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Should You Stay in a Relationship With No Future?


We get it: You’re in college and you want to have a good time, but you also like the feeling of being in a relationship. These two things don’t have to be mutually exclusive! Sometimes, a relationship that’s fun can also be truly fulfilling – even if you don’t see it having long-term potential.

Being with a person who’s good for you right now (but not down the road) can be great, but it can also be a slippery slope. So how do you know if it’s time to break things off? We talked to experts and collegiettes to help you figure out if you should stay with your short-term SO for now.

You should stay together if…

You feel happy and fulfilled

So what if you’re not looking to settle down right now? We’ve said it before: A big part of college is having a good time! If that’s what you’re getting out of your current relationship, then there really is no reason to break up.

“The bottom line is that if this woman is enjoying the relationship and it enhances her life, it's okay to stay together as long as both people in the relationship feel happy and fulfilled,” says Andrea Syrtash, a relationship expert and author of It's Okay to Sleep with Him on the First Date: And Every Other Rule of Dating, Debunked.“A relationship that's fun, fulfilling and has mutual respect is never a waste of time, as far as I'm concerned. Even if you know for a fact you have no interest in something long-term, it's fun to have companionship and a partner to go through school with.”

This is exactly how Zoey*, a junior at Boston University, feels about her current relationship. “This guy and I have been together for pretty much all of my college career,” Zoey says. “Initially I thought it had long-term potential, but the more time went on, the more I realized it probably wouldn't work out. I don't see myself staying in one state and I don't see us being the type to have a long-distance relationship, so I know it's going to have to end eventually.”

Although Zoey sometimes questions the relationship, it just makes sense for her and her SO right now. “I do contemplate all the time, ‘What's the point in staying together if we don't have longevity?’” Zoey says. “But then I think, ‘Why do we have to break up?’ We don't have any major conflicts, we're happy with each other. So it's fun for now.”

You’re learning about yourself

To carry on with the clichés, college is not just about having fun; it’s also about understanding who you are. One of the best things about being in a fulfilling relationship that you don’t necessarily see having a future is that you get to learn things about yourself and about what you want in a significant other.

“Each relationship teaches us something not only about ourselves, but [also] about what we want in relationships ahead,” Syrtash says. “'College is an exciting time, sometimes full of more questions than answers - and I'm a fan of using the time to explore your wants and needs.”

Part of learning about yourself often involves sexual exploration, which is one of the biggest advantages of being in a short-term partnership. “A woman gets to explore sex and her sexuality within a fun, safe relationship,” says Neely Steinberg, a professional dating coach. Why would you want to miss out on that, if everything is running smoothly anyway?

You enjoy the independence

If you’re keeping your relationship light, it can allow you to do more of your own thing, and this is another great way to discover who you want to be. If you and your SO aren’t too committed to each other, you might gain “the ability to focus in on career or academics and figure out who you are on your own and what direction you want go in life without necessarily being tethered to someone else,” Steinberg says. This means your partner isn’t holding you back, and you’re not worrying about an uncertain relationship in your life; you’re just doing you.

You should break up if…

You feel ready to move on

It might seem obvious, but if the relationship doesn’t feel right anymore, it’s time to break things off. Trust your instincts! Only you can know if it’s working out or not. “Ultimately, the decision to end it should come from [your] feeling of wanting to end it - not because [you] ‘should,’” Syrtash says. “When it comes to love and relationships, these timelines are arbitrary and often based on other people's ideas of what is right or appropriate.”

Steinberg agrees that “there is no right time, per se.” Once again, you should simply be honest with yourself and break up “when [you’re] feeling ready to move on, or the ‘relationship’ stops [being] fun/healthy,” she says.

Although dating is always complicated, sometimes it’s just clearly not working. This is what Barbara*, a recent graduate from St. John’s University, eventually had to admit to herself about herself and her long-distance boyfriend. “The relationship was ultimately not making me happy,” Barbara says. “My ex-boyfriend was exactly like me, personality-wise: stressed, anxious, insecure, uptight, and I thought that it would help in the long run emotionally, but it ended up stressing me out even more, instead of bringing the kind of ease and peace that a healthy relationship is supposed to have.”

One of you wants more out of the relationship

Just like in friends with benefits situations, the concept of staying in a relationship with no foreseeable future can lead you down a slippery slope, where either you or your SO starts to want more commitment. This is why it’s so important to communicate with your partner! “My only caveat [to staying together] is if the woman involved secretly wants marriage soon after she graduates or if her partner is looking for something long-term and she really doesn't see it in her future,” Syrtash says. “In this case, it's worth having a conversation to ensure both people involved are on the same page.”

If your SO wants more than you’re willing to give, it’s definitely “best to not lead someone on for your own selfish purposes and to break it off.” Steinberg warns.

Barbara realized after a few months that she wasn’t as committed to her boyfriend as he wanted her to be. “One big sign was that if I went one day without talking to him via text or phone call, I wasn't distressed over it or had any kind of [desire] to get back to him right away,” Barbara says. “When he confronted me about the lack of communication and asked to talk about it, I wasn't interested in resolving it.” One condition of being in a light relationship is to make sure that neither person involved wants anything serious – keep checking that you’re both on the same page, and if not, cut your losses!

You feel like you’re missing out

As much as you can learn from a short-lived college relationship, you can gain a lot from more meaningful relationships, even if they eventually end. According to Steinberg, you could be “missing out on what true intimacy and partnership are all about. Experiencing a really loving, emotional commitment to someone else in college is a great training ground. It can help you grow and evolve as a whole human being, help develop other aspects of you that are necessary when you are in a committed partnership, and prepare you for what long-term commitment is all about.”

Of course, a lighter relationship can be wonderful if that’s really what you want, but if you feel like you could get more from being more emotionally involved with someone (whether it’s your current SO or someone else), you might want to explore that aspect as well.

College is a time for experimentation, especially when it comes to dating and sexuality. If you don’t want to be too committed to someone right now, being in a fun, light-hearted relationship could be exactly what you need. Whatever choice you make, just make sure you’re making it for the right reasons!

Girl’s Night Out, As Told by Destiny’s Child


There are few things in a girl’s life that beat shoe shopping or a fresh mani-pedi. But if there’s one thing that always puts a little pep in our step, it’s a good old-fashioned girl’s night out! And who better than Queen Bey herself and her Destiny’s Child clique to explain what goes down when hanging with the girls? Here’s to a fabulous girl’s night out, as told by Beyoncé, Kelly and Michelle!

It’s been a rough week, so you round up your closest girls for a much needed girl’s night out! All in favor, say I…

Bring on the inevitable struggle of deciding on the perfect party attire. You have waaay too many options.

An hour for hair and makeup later, you're ready to make some heads turn.

That moment when you all make your separate entrances into the common room, fabulously dressed of course.

You’re all set to go, but first, a few shameless bathroom group selfies are in order.

The Uber arrives. Cue the 30-sec scramble to touch up your make-up, use the bathroom, get your purse in order and down your pre-game drink. There never seems to be enough time to get ready.

You've finally arrived, so you all strut into the party like VS runway models (cue the wind).

You already know the guys approaching you won't make the cut.

You’ve wasted precious dance floor time entertaining their horrid pickup lines, so picking up your bar tab is the least they can do.

And just when you start to worry you'll never get rid of them… the DJ plays your group anthem.

So you make your way to the dance floor and begin tearing it up, perfectly in sync.

But one too many drinks has put one of your girls' coordination at an all-time low.

She usually finds a way to pick herself back up and fall in line, though.

It's only natural that one of you spots an ex, because duh.

But before you have time to take a sad trip down memory lane, your girls will quickly remind you why he wasn't worth your time.

And if he dares to come anywhere near you, your girls are quick to play defense - because those drinks you've all downed have finally kicked in.

The group trip to the bathroom will definitely call for a few more selfies. Don't be surprised if these turn out to be much sloppier than the first round of photos. 

Of course, it wouldn’t be a girl’s night if all that Pinot you consumed didn’t cause you to get a bit emotional.

So be prepared to routinely confeess how much you love each other every hour! Once isn't enough.

But you quickly have to pull it together for one last dance before closing time. You wouldn't miss this for the world.

There will definitely be a stumble or two on the way home... Wine and walking don't mix.

But with minimal causalities, you make it through the night to do it all over again next weekend.

21 Thoughts Every Girl Has While Running


It’s safe to say that most of us have a love/hate relationship with exercise. We want the perfect beach bod, but we also want to lay on the couch eating pizza and watching movies all day. The struggle is all too real. But there is no other physical activity we have more mixed emotions about than running. Here are every girl’s thoughts when going on a run.

1. “What a beautiful day it is. Maybe I’ll go for a run.”

2. “Oh, good - I can finally put these extremely expensive running shoes to good use.”

3. "Do I have enough layers on? What if I get cold?"

4. “This isn’t so bad. Why don’t I run more often?”

5. "I THINK I'M DYING OF A HEAT STROKE. I didn't know it was possible to produce this much sweat."

6. “Why is there a hill here? Who in their right mind thought it’d be a good idea to put a hill here?”

7. “I don’t think I can breathe.”

8. “My legs hate me. They’re about to just give out; I know it.”

9. "I'm definitely almost done. I've easily been running for 30 minutes..."

10. "WHAT?! I only left 10 minutes ago?!"

11. “Am I dying? Is this what it feels like to die?”

12. “Flat land. There is a god.”

13. "This is my jam! Let's go! I'm unstoppable."

14. "Wait, why is Josh Groban on my running playlist...?"

15. “Is it over yet?”

16. "Is anyone looking? No one will notice if I take a quick walking break, right?"

17. "Oh, shoot - another runner. I should wave. Am I even capable of smiling right now?"

18. “Note to self: I hate running.”

19. "I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Time to sprint. I've got this!"

20. “Maybe that wasn’t as bad as I thought it was… I guess that’s why they call it runner’s high.”

21. *Next time running* "Lol jkthis is horrible."

Julianne Moore on Helping Other Women


In a recent interview with Refinery29, Julianne Moore discussed her latest project, Women of Worth, which aims to award 10 outstanding women who run charities with $10,000 to further their causes. Moore explained that she truly believes that she has been blessed in many ways, and feels that she has a responsibility not just as a successful actress but as a woman to help out others of her gender. As she put it, "we are all interdependent." 

If that wasn't marvelous enough, she also boldly stated that while sexism is a prominent issue in show business, it isn't solely relegated to her profession. Moore explained instead that the unfair bias was "more of a global issue," and should be examined through a worldly lens. 

She also gave some fantastic advice for women starting out in the business (which can be applied to any profession), suggesting that they "be persistent—and be prepared," and not to "dismiss anything," as "all experience is valuable."

And interestingly enough: don't be afraid to give out your age (something Moore says is "moot" at any rate, thanks to the internet). 

What can we say except that Moore is phenomenal no matter what she does, be it acting, writing, or advocating for our rights—as if we needed another reason to love her!

6 Changes to Expect After Going Off the Pill


So you’ve finally decided to part ways with the pill. Whether it’s been a long or short road for the two of you, one thing’s likely: you’ve probably experienced some changes since you started taking the pill, whether positive or negative. Going off birth control means your body will have to re-adapt, so don’t expect to return seamlessly to pre-pill status. But now that you’ve made the decision, there are some changes you should be prepared to experience since your body now has to re-adapt. Here’s what you should expect!

1. Your period might not return right away

Birth control pills may seem to work in a magical way, but they’re really taking on a powerful role—disrupting your body’s hormonal system in order to prevent pregnancy. So since going off the pill is imposing a new and big change for your body, it’s possible that your periods will be irregular in frequency for a while.

Rozalyn Yannaccone, a registered nurse practitioner at Bucknell University who specializes in women’s health, says there’s no need to worry, since having irregular periods is one of the most common sides effects of going off the pill. “If you stop taking birth controls, the frequency of your periods may be irregular at first, since your body has to re-acclimate to its natural hormonal cycle,” she says. “For some, it may even be months before you get your period back, but if it’s been more than three months you should meet with your health provider.” Yannaccone says that while a missing period could indicate a pregnancy, it could also be a result of other issues, like a hormonal imbalance.

2. If you had bad PMS pre-birth control, it will likely be the same when off the pill

Any collegiette who has suffered from a bad case of PMS knows that it is the absolute worst. You feel like a bloated whale, you’re emotionally irritable and let’s not forget, you can barely do any physical activity because the bad cramps basically paralyze you. For those who go on birth control to keep PMS at bay, we have some unfortunate news for you: the pill may help, but it doesn’t cure you of it—which means it might come back.

“When you go off the pill, any pre-pill conditions you may have had will return,” Yannaccone says. “Some women decide to stay on birth control for this reason alone,” she explains. But don’t let this setback turn you off to the idea of stopping birth control, especially since it has great  benefits, like reducing your odds of ovarian or endometrial cancer. Plus, there are many effective ways of alleviating and even avoiding PMS (remember your good friend Midol?).

3. You may experience new bouts of acne

If you thought acne was a horror of your past, you may want to think again. One of the reasons some women start taking birth control in the first place is to regulate their acne, but the truth is, the pill isn’t a permanent cure for keeping breakouts away. So if you saw a positive change in your complexion when you first started taking the pill, you may see a flare up in blemishes when you stop.

According to Yannaccone, taking birth control pills lowers the amount of testosterone in your body. Testosterone, she explains, causes a build-up of oil production, which in turn attracts bacteria to your skin. But if you didn’t experience skin changes when you weren’t on the pill, you won’t necessarily fall victim to new breakouts after going off of birth control.

4. Weight gained when you started the pill won’t come off right away

The relationship between weight gain and birth control pills is a fiery one. While many women may report no changes in their weight, some swear that they’ve packed on a few pounds after starting the pill. Yannaccone says that while there’s no formula that will indicate what happens to your weight, it may be harder for those who gained some pounds while on the pill to lose it, mainly because weight loss is simply a slower process than weight gain is.

“If you’ve gained some pounds over the duration of your time with birth control, it’ll be a struggle to lose weight once you stop taking the pill,” Yannaccone says. “But I warn patients that weight gain can be attributed to a number of things not having to do with the pill, like change in activity level, or change in lifestyle.” So before pointing the finger at the pill for weight gain, think about any other potential change as being the culprit.

5. Your sex drive could return to its pre-pill status, but not necessarily right away

One of the main side effects women complain about when going on the pill is a lowered sex drive. Testosterone is the hormone that stimulates your sexual desire and arousal in women, according to WebMD. And since we now know that birth control pills lower your levels of testosterone, it makes sense why women may experience this change. So will stopping the pill drive up your libido?

“Sometimes the pill has a longer-lasting effect on your libido, so if you stop taking the pill, you might not see an immediate change,” Yannaccone says. “Your sex drive will return, but it may return to a lesser degree.”

Since your body may experience many side effects like decreased libido when you go on the pill, it’s normal to expect the reverse side effects when you go off, but just know that it may not always be the case.

6. You could get pregnant right away

Given the literal meaning of the term birth control, the number one thing you must now take into consideration is your ongoing plan for contraception. “If you’re still sexually active, it’s imperative that you make sure you have other protection, whether it’s condom use or another method,” Yannaccone says.

Though your body has some adjusting to do once you stop taking the pill, your ability to get pregnant is very much intact, she explains. So while you may be ready to celebrate the benefits of ending your time with the pill, remember that you must now rely on other forms of protection!

Although these consequences may scare you away from ever deciding to go off the pill, don’t worry—Yannaccone reassures that no two women will ever have the same experience. So instead of fearing that you’ll never be the same pre-pill person again, just be prepared to potentially experience some of these changes!

Win Customized Jewelry from KEEP Collective!


When you think of charm bracelets, super blinged-out pieces circa your middle school days come to mind. Though you might not wear that Disney princess-adorned bracelet anymore, you can’t bear to toss it—think of the memories! Thanks to KEEP Collective, you can now hang on to all your best memories, and wear them in a totally sophisticated way.

From the creators of every collegiette’s favorite jewelry brand Stella & Dot, KEEP Collective is a new line that lets you customize your own necklaces, bangles, leather bands and more. We’re giving away two $75 KEEP Collective gift cards so you can create your own! You’ll start with a Keeper, or the template you’ll base your piece off of; then, choose from tons of Accent Keys representing your school, your sorority, or anything else you’d like!

Are you ready to show off the things that mean most to you? Enter below for your chance to win one of two $75 gift cards to KEEP Collective!

Fill out my online form.

Low Intensity Workouts Can Help You Lose Weight, Too


In recent times, High Intensity Interval Training (or HIIT) has been trending with a lot of the exercise-savvy collegiettes out there. Though HIIT definitely offers its benefits—Shape Magazine reports that it "helps you blast tons of calories in a short amount of time and boost your burn even after you stop exercising"—it turns out high intensity is definitely not the only way to go, according to a new study by Canadian researchers

In this study, half of the participants were asked to perform high intensity workouts and half were asked to perform low intensity workouts. When the study ended 24 weeks later, "all participants experienced similar reductions in waist circumference." Both groups burned similar amounts of calories from their exercises, and both shed similar amounts of belly fat after their workouts. 

However, if you're looking to reduce glucose levels, then high intensity workouts might be the way to go. According to this study, "only participants in the high intensity exercise group experienced reduction in two-hour glucose levels." 

9 Questions Gay People Are Sick of Answering


You know when you go home for the holidays and face an onslaught of overly personal questions about your love life from nosy relatives? Our personal favorite is, “Do you have a boyfriend yet?” Well, imagine that multiplied times 10, and you have a day in the life of your average LGBTQ+ collegiette. Something about an “alternative” sexuality or gender identity brings out a million annoying (but sometimes well-intentioned) personal questions. Here are just nine of the most exasperating ones that we are just so over:

1. “When did you choose to be gay?”

Iced coffee or hot coffee, Chipotle or Five Guys, Scandal or House of Cards. These are all choices you make in life. While there are many decisions to be made, sexuality isn’t one of them. So the next time someone asks that pesky question, calmly explain to him or her that getting extra guac is a choice. Deciding whom you’re attracted to? Yeah, not so much.

2. “If I’m seen with you, will people think I’m gay?”

Repeat after us: Being associated with someone or something doesn’t make you the same as them. Being seen with your lesbian friend doesn’t make you a lesbian; it makes you a proud friend. So be yourself, and hey, if you do get asked the lesbian question, feel flattered!

3. “How do you know you’re gay if you’ve never been with a man?”

There are some things you just know are right. You just know when you’re in love, like you know the sky is blue. No one should question it, because you know it’s right for you. Being gay is like that. Just like straight people know whom they’re attracted to, gay people have the same subconscious attraction. So quit asking us!

4. “Don’t you think it’s unfair to raise a child with two moms/dads?”

Unfair to raise a child in a loving and caring, judgment-free environment? Sorry, we don’t get the question.

5. “You’re in college; don’t you think this is just a phase?”

Things that are phases: Loving Harry Styles. Wearing black lipstick. Binge-watching Friends on Netflix. What won’t change in seven years is the gender you’re attracted to.

6. “Why do you get to have a gay pride parade? I want straight pride!”

Being straight has always been accepted, so why celebrate it? That’s like throwing a parade every year in every major city for people who wear Uggs. Everyone has a pair, why throw a party? Finally being able to be yourself and accepted deserves a parade, a monument and anything else to show this country’s support of it.

7. “So when you go on a date, which person pays?”

Most girls across the nation, queer or not, would probably agree on one thing: We have no need for the old fashioned guy-picking-up-the-tab era anymore. Same-sex or opposite-sex couple, it’s just two people going to dinner and whoever gets the bill first is the winner (and their wallet is the loser).

8. “So who is the guy/girl in the relationship?”

Just like asking who pays for dinner, this question just comes from pure ignorance. There is no guy in the relationship—that’s the whole point.

9. “Why do you have to be so gay?”

There really is no way to address this annoying question. Being “too gay” or “too butch” is nonexistent. Be yourself and FCKH8!

6 Dresses Under $25 We Can't Wait to Wear this Spring


Now that the weather is warming up, it’s time to trade in your cozy sweaters for cute sundresses. After scouring the web for the best spring dresses, we've found the top picks—and they're under $25. At these collegiette budget-friendly prices, we bet you won't just buy one!

1. Crochet Trim Layered Dress, Forever 21, $24.90

The crochet detail and layering effect make this dress incredibly versatile—and chic! Depending on styling, it can transform from preppy and nautical to fresh and edgy.

2. Short-Sleeved Dress, H&M, $24.95

The relaxed fit and striped fabric on this dress give off a laid-back vibe that's perfect for a carefree spring. Whether you pair it with a jean jacket and sandals or with a statement necklace and heels, you’re sure to look fabulous!

3. Pleated Floral Chiffon Dress, Forever 21, $22.80

Florals for spring? Groundbreaking. We know. But take a look at this dress! It’s the must-have little number for brunch with the girls.

4. Make It Last Dress, Tobi, $20

We’re loving the boho chic vibe of this dress!

5. Abstract Surplice Maxi Dress, Forever 21, $19.80

This maxi dress is the epitome of springtime relaxation. Just throw it on and you’ll look cute (and feel comfortable) all day long.

6. Drop Dead Flower Bed Dress, Tobi, $16

The super sweet pattern and drop waist detail on this sundress are oh-so cute!

Which one of these dresses is on your shopping list?

What it’s Like to Be the Single Friend


So, all of your friends are taken… but you’re single.

Not that you’re not happy for them. Really, you are.

Totally not bitter at all.

But you can’t help but notice how things have changed now that you’re the only one in your group flying solo.

Girls’ nights out used to be a blast.

But now your friends are like,

And you find yourself having to convince your friends that it’s still okay to get a little wild.

You never have a proper wingwoman anymore, and your solo flirting attempts are just tragic.

And forget having anyone to dance with on the nights they bring their SOs out.

Your girl talk just isn’t as good as it used to be…

…because, let’s be real, it’s a lot less fun to listen to your friend drool over her boyfriend than it was to drool over someone else together.

In fact, you’re so starved for girl talk that you start wondering if you’re too boy crazy.

You try to whine about your single-girl problems, like,

But you don’t get very far without your friends acting like relationship gurus…

…or drawing on personal examples from their own relationships, to which you just want to be like,

There are nights when your friends don’t return your texts because it’s date night.

And when you’re not sure if it’s date night or not, you always wind up feeling needy when you text them just for something to do.

And you start thinking that you seriously need to make some new single friends for nights like this.

When you do finally steal them away from their SOs long enough for a chat, they always ask you if there’s anything new going on in your love life…

…usually as a segue into talking about their own.

But okay, okay; you don’t want to sound bitter. Luckily, a lot of your friends have really cool SOs!

Sometimes, though, third-wheeling is kind of a drag…

…especially if it feels like the SOs are always around…

…and the couples are always making out in front of you.

In all honesty, though, you have to admit that being single isn’t so bad…

…even if you have nights where you’re like,

You mostly just wish you had single friends who were on the same page as you.

You know, for solidarity.

But hey, maybe your BFF’s new boyfriend has a hot BFF to introduce you to?

Fraternity Suspended After Sharing Photos of Nude Women on Facebook


The Penn State fraternity Kappa Delta Rho was suspended yesterday after police found photos of nude women on the fraternity's private Facebook page. Members took photos of nude women, mostly passed out or asleep, and shared them with each other online. According to WJAC, the news outlet that broke this story, the police obtained about 20 photos when they originally found the Facebook page, though members' computers and the Facebook page have been wiped clean in the time since. 

Penn State's Interfraternity Council President, Rick Groves, told the university's news website Onward State, "In response to the discovery of the two Facebook pages allegedly posted by Kappa Delta Rho, the chapter was immediately placed on full chapter suspension by Penn State's Interfraternity Council. This suspension shall remain in place until all investigations regarding the incident have been completed." While suspended, the fraternity is forbidden to participate in any IFC functions. They also can't host any socials, hold chapter meetings, or recruit any new members. 

Police are currently working with the IFC and the Office of Student Conduct as they investigate this matter. Both the university and the national fraternity are also investigating; the national fraternity held a "show cause" hearing with the chapter over the phone. 

A comment thread posted on the private page was made public today. The thread in question includes "I banged her lol" and ends with the comment, "lol delete these or we will be on CNN in a week." 

7 Netflix Rules Everyone Should Abide By


Netflix is the greatest gift we've ever received, but with great power comes great responsibility. Too many friendships have been torn apart by a Netflix interruption or an ill-timed password change. That's why we're establishing a set of rules so everyone can continue binge-watching to their hearts' content... but in a peaceful manner.

Rule #1 - If you're going to religiously follow a show with a friend or lover, watching alone constitutes as cheating.
Nothing spells out drama like a friend who watches the next two episodes of Orange is the New Black without you because she was bored. Not cool.

Rule #2 - If you share your account with others, you must make the terms clear, or face the consequences.
You agree to share your account with your roommate, but before you know it, your roommate's cousin and her S.O. are using it on a daily basis, too. 

Rule #3 - In conjunction with Rule #2, when your relationship ends, so does access to the account (unless otherwise stated). 
The ultimate sign that it's over? A new password. 

Rule #4 - Close your Netflix tab when not watching, in deference to fellow users of the same account.
There's nothing worse than being notified that too many people are streaming, when really, one of them isn't even watching. 

Rule #5 - Never assume anyone has fully watched a season or the entire series, even if it has been out for more than a year. 
Guess who's not going to be happy when you accidentally reveal that a pivotal character has been killed off a certain popular AMC show? Friendship over.

Rule #6 - Stick to your own user profile. It seems self-evident, but clearly not for some people...
It is simply unacceptable to see gory horror movie suggestions on your feed just because your brother forgot to choose his own username. You won't have it.

Rule #7 - When your friend is binge-watching a show on Netflix, never interrupt her.
Don't ask her if she wants to hang out, don't question her mental state, don't ask for details about the show. We repeat: NEVER interrupt her.

March Madness Style for Every Level of Fan


Let’s get real about March Madness: You don’t have to be a diehard basketball fan to get in on the action (or show off your school spirit)! Sure, some of us have been looking forward to this since last year’s playoffs ended, but the rest of us just want to have a good time cheering with friends… or, to be honest, looking school spirit-chic on Instagram.

So, get inspired for your game-day look. With the help of Garnier Color Styler, we’ve put together ensembles for every enthusiasm level – from The Superfan to The Life of the Party – but none of them are complete without color. Create any look you want, from subtle bronze streaks, to a bold, blue ombre – or for those extreme fans (and for the guys), dare we suggest a red mohawk? The color washes out in two to three shampoos, so whether you’re the first one to the stadium or the one “watching” on the couch with friends, support your team by going bold – with no risk.

Check out the best March Madness looks, and score your coupon for a discount on Garnier Color Styler to complete your look!

1. Diehard Team Fan

Garnier Color Styler in Blue Burst, $7.99 at Garnier and available in Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS & Rite Aid

Go big or go home! You’re 100 percent ready to cheer on your favorite players as you scream for your team – and your eye-catching hairstyle statement lets everyone know you’re in it for the win. Since you’re here for the game (not for the photo ops), throw on your team’s jersey with some colored leggings and your sporty sneaks. Add a hat, a foam finger and a quick mani to match, and you’re looking the part of the Diehard Team Fan (which, hello, you so are)!

2. March Madness Enthusiast

Garnier Color Styler in Red Temptation, $7.99 at Garnier and available in Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS & Rite Aid

Maybe you’re not super obsessed with just one team – and that’s okay! If you’re a general basketball lover who’s just stoked for this month’s March Madness festivities (all you want are good games!), go sporty-chic with a school-spirited T-shirt, some destroyed boyfriend jeans, Converse high-tops, a great game-day tote and red lipstick to rep your spirit in style. Add a splash of color to your hair to stand out from the crowd, because you aren’t just an everyday fan, now are you? Be better than that!

3. Just in it for the Instagrams

Garnier Color Styler in Purple Mania, $7.99 at Garnier and available in Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS & Rite Aid

Sure, basketball is pretty fun to watch – but let’s be honest, you’re just here for the Insta opportunities (VSCO Cam, anyone?). Your punchy purple locks will look absolutely perfect under that Valencia filter – especially when you put your whole ensemble together. Just add your team’s V-neck T-shirt, a matchy-matchy bow and a temporary cheek tattoo (to show your followers what a dedicated fan you are, obviously). Can’t forget the phone case, duh! Throw on purple sunglasses, lipstick and nail polish if you’re feeling like an overachiever, then prepare for the ‘likes’ to roll in. “Go… – wait, what’s our mascot again? I was adding hashtags.”

4. Life of the Party

Garnier Color Styler in Bronze Attitude, $7.99 at Garnier and available in Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS & Rite Aid

You’re not one to turn down a basketball game, but not because you’re cheering anybody on – you’re just excited to be around your friends, pumping everyone up for the big game! You’re in it for the social scene and any excuse to party with your friends (no shame!). Since you’re already wearing your comfiest casual T-shirt and essential cowboy boots (all the better for dancing during commercial breaks!) and showing off your team spirit with wristbands, sunglasses and a button, all you need are some bronze statement hair streaks and eye shadow to match. Game on!

5. Crushing on the Court

Garnier Color Styler in Pink Pop, $7.99 at Garnier and available in Target, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS & Rite Aid

Let’s face it: You’re here to flirt with the players and fans, not to follow the game. If you’re going to flirt it up, then you obviously have to stand out – a pop of pink in your hair is the way to go! Just throw on high-waisted shorts, a V-neck tee (cropped, if you’re feeling extra bold), low-top converse and sporty tube socks to complete the flirty fan look. Then add a bow and some pink lipstick to top it all off. Why? Because you can! We can just picture you cozying up to the team captain… whom you’ll later decide you’re too good for, of course, because you so obviously are.

Get your game day style in gear already! Download the coupon above for a discount on Garnier Color Styler, and play up that school spirit in your team’s colors. Make the most of that March Madness muse! We hope we gave you some inspiration with these school-specific examples, but you can rock the looks no matter which team you root for. Then, be sure to share your selfies! We’d love to see your looks – tag #ColorStyler, @GarnierUSA and @HerCampus to show off your spirit!

Ask a Collegiette: Can I Attend a Party School Without Partying?


Are you a smart and savvy pre-collegiette looking for answers to some of your most personal questions about college? You know, the ones about boys, classes, roommates and parties that your school’s guidance office can’t help you with? Jen is here to answer those questions! Whatever your concern, she’ll do her best to help you so you can make sure you don’t just survive college, but rock it!

The college I'm planning on attending is a huge party school, but I've never been to a party in my life. I just don't know if that’s me, especially because I'm shy and awkward. How can I resolve this without making me end up in a bunch of nerves? -Marissa


College parties are known for their wild sides, as everyone has seen in movies about college life like The House Bunny and 22 Jump Street. In the timeline of a movie college party, there always seems to be a surplus of alcohol, crazy flashing lights, slow-motion dance sequences and loud music. Whether or not parties at your campus will be like that isn’t a guarantee, but you can bet that they will probably be similar based on what you said in your question – your school clearly already has a rep for it.

Once you arrive on campus, you may find that you want to go to one party just to have the experience. This will be a good way for you to “test the waters” in a sense, and you can bring your friends along so that you have them by your side for support.

From your first experience, you can judge how you might feel about parties in the future and whether or not it’s your scene. If you quickly find that you don’t want to be part of the party scene, leave as soon as you’re able to and go on with your life as usual. Don’t let others pressure you to do what you don’t want to do just because it’s the “cool” thing to do. You have to do what’s right for you, and if that means cuddling up with a good book or some Netflix instead of getting turnt, do that! You’ll eventually find people who enjoy the same activities as you do!

Your time in college is all about new experiences and continuing on the journey of finding yourself, so the biggest point I want to remind you of is to stay true to who you are. If you’re concerned about the party culture on your campus and you’re worried that you won’t fit in, pull a Taylor Swift and “shake it off,” as I’m sure you’ll find friends who don’t want to party either. Plus, the freshman party craze eventually dies down after a while once the homework and the side effects of no sleep set in!

In the end, people will respect you more when you do what you like to do and stick with that, instead of doing what everyone else does just for the heck of it. So, experiment with parties if you wish, or just hang out more low-key with some non-partying friends. Remember, you don’t need blasting pop music or a beer to have a great time during the weekend. Best of luck!

Fill out my online form.

The 9 Types of People You See in Starbucks


On any given day at any Starbucks from Boston to Los Angeles, thousands of people wait in line for their coffee fix. We know you've been sitting at your campus Starbs for hours, working on your third iced coffee and trying to finish that history paper, but instead, you're people watching, of course. Here are the types of people we usually see at Starbucks.

1. The High School Girls

Trenta double-whip vanilla bean Frappuccino with a raspberry swirl? These girls will order drinks that will take forever to make... and you'll hear a lot about One Direction while you're waiting.

2. The Instagrammer

There's always that one girl taking a picture of her drink for Snapchat or Instagram. Yep, it's definitely interesting that you got a latte today. And yesterday. And the day before.

3. The Complicated Orderer

If you're talking for the barista for five minutes about what you want in your latte, you're doing it wrong.

4. The Confused Adult

"I'll have a medium... what do you call it?"

5. The First Date

There's always those two people in the corner struggling to have a conversation while they awkwardly wait for their drinks at the counter. We hope it's going better than it looks.

6. The Sorority Gossip Session

You definitely didn't need to know what Melissa did on the table at that frat house last night, but now you do.

7. The Person Whose Name is Spelled Wrong and Who is Really Not Okay With It

These people write hundreds of names on cups every day. Do you think they really care if your name is "Ann" rather than "Anne"? 

8. The Cell Phone Talker

Yes, please have a heart-to-heart with your long-distance boyfriend about the future of your relationship. You definitely shouldn't step outside.

9. The Extremely Studious One

This girl has been there for five hours and has yet to emerge from her armchair. She makes us feel bad for not actually doing our work. What problem set?

France Aims to Ban Models Who Are Too Skinny


The days of stick-thin models may soon be behind us. France is the latest country (joining the likes of Italy, Israel and Spain) to propose a new law reprimanding models who are too skinny. By the National Assembly's standards, for a woman to qualify as a model in France, she must have a BMI of at least 18 or greater. In addition, the models must also attend regular weight check-ups to confirm they weigh enough to be working.

Of course, a BMI of 18 is still on the lower end of normal standards; according to the CDC, in the United States, the average woman has a BMI of 26.5, with the healthy range being between 18.5 to 24.9.

The penalty for failing to meet the standards? A hefty fine and possible jail time. Underweight models face a fine of 75,000 euros (about $80,000) and a potential six months behind bars. Not so glamorous, is it?

The bill, which will be presented to the National Assembly on March 31, also plans to address pro-anorexia websites and other skinny supporters. The penalty for those behind these sites would be a fine of 10,000 euros ($10,500) or a year in jail. 

With such an influential bill being discussed in some of fashion's biggest countries, the fashion industry is coming a long way from the days of the cotton ball diet and models passing out on a regular basis. This bill, combined with the first ever plus-size model being featured in Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue, makes for a huge year for a healthier fashion industry. 

5 Steps to Take After an Interview to Ensure You Get the Job


Just when you think you can take a sigh of relief after an interview, you begin to worry about how it went, what to do next, and most importantly, if you’ve made enough of an impact to score the job or not. With all the preparation that goes into having a successful interview, it turns out there are things you should be doing afterwards as well. Follow these steps from former Monster.com interview expert Rachael Yates about how to guarantee yourself that job.

1. Write a thank you note

Following up after the interview with a thank you note is probably the most important thing to remember. Whether it’s by email or a written note, thanking the employer for meeting with you shows you’re serious about the job. “It’s crucial to send a note to the person who conducted the interview,” says Yates. “By doing so, it will further prove your commitment and professionalism. Thank them for taking the time to talk with you, but also use this as an opportunity to further build on your strengths and prove that you were paying attention to details.” A thank you note is a great way to express your enthusiasm, so make sure you include follow-up information about topics you discussed during the interview, such as qualifications the job requires and how you possess them. “I always send a handwritten thank you note after any sort of interview,” says Kasia Jaworski, a senior at Villanova University. “I've gotten feedback from employers before complimenting me based on my thoughtfulness. It doesn't have to be too long, just a simple thank you and restating your interest in the company.”

2. Reach out to your references

If the employer asks for references, make sure you pick individuals who can speak about your strengths, but also people you feel comfortable contacting. “It’s a good idea to reach out to anyone you listed as a reference and give them a heads up,” explains Yates. “Let them know about the position you are interviewing for, so they can prepare accordingly if they receive a call.” This way they can highlight specific qualities about you for a particular job or company. Even if you already got permission from someone (such as a former employer) to be used as a reference, it’s a nice gesture to keep him or her in the loop.

3. Find out more about the company or business

Just because the interview is over doesn’t mean you should stop learning about the job you’re in the running for. “Be prepared for additional interviews or surprise follow-up calls from a potential employer,” says Yates. “Come up with potential ideas based on what was talked about, or questions you may have remembered after the interview was over. By doing so it shows you are still fully engaged in the hiring process.” An interview can throw a lot of information at you in a short period of time. It’s a good idea to do more research about the company or job expectations so you’re ready when you get the call. “After an interview, I always make sure I’m prepared in case I get asked back for a second one,” says Lisa Wagner, a junior at Oakland University. “I would look over the company’s website or work they’ve created to get a better feel for what they do and their style. This also can help you come up with questions you didn’t think of the first time around.”

4. Monitor your social media

Imagine a potential employer looking into your social media accounts and seeing a tweet that reads something like “Totally bombed that interview.” You don’t want a tweet or status update to ruin the possibility of getting the job. “Posting anything on social media about the interview, company, or employer could really hurt your chances of being hired,” says Yates. “No matter how you think it went, the interviewer also had an opinion and seeing a post about it can change their perspective.” It’s crucial to monitor all your personal social media sites while going through the interview process. Just take it from Hillary Wheaton, a senior at Vanderbilt University. “I had posted some crazy pictures from my 21st birthday onto Facebook and Instagram while waiting to hear back about a possible job,” she says. “I didn’t end up getting it, and I feel like my social media updates could have been a factor in the decision.” If your social media profiles aren’t private, you can’t control who sees them. It’s best to avoid saying anything that could be considered inappropriate it at all.

5. Be patient

You may have gotten the interview over with, but now comes the hardest part: waiting. No matter how anxious you are to hear an answer, don’t bombard the interviewer with phone calls or emails. “Make sure you wait an appropriate amount of time,” says Yates. “If they say they will let you know within two weeks, wait two weeks. If you’re still waiting after that, contact them with a follow-up email or phone call.” You don’t want to push the interviewer to make a decision. Just be patient and you’ll have your answer soon enough.

Trying to impress an employer doesn’t stop when the interview is over. Keep in contact and follow up to further emphasize your interest in the job (without bombarding the hiring manager!). There is no doubt the interview process is tough, but if you follow these steps you’ll be the perfect candidate!

Eyebrow Contouring is a Real Thing & Here's How to Do It


Contouring has become a popular beauty trend in the last few years. By now, every secret there is to know about obtaining a flawlessly sculpted face has been pounded into our minds. However, there's a new type of contouring that could take your beauty routine to the next level—contouring your eyebrows. It's super simple, but does wonders to transform and add dimension to your face. Read the steps below to sculpt your brows like a pro!

1. You'll need a brow powder duo to get a lighter and dark shade. Below are a few great recommendations for every price point:

  1. Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Powder Duo ($23)
  2. Bobbi Brown Light Brow Kit ($48)
  3. e.l.f. Studio Eyebrow Kit ($3)
  4. Urban Decay Brow Box ($29)

2. Fill in the center of your eyebrow with the darker shade of brow powder using an angled brow brush ($3).

3. Use the lighter shade on both ends of your brows, blending it into the darker powder.

Using just one dark eyebrow shade can cause your eyebrows to look flat and heavy. Two shades gives your gorgeous brows dimension and makes them look super natural. So be sure to use the tips above to elevate your brows and intensify your beauty routine!

The 10 Biggest Lies 'Friends' Told About Life in Your 20s


As recent grads, we all have expectations of what our lives will look like. Some of what we’ve planned for rings true, but the rest? Not so much—and we just might have Friends to thank for that. As sad as it may be, we must come to terms with the fact that we are not Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Ross or Chandler, and we will not spend the majority of our twenties lounging on a comfy orange couch (although we’ll probably be making more time for that come January 1, when all 10 seasons of the show are released on Netflix… cue the happy tears).

Presenting: “The One Where Friends Repeatedly Lied to Us”

Lie #1: Even as an unemployed actor or mediocre (to put it kindly) waitress, you will be able to live in a large two-bedroom apartment in the hottest neighborhood.

As many graduettes will tell you, the palaces featured on Friends aren’t quite representative of a typical first apartment (read: shoebox). Paying rent on an entry-level salary is a very real struggle that the Friends characters somehow seemed to avoid. Yes, they were always looking for extra ways to earn cash, but how much can you really make by donating fluids (Joey) or selling knives (Phoebe)?

Lie #2: Your friends will always be available and somewhere within a two-block radius whenever you’re looking to hang out.

This might be the saddest lie of them all. Unlike college, you probably aren’t able to spend hours of each day with your BFFs. Finding time for one another during the week can be a major challenge, especially if you live or work in different neighborhoods. The good news is you’ll value the moments you do spend together that much more. Aww.

Lie #3: You’ll know people with pet monkeys, chicks, ducks and rats.

Sure, you might have friends with cats or fish, but you probs won’t be hanging out with any farm and/or zoo animals any time soon. This also means you don’t have to worry about being attacked or humped by a monkey on a first date (we hope).

Lie #4: If and when you have kids of your own, they will demand minimal attention and disappear altogether around the age of 6.

But seriously, what happened to Ben?! Ross’s son ceased to exist in the last few seasons of the show, but anyone with nieces, nephews or a babysitting job can attest that children are a major responsibility and that they sometimes, just sometimes, get in the way of hanging out with friends.

Lie #5: Pizza will always be delivered by a super-hot girl (not to be confused with the equally hot girl who works at the copy place).

Hot delivery girls are hard to come by IRL. Ross trying (and failing) to flirt with said delivery girl? Now that seems pretty accurate.

Lie #6: You will date someone new every week, or, in Joey’s case, every day.

We hate to break it to you, but your dating life will probably pale in comparison to those of the Friends characters. You may not date a billionaire or a scientist or a celebrity, and you won’t meet someone new (let alone someone dateable!) every time you leave your apartment. There’s also a chance that you won’t marry one of your three guy friends.

Lie #7: Don’t worry if you accidentally kiss your interviewer (or scream at him, or forget his name); you will still get the job.

Oh, Rachel Green, if only we all had your charm. On the bright side, we can feel happy with ourselves every time we survive an interview without a makeout sesh. Way to set the bar high, Rach.

Lie #8: You will remain best friends with your ex after multiple messy breakups.

You can also hook up with your ex’s best friend (who happens to be another one of your best friends) and remain BFFs with both of them… JK. Yes, Ross and Rachel shared the love story of the century, and they’re the reason we ugly-cried all of seasons two through four, but that doesn’t mean that their relationship was normal. It’s totally okay if you don’t want to spend all day err day with your ex. 

Lie #9: You won’t get fired for spending half of the workday at a coffee shop with your friends.

Yes, Monica got fired from a restaurant once for taking home steaks, but what about the fact that she worked three hours a day? All of the friends seemed to share the mindset that work was fairly optional. Maybe that orange couch was always available because everyone else was at the office! Mystery solved.

Lie #10: Don’t bother locking your door. Ever.

And if you somehow find yourself locked out, you should knock down the door, naturally. But really—be safe, graduettes.

Now that we’re all questioning everything we’ve ever thought to be true, we should probably mention that there is one thing that Friends actually did get right: No matter what happens with jobs, apartments, financial situations or SOs, your besties will always be there for you (and they’ll know when it’s time to whip out the Ben & Jerry’s and turn on everyone’s favorite show).

Pre-Order Her Campus's Book NOW (+ Bonus Offer!)


Hey collegiettes!

We know you love reading HC on your laptops, your smartphones, and your tablets... but now you can truly curl up with HC because our first-ever book hits stores this April! If you pre-order your copy by March 31st, you'll receive exclusive access to a live Google Hangout with Her Campus co-founders Stephanie, Windsor, and Annie where they will answer all of your questions about college life, starting their business, and more. Pre-order your copy to redeem this bonus offer here NOW

The Her Campus Guide to College Life: How to Manage Relationships, Stay Safe and Healthy, Handle Stress, and Have the Best Years of Your Life covers everything you need to know to rock college, from how to get along with your roommates to how to avoid the 'freshman 15', deal with tough professors, snag internships, decide whether to study abroad, and much, much more.

Whether you're already an upperclassman or are just getting ready to go off to college next fall, this book has everything you need to survive and thrive on campus when it comes to all aspects of your life. Our book also includes handy resources like a template roommate contract, dorm room grocery list, and more.

The book officially hits stores in April, but you can pre-order your copy NOW to receive an invitation to an exclusive Google Hangout with Her Campus co-founders Stephanie, Windsor and Annie!

Want a sneak preview?  Read an excerpt from our book here!

I can't wait to hear what you think!

HC Love,
Stephanie Kaplan Lewis, Co-founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus

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