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7 Life Changes You Should Consider Making After Graduation


As the excitement and nostalgia phase passes after graduation, you may notice some changes. Maybe they didn’t happen overnight, but at some point it hits you—wow. This is that “real world” they always told us about. We saw it in movies growing up and heard about it from our parents and older friends, but now we’re actually living it. Whether you’ve already gone through this type of metamorphosis, or are slowly coming to terms with your new life, one thing is clear: things have definitely changed after graduation. Here are some old habits you might need to retire as you become a real adult.

1. Shopping till you drop

Did someone say SHOPPING SPREE?! No actually, no one did, because in the real world you come to realize the importance of spending responsibly and budgeting. Sure, it’s nice to splurge every once and while, but it’s hard to treat yourself when you know you have rent, loans and car payments around the corner. Oh #thestruggleisreal.'

2. That daily coffee fix that costs a latte money…

During college, an iced caramel macchiato was basically the wind beneath your wings, but the oh-so-sad-but-true reality is… it’s a luxury. The thing about swiping your dining card every morning was that it erased the mental sense of spending actual money. One swipe here, one swipe there didn’t seem so bad, but as you swipe your ACTUAL card with ACTUAL money every morning before work, you realize that the daily cup of joe costs a lot of dough.

3. Say 'RIP' to yoga pants...

...during the week, at least. Not all your college staples are going to work out in the real world. As the saying goes, “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Those yoga pants aren't going to get you the corner office anytime soon, so take some time to go through your closet and retire the outfits that don't have a place in your life soon. Don't toss it all out though... because on the weekends, it's all fair game.

4. Your inner Tinderella

Dating was (relatively) easy in college. You were surrounded by tons of cute prospects, everyone was at the same place each night, and you had the common thread of university pride. After graduation however, it seems all this disappears. Everyone goes home, or moves to start their new jobs, and suddenly the whole dating game changes. Before you know it, you’re going to happy hour with co-workers and scouting for the next cutie. It may seem a little overwhelming at first, but with time you come to enjoy the thrill of meeting new people completely outside of your usual friend circle. Whatever you do, try and fight the urge to stay in and swipe away on apps every weekend. Although it may be a quick and easy way to meet people, nothing beats good ol’ face-to-face, lock-eyes-across-the-room interaction.

5. Fab > fast food

You were all about the 3 AM runs to Taco Bell in college. We've all been there and certainly won't judge if you revert back to your old ways on a late night or two post-graduation; but this probably shouldn't be a regular thing anymore. As busy girls with busy schedules, you come to find that what you put into your body directly affects how you feel, so if you want to feel good, you have to eat healthy. It might be a little difficult to change this part of your life entirely, but you’ll soon find that each small change makes a world of difference. Say goodbye to fast food and hello to healthy home-cooked meals!

6. Working (out) 

Having a gym on campus made cramming in a workout much easier. But in the real world, unless you take the time to prioritize and schedule your workouts, let’s face it—it’s just not going to happen. If you're just starting out, make small changes first, even if it's as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator each morning. But don't stop there; make it a point to schedule in time to exercise, whether it's going to the gym or signing up for a weekly spin class.

7. Stressing about this whole “growing up” thing

One minute you’re tossing your hats in the air, and the next it’s proposals, babies, bachelorette parties, new house, new cars and more babies. Every time you check your feed, someone else is “adulting” way harder than the next. Meanwhile… you’re over here just trying to get your own life together—and that's okay!

We Tried Starbucks' New Toasted Graham Latte


Changing leaves, cool breezes, sweater weather, pumpkin and…warm graham crackers? That’s what Starbucks is going for with its first new fall drink in four years, the Toasted Graham Latte. Though it may never reach the star status of the PSL (it doesn’t have its own Twitter account, for example), we found that the Toasted Graham can hold its own pretty well in the fall beverage lineup.

Starbucks describes the latte on its website as “milk and cookies all grown up,” where “graham and sweet cream meet steamed milk and our signature espresso, then are finished off with a sprinkling of cinnamon graham crumbles for a less sweet perfect treat.”

My first impression upon taking a sip was, “Yeah, this tastes like a delicious liquid graham cracker.” The latte has the warm, spice-laden flavors that we’ve come to expect from fall drinks, and brings to mind making s’mores around a bonfire or eating cinnamon-y cereal before school. It’s a comforting flavor that takes you back to childhood while letting you look like a real adult who drinks coffee.

But don’t pay too much attention to Starbucks’ claim that this is a “less sweet perfect treat.” A Grande weighs in at 300 calories and 40 grams of sugar—better than our beloved PSL, but not exactly a health food.

What do you think of the new drink?

Win an Amazing Back-to-School Survival Kit from Her Campus!


Fall is here, and chances are that you've already started to feel a little stressed about your classes and extracurriculars. When it comes to going back to school, no one understands your excitement (and your struggle) like we do. That's why we’re giving away one Back-to-School Survival Kit filled with everything you need to have your most incredible semester yet!

Enter now and you could win some fantastic (and free!) swag from brands like…

  • Chipotle
  • TRESemmé
  • MZ Wallace
  • Penguin Random House
  • Palmer’s
  • Cold-EEZE
  • NYC New York Color
  • Spruce
  • Martha Stewart
  • 5-Hour ENERGY ® 
  • Zing™ Zero Calorie Stevia Sweetener

…and more! ‘Tis the season for getting back and giving back, and all of the awesome stuff we’re giving away in this Back-to-School Survival Kit will help you do just that. It’s time to look, think, and feel like your best self, so what are you waiting for? Enter now for your chance to win! 

Survival Kit

Obama's College Scorecard Can Help You Choose the Right School


If you haven't heard about President Obama's new College Scorecard, you might want to take a closer look. The administration compiled data from the Treasury, the IRS and the Department of Education, looking at records of some 7,000 schools going back 18 years. This data has provided a ton of information about the prices and benefits of different colleges—For example, last week we saw that there's still a huge gender wage gap for graduates of Ivy League Schools.

But there are so many ways to analyze these numbers, and it can get overwhelming. NPR asked three higher education experts—Peter Cappelli, a professor at UPenn's Wharton Business School, Anthony Carnevale of the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce and Amy Laitinen at the New America Foundation—to help weigh all this information. The result? Three lists of rankings that let you know how your school stacks up in terms of post-grad wages, affordability and promoting upward mobility. Pretty interesting to see how the rankings change depending on what criteria you use.

So which schools came out on top? Below are the top five schools listed in each of the three categories.

Schools That Make You Money

Graduates of these schools were making plenty of money a decade after graduation.

  1. Harvard University
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  3. Princeton University
  4. Stanford University
  5. Babson College

Schools That Make Financial Sense

At these schools, very few students had to default on their student loans. 

  1. Duke University
  2. University of Pennsylvania
  3. Stanford University
  4. Georgetown University
  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Schools That Emphasize Upward Mobility

These schools did the best to help low-income and first-generation students survive and thrive in and after college.

  1. Harvard University
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  3. Stanford University
  4. University of California-Irvine
  5. California State University - Stanislaus

It wasn't much of a shock that Harvard University won two out of the three rankings, but some of the other schools mentioned (Babson College in Wellesley, MA and California State University in Stanislaus) are somewhat surprising considering their relatively obscure status in the national conversation. Just goes to show that there's no such thing as the BEST college—it all depends on what you're looking for.

To take a closer look at these lists and how they were created, check out the original NPR article. If you want to see your school and the statistics surrounding it, go to the College Scorecard website. This is important information, so we know you're just dying to look! 

13 Reasons Why Wine is Like Your Best Friend


There's always one friend who you know will stand by you through it all. The person who sees you cry, eats pizza with you in the middle of the night and watches reruns of Friends with you. And that is whom we like to call a best friend. It turns out having a nice glass of wine at the end of the day can be a lot like spending the evening with your best friend - here's why!

1. Wine will always understand your money problems. 

We're all broke college students, after all.  

2. You can sit around in your sweatpants with unwashed hair, and wine won’t judge you. 

Drake didn’t realize how bad the “sweatpants, hair tied, chillin’ with no makeup on” look can be.

3. Wine will listen to the reasons why you hate someone and agree with you 100 percent. 

Because what kind of best friend wouldn’t?

4. When everyone else is busy, wine will sit in your room and channel surf with you for hours. 

Best friends would rather be alone together. 

5. Wine will never question why you’re still single, because it understands the struggle of finding someone who's relationship material these days. 

“Yes, Grandma, I will have a boyfriend some day.”

6. Wine will never tell you your jokes aren’t funny. 

What do you call a seagull that flies by the bay? A bay-gull! (Get it? Bagel? Totally the next Rebel Wilson, I know). 

7. Wine won’t judge you for drunkenly hooking up with that guy from your class you normally despise.

Because everyone looks better after 2 a.m.

8. When you’re having a mid-life crisis in your twenties, wine will sit and listen to your problems. 

Rule #1 of girl code in any language or culture. 

9. Wine doesn’t care about how you looked in middle school.

Times were tough in 2006. It's not your fault that bejeweled jeans were a thing. 

10. Wine will accept you for who you are.

The good and the bad. 

11. Wine will be there for you when you try a new diet after New Year's. 

Going on a diet with your best friend is supposed to work better, after all!

12. Who else is going to listen to your new favorite song over and over (and over) again with you?

"Shake it off! Shake it off!!"

13. Last but not least, your problems are their problems. 

Things could get a little hairy when you break your favorite corkscrew.

Watch Planned Parenthood Explain Consent in 4 Videos


We already know that sexual assault is a major problem on college campuses. With that in mind, it's SO important that we all know what consent is and how to detect it. In order to help college students better understand consent, Planned Parenthood released four super helpful videos detailing what consent looks like and how you can be sure both parties are comfortable. As always, communication is key. 

1. How Do You Know if Someone Wants to Have Sex With You?

The first video shows what it can look like when someone wants to have sex with you. By being aware of verbal and non-verbal cues, you can be sure that your partner is okay with what is going on.

2. When You Know They're Into It

In an ideal situation, consent is obvious! By looking for the signals in this video, you can determine if someone is into what you're doing.

3. When They're Kinda Into It

The line isn't always black or white when it comes to consent. No one can read minds! If it seems like someone isn't fully okay with what's going on, it's best to stop what you're doing and make sure they're comfortable.

4. When They're Just Not Into It

Whether you like it or not, people aren't always going to be into what you're into. In these situations, it's best to accept their feelings and move on.

What does consent look like to you, collegiettes?

Student Yells Racial Slur at USC Student Body President


A fraternity member at the University of Southern California yelled a racist slur at the school’s student body president, Rini Sampath, on Saturday, Sampath said. Sampath, who was born in India, wrote a Facebook post about the incident Sunday where she explained what happened and how it was indicative of a larger problem with racism on USC’s campus and beyond.

“I’m still in a state of shock,” she wrote on Facebook. “There’s an indescribable hollowness in me, but I’m going public with this because this can’t continue.”

The Washington Post reports that the university and several students reached out to Sampath after her post, and that USC Dean of Religious Life Varun Soni has asked Sampath to file a formal complaint with the university.

Sampath made it clear in her post that her attack was not an isolated incident, bringing up Inderjit Singh Mukker, a Sikh man who was attacked by a driver in Illinois, and University of Missouri Student Association president Payton Head, who recently had slurs yelled at him as well.

The USC student paper, the Daily Trojan, responded to Sampath's post with an opinion piece talking about the need for the school to finally take action.

"The student body and the student press should watch and ensure that USC and Sampath follow through with their promises to fight discrimination at USC," the author wrote. "The University has a long history of hosting talks, but problems persist."

Tuesday, Sampath published a follow-up post acknowledging the support she had received and asking for input on how to make change at USC.

I am so touched by the outpouring of love and support I have received from everyone. Thank you for taking the time to be...

Posted by Rini Sampath on Tuesday, September 22, 2015

“Many people have asked how they can help,” she wrote. “This is it. We must rise from these moments together. Our student government and I want to hear from you.”

Incidents like what happened to Sampath are terrifying because they show how unsafe colleges can still be for students of color. Sampath was elected president by her peers, but she still can’t walk down the street without fear of being harrassed or attacked based on what she looks like. What do you think colleges and universities can do to improve?

18 Things You Forgot You Hated About School


Pit it against your awkward middle school days or juvenile high school experiences, and college comes out the ultimate victor every time. You say goodbye to homework and homerooms and hello to your own little fantasy world filled with books, boys and plenty of beer.

With limitless freedom and endless opportunities, it’s easy to see why we come rushing back to campus at the end of every summer. Even so, after being cared for each day by our loving parents and making major bank at that summer job, the first few weeks back can serve as a bit of a wakeup call for most collegiettes. Despite our infinite appreciation for higher education, there are a few things we could do without.

1. Bye-bye spacious bedroom, hello cramped living quarters.

2. Six girls and one bathroom is just not right.

3. How do I feed myself again?

4. These bar lines are not okay.

5. This whole walking everywhere deal is going to take some getting used to.

6. So. Out. Of. Shape.

7. My reunion with late-night pizza might have something to do with this…

8. Maybe I should hit the gym.

9. Just kidding, way too crowded.

10. Isn’t there someone out there who’s sober enough to pick me up?

11. Holy crap, I forgot what a hangover was like.

12. How did I do this last year?

13. More importantly, how did I afford it?

14. It’s Sunday, yay! Oh wait, I have a pile of work I’ve put off for three days…

15. And an empty fridge…

16. And a mound of laundry the size of Everest.

17. Wait, I have an exam tomorrow?!

18. Welcome back to college!

Quiz: Which Chick Flick Are You?


Every girl has her favorite chick flick, or she’s at least narrowed down her list to a top five. From sweet ‘90s classics to somewhat raunchier fare, there’s one out there for all of us. But just because you’re obsessed with Nora Ephron, doesn’t mean you’re an unequivocal When Harry Met Sally kind of gal. Dying to find out? Take our quiz below to see which chick flick best fits your personality. 


6 Reasons to Study ‘Abroad’ in the United States


Is your Spanish not sharp enough for Spain? Are you not itching for the Barcelona club scene or a picture in one of those red phone booths in London? Never fear, collegiettes—you can still cure your case of wanderlust by spending a semester away from campus in a different city in the United States.

Sometimes spending a semester in a different city can be the perfect way to get some space from your campus, some real-world experience and a new perspective when you get back to school. But you don’t have to leave the country—collegiettes can have amazing experiences away from their schools at cities in the U.S.! Whether you want to make a change on Capitol Hill or make a film in Los Angeles, studying “abroad” in a different part of the U.S. can be the perfect addition to your college career. Still on the fence? We’ve found some awesome benefits to staying in the States during your semester away from school.

1. You have lots of options

If you think that exploring a city in the U.S. would be way more exciting and rewarding than studying abroad right now, you could join the ranks of many collegiettes who thought the same thing! For example, if you’re a collegiette who’s passionate about American politics, spending a quarter in Australia may not be the best choice for you. Instead, you could attend another program, like Stanford in Washington, which helps place students in full-time internships in D.C. All students live in a house together and take classes at night.

Another such program, Marist In Manhattan allows students to live together in New York while completing internships. Whether you’re into fashion, media, publishing or advertising, a program like this one can help advance your career and give you a small bite of the Big Apple.

Programs in the U.S. typically provide housing and will help you find an internship in your chosen city. They’re a great way to maintain some independence while still receiving the benefits of being in college. Anyone from any major can find a program that they love—just as there’s no typical study abroad student, there’s no typical student who studies away from school in the U.S.!

2. You can build your resumé

For collegiettes who want great networking opportunities, studying away in the U.S. is an excellent choice. While many study abroad programs simply let you take classes at a foreign university, lots of programs in the U.S. will allow you to do an internship in a city that will help you immensely in the future.

Nicole Knoebel, a senior at Marist College who participated in the Marist In Manhattan program, did an internship with Seventeen while taking online classes. “I made amazing connections in the U.S. that I can use after I graduate,” she says. “I don't think I'd have that right now if I went abroad.”

If you’re concerned about finding a job after graduation or you think your resume could use a little sprucing up, exploring a new city and completing a career-oriented internship could be the smart choice for you, too.

3. It’s easier to keep in touch with friends

One concern for collegiettes studying abroad is the distance from home and the difficulty of communicating with loved ones. With a program in the U.S., you can get the experience of going abroad—living more independently and exploring a new city—without having to sacrifice communication with your loved ones. In addition, visiting your college or keeping in touch with your SO can be way easier when you have reliable cell phone service and Wi-Fi and you don’t have an ocean to cross.

Jen Morgan, a junior at Messiah College who studied in Philadelphia for a semester, says, “If you do meet really amazing friends, it's a little easier to see them once your program is over, since even though you're in different parts of the U.S., you're all still in America, so no need to worry about international travel for visits.”

Whether you want to go home for a weekend every once in a while to see your friends or visit the new friends you’re making during your program in the future, studying in the U.S. can make things way easier!

4. It won’t break the bank

Craving a new adventure that won’t cause you to cringe when you see your bank account? Staying in the U.S. won’t cost you as much money as going to Europe would. You don’t have to worry about exchange rates or international flights—if you plan ahead, you can manage your costs very effectively.

“As expensive as NYC is, it was still way cheaper than going to Europe,” Nicole says. “I loved exploring the entire island and being able to bounce around to the other boroughs, especially Brooklyn, as well.”

It’s definitely easier to get an idea for fair prices and good deals when you’re dealing with your native currency. While your friends may be spending too much at cafes and boutiques in Europe, you can keep saving up for your dream apartment of the future.

5. Logistics aren’t as complicated

While studying abroad can sometimes require a student visa, an expensive new plan for your cell phone and a stressful currency exchange, studying in the U.S. doesn’t require much more than moving into a new apartment and enrolling in classes or internships. You’re already moving to a new city and adjusting to a totally new environment—you don’t need to add the restrictions of getting to a foreign country to the mix to make your adventure exciting!

This also makes it easy to visit once your program is over. “I think the best thing is that I fell in love with a city that I can still visit whenever I want,” Nicole says. “If I became obsessed with a European city, there's a chance I'd never be able to go back. But now, I can always visit NYC and have the advantage of knowing how to navigate the city and have so many favorite spots.”

6. It’s still an adventure!

You don’t have to be abroad to experience an incredible adventure away from your college. Many collegiettes who study away in the U.S. still feel as if they’ve experienced something just as good as traveling to another country—or maybe something even better!

“I love that I can explore and learn in a new area of the country, since even though you're still in America, you're in a new place and able to learn so much about a new place,” Jen says. “You also meet tons of new friends and have new experiences too, just like a study abroad program.”

Morgan Dux, a senior at Juniata College, studied in Washington, D.C., for a semester. “I was able to experience living in a large city (which was a big change for me and something I wanted to accomplish), build my network and forge relationships with students from all over the world,” she says.

Whether you want to stay close to your family, you’re dreaming of an internship in NYC or you’re waiting until after you graduate to travel abroad, studying in the U.S. can be an amazing option for collegiettes who are seeking a new adventure away from school. 

Here's How You Should Do Your Nails for Halloween, According to Pinterest


In college, Halloween is a MAJOR affair; it involves several outfit changes over a series of many days, full planning committees (if you're throwing your own party) and a carefully planned schedule, so you can make appearances in all the right places. This means every detail needs to be on point—include your mani. We've found the most Pinteresting nail art ideas—check them out below!

1. Can it be Halloween right meow?

If scary isn't your thing, opt for this adorable kitty mani in colors other than the black-and-orange looks every other girl will be sporting.

2. The gang's all here

No matter what your costume, this nail art look is sure to be fitting; featuring a whole cast of characters, there's a nail for every outfit change you make on Halloween weekend.

3. Glitter everything

Are you the type to add a touch of glam to everything? This is the look for you—it's festive with an added flair.

4. True blood

This mani is truly terrifying—it's for the collegiettes who love a good scare on Halloween. The matte black brings out the gloss in that deep red, making it look more realistic than ever.

5. Bare bones

Are you the artsy one in your friend group? Give this nail art look a shot—you might find that it's easier than it looks... and it looks super impressive.

6. Take a bite out of this

Halloween is the perfect excuse to wear crazy-long nails; but get even more creative with the look by creating vampire teeth on your fingers!

How Much Protein You REALLY Need (& How to Get It)


With popular health fads like the Paleo diet that revolve around protein, it can be confusing to determine how much of the nutrient we really need.  However, it’s important to remember that we do need protein, as it builds and maintains our body tissues; produces antibodies, enzymes and hormones all the while being the primary component of muscles, skin, nails, hair and internal organs; according to nutritionist, chef and author Patty James. So if you’re worried about the amount of protein you’re currently consuming or you’re not sure how to get it, we’ve got you covered!

The importance of protein in your diet

Protein builds and maintains different parts of our bodies—we’re actually made of it!

“Protein is found in every cell of the human body,” says Jennifer Calo, clinical registered dietitian and nutritionist at Compass Nutrition. The nutrient itself is comprised of building blocks called amino acids, and these are what are available in different food combinations.

“Having a decent supply of amino acids on hand is important so that your body can do whatever it needs to,” says nutritionist and dietician Susan Holmberg. Furthermore, if you don’t consume protein, your body will start pulling it out of your muscles and bones to keep your organs working. Overtime, without protein, the result can be fatal.

Controlling your protein intake

While everyone’s protein intake differs, the average American eats more protein than he or she needs, as studies by the American Heart Association show. While this may seem harmless, the American Heart Association also says that overindulging in protein-rich foods raises health risks for conditions like coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke and several types of cancer. The reason for this is most often, the foods packed with protein are also packed with fat, the real cause of these health problems. However, overindulging on protein alone puts stress on the kidneys, potentially causing kidney malfunction, Calo says. Other risks include dehydration, due to the immense amount of water needed to break down protein, along with an increased risk of osteoporosis due to the calcium loss that occurs when protein metabolizes, Calo says.

How much is just right?

So how much do you really need? Registered dietitian Adrienne Raimo says too much protein for one person can be the perfect amount for another. While this complicates things, there are plenty of ways to determine how much is right for you!

Generally speaking, “your intake of protein should be approximately 25 percent of your daily caloric intake,” James says. Breaking that down, the average woman needs 50 to 60 grams of protein a day. With this being a very general number, you can use a protein calculator to estimate how much you need based on your individual body weight and your activity level.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the only 100 percent accurate way to know how much protein your body needs is to ask your doctor, as there are plenty of other factors that determine how much protein you need, including age, activity level, health conditions and more.

Good sources of protein

According to Calo, there are a variety of options to get your protein for every time of the day. Broken down by meal, she offers several different yummy options to ensure you are getting enough protein. Additionally, each food has the approximated amount of protein listed, along with the total for the whole meal.

Non-vegetarian and non-vegan foods


  • Two-egg omelet (12 grams) with ground turkey breast (23 grams) and sautéed veggies (7 grams) = approximately 42 grams of protein
  • One cup plain yogurt (12 grams) mixed with one cup berries (2 grams) and 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal (2 grams) = approximately 16 grams of protein
  • One whole-wheat tortilla (4 grams) with two scrambled eggs (12 grams) and black beans, tomatoes and spinach (3 grams) = approximately 19 grams of protein
  • Egg white frittata (17 grams) with mixed veggies (7 grams) and goat cheese (6 grams)  = approximately 30 grams of protein


  • Large salad with mixed greens (1 gram), 4 ounces grilled chicken (21 grams), 1 tablespoon seeds (8 grams) and 1/4 cup feta cheese with olive oil and vinegar (4 grams) = approximately 34 grams of protein
  • Tuna salad sandwich (16 grams) on two slices wheat bread (6 grams) = approximately 22 grams or protein
  • Turkey burger (25 grams) on whole-wheat bun (6 grams) = approximately 31 grams of protein
  • Whole-wheat pita (4 grams) with 3-4 ounces sliced turkey (23 grams), one slice low-fat cheese (8 grams) and veggies (7 grams) = approximately 42 grams of protein


  • Turkey chili with kidney beans or black beans (33 grams) and shredded cheese (4 grams) = approximately 37 grams of protein
  • Lettuce wraps with shredded chicken and avocado = approximately 29 grams of protein
  • 4-5 ounces baked salmon or tilapia (23 grams) with roasted cauliflower and broccoli (3 grams) and 1/2 cup brown rice (3 grams) = approximately 29 grams of protein
  • Grilled shrimp (23 grams), mixed veggies (7 grams) and one small sweet potato (2 grams) = approximately 32 grams of protein
  • Grilled pork tenderloin (23 grams) with mixed greens salad (1 gram) = approximately 24 grams of protein


  • Hard-boiled egg = approximately 6 grams of protein
  • 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese (23 grams) with fruit (1 gram) = approximately 24 grams of protein
  • 2-3 ounces turkey slices (23 grams) with whole-wheat crackers (3 grams) and one cup of yogurt (12 grams) = approximately 38 grams of protein

Vegetarian and vegan options


  • Tofu scramble with avocado and salsa = approximately 25 grams of protein
  • One cup steel-cut oats (6 grams) with one tablespoon almond butter (2 grams) and chia seeds (4 grams) = approximately 12 grams of protein
  • Smoothie with almond milk, banana and flaxseed = approximately 24 grams of protein


  • Whole-wheat wrap (4 grams) with black beans (9 grams), quinoa (4 grams), hummus (2 grams) and veggies (3 grams) = approximately 22 grams of protein
  • Lentil soup (11 grams) with whole-wheat roll (4 grams) = approximately 15 grams of protein
  • Vegetarian split pea soup = approximately 14 grams of protein
  • Kale (2 grams) and quinoa (4 grams) salad with walnuts (4 grams) and cranberries = approximately 10 grams of protein


  • Butternut squash (2 grams) with quinoa (4 grams) and black beans (10 grams) = approximately 16 grams of protein
  • Three-bean chili = approximately 26 grams of protein
  • Brown rice (5 grams) with tempeh (10 grams) = approximately 15 grams of protein
  • Black bean burger (11 grams) or veggie burger (11 grams) on sprouted grain bread (4 grams) = approximately 15 grams of protein


  • Handful of almonds or pumpkin seeds = approximately 6 grams of protein
  • Raw veggies (5 grams) with two tablespoons hummus (2 grams) = approximately 7 grams of protein
  • A slice of wheat bread (3 grams) with a tablespoon almond or peanut butter (4 grams) = approximately 7 grams of protein
  • One sliced banana (1 gram) with two tablespoons nut butter (8 grams) = approximately 9 grams of protein
  • Steamed edamame sprinkled with sea salt = approximately 11 grams of protein
  • One cup bean salad = approximately 10 grams of protein

All of these foods are not only rich in protein, but also filled with other vitamins and nutrients that your body needs!

Your body needs protein! However, it’s important to know how much is enough without overdoing it. With these different foods in your diet, you’ll be healthy and happy

10 Things You Should Never Say to an LGBTQ+ Individual


Every time someone begins a sentence with, “I’m sorry if this offends you, but…” an LGBTQ+ person groans. The phrase to follow is often, “I don’t understand that lifestyle,” or “How do you have sex?” So much of what is said to LGBTQ+ individuals is offensive, harmful or intrusive – and you may not even know it. The best way to combat this is through educating yourself, and getting to know why some common things aren’t okay to say to those who identify as queer.

1. “It’s just a phase.”

You may have heard this one before, because it’s directed at everyone from asexual to bisexual to transgender people. It often comes from a place that’s well-intentioned, especially from older adults when someone is newly coming out. If you’ve heard this, it’s likely because the person often just wants to make sure you’re comfortable sharing this part of your identity with others, because people can be cruel about it at times. 

Trish Bendix, editor-in-chief of AfterEllen, an online publication geared toward queer women, calls this phrase “an attempt to understand how we can be so sure that we are who we are.” Bendix says, “People tend to be most curious about the clues we had as to what makes us queer or trans, likely trying to reconcile if it’s something they’ve ever been close to dealing with themselves.”

The accusation that it’s just a phase can still be hurtful to hear as an LGBTQ+ person, especially if you’ve known your identity for quite some time. You may have just gathered the courage to tell a friend something important about yourself, and hearing that “it’s just a phase” basically shuts that trust down.

2. “Which one of you is the man and which one is the woman?”

This relies on stereotypes and assumes that there is supposed to be a “man” and a “woman” in every relationship. Hello—same-sex couples don’t want that! If they did, they would be dating the opposite gender.

“People generally assume that I’m the guy just because I’m bigger and stronger,” says Macey Lavoie, a first-year graduate student at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. “Being the guy implies that I’m masculine when I’m just a strong female,” she adds. If someone asks who plays the male and female roles in a relationship, they're reducing men and women to those stereotypes associated with their gender. We’re capable of so much more than these kinds of stereotypes, especially in the 21st century.

3. “Do you hate men?”

Just because women are queer doesn’t mean it’s due to a personal dislike for men, but so many people think female queer sexuality is rooted in some hatred for guys—especially if the woman also identifies as a feminist.

“Being a lesbian doesn’t mean that I hate men,” says Sarah Dollard, a first-year graduate student at Emerson College. Sarah has also heard the question, “Why do you want to be a guy?” That’s ironic, because it assumes that she hates men and also wants to be them.

Besides—straight women are the ones who are in relationships with men, so they’re way more likely to find fault with men than queer women are. 

4. “How do you have sex?”

This question is often aimed at transgender people, intersex people and people in same-sex relationships, but no matter whom it’s being asked of, it’s horribly intrusive. A good rule of thumb is: if you wouldn’t ask someone who's straight and/or cisgender (meaning they identify with their assigned gender) the question, don’t ask anyone else just because they identify differently.

Mary Malia, the founder of Gay Girl Dating Coach and the Live Your Best Lesbian Life Tele-Summit, suggests that those who are really curious use Google for research instead. “There are plenty of articles out there, where people are writing and sharing about their lives,” she says. She finds sexual questions asked of LGBTQ+ people to be extremely problematic. “It's depersonalizing people; it's turning them into a Facebook post. It's so disrespectful of them as individuals.”

It’s easy to find people and communities online where you can access the information you may want to know about LGBTQ+ people, whether it’s personal or not. It’s much more appropriate to ask these types of questions on an online forum designed for this discussion, because it doesn’t have the same effect as asking someone personally.

5. “What genitals do you have?”

This follows along with any questions about sex, which are inappropriate to ask anyone who hasn’t explicitly given you their permission. It’s not okay to ask transgender people about their genitals or what surgeries they have had. If someone wants to share the details of their transition with you, they will.

It’s also extremely disrespectful to use the incorrect pronouns for a transgender person on purpose. If you make a genuine mistake with a transgender person’s name or pronouns, you should apologize and let them know that you didn’t mean to hurt them.

Kristin Russo, the co-founder of Everyone Is Gay and The Parents Project, suggests “changing the subject and moving on” when asked a question that is uncomfortable to answer. She says, “Dannielle [the second co-founder] and I lean on humor,” but admits that it is very dependent on the situation and whether she’s in the mood to be informative, or if she just feels like walking away.

And if someone genuinely is curious about LGBTQ+ individuals, she suggests that they turn online, or watch First Person—a weekly YouTube series run by PBS Digital Studios and WNET Interactive Engagement Group that features a person who is queer or trans talking about their identity and experiences.

6. “Bisexuals don’t know what they want.”

Bisexual individuals in particular have a whole host of unique stereotypes associated with their identity—that they’re greedy, that they don’t know what they want, or that they’re sexually promiscuous, etc.

Emily Jones, a junior at Westfield State University, has been asked, "Are you more gay or straight?" many times. Hayden Dupuis, a senior at Westfield State University, has often heard, "Are you gay or straight? Because you can’t be both."

Pansexual people are also uniquely stereotyped alongside bisexuals for being confused, attention-seeking and are often the butt of jokes. “Oh, you’re pansexual, does that mean you’re attracted to kitchenware?” is one obnoxious question that Marissa Campbell, a junior at Framingham State University, is frequently asked. “I do not believe I get the same respect as someone who defines as either gay or straight because of it,” Campbell says.

7. “What’s your real name?”

This is a question that transgender individuals are asked all too often, and there’s no reason for it. All that matters is the name they want you to call them—that’s the only name you need to remember.

Malia believes that a lack of education is responsible for all the personal and offensive questions and statements people have for LGBTQ+ individuals. She suggests that people who get these kinds of questions should say, “I don’t really think that’s any of your business.” If you’re less outspoken, you could say that you don’t feel comfortable answering, or simply change the topic.

Christina Spaccavento, a counselor specializing in sex and relationships, says, “Always remember that what is most important is that you always maintain personal safety and that might mean biting your tongue if a situation could become potentially dangerous.” Even if it’s your first instinct to get into a heated debate with someone who has offended you, make sure you’re safe above all else. LGBTQ+ people are at a high risk for violent crimes, so deciding when to challenge someone’s opinion can be a balancing act.

8. “Have you ever dated/had sex with the opposite gender? Then how do you know you don’t like it?”

“How do you know you wouldn’t like it if you’ve never gone out with someone of the same sex?” is a retort that Macey often uses when she gets this question.

Asking someone this kind of question implies that people have to try something to know they wouldn’t like it. It’s sort of akin to asking an English major why they’re not a math major—how do they know they don’t want to study math intensively if they haven’t tried? People tend to know themselves pretty well, and these questions fall in line with the “it’s just a phase” saying.

Bendix explains it this way: “Queer people will always be confronted with the idea that their lives would be somehow ‘easier’ if they could conform to societal traditions. So even if a lesbian hasn't had sex with a guy, she doesn’t need to know it’s not for her, just like a straight person doesn’t need to have gay sex to know it’s not what they’re interested in.”

Let people speak for themselves instead of assuming that they don’t know what they want or who they are.

9. “You’ll change your mind once you meet the right person.”

This is commonly associated with those who are in a same-sex relationship or who come out as gay or lesbian, but it applies to people in the asexual spectrum as well. Asexual people all differ, but most identify as not being interested in sex, and some identify as not being interested in romance either.

“Some people just aren’t interested in romance or sex,” says Faith James, a freshman at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. It doesn’t matter to asexual people who they meet, because they’re still asexual, just like meeting a really attractive man doesn’t turn lesbian women straight.

10. “You don’t look/act queer.”

“[This comment] tries to enforce unfair stereotypes on people,” according to Alec Beaulieu, a junior at Springfield College, who has heard this assumption many times. There’s not one way to look or act LGBTQ+, since we’re all different. There’s no one way to look or act straight, or cisgender, either.

If someone says this to you, you can point out how silly and immature it is to lump people into categories.

If you find yourself wanting to ask an LGBTQ+ person a question that might be offensive or intrusive, or wanting to get into an in-depth discussion about their identity with them, take a moment to think about it first. Bendix urges people to think about why they’re asking the question first. “How does it help the LGBT person you are asking? Only if the situation is an attempt to provide this kind of information on the queer/trans person’s terms should these conversations be had.”

To be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community, you should try to become informed about the terminology that the community uses, and learn about common misconceptions and stereotypes so you can help combat them. Take the time to listen to LGBTQ+ individuals and hear their side of the story.

Sometimes well-meaning people can still say something that’s offensive. Kristin Russo urges everyone to remember that allies are “not the only people who might make a misstep.” Those in the LGBTQ+ community are just as capable of using harmful terminology or asking inappropriate questions, and she remembers to hold herself accountable and be open to learning opportunities. “I’m trying to remind myself that it’s okay to make mistakes,” she says.

People often tiptoe around queer people because they’re worried they’ll be offensive, but that assumes that we can’t sometimes enjoy a good-natured joke or a genuine curiosity. Instead, you should let the person know that you’re trying to stay informed, and that you want to ask a question or share an opinion. Make sure they know that if you cross a line, you want to be made aware, so you can change any problematic behaviors.  

If there’s one sentiment that everyone has in common, it’s this: education is the key to not coming off as rude or intrusive. Use the vast resources available online and in the media to learn about the terms that the LGBTQ+ community uses, and the issues that the community faces, before diving in to ask your own questions, and always be open to learning something new.

25 Coats Under $100 You Need This Fall


Cold weather is upon us, collegiettes, and you know what that means! It’s just about that time to bring out all of those cute fall clothes and pack up your sundresses! With the start of a new season, it may be time to update your style with a brand new coat. But what do you do if your wallet is tight? Don’t worry –– we’ve got you covered.

Look below for 25 coats that are all under $100!

1. The Denim Jacket, $29.99

These will never go out of style, so every collegiette must have one in her closet. Check out this affordable denim jacket from H&M!

2. The Trench Coat, $82.90

Trench coats are SO trendy this fall, so don’t miss out on getting yours! We recommend this adorable option from Forever 21.

3. The Olive Coat, $62

Olive.jpgOlive is one of this fall's staple colors, so check out fast-fashion websites like Tobi to find the perfect green-hued jacket for you.

4. The Weatherproof Vest, $98

Vest.jpegVests are perfect for those times when you can’t figure out WTF the weather is doing. This cute, comfortable option from lululemon is great for a casual look, or for an outdoor workout!

5. The Varsity Jacket, $88


This timeless coat from American Apparel is available in many colors.

6. The Blazer, $98

blazer.jpegAny successful collegiette needs a blazer in her closet. This slouchy blazer from Free People puts a unique twist on this traditional piece!

8. The Poncho, $49.95

poncho.pngOn a beautiful fall day, enhance your look with some vintage inspiration like this poncho from American Eagle!

9. The Windbreaker, $90

windbreaker.jpgProtect yourself from those wind tunnels on campus with this lightweight Windproof Anorak from Nike!

10. The Military Parka, $99.95

Military Parka.jpgThe versatility of this coat is unreal –– with a hood, a cinched waist and deep pockets, throw this Parka from Garage over your everyday outfit.

11. The Leather Jacket, $36.99

Leather jackets are another one of those key pieces every collegiette should have in her closet. Luckily, they can be affordable! Check out this black leather jacket from Charlotte Russe.

12. The Bomber Jacket, $42.90

Throw this coat from Forever 21 over your favorite pair of jeans and basic tee for a simple but sexy look.

13. The Faux Fur Coat, $29.99

Don’t let the cold weather cramp your style! This perfect faux fur coat from Rue21 will keep you warm in the most sophisticated way.

14. The Puffer Vest, $44.95

Puffer vests are a great way to stay warm on a cold day. Even better? This vest from New York & Company has a hood for extra protection from the cold!

15. The Zip Jacket, $98

zip jacket.jpgThis traditional jacket available at Gap adds a cute punch to the regular winter coat.

16. The Patterned Coat, $69.94

pattern.jpgPatterns and prints are all over the fashion world right now, so why not rock one on your jacket? Check out this striped collarless jacket from Old Navy.

17. The Suede Jacket, $39.99

It’s all about the suede this year! Add a twist to your motorcycle jacket with this suede jacket from Charlotte Russe.

18. The Plaid Coat, $82

Plaid.jpgFor every flannel lover, why not take your passion for plaid and apply it to a coat? Check out this option available on Tobi for an inexpensive addition to your wardrobe!

19. The Textured Coat, $59.99

This straight-cut coat from H&M takes a simple look and adds a touch of sophistication.

20. The Rain Jacket, $90

raincoat.jpegDon’t let the rain ruin your day –– or your outfit! Rock this stylish rain jacket by The North Face; with many color options available, there is something for every collegiette.

21. The Anorak Jacket, $69.95

This long anorak from Pacsun is a transformation from the classic anorak jacket, and is the perfect way to fuel your fall fashion sense!

22. The Faux Vest, $90

faux vest.jpegWe’ve covered the faux fur coat, but we can’t ignore the faux vest –– like this one available at Kohl's! These are sure to be hot items this season, so make sure to grab yours soon.

23. The Grunge Coat, $57.90

For any collegiette looking for a unique spin on a traditional denim piece, look no further than Forever 21! With a faux shearling lining and zippers, this jacket is one-of-a-kind and affordable.

24. The Tuxedo Jacket, $68

tuxedo.jpgThis forest-green coat from Nasty Gal is amazing and versatile!

25. The Winter Coat, $89.95

winter coat.pngStay warm and stylish this winter with this cozy, fur-lined coat from American Eagle.

Get shopping, collegiettes! 


Emma Watson Spills More 'Beauty & The Beast' Secrets


After posing in a silly group photo on the set of Beauty and the Beast, Emma Watson is now revealing more details about the exciting live action adaptation! In a recent interview with Movie'n'Co UK, she dished on what audiences can expect from the upcoming Disney film.  

We can all recite the words to "Tale As Old As Time" and "Be Our Guest"—but this movie promises even more. Emma revealed in the interview that three new songs have been written for the adaptation. Although we have no idea what these songs will be, we can assume they'll be just as catchy and popular as the classic favorites. And like all adaptations, this version of Beauty and the Beast will be slightly different than the animated one we watched countless times as children. “It goes a lot deeper into things; it’s just much more layered. It tells parts of the story that perhaps were missing in the animation because it was shorter, so that’s really exciting," Emma said.  

For Emma, another exciting aspect of the film is the singing and dancing, which we haven't really had a chance to see her tackle in her previous roles. "It was so fun to get to sing; I’ve never done it before and it was wonderful. I got to dance and I got to ride a horse and I got to sing and I got to learn so much and take away so much,” Emma said of the experience. And for those of you who might be questioning Emma's singing abilities, costar Luke Evans assures us that we won't be disappointed. “Great singing voice to boot. She’s a triple threat. Makes me sick,” Evans recently told MTV

Aside from the thrill of playing a beloved Disney princess, the role of Belle also holds a special place in Emma's heart. From her childhood days as bookworm Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series, Emma has practically grown up before our eyes. With this upcoming project, Emma is able to showcase another heroic female character. “It did feel like a nice little completion of a circle in a way, that started with this role [Hermione] as a child and then somehow that role really felt like my transition to playing a woman and womanhood,” she said. “As an actress to get to play two of your personal heroines is very unusual I think, and quite special.”

We can't wait to see our personal heroine (aka Emma Watson) bring Belle to life in Beauty and the Beast, scheduled to hit theaters in March 2017! 

7 Reasons to Start Your Very Own Blog


Once you press that "follow" button, there's no turning back. Goodbye productivity, hello cute cat photos, scintillating essays and mind-blowing works of art. Blogs provide endless hours of entertainment for people from all corners of the Internet universe. But have you ever wondered what it's like to run your own blog?

Whether you want to gain professional experience, meet likeminded people or simply have a creative outlet, a blog may be jut the thing you're looking for! There are already over 152,000,000 blogs on the Internet, and there are some pretty convincing reasons why you might want to consider jumping on the bandwagon. Check out these seven reasons why it's a great idea to start your very own blog!

1. It gives you a creative outlet

Sometimes life throws a never-ending stream of things to do at us, and with priorities like paying the bills and getting good grades, our creativity can get put on the back burner. But for many of us, this situation can't last too long—we need to set our creativity free! A blog can be the perfect solution because it can give you the outlet you’re craving.   

"The number one reason I started blogging was pure passion,” says Gina Alyse, whose blog focuses on creativity, artistry and travel inspiration. “I saw that blogging combined all my passions: writing, graphic design and connecting with others. The underlying purpose of my blog is to inspire myself and others to follow their passions and live them out in a creative, unique way that makes you feel fully alive."

For many bloggers, their blogs started out simply as hobbies but then grew into something more. Kristyn Royster, the blogger behind First Impressions, currently has a career outside the journalism sphere but has continued to blog as a way to pursue her other interests and share what she has learned with the world.

"I started my blog to keep up with writing [and] serve as a fun hobby, and it's a great stress relief from work," Kristyn says. "After a long day of work, I love to come home and write about what I want to, and there's no pressure of a deadline or grade. Having a blog is so different from school and work because it's all done by you. You decide what to write about, you choose when to post and only you have the ability for it to succeed." 

If you love to write, draw or create anything in between, that might be the only reason you need to start a blog and get those creative juices flowing.

2. It allows your voice to be heard

Do you have something to say and want the whole world to hear it? From tips about fashion to your thoughts on the latest news story, blogs provide a platform for your voice to be heard.

"I would say a good reason [to have a blog] is if you have a voice and need an outlet and [a way] to control the frequency of said voice," says Elizabeth Guerrant of the blog Broke, Fabulous & Hungry, who blogs about life, fashion and food. "It can serve as a means to tell a story and promote what you feel needs to be said."

If you've ever dreamed about making a difference in the world, your blog could be the next little blog that could. Bianca Castro knows all about the phrase "I think I can." She lives in Doha, Qatar, a country in the Middle East where the majority of women are covered from head to toe in their cultural clothing, called abaya. Here, clothes that most people take for granted, like sleeveless tops, hems above the knee and fitted clothing, aren't part of the fashion vocabulary. Bianca constantly found herself in a closet rut and decided to start a fashion and lifestyle blog called Lil Miss Bianca at the age of 15 to do something about it.

"Imagine, [the] cultural traditions' gamut extends up to restricting the expats to wear ensembles which they describe as 'modest' and 'conservative,'" Bianca says. "Considering the normal temperature here, which is 40 to 50 degrees Celsius [104-122 degrees Fahrenheit], being comfortably stylish whilst conforming to the dress code is most certainly difficult, and that is basically the reason why I ventured into the industry of blogging."

Bianca certainly hasn't chosen the easy path to go down; she faces challenges that most style bloggers don't face on a daily basis. Nevertheless, she hopes that her blog is inspiring others in Qatar to express their personal styles despite the present cultural dress code.

"I am confident that I was not the only one who finds herself in a closet rut and in a difficulty to be chic without considering all the short-hemmed garments a choice,” Bianca says. “That's why I chose to establish a style blog that caters to the cultural dress code in Qatar and inspires the citizens and expatriates alike to learn how to fashionably dress up despite all the hurdles along the way. My blog has become an interactive zone for all the fashion-oblivious, fashion-frustrated and fashion enthusiasts."

Maybe you, like Bianca, have noticed a dilemma and want to create change. Maybe you're looking for a way to raise awareness for a cause you're passionate about. Or maybe you want to touch the lives of women like yourself in some small way. Why wait to do something about it? Blogging might just be the platform you need to let your voice be heard and make a difference in the world.

3. You can earn money

Aside from being personally rewarding, blogging might even be able to keep you out of those waitress uniforms or away from those long work shifts! Blogs can help you earn some extra money on the side, and it won't even feel like you're working. For Melissa Poster, who blogs at Fashion Trend Guide about fashion, trend forecasting, reviews and shopping guides, what started out as a creative outlet soon became an actual business after only a few months of work.

"I was able to monetize Fashion Trend Guide within six months of its start, and before I knew it, blogging took up a large chunk of my time," Melissa says. "It's exciting to see the growing number of bloggers who are sharing their passions and influencing millions of readers around the world."

Melissa was initially able to start earning money by hosting banner ads with fashion brands on her blog. She used statistics like monthly page views and monthly visitors to determine how much to charge brands.

"I knew that once I had thousands of monthly page views, I could begin to monetize," Melissa says. "If you want to monetize, there isn't a need for millions of followers. You can be successful at monetizing your blog with quality content, an honest and authentic voice, and a loyal readership." 

Melissa has since joined several programs for publishers that allow her to work with more advertisers and brands. She now mainly uses affiliate programs and sponsored content (posts she writes for her blog on behalf of a brand), which are currently more popular than traditional banner ads.

So who knows, with the right dedication and passion, your blog may soon become your very own moneymaking side business and give you a snazzy title of Ms. CEO!

4. You get to meet new people

With blogging, meeting new people doesn't have to mean mingling at campus gatherings or striking up a conversation with the person sitting next to you in class. Instead, it can mean chatting with someone across the world about similar interests, networking with likeminded young women or even building relationships with companies you love.

Through her beauty blog, ExtraExtravagant, Sockwun Phng wanted to create a space where beauty and style enthusiasts could have meaningful discussions about a common interest. Her blog has since helped her to talk with people she never would have met otherwise.

"This is such a fast-moving niche, and when I post something, I always encourage my readers to share their opinions regardless of whether they agree or disagree with my post," Sockwun says. "I also sometimes ask readers to add on to guides that I post so that we can work together to build towards a blog that can truly answer questions about such a complicated industry."

The prevalence of social media is making it easier for fellow bloggers to connect with one another. By participating in the blogging community, befriending other bloggers, sharing stories and messaging other users, you'll be able to meet a wide variety of individuals. Blogging is a great way to connect with people from all walks of life!

5. You’ll gain professional experience

Many bloggers have wanted to pursue a career in journalism or fashion their entire lives, but instead of just sitting around and waiting for it to happen, they decided to take matters into their own hands. Running a blog is a great way to practice editing and creative writing and get experience.

"I was a journalism major in college and I thought this would be a good way to hone my writing and PR skills and show employers that I had experience and was able to balance a lot," says blogger Briana Luca ofRoyally Pink, a lifestyle blog.

Even for the collegiettes not interested in pursuing a career in journalism, having a blog can still help you gain valuable real-world experience and develop skills like content marketing, digital marketing, SEO, social media optimization, graphic design, coding, pitching to brands, advertising, photography, personal branding and public relations. Because you're in charge of all these different aspects yourself, running a successful blog is pretty much like running your own business singlehandedly!

All these skills and experiences that you get from establishing a professional online presence can help shape your identity as a creative professional and impress potential employers because it shows not only your hard work and dedication but also your ability to juggle responsibilities and handle a big load. It can be a great addition to your resume, especially if you highlight the skills, experiences and achievements you've gained as a result of blogging.

6. You can establish and grow an online portfolio

Blogging can be a great way to keep track of all the great work that you do, from writing clips to photography—a portfolio of sorts. You can expand your portfolio in a variety of ways and demonstrate your clever use of the Interwebs at the same time!

"Starting a blog was a no-brainer for me because I wanted to expand my writing experience and grow my portfolio," says Caroline Moses, who blogs about fashion and lifestyle atThe Caro Diaries. "It turned into so much more once I began blogging because it was a great way to step out of my comfort zone, earn some money on the side and collaborate with companies I know and love.”

Having a blog that seconds as a portfolio also means that way more people will be able to see your work. All it takes is the click of a mouse! Morgan Hegarty, who blogs at The Enthusiast about her interests and life experiences, started her blog three years ago as a way to get her writing out into the world.

"Doing so has been the best because it's introduced me to lots of people as a writer, and when companies ask for my work, I can just direct them to my website," Morgan says. "It's a great way to get started out as a writer, and you can make money off of it, like I just started doing. Starting a blog is the best way to introduce yourself to the world."

Collecting all of the work you've done on one website makes it easier not only to impress potential employers but also to keep track of all the progress you've made. It's a win-win!

7. You can preserve memories

Going on a study abroad trip soon? How about a road trip with your besties? College is arguably one of the best times to make memories, and you'll want to be able to look back on them years later. What better way to go about doing so than to blog about your adventures? That way, whenever you have a sudden urge to relive those fun and crazy days, the time machine will be just a mouse click away. Plus, you'll be able to share your adventures with the entire world!

Blogger Frances Dumlao started her travel blog, Wanderlust Notes, when she studied abroad in London during her freshman year of college. "I was so inspired by all the places I traveled to that I decided I wanted to share my adventures with the world," Frances says.

And if you find yourself firmly planted in the wonderful US of A, a blog can also be perfect for remembering all of those homegrown adventures as well. Tianna Gallinaro started her blog, Big City Tyro, last summer before starting college in the hopes of documenting her adventures as a college freshman and, well, a big-city tyro.

"It has become a kind of scrapbook of my life where my friends and family can keep up on my life," Tianna says. "I also try to make it a place where I can connect with fellow college students, millennials, and bloggers. I recently looked back on some old posts from last year and can't believe how many memories I have preserved because of my blog."

Whether you're staying in the country or going abroad for a year, you want to simply record your daily musings or recount your movie-worthy adventures, it looks like the blog is becoming the new scrapbook.


All it takes is a few clicks of your keyboard, and the rest could be history! Blogging may be the best creative hobby for you to take up. If you give it a try, you could find your perfect little corner of the Internet universe.

Pope Francis's Visit is Going Super Well So Far


Pope Francis officially arrived in the U.S. for the first time on Tuesday, stepping off the plane to greet a massive crowd. As soon as he was safely on soil at Andrews Air Force Base, he was immediately greeted by President Obama and his family and Vice President Biden and his family. But even if their brief interactions had been recorded by a microphone, you probably couldn't have heard them over the roar of the crowd.

Yes, that's correct: Pope Francis also his own throng of screaming adoring fangirls. We could expect no less from a pope who has taken increasingly humanitarian and progressive views on such important issues as climate change, the LGBTQ community, divorce and even immigration (which at the moment, thanks to the media's obsession with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, has been a hot button topic in the news). He's become one of the most beloved popes we've had in quite some time, thanks to what people see as his personable and humble nature, and his appeal to both Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

(Skip forward to 21 minutes to hear the Pope's remarks.)

In his address in front of the White House, Francis took firm stance on combatting climate change, praising President Obama's current efforts. 

“Mr. President,” Francis said, “I find it encouraging that you are proposing an initiative for reducing air pollution.”

“To use a telling phrase of the Rev. Martin Luther King," he added, "We can say that we have defaulted on a promissory note, and now is the time to honor it.”

In another address he made to some 300 bishops at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, he also spoke on immigration and the recent church sex abuse scandals.

He also made waves during his visit to the Catholic University of America by canonizing Junípero Serra, an 18-century missionary who founded many missions in California. This was the first ceremony of its kind to take place on U.S. soil.  

All in all, it's been quite an eventful trip so far for Pope Francis. This morning, he even became the first pope to address a joint session of Congress! We can't wait to see how his visits to New York and Philadelphia go the rest of this week.

We've Got ALL the Details on Leighton Meester & Adam Brody's New Baby


Ever since we found out Leighton Meester was expecting her first child with husband Adam Brody, we’ve been dying to meet the little one. Well, the wait may soon be over because Baby Brody has arrived.

As you probably already know, the pair’s romance is practically fan-fiction worthy. Leighton and Adam met on the set of their film, The Oranges, and began dating in 2013. Their iconic TV characters—she’s obvi Gossip Girl’s Blair Waldorf, our forever role model, and he’s the adorably dorky Seth Cohen from The O.C.—just so happen to hail from the same Josh Schwartz-created universe of teen dramas. They married in 2014, simultaneously prompting us to daydream a world in which their strikingly different alter egos are an item and to ultimately help us believe in love again. Now it appears this family is only getting cuter—if that’s even possible.

The couple never acknowledged that Leighton was pregnant, though images of her with a perfectly rounded belly surfaced making it quite evident. And while the baby’s gender and name were still a mystery at the time this news broke, reports are now claiming the couple welcomed a girl named Arlo Day. Though Arlo is traditionally a boy's name, it's recently shifted into the unisex category, much like the name Blake Lively gave her daughter. We're in love already!

Here’s to you, Arlo. May your life be filled with comic books, macaroons and lots of playdates with James Reynolds! 

Someone Attacked an Elderly Man Over Nutella Samples


There are some things you just don't do—not even for Nutella. For example, punch people in the face. But on Sunday, a customer at a Costco in Burbank, Calif. did just that to 78-year-old Sahak Shakian. Sahakian was approaching a stand handing out Nutella waffle samples when he noticed that a man had taken almost all of the samples.

“He takes two, three of them, left one,” Sahakian told reporters at CBS Los Angeles. He then confronted the man, Derrick Gharabighi, for taking too many samples. “I want to take [the last sample], and he catch my hand. I say, ‘What are you doing? Let me eat this one.’”

It was then that Gharabighi reportedly punched Sahakian in the face.

“He hit me, and the blood started,” Sahakian told CBS. “Maybe 10 minutes or whatever. I was like that…dizzy.” Witnesses rushed to help Sahakian, who was later hospitalized with a 1-inch cut and swelling above his left eye.

Security officers caught Gharbighi, who was trying to escape the scene, and police officers arrested him. He is being charged with one count of elder abuse.

Court documents show that Gharbighi isn’t new to the criminal system. In the past, he has been convicted twice for trespassing, as well as petty theft and drug possession for sale. Despite Gharbighi's criminal history, and his aggressive behavior towards Sahakian, Sahakian does not wish ill for the man.

“I don’t want nothing to happen, but only the government...[or] police have to teach him that this is bad," he told CBS.

If convicted of this crime, prosecutors say Gharbighi could face up to 11 years in prison. Worth a few Nutella samples? Definitely not!

6 Reasons Why We Need Shondaland's #TGIT Back in Our Lives


After what felt like the longest summer hiatus we’ve ever experienced, Shondaland is back with a whole new offering of #TGIT television. If you’re already a fan of Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, or How to Get Away with Murder—or all three!—you know how excited we are to get this thing rolling. Here’s why we’ve been crying ourselves to sleep, desperately longing for #TGIT to come back into our lives.

1. Our essential weekly drama fix cannot be ignored.

Sure, there was summer TV. But nobody does heart-wrenching drama like Shonda Rhimes and her troop of flawed yet fierce women. We’re talking murder, hook-ups and lots of tense moments. It’s like going home for Thanksgiving; but it happens once a week, and we’re not always scarred on such a personal level.

2. We’ve got to find out who killed Rebecca.

At the end of How to Get Away with Murder’s first season, we thought we could let our guard down. We’d solved Sam’s murder, and there was nothing else to hide. Until one-time “hey, we think you killed Lila” suspect/Wes’s girlfriend, Rebecca, turned out to be dead, too. Who did it? Annalise? Frank? We guess it’s time to rename the show How to Get Away with Murders.

3. Meredith has to find (at least a little) happiness.

The previous season of Grey’s Anatomy put Meredith—and us—through the ringer. So can we see that lighter tone the show’s supposed to be trying out this year? Meredith has lost nearly everybody she cares about, but she needs a little happiness in her life. We’ll be looking for a more independent and lively—too soon, McDreamy fans?—Meredith in the coming episodes.

4. We have to know what a Fitz and Olivia relationship looks like.

It’s happening. Olitz is finally a thing, after four seasons of tumultuous shenanigans. And how can we die happy having never known that this couple actually gave it a go? Maybe we’re in for a total disaster. But we’re certain it’ll be compelling to watch play out.

5. We miss our female powerhouses.

Tell us you’ve never summoned your inner Olivia Pope, and we’re calling you a liar. Strong female characters like these ladies were lacking for so long on network television, and we could definitely still use more. But thanks to Shondaland we can add Annalise, Olivia and Meredith to the list of complex, tough women occupying our TV screens.

6. We need something to do on Thursday nights.

At last, our excuse to be glued to the couch for a full three hours while consuming copious amounts of wine has returned! Need we say more?

Will you be joining in on the #TGIT action, collegiettes?

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