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Proof That 'The Lion King' Predicted #DressGate


So, if anyone remembers correctly (which we're sure you all do), chaos ensued all over the Internet as social media users everywhere were asked what's becoming arguably one of the most important questions ever asked: What color is the dress?

In a recent update and information given by the company responsible for making the infamous dress, it turned out that the dress was actually black and blue. 

#DressGate is still fresh on our minds but, in reality, it's so 1994. (Literally.) Because, soon after the debate that nearly tore the nation apart, a Reddit user named iceroll revealed that Timon and Pumbaa once had a conversation during a scene in Disney's The Lion King that basically predicted this entire dress debacle. 

Shout out to Disney for being ahead of the game with this one. 

Hillary Clinton Accused of Underpaying Female Staffers


Last week, a conservative newspaper called The Washington Free Beacon accused Hillary Clinton of contributing to gender inequality in the workplace. According to the paper's claims, when Hillary worked in the U.S. Senate, she not only had a staff primarily composed of males, but she also paid her female staffers 72 cents to each dollar that she paid her male staffers. 

During her years in the U.S. Senate, the Free Beacon claims that the median annual salary for a female working in Hillary's office was $15,708.38 less than that of a man, a number they say they received from an analysis of data compiled from official Senate expenditure reports. 

However, without knowing specifically what each employee's duties were and how much experience each of them had, it's difficult to judge any actual pay discrimination. Refinery29 reported on the same issue (press secretary Nick Merrill told the publication that "It's a ridiculous proposition"), adding that Hillary's Senate staff was half or more than half comprised of women during her terms in office, and that "during those terms she repeatedly sponsored legislation that supported an equal-rights agenda." 

Whether the Free Beacon's allegations turn out to be true or not, it's clear that nationally, changes need to be made to create gender equality in the workplace in precisely the way that Hillary has always pushed for in her political past. Hopefully, Hillary will be one of the first politicians to actually make those changes happen, but only time will tell. 

15 Moments We Hope Will Go Down on Tonight's 'Women Tell All'


Tonight comes the real reason why we watch The Bachelor: The Women Tell All... in other words, quality TV. As Chris Harrison will probably put it, tonight is bound to be the most dramatic night in Bachelor history. We're expecting claws to come out, true colors to be revealed and, of course, an endless flow of tears. Here's what we're hoping will go down tonight:

1. An Ashley I. and Kelsey showdown...

We absolutely need a continuation of that staredown.

2. ...which Kelsey tries to win by using a big word...

Does she still consider herself immeasurably #blessed?

3. ...ultimately resulting in a panic attack only Kelsey could pull off.

Who will she be calling on as her knight in shining armor now?

4. A look back at Ashley S.'s craziest moments

Plus, a full explanation of each of those moments—does she prefer pomegranates or onions? What's with Mesa Verde?

5. Oh, and an announcement for Ashley S.'s own spin-off show 

Though we'll also settle for having her on Bachelor in Paradise.

6. Britt taking Carly DOWN

We're pretty sure that it would be "fun to watch her squirm."

7. Britt's exclusive tips on how to do your makeup... for bed

She gives "I woke up like this" a whole new meaning.

8. A not-so-sober Jordan

Because let's be honest, Jordan after one-too-many drinks was MADE for reality TV.

9. Jillian in short shorts—or rather, not in short shorts

We mean, do we really need to see that?

10. Ashley I. like we've never seen her before

In other words, Ashley I. NOT crying, since that was all she did on the show (aside from the time she enjoyed corn on the cob).

11. Real talk on which girls would actually move to Arlington

Remember "downtown" Arlington?

12. Details on where Ashley I. gets her eyelashes done


Wonder which #bachelor girl is on @jimmykimmellive tonight... Tune in at 11:35pm on ABC!!

A photo posted by Ashley Iaconetti (@ashley_iaconetti) on

Oh, and whether or not she's been adopted by the Kardashians yet.

13. What Chris REALLY thought about Jade's Playboy stint

And whether that's why he eliminated her.

14. Kaitlyn being real, as usual

Also, please announce her as our next Bachelorette!

15. And most importantly...

Chris's giggle.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Turning a Spring Break Fling into a Relationship


Spring break: a sunny week filled with drinks, friends and flirty guys. If you’re looking to have a little fun this spring break but don’t want to say goodbye to your hottie once the week comes to an end, you’re in the right place. If you play your cards right, you could turn your spring break fling into a relationship in no time. We talked to Dr. Ish Major, board-certified psychiatrist and author of Little White Whys to give you a step-by-step guide on how to turn a spring break hook-up into a relationship, if you’re really falling for your fling. Get ready for an awesome break – and potential new partner!

Step 1: Make your intentions clear

If you go into spring break knowing you want a relationship out of it, be sure your hook-up is on the same page. Try saying something like, “I can’t wait to hang out when we get back!” or, “It’s awesome that we live so close at home.” If he knows you aren’t just looking for a hook-up, he can either let you know it isn’t going to work or keep his sights set on you. Letting him know how you feel up front will prevent heartbreak or potential awkwardness later on.

“I think the first [and] most important step is to be honest with each other about whether [a relationship] is something you both want to pursue,” Dr. Major says. “While you’re in the moment, it might be hard to figure that out, but shortly after, once some of the party dust has settled just a bit, that can be a conversation that you both have. The key part is that you both agree to pursue it.”

Dr. Major also mentions that your fling may not be looking for the same thing as you: “Keep in mind, it is spring break, and he may not be interested in anything beyond hooking up today or tonight or for the rest of the trip, so an idea like that may turn him off. But this is about you feeling good about what’s happening, so if a relationship is what you’re looking for then claim that, stand in that dream and don’t back down from it.”

Step 2: Get to know each other

The atmosphere of spring break (read: so many shirtless men and margaritas) can make it hard to focus on reality. If you’re serious about turning your fling into a relationship, it’s crucial to be sure you really know the person. Your crush may seem like your perfect match amidst all the drinks and fun, but outside spring break, he or she could be totally different. “Getting an idea of where he’s headed or wants to go in life will give you a really good sense of how well your lives will mesh together once your back home,” Dr. Major says. Try going out to dinner – just the two of you – to see how much you have in common. If you really know what you’re getting into and still feel the same way about him or her, you can take the next step in becoming a real thing.

“People are often a lot ‘different’ when they’re on vacation than when they’re at home in their normal routine,” Dr. Major adds. “So the person you met on spring break may not be the person he is when he’s in his natural environment. That’s where the ‘getting to know each other’ on a deeper level beyond the break comes into play. The sooner you can ask some deeper questions and have more meaningful conversations, the sooner you’ll be able to figure that out.”

If the person you’re with is the guy who hasn’t worn a shirt all weekend, always has a Natty light in hand and is constantly flirting with other people, it should be pretty clear that he or she isn’t S.O. material. Find someone who you have a lot in common with and like for their personality, not their abs.

Step 3: Have “the talk”

If the end of spring break is rolling around and you’re still crazy about your crush, you two should have a serious talk about what’s next. If you’re both on the same page about wanting to continue the relationship, decide when you’ll see each other next. If you go to school close to one another (or even at the same school), it shouldn’t be hard to schedule a date or time to hang out. If you don’t go to school near one another, you have to be sure you’re ready for the commitment of a long-distance relationship.

So, how do you approach the conversation? Dr. Major suggests: “You can say something like, ‘Wow, I’m having such a really great time with you. I really don’t want this feeling to end. I know it might be hard, but I wish there was a way to keep this going,’ then wait for a response. That way, you’ve made it okay and not awkward to talk about the elephant in the room. You may or may not get the response you were looking for, but at least you can feel good about being brave enough to go for it!”

He also says, “It’s a spring break fling, so chances are you’re probably not from the same place, which means anything long-term may have to be long-distance for a while. If that’s the case, then you both have to be willing to put in that effort.”

Be sure to have this talk before spring break ends so you aren’t left with any confusion or misunderstandings. Having closure will leave you feeling confident about returning to normal life without worrying about where you and your spring break fling stand.

Step 4: Stay connected

Communication is key in any relationship, and it will be the deciding factor in whether or not your spring break fling will last. Continue talking to your guy after break and make sure you both still feel the same way once normal life has resumed. If you keep in touch and can see one another, your relationship is off to a good start. If there’s a lack of communication and you aren’t on the same page, things may begin to go downhill.

Try Dr. Major’s tips for staying connected beyond the break:

  • Keep in frequent contact via text/Skype/calls.
  • Set a definite date to see each other again soon.
  • Talk about the fun you had over break and see if there were some things that they saw/heard/did that you didn’t. Share different perspectives of that shared experience.
  • Talk about the people you know and the places you’ve gone. Chances are you may have some people/places and things in common that you didn’t expect!
  • Give each other a glimpse into your ‘real worlds’ and your real-world selves. Spring break is a different setting; now it’s time to get to know each other in your natural settings in the midst of your day-to-day routines and see if the chemistry is still there.

If you aren’t ready to say goodbye to your fling once spring break comes to an end, follow our guide and you can hopefully turn it into a relationship. If your feelings are as strong as you think they are, you’ll be able work on transitioning from spring break to normal life. Be yourself and you’re bound to find the hottie of your dreams. Good luck, collegiettes!

The 9 Stages of Midterms, As Told by Disney Characters


Midterms always seem to come out of the blue. Your classes seem like easy A’s (you really don’t have to do the reading, and your prof. barely takes attendance) - until you realize that it’s the middle of the semester and exams are literally next week.  If you’re reading this, you’re probably amidst the midterm season panic, so continue procrastinating with some Disney characters who feel your pain.

1. The Surprise Stage

Everything is great until one day you look at the syllabus and realize you have a midterm TOMORROW.

....And it's worth 50 percent of your grade.

How did this happen? This can't be right.

2. The Planning Stage

Okay, you’ll just make a to-do list. That’s productive.

You’ll read all the chapters you neglected all semester tonight and study your notes tomorrow morning.

Checking off things will make you feel good.

3. The Procrastination Stage

Since you're feeling so productive, maybe you should add some things to your checklist.

Once you do your laundry, clean your room and reorganize your desk, you’ll be ready to go!

And of course you’ll have to watch a few episodes on Netflix, just so you won’t be tempted to later.

4. The Oh Crap Stage

Aaaannnd it’s 11 p.m., and you haven’t done ANYTHING.

Your exam is in 12 hours; how are you supposed memorize half a semester’s worth of knowledge?!

That's it, you're screwed.

5. The Focused Stage

Okay, time to buckle down. For real.

All-nighter, here you come.

Focus now - you can sleep tomorrow.

6. The Bargaining Stage

Maybe if you just skim the first couple chapters of the book and forget about note-taking, you'll be good...?

If you finish this chapter, you can have a cookie. Or three.

All right, there’s actually no way you can memorize all this. What’s the lowest grade you can get without failing out of school?

7. The Over-It Stage

Well, if you don’t know it by now, you're never going to know it.

This is it: One hour to go and you’ll be done. Just make it through.

It’s only one grade. It doesn’t matter that much! One day you'll back on this and laugh.

8. The Relief Stage

Thank goodness that’s over!

It wasn’t thaaaaat bad.

You're just happy that you don’t have another exam until finals!

9. The Despair Stage

Oh wait, you have another exam tomorrow.

Back to the library...

...After you nap, of course.

Exclusive: This 'Daily Show' Duo Gives Us an Inside Look at Awards Season


In the midst of awards season—when all of Hollywood comes together to celebrate and recognize our favorite actors, actresses, directors and more with trophies of various shapes and sizes, we had the opportunity to sit down with Samantha Bee and Jason Jones of the Daily Show, who've made it their mission to "butt" into Hollywood's most major events this season. 

Partnering with Butterfinger, the two have chosen to take on something new. In their "Pre Pre Pre Awards Show Extravaganza," Samantha and Jason talk to everyday people from around the country (sometimes even sneaking onto the red carpet). Check out what they had to say about walking on carpets of any color, on what it's like being the best dressed wherever they go, and just why they're pushing their way into Hollywood—and see more of their red carpet antics at ButterfingerCups.com!

7 Tips for a Healthier Spring Break


It’s finally spring break and you’ve been hitting the campus gym especially hard the past few weeks. Don’t let all that hard work go to waste and ditch your healthy lifestyle just because you’re on vacation! It can be hard to maintain healthy habits when you’re away having fun, so we have some tips to help you stay healthy on spring break.

1. Pack a Water Bottle

It’s so important to stay hydrated, especially if you’re drinking alcohol. When you’re day drinking on the beach, it’s easy to forget to drink water as well. Susan Holmberg, a certified nutrition specialist, recommends drinking about half of your body weight in ounces per day (one cup is eight ounces). “If there is a lot of alcohol consumption, you will be more dehydrated than usual due to alcohol's effect on the hormones that regulate water balance in your body,” she says.

If you’re drinking alcoholic drinks, a good way to make sure you stay hydrated is to drink a glass or bottle of water in between each alcoholic drink. 

Keep a water bottle with you when you’re out and make sure to drink from it throughout the day. Vapur bottles come in fun colors and are perfect for travel because they deflate for easy storage. Throw one in your beach bag or purse. If you’re traveling somewhere where the tap water is not safe to drink, make sure to stock up on water bottles from nearby convenience stores to keep in your room. 

2. Drink in Moderation

Make sure you’re being smart while drinking. You want to have fun, but don’t overdo it. Drinking definitely stops being fun when you can barely walk or say your name.

Kathleen Baty, author of College Safety 101: Miss Independent’s Guide to Empowerment, Confidence, and Staying Safe, says, “Beware of those cute, little foo-foo drinks that taste like strawberry or coconut. Just because you can’t taste the alcohol doesn’t mean that there is not rum or vodka in it. These drinks are strong and dangerous. Know your limit, and only have one or two over a few hours.”

If you have trouble keeping track of the drinks you’ve had in your head, write it down on your phone or make tick marks with a pen on your wrist. Stay with your friends so you can keep one another in check.

3. Hit the Hotel Gym or Work Out on the Beach

If you are staying in a hotel, chances are it has a gym. You’re paying money to stay there, so take advantage of the free gym access! “If you and your friends decide to take a break between the beach and a party, head to the gym and run for half an hour,” Kayla Alexander, a junior at the University of South Carolina, suggests. “I've always felt pretty rejuvenated after a quick workout!”

If you’re staying in a condo or somewhere else where there isn’t a gym, take a walk around the area and explore what they city has to offer. If you’re somewhere tropical, take a run on the beach. Incorporating a little exercise into your vacation will keep you feeling better and make it easier to get back into your fitness routine once you get home.

4. Buy Your Own Food

Rather than going out for every meal, buy some healthy food that would be easy to prepare in your room. If you know your friends are going to bring a lot of junk food, buy yourself some fruit and veggies to snack on rather than indulging in the snacks they bring.

Buying your own food will save you money and unnecessary calories. For some ideas on what to buy, check out our health editor’s suggestions for healthy snacks to eat while traveling.

5. Don’t Skip Meals

When you’re on vacation, it’s easy to get caught up in whatever activity you are doing, but be sure to make the time to eat. If you’re drinking alcohol, skipping meals can be especially harmful; drinking on an empty stomach is never a good idea.

Keep snacks with you so that if you find yourself hungry while you’re out, you’ll have something to hold you over. Healthy snacks such as an apple, nuts or carrots are perfect to keep with you in your purse. Whether it be a restaurant meal or food you bring, make sure you’re eating during the day.

6. Don’t Overdo it at the Buffet

On the flip side, you don’t want to overeat. When you’re on vacation, it’s easy to give yourself a free pass and indulge by eating everything. This is especially true if you’re on a cruise or staying in an all-inclusive resort where food is everywhere and always available for free. If this is the case, Holmberg says to “treat the buffet like a menu and take one food out of each category. Load up on the veggies first, eat them and then go back for the other things.”

While on vacation, you’re bound to go out for meals several times. Restaurant portions can be huge, causing you to eat more than you really need. If you go out to a restaurant, Holmberg says to “trade portions of starches for veggies [for example, get a side salad instead of fries]… you could also split a main course and get salads.” Of course, it’s always fine to treat yourself to whatever it is you want to eat on occasion, but just try to do so in moderation.

7. Be Safe When it Comes to Sex

Even though it’s a cliché that everyone hooks up with strangers on spring break, doing so can put you at risk. “Sexual assault or a bad sexual experience is all too common on spring break,” Baty warns.

If you do choose to have sex, make sure you’re protected. Pack protection in your suitcase and keep it with you. Decide on your boundaries before you even leave for your trip, and make them very clear to your partner. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, don’t be afraid to just leave a situation.

Also, make sure that someone knows where you are if you decide to leave your friends at any point. “Each day, assign two friends to each other… that way, someone is always responsible for the other,” Baty says. “It makes it easier to know where each other is at all times and avoids confusion of who saw whom last.”


Keep these tips in mind as you set off on your spring break vacation, but remember to have fun, too. College spring break only happens a few times, so enjoy it. Indulge in moderation, drink water and stay safe, collegiettes! 

To Nobody's Surprise, Kim Kardashian's Beauty Routine Costs a Fortune


So, what does it take to look like Kim Kardashian? A couple thousand, for starters. Into the Gloss recently interviewed Kim for an in-depth look at the star's beauty routine, and scored a full list of the products she uses regularly—which we added up to a whopping $2,000. Sure, there are $2 Neutrogena makeup remover towelettes. But then there's a $455 Guerlain moisturizer.

Despite the many pricey products—like an $85 SPF from La Mer and a $53 MAC brush—Kim's overall high-low routine is surprisingly low-key in many ways. She cleanses with wipes and a gel face wash and follows up with moisturizer; rich creams at night, products with SPF by day. Of course, there are plenty of face-perfecting products, including the Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit ($40) to create those famous Kardashian cheekbones. Oh, and for a while at least, she did her own brows.

"Anastasia Soare [of Anastasia Beverly Hills] does my brows," Kim told Into the Gloss. "For two years she was asking me if she could do them, and I was like, ‘No, I don’t need it,’ because I would just do it myself. But then I let her, and it changed my life—my whole face looked different. I used to make them really square in the middle, and she rounded them a little bit."

As for her hair, it turns out Kim might be a lot more like us than we thought—avoiding shampoo for days at a time? Check. Of course, her reasoning behind that schedule might be a little different from ours.

"For my hair, I don’t wash it every day," she says. "We start out with a blowout on day one, then we go into a messier vibe the next day, and then we flat iron it and do a really sleek look on day three since that requires a little oil in the hair. Day four could be a slicked-back ponytail, and on the fifth day is when you wash it."


5 Steps to Creating the Best Formal Cooler Ever


Congratulations! You were asked to a fraternity formal… now what? 

Attending a fraternity’s formal is a lot of fun and a pretty big deal (especially at these schools), and it’s up to you to make the most of your experience.

Picking out an outfit is the easy part (although, we admit, it’s easier said than done!). Now you get to take on the more difficult part of being a date: creating a cooler to bring to formal. Creating a cooler is a fun way to give back to your date, and bring out your inner Leonardo da Vinci in the process.

1. Keep your relationship in mind

Formal season is a tricky time for Greeks. Friends take friends as “dates” all the time, and blind dates are common. Sometimes you’re set up for formal and left scrambling to figure out how to make the eventless awkward.

“Are you just friends or are you something more?” asks Rachel, a junior at the University of Kentucky. “If you're just friends, keep your letters out of it. Make it only about him.” Rachel says that if you're in a committed relationship, you should feel free to add your letters and personalize the cooler with cute things that mean something to the both of you!

2. Choose a theme

It’s okay to Facebook- and Pinterest-creep with it comes to cooler designs. Sure, you might want yours to be the best, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get inspired by cute ideas and incorporate elements of another girl’s cooler into your final design!

Choosing a design might be the most fun step out of the cooler-making process. Do you want it to be “fratty” or more sophisticated? Will it represent your date or the formal event? Think outside the box.

You can keep it classy:

… or even make it a little cheesy:

But you can never go wrong with bow ties:

… or anything that has to do with Vineyard Vines:

Erin Mann, a junior from DePauw University, is in the process of designing a cooler for her boyfriend’s formal. “On the four sides, I did the Canadian flag (he's from Canada), his favorite [drink], a baseball jersey from our school and the Toronto Maple Leafs’ logo (his favorite hockey team),” she says. “The top is the in the works, but it'll have the Phi Delta Theta seal for his fraternity!”

3. Personalize it!

If your date is your boyfriend or a close friend, the possibilities for decorating your cooler are endless. Incorporate his favorite drinks, quotes from his favorite movie or TV show, and other elements that you know would suit him.

  • Here are a few personal touches you can add if you don’t know your date very well:
  • Paint it his fraternity’s colors and do your research to find more things you could add to rep his organization
  • Add elements from your school like a mascot or school colors
  • Go preppy with bow ties and suits
  • Put his frat’s letters front and center

Whether you’ve known your date for two years or two days, it’s okay to ask him what he’d like to see on his cooler! Ask him for a list of his likes and dislikes, and the rest can be up to you!

4. Incorporate the event

Are you chilling at a beach cottage, going to a ball or attending the Kentucky Derby? Be sure to add design elements from the formal’s theme to your cooler.

“Destination is key,” says Rachel. “If the formal is in the mountains, try the Patagonia logo. If it's on an island, go for a beach scene with the location or his name.”

5. Get to work

Start early. As soon as you know that you’ll be attending a fraternity formal, start collecting items and getting ready to create your masterpiece—you don’t want to end up throwing something together last minute and ending up with the worst cooler at formal!

First, you’ll have to purchase some supplies:

  • A cooler (make sure to get a size appropriate for the event)
  • Sandpaper
  • Paintbrushes
  • Primer
  • Acrylic paint

Then, it’s time to get started:

  1. Sand down all sides you plan to paint until they are smooth. This could take you a few hours depending on how big of a cooler you have. Your paint won't stick if it the sealant is still there!    
  2. Prime the cooler and let it dry completely. Allow several hours for it to dry before attempting the next step.
  3. Trace your design on the cooler with a pencil to be sure you know exactly what you want to paint before you actually start painting!
  4. Apply multiple coats of acrylic craft paint to fill in the design that you traced in colors of your choice.

Once all the paint is completely dry, use waterproof Mod Podge to seal your creation. There are a lot of different kinds, but make sure you find one that will hold up for the event. You can use 3 to 4 thin layers with a sponge or paint brush and let them completely dry before adding a new layer.

If you do find yourself in a rush, skip the priming step and do only two coats of Mod Podge—it will save you time (and paint!) in the long run. And if you really want to make sure that nothing will happen to your cooler, purchase a water repellent spray to keep the cooler looking nice no matter where you’re going!

TA-DA! You’re done and ready to fill the cooler with your date’s favorite drinks and present your masterpiece to him at formal. Creating your cooler may have been a lot harder than you thought, but all the time you spent painting Lily Pulitzer flowers will be worth it when you finally present your masterpiece to your formal date…

… and make a few of the other formal pairs jealous of your fabulous design in the process.

Announcing Her Campus's Book! Pre-Order NOW!


Hey collegiettes!

We know you love reading HC on your laptops, your smartphones, and your tablets... but now you can truly curl up with HC because our first-ever book hits stores this April, and it's available for pre-order on Amazon NOW! 

The Her Campus Guide to College Life: How to Manage Relationships, Stay Safe and Healthy, Handle Stress, and Have the Best Years of Your Life covers everything you need to know to rock college, from how to get along with your roommates to how to avoid the 'freshman 15', deal with tough professors, snag internships, decide whether to study abroad, and much, much more.

Whether you're already an upperclassman or are just getting ready to go off to college next fall, this book has everything you need to survive and thrive on campus when it comes to all aspects of your life. Our book also includes handy resources like a template roommate contract, dorm room grocery list, and more.

The book officially hits stores in April, but you can pre-order your copy NOW on Amazon so that you'll be one of the first to receive it once it comes out!

I can't wait to hear what you think!

HC Love,
Stephanie Kaplan Lewis, Co-founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus

5 Crazy-Affordable Beach Bags to Take on Spring Break


Now that March has begun, spring break is probably at the top of your mind. You've probably already gone shopping for a new bikini and stocked up on SPF—all you need now is a great beach bag to carry it all in! We've put together the best of the best—and every single bag so affordable, you might just want to get two... or at the very least, you'll definitely want to travel to your nearest beach, ASAP!

1. Kate Spade Newspaper Print Canvas Shopping Tote, Nordstrom, $25

Need something to read at the beach? You won't have that problem with this fun Kate Spade tote. This bag is big enough to carry all your essentials, but small and lightweight enough for you to tote around all day! 

2. Quilted Floral Tote Handbag, Target, $24.99Every college girl seems to love Vera Bradley, but the only thing they don't love about Vera is the price. So why not bring what you do love to the beach with this lower-priced tote from Target?

3. Shopper, H&M, $14.95Looking for a bag that'll pair well with all ten of your spring break bikinis? Opt for a super versatile neutral, like this tote from H&M. Plus, we're absolutely in love with the texture of this piece. It's simple yet interesting all at once. 

4. ban.do Super Chill Cooler Bag, Forever 21, $32.90

If you love prints and colors, this bag from Forever 21 is for you. With a clear yellow pouch that's brighter than the sun, you'll be ready for all beach time activities!

5. Roam Away From Home Tote, ModCloth, $14.99Calling all wanderlust collegiettes! If you plan on traveling far away this spring break, you'll definitely want to bring this bag. It shows off your adventurous side!

What bag will you be packing all your spring break essentials in, collegiettes?

The 7 Most Underrated Chick Flicks


As much as we all love Mean Girls, there’s only so many times we can watch it (and recite every line) before we need a little bit of change. There are literally millions of movies out there, which means there are thousands of chick flicks for you to watch that you haven’t seen yet. Give some of the lesser-known movies a try! Just because you haven’t heard of them doesn’t mean that they aren’t any good.

Here are some of our new favorites that we think you’ll love, too!

1. Heartbreakers (2001)

You’ll like this if you loved: John Tucker Must Die

Summary: Mother-daughter duo Max (Sigourney Weaver) and Page (Jennifer Love Hewitt) are experts when it comes to scamming wealthy men for their money. In their attempt to make the last con of their careers a good one, Max and Page decide to go after an older billionaire to see how much they can squander out of him. Things take an unusual turn when Page falls in love with a young bartender and begins to focus more on him than the scheme she has with her mother. Max must try to reel her daughter back into their world of lies and deceit.

Just like John Tucker Must Die, this movie is all about girls coming together and exploiting guys for their own personal benefit. While it’s obviously a comedic film, there’s also some drama and action as well.

Where to watch: Amazon Instant Video

2. Friends with Kids (2011)

You’ll like this if you loved: Friends with Benefits

Summary: This star-studded film (Kristen Wiig, Adam Scott, Jon Hamm, Maya Rudolph, Megan Fox) is about two friends, Julie and Jason, who platonically decide to have a child together because they’re the only two people in their friend group without kids. Julie and Jason don’t see anything wrong with their setup, but from their friends’ perspectives, Julie and Jason are making a really bad decision. What could go wrong when two long-time friends share parenting responsibilities but peruse their own separate romantic lives?

This movie shows us a side of adulthood that’s different than those other movies that show people getting married and living happily ever after. This funny movie is filled with lots of sarcastic humor and a great cast.

Where to watch: Amazon Instant Video

3. Bachelorette (2012)

You’ll like this if you loved: Bridesmaids

Summary Four high school friends—Becky, Regan, Gena and Katie (Rebel Wilson, Kirsten Dunst, Lizzy Caplan, and Isla Fisher, respectively)—are reunited on the weekend of Becky’s wedding in New York City. Becky’s three friends have a heck of a time wreaking havoc in the city and almost ruining the wedding. Their irresponsible antics and carelessness causes some major speed bumps and creates some serious tension between themselves and Becky. Similar to Bridesmaids, this chick flick is full of a ragtag group of girls that all of your friends will love.

Where to watch: Amazon Instant Video

4. The Sweetest Thing (2002)

You’ll like this if you loved: 50 First Dates

Summary: Christina (Cameron Diaz) had sworn off men after being heartbroken time and time again. Her man strike is going along great until she meets Peter at a club one night. After missing her chance with him that night, she decides to crash his brother’s wedding in the hopes of getting another chance with Peter. She and her friends run into some obstacles along the way on Christina’s journey to find Mr. Right. If you love to watch someone try to find true love while making mistake after mistake along the way, then this is the movie for you.

Where to watch: Netflix

5. Serendipity (2001)

You’ll like this if you loved: Say Anything…

Summary: Jonathan (John Cusack) runs into Sara (Kate Beckinsale) during the holiday season in a department store one year when they both reached for the same pair of black gloves. They go on an adventure that night exploring the city and getting to know each other. When the night is over, Jonathan asks for Sara’s phone number, so she writes it in a book that she is going to sell in a used bookstore in the city. Likewise, Jonathan writes his number on a $5 bill. She insists that fate, or serendipity, will bring the two back together and they will each find the numbers. The movie follows the journey of the two long-lost lovers trying to find each other years after their amazing night together.

Where to watch: Amazon Instant Video

6. Some Kind of Wonderful (1987)                         

You’ll like this if you loved: Pretty in Pink

Summary: Watts, a young tomboy, (Mary Stuart Masterson) realizes that she has developed deep romantic feelings for her best friend Keith (Eric Stoltz) after he goes on a date with the most beautiful and popular girl in their school. Watts has a difficult time accepting the fact that she could lose her best friend and newfound love interest to some girly girl who barely knows Keith. Things also get a little complicated when the girl’s ex-boyfriend, who still has strong feelings for her, finds out she went on a date with Keith. This is another one of those classic ‘80s movies with all the teased bangs and overdramatic acting you could ever wish for.

Where to watch: Amazon Instant Video

7. Stuck in Love (2012)

You’ll like this if you loved: Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Summary: Writer Bill Borgens (Greg Kinnear) and his ex-wife Erica (Jennifer Connelly) have been divorced for three years now. Bill, who lives with his two teenage kids, Samantha (Lily Collins) and Rusty (Nat Wolff), is looking to get back into the world of dating. He gets some help from his hook up-buddy (Kristen Bell) setting up his online dating profiles and figuring out what to wear. Meanwhile, Sam’s book is about to be published and she is not looking for a serious relationship whatsoever. In between random hook-ups, she meets a nice guy named Lou who is determined to win Sam’s heart. Following a set of interconnected love stories like Crazy, Stupid, Love., this chick flick will undoubtedly keep you on your toes.

Where to watch: Netflix

Now that you have a good list of chick flicks you haven’t seen before, grab some girlfriends and a ton of popcorn and have the best girl’s night ever! Your friends will love the slew of new movies you have to offer. Happy watching!

Sweet Briar College to Shut Down Due to 'Financial Challenges'


The board of directors of Sweet Briar College decided unanimously this weekend to shut down the private liberal arts college due to "insurmountable financial challenges." The school will officially close on August 25, 2015

When the board of directors announced its decision on Tuesday, its chairman Paul G. Rice said in a statement, "The board closely examined the College's financial situation and weighed it against our obligations to current and prospective students, parents, faculty and staff, alumnae, donors and friends. We voted to act now to cease academic operations responsibly, allowing us to place students at other academic institutions, to assist faculty and staff with the transition and to conduct a more orderly winding down of academic operations." 

Though the school's current financial situation is not immediately challenging, school officials have said that it has become clear that it is not sustainable and it makes more sense to close now rather than drag the process out longer, when their financial condition would inevitably in worse shape.

This all-female school, located in Amherst County in Virginia, has a student body of around 700 students, according to a recent U.S. News and World Report survey.

The president of Sweet Briar, James F. Jones, thinks that a part of the reason the college will shut down is because a "declining number of students choose to attend small, rural, private liberal arts colleges and even fewer young women willing to consider a single-sex education." He emphasized the distant location of the school, noting that it's "30 minutes from a Starbucks."

All Sweet Briar employees will be losing their jobs, but the school is working on providing severance and any other form of support they can offer. All students, both current as well as those who were accepted for next fall, will be helped through the transfer process. Though this semester will be the last, the institution will remain officially open through the summer, so students will have the option of taking classes for credit elsewhere that they will be able to transfer to Sweet Briar in order to either earn degrees, or gain extra credit towards a degree elsewhere.

Khloe Kardashian is Giving Us a Reason to Head to the Gym


We've all watched the Kardashian family transform throughout the years, but Khloe just took it to a whole new level. No, we're not talking about yet another new hair color‚ but instead, an entire lifestyle change. Having been ridiculed in the past for her weight, she decided to commit to a healthier life. Khloe shared this before and after selfie on her Instagram showing off her hot new bod with an incredibly inspiring caption that we can totally get behind. We think she looks beautiful in both pictures—and we're glad that her message isn't about losing weight for vanity's sake, but rather, about staying strong and healthy. She also gave us a reminder that "fitness is a long journey," something we tend to forget when we get discouraged and give up.


Looking back at pictures of myself I didn't realize at the time how unhealthy my lifestyle actually was. People love to call me the fat one but as weird as it sounds I still don't think I would consider myself fat back then. Definitely overweight and unhealthy, yes. About two years ago I decided to turn to fitness as a form of therapy and as a stress reliever. I started slow and eventually I started working out 4 to 5 days a week. We all have to start somewhere and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small so you don't get discouraged and give up. Remember it is all about consistency. There are no quick fixes if you want long-term results. Working out is a huge part of my life now. I genuinely enjoy sweating out my frustrations and living a healthier life. My workouts are not all about vanity. They are about clarity for my mind and soul. We all have different journeys in life, make sure your journey is for you and you alone. Remember in the end the turtle won the race. Slow and steady. dedication and tenacity.

A photo posted by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on

Wow. If you were looking for some inspiration to head to the gym, we think Khloe's got you covered!

5 Safe Sex Tips for Spring Break


Spring break is pretty much the highlight of the spring semester – and, let’s be real, probably the entire school year. You might not be running around with James Franco all week à la Spring Breakers, but you’re definitely expecting to have a good time. During your week of partying (hey, we don’t judge) and mingling with a whole new pool of cuties, it’s pretty likely you could find yourself hooking up with someone.

While we all wish we could make ourselves believe that we’ll be regret-free by the time we’re road-tripping home, hookups can easily lead to a lot of regret, especially if you’re not careful. Follow our tips for staying sexually safe over the break and you’ll be less likely to come home from your break with, uh, an itch.

1. Have a plan with your friends

Remember how, in grade school, you had designated meeting spots to go to in case of a fire or other emergency? Good news, ladies: It’s finally time to put those skills to good use.

In a crazy beach town or all-inclusive resort, there’s a ton of things to do and lots of people to do them with. Since you’ll be meeting new people (particularly potential hook-ups), you probably won’t end up staying with your group of friends the entire time. It happens. What’s important is that you guys have some kind of plan for making sure that, at the end of the day, everyone is together and in one piece.

Dr. Ramani Durvasula, PhD, a psychology professor and licensed clinical psychologist, says staying connected with your friends could prevent you from making a dumb, drunk decision. “Keep checking in with friends so you’re not hooking up while too intoxicated,” she says. “That’s when bad decisions are often made.”

Plan to meet up at a spot for lunch and make everyone chug a bottle of water. Plan on seeing your friends back at the condo at the end of the night, unless someone has (soberly) specified otherwise. No matter your plan, make sure you stick to it. Not only is it more fun to keep up with your friends (Hello, you each have to have a different cute picture of all of you to Instagram!), it’s also way safer.

2. Remember contraceptives

Maybe you’re anticipating hooking up during your trip, or maybe you’re not. Either way, bring condoms. According to Dr. Durvasula, you should definitely not rely on the guy to have them. “Condoms are essential and women should be the ones holding them,” she says. “Ideally, the man has them with him, too – but don't let his convenient oversight put you in a bad position.”

Iris, a junior at UCLA, says she’s bringing condoms to her spring break trip to Cabo San Lucas even though she doesn’t plan on hooking up with anyone. “I always carry condoms, because it’s better to err on the safe side,” she says. “You really have nothing to lose – especially since you can get them for free everywhere on college campuses.”

Condoms are an important part of safe sex at all times, but they’re especially important if you’re not in a committed relationship. Spring break hookups, while spontaneous and fun, are usually random and unexpected. You probably won’t know how many people your hookup has been with, or even if he or she has an STD.

In addition to having condoms, you should also be diligent about taking your birth control, if you use it. Obviously, it’s a lot harder to remember to take it when you’re so hungover you can barely move from wherever it is that you fell asleep the night before. If you regularly take birth control to prevent pregnancy, though, it’s crucial that you remember to keep consistent throughout the week.

If you find yourself hooking up with someone (or multiple someones) during your break – even if you’re using condoms – keeping up with your birth control is the best way to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy. “Ideally the combination of condoms and another consistent method of contraception is optimal,” Dr. Durvasula says. You heard the woman: Get your butt out of bed (or off the beach) and take it, if you’re on it. Trust us, you’ll be glad you did.

3. Watch how much you drink

When you’re out in the sun all day, losing track of everything from the time to your cell phone, it’s a good idea to monitor your alcohol intake, as un-fun as that may sound. Susan Kirtz, health promotion coordinator at the University of Texas, says she knows that spring break “includes heavier drinking and increased sexual activity compared to everyday campus life.” That’s why you need to pay attention.

According to Kirtz, watching your alcohol intake during the week doesn’t just have to be counting your drinks; she offers several ways to make sure you’re not getting too drunk. “Stay with the same group of friends [when you’re drinking], eat before and while drinking and alternate alcoholic with non-alcoholic beverages, like water,” she suggests.

Kirtz also mentions the ugly truth we all know: Increased drinking means an increased chance of unprotected sex. The more careful you are about making sure you’re sober enough to make smart decisions about sex, the less likely you are to wind up forgetting to use a condom.

4. Get an STI test

By the time you finish a middle school health class, you probably know something about (or have seen pictures of) the terrible signs and symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. STDs are scary – but they’re also largely talked about and preventable. STIs – sexually transmitted infections – are generally less talked about, but still just as pesky. STIs can range from a yeast infection to chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Dr. Durvasula recommends that all sexually active college students get tested after every new partner for STIs – and especially after a spring break trip, when there’s a pretty good chance you have no idea what your partner’s sexual history is. “With STIs, early detection and treatment are important,” she says. “HIV can take six months to show up on testing, and some STIs such as HSV (Herpes) require blood work that often needs to be [separately] requested.”

Don’t be fooled by thinking that sex is the only way to get an STD – there are several other sneaky culprits that can leave you with an itch (or worse). While there’s almost no way to completely prevent yourself from ever getting a disease or infection, you can decrease the risk by using condoms and getting tested just to be sure. You never know who else that blonde from California (or was it Colorado?) you met on the beach has been with.

5. Know your limits

With all of the hype surrounding spring break, it’s easy to get super excited and set high expectations for what your week will be like. Once you’re in the middle of it and everyone around you is partying like there’s no tomorrow, you might feel the need (and desire!) to keep up and find a hottie to have some fun of your own with. There’s no harm in that – but Dr. Durvasula warns not to do anything you’re not comfortable with, as research shows that hookups aren’t exactly great for women’s self esteem.

“One-night stands are risky, not just medically but also psychologically,” she says. “Sex is great, but if it feels like it was while you were intoxicated or you weren't in your clearest state of mind, it can leave you wondering.”

Hooking up doesn’t always mean sex, but you should feel free to draw your own lines of what you’re okay with regardless of what your friends are doing. “Communicate with your partner,” Kirtz advises. “Before things heat up, talk about your sexual boundaries. The conversation may be uncomfortable, but you’ll be glad you took control of your own sexual health.”

Know what you’re okay with doing, and don’t feel pressure to push the limits over break. As Dr. Durvasula reminds us, “having sex is not a competitive sport, and she who has the most partners does not win.” She explains, “It's ok to say no – and even to go home not having kissed a boy with just a healthy, sunny glow.”

Make a plan to stay safe – and have your friends keep you accountable. If you’re prepared, you’re less likely to encounter any bad situations – and more likely to have the time of your life over break!

How You Feel on Exam Day, As Told by 'Parks and Recreation'


Parks and Recreation may have ended, but that doesn't mean its characters won't live on. Why? Because Leslie Knope, Ron Swanson and the rest of them just get us. And they definitely get how we feel during the panic of exam day, because let's be honest: We're feeling all the feel all at once, and the clock is ticking. Here's what exam day is really like:

Your alarm sounds and you couldn’t be more depressed because TODAY IS EXAM DAY!

You’re cranky because you pulled an all-nighter to prepare, so you’re only running off of a two-hour power nap and a couple of granola bars (read: Oreos).

You take advantage of every last second to cram in some more material... until you panic because you realize you only have 15 minutes to get dressed and make it to class.

On the way, you feel the need to ask your friends for a last-minute pep talk.

And for a split second their reassurance starts to help you perk up a bit...

...Until you start feeling hopeless again because you realize they’re not in this class and couldn’t possibly understand how tragic this test is going to be.

So you fall back into your state of supreme displeasure and become irritated by every little thing. Watch out, chirping birds and chipper freshmen.

You finally make it to class; you couldn’t be more anxious if you tried.

Despite knowing this counts for 40 percent of your grade, you try to psych yourself into thinking this exam is no biggie.

And you start to feel confident again when you see how easy-peasy question #1 is.


You definitely get suspicious when the next couple of questions are just too good to be true...

..And then the short-answer portion backhands you, and you want to throw your desk across the room in a fit of rage. 

You’d feel embarrassed if you cried in front of everyone, so you try convince yourself that grades don’t matter anyway.

But you’re really so furious that you begin plotting how you can destroy your professor’s career…

Especially as you're on your way out and he has the nerve to ask you,“How do you think you did?”

You finally leave and you’re utterly confused about how the exam could have gone that terribly.

You feel the need to laugh at the fact that you’re royally screwed now...

...Until you realize how silly you are, because you forgot one simple thing that’ll ease your pain:

So you know you may have been wrong about every question on that exam, but you're confident about what to do next...

You did it! You survived. Here's to treating yourself on exam day, and every day after.

The 5 Guys You’ll Meet on Spring Break


You’ve picked out the perfect swimsuit. You’ve been working on your bikini bod for the past few weeks and planning your trip for the last six months. It’s time for spring break… and a new guy pool! Between the sunny days and breezy nights, there is plenty of mingling to be done. Here are five guys you are sure to meet on your sun-soaked adventure this spring.

1. The Straggler

He’s cute and he’s charming, but you’re not exactly sure who he is. You’re not sure whom he came with or whom he knows, but he always seems to be there. Most likely wearing a cheesy graphic tee with mismatched swim trunks, he’s made friends with you and all your friends, but his origins are still unknown.

Oddly loveable, this fellow is always down for adventure. Because he doesn’t seem to have a group of his own to coordinate with, he is up for anything. Boogie boarding, parasailing—the sky is the limit! His nomadic air and adventurous spirit make him the perfect party pal. Just don’t be surprised if he’s a part of your posse one day and gone the next.

2. The Party Animal

This guy stands out among the throng of bros chilling in the sun. Wearing Chacos, pastel swim trunks and a visor, he’ll be the one egging you on to bong the next beer. Feel free to decline his generous offer.

There’s no such thing as “taking a break” for this wild child. He’s ready to have the sickest week of his life, and he wants everyone to have the same experience. This ringleader is a great guy to know because he will always know the hottest party spots and will even have backup plans in case the destination turns out to be a dud.

Whether he’s rallying the troops at the end of the night to have another beer or searching for his Ray Bans the next morning because he went a little too hard, you’ll recognize this guy. And the party’s not over until he says it’s over.

3. The Guy Who’s Just Along for the Ride

This guy is the epitome of what it means to “tag along.” Spring break sounded like an interesting concept back in October when his friends first talked to him about flocking south. He figured hitting the beach would be more fun than spending a week at home getting ahead on upcoming assignments. This guy just wants to see what all the hype is about.

You can find this dude toward the back of the pack, soaking up the experience without getting directly involved, wearing an understated, plain, white T-shirt and sun-faded swim trunks from last summer. Comfort and mobility are his style goals; he never knows what his friends may try to get him to do.

While he may be a little more hesitant to join in the fun simply because he’s out of his element, that doesn’t mean he won’t try. You may have to be the one to offer him a drink instead of the other way around, but once you get him warmed up, he’ll be the life of the party in no time.

4. The Townie

A bunch of college kids coming to the beach for a week of lighthearted decadence is only appealing to one type of guy: The Townie. This guy lives for spring break season, when thousands of girls flock to his local beach.

A tad older than the rest of your crowd, he has this inviting, casual air around him. His intriguing, legitimately vintage T-shirt and hemp necklace almost allow you to forgive him for wearing khaki cargo pants. Almost.

For him, you are part of a new, transient babe pool, and he is ready to dive in. This is his spring break as much as it is yours. From late nights at the bar to casual walks on the boardwalk, this is his chance to show you what his town really has to offer. He’ll probably offer to teach you how to surf or invite you to dine with him at the best sushi restaurant in town.

While he may occasionally be sporting a “been there, done that” expression on his face, the opportunity for him to show off in his element is sure to make him come alive.

5. The Creepy Old Guy

This guy is a spring break staple. An older, slightly creepier version of the townie, this leathery local seems to always be conveniently sunning himself wherever you and your friends are at the beach.

While he may be wearing clothes that don’t fit his age (or his beer belly), he’s a potentially harmless, people-watching local just trying to catch some rays. He even told you about the local diner where you can get the cheapest, most delicious late-night food in town. But he may cross a line when he steps up to shotgun the next beer with your guy friends. Just casually laugh and find an excuse to walk away… Oh! Is that a bird eating the turkey wrap you left out on your towel?!


The guys you meet on spring break are one of a kind, and they always spice up any situation. No matter what their type may be, if you feel comfortable hanging out with them, go for it. It’s spring break, and the week is full of surprises!

Can't Make it to Paris Fashion Week? Here's the Next Best Thing


Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just jet set off across Atlantic to see the amazing fashion shows happening at Paris Fashion Week? Just skip class, escape our grim college dorms and not have to worry about midterms? The next best thing we can do (besides daydreaming during class) is follow Instagram accounts of the fashion insiders overseas, and live vicariously through them for the week. Magazine editors, models and style icons all go to the beautiful fashion shows and, lucky for us, document their adventures on social media for us to drool over. Here’s who you should be following to keep up with Paris Fashion Week:

1. Vogue Paris

Who better to start off the list than the world-renowned Vogue? Get ready to see some star-studded pics and nothing less than front row shots from all the shows.

2. Emmanuelle Alt

The Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Paris is Europe’s version of Anna Wintour. She’s the lady in charge and gets to play an influential role in deciding the season’s trends.

3. Caroline de Maigret

She’s the epitome of Parisian-chic, and a supermodel to boot. Her Instagram account is a fun mix of personal photos of her pets and professional shoots she’s done. She also made an absolutely hysterical video on how to be Parisian.

4. Carine Roitfeld

The former EIC of Vogue Paris, model and writer, this woman has done it all. She now has a website, CR Fashion Book, that features clothes and photographs that she finds interesting and inspiring.

5. Elle France

Another top-of-the-line fashion mag, Elle France’s photos of Paris Fashion Week will take you behind the scenes and show you what kind of magic (and chaos!) happens backstage.

6. Mathilde Laurelli

Mathilde is the genius behind the blog Froggista, where she writes about everything from fashion to marriage to food. The fashion journalist is a Paris native and gets to sit front row at some of the hottest fashion shows. Can we please have her life?

7. Camille Charrière

This London-based blogger focuses her entire blog, Camille Over The Rainbow, around all things fashion. She posts pictures of beautiful clothes on beautiful people (including herself) in beautiful places on her Instagram account.

8. Natasha Goldenberg

Designer/stylist/consultant/mom Natasha is one of the most popular Russian girls in the game. When she’s not designing turbans and sculptural jackets, you can find her casually hanging out with the who’s-who of the European fashion world. Coolest. Mom. Ever.

Paris Fashion Week kicked off yesterday—now is the time to start following these Instagram accounts (we promise, it'll make you feel like you're right in the middle of it all)!

How Important is Having Volunteer Work on Your Resume?


Resumes are hard to format—you have to make sure that you include your education, appropriate work experience, skills (ranging from editorial to software-related), coursework and oh, yeah, you only have one page to fit this all in! The question then becomes, what really needs to be included in your resume?

With the sheer number of resumes most employers are looking over, they likely won’t have time to give your resume more than a quick scan; so it is essential to include the most important information and leave out the rest, as painful as that may be. So is volunteer work something you definitely need to include? Does it show a potential employer that you have more skills, or does it simply take up extra space? Here’s what the experts had to say.

If you have volunteer experience…

It displays interests beyond academics

If your goal is to find an internship or full-time job in the non-profit world, including volunteer work on your resume is a great move. According to Jane Finkle, a career consultant and founder of Career Visions, “Volunteer experience demonstrates your interest in building community and the likelihood that you will be a good citizen in the workplace,” she says. Volunteer experience can also help you land jobs in the business sector, as employers recognize that it helps students build various skills and organizational experience outside of what they’d learn in school.

It can lead to a job offer

Your volunteer work is important not just for the resume boost. Sometimes, volunteering actually leads to direct job opportunities! Megan Rooney, the cooperative education coordinator at Drexel University, says, “I have had students convert their volunteer work into co-op jobs. [I worked] with a student who stayed as a volunteer with an organization after her co-op ended. That student has received an offer of employment with the organization upon her graduation.” Rooney says that employers are looking to hire someone who goes above and beyond the call of duty, and having volunteer experience on your resume is a surefire sign of that.

It is invaluable to the corporate world

According to Rooney, your volunteering work ranks as just as important as job experience when it comes to applying for certain positions, especially in the corporate world. “Every big corporate organization has a department dedicated solely to philanthropic work,” she explains. “Having volunteering work on your resume shows the employer that you care about the same causes as the organization.” Furthermore, Rooney gave examples of companies like Comcast and financial services firms like JP Morgan Chase & Co. that value philanthropic endeavors. If you’re looking to enter the corporate world, having volunteering work on your resume can instantly tell the employers that you value giving back to the community just as much as your potential employers do.

It will showcase your dedication to an employer

Maura O’Connor, also a cooperative education coordinator at Drexel, says, “Volunteer experience is an opportunity for a student to showcase passion and commitment to an employer, due to the fact that it is optional in nature.” It showcases a student’s commitment and loyalty to an organization, because working as a volunteer is completely, well, completely voluntary. These, according to O’Connor, are the qualities that can help your resume stand out from the rest.

It will help you present your best self

According to Patricia Corrigan, a career counselor at Boston College, your resume is oftentimes the first contact a prospective employer will have with you and therefore presenting your best self is key to landing an interview. “[Volunteer experience] demonstrates leadership, it shows compassion, and every volunteer experience will allow for growth and development of new skills,” she says. More importantly, Corrigan says that volunteering can show a potential employer that you are devoted to something, which is a trait that employers value.

It will help you market your hard and soft skills

Volunteer experience not only makes you stand out, but also it also helps you gain transferrable skills. According to O’Connor, “Volunteerism can equip a student with ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills including technical, communication, teamwork, problem-solving and leadership, to name a few. Most people who volunteer are devoted to a cause and can easily convey their enthusiasm via a natural narrative.” These qualities that you’ve gained from volunteering—communication, teamwork, problem-solving, leadership and enthusiasm—are superb skills to have listed on your resume, cover letter, and other applications materials.

Make room for volunteer work on your resume

Rooney says that almost every industry values volunteer work, so it’s important to make sure that you include it in your resume if you have it! Whether you are actively affiliated with an organization or dedicate a few hours to a local animal shelter every month, including this experience on your resume instantly gives you an edge over other applicants for a position. Rooney says that if your resume is already packed with information, get rid of extraneous stuff like “relevant coursework” to include volunteering work. 

2. If you don’t have volunteer experience…

Corrigan says that not having volunteer positions on your resume isn’t a deal breaker for employers. In that case, she says that it’s even more important for students to have interned or worked throughout college to ensure that they have a history of relevant experience.

Corrigan suggests that if you do find yourself with some extra hours a week, find a volunteer site and commit yourself to a cause that is meaningful to you. You can visit your college’s career center to learn about such opportunities, join student organizations that are devoted to social causes, or even look for volunteering opportunities on websites such as Volunteer Match, Hands on Network and Idealist, which can help pair you with an organization seeking volunteers with similar interests. 

The path to success can be paved through constant hard work and dedication, and one of the ways you can indicate that on your resume is by showing you have volunteer experience. But beyond the resume, attaching yourself to a meaningful cause can give you a sense of satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment. So, if you do find yourself with a bit of extra time each week, don’t hesitate to devote them to a cause that you care deeply about!

7 Weeknight Activities That Aren’t Netflix


Show of hands: How many of you spend more time socializing with TV characters than you do with real people? After 8+ hours sitting in your cubicle, do you get home from work and never want to leave your bed again? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. We totally get it—the real world is exhausting, and Netflix is just SO good.

But in order to avoid becoming a couch potato/cat lady, it’s important that you make time for friends and social activities in the few free hours you have each day. The graduette life has a lot more to offer than just a steady paycheck. This is the time to catch up with our college besties, meet new people, explore our surroundings and even learn a thing or two about adulthood.

So, the next time you find yourself in bed before 8 p.m. bingeing on One Tree Hill, we dare you to try one of these activities. Your Netflix account will still be there for you when you get back, we promise.

1. Shake it like T. Swift at a new workout class

These days, there are more exercise options than there are lululemon leggings in the world. Whether you’re down for some booty-poppin’ cardio at a Beyoncé-inspired dance class or pumping iron at a hardcore CrossFit class, your muscles will love the attention after a long day at the office. Plus, the endorphins will help you stay awake long enough to watch Scandal live.

Groupon, along with phone apps like FiTMAPPED and BurnThis, are great resources for finding classes in your area depending on where you live. Graduettes in New York City, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles or Washington, D.C., should also check out ClassPass for access to over 1,000 different fitness classes—everything from pole dancing to rock climbing. Grab a few friends and go sweat it out!

2. Host a TV viewing party to avoid Netflix-ing alone

There are certain shows that are just better to watch in groups (The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Pretty Little Liars and TheX Factor, just to name a few). Evaluating best and worst dressed at the rose ceremony is a lot harder when you’re the only judge, so get together with a group of friends to view the latest episode. Grab a bottle of champagne and a bowl of popcorn, and you’ve got yourself a partayyy. For competition-based shows, you can create brackets (à la March Madness) and pitch in for a final prize.

3. Share food with friends at a potluck dinner

Cooking is an important adult skill (and making a bowl of cereal does not count). If the idea of preparing a whole meal gives you anxiety, offer to host a potluck dinner for a group of your friends. Each person brings one dish, along with instructions for how to recreate it. One friend can even play bartender and mix up a round of cocktails for the group. You can also attend cooking classes (in person or online) to build your skills in the kitchen and cook up something delish.

4. Attend local get-togethers and networking nights to meet new friends

Making friends in a new city is no small feat. Unlike college, there’s no “Real World Orientation Week” to set you up with a clique (and permanent meal partners). However, networking nights are great ways to find people with shared interests or career goals. NYC-based graduette Rebecca Shinners attends networking events through Ed2010 to form connections in the magazine industry.

Apps and websites like Meetup, Nearify, Badoo, MeetMe and Tea With Strangers can also help you find groups or individuals in your vicinity who are searching for their next BFFs. Hundreds of other graduettes are in your same position, but you’ll never cross paths if you don’t make it happen. You never know; your future bestie may be right around the corner.

5. Take a break from reading BuzzFeed and join a book club

We know the phrase “book club” probably makes you think of your grandma, but there’s no reason why twentysomethings can’t partake in this intellectual activity as well. You really should be reading more than two books a year anyways.  

Chances are you called your BFF sobbing when you finished The Fault in Our Stars and texted her rampant “SOS” messages when you got to part II of Gone Girl, so you’re already used to discussing your favorite reads. Get a few friends together and create a Facebook group or Google doc so that everyone can contribute titles to your reading list and vote on the book for each month. You can take turns hosting and leading the meetings where you’ll chat about the latest bestsellers or whatever books you choose. iPad editions welcome.  

6. Show off your artsy side at a group painting class

The class name may vary depending on your location (e.g., Paint Nite, Sips n Strokes, Bottle and Bottega), but one thing is for sure: Amateur art goes great with wine. In fact, we’re starting to think that a little booze brings out the artist in all of us. Everyone (even the bro-est of guys) leaves these classes with a semi-decent looking canvas—it’s the Eighth Wonder of the World. Visit sites like Gilt, Groupon and LivingSocial to search for deals before you sign up, and be sure to bond with everyone else taking the class! You might end up with some new friends—plus new decoration for your living room.

7. Volunteer for a cause that’s important to you

After staring at an Excel document for nine hours a day or completing constant busywork for your superiors, it’s easy to feel like your life lacks real meaning or purpose. Give back to your (new) community and remind yourself of how good you have it by signing up to volunteer. You can brighten a sick child’s day through an organization like Project Sunshine, become the ultimate role model by joining Big Brothers Big Sisters or get your puppy fix helping out at a local animal shelter.

New-York-City-based graduette Beth Armstrong volunteers at Gilda’s Club, an organization that supports cancer patients and their families. “I love volunteering at Gilda’s Club events and getting to know all of the amazing members,” she says. “If I can bring joy to them for even two hours, it is well worth it.”

Yasmine Scott, who also lives in New York City, helped to organize a service day through her office that brought hundreds of employees out to a Special Olympics tournament, soup kitchens, book drives and a school in need of repair.

You can check with your HR department at work to see if your company has any similar opportunities, or volunteer to head up a service committee if they don’t have anything in place. You’ll take your mind off of whatever’s stressing you out by devoting a few hours to a rewarding cause—and you’ll probably have some fun, too.

Whether you’re aiming to meet new people, reconnect with old friends, get to know your neighborhood or just get out of your wine-and-Netflix-in-bed rut, these activities are sure to spice up your workweek. And now that you’re done reading this article, we give you full permission to shut down your computer, pack up your fave purse, swipe on some lip gloss and get out there! The real world is waiting for you.

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