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Ask A Collegiette: What Is Sharing a Dorm Room Like?

Are you a smart and savvy pre-collegiette looking for answers to some of your most personal questions about college? You know, the ones about boys, classes, roommates and parties that your school’s guidance office can’t help you with? Jen is here to answer those questions! Whatever your concern, she’ll do her best to help you so you can make sure you don’t just survive college, but rock it!

What are the pros and cons of sharing a dorm room with a roommate? – Nomin

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Sharing a dorm with a roomie might seem difficult since dorms don’t have a ton of space, but you’ll soon find that it all works out well in the end!

A majority of the time, you won’t be your roommate’s BFF or her enemy, but somewhere in between. This is a good place to be, since you two can watch each other’s backs and hang out together sans stress while still doing your own thing. You’ll have someone who makes sure you get in safe at night and checks in with you on occasion to make sure everything is okay, and that’s a great benefit to have.

To peacefully coexist, just make sure you communicate properly and are respectful. If you’re both super busy during the week, you can also organize a weekly brunch to catch up on everything like my freshman year roommates and I did. This gives you a chance to stay connected and clear the air about any minor conflicts that occurred during the week.

In general, I think there a lot more pros than cons when you share a dorm room with a roommate, especially if you two do get along really well. When you do, you have someone to pillow talk with at night, be your wingwoman when you go out on the weekends and quiz you the night before a big exam. Oh, and of course someone who you can pull all-nighters with! (Trust us, that’s crucial.)

Even if you and you’re roomie aren’t best friends, which is totally fine and normal, at least you won’t have to sleep alone at night! If you two don’t get along because you don’t see eye-to-eye and disagree often, you’ll learn how to deal with a difficult person. On the bright side, you’ll be able to bond with other friends because you’ll spend less time in your room and more time with them, so you can develop stronger relationships outside of the dorm.

Another more obvious con of having a roommate would be that you’re trying to share such a small amount of space with someone else, of course. If you pack accordingly and make good use of your resources, though, you should be fine. You’ll get your freshman roommate assignment over the summer before your first year so you know who you’ll be living with before you arrive. Once you figure out who she is, you can email or Facebook message to start conversation and decide what resources you have and which can shared to maximize your room space.

Regardless of how you and your roommate get along, I’d suggest making a roommate contract with her so you can make sure that you’re both on the same page when it comes to roommate life. This is basically an agreement in which you two decide where you stand when it comes to things like bedtimes (or more accurately, what time the lights should go out so you can get some shut-eye), how clean the room stays and how you feel about visitors. It’s important to have so you can make sure you’re both in agreement, and in the unfortunate event that you two have problems, it’s a good document to have for reference.

In the end, having a roommate is like having a family member in your life. Sometimes everything is okay and goes smoothly, and other times things can get rocky and you want to get angry because she’s annoying you. Either way, you’ll learn how to deal with someone new, which will teach you a lot about yourself and about other people. Good luck!

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11 Spring Break Date Ideas for any Destination

Flowers don’t have to be the only thing blossoming this spring; romance can, too! A week off from boring classes, huge textbooks and 12-page papers, spring break is the perfect time for dating. Whether you’re traveling, catching up on your favorite Netflix series at home or staying on campus, this stress-free week can become a whole lot better by going out with a campus cutie or two. Since there are so many ways collegiettes like to spend spring break, we’ve got great date ideas for you no matter where you are!

If You’re at the Beach

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Take a stroll on the boardwalk

Spend all day on the boardwalk, where you can sample tasty ice cream flavors and get lost in souvenir shops while enjoying the smell of the ocean. Most boardwalks have plenty of rides, shops and restaurants for you and your date to enjoy together. You can also play some games; hopefully he’ll win you a prize!

Go stargazing

Take a blanket out to the beach after dark and get ready for a romantic night. Under the moonlight, you and your date can spot constellations and get cozy together. For extra brownie points, don’t forget your partner’s favorite bottle of wine if you’re 21 or older!

Go to a bonfire

A bonfire on the beach is the perfect date that’s both relaxed and fun. All you need is a bag of chips with dip and two beach chairs. It’s a great way to get to know each other and way more fun than your typical dinner date.

Go to a beachside bar with live music

Try out a new place that comes recommended from a friend, or, if you’re feeling adventurous, go to a new place that neither of you have heard of. There’s nothing better than watching a live performance with your toes in the sand. Who knows, you might find a hidden gem!

If You’re Stuck on Campus

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See a band perform

Local bands love to play around college campuses, which usually results in free publicity for them and a free show for you! Find out where you can watch a performance and spend the evening belting out song lyrics together. Chances are it won’t be far away, so you won’t have to worry about transportation.

Set up a beach date in your dorm room

If you can’t make it to the beach, bring the beach to you! Go to your nearest Target and pick up tiki lights and a few inflatable beach toys, like palm trees or beach balls. Decorate your floor with towels and seashells, and, for the perfect finishing touch, grab a few helium-filled dolphin balloons! Be sure to invite another couple to join the fun and make it a double date.

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If You’re Abroad

Go hiking

Hiking is a great way to explore and discover new places, especially if you’re in a tropical area. Choose a scenic trail, and, for added romance, be sure to stop at a waterfall along the way!

Have a picnic

Go to a market together and fill up your basket with a variety of local, specialty foods, then have a picnic with all of your choices. You’ll get to experience exotic flavors of tons of fresh food!

Visit a historical site

There’s nothing better than visiting old places in new countries. Look up the most romantic spots in the country and go on a tour with your date. Whether it’s the “Love Lock” bridge in Paris or Juliet’s balcony in Verona, Italy, romance is in the air!

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If You’re at Home

Play a board game

Spark up some friendly competition with a few of your favorite childhood board games. You could even invite some friends over and compete with other couples. For a romantic spin on the game if it’s just the two of you, have the loser give the winner a massage!

Create a scavenger hunt

Make a list of different places that you’ve been together and write down romantic clues or riddles to each one. You can include the first place you kissed, your first date, etc.

Meghan Gibbons, a senior at Boston College, made a scavenger hunt for a group of friends. “Although I knew the path we were going to take, it was a lot of fun to see my friends remember the places and all the memories we had there,” she says. It’ll be even more fun and romantic with your S.O.!


Take advantage of your spare time during spring break by setting up some fantastic dates. With warm weather on the rise and so many options to choose from, say goodbye to winter coats and hello to the great outdoors. Love is definitely in the air this spring!

The 4 Coolest Natural Hair Trends

With the change of seasons usually comes a change in style—we swap our sweaters out for sandals, and dark lipsticks out for lighter, brighter shades. So why not give your hair a fresh update for spring? For all you natural-haired beauty queens, we've pulled together the coolest, boldest looks for you to try this upcoming season!

1. Tapered textures

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To cut or not to cut? On the one hand, there's the struggle of growing back your hair. On the other hand, you might be missing out on some stylish looks without taking that plunge. Why not find a happy medium? Without having to go for a major chop, you can still achieve some pretty cool 'fro styles—try a tapered look by cutting parts of your hair, and add some oomph by coloring the parts you want to stand out. 

2. Elegant ecaille

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An up-and-coming trend for 2015, this hair color—also known as the new ombré—flatters women's hair of all shapes, lengths and tones by giving your locks a gorgeous glow. Ecaille is a way to color your tresses while still maintaining your natural hues by using lighter, golden-toned highlights to frame your face. 

3. Frizz up

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Who said frizz was always bad? Sure, it can be a tad bit annoying if your hair is supposed to look sleek and shiny, but when embracing your natural tresses, a bit of tamed frizz is never a bad thing. After twisting your hair or using a diffuser, there is nothing wrong with letting a few strands go astray. It gives the perfect bedhead or next-day hair style for all you natural-haired collegiettes.

4. Ice, Ice Baby

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Natural hair styles and colors might be all the rage now, but this look is one that will have you feeling cool 24/7, or at least until it grows out. This look isn't for the faint of heart, but it definitely is an awesome one. Instead going for the platinum blonde look that fashionistas everywhere are loving, stand out from the crowd with a dazzling, icy white. If you're thinking about doing this, make sure to go to a stylist who knows what she is doing so that your tresses do not break from the double processing!

Which of these trends will you be trying this year, collegiettes?

The Truth About Food Addiction

College is an overwhelmingly stressful time. We’ve all heard about the not-so-mythical myth of the “Freshman 15,” but we are not always aware of all the unhealthy eating patterns we adopt as undergrads. Our food habits can get out of hand and we are at a high risk for all sorts of eating disorders and harmful behaviors, such as binge-eating. This disorder, sometimes referred to as food or eating addiction, involves eating large quantities of food in one sitting and losing the ability to stop. We talked to experts to help you make sense of this eating disorder and find out how to get help if you think you are prone to binge-eating.

What is binge-eating disorder?

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Binge-eating disorder is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as a diagnosable Eating and Feeding Disorder. According to Dr. Lauren Ozbolt, a Los Angeles-based psychiatrist, the accepted definition for this condition is “recurrent episodes of binge-eating, [where] the episodes are associated with three or more of the following:  

  • Eating more rapidly than normal
  • Eating until uncomfortably full
  • Eating large amounts of food when not physically hungry
  • Eating alone because of feeling embarrassed
  • Feeling disgusted with oneself
  • Marked distress regarding binge-eating
  • Binge-eating occurs at least once a week for three months
  • No inappropriate compensatory behavior [i.e. purging] is present

What is binge-eating?

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Binge-eating is much more than just the occasional overindulgence. “Binge-eating is out-of-control eating, much more than an individual needs to maintain their weight,” says Joanne Larsen, a professional dietitian. “Large amounts of calories (5,000 to 10,000+ calories in a single session) are eaten in in a couple hours or less.” To put it in perspective, this would mean consuming between one and three jars of Nutella or one to four large pizza pies in one sitting.

Bingeing is comparable to addictive behaviors in some ways, but there is not enough evidence for the existence of actual food addiction, which Dr. Ozbolt explains is not a medical term. That being said, we are much more likely to binge on some types of food than on others. “Binge foods are usually high calorie, high carbohydrate, high fat,” Larsen says.

The idea that people only binge on junk foods (and not, say, lettuce) could suggest that these foods contain inherent addictive properties, but this has not been scientifically proven. “There have been some articles published denoting the power of ‘sugar’ and ‘sugar addiction’ but to date, no valid medical data has ever supported this idea,” Dr. Ozbolt says.

Bingeing episodes can be extremely damaging, both physically and psychologically. “Binge eating distends the stomach and can cause intestinal distress while your body tries to process the quantity of binge food you ate,” Larsen says. “Binge-eating, if frequent, can result in weight gain which can lead to an eating disorder,” namely binge-eating disorder or bulimia nervosa.

The impact of this behavior on your mental wellness is equally as serious. “Food-bingeing can lead to lower self-esteem and a feeling of helplessness over binge foods,” Larsen explains.

How does binging behavior happen?

There are many factors that may contribute to the onset of bingeing behaviors and binge-eating disorder. For instance, hunger can play a role in each episode. “You may or may not be hungry when binging on a food, though food-binge behavior is more likely when you don't eat every four to five hours,” Larsen says.

Dr. Ozbolt agrees that you are more at risk if you don’t feed yourself regularly. “Sometimes the dynamics of dieting and restricting can increase your propensity to binge-eat,” she says. “For example, if you deprive yourself of food for several days, you may ‘break down’ and binge-eat due to hunger.”

In the case of the illness itself, “binge-eating disorder likely has some genetic predisposition but also has environmental risk factors,” Dr. Ozbolt says. “It is often associated with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. Victims of sexual abuse/trauma are often more prone to bulimia nervosa and binge-eating. Often it can serve as an inappropriate coping mechanism for emotional regulation.”

In this way, binge-eating disorder and eating disorders in general are psychiatric diagnoses that are not rooted in food itself, but rather in a variety of other distressing elements. To nuance this argument, the foods that we are most likely to binge on are readily available on college campuses, and the stress that accompanies our collegiate careers can increase the risk of developing an eating disorder as well.

Although you should use the term “addiction” sparingly when it comes to binge-eating, Susan Holmberg, a certified nutrition specialist, contends that “junk foods are much more addictive than broccoli or chicken. [In college,] you get cheesy sticks and pizza ordered at 3 a.m, [because] it’s inexpensive.”

When should you get help?

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For Holmberg, the line between a “normal” relationship with food and an unhealthy one is blurry. “‘Addiction’ is tossed around a lot and is difficult to pin down,” Holmberg says. “You can’t quantify it, it depends on the individual. Eating the whole jar of Nutella might not be symptomatic if you just shouldn’t be around Nutella; everyone can overeat here and there.”

With this in mind, there are many indicators of binge-eating disorder that you should not ignore. You could be suffering from this condition if any of the following apply to your eating habits:

  • They interfere with your social and academic life.
  • You avoid social situations where you might eat too much.
  • You hide and/or hoard food; you have a food stash.
  • You gain a significant amount of weight (ten pounds or more in a month, depending on your weight, according to Larsen).
  • You experience a loss of control when eating.
  • You know you are harming your body, but you can’t make yourself stop.

If you think you have reasons to be concerned about your wellbeing or that of a friend, “there is a free online survey called EAT-26 which women can take to gauge if their eating patterns are unhealthy,” Dr. Ozbolt advises.

Which resources can you turn to?

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Feeling “addicted” or out-of-control around food is a serious problem that you shouldn’t face on your own. First of all, you need to surround yourself with a support system of caring friends and family. In turn, they can help you navigate this difficult time and seek out counseling.

Holmberg would encourage you to find out which resources are available on your campus. College counseling services are usually well equipped to help patients with eating disorders, whether they have a specific subdivision for such issues or not. “There are also plenty of books, online books, online chat groups and local helplines,” Holmberg says.

The following websites and helplines can help you learn more about or overcome this disorder:

Finally, Holmberg suggests reading books by Dr. Mark Hyman, the director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and a physician specializing in nutrition, books by Dr. Daniel Amen, who writes about the role of the brain in our overall health, and The Mood Cure by Julia Ross.

Which steps can you take in your own time?

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Beyond counseling, there are many manageable steps you can take towards getting healthy. One general idea to keep in mind is that “binge-eating is not about willpower over food,” Larsen says. “Willpower is often used to avoid binge foods rather than changing bingeing behaviors using behavioral techniques. Willpower is usually only successful for a few days.”

Instead, Larsen suggests the following methods:

  • Create a positive eating environment for yourself to succeed by not buying foods you binge on.
  • If you binge on desserts, select foods that are filling, such as meat, starches, vegetables, fruit and dairy before you go back to choose a dessert.
  • Limit yourself to one dessert per week and choose which day of the week you are going to eat dessert.
  • Stop eating when you are full.
  • If you eat fast, slow down and chew each mouthful slowly, savoring the taste of food.
  • Eat regular meals: breakfast, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner and an evening snack.
  • Plan to eat every four to five hours so that you are not overly hungry, which can lead to bingeing.
  • Exercise. It helps increase the feel-good hormones (endorphins) in your brain and helps increase your calorie burn for hours after your workout.

However, if you have a full-blown, diagnosable eating disorder, it is crucial that you seek out medical help. The way Dr. Ozbolt puts it, you need “individual psychotherapy (i.e. counseling) and nutritional counseling. This is a psychiatric disorder and is as valid as any medical disorder. If you had diabetes, for instance, you wouldn't just read a self-help book or ‘will’ yourself not to have it.” Binge-eating disorder is an illness like any other, and you should not feel uncomfortable getting professional help; this will only contribute to the existing stigma.

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Binge-eating disorder is a deeply rooted psychiatric condition and can be extremely challenging to overcome. But between your friends, school counseling services, online resources, helplines and books, you have all the tools you need to get you through this difficult time.

Perfect Your Selfie With a Free Click Stick!

Ever tried to take a selfie with all your friends, only to find nobody’s arm is long enough to fit everybody in? Or were you not able to fit the whole Eiffel Tower into your shot while you were abroad? Well, we’re about to solve all your selfie woes—we’ve partnered up with Thumbs Up to give away a Click Stick to three selfie-loving collegiettes!

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The Thumbs Up Click Stick selfie pole is just what you need to duplicate Ellen DeGeneres’s star-studded Oscar selfie… except yours will be better—we promise. With no complicated wires or required pairings, the Click Stick is convenient and easy to use. The pole extends from 7 inches to 39 inches, meaning that you’ll never have to strain your arm or cut friends out of the shot again. Plus, Click Stick is compatible with both Apple and Android devices!

Ready for the most enviable selfies on campus? Enter below now for your chance to win one of 3 Click Sticks!

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The Do’s & Don’ts of Dating After College

It happens almost overnight: You pack up your cap and gown, move to a new city, pay your first utility bill... and get asked on a real date.

So, now what? Dating in the real world is different than it is in college, so you probably have a ton of questions. What’s the new hook-up etiquette? Where can you meet new people? Do people actually use online dating sites?

The new scene can be hard to navigate, so we’ve put together an all-inclusive guide for everything you need to know about dating after college, from one-night stands to long-term relationships. Check out our list of dos and don’ts!

Do date outside of your comfort zone

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The real world is a great place to explore different kinds of people and personalities. Instead of ignoring those who don’t fit your mold when you’re out at a bar, say yes to a date with someone who might even be the opposite of what you think you’re looking for.

“I always tell people to be open,” says Marla Martenson, author of Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker. “Try going out with [people] who you don’t think [are] your type… like someone who’s shorter than you.”

You never know what could happen—Martenson says that chemistry isn’t something you can gauge just by looking at someone.

At the very least, you may learn something new about yourself and what you like. You might think you like the funny, life-of-the-party sort of guy, but end up having a great time with someone who’s more on the quiet side.

“Many happily coupled people find themselves with amazing partners in packages different from the vision they held when single,” says Jasbina Ahluwalia, founder and president of matchmaking site Intersections Match.

Don’t be afraid of age differences (but do be conscious of your lifestyle differences)

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Other than your cute econ TA (who was totally not an option anyway), you were probably used to dating guys or gals around your age in college. After graduation, however, you’ll meet some people who seem old enough to be your parents, but still want to date you anyway.

The bonus? They’re probably a lot more mature and serious about their lives, futures and careers. This could also mean that your priorities are in different places—are they looking to settle, when you’re looking for a more casual dating relationship?

Jodi RR Smith, an etiquette consultant, also points out that it could also be the opposite situation.

“Why is [he or she] not dating somebody with a similar life experience?” Smith asks. “Is [he or she] very immature? Is [he or she] unable to commit? After dating you for five years will [he or she] trade you in for a younger model?”

While it’s good to have these questions in mind, don’t let them define your relationship—regardless of age, every relationship should be based on love, honesty, loyalty and whatever else your ideals and values are.

Don’t date coworkers (if you can avoid it)

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Just like you can get a reputation on a college campus, you can also get one at your job, Smith warns. And when it happens, “it might not be as humorous out in the professional world,” where you’ll have to live with it for the next 30 years instead of just four.

People think they’re good at keeping office relationships discreet, but it’s much harder than they realize, Smith says. Before you know it, “you’ve become the star in the office soap opera,” she says.

And if things don’t work out with your coworker, you will have to see that person every single day at the office, which could be upsetting, embarrassing and distracting.

Of course, you can’t help whom you like—if you do find yourself falling for someone in your office and are determined to make it work, take it very slow, Smith says. You should already know this person very well (Smith recommends one year as a general rule).

Do figure out what you want

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Dating can be like interviewing—you want to make a good first impression, but you also want to ask your own questions and make sure that person is a good fit for you so you know when to say yes to a second date and when to say no.

When starting out, Martenson suggests to focus on your deal-breakers first, then go from there. Martenson always knew that she didn’t want children and that she wanted to live in Los Angeles, so she ruled anyone out who wouldn’t jive with her on those points.

It’s important to differentiate between your “must-haves” and your “nice-to-haves,” Ahluwalia says.

“If one of your values is spending quality time with your parents, then a must-have would be his acceptance and appreciation of your desire to spend quality time with your parents. A non-essential nice-to-have may be his being close with his own parents,” Ahluwalia says. “Being as flexible as possible with respect to your nice-to-haves optimizes the chances of finding a guy who meets your must-haves.”

Do get creative

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In college, you were surrounded by fellow students. You may have taken for granted that this meant that everyone you met had a few qualities in common with you, like age and education, and perhaps even things like majors, extracurricular activities and more. In the real world, you may have to go out of your way to find potential dates who have interests in common with you.

“I have played in some coed sports leagues, and there are always cute guys,” says Sabrina*, who graduated college a few years ago. She says she has enjoyed meeting people on her soccer team who are also athletic and outgoing.

Going out to bars with your friends is the most obvious way to meet new people, so get out of your comfort zone and make an effort to talk to more people than just the ones you’re out with. You might be surprised how many people are also out to meet others (and not just looking for a one-night stand) if you give them a chance!

Or, if you’re a regular at your local coffee shop, pay attention to the people who are also there frequently; they’re probably from the same area, so getting to know them will instantly open up your network of people in your neighborhood.

Many colleges also offer alumni meet-ups in cities across the nation. Having the same alma mater gives you an instant connection and a great place to start a conversation. 

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It’s never a good idea to play the stereotypical dating games—and in the real world, it’ll get you even further from where you want to be. Instead, get real about your relationships and keep it straightforward and honest—you could be meeting “The One,” so you don’t want to start the relationship off in the wrong way! Don’t pretend you don’t care when you really do, and definitely don’t wait days before responding to a text, especially if you’re interested in someone. When you revert to these tactics, more likely than not the other person will lose interest, write you off as being immature or not understand what you’re trying to accomplish, period.

Don’t get too drunk

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Know what your limits are—there’s no better way to put a damper on a first date than to have your date escort you home… all the way across town (you’re not just heading to the next dorm building on campus anymore!). Additionally, spending time with someone who’s essentially a stranger already comes with its own risks; you don’t want to impair your judgment.

“The dangers you see on campus are the same in the real world,” Smith says. “If you had a terrible day and you want to get rip-roaring drunk, do it with you friends.”

As for a night out with a new date? Even with all safety considerations aside, you should be taking the time to get to know your date and vice versa; you don’t want to be remembered as the one who passed out mid-date.

Do use the Internet

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Let’s admit it—we’ve all Facebook-stalked potential suitors. After college, there’s nothing wrong with using the Internet to check out new guys (it is the digital age after all, right?). Of course, there are the traditional dating sites, like Match.com and OkCupid (which is free!). But don’t stop there—apps like Tinder, Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel make it even easier to meet new people.

Tinder is connected to your Facebook account, and the app pulls your name, age and a few photos to create your profile. The app will bring up profiles of people who are close to your current location. Then, you can go through each profile and decide if you want to swipe right, which means you like what you see, or swipe left, rejecting him or her. If the other person also swipes right for you, it’s a match, and you’ll be able to message each other.

Hinge matches you with 15 people a day who are already in your extended social circle, based on your Facebook network: They might be friends or friends of friends. This gives you a more select pool of potential dates, complete with information about where they went to school and where they work.

The premise around Coffee Meets Bagel is that you’re not committing to a serious date, but rather just a casual meet-up for coffee. You’re matched with one person a day, also based on your mutual friends, and you have the chance to “like” or “pass” on that person. If you both like each other, you have the option to chat.

“I got matched with my boyfriend on both Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel,” says Keira*, who graduated in 2012 and lives in New York City. “We’ve been dating for a few months now.”

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The hook-up culture of college does not magically end after you graduate. There will still be people who have only sex on their minds who are not looking for long-lasting relationships. Don’t feel like you have to do the same, even if it’s with someone you think you really like. And if that’s what you’re looking for, that’s totally fine—but be sure that you’re being safe and using protection.

If someone is pressuring you to do something you’re not comfortable with, don’t be afraid to stay firm in your answer. You may need to have a serious conversation with your date, and if you’re not being taken seriously or your concerns are being brushed off, it’s time to move on—no matter how much you like this person.

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Whether you have a date lined up or not, you’ll be ready to take on dating in the real world. You might just find that meeting people is a lot easier than you think—and a lot more fun than campus-dining-hall dates of years past!

*Names have been changed.

Is This App About to Change Travel For Women?

Spring break is just around the corner, which means flight prices are going up, and there are only so many seats in your best friend’s Prius to take you on the road trip you’ve been talking about since freshman year! Fortunately, Tripda is here to get you out of this little pickle – in a fun, affordable, safe and environmentally-friendly way.

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Tripda is a ride-sharing website and app that puts choices in your hands. Instead of randomly matching drivers and passengers, there are a number of features that allow both sides to learn about the other and confirm their decision to travel together. Plus, it’s super easy – and saves you tons on gas and toll money!

All you have to do is log in, connecting through your Facebook account. This allows you and any potential travel buddies to access basic information like profile picture, age and number of friends. You can view unbiased community reviews on potential travelers written by people they’ve traveled with in the past (similar to Airbnb reviews). From there you can either offer or find a ride, select your preferred route and connect with your travel companion through messaging on the site and app – you can chitchat, get to know one another and make sure your companion is a good fit you feel comfortable with. Now comes the fun part: Sit back, enjoy the ride and rate it when you’re done!

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Tripda also has an awesome Ladies Only option, where you can ensure that you’ll be riding solely with women for an added element of comfort and fun. You never know – you could even meet a potential friend, boss, or business partner on the open road!

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This ride-sharing community goes the extra mile to ensure your safety. With affiliation badges on members’ profiles, you can choose people who belong to other organizations and communities you might also be allied with. So that you don’t have to worry about your personal data being shared, Tripda uses advanced SSL encryption technology to secure your transactions and information. And the double opt-in process makes sure both drivers and passengers want to travel with one another.

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So if you’re not up for the wild spring break trip your friends have planned (or just need a ride to get there) or you want to challenge yourself with some solo travel, think about the places you can go and the people you’ll meet on Tripda – download it now! Your road trip awaits!

9 Reasons Why You Should Love Your Body

February 22 to 28 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. We'll be sharing information about this important issue throughout the week, from what to do if you or a friend is suffering from an eating disorder to how to love your body just the way it is! Be sure to check out all of our content here.

The never-ending stream of TV shows and ads about losing more weight, getting smaller waists and achieving skinnier legs makes it seem as if you aren't beautiful until you've tried the latest fad diet and managed to squeeze into a size negative two dress. Let's admit it: the constant pressure for self-improvement can get a bit exhausting! What happened to appreciating your body just the way it is?

It's easy to forget about all the amazing things your body is doing every moment you talk, walk, think and breathe. It works hard around the clock to keep you functioning so you're able to attend all of your classes, go to sports practices and enjoy your favorite extracurricular activities. So instead of striving to make your body look impossibly perfect, show yourself some love by appreciating your body's strength, functionality and beauty. Take a look below at nine reasons why your body is truly amazing!

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1. Your Eyes

Your eyes can process 36,000 bits of information every hour, distinguish about 10 million colors and also express your colorful personality—those are definitely some eye-catching qualities! Kelsey Mulvey, former HC editor, loves her eyes because they "look super brown one day, and oddly green the next,” she says. “Personally, I love it! I feel like you can't accurately describe my hair and eye color. Instead, I'm uniquely myself.”

2. Your Nose

Your nose lends character to your face and makes you recognizable. You wouldn't look your beautiful self without the one that you have right now! Your nose can also remember 50,000 different scents (an excuse to go perfume shopping), and it's a fact that women are born better smellers than men and stay better smellers for the rest of their lives. Let's also not forget that your nose makes it possible for you to experience all of those amazingly delicious flavors whenever you dig into a meal, since flavors result from a combination from both taste and smell. Loving your nose makes perfect scents (pun intended)!

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3. Your Arms

Your strong arms allow you to do everything from hugging to playing sports, and they can even be used as a canvas for art. University of Rochester senior Katherine Varga says, "I really like my arms because they're covered with freckles. When I'm bored, I connect the dots on them to form constellations."

4. Your Chest

Has any other body part ever been so celebrated in art, literature, pop culture or life in general? From paintings of Greek goddesses and pictures of pin-up girls to modern-day lingerie ads, there’s a lot of hype about that region of our bodies. No matter which bra size you wear, be proud of your femininity. After all, you're #flawless!

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5. Your Stomach/Waist

Women have a lot of guts—literally! The lower portion of the colon, called the sigmoid colon, tends to be longer in women than in men. Also, about 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut, so you can thank your stomach for keeping you strong and healthy.

6. Your Hips

It's basically historically proven that curves are beautiful (think the original supermodels of the past and Kim Kardashian and Beyoncé of today). It's also scientifically proven that smart women have curvy hips, so embrace yours!

7. Your Butt

Your glutes are a powerful muscle group that represents both power and femininity. The gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle in your entire body and allows you to walk and run upright. It also doesn't hurt that your assets make your new pair of jeans look amazing! It's no wonder that both Jennifer Lopez and Kylie Minogue have insured their backsides for millions.

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8. Your Thighs/Legs

It takes 200 muscles to take just a single step, so your legs are a real powerhouse! Your thighbone is stronger than concrete and is the longest bone in your body, measuring about a quarter of your height. Bigger thighs have also been linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. Strong legs are so in! Just look at Queen Bey—she doesn't have a thigh gap, but she's considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. Her thighs even have their own Facebook fan page!

9. Your Skin

Your skin does so much more than make you look presentable—without it, you'd just evaporate! It also guards the body against extreme temperatures, sunlight, chemicals and infections. It's magically recuperative and elastic; humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin per hour, so your entire outer layer of skin replaces itself once a month like a waterproof, self-cleaning fortress (talk about a new you!).

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So the next time that little negative voice in your head starts to say mean things about your body, remember all the wonderful things your body does for you. Admire all your body parts equally, because each is an extension of who you are. Love and respect your body, and it will love and respect you back!

Go ahead and treat yourself to some pizza, indulge in some chocolate or take a nice, long bubble bath (or all three!) —your body deserves it. Beauty comes in all sizes, shapes and forms; always remember that your body is already beautiful just the way it is.

Think you might be suffering from an eating disorder? The National Eating Disorders Association has a free and confidential screening to help you determine next steps. If you're looking for more information, be sure to call the NEDA helpline. Looking for ways to help spread the word? Find out how you can get involved on your campus.

Get Inspired by These Street Style Looks from London Fashion Week

Stuck in a winter fashion slump? Tired of wearing the same sweater, scarf and boot combo? If you answered "yes" to one or both of these questions, you are in major need of some style inspiration. Lucky for you, the ladies of London dressed to impress during London Fashion Week and we've compiled their best street style looks to bring your winter wardrobe back to life. Bonus: These are all totally class-appropriate!

1. Pattern-mixing

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We present to you, the master of mixing. Horizontal stripes! Vertical stripes! Gingham! Throw in a Peter Pan collar and we're even more on board. The key when mixing colors is to stay in the same color pallette, as shown beautifully above.

2. Easy polish

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Pair a structured coat and button-down combo with perfectly messy hair and you've got yourself a winner. An easily-replicated outfit idea excellently paired with your best "I woke up five minutes ago" hairdo.

3. Skirts made for winter

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Not only is the color palette ah-mazing (yes, you CAN pair navy and black!), but this outfit shows the beauty of a long skirt in the winter. Top it off with a cozy sweater and some edgy boots and you've got yourself an outfit.

4. Working with what you have

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Jeans? Check. Scarf? Check. Neutral Shirt? Check. The three main pieces of this outfit are all easily found in any and every closet. Pair with oversize sunnies and your best model pout to bring fashion week to your campus.

5. Accent accessories

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A rainy day calls for a bright hat. Don't shy away from color just because the weather is dreary. Brighten up any outfit with a pop of color—we love how the red stands out against the navy.

We dare you to give one of these street style-approved looks a try this week, collegiettes!

7 Surprises From the 'Parks & Recreation' Finale

You're probably still wiping away tears after last night's Parks & Recreation finale—maybe you're taking a sick day because you still can't stop ugly-crying—and we understand completely. After seven seasons of laughs, tears, and waffles, it’s time to say goodbye to Parks & Rec. We will always cherish the show that brought us Galentine's Day, Lil’ Sebastian (RIP), Mouse Rat, and Treat Yo Self. The characters have taught us so much about life, love, and the importance of hard work. Last night's finale gave us tearful endings for our favorite characters, but we couldn't have asked for a better way to say goodbye to Pawnee. Here were the best surprises from the finale.

Warning: Spoilers!

1. The return of Ann Perkins & Chris Traeger

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After moving to Michigan in Season 6, Ann Perkins and Chris Traeger returned to Pawnee for good. Even though a Leslie-Ann reunion was very likely from the start, we were still super excited to see these two best friends together again. Their friendship was one of the strongest on television, and we're glad that in the end it's still as strong as ever. #FriendshipGoals.

2. RIP Garry

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It't been nothing but bad news for Garry throughout the show's seven seasons. After maintaining the title of office joke for so long, it was nice to see him end up becoming the Mayor of Pawnee and living to be 100. Although he passed away, he was surrounded by his loving (and anti-aging) wife Gail and his beautiful daughters. Rest in peace Garry, Larry, Jerry, Terry—whatever your name is.

3. Tom is a best-selling author

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We've all watched Tom's many business ideas fail over time, but this time it was failure that actually helped him succeed. He became a best-selling author of a self-help book highlighting the different types of success using his own friends as examples. Even in the future, Tom still has swagger!

4. April & Andy are parents

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Of course, April finally gave in and admitted she did in fact want to be a mother. We've seen Andy and April's relationship grow from the start and finally, they've expanded their family. They had a son named Burt Snakehole Ludgate Karate Dracula Macklin Demon Jack-O-Lantern Dwyer... or just Jack, for short. It was also revealed that April is pregnant with her second child. Hopefully they'll just stick with the name Jonny Karate next time.

5. Leslie & Ann's kids fall in love

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This moment was a serious tearjearker. Not only did we find out that Ann's daughter's name is Leslie, but that her son has a serious crush on Ben and Leslie's daughter. Can you imagine if these two got married? A Galentine's bachelorette party? Wedding waffles? Not to mention the best mothers-in-law ever.

6. Leslie becomes Governor

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Leslie's political career has flourished over the past couple seasons but last night she got her dream of becoming Governor of Indiana. Both Ben and Leslie were in the running, but Ben stepped down knowing Leslie wanted it more. During the last couple of minutes we saw Leslie as the Governor giving a commencement speech where they (unfortunately) renamed a library after her. We all know the only thing Leslie hates more than libraries is Greg Pikitus. 


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The real cliffhanger of the finale was the question of who becomes president? In one of the flash-forwards we saw Ben and Leslie at Jerry's funeral with secret service agents behind them. The creator of the show, Michael Schur, purposely left this open for interpretation, but we like to think it was Leslie Knope who became the first female President.

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The Parks finale isn't just the end of a television series, but the end of an era as well. It's hard to say goodbye to a show that not only made us laugh, but taught us so much about perseverance and dreaming big. Thank you, Parks and Recreation, for LITERALLY everything. Oh, and always, always remember to "Be the Leslie Knope of whatever you do."

Are 'Sushirritos' the Next Big Food Trend?

For many collegiettes, the holy grail of good food is as follows: pizza, burritos and sushi. But what if you could combine some of these? How would that shake things up? Well, that's what one San Francisco-based eatery has done and no, it's not serving up pizzarritos... rather, sushirritos! 

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If you live in the Bay Area, no longer do you have to have a sushi vs. burrito lunch dilemma every afternoon, because you can now have a little bit of both packed into one. Though the delectable creations that come out of Sushirrito slightly resemble Chipotle's foil-wrapped perfections, make no mistake—they are quite different, most noticably because of the fresh fish!

At any of Sushirrito's four locations, customers can choose between eight burrito options, which include fun varieties like Geisha's Kiss, Salmon Samba and Sumo Crunch. Ingredients the eatery uses include everything from yellowfin tuna to chicken katsu. When founder Peter Yen came up with the idea in 2010, he had the goal of providing a venue that offered sushi that was sustainable, easy to eat on the go and fresh

While Sushirrito only has four locations in the Bay Area of California, we imagine this idea will spread quickly and spawn similar franchises—hopefully across college campuses everywhere! Our only question now is: Does guac cost extra?

5 Awkward Housing Scenarios & How to Deal

Figuring out where you want to live and whom you want to live with in college can be awkward for many reasons. Maybe the girl you chatted with on Facebook before the semester started who claimed she was easy-going turned out to be a neat freak who tossed out your syllabi, or perhaps the fun roomie you were hoping for turned out to be a total frenemy who ignored yourmutual roommate contract. She drove you crazy all year, but it has to stop: There’s no way you’re letting it happen again next year.

This year, you’re going in prepared. What if your roomie thinks you’re total BFFs? How do you tell your roommate you don't want to live with her anymore? What if you want to live in a certain building, but a girl you really want to room with can't afford a certain apartment? There are solutions for all of these awkward situations, but you have to go in knowing how to deal.

Here are five inevitable awkward housing situations that will come up when it comes time to finding housing for next year and tips for how to deal with them:

1. You and your roommates have different budgets

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Your roommate can’t stop raving about the apartment she found with enormous closets, and a full kitchen with granite countertops, but you and your tight budget were hoping for cheaper digs. Or maybe you found a great place within your budget, but your roomie’s balking at the rent. What do you do?

In this case, it’s best to talk it out and work together to find a happy medium.

“For me, one of my friends couldn't afford an off-campus house and it was a little awkward,” said Rachel, a junior at the University of Delaware. “We told her the price and she started crying and eventually backed out of the whole thing because she couldn't afford it. But by then we had a lease ready to sign for a place we all loved and we had to deny it, so that wasn't fun.” Rachel says her friend avoided her for a little while out of embarrassment, but now everything is back to normal.  

Before you even start your apartment search, make sure you and your friends are clear about what your budgets look like. Once you’ve found a place you love, be sure to be upfront about the costs of living with your friends and potential roommates. You want to make the transition as smoothly as possible, and you don’t want to put your friends or yourself in a tough situation. If the girls find an apartment that’s above your budget, make sure you let them know right away; that way, you don’t end up locked in to a contract you can’t keep, nor will you have to back out last minute and leave your friends in a bind. Discuss ways to lower your costs either by finding a new place within your price range, or even by coming to some sort of agreement; for example, maybe you’ll take the smallest room for a lower rent. Be flexible where you can, though; both sides may have to give and take a little bit on the price, but settle for a price somewhere in the middle.

Julia, a senior who goes to school in Worcester, Massachusetts, had someone drop out of an apartment because of the price a week before they were supposed to finalize the plans. She says that her potential roommate brought up that the price of the apartment was too expensive for her after they’d all decided they wanted to move into it. “If an apartment/building is too expensive for you, you owe it to your other roommates to let them know ASAP,” she urges.

Julia believes that if you let your friends know right away that you can’t afford a certain apartment, they will understand and be supportive of you. “With my situation, nobody was judging the other girl for not being able to afford it, and things would've been much smoother if she'd just told us straight away,” she says.

To prevent this from happening to you and your friends, suggest setting a budget before you go housing hunting. How much do you all want to pay a month? Could you reduce the cost by inviting more friends to live with you? These are just a few factors to consider that could prevent some miscommunication down the road!

If you are left in the sticky situation of figuring out housing if a friend drops because of the price, have a backup plan. Never rule out campus housing as an option, and keep a few collegiettes in mind who would be willing to jump in on an apartment and split rent if somebody backs out last minute.

2. You don’t want to live with her

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If you don’t want to room with someone who asked to live with you next year, you have to break it to her eventually. But, you have to tread lightly:

“You have to be really nice about it,” says Abigail*, a freshman at American University. “Even if you’re not, you have to look interested, and then you have to say that you have some options and you need to look over them and think about it and get back to her. It’s important to thank her for thinking of you, and say you’ll let her know.” Unless you know she’d be the roommate from a horror flick, don’t write her off right away. Consider the possibility of rooming with her, but if you absolutely know that you have other plans, let her know as soon as you can that you’re already committed to another roommate.

If you want to get out of living with your current roommate again, you need to be a bit more direct. Have a conversation about your plans for next year, and let her know some reasons for wanting to get a new roommate. If you’re having roommate problems, your reasons for wanting to get a new roomie may be obvious (and she most likely will feel the same way), but if you reasons are different you need to make them known.

In this case, honesty is the best policy. You can’t worry about hurting her feelings because you have to do what you believe will be best for the both of you. Just be sure to let her down gently! If you want to have the experience of getting to know someone new and living with a new collegiette or want to live with a friend, you have to let your current roommate know so that she can make arrangements herself.

3. The elusive roommate

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If you haven’ttried to fix your roommate problems by the time you have to sign up for housing for next year, you might find yourself on the receiving end of being dumped, meaning your roommate might have made other plans without talking to you at all.

“My best friend moved out on her roommate this past semester,” says Allison. “She just waited until the semester ended and moved out. She texted her and told her she just wasn't happy in that room.”

This is what you want to avoid at all costs, collegiettes! Even if you’re not friends with your roommate, you still want to be civil and respect each other. In college, you want to avoid burning bridges, not only because you’ll be running into this person during the rest of your time in college, but also because you never know who your boss might be down the road! How awkward would it be to be applying for a job only to run into the roommate you hated freshman year?

Be proactive to avoid this happening to you. If you’re unsure of what to do for next year or if your roommate hasn’t mentioned anything, send your roommate a quick text asking if the two of you can talk. Try to meet in person (preferably in your room or in a non-confrontational setting) and just talk about her plans. Ask her about next year, and she might bring up her plans without you having to spill your housing concerns.

4. Odd one out

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So maybe you loved your roommate from freshman year and you both want to room with each other again, but she’s already got a best friend higher up on her list to live with. If you figure this out too late in the process, you may find out that you’re either out on the street, or living in a triple room with your old roomie and her new BFFL.

Triple rooms are usually cheaper, but more crowded. If you’re in a triple, beware of being the odd one out. You certainly don’t want to always feel like you’re the girl getting left out. If your roommate wants to live with her new best friend, consider the options that you have. You can either pick a new roommate, hope for the best and get a random roommate or try to live with a best friend of your own!

Of course, it’s best to avoid this scenario altogether—if your current roommate is deciding between you and her bestie, don’t be afraid to give her a deadline for her final answer. Explain that you don’t want to be in a situation where you’re scrambling last-minute to find someone to room with, and she’ll understand!

5. The search for one more roomie

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After freshman year, housing options open up for college students. You can live off campus, in a suite-style dorm or be a resident assistant. The possibilities are endless. When it comes to wanting to live in a suite-style dormitory, things can get hairy:

“[I’m in] the awkward trying-but-not-trying to find another roommate stage,” says Charlotte, a freshman who wants to live in a suite-style dorm room next year. Charlotte and her two roommates need to find one more girl to live with in their suite.

If this is you, go on the hunt for one more roommate! Chat with potential roommates by inviting someone to get lunch or coffee with you and your two roommates, and see if the four of you mix well or clash! It’s best if the fourth roommate can get along with all three of you, so she doesn’t feel like she’ll be invading the beautiful arrangement you already have.

Many colleges also have an online search system built into their websites to help students find additional roommates. “Browse potential roommates based on their answers to a brief lifestyle survey,” suggests Tristine Harris, an assignment coordinator who works for American University Housing and Dining. “This allows you to also message [them] and get to see if you are further compatible beyond these questions.”

Be sure to check around with collegiettes on campus who might still be looking for a roommate, or see if your college has a housing page where you can look for potential roomies.

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Let’s face it: Talking about housing will almost always be awkward if you’re not prepared for the conversation. Talking things through with your potential roommates is key to making sure you all are on the same page for next year!


*Names have been changed.

11 Signs You Have Resting Nice Face

Resting Nice Face: A condition in which your resting face is naturally a pleasant expression. Symptoms include conversations with strangers, constant smiling and generally looking approachable. It's the antithesis of resting b*tch face, but is equally widespread - and dare we say it, catching. Think this condition applies to you? Check for these telltale signs.

1. Strangers will sit with you at coffee shops, even if you don’t want them to. 

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There’s an empty seat over there… Nope? Okay.

2. Not only that, but they’ll also tell you their life story. In detail.

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3. Doesn’t matter if you’re in the mall, in a city or around campus; someone will ask you for directions.

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Do I look like Google Maps to you?

4. You’ve learned to hate planes because the person sitting next to you will always chat you up, even when you clearly have headphones in.

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I just want to listen to 1989 in peace! Is that SO much to ask?!

5. People are genuinely surprised if you’re sassy, or better yet, say a curse word.

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Sometimes “darn” doesn’t cut it.

6. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been legal; you always get carded at the liquor store.

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Nice face = baby face.

7. Trying to be sexy is pointless. You always come off looking cute or awkward instead.

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Guess a sexy nurse costume for Halloween is out…

8. It’s really frustrating when you’re mad but no one believes you.

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Seriously! I’m pissed!

9. Guys will consistently hit on you when you’re out because you look approachable…

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Just because I’m smiling doesn’t mean I’m flirting. 

10. …and then not take the hint that you’re not interested.

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Really, please just go away.

11. Sometimes you get mistaken for ditzy, which is just ridiculous.

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So I can’t be nice and smart…? Cool, good to know...

Hey, on the bright side, if you are afflicted with Resting Nice Face, you’ll never be mistaken for a b*tch! And you’re probably a nice person anyways.

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Orthorexia: When Being Healthy Becomes an Obsession

February 22 to 28 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. We'll be sharing information about this important issue throughout the week, from what to do if you or a friend is suffering from an eating disorder to how to love your body just the way it is! Be sure to check out all of our content here.

We try our best to eat well and stay active, and we always hear celebrities boasting about their newest diets. However, some take it too far and can develop orthorexia nervosa. Orthorexia is when eating healthily becomes an obsession. We all have that friend who likes to talk about everything she eats and her latest juice cleanse, but orthorexia takes it to the extreme. Her Campus figured out what causes orthorexia, its signs and symptoms and how to get help.

What is orthorexia?

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Orthorexia is an obsessive fixation on healthy eating. It is not an officially recognized disorder, but is similar to other eating disorders.

“It is a condition characterized by an extreme preoccupation with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy—usually foods high in fat, sugar, carbs (for example, donuts, fried foods, pizza, chips),” says Dr. Kim Dennis, CEO and medical director of Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center.

People with orthorexia infuse a morality into their thoughts and beliefs about food—good foods, bad foods, pure foods, toxic foods. There is no concept of balance in their meal plans or food choice; they must eat all “good foods” and no “bad foods.”

What causes orthorexia?

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There is no one thing that can cause someone to develop orthorexia, but it is usually accompanied by a bigger underlying issue. Situations where someone is left feeling powerless, such as divorce, trauma or serious mental or physical illness, can be precursors for orthorexia.

“Most people who have it have high amounts of anxiety, are perfectionistic and can be obsessive in other areas of their lives, too,” Dr. Dennis says.

A person with orthorexia may start out by avoiding carbohydrates or cutting out unnatural, processed foods from his or her diet, but then will take it to the extreme. While some people do have strict diets, it’s when a diet overwhelms a person’s life that it becomes orthorexia. Someone suffering from orthorexia won’t just skip dessert, he or she will fixate on why it’s bad and everything in it that is unnatural or impure. An orthorexic’s mind and life is consumed by what he or she eats.

What are the signs and symptoms?

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Someone with orthorexia will be more obsessed with maintaining a healthy diet rather than a healthy weight. He or she will fixate on foods that make him or her feel pure and healthy, avoiding foods with artificial flavors, GMOs, fat, sugar or salt. Someone suffering from orthorexia may feel guilt if she has deviated from her healthy eating.

Dr. Dennis says someone has crossed over to orthorexia when “they can no longer have any flexibility in their food choices, when what they eat and its level of perceived purity surmounts all else in importance in their lives.” For example, if a collegiette with orthorexia put dressing on her salad in the dining hall, she may fixate on it and not stop talking about it the rest of the night. She may also suddenly start telling everyone she has a sudden allergy to certain foods without a real medical diagnosis. Dr. Dennis says to watch out for food choices affecting a person’s social life.

“When they cannot go to a social function and enjoy friends and family because the food being served is deemed unhealthy,” it is a problem, she says.  It’s hard to know if your best friend really can’t eat gluten anymore because she actually has an intolerance, or if she is going through something more.

Why is orthorexia dangerous?

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Since healthy eating is typically a good thing, it’s hard for some people to realize how problematic this type of behavior can become. “There are a lot less perceived negatives for their healthy lifestyle ‘choice’—which eventually becomes unhealthy and is no longer a choice but a must,” Dr. Dennis says. “This is a big difference from those with severe anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder or bulimia.” It can just seem like someone is trying to be healthy, when it is actually turning into a sickness.

“In less severe cases, the attempt to follow an extremely rigid meal plan and the obsession with what they put into their bodies can cause negative psychological or interpersonal effects in the person’s life—like depressive symptoms, irritability, social isolation, etc.” Dr. Dennis says. “The focus on food overshadows and outweighs in importance everything else in the person’s life—work, relationships with spouse, friends, kids, etc.”

With such an emphasis on pure and healthy foods, it’s easy for sufferers to become physically ill. Dr. Dennis says some of the physical symptoms can include malnourishment, impaired wound healing, gums bleeding and fatigue associated with anemia.

How can you get help?

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If you think you may have an unhealthy relationship with healthy eating, seek professional help. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, orthorexia is not a condition that a doctor can diagnose, but recovery can require professional help.

“It is not a DSM-V diagnosable/recognized condition, but we in the eating disorders world see it clinically,” Dr. Dennis says. She recommends seeing a professional skilled in treating eating disorders in helping to overcome this obsession. This person will be able to “support the person in being more motivated to change, in acknowledging there are problems with the ‘lifestyle’ that it is interfering with the person being able to live a free and meaningful, abundant life.”

If you think a friend may be suffering with this disorder, approach him or her kindly. “Tell them you read this article about it, and support them in seeking help,” Dr. Dennis says. “Tell them what you notice the impact it has had on you in your relationship with them, and any concerns you have about their happiness/health or lack thereof.”

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Stay healthy, but don’t let it take over your entire life. If you think you may be suffering from orthorexia, don’t hesitate to get help! 

Think you might be suffering from an eating disorder? The National Eating Disorders Association has a free and confidential screening to help you determine next steps. If you're looking for more information, be sure to call the NEDA helpline. Looking for ways to help spread the word? Find out how you can get involved on your campus.

7 Reasons Why Kaitlyn Should Be the Next Bachelorette

If you’re like us, Monday’s episode of The Bachelor still has you feeling off. Not only was it time for the Fantasy Suite dates, which will always be a concept we can’t wrap our heads around, but in a super shocking move, Chris sent this season's favorite Kaitlyn packing. After an episode filled with Chris doubting Becca’s investment in him and their relationship, we felt sure that Chris would stick with the two ladies who had already declared their love and willingness to move to Arlington. But leave it to Chris to make—in our opinion—the outright wrong choice. Now that we know Kaitlyn is not Chris’s bride-to-be, though, she is a prime pick for the next Bachelorette. Don’t believe us? Let us show you why!

1. She tells it like it is

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There’s no need to worry about Kaitlyn hiding her feelings. She was the only girl who said exactly what she was thinking about cuckoos Kelsey and Ashley S. But she was never mean-spirited, just completely and hilariously honest.

2. She’s perfected the pretty cry

Kaitlyn was one of the few women who didn’t have a total meltdown while on the show. But we all need to shed a few tears every now and then. Even after Chris denied her a rose, she cried like the humblest of beauty queens, never letting her makeup run or a sniffle escape. We need a tough lady who can handle the pressure of being the Bachelorette, and Kaitlyn is definitely cut out for it.

3. She’s up for anything

Kaitlyn is the girl who dealt with Jimmy Kimmel as a third wheel, let monkeys crawl on her back to eat bananas, and made Chris rap on her hometown date. Can you imagine the fun scenarios she would set up for her suitors? The possibilities would be endless!

4. She has a great sense of humor

We already knew Kaitlyn is funny, but now we understand where she gets her sense of humor from. Her mother put together quite an elaborate—and patriotic—outfit for her daughter’s time in the fantasy suite. We can see lots of pranks in our future if Kaitlyn is given the reins of this franchise. And don’t even get us started on that adorable laugh!

5. Her style is on point


Vancouver... Rainy city calls for hats. Indiana Jonesin tonight.

A photo posted by Kaitlyn Bristowe (@kaitlynbristowe) on

To be the Bachelorette, you need a versatile and chic style. Kaitlyn’s fashion picks are a bit off-kilter from what we’re used to seeing on the show, which is why we love her. Forget the stuffy evening gowns of past Bachelorettes. Kaitlyn would give us cool girl style vibes all the time!

6. She knows how to have a good... no, great time

Let’s be honest… this show is just one big drinking game. And given this proof of Kaitlyn’s eagerness to celebrate Kelsey’s departure, we know she can hold her own when it comes to boozing with her prospective husbands.

7. She handles curveballs well

This show loves to surprise its participants in any way possible; it makes for great television, after all! Kaitlyn showed us this week that she can take anything that’s thrown at her when Chris led Becca back into the rose ceremony. Kaitlyn was convinced Chris was sending Becca home but quickly recovered once she realized that wasn’t the case.

Were you as upset as we were that Chris sent Kaitlyn home? Do you think Kaitlyn should be our next Bachelorette or is there another woman you’d like to see instead? 

Lady Gaga to Star in Season 5 of 'American Horror Story'

Jessica Lange may be leaving American Horror Story behind but we have a strong feeling that the series' next leading lady will definitely leave no room for disappointment during the next highly-anticipated season.

This fall, the hotels will be alive with the sound of Gaga, as Lady Gaga officially announced yesterday that she will be joining the cast of American Horror Story for its fifth season. which premieres in October. Still revelling in the tremendous amount of praise she received after blowing us all away with her amazing Oscars performance, Gaga took to Twitter today to announce her involvement in the series as well as the upcoming season's new subtitle, Hotel.

Despite previously having smaller roles in Machete Kills and Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, this is the singer's first recurring role in a television series. Though the process of revealing new information about upcoming seasons is usually a bit secretive, Ryan Murphy, the show's creator, confirmed the collaboration via Twitter.

We never really pegged Gaga to be a cable television actress, but we have to admit that the news isn't so surprising. It's like a match made in Little Monster heaven. So far, no other cast members have officially signed on to American Horror Story: Hotel as Jessica Lange's involvement with the series is still in question. 

Here's to hoping that season five will throw us a bundle of surprises, including a Jessica Lange-Lady Gaga duet. 

7 Self-Tanners That’ll Give You a Perfectly Bronzed Glow

Even if it might not feel that way, warm weather is fast approaching and we’re looking a little, well, pale. And since lying out on the beach isn’t a year-round option for most of us, we have to turn to the next best thing: self-tanners! We rounded up seven bronzing products that are quick, easy and guaranteed not to turn you orange.

1. Neutrogena Micro-Mist Airbrush Sunless Tan ($10.99)

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This quick-drying spray allows you to bronze all those hard-to-reach places (like your back) without the streaks or dreaded orange palms you risk with a lotion. “I love it because it dries instantly,” says Adrian Thompson, a senior at the University of Iowa. “It adds just a touch of color without being too bold or dramatic.” With this micro-mist, you’ll never have to worry about looking like Snooki.

2. Tan Towel Self-Tan Towelette ($27.00)

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If you want to try something different than a spray or a lotion, check out these self-tanning wipes. They’re pretty big (9 by 12 inches) so they’re easy to apply without streaks. Use them once for a subtle glow before a night out, or multiple times if you’re looking for a deeper, more long-lasting tan. You have to wait a little bit to notice some color (about two hours), but the natural look is worth it!

3. St. Tropez Self Tan Bronzing Mousse ($32 for 4 oz.)

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Even though it’s on the pricey side, this self-tanner is worth the splurge. “It gives you a golden brown color that lasts about a week or so,” says Kaitlin Manion, a junior at Temple University. “The company also provides videos online about how to put it on!” With its lightweight, velvety texture, this formula dries in 60 seconds and leaves you with instant color. Plus it’s tinted, so you can see what you’re doing and never miss a spot.

4. Nature’s Gate Glow Lotion($13.99)

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Looking for a more natural product? This self-tanner gives you a subtle tint sans the chemical smell. With ingredients like shea butter and soybean oil, your skin will feel silky smooth after a couple uses. It also comes in two shades (fair and medium), so you’ll be sure to get color that works best for your skin tone. Bonus: it’s vegan and cruelty-free!

5. Jergens Natural Glow Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer ($9.99)

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Looking like you stepped off the beach AND rocking smooth skin? Sign us up! Jergens provides a natural looking glow that gradually builds as you use it. “It’s amazing!” says Iris Goldsztajn, a junior at the University of California, Los Angeles. “After about four or five days, I started to really see a difference. I really notice a natural bronze glow on my skin.” It’s also a moisturizer so you can say goodbye to dry skin!

6. Victoria’s Secret Instant Bronzing Tinted Body Spray ($15.00)

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If you’re feeling non-committal to being bronzed, this self-tanner is for you. With its continuous spray design, you’ll get instant color that dries quickly, but washes off in the shower. It hides your imperfections while evening out your skin tone. You’ll never have streaks and look as flawless as a VS model.

7. Australian Gold Faces Sheer Coverage, SPF 45 ($9.99)

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This triple threat is a self-tanner, bronzer and sunscreen, which means you can build your color gradually while staying protected from the sun’s harmful rays. With its oil-free formula, it’s perfect if you have sensitive skin. Even though it has “faces” in the name, you can use this tropical-scented lotion all over your body.

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Just because you can’t soak in the sun doesn’t mean you have to forget about look like a bronzed beach goddess. These seven self-tanners will help you achieve that natural glow (even before winter is over!) so you can head right into spring and summer looking like you’ve just been on a beach vacation… and not like you’re coming out of your winter hibernation.

Body Love: Your Guide to Self-Confidence

February 22 to 28 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. We'll be sharing information about this important issue throughout the week, from what to do if you or a friend is suffering from an eating disorder to how to love your body just the way it is! Be sure to check out all of our content here.

In a world of perfectly proportioned, perfectly airbrushed images of perfectly gorgeous women, it’s easy to look in the mirror and get discouraged. This can be exaggerated if you’re struggling with your gender identity and aren’t comfortable in your body to begin with. Because trans* people have so little representation in the media, it can be hard to love yourself when you can’t see yourself anywhere else. While it’s natural to want to better yourself, it’s important to remember that even though you may not look like Beyoncé, you’re flawless all the same. Here’s your guide to learning to love your body—stretch marks, dimples, bushy eyebrows and all.

Fake it

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Kanye West may be controversial, but he gets at least one thing right: Acting like you’re the best is the easiest way to make you feel like you’re the best. When you’re feeling bad about yourself, just tell yourself how great you are. Sooner or later you’ll start to believe it! Post that selfie, compliment your own outfit and walk down the sidewalk like you own it.

Be positive

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It’s easy to pull a Mean Girls and stand in front of the mirror bemoaning your man shoulders and weird hairline, but obsessing over your perceived flaws is no way to better your self-esteem. Instead, find three great things about yourself every day—you made someone laugh, you aced your chem test, your eyeliner wings are perfectly even. Before long, you’ll start noticing the good before you even think about obsessing over the bad!

Find people like you in the media

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When you turn on the TV or flip through Vogue, it can be hard to find someone who looks like you, and that can be really isolating. While we still have a long ways to go in terms of representation, shows like Orange Is the New Black and other queer-friendly TV shows are setting a good example by showing developed characters who share your skin color, body type, sexuality or gender identity. Your school might even have LGBTQ+-focused classes where you can learn more about gender and sexuality and start to realize how totally normal it is to not be cisgender or straight.

Don’t overthink it

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Feeling like your identity doesn’t match your body or thinking you need to conform to a specific way of expressing yourself can be suffocating, and dealing with those feelings can take a very long time.

“I think it's mostly due to a very strict gender binary with strict rules of gender expression,” says Sarah, a non-binary college student.

Whether you’re transitioning or not, it’s important to remember that it’s your body and no one else’s; It doesn’t matter what other people think about your appearance.

“Gender and bodies and expression are all such different things, and even though it's hard to accept certain things about your body sometimes, ultimately, you have to remember that as long as you feel okay in your body, it doesn't matter what others think,” Sarah says.

Compliment others

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You may be skeptical of this one, but trust us! Every time you go out, notice something nice about everyone you see or talk to, and don’t be afraid to share it with them. Once you notice how gorgeous or stylish or smart everyone around you is, you’ll realize that you’re someone else’s everyone. Someone else walking around campus is going to notice something awesome about you, even if you aren’t feeling it.

Surround yourself with positive people

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This might just be the most important piece of advice you’re ever going to get. Friends are supposed to support one another, so if you feel like you’re being attacked or brought down every time you hang out with your bestie, find people who are going to lift you up and encourage you to be your best version of yourself. If your friends don’t support your sexuality or gender identity, it’s definitely time to get out of those friendships; Their toxicity is just going to lead to self-hatred unless you realize that they’re the ones who need to change, not you.

Reward yourself

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Treat yourself like a friend. When you’re down, comfort yourself, and when you’re up, applaud yourself. Part of this is, in the wise words of Donna Meagle, treating yo self. Buy the dress that makes you feel sexy and confident, or let yourself have a cupcake after a hard day. You have to be your own best friend sometimes, and letting yourself have some quality self-care time is a great way to start to feel better about yourself.

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Loving yourself might just be the hardest thing you ever do. When you’re repeatedly told that your body is wrong or that your gender is unnatural, it can be a constant battle just to remember that your life really is worth something. Your relationship with yourself is the longest one you’re ever going to be in, so you have to make it the best one you’re ever going to be in. You’ll thank yourself later!

Think you might be suffering from an eating disorder? The National Eating Disorders Association has a free and confidential screening to help you determine next steps. If you're looking for more information, be sure to call the NEDA helpline. Looking for ways to help spread the word? Find out how you can get involved on your campus.

5 Models Who Are Changing the Definition of Beauty

Long gone are the days where one type of man or woman defines the beauty standards for their entire gender. Thanks to big thinkers, dreamers and motivators, there is a new array of role models for people to look up to that have all accomplished some incredible things. They’re the ones who have taken qualities that could be seen as unusual or unordinary and proved to us that they’re just as beautiful as anyone else. Here are the courageous models who are making us reevaluate our standards of beauty:

1. Winnie Harlow

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A 20-year-old Toronto native, Chantelle Winnie Harlow has become a new beauty icon best known for her unique skin color. Winnie suffers from vitiligo (the disease that also affected Michael Jackson), which caused light blotches of skin to form on her body and face. She is the first model to suffer from this condition and has used it as her inspiration to keep striving for bigger and better things. From appearing on America’s Next Top Model to walking in Naomi Campbell’s Fashion for Relief show to being the star of a Diesel campaign, this girl has shown us that embracing our differences can result in some truly amazing things. She’s also friends with Drake, so that’s pretty cool.

2. Jack Eyers

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Jack was recently the first male amputee model to walk at New York Fashion Week, but that’s just one of the bazillion modeling gigs he’s had. He has been featured by brands such as boohoo, Barclays, Tango and the charity Scope. When Jack was young, his right leg was unable to form properly, so he chose to get it amputated at the age of 16 and continue life with a prosthetic leg. Since then, he has not been shy about, nor has he tried to hide what makes him different. He has been known to prefer wearing shorts as opposed to long pants, proudly showing off his prosthetic. We’re not at all surprised his career is going so well; the boy is awfully handsome. Along with his rock-hard body from working as a personal trainer, it’s safe to say he won’t have any trouble finding new modeling jobs in the future.  

3. Erika Linder

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Gender roles—and norms—look so different than they did even a decade ago. More and more people have been able to outwardly express themselves and be their truest self thanks to role models like Erika Linder. Famous for her androgynous look, Erika is one of the most versatile models in the biz. She has been featured in menswear shoots where she’s in a full-on suit and tie, and she’s also seen in photos where she’s wearing lacy dresses and chandelier earrings. Her hair has been long and short, and she rocks both looks with ease. Her gender-neutral look has allowed her to serve as inspiration to people who may not feel that they fit within specific definitions of one gender or the other. She also really likes dogs, tweets things we’re all thinking and is very musically talented. Where can we sign up to be Erika’s new BFF?

4. Robyn Lawley

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She was the first plus-sized model to be featured in Australian Vogue, GQ Australia and Australia Cosmopolitan and the second plus-sized model to be on the cover of Elle France. However, you probably know Robyn best from her recent Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue feature. The first ever plus-sized model to be featured in the magazine’s history and towering at a little over 6 feet tall, she proved that you don't need to have one specific body type to look gorgeous (despite what the media seems to suggest sometimes). She has written articles for The Daily Beast addressing the weight obsession that our generation seems to have, touching on topics such as celebrities getting bashed for gaining weight and the thigh gap craze. Also, her food blog, Robyn Lawley Eats, has recently landed her a cookbook deal with Random House that will be filled with some of her family’s recipes and tips for eating healthy when traveling around the world.

5. Jamie Brewer

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You’ve already seen and loved Jamie on American Horror Story, so here’s one more reason to obsess over this amazing woman. It can be difficult for individuals with Down syndrome or suffering from any other disability to find a celebrity role model they can really relate to—but Jamie does just that. She was the first-ever model with Down syndrome to walk in New York Fashion Week and absolutely crushed any skepticism people might have had about people suffering from this genetic disorder being able to achieve great things. Not only can she rock the runway, she also has a passion for inspiring others in the Down syndrome community. She has done a lot of work within her home state of Texas and non-profits such as the National Down Syndrome Congress and American Association of People with Disabilities of the United States to help encourage and empower others like her.

Our perceptions of what we view as "beautiful" are widening to include all of these people who are making us question why it's taken so long for them to have their time in the spotlight. What do you think about the changing definition of beauty, collegiettes?

Which Snack Fits Your Personality?

You already know your favorite snack. You probably even know your bestie’s favorite snack (because you’re just that great a friend!). But let us ask you this: Do you know which snack you really are, deep down inside? Do you have a tough and crunchy exterior but a soft and gooey inside? Or are you more of a “what you see is what you get”-type snack – you know, like a carrot stick or a Cheerio?

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There’s no wrong answer. The only wrong answer? Not finding out for yourself!

If you’re everybody’s best friend, you’re...

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You’re the life of the party, no matter what you’re doing! Saturday night in with the girls? You’re the first to suggest a Friends marathon (because duh). Out on the town? You’re the all-inclusive girl who’s always making new friends and giving everyone compliments that you actually mean. Seriously, people just love you, and that’s why you’re the party. Naturally, you’re a LUNA Bar, but not just any LUNA Bar – definitely the new Chocolate Cupcake LUNA Bar, because nothing screams “everybody’s favorite party snack” quite like a cupcake.

Plus, since LUNA’s gone entirely gluten-free, both you and your LUNA Bar spirit are always making brand-new friends to join in and make every day brighter. Keep on being the bestie we all wish we had!

If you’re complicated and mysterious, you’re...

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We’re about to bust a common misconception about the chips-and-guac combo snack: Everyone loves them (like, LOVES them), so they must be mainstream. They must be simple. If you’re one of the rare folks who understands how so totally false this is, then you, my friend, are truly chips and guac.

You’ve got layers. You’ve got surprises. Some days you’re all guac-y goodness, others you’re spicy with a dash of salsa, and still others you’re dry and restrained. You’re moody like that. The good news is, once people take the time to get to know you – to examine you chip by chip and appreciate each of your many surprises – you’ll treat them to the very best sides of you. They’ve earned it. In the meantime, you’ll just chill in your bowl full of secrets.

If you’re daring and mischievous, you’re...

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Oh, popcorn, you’re always popping up when we least expect it. You’re the one who’s spontaneous, down to try anything and always up for some good, ol’ fashioned fun. You’re not interested in the status quo or obsessed with appearances – to you, “diet” is a four-letter word and “unsalted” is practically an insult. You like to indulge in the little things in life and enjoy every step of the way, and that’s why you’re a tub of buttery, salty, fresh-out-the-microwave popcorn.

Your mottos? #YOLO and #sorrynotsorry (and you’re totally #sorrynotsorry that #YOLO is overplayed, either). Live it up and keep on poppin’.

If you’re the artistic soul, you’re...

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You, my friend, don’t play by the rules. You’re the one who’s always trying to think outside the box and paint outside the lines, and you’re all about the presentation – if you had it your way, you would style everything and everyone that crossed your path (You try your best with VSCO Cam-ed Instas, naturally). We shouldn’t even have to spell it out for you: You’re froyo, through and through.

Why froyo? Well, you take on whatever form fits your artistic whim of the day – polished and clean as the blank canvas that is a swirl of tart-flavored froyo one minute, then wild and bright like an every-flavor-every-topping concoction when inspiration hits the next. No matter what, you’re sophisticated and oh-so-pretty inside and out, and you take good taste seriously (sometimes, more seriously than anyone else you know... Luckily, they have you).

If you’re the sweetheart, you’re....

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You’re sugar, spice and everything nice – minus the spice, of course (or maybe just a little, you insist). Not to be confused with everybody’s best friend, you’re pretty selective about the friends you make; but once they earn your trust, you shower them with affection and sweetness the likes of which have never been seen before... other than in a bowl of strawberries and sugar, of course.

Here’s the deal: You can’t help it that you’re adorable and irresistibly nice. It’s just you doing you. You’re the girl who’s the first to ask how her friend is feeling, the good listener, the shoulder to cry on, the dream girlfriend. You’re also that girl who good things just seem to happen to (Hint: It’s probably because you’re so freaking sweet). Are you perfect? Nah. But you’re as close as it gets!

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You are what you eat – are you eating the snack you really need in your life? Have some fun with everybody’s best friend, the new LUNA Chocolate Cupcake Bar, and the rest of its gluten-free friends – be a part of the party (all snack personalities welcome)!

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