for you and your friends to attend.

3. Raise Awareness on Campus

There are many easy ways for you to raise awareness about eating disorders on your college campus.  You can print off posters to hang around the quad or in the dining halls, or even build a life-sized Barbie doll to show how unrealistic girls’ expectations for their bodies really are.  Both of these effective activities won’t take up too much of your time or money, but could have a lasting impact on your campus community.

4. Get Social

Using social media outlets is a great way to get the word out about NEDAwareness Week.  Follow NEDA on Twitter, or if blogging is more your thing, write a guest blog for NEDAwareness Week. Using social media to alert your friends and family about NEDAwareness Week will definitely further the cause, and it’s one of the easiest ways to get involved!

5. Tell Her Campus How You’re #LovingMe

This year, Her Campus is launching The #LovingMe Project to celebrate the things we love about ourselves—unrelated to our physical appearance.  From now through Sunday, March 2, we want you (and your roomies, sorority sisters, real-life sisters, friends, you name it!) to think about what you love most about yourself, and to share it with us by Instagramming or tweeting a photo that represents what you love at us(@hercampus) with #LovingMe. You can also share photo on our Facebook page with #LovingMe.

Maybe you love that you're a great writer—snap a shot of you at your desk penning your latest novel (or blog post!).  Maybe you love that you're a loyal friend—take a pic of you hugging your bestie!  Maybe you love that you're fearless—share a photo of you skydiving (or trying escargot!).

Next week, we'll gather our favorite pictures that you've shared with us and put them together in a #LovingMe Project album on our Facebook page, and everyone can get a peek at all of the incredible, positive, uplifting, powerful qualities we all love ourselves for.


No matter what your relationship to eating disorders is, getting involved in the prevention of eating disorders, especially on college campuses, is an important thing to do. Together, we can make the world a little easier for women and men who struggle with these disorders, and help them in their recovery.   

Getting Attached After Sex: Myth or Fact?


We’ve heard it so many times: Guys can detach themselves after a hook-up, keeping the experience entirely physical. Meanwhile, for whatever reason, biological or otherwise, collegiettes like us have a harder time keeping emotions out of the bedroom.

Is this really true, though? Can boys really avoid attachment? Are girls unable to detach themselves and make sex an entirely physical act? It’s not usually something that gets covered in class, so how’s a collegiette to know the truth? We at Her Campus wanted to find out!

Your Brain on Sex

The hook-up culture that exists on college campuses leaves a lot of questions unanswered for both men and women. “Did that mean something?” and “Does he/she realize that I don’t want a relationship?” are common questions from both sides. Whether you’ve had a one-night stand or you’re trying to turn a hook-up into something more, navigating the aftermath of casual sex is never an easy task. The preconception that many collegiettes have is that men are “only after one thing,” and that a relationship isn’t in the cards. Recent studies, however, have shown that sex isn’t strictly a physical act for men or women!

A 2011 study conducted by psychology professor Jim Pfaus at Concordia University in Canada revealed that there is an “overlap between sexual desire and emotional love in the brain’s insular cortex.” They are still different receptive areas of the brain, meaning that the two emotions are different, but the overlap means that the connection between love and lust is stronger than once thought. It explains why, when someone has what they think will be casual sex, he or she ends up feeling attached afterwards. These receptive areas of the brain are the same for both men and women.

The main biological difference between men’s and women’s reactions to sexual experiences is the release of hormones during and after sex. During climax, women release higher levels of oxytocin (the “cuddle hormone”) than men do. This unavoidable release causes higher levels of post-sex attachment in women than in men. Males, on the other hand, have lower dopamine levels after sex, resulting in negative withdrawal symptoms and the occasional desire to flee from their partner. It’s bizarre, but not something that they can control. Basically, for women, sexual needs and attachment needs are more highly related than these needs are for men. 

What have collegiettes experienced? Hannah*, 20, from Canterbury Christ Church University, says it’s “definitely possible” for girls to have sex without attachment. “I was having sex with an ex for quite a while, and didn’t get re-attached,” she says. She says she’s also had a one-night stand “and definitely felt nothing afterwards.”

Her experience is not out of the ordinary. Riley*, a student at the University of New Hampshire, says “it’s easy not to get attached” after sex.

Love at First Sight?

What about one-night stands? Is it possible for men (or women) to grow attached after casual sex? It would appear so, according to a study done by Match.com. According to this study, 31 percent of the people surveyed had transitioned from a one-night stand to a long-term commitment. Similarly, 43 percent of men and 32 percent of women admitted to having felt love at first sight, without even having sex. This is encouraging news for men and women who are looking to make a relationship out of a one-time sexual encounter.

It is, of course, difficult to make general statements about gender and attachment. The level of emotional attachment during and after sex is different for each person, regardless of gender. Dr. Helen Fisher, a professor of anthropology at Rutgers University, says, “Some people have sex first and then fall in love. Some fall head over heels in love, then climb into bed.”

The Takeaway

In other words, attachment happens at different points to different couples; there isn’t a foolproof formula for lust turning into love. Though it may take a woman a while to figure out whether or not she wants to pursue a relationship with someone she hooks up with, relationship coach Lisa Shield suggests that men know “immediately when they are interested in having more than just a sexual relationship with a woman.” So if he comes back after you’ve hooked up once, it could be that he’s interested in something more.

In short, it’s hard to tell whether men and women are truly incapable of having completely “casual” sex. For each gender, the stakes are slightly different. However, the release of hormones on both sides during sex triggers emotional attachment on a certain level. That being said, the hormones are different and have different effects on each gender.

The best thing to do is to be completely honest with your partner about your hopes and expectations for your relationship, whether they include sex or not.

*Names have been changed.

The 9 People You’ll Meet in Your Prefrosh Facebook Group


Congratulations, you’ve been accepted to college to college!  Once the hype has died down from receiving the exciting decision from your future university, your next move is to join your college’s Class of 2018 Facebook group.  There, you can learn about anything from extracurriculars to your classmates’ hometowns and everything in between.  There are definitely groups of people who stand out among the rest… and not necessarily in a good way.  Read below to find out the people you’ll meet in your class’s Facebook group!

1. The Troll

If you have a question, The Troll will most certainly have an answer.  This person is going to start an argument about anything posted on the group.  Whether or not someone’s actually asking for opinions, The Troll’s opinion is going to be heard.  He or she loves to argue with other members, write inappropriate comments on other people’s posts and start trouble in general.  Anyone who posts can be a victim of the Troll, so be careful what you post on the group.

2. The Overeager Freshman

This guy is so pumped to be going to school that he can’t contain himself.  He posts countdowns for everything, like the number of days until move-in, the number of days until classes and so on.  He’s constantly posting on the wall in an attempt to get everyone excited, when he’s really just annoying everyone who hates getting 32 notifications a day from the same person.  It’s great that he’s excited, but sometimes it’s better that he keep the excitement to himself.

3.The Partier

This guy is excited for college too, but for a completely different reason.  He couldn’t care less what your class schedule is or how many dogs you have; he just wants to party!   He’s going to try and find any connection he can before school starts, because who would want to miss out on all the getting crazy during syllabus week? If you’re looking for the closest liquor store, he’ll know where to go, and if you’re also a partier, he’s your type of person.

4. The Person Who Wants to Know Everyone’s Schedules

Unlike the partier, this person is so excited that classes are starting soon that she wants to know everyone’s schedules. She’ll post her class schedule on the group’s wall and expect everyone else to do the same.  The likelihood of finding someone in the same class as you might be good, but the chance of you actually remembering that by the time school comes around is probably unlikely.

5. The Overachiever

You can already tell this guy is going to spread himself too thin with all the activities he’s trying to take on.  He was probably an overachiever in high school, joining every activity possible just to round out his resume, and he’s trying to do the same thing once he gets to college.  Everyone’s trying to find his or her niche, but this guy thinks every single thing on campus is a possibility.

6. The Promoter

This guy definitely has a job with a local concert venue, and he won’t let anyone forget it.  Every weekend, he’ll be posting the tickets he has available to try and get you to come see the show.  What better place to sell tickets than a university group, right? Wrong!  Most people never take him up on his sales pitches, but that’s not going to stop him from posting anyway.

7.Your Future Best Friend

This girl posts the same things as you, has the same interests as you and asks all the same questions you’ve been wondering about.  Basically, you two were meant to be best friends. It’s like you’ve found your Class of 2018 group soul mate! So if she ends up looking for a roommate, definitely give her a shot.

8. The Person Who Still Needs a Roommate

Unlike your future best friend, this girl cannot find or hold on to a roommate for anything. She’s constantly posting about still needing a roommate as the deadline gets closer and closer, but she doesn’t have any luck.  She may be coming across the wrong way or just acting odd when the opportunity arises to find a potential roommate, but either way, you can’t help but wonder what she’s going to do come September.

9. The Serial Friender

This guy is more low-key, rarely posting on the page or saying anything at all.  What he does do, on the other hand, is friend-request every single person in the Facebook group.  This is one of the people who will end up being “that guy,” and the likelihood of you actually knowing him once you get to college is slim.  If he does decide to make contact with you, he’ll probably message you separately from everyone else and try to befriend you.  Once you get to campus, you’ll see him all over the place, and it will be weird. Avoiding awkward eye contact is probably your best choice in this situation.


Have you met any of these people in your prefrosh Facebook group yet? Let us know in the comments below!

5 Things Recent Grads Wish They Had Done In College For Their Careers


It’s hard to focus on the future when you’re soaking in every moment of your college life. However, many recent college grads out in the struggling job market are looking back and wish they had prepared themselves a little better for the ever-looming “real world”. In fact, a survey conducted by staffing firm Adecco shows that 71% of college graduates wish they had done things differently before graduation day arrived. Thankfully, post-collegiettes are sharing what wish they had done for their career during college—here are the top 5 ways to prepare for the real world before graduation.

Network, network, network!

Networking is one of the most important aspects of getting a job post-graduation. According to Fox Business, almost 80% of jobs are filled through networking. But many collegiettes graduate only to realize they did not make the most of the networking opportunities they had.

Vicki Salemi—author of Big Career in the Big City, founder of Career Boot Camp for College Grads and host of "Score That Job" on MediaBistro.com—stresses the importance of networking. “This is the one area where college students could really tap into on campus,” Salemi says. “Your network is bigger and more robust than you think! Your roommates’ parents, professors, the works!”

Vicki also reminds students that networking is not as hard as they might think. “A lot of students sometimes get overwhelmed by the notion of networking but they don't realize they -- rather, YOU, are already doing it!” she says. “It's nonchalant and doesn't have to be oh-so-formal. It could be getting to know members of your lacrosse team, going to an alumni mixer and chatting it up. All you need to do is be open and friendly to meeting new people and asking for help in terms of informational interviews, find out what they enjoy doing and why, etc. to get your foot in the door.”

Learning how to network is an essential skill to develop during your time in college. Go to networking events on campus, create a LinkedIn profile if you haven’t already, and keep a list of connections you already have (such as previous employers, family friends, and former professors). These are all resources you can turn to when working toward a career or internship opportunity!

Dream (Realistically) Big

In our society, we are told that we can do anything we put our minds to. Unfortunately, the economic recession and the crisis in the job market have made it tougher to get jobs after graduation, and many people are facing “underemployment,” or working jobs that don’t utilize the knowledge or skills they learned in college.

Many collegiettes are coming to the realization that they may have set their expectations too high straight out of college. Resham Parikh, a recent grad of USC, says she wishes she had “aimed higher (with goals, internships, ambitions) but was more practical at the same time (knowing what was a realistic goal for the future -- what would land me a job, what could get me into graduate school, how much money I would make to live decently, etc.).”

Talk to recent college grads about what to expect after graduation. They can tell you how they landed their job, how much money it really costs to live, and what they wish they had done differently to prepare themselves.

Start Earlier

It’s easy to get so wrapped up in college life that you put off the job search. The G-word can be pretty scary, and there are tons of memories to be made during senior year. However, waiting to look for jobs until the last minute can be seriously detrimental.

According to Forbes, students should be starting the job search as early as the beginning of their junior year so that they have plenty of time to keep applying and secure a job before graduation.

Resham realizes that she and her friends were so focused on living in the present and that they put off thinking about their future. “We thought, once we graduate anything is possible -- that's what a college degree is; that's what life is,” Resham says, “but it's not true! You need to actually begin working toward your career goals in college, and even with experience you need a network of supporters.”

Take advantage of school breaks and summer vacations to start looking for career opportunities. It is never too early to see what kinds of jobs are out there! Talk to friends and family working in fields that interest you, add more people on LinkedIn, sharpen up your resume, and start perusing job sites. You can never apply to too many jobs, and the sooner you start, the sooner you will land one you love!

Do Your Research

Tons of students go into college thinking they know what they want to do with their lives. Once they start looking for jobs in those fields, often they realize it isn’t quite what they were expecting. It is important to research various fields before graduating so that you are not limited to a narrow career path.

“My advice to college students is to look ahead to your career and figure out what knowledge and skills you're going to have to know,” says 2012 USC grad Rebecca Buddingh. “The best way to do this is to ask people working in the field you're looking to go into.”

“If I could go back and re-do, or offer advice to those who are in college now, it would be to look at the jobs out there now, even if you’re a freshman,” says Colie Lumbreras, a 2011 graduate from University at Iowa. “This way, you're aware of what the market wants from recent college graduates, what you should know, and you can follow the changes and take the extra classes needed or snatch up an internship in that area.”

Not sure where to start? MyPlan.com has a great tool that lists tons of jobs suited to every major. Find your major, click on a job that sounds interesting, and you’ll see a job description, list of qualifications, average salaries and so much more!

Use Your Resources

At Loyola Marymount University, the Career Development Services office puts on workshops at least once a week about something career- or internship-related. They also host job and grad school fairs periodically. Career counseling is a free service at universities that can be incredibly beneficial for help with everything from resumes and cover letters to mock interviews and alumni connections. They can even present you with job opportunities and help to debunk some career myths that can circulate in college.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to check your school’s Career Services office out! Clare Flaherty, a 2012 LMU grad, says, “I wish I would have utilized Career Development Services more than just during my senior year. They were a big help in my process of figuring out what path in nursing school I wanted to take.”

“Take advantage of any career preparedness workshops your school might offer,” Buddingh advises. “Once you're working, you have to hit the ground running and you don't really have the time (or the money!) to try and learn new things.”

Salemi also highlights the benefits of using on-campus resources. “Leverage your career office and most importantly, alumni,” she says. “Find out which alums work for companies you're targeting and industries you're vying to break into. Reach out to them. Ask for a phone interview or office meeting or even a cup of coffee. This way, you'll not only get to hear about their first-hand experiences, you're making new contacts in the process.”

Get a schedule of all of the workshops that the career center is offering and find the ones that interest you. Motivate yourself to go by putting them in your planner and finding a friend or two to join you! You can also set up a meeting with a career counselor who can give you more information on what services they offer and how they can best help you.


Taking these simple steps can really pay off when it comes to securing your dream job after graduation. Don’t let it be daunting! Schedule a little bit of time every week to spend on post-college preparation, rather than leaving it all until the end when it will seem overwhelming. Take these collegiettes’ advice now and spend senior year focusing on what matters most—enjoying the end of your college experience!

Traffic Reporter's 'Let It Go' Parody

9 Rules of Email Etiquette You Need to Know


We're millennials. We've grown up as tech-savvy individuals, so sending emails should be a piece of cake... right? You may be surprised to find out that our generation actually isn’t the leader in email expertise. With the rise of rapid communication through texting and social media, it's super easy to not think twice about important emailing rules and nuances. Check out these nine things you may not know about email etiquette!

1. Don't assume you're on a first-name basis with the person you’re emailing

We've all been told that maintaining the highest level of formality in professional email correspondences is important. But you've most likely found that this, like most things, is easier said than done. When we're constantly texting our friends or casually chatting with people on social media, it's easy to overlook rules like avoiding the use of email correspondents' first names.

"[Students] are used to texting and posting updates on social media, where the recipient is a close friend," says Jorie Scholnik, an etiquette associate at The Protocol School of Palm Beach and an assistant professor at Santa Fe College. "Everyone is more connected with email, but boundaries still apply when communicating with a boss or professor."

Addressing strangers by their first names, though seemingly innocuous, could potentially offend them before you even have the chance to get to know them. When in doubt, always use Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr. or Professor. Only use someone's first name if you're replying to an email and the sender of the original message has already used her first name only. Getting these rules down now will help you exude professionalism when you enter the workplace.

2. Cut the informal language

Imagine what it would be like for a person of your mom or dad’s age to get an email that sounded like it was meant for someone 20 years younger. Professional organizer, project manager and computer trainer Peggy Duncan was hired by a company whose college-age interns didn't grasp the importance of email etiquette in business situations. "They didn't understand that projects were being held up because they weren't responding," Duncan says. "And when they did respond, their writing was riddled with texting lingo that the staff didn't understand, misspelled words and bad grammar."

Not only does informal language make communicating difficult, it also makes you look unprofessional. "Email etiquette needs to be learned before [students] start job hunting because they will be judged," Duncan says. "You're judged on your writing skills, and often, email is all [employers]s will have to go on."

While email is quick and conversational, people often develop first impressions based on it, so proper spelling and grammar are crucial.

3. Don't leave the “Subject” field blank

After you spend a good chunk of time writing one of those long, carefully crafted emails, it's easy to just tack on a quick something in the “Subject” field or to just leave it blank before sending it. However, Judith Kallos, producer of NetManners.com, says it's always important to fill in the “Subject” field with a brief, concise and relevant description of what you wrote in your message so that you can help those with whom you communicate organize their inboxes. The subject line is also the first thing that your recipient sees, so it's important to make a good first impression.

In your subject line, don’t just say “Hi.” Also, don’t be wordy or vague. Instead, summarize your email message in a brief and easy-to-understand heading. Include dates and deadlines if applicable.

4. Compose a new email when you need to

Another email shortcut to avoid: pulling up an old message, hitting “Reply,” and sending out a message that has nothing to do with the previous one just because the email addresses you needed were already included. It’s important to instead compose a new email that’s relevant to your topic—this conveys professionalism, and it shows you aren’t lazy.

5.  Mind your manners

We've all sent emails that requested information, asked for a favor of someone or demanded responses. But have you sent one without including a closing like "Thanks in advance!" or "I appreciate your help!"? According to Kallos, this can cause the recipient to respond slower, work less hard and take you less seriously because you come off as disrespectful and ungrateful.

"Always maintain the highest level of formality and respect until those on the other side indicate otherwise," Kallos says. "You'll be perceived more favorably and positively." So make sure to show some appreciation and say your thank yous!

6. Clean up your email chains

Have you ever received an email, forgotten what it was about and then had to scroll through rows and rows of past email conversations to jog your memory? It's like your index finger and eyes are running a marathon. These email chains occur as a result of top-posting, which happens when you simply hit the reply button, leaving the quoted original messages there, and start typing an email.

To avoid confusion and to condense the email message, Kallos suggests editing out unimportant parts of the previous email conversation, trimming and summarizing quoted material in replies, and keeping only the parts that are necessary to make your recipient understand the replies.

How much to trim, of course, depends on how much you think the reader knows about the discussion. If you're copying the reply to a third person, for example, it's a good idea to quote the original message in full. Otherwise, it's wise to delete information that isn’t necessary to the continuation of the conversation so your communication can be clear. So clean your message up, then send it!

7. Don't send attachments without permission

Email attachments are the bane of many people's existences. Particularly large attachments can take a long time to load. Often, people won't open them unless they know the senders. In fact, because attachments can often carry viruses, many companies have policies discouraging employees from opening unknown attachments. So unless the files are specifically requested, Duncan suggests you get permission before sending someone an email with more than two attachments.

8. Respond to emails in a timely manner

Whether you're messaging someone on Facebook or texting a friend, no one likes to be left hanging. It's the same with emails—it's crucial to respond to them in a timely manner. According to Jacqueline Whitmore, founding director of The Protocol School of Palm Beach, if someone emails you with a question and you don't have an immediate response, it's important to email the sender to explain why there will be a delay in your response and let her know that you'll get back to her within a certain time frame.

9. Wait a few days before sending a follow-up email

When you're on the receiving side of an email, however, it's courteous to allow a few days for the sender to respond; don't expect people to respond to your email within minutes. "While a 24-hour response time is ideal, students should allow a few days to pass before sending a follow-up email," Scholnik says. "Students are used to instant communication on social media, but bosses and professors have other obligations, like attending meetings and writing large reports."

With this in mind, it's useful to start emailing professors and supervisors earlier rather than later. "If a large deadline is approaching, start in advance to allow enough time for professors to respond to emails if any questions arise," Scholnik says.

A little time and thought go a long way. So next time you're sitting in front of your laptop, ready to write a killer email, take a few extra minutes to run through this list to make it extra awesome. If you keep these rules in mind, you'll be emailing like a pro in no time! 

The Most Epic Trip of Your Life


If you’re like us, you suffer from a serious case of wanderlust. The thrill of traveling, exploring new places, going on adventures and meeting new friends? Yes, please! As much as we love the traditional spots (Europe, we’re looking at you), this summer, why not go to Israel? Doesn’t that sound like the perfect place to go? Culture, history, warm weather and camels? Just think about wading in the Mediterranean Sea, sunrise yoga and shopping at street markets and you’ll see why we’re so obsessed.

So, get this: we found a way for you to get to Israel this summer for free. You’ll get to backpack through the mountains, party in Tel Aviv, slip your own note into the Western Wall and yes, get some good ol’ Mediterranean sun (and don’t even get us started on falafel). The trip is basically 10 days of fun, adventure and sunshine… maybe the most epic trip ever.  

The trips are open to Jewish 18- to 26-year-olds who are past high school, and because we love you all so much, we thought we’d pass along the info, because collegiettes are totally eligible for this amazing adventure. The trip is through Taglit-Birthright Israel, and registration is open now!

In case you aren’t totally hooked, check out this video and get ready to fall in love. #HelloIsrael

Collegiette Eats: Best of February


Sick of eating cereal and ramen for lunch and dinner? Want to spend less money eating out and finally start cooking for yourself? Put down that frozen pizza, because HC’s Health Editor, Sammie Levin, is here to share her daily eats so you can get ideas for healthy, satisfying meals that are easy enough for any time-strapped collegiette to make. After you read Collegiette Eats, your taste buds, wallet and waistline will thank you.

Since I don't have the chance to show everything I eat on here, for this post I thought I would feature my favorite eats from February that I have not been able to share with you yet. It's been a month of some great meals, but here's the crème de la crème. 

Best of Breakfast: Ezekiel French Toast With Carmelized Banana

After having challah French toast at breakfast with friends mid-February, I decided to experiment with cooking up some healthy, homemade French toast. I made it using cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread, banana and almond butter. It's only about 300 calories, and thanks to the mix of fiber and protein, it'll satisfy your appetite and your sweet tooth at the same time! 


  • 2 slices cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup egg whites 
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • 1/2 a banana, sliced 
  • Cinnamon 


  1. Mix together almond milk, egg whites and a few sprinkles of cinnamon in a shallow dish.
  2. Brush both sides of bread with liquid mixture (or you can briefly soak in dish).
  3. Spray pan with cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat. Cook bread in pan until golden brown (about two minutes), and then flip.
  4. While bread is toasting, put banana slices in pan too. Flip each slice once golden brown (about 30 seconds to one minute).
  5. Microwave almond butter for 30 seconds, until melted.
  6. Put French toast on plate, top with bananas and melted almond butter. Sprinkle additional cinnamon on top if desired.

Best of Lunch: Falafel Pita

My favorite lunch I had this month was a delicious falafel pita with a side of new dill pickles from Amer's, a cafe on campus (and incidentally, the same place I originally had challah French toast). The pita was filled with a few pieces of falafel, tabbouleh, hummus and tahini. It can be hard to find falafel, but this one was great. So great that I couldn't help but take a bite before snapping a pic. The falafel were perfectly crispy with just the right amount of spice and kick, cooled down by the creamy hummus and tahini. The tabbouleh was also awesome; it tasted so fresh. The pickles were also spot on because I love new dills. They're extra crunchy and make for a nice side when you're in the mood for something a little salty. 

Best of Dinner: Gourmet Breakfast for Dinner

My favorite dinner by far was actually a meal I made in a cooking competition during an orientation weekend for my summer internship. It was tons of fun to make, and it turned out delicious - my team won! We got split up into two teams and were given three main ingredients to work with: kale, sweet potato and pork. My team decided to go with a "breakfast for dinner" theme. We made a kale frittata, sweet potato home fries and pork medallions. I worked on the kale dish, so that is the only one I know how to make, so I'll share the secret of that one.

We ended up not having enough eggs to make it into a real frittata, but it still turned out really tasty (and we called it a "friNOTa"). In one pan, we sautéed kale in olive oil until wilted. In another pan, we sautéed chopped onions in olive oil, minced garlic and chopped shallots. And in yet another pan, we cooked chopped bacon until it was crispy. We then mixed the kale, onion mixture and bacon together in a bowl with feta cheese. In a separate bowl, we mixed together a few eggs with a little bit of milk. Then, we poured the kale mixture into a baking dish, dumped the egg mixture on top of it and baked it at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes. If we had more eggs and more time to bake the dish, it would've turned out more like the frittata we inteded it to be, but I actually liked the final product. Even though the eggs didn't really solidify, it gave the kale a creamier consistency, and the combination of feta and bacon was beyond mouthwatering.

As for the other parts of our meal, the sweet potato home fries were great (seasoned with cinnamon and nutmeg). I don't usually eat pork, and it's certainly not the healthiest protein out there, but I regret to admit I liked it a lot. It was topped with a maple syrup glaze to keep with the breakfast theme. From the preparation up until the final bite, this was a very special and memorable feast, so it takes the cake for February dinners. 

What were your favorite meals in February? Share in the comments below! 

What to Wear to Intern Around the World: 6 Outfits for 6 Cities


If you haven’t started applying for summer internships yet, you’re going to want to once you read about this opportunity. ASOS, the super-stylish online fashion retailer, is offering one lucky college student the chance to spend a week interning in each of their global offices in London, Berlin, Shanghai, Sydney, New York City and Lille, France! Plus, the winner will also receive an STA Travel tour in each city, a $3,000 stipend and a $1,000 ASOS gift card.

Interested? Head to the application website to fill out an entry form and submit a “Life Resume,” which is a collage-style resume of your credentials, such as extracurricular activities and athletic and scholarly awards, along with anything else that shows ASOS exactly who you are and why you deserve this dream internship. Don’t be afraid to get creative!

The deadline to apply is March 3, and the lucky intern will be announced April 7. One runner-up will receive a $1,000 scholarship and a $1,000 ASOS gift card, and three second-runners-up will get a $500 ASOS gift card.

When you’re interning for a company as fashion-forward as ASOS, you have to do more than just dress to impress; you’ve gotta be on your style A-game! Luckily, we’re here to help.

No matter where your internship takes you this summer, these super-stylish outfits from ASOS will keep you looking fierce, fabulous and ready to take on the world (literally!).


ASOS T-Shirt in Color Block Check ($59.26)
ASOS Shorts With Satin Detail ($55.56)
ASOS ENIGMA Chelsea Ankle Boots ($77.78)

Londoners are known for their amazing street style, so blend in with the locals by putting together an edgy ensemble. Pair a color-blocked tee with satiny shorts and Chelsea ankle boots for a look that’s effortlessly cool.


ASOS Skater Dress With Wrap Front in Pretty Bird Print ($70.37)
ASOS SAFE AND SOUND Pointed Heels ($59.26)

During those hot summer months, you can’t go wrong with a wrap dress and ankle-strap heels. Wrap dresses are fun and flirty, yet totally internship-appropriate! We’re in love with this printed skater dress, which is the perfect thing to wear when roaming the streets of Germany.


ASOS PETITE Tank with Sheer and Solid Panels ($37.04)
ASOS Skinny Pants With Zip Detail ($46.30)
ASOS HUSHED Heeled Sandals ($77.78)

Shanghai style embodies a balance of elegance and quirkiness, which calls for an outfit that projects both style and sophistication. Wear a sleeveless, sheer top with high-waist pants and neon, ankle-strap sandals for a pop of color.


ASOS Shift Playsuit in Paisley Print ($64.82)
ASOS FORMULA Woven Sandals ($33.33)
ASOS Bar Long Pendant Necklace ($11.11)

When you head to the land down under, make a statement in bold colors and prints! This adorable romper is both playful and professional, and it looks great worn with metallic sandals and a simple necklace. 

New York City

ASOS Pencil Skirt in Sweat With Wrap Detail ($46.30)
ASOS Cropped Cami Top With Drape Armhole ($14.82)
ASOS Kimono With Fringed Sleeve in Burnout Rose Devore ($71.30)
ASOS ALTERNATE Leather Ankle Boots ($120.37)

New Yorkers take their fashion seriously, and when you’re an intern in NYC, the streets are your runway! This wrap pencil skirt looks incredibly chic when paired with a crop top, a floral kimono jacket and chunky boots. Add a statement necklace and a pop of bright lipstick and you’ll be ready to take the Big Apple by storm!

Lille, France

ASOS Full Midi Skirt in Scuba ($64.82)
ASOS PETITE Exclusive Slash Neck 3/4 Sleeve Breton Stripe Top ($33.33)
ASOS HOXTON Heeled Sandals ($77.78)

Capture the whimsy of France with this gorgeous full skirt that’s practically made for bike-riding through the picturesque city of Lille on a summer day. Complete the look with a classic striped top and heeled sandals—très chic! 

Missing College Student Found Dead in Rome


Bates College student John Durkin was hit and killed by a train while studying abroad in Rome. He was 21 years old.

Durkin was last seen around 2:30 a.m. Thursday at a bar in the Campo de' Fiori area, according to Fox News. Police say that a train passenger saw the body in a rail tunnel a few hours later and alerted authorities. In a statement on Facebook, the Durkin family said, "It is with much sadness that the Durkin family informs you of the loss of John Nolen Durkin and thanks everyone for their support during the past few days."

The Bates College junior was an economics major and football player who was studying abroad at Rome's Trinity College. Bates students gathered yesterday to remember their classmate, according to The Boston Globe.“He was just an all-around happy kid, his smile was contagious,” said fellow study abroad student Victoria Chippari. “Although I only knew him for a short time, he went out of his way to make me feel comfortable in a new group of friends by trying to spark conversation and crack jokes to ease the mood that night.”

Jay Burns, the spokesperson for the college, said""This is obviously a heartbreaking moment for John's family and I want to extend our own sense of deep loss and sorrow to his family and many friends." Bates' head football coach Mark Harriman also made a statement, saying "John's commitment to excellence in all phases of his life was inspiration to the other members of the squad and a major factor in the team's success over the past three years." 

Bates College Student Found Dead in Rome


Missing Bates College student John Durkin was hit and killed by a train while studying abroad in Rome. He was 21 years old.

Durkin was last seen around 2:30 a.m. Thursday at a bar in the historic Campo de' Fiori area, according to Fox News. Police say that a train passenger saw his body in a rail tunnel a few hours later and alerted authorities.

In a statement on Facebook, the Durkin family says, "It is with much sadness that the Durkin family informs you of the loss of John Nolen Durkin and thanks everyone for their support during the past few days."

The Bates College junior was an economics major and football player who was studying abroad at Trinity College's Rome campus. Bates students gathered Monday to remember their classmate, according to The Boston Globe.

"He was just an all-around happy kid, his smile was contagious," says fellow study abroad student Victoria Chippari. "Although I only knew him for a short time, he went out of his way to make me feel comfortable in a new group of friends by trying to spark conversation and crack jokes to ease the mood that night."

Jay Burns, a spokesperson for the college, says, "This is obviously a heartbreaking moment for John's family, and I want to extend our own sense of deep loss and sorrow to his family and many friends."

Adds Mark Harriman, Bates' head football coach, "John's commitment to excellence in all phases of his life was inspiration to the other members of the squad and a major factor in the team's success over the past three years." 

8 Texts Guys Never Want to Receive


You spend hours crafting the perfect text message, adding an extra exclamation point, contemplating whether to use a smiley face or a winky face, and rereading it ten times before hitting send. You’ve waited the appropriate amount of time so you don’t sound too desperate or uninterested and your best friends gave you the okay. Now all you have to do is wait for his response. You stare at your phone until it lights up, but the only new message you see is from Mom. So what went wrong? Her Campus talked to the guys to learn about the texts they dread receiving from girls. Listen to our texting advice and start being a smarter texter.

1. Don’t send this:“Heyyyyyy”

Extra letters are annoying and unnecessary; guys don’t like it when you’re constantly saying “hiii,” “What’s uppp?” or “Goodnightttt.” Tyler*, a recent grad of Oakland University, says, “stuff like heyyyyyyyyy is fine every once in a while with me, but when every text has extra letters that’s kind of annoying.”

Instead, send this:“How’s it going?”

Guys don’t need extra letters to feel special (that’s a girl thing). You don’t want to sound whiny or overeager or like a middle school girl when texting him, so stick to spelling words with the normal amount of letters at least the majority of the time. If you’re afraid “hey” will make him feel like he does when he receives any other one-word response, put together a short and sweet line that expresses what you want to say like “Want to get drinks?” or “Let’s study together today.” Reserve the extra letters for times when you really need to emphasize something, or if you’re ready to paaaaartyyyy.

2. Don’t send this: “Where are you?” “Do you want to see me?”

We’ve all been in that awkward situation when we text a guy and don’t get a reply and then text him again and still hear nothing. Usually, we send the forbidden double text when we’re drinking and then wake up and regret it in the morning. This is probably the worst texting crime you can commit. No matter how hard it is, resist the urge to double text if you haven’t heard from him right away. I’ve had some girls who are too annoying,” says Jordan*, a Macomb Community College senior, “and if you don’t answer them they blow you up with 3-4 texts in a row without me answering and it’s weird.”

Instead, send this: Nothing

Texting is a back-and-forth form of communication. If you sent the last text, wait until he responds before sending another. Guys like the chase, so sit back, relax and make him text you. It can be tempting to send a double text when the last thing said didn’t really require a response on his end. If he’s interested, he will start a new topic and will want to text you even more if he hasn’t heard from you in a while.

3. Don’t send this: “LOL” or “LMAO”

Elijah*, a University of Michigan junior, hates when girls send little “LOL” or “LMAO” texts in the middle of a conversation because he doesn’t know what to text next. Just as much as you don’t like the awkward pauses in a flirtatious text exchange, he doesn’t either. You could actually think what he said was funny or you could just be using it as a filler, kind of like “um and like” when you’re talking.

Instead, send this: “You’re too funny ;)”

You want to keep the conversation going so say something that shows more interest than a random “LOL or “LMAO”. When replying to a guy’s text, imagine how you would reply in person. I doubt you would stand there and laugh out loud without saying something. Guys would rather have a straightforward direct response that keeps the conversation flowing back and forth than a filler abbreviation that he doesn’t know how to read. A flirty response that expresses that you’re into him (and think he’s funny) will boost his confidence.

4. Don’t send this:“K.”

Adam*, a University of Michigan junior says, “K is the worst because it just comes across as mean.” Hazim, a Michigan State University senior, agrees that one-word answers like “k” or “whatever” are the worst. “You don’t know whether the girl is happy or mad,” he says. Although you might be sincere, your one-word answer doesn’t show any enthusiasm about the conversation. A simple “k” can come off as rude and uninterested.

Instead, send this: “Cool, that sounds good to me!”

Show him you are actually interested in what he has to say by replying with a sentence. If you can type 140 characters on Twitter, you can do it in a text message too. Your response is likely to set the tone for the rest of the conversation, so if you want him to keep texting you, you need to put in more effort than “k.”

5. Don’t send this:“I guess…”

It’s hard to show emotion in text messages (unless you use a million different emoticons, which the guys aren’t a fan of either). So when you say things like “I guess” or “Sure” you might not give off the right vibe. “I hate it when a girl is unclear. When she says, ‘I guess,’ I usually take it to mean she’s not really into me,” says Ryan*, a Florida State University senior.

Instead, send this: “Yes” or “No”

Do you want to have drinks with him? Then be forward and just send “Yes” or “Yeah,” whichever is more your style. Guys are simple creatures, especially when it comes to texting. He’ll be thrilled you want to hang out with him and as soon as he sees your “yes” text, he knows he’s on your good side. If you would rather not see him again, just say “No thanks.” In order to lighten the blow, you can say something like, “Sorry, but right now is really not a good time. I’m super busy with job applications.” This is way better than saying, “I guess” when you have no intent of ever seeing him again.

6. Don’t send this: “Why haven’t you responded???”

This is a terrible form of the double text and a pet peeve to guys. You’ve probably gone through a hundred reasons why he hasn’t responded, but still want to hear it straight from him. “The most desperate or clingy texts are when she asks why you haven't responded. I could be busy and not have had time to respond and that text just annoys me,” says Conor*, a University of Michigan senior. Tyler says he can’t stand it when he gets a “???” text if he hasn’t responded within an hour. Imagine if you got a text with multiple question marks. How would you respond?

Instead, send this: Nothing

Just because he doesn’t respond doesn’t mean the world is going to end. He was probably having tea with his grandmother, pumping iron at the gym, or singing in the church choir.  Don’t always think if it’s been over 30 minutes it means he doesn’t like you. Although it is possible he really doesn’t want to talk to you, don’t make things worse by asking him why he hasn’t responded. If he hasn’t texted you back with a few days, you can send him another text. But if this time you still don’t hear from him, save yourself the misery and just delete his number.

7. Don’t send this:“Can’t wait to see you!  ;) :) :*)”

You want to show him how you’re feeling, but when you send too many emoticons it can come across as cheesy and fake. Unless it’s with a close friend and you’re in the middle of an emoticon war, do not send winky and smiley faces after everything you say. “I do not like smiley/winky face overloads. Every once in a while is fine but all the time is annoying,” Tyler says.

Instead, send this:“Looking forward to it :)”

You have to take emoticons on a case-by-case basis. Usually, if the guy sends smiley faces, then you can too. Try it out and see how he responds. If he sends an emoticon in return, then he probably liked it. But if not, he might think you’re being too cutesy or are just a tad bit too into him. If you’ve been texting a guy for a while and know he likes smiley or winky faces, feel free to send away, just use them sparingly.

8. Don’t send this: Nothing

Neil*, a University of Michigan senior, says the worst texts from girls are “the ones that they don’t send.” When you wait too long to respond or don’t respond at all,  guys feel exactly how you feel before you make the mistake of double texting. He doesn’t like it when you wait hours or days to respond so don’t play hard to get via text. Not answering his text is like a slap in the face. Jay*, a University of Michigan junior, says, “I really don’t like when girls start conversations seeming really into it with explanations and emoticons and then after I respond in a similarly interested fashion, they wait a couple of hours to respond with one word or they don’t respond at all.”

Instead, send this: Something to keep the conversation going

Guys like consistency, so if you’re usually a talkative texter and then suddenly go silent, they will think something is wrong. If you start out engaged in the conversation by asking questions and opening up to him, you should keep texting this way.  Think of it as giving off a really great first impression and then sticking to that persona. 


Avoid these 8 texting crimes and start being a more confident and savvy texter. When you’re a little more subtle about feelings, you’ll be surprised to see that your texting conversations will move beyond the simple, “Hey, what’s up” “Nothing. You?” Think about each text and consult our guide before hitting send.

*Last names have not been included to protect identities.

The 11 Best Girl Scout Cookie Dessert Recipes


It’s officially Girl Scout Cookie season, collegiettes! If you think your fave cookie is delicious on its own, just wait until you try out a few of these awesome Girl Scout Cookie recipes!

1. Thin Mint Brownies

Perfect for St. Patty's Day–or any day, really. 

2. Peanut Butter Chocolate Coconut Bars

Peanut Butter Patties, meet coconut. Peanut Butter Chocolate Coconut Bars, meet mouth. 

3. Tagalong Cupcakes

The surprise ingredient: a whole Tagalong cookie at the bottom!

4. Samoa Bundt Cake

It's like a hilariously oversized Girl Scout cookie... how could you go wrong? 

5. Tagalong-Stuffed Do-Si-Do Brownie Cups

A Do-si-do crust topped with a Tagalong covered in brownie batter baked in the shape of a cupcake drizzled with melted peanut butter chips. We're not even sure we can handle this. 

6. Caramel deLites Macaroons

Caramel deLites and macaroons should have gotten together much sooner than this. 

7. Thin Mint Cake Pops

You can't say no to cake on a stick. 

8. Thin Mint Cheesecake Cups

Perfectly bite-sized, so you won't feel bad about eating the whole thing (or a couple of them). 

9. Seven-Layer Samoa Bars

Think Samoa cookies are good? Try them covered in more chocolate and coconut and coated with dulce de leche. 

10. Savannah Smiles Frozen Lemonade Tarts

Because the Savannah Smile cookies never get any love (and we guarantee you'll fall in love with these lemonade tarts). 

11. Shortbread Cheesecake Cupcakes

Shortbread, cheesecake and cupcakes? It's like three desserts in one!

How to Snapchat Flirt Like a Pro


What better way to rope in a certain cutie you’ve been eyeing for ages than Snapchat (which, according to Business Insider, has about 30 million monthly active users)? The app is a fabulous tool for snagging the guy who’s been ruling your fantasies for the past month, because it’s the perfect way to showcase how amazing you are. If you’re not quite sure how to make your snaps sizzle, you’re in luck! We talked to the experts, and we’re laying out the dos and dont’s for creating flirty snaps to capture the dude of your dreams.

1. DO Show Him Your Authentic Self

While you may think you need to be super sexy for every snap you send, that’s actually not the case, according to dating coach and founder of Sexy Confidence Adam LoDolce.

“Make them so much fun,” he says. “Include yourself in the picture, so that he can feel the emotion when he sees you.”

So take a goofy snap: get your girls together and strike silly poses, or take a video clip of your glorious karaoke rendition of K.P.’s “Dark Horse.” Or put on adorable, bright pink lipstick and make the best fish face he’s ever going to see (FYI, those make your cheek bones really stand out). He’ll love your sense of humor.

“Be YOU—your open, loving, flirty, weird self,” says NYC-based love coach Lindsay Chrisler.

Showing him your funny side isn’t the only way to flirt! Express the stuff you’re into via awesome snaps.

“[Send] a photo of you after you just did something that totally lights you up: a yoga class, honest conversation with a friend or just thinking about your crush,” Chrisler says.

Snap a pic of you in all of your glistening glory post-Pilates workout. It’ll show how hard you work to keep your body fit, and he’ll dig that. If you’re a huge coffee drinker, take a quick vid of your favorite downtown coffeehouse. If reading is your thing, take a pic of your fave book, be it Gone with the Wind or a Stephen King thriller. It’s important for him to learn about what makes you happy (and vice versa). Snapchat is a superb start.

2. DON’T Be too Sexual

Showing off your hot bod to a dude who isn’t yours yet is a seriously bad idea: you definitely don’t want to give him the impression you’re only in it for the hook-ups.

“[The] best ways to flirt with a guy over Snapchat is to send flirty pics that aren't too racy,” says matchmaker and dating coach Suzanne K. Oshima. “If you send photos that are too sexy or racy, then you're going to be sending him the wrong message.”  

Never, ever forget that while snaps aren’t supposed to be permanent, they can be.

“Keep in mind that he could do a screen shot of the photo before it magically disappears in 15 seconds or less, so leave more to the imagination than to the mobile app,” says Julie Spira, online dating expert and founder of Cyber-Dating Expert.

If you do want to show him just how gorgeous you really are, take zoomed-in selfies instead.

“Send fun, flirty pics, like a close-up of your beautiful eyes winking at him, or a close-up of your beautiful smile,” Oshima says. “The close-ups of your full face will make it somewhat mysterious. Trust me, you’ll get his attention quick."

Doll up those pretty eyes of yours with a smoky-eye look. You’ll immediately lure him in with your seductive, enticing eyes—and it doesn’t send the wrong message.

Don’t forget to pick out the perfect outfit; you may be surprised to learn that the color you wear matters.

“Girls shouldn't wear black; they should wear color,” Oshima advises. “Color attracts—specifically the color red. There was a scientific study done that actually proved that men are attracted to the color red.”

3. DON’T Take too Many Selfies (Only a few Here and There!)

While it’s perfectly okay and even encouraged (see no. 2) to take pretty selfies, make sure you don’t go overboard.

“Anyone can take selfies in the mirror,” says Tyler Young, dating coach and owner of Attractology. “Be mysterious, draw the guy out and let him pursue you.  Try a picture of a menu of your favorite dimly lit restaurant, posing the question, ‘Happy hour soon?’”

Guys love a good mystery! Another way to appear mystifying is by snapping a pic of your turned-on TV screen in a darkened living room. Caption it: “Watching a movie all by my lonesome. Come join?”

4. DO Steal His Heart With Amazing Cooking

We simply can’t stress it enough—guys lovefood. Always have, always will. Nothing wrong with charming him by means of the kitchen.

“[If you’re] cooking him dinner, why not snap a shot of what he'll be getting for dessert; perhaps a sexy chocolate soufflé or chocolate-covered strawberries?” Spira says.

One word: yum. What guy wouldn’t zoom over to your place pronto after receiving that kind of snap?! And don’t limit yourself to dessert; give him a peek of the main course, too. You’ll have him eating out the palm of your hand (literally).


Snapchat is a modern, totally cool way to flirt with your crush. Heed the advice of these experts and start sending spectacular snaps. He’ll be yours before you can say, “Did you like my snap?”

15 Things We Love About Olivia Pope


Are you ready for the return of Scandal on Feb. 27? Here at HC, we’ve been missing Olivia Pope like a sister who’s been away on a study abroad trip to Costa Rica. Fortunately, the hole in our TV-loving hearts will be mended soon enough, and then we can all get back to marveling at OP day in and day out. In honor of Scandal’s homecoming, we’ve listed 15 reasons why Ms. Pope is basically the coolest and fiercest TV character EVER.

1. She said the one line every woman dreams of being able to say.

2. The look she gets when she knows it’s handled.

3. Two words: this dress.

4. And this one.

5. She can one-up anybody.

6. She’s not afraid of expressing her emotions.

7. Her love of TV and wine.

8. This. Just, this.

9. When the rest of us need a whole day, she only needs one minute.

10. Her self-assured strut. Just look at the way her hair bounces. Ugh.

11. Her insane ability to rock anything white.

12. The blunt bangs that won our hearts.

13. Her incredible work ethic.

14. The way her smile lights up the room (and captures the POTUS’s attention).

15. And, finally, the grand exits she makes.

4 Ways Disorganization Affects Your Grades & How To Fix It


It’s the middle of the school year, and let’s just say things are starting to get a little messy... literally. Slowly, the crisp clean notebooks, binders, and folders you started out with are turning into untidy heaps as you stuff them with all sorts of miscellaneous papers. History worksheets are now somehow haphazardly tucked into your math notebook, while your old math tests are feeling a little out of place in an English folder. Oh, and the planner that you wrote every single little “to-do” in at the beginning of the year? Long gone and forgotten, sadly—probably crying in the dusty corners of your cluttered locker.

But disorganization isn’t your biggest problem—your grades are at stake here! Those homework assignments you decided just not to submit because you just couldn’t find are totally taking hits at your grade. Let’s not even mention that research paper you completely forgot about and how many points your teacher said would be taken off for every week late. Worst of all, it just keeps adding up!

It’s time to break free from the cycle of chaos that disorganization creates and get back on track with your grades to end the year with a nice GPA.  Her Campus has the four ways you’re letting disorganization affect your grades as well as what you can do to stop them:

Messy Habit #1: You’re constantly losing things you need!

Cue Britney Spears’s most famous single: “Oops, I did lost it again!” Just kidding. But you probably do feel like you want to scream and shout (and let it all out) every time you can’t find a darn pencil or when you lose that handout you just got.

The Solution:

Mid-semester cleaning: Take all your notebooks, folders, and binders and start organizing what subjects go together. Organizing them into piles on a table makes this a simple task, and after you’re done, you can sort within each subject much more easily. Anything that you don’t necessarily need at the moment but you might need to refer to later should stay in organized, labeled folders at home.

Labeled folders: Peggy Men, a a recent grad of Niagara Christian Community of Schools suggests using an accordion folder that’s divided into tabs with each of her subjects and a homework section. She says, “I have all my poetry stuff in my English tab in my accordion folder [for home]. After I have my poetry test, I’ll transfer all my poetry papers to the binder, and my [in-school] folder will be empty for the next unit, which is Hamlet. This is a great way to save things such as for finals later on, but not have to carry overwhelming amounts of papers in school.

Make a commitment: After you’ve sorted out everything, make it a point to always put and write things in their properly labeled folder, notebook, or binder from here on out. Even if it takes an extra 10 seconds to put the math worksheet you just got into your math folder instead of into the black hole of your backpack, do it. It won’t be time wasted, and you won’t have any reason to misplace or lose things anymore!

Stylish supplies: In terms of school supplies such as pens, pencils, and erasers, definitely invest in a cute pencil case. This way, you won’t have to keep bugging the person sitting next to you for a spare pen.

Let’s get digital: When working on your computer, Page Sheffield, senior at Mason High School, recommends creating separate folders for each class that you’re taking. And since you can create folders within folders, you can also organize the content within those folders by quarter/semester and by units in class. She added, “I always make sure to save my work to my personal computer and a USB. Sometimes, just to be sure, I even email the document to myself. Saving documents in more than one location takes seconds, and it’s definitely worth it.” Google Drive is also very helpful if you’re typing up a document because it has an easy-to-use interface like Microsoft Word and it auto-saves everything you type as you type it. 

Messy Habit #2: You’re lost in your own notes and you can’t even read your own handwriting!

Do your notes read like hieroglyphics to you? Are you having trouble figuring out what stuff is notes and what stuff is homework? Do you find yourself lost on exactly what to pay attention to when you’re trying to study because your notes are so confusing? If so, then you’ve been found guilty of being a disorganized delinquent. Your offense? Binder blunders and notebook neglect.

The Solution:

Create your own shorthand: First, make sure that when you write notes, they’re legible. Your handwriting doesn’t have to be printer perfect, but at least make sure that at least you can read it. Remember that notes are supposed to be your shorthand version of what was said that was important – not an exact transcript of what your teacher said in class! You can create your own abbreviations for words you might commonly use. Think texting abbreviations. This is the one of the few exceptions when it’s okay to break grammar rules!

Color-code: This is another fun idea and especially helps in memorization. Different colors, either by highlighting or by using different colored pens, can be used to emphasize and organize certain things in your notes. For example, in history, you might write dates and names in pme color, and your bulleted details in another color. In English, you might highlight different literary devices in respectively different colors. You can use sticky note strips to mark and section out different topics/units covered in class or to note your most important notes.

Notes don’t have to be just words: Webs, charts, and graphs can be really useful in math and science, while outlines are great for subjects like English and history.

Dates aren’t just for history class: Always date your notes and give them a heading. Keeping your notes in date order will help keep you from getting lost when you go back to them, while giving them headings allows you to go back to specific topics covered in class.

Messy Habit #3: Your room at home or study space has become an obstacle course!

... And a battleground. Let your poor mother win for once and attack your room instead of her poor heart every time she has to walk into your room.

Find and create the perfect study space: It is so important to have an area dedicated to homework and studying at home! Think of it as a sacred sanctuary for school. Pick a spot that’s generally free of distractions and noise —somewhere you can focus. Most likely, it’ll be a corner in your room with a desk. It’s highly recommended that you don’t do work in bed since your mind tends to associate it with sleep more often than schoolwork. You can decorate this space to your liking; motivational and inspirational mementos, pictures, and quotes posted around are definitely a good idea.

Always be ready: Make sure to keep backup supplies and schoolwork to keep at home organized at your desk and in its drawers. This is totally dependent on how your station is set up, so sort things to how it fits your personal space best!

Remember the clean-up song: Now, make sure the area around this personal study space is clean and organized as well. Seeing clutter, piles of laundry, and random stuff strewn about can subconsciously increase stress and add on to the feeling of being overwhelmed. When everything is in it’s place, you have free space in your head to concentrate on schoolwork rather than worry about the mess around you.

Phew. Now you can breathe, study, and get productive! And Mom can catch a breath too.

Messy Habit #4: You keep forgetting or missing deadlines!

“Okay, please hand in your final papers on my desk before we start,” your teacher reminds the class. You gulp. Paper? What paper? 

Yikes! Nothing is worse than just downright completely forgetting to do something. Sure, you thought it was so important that it wouldn’t be possible for you to forget it, right? Wrong. We’re all so busy and going from class to class and thinking about school events and our social lives can all just cause that assignment your teacher mentioned to slowly creep into the back of your mind.

My handy dandy planner: It’s time to find Mr. Planner again. Yes, that oh-so trusty friend you’ve ignored in the dusty corners of your locker. Lauren Anmar, a junior at Portage Central High School, says, “Having a planner keeps me organized. I keep it with me all day at school, and I write down assignments, test dates, and deadlines as soon as my teachers mention them. Then, when I get home, I refer back to my planner to see what I need to get done!” If you know work or events you have ahead of time, don’t hesitate to jot them down even if they’re in the somewhat farther future. They’ll be good reminders as you occasionally flip through to check what’s coming up. Peggy also suggests keeping a full calendar in your room—perhaps a desk or wall one. She uses this to log social activities, super important deadlines, applications, and extracurriculars. Breaking down larger projects or papers into smaller assignments in your planner is also an excellent way of keeping on top of everything.

Let technology be your friend: Despite the many bad distractions technology might give us, it can be used for good too! Robin Meiser loves using her iPhone’s Reminders app. You can set “to-do’s” for different days and times, and it’ll even notify you when you want it to. She says, “I can organize my things to do by school work or personal, and it’s very simple and syncs to iCloud.” If you don’t have an iPhone, many other smartphones have similar apps to help you keep track of things that need to be done and their deadlines.

Hannah Orenstein, a junior at NYU, also recommends the Stickies app for your laptop. She says, “I'm always on my laptop and rarely remember to check a physical planner, so I keep track of all my assignments and deadlines with the Stickies app on my computer. When my assignments are right in front of me and easy to check, they're easier to remember.”


Sure, bad habits may be hard to break, but they’re not impossible! Do you have any particular organization tips that work for you? Comment below!

'Ew!' With Jimmy Fallon, Will Ferrell & Michelle Obama

7 Reasons Kissing is Good for Your Health


Ever had a kiss that swept you off your feet—the kind that leaves you light-headed, with your fingers and toes tingling? Turns out those post-pucker-up butterflies aren’t the only benefits of a big smooch; kisses can actually help keep you healthy! As if you needed another reason to lay one on your crush from psych class…

According to Andréa Demirjian, author of Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About One of Life’s Sweetest Pleasures, kisses can do all kinds of wonders for the body. We asked Demirjian—aka “The Kissing Expert”—for the best health benefits of puckering up.

1. It Lowers Your Blood Pressure

While no two kisses are the same, they all tend to do the same thing: get your heart pumping. That characteristic thump-thump you feel mid-make-out does more than set your spirits soaring; according to Demirjian, kissing “immediately increases your heart rate but lowers your blood pressure.” The combination sends you into a more mellow state; you feel good, even zen, the way you would after a workout. Basically, it’s a feel-good aerobic activity that doesn’t require spandex and running shoes!

It seems counterintuitive, though; why would your blood pressure lower if your heart rate is skyrocketing? Apparently, kissing gives you an adrenaline rush, and adrenaline makes your blood vessels dilate. Once your vessels are dilated, more blood can flow through the body, and your blood pressure stabilizes over time. “If you were going to get your blood pressure taken at the doctor’s, you would probably [have] a perfect, healthy blood pressure level,” Demirjian says. No complaints here!

2. It Relieves Physical Pain

Let’s be honest, though: the last thing we want to think about while kissing is our blood vessels dilating. It’s not exactly a sexy image, and there are so many other sexy things to focus on in the moment instead! Still, that dilation can do wonders when we need it most—specifically when we’re in pain.

“When we’re on our period and we have bad cramps, it’s because our blood vessels are constricted,” Demirjian says. “So I know a lot of times when you’re not feeling too snappy with your period, the last thing you want to do is make out with anyone, but it’s actually the best thing for you because it’s a sort of natural way of taking a few Advil.” It isn’t the only way of dealing with menstrual cramps, but it’s certainly the best way we’ve heard of.

The same pain-relieving principle applies to headaches. Headaches can also caused by constricted blood vessels, and sexual stimulation—like kissing—helps loosen the pressure. So forget popping Midol and Advil—just pucker up!

3. It Releases Happy Chemicals

Whether you call them warm fuzzies or butterflies in your stomach, you know the feeling: that “I’m-the-queen-of-the-world” kind of feeling you get after a top-notch smooch (some of you might even hear “A Whole New World” playing softly somewhere... we aren’t judging).

Well, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it isn’t all in your head; kissing really does improve your mood, thanks to the fact that it triggers so-called “feel-good chemicals.”

“Kissing gets all of the happy serotonin [and] dopamine chemicals in the brain going,” Demirjian says. Serotonin puts you in a positive mood; dopamine helps the brain process pleasure, pain and emotion; and the third feel-good chemical kissing releases, oxytocin, affects feelings of attachment and affection. “And again, it’s like the same thing as a workout,” Demirjian explains. “You know after a workout you have that kind of high, you feel kind of exhilarated, you’re clear-headed and you feel like you’re in a good mood? Kissing activates the same sort of reaction in the pituitary [gland] and [the rest of] the brain.”

Obviously, the effects aren’t exactly the same as if you were to hit the treadmill for a half hour, but combined with the excitement of landing that perfect smooch, the “feel-good chemicals” will send you soaring.

4. It Prevents Cavities

Kissing may not be a one-way ticket to pristine oral hygiene, but it definitely helps. According to Demirjian, kissing can mean fewer cavities!

“When you’re kissing frequently, you’re secreting a lot of saliva, and saliva is what really washes away plaque,” she explains. “So you’re going to have [fewer] cavities, less tartar buildup [and] less gingivitis, so you have a healthier mouth.”

But don’t drop your floss just yet, collegiettes (you’ll probably be hard-pressed to find someone willing to smooch you with bad breath, for one thing). Clearly, kissing alone isn’t enough to dig deep at that plaque in between your teeth—and honestly, if you’re with someone who does possess those excavating kissing abilities, we highly suggest moving on!

5. It Improves Your Complexion

Sick of popping pimples? Try puckering up instead. Apparently, kissing keeps your pituitary gland in check, which can clear up your complexion. And kissing is so much more fun than pricey facials!

“The brain is this insane operating center,” Demirjian explains. “It’s controlling your glands, your pituitary—all of those things that, in our teen and adolescent years (and that can go into college, too), are creating more oil.” If you’re kissing on a more regular basis, the blood dilation in your face basically keeps things from getting clogged up. While kissing itself won’t clear up severe acne, it could prevent breakouts down the line.

Demirjian adds that, similar to how a lot of kissing keeps your lips rosy and plump, a lot of kissing keeps your cheeks rosy and fresh as well. Not to mention the fact that a cuddle-and-kiss sesh can tone down your anxiety come midterms (or anytime, really), and anxiety is known to lead to breakouts.

6. It Tightens Your Facial Muscles

Speaking of faces, it turns out that making out does more for your visage than just clear up your pores. Demirjian says it actually works your muscles, too. Finally, a workout for your face! We don’t need it, of course, but it’s pretty cool that it happens on its own.

“Vigorous kissing and making out basically keep your neck and jaw line in good shape and toned,” Demirjian says. “I tell a lot of women, ‘Don’t be running to the plastic surgeon—just make out a lot. You’ll get the same effect.’”

Fortunately, we collegiettes don’t need to be concerned with sagging skin. Still, it’s nice to know that stretching our necks for a kiss today may keep saggy skin at bay in the faraway future!

7. It Burns Calories

We know, we know: despite all of the amazing benefits of heart-pounding make-outs, kissing just doesn’t have the same effects as hitting the gym (but a collegiette can dream!). Still, kissing does burn some calories, and every bit can count. According to Demirjian, you can burn around 11 calories in a hot-and-heavy, half-hour-long make-out session. Mind you, it has to be vigorous kissing, so don’t use make-outs as an excuse to avoid workouts --at least, not all the time. Just rev up the passion in your free time and get going!

Not everyone has the ability to make out on a whim—most of us aren’t in relationships, and many of us haven’t even been kissed yet. Whatever your status—single, taken or in a serious relationship with Netflix, thanks very much—you can take comfort in the fact that your next kiss will reap some major health benefits. In Demirjian’s words, “A kiss a day keeps the doctor away!”

The 7 Prettiest Dresses for Spring


Although sometimes it feels like we’re going to be stuck in winter forever, warmer days (and spring clothes) are on the horizon! Check out .H.C.B., a fun, fashionable online boutique with tons of trendy, girly clothes at college-budget-friendly prices. It’s the perfect way to get a head start on your spring shopping without even having to leave the house!

If you order your new spring wardrobe by March 24 and use coupon code HERCAMPUS, you’ll get 15 percent off your order. Plus, you can enter our giveaway here to win $200 in store credit!

Check out our top .H.C.B. picks for pretty spring dresses that will brighten up your wardrobe without breaking the bank!

1. Graphic Stripes Tunic Dress, $34.99

Make a statement this spring in this bold, printed tunic dress!

2. Striped Skater Dress, $40

This striped fit-and-flare dress is super feminine and flattering.

3. Sleeveless Bow Back Dress, $40

This adorable mint frock can be worn with a jacket and flats for class or with a statement necklace and heels for a Friday night out.

4. Button Down Belted Maxi Shirt Dress, $48

This must-have maxi shirt dress will give you a look that’s both casual and girly!

5. Neon Stripes Bodycon Dress, $38

This colorful bodycon dress is fun, flirty and totally eye-catching.

6. Sleeveless Chevron Stripe Maxi Dress, $44

We love the bright colors in this cute (and comfy!) maxi dress.

7. Open Flap Back Flounce Dress, $44

For your next girls’ night out, this flouncy blue number is sure to garner some compliments!


Which is your favorite dress for spring, collegiettes? Let us know in the comments below!

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