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7 Times You Need a (Fake) Boyfriend


Well, single ladies. You’ve survived the holidays and thought you were free and clear of any questions about your terminal relationship status. Think again because if you haven’t seen the array of cutesy cards and adorable teddy bears dominating the shelves of Target, you might have forgotten Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Instead of moping around about your lack of Prince Charming, why not let the Invisible Boyfriend app help you out? For just $24.99, this unbelievably thorough service lets you create your own man who will send you loads of relationship proof in the form of texts, voicemails, and even handwritten notes. Below, we’ve thought of 7 scenarios where Invisible Boyfriend will come quite in handy.

1. Your friends keep trying to set you up.

You’re perpetually single and all your committed friends are starting to feel sorry for you. And while you’re okay with your relationship status they insist on setting you up with their less-than-attractive cousin from two towns over. No thanks.

2. Your parents want to know why you’re not giving the old college try at meeting the “one.”

Oh, parents. It’s hard to believe they were once our age when they imply things like, “If you graduate without meeting your soulmate, it’s just never going to happen for you.” You’ve tried to tell them time and time again that you don’t have to be married by 22, but they won’t give it up. Won’t they be happy to know their wish upon a star has come true?

3. #MCM exhausts you to your very core.

The joys of Instagram! To those of you who post pics of your boyfriend every week to commemorate this special day most of us call Monday, we get it! You think he’s hot and should be recognized on a weekly basis for having the beauty of a Greek god. For some odd reason, we don’t agree.

4. You watched The Notebook and now you’re spiraling.

Romantic movies are like Kryptonite. One minute you’re basking in the glow of a beautiful couple, and the next you’re wondering if you’re going to die alone. Even if he doesn’t exist, Invisible Boyfriend can be a nice placeholder until you snap out of it.

5. A perfect Valentine’s Day would mean secretly staying in and watching an endless amount of Veronica Mars.

All your friends are going out to see Fifty Shades of Grey with their men, but you’d much rather stay in and study Veronica’s savvy sass. Plus, the proper dose of LoVe (Logan + Veronica, that is) can cure any ailment—even an empty heart!

6. That girl from high school you never spoke to but are somehow Facebook friends with just got engaged.

If you’re in your twenties, you might as well get used to seeing #isaidyes on your feed. ALL. THE. TIME. “Prove” to the deliriously blushing bride that you’ll have a date and maybe a ring of your own come time for her big day.

7. Based on your dating track record, you think creating your model guy would turn out much better than forcing yourself to like another shmuck.

Building your own boyfriend is the dream of any control freak gal who’s had her heart broken by a string of guys who were oh-so-wrong for her. Let’s just hope he doesn’t end up looking like Frankenstein.

If anybody asks when they can meet this dreamboat in person, just tell them he’s studying abroad in some far, far away and very expensive-to-fly-to country. And no, Skype doesn’t work there. Would you ever use the Invisible Boyfriend app, collegiettes?

An Anti-Abortion Bill was Passed on the Anniversary of Roe V. Wade


Just 42 years after the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass a bill that would ban federal funding of abortions.

What does this mean for women? Under the new bill, abortions would not be covered by Medicaid and a woman’s ability to buy private insurance plans that offer abortion care would be restricted. Small businesses would also lose a tax credit, which they currently receive through the Affordable Care Act, if they include abortion coverage in their health insurance plans.

The vote came as tens of thousands of pro-life activists descended on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for the annual "March for Life." The event also coincides with the 42nd anniversary of the famous Roe v. Wade descision, which favored women's access to abortions based on privacy rights in the Constitution.

The bill passed at 242-179 votes, with one Republican voting ‘no’ and three Democrats voting for the legislation. The bill was moved forward and social conservatives rejoiced.

“This is another victory for taxpayers, women, and their unborn children,” the Family Research Council said in a statement.

But will it last? According to the White House, if the bill passes the Senate, President Barack Obama will veto it.

"The Administration strongly opposes H.R. 7," the Statement of Administration Policy reads. "The legislation would intrude on women's reproductive freedom and access to health care; increase the financial burden on many Americans; unnecessarily restrict the private insurance choices that consumers have today; and restrict the District of Columbia's use of local funds, which undermines home rule."

What side of the argument do you fall on, collegiettes? Is it right for this funding to come from taxpayers whether or not abortions are acceptable by their personal moral standards? Or would it be a step back for women if the bill does make it through the White House?

Not-so-Friendly Career Competition: How to Deal


When your best friend lands her dream internship, it’s your job be there with a smile, a high five and celebratory night on the town. But sharing your BFF’s happiness can feel almost impossible when her dream internship was your dream internship, too.

If you and a close friend are trying to get into the same career field, it’s likely at some point one of you will seem more successful (or even just luckier) than the other. When this happens, that green-eyed monster, envy, can drain the life from an otherwise amazing friendship.

Feel like this scenario describes your friendship a little too well? Here are some steps you can take to deal with career competition before it gets out of control.

If you’re jealous…

Fake it till you make it

It totally sucks to be the one feeling envious. It’s a completely normal but nasty emotion to have, and it can be hard to shake off.  In this case, the advice “fake it till you make it” might sound cynical, but it works. Whether you’re trying to boost your confidence or feel sincerely happy for your friend, pretending can be the first step toward the real thing.

Emily Miethner is the founder and CEO of FindSparka networking and career development group for students and recent graduates. According to Miethner, faking congratulations can be a great way to become a better friend and deal with competition.

“I think one of the greatest things you can do for yourself is being in the mindset of being happy for other people,” Miethner says. “It’s like playing a sport—practice makes perfect. Start with just complimenting people.” Then you can work your way up to the real, heartfelt dance-party celebrations.

Stop comparing yourself to your friends

Easier said than done, right? Still, this is an important part of getting some peace of mind as you vie for internships and jobs that thousands of other qualified students are trying to get.

Being able to stop comparing yourself to others is largely about changing the way you think about your success as well as others’. Miethner says that it’s best to think of your success in its own world. No one else’s success is taking away from the success you’ve had or the success you’re bound to have in the future. In fact, if you’re surrounded by successful people, you should actually feel good about yourself!

“I totally believe that you are the average of the people you spend your time with,” Miethner says. “If your friends are accomplishing great things, then you’re surrounding yourself with great people.”

Channel your envy into productivity

If you’re feeling inferior or envious, try working on yourself instead of focusing on your friends.

Hunter College junior Alexa Amato says that competition with one of her friends helped her get motivated to work on her own career goals.

“My friend got an internship at a really big news corporation, and I couldn't help but almost rage with jealousy,” Alexa says. “I actually feel like this caused a riff in our relationship because she tended to brag a lot, and it made it so difficult for me to congratulate her in her endeavors even though I really wanted to be supportive.”

Eventually, Alexa realized she shouldn’t spend her energy holding a grudge against a friend, and she landed an internship of her own. “I channeled that negative energy and turned it into motivation,” Alexa says. “And, dare I say, maybe some healthy competition is what I need!”

According to Miethner, taking small, productive steps like updating your resume, applying for positions and doing informational interviews can help alleviate those feelings of envy.

“I think action is the best way to get motivated and feel better about yourself,” Miethner says. “You can’t judge yourself by how many interviews you get. There are thousands of people applying for each job.”

Sometimes even the most qualified applicants get overlooked. What matters most is that you’re taking steps forward!

Network with your friends

Having friends interested in the same field as you might be stressing you out right now, but in the long run, it could help you with your career.

Collegiette Megan* says that although she experienced some career competition with a friend, she eventually realized that having a talented friend in her field could be a great thing for down the road.

“I really struggled with [envy] since she had a lot of connections [in public relations],” Megan says. “I felt that maybe I wasn't good enough to go into PR. Now, years later, I feel like she could be a great contact one day. If we both end up going into PR, I feel like we will work well together and might even manage similar clients.”

You and your friend can share tips, practice interviewing each other and keep each other posted on great opportunities. That means when your friend succeeds, so do you (and vice versa!).

If she’s jealous…

Keep your bragging to a minimum

So we’ve gone over what you can do if you’re feeling envious of your friend, but what if you have a friend who’s making things competitive?

Of course, it’s not your job to make sure your success isn’t bugging anyone else. But if competition is straining your friendship, you can make an effort to not to rub your accomplishments in your BFF’s face.

That means that you should be honest if you truly love your new job. But if your friend admits to having difficulty finding a good internship, don’t immediately respond by talking about how excited you are for yours.

Once you’ve achieved your goal, try not to brag, gloat or give too much unasked-for advice. Be supportive, and your friend will likely support you in return!

Don’t get wrapped up in the drama of competition

Sometimes career competition can spin out of control without you realizing it. That’s what happened to Drexel University student Sara* when a peer found out that she had applied to the same internship.

“Once she got to know that I applied to the same position, she told the employers that I lied on my resume!” Sara says. “I found out because one of my previous employers called me and told me that my potential employer thought I never worked there.”

Sara called her potential employer, cleared up the mess and reported the event to her adviser. Sara recommends taking the higher ground in these kinds of situations.

“Be calm and involve the university if anything this serious happens,” Sara says. “Don't try to be confrontational.”

Sara’s experience is an extreme case, but it’s important to remember that not everyone plays fair. If you feel uncomfortable sharing your career plans and aspirations with anyone, just don’t share them.

It’s not a bad idea to save talk of your successes, failures and aspirations for the people closest to you. And if things do get dramatic, keep a level head and remove yourself from the situation, even if that means talking to a career adviser.

Surround yourself with uplifting people

Ultimately, when you get the news that you’ve just landed your dream job, no one can really blame you if you tell people about it. You’re excited and hopeful, and that’s totally okay. It’s not your responsibility to temper your excitement or keep others from playing dirty.

If you have a friend who doesn’t even make an effort to be happy for you or tries to belittle your accomplishments, you probably have a toxic friendship. When that’s the case, it’s probably best to put some space between you and your competitive friend.

“If it’s no longer bearable to spend time with them, sometimes that’s the way life is,” Miethner says. “Be polite and cordial, but don’t hang out with them as much. Spend time with people you enjoy spending time with.”

Surround yourself with people who uplift you and will cheer you along instead. You might lose one so-so friendship, but you’ll gain deeper relationships in return. That way, your career development (as well as your mental health) will be a lot better off!

Whether you’re struggling with envy or you have a friend who is, as long as you’re both moving forward and thinking positively, you’ll be okay. Your success is right around the corner, and you both should be thankful to have fantastic, ambitious friends to celebrate it with!


*Names have been changed.

6 Totes That'll Get You From Class to the Gym


Between classes, meetings, internships and homework, going to the gym can seem impossible to make time for. Not only do you have to physically get yourself there (which is half the battle), you also need to get dressed for the gym before, and shower before changing back into your normal (non-sweaty) clothes afterwards to keep your day moving. Unfortunately, this means carrying around not just your books, but also your gym essentials, around with you throughout the day. Fortunately, with the simple swap of your standard school bag to a big carry-all tote, you can keep everything you need for the gym with you when you’re running around during the day!

1. Boat and Tote Bag, $24.95, L.L.Bean

In a variety of colors and sizes, this tote is a classic Northeastern staple that will hold all of your things with ease. Its durable design can hold up to 500 pounds... not that you want to be carrying that much stuff.

2. Pretty Nylon Tate Tote, $198, Marc by Marc Jacobs

Nylon is easy to wipe clean if it gets a bit roughed up and the bag’s outside side pockets are the perfect size to hold your water bottle for your workout.

3. Camo Tote, $225, Mark & Graham

This stylish camouflage print bag can be embroidered with your initial in a contrasting orange thread. You can also pick up matching cosmetic bags, which will hold anything  from pens and pencils to makeup and shampoo! 

4. Cabana Tote Bag, $178, Lilly Pulitzer

This nautical tote is accented with super cute metallic leather handles. It’s a great bag for the spring... and you lucky collegiettes who go to school where it’s summer all year round.

5. Noelle Tote Bag, $99, Kipling

Kipling is known for their luggage, so it only makes sense that they would make a sturdy tote bag to add to their collection. This one comes in fun bright colors and has lots of pockets on the inside and outside so you can separate your school must-haves from your sweaty gym clothes.

6. Janis Tote, $168, LeSportsac

A high-shine tote is always chic. This large one from LeSportsac has a zipper top to keep your things secure and will go with even your most fashionable outfits.

Any of these bags would be great for carrying your gym things along with anything else you’d need for your day. Which one would you use around campus? 

6 Must-See Films at Sundance 2015


There isn't anything about Sundance that we're not excited for—between the buzzy new films and the celebs showing off their winter gear, there is just so much to love. This year, the film festival is taking place from January 22 through February 1—and whether or not you'll be making it out to Park City, Utah this month to check it out yourself, cinephiles everywhere will want to keep an eye out for 2015's most promising films, below!

1. Dope

Malcolm (Shameik Moore) and his geeky pals have grown up in a tough neighborhood in Inglewood, California. When the innocent group falls in with a drug dealer, they struggle to get out before they’re in over the heads. The film features a young, all-star cast including Tony Revolori (The Grand Budapest Hotel), Blake Anderson (Workaholics), and A$AP Rocky in his acting debut.

2. The Diary of a Teenage Girl

In 1970s San Francisco, Minnie, a creative teenager, has an unexpected foray into the adult world with her mother’s boyfriend. Based on Phoebe Gloeckner’s graphic novel, the film’s promising cast includes Kristen Wiig, Alexander Skarsgård and Christopher Meloni.

3. Glassland

Jack Reynor and Toni Colette star in this Irish film about John, a young man who goes to great lengths to care for his alcoholic mother. As John takes a job in Dublin’s shady criminal underbelly in order to fund his mother’s rehab, the film deftly explores a bleak world with incredible emotional power.

4. Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief

From Academy Award-winning director Alex Gibney comes this new documentary exploring the highly secretive Church of Scientology. The film interviews former members and delves into the origins of the church, offering a previously unseen glimpse into Scientology.

5. I Smile Back

Comedienne Sarah Silverman redefines herself as a performer with the lead role in this family drama. Disillusioned with her seemingly perfect existence as a suburban housewife, Laney (Silverman) develops a secret life that threatens to ruin her family, and she must stop herself before her mistakes go too far.

6. 3 ½ Minutes

This documentary examines Florida’s Stand Your Ground self-defense laws and tells the story of Jordan Davis, whom Michael Dunn killed after they got into an argument at a gas station in 2012. 3 ½ Minutes goes beyond simply relaying facts to paint each person as distinctly human, making it an important contribution to the current #blacklivesmatter discussion.

Only a few films can take home prizes; and our bets are on these ones. Last year, the Oscar-nominated Whiplash won both the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award. Without a doubt, all of the Sundance premieres are films to keep an eye on in 2015!

11 Ingenious Ways to Add Vaseline to Your Beauty Routine


While beauty oils are all the rage, nothing beats a tub of good old Vaseline ($3.24 at Walmart and available in any drugstore) when it comes to beating winter dryness. This miracle product—also known as petroleum jelly—works wonders on your skin, hair, nails and body, and it costs less than a grande Starbucks latte! Check out these 11 amazing ways to add Vaseline to your beauty routine, and soon all your friends will be asking about your miracle beauty product!

1. Prevent fake-tanning mishaps

Rub some Vaseline on your cuticles, elbows and knees just before fake tanning at home with a gel or mousse to avoid patchiness and uneven color seeping into the cracks in your skin. Continue moisturizing these areas after tanning to extend the life of your at-home color!

2. Soften your cuticles

Rub some petroleum jelly on your cuticles before painting your nails. This will soften the skin around your nails so you don’t have to worry about dry skin ruining your perfect mani. Plus, it will make it easier to push back your cuticles, revealing more of your natural nail while still protecting your nail beds.

3. Get the most out of your perfume

Dab some Vaseline on your wrists and neck before applying perfume to those areas. The petroleum jelly absorbs the scent better than your skin, and giving the fragrance a base to cling to will make the perfume last longer and stay fresh for hours.

4. Grow longer lashes

Dip a Q-tip in your pot of Vaseline and rub your fingers over it to remove any excess. Running the Q-tip along the base of your eyelashes, gently apply the Vaseline to the roots of your lashes every night before bed for longer, stronger lashes.

5. Tame unruly hair

Whether you’re trying to rock a sleek side part or your gym ponytail is looking a little cray, rub the tiniest amount of petroleum jelly between your fingers and pat down baby hairs, flyways and frizz before heading out the door. Just remember to use this trick as a final step after using heat-styling tools!

6. Lock in moisture

If you have super-dry skin, apply a small amount of Vaseline to moisturize your elbows, knees, hands and any other dry areas.

7. Remove makeup

Petroleum jelly can easily break down hard-to-remove makeup, so beauty guru Michelle Phan recommends using a dime-sized amount of Vaseline on a cotton pad to remove stubborn waterproof eye makeup. Simply close your eyes and gently massage the product into your eyelids and along the base of your lashes to loosen up tough makeup. Don’t forget to follow up with your normal facial cleansing routine to remove any residue from the makeup or Vaseline!

8. Exfoliate your lips

In a small bowl or even on the back of your hand, combine a dime-sized amount of Vaseline with a pea-sized pinch of granulated sugar until you’re left with a uniform mixture. Gently massage the exfoliant into your lips for about a minute, making sure to move in small, gentle circles. When you’re done, pat off the excess product with a face towel. Since exfoliants get rid of dead and dry skin, you will be left with soft, smooth lips, perfect for recreating Kylie Jenner’s famous pout!

9. Highlight your cheekbones

Take a pea-sized amount of Vaseline and rub it between your index fingers. Dab at the product along the tops of your cheekbones and smooth out with your finger for a quick and easy highlight that works on every skin tone. The key to not looking oily is to use only the tiniest amount of product and to keep it concentrated on your cheekbones. You can use this trick on no-makeup days to add a healthy glow or use it as a final step in your makeup routine for a flirty highlight.

10. Smoother feet

Place a walnut-sized dollop of Vaseline in your hands and apply it liberally to your feet before bed. Sleep in socks overnight for super-soft and nourished feet in the morning.

11. Protect your skin from hair dyes

If you color your hair at home, apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your hairline, the nape of your neck and around your ears before you start to create a barrier and prevent skin discoloration from the dye.

What are you waiting for, collegiettes? Start incorporating this miracle product into your beauty routine now and you’ll be amazed at how something as simple as petroleum jelly can become a multitasking miracle product!

Real Live College Guy Dale: Does He Want to Date Me?


I met this guy through friends last year, and when I ran into him at the end of summer, he asked me to coffee. On a whim, I asked him to my sorority's formal, and we had so much fun. He initiated kissing me and it seemed like he really liked me. Since then, he's asked me to hang out a few times, but I still can't figure out what he wants. He's admittedly a horrible texter and would never think to call or send a "Hey, what's up?" message. Everyone who knows him only says great things about him and wants me to date him, but I'm getting a little tired of the lack of communication. –Perplexed at Poly


Sigh. I know firsthand what being a horrible texter is like. Unless I really know someone, texting is a challenge. Messages that are too short make it sound like I’m not interested, and messages that are too long come off as sounding long-winded. Finding that perfect in-between that accurately details how I’m feeling at that particular moment can be insanely difficult.

Really though, Perplexed, he’s done everything else right. To me at least, it seems as though he’s definitely dropped a few hints that he’s interested in you. I can’t imagine anything more blatant than going to your formal and initiating a kiss. If you were looking for a sign, that was it.

Still, I think it’s a common misconception that men are bad at communication. What many women seem to forget is that we can’t read minds, so when you don’t outwardly communicate your feelings, we can’t always get an accurate reading and reciprocate those feelings. Do you like this guy? It sounds like it. Have you told him? It doesn’t sound like it. Have you taken the initiative to ask him out again? If not, maybe you should try.

Don’t get me wrong; if the guy likes you he should totally ask you out. But maybe he has a bad case of the nerves, or maybe he doesn’t know how you feel about him. Like I said, guys can’t read minds––unless he knows for certain that you like him, I don’t think he’s going to take the risk of asking you out.

You’re right about one thing though: there is definitely a lack of communication, not just on his end, but on yours as well. If you like him, take the initiative and ask him out. The worst he can say is no, but given the situation, I think you’d get a solid yes.

Fill out my online form.

If You Love Makeup, L'Oréal Might Just be Looking for You


If you’ve ever entertained the idea of becoming a beauty vlogger, L’Oréal might be giving you a chance!

The Brush” is a new contest they’ve launched to find a new makeup designer for the brand. So what exactly do you have to do and what will you get?

Doutzen Kroes | L'Oréal Spokesperson

Round up some makeup and turn on the camera. The contest requires beauty designers to submit a three-minute video showcasing their skills with a makeup brush (hence the name of the competition). Whether the contestant is doing makeup on himself/herself or someone else, L’Oréal is looking for someone to create a full, gorgeous look—lips, eyes, face.

There are six “dares” or “golden rules” for the beauty videos:

Malena Higuera, SVP of marketing at L’Oréal Paris, told Adweek, “We really want to work with artists that, of course, can design at the haute couture level, but [also] bring it to real women in real life and help them design their own trends."

The prize? A one year contract with L'Oréal to continue to create beauty looks at shoots and on video! Plus, the talented makeup designer will work with product development and as a brand representative. Oh, they’ll also go to Cannes International Film Festival in May, which L’Oréal is sponsoring (no big deal).

Ladie's Night Out Makeup Tutorial | Michelle Phan for Lancôme

This search for the next big star in beauty reminds us of the Youtube stars who paved the way, like Michelle Phan, who paired up with Lancôme in 2009 as their first official “video makeup artist.” She created beauty how-to videos with Lancôme and even curated makeup kits for the shelves! 

This is a global competition that cuts off on February 15. Judges will post 50 of their top videos for public voting, and afterwards, a dozen finalists will jet set to Paris for “beauty bootcamp.” The winner will be announced on May 1.


What are you waiting for collegiettes? Those videos aren’t going to make themselves!

How to Deal With & Prevent Ingrown Hairs


We’ve all seen the insane videos of just how bad ingrown hairs can get, so what’s the deal with these things? Between zits, blackheads, acne and everything else that pester our bodies, it’s hard to keep up on how to deal with what. While ingrown hairs may be similar in appearance to pimples, they’re definitely not the same thing. We’re clearing up other misconceptions and filling you in on everything you need to know (especially how to get rid of them!)!

What are ingrown hairs?

Commonly referred to as “razor bumps,” ingrown hairs are a condition in which hair grows back into a follicle or grows sideways within the skin, according to Dr. Nada Elbuluk, a board-certified dermatologist and assistant professor at the New York University Department of Dermatology. Rather than the hair rising up from your skin, these hairs curl around and grow back in.

Dr. Elbuluk says they “often look like small round bumps on the skin which have a hair trapped in them.” Their color depends on the person’s baseline skin, but these bumps can be anywhere from pink and red to brown. For women, these commonly pop up on areas we shave, like our legs, as well as our bikini area and armpits. However, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Vicki Rapaport says that ingrown hairs can occur in areas that haven’t ever been shaved, or on someone who doesn’t shave at all.

What causes them?

Even though anyone can get ingrown hairs, shaving, waxing and threading do increase your chances. Shaving is especially risky because you’re breaking off hair unevenly with a sharp tip. Waxing tends to lessen ingrown hairs. “They can transpire if dead skin cells and increased sebum [oil] production occur within a hair follicle and cause … the hair to become trapped and grow in the wrong direction,” Dr. Elbuluk says.

Additionally, people with coarse and/or curly hair are more likely to get ingrown hairs. However, despite these factors, licensed cosmetologist M.E. Nesser agrees with Dr. Rapaport that everyone is prone to ingrown hairs, whether they shave or not!

How can you prevent them?

While there is no 100-percent-guaranteed way to avoid ingrown hairs, here are some tips from Dr. Elbuluk and Dr. Rapaport to lessen the chance of getting them:

  • If you don’t mind not shaving, let your hair grow!
  • Choose a razor that’s sharp and single-bladed. “Sharp razors help swiftly and cleanly ‘cut’ the hair so it is a bit less likely to get stuck inside the follicle opening,” Dr. Rapaport says.
  • Shave in the direction of your hair growth to also get a better chance of cleanly and swiftly cutting the hair.
  • Avoid shaving over the same area multiple times if you have sensitive skin. Dr. Rapaport says doing so can irritate the skin, causing swelling that allows the follicle to open and allow for a hair to get trapped.
  • Before shaving, make sure your skin is wet and try using a moisturizing shaving cream, gel or foam. This helps make the area smooth and easy to glide over!

How can they be treated?

Ingrown hairs can be simple to treat, but if you’re not careful, you put yourself at risk for infection and even scars. If you’re at all hesitant to tend to your ingrown hair yourself, it’s always best to contact your doctor or dermatologist first. Otherwise, there are a few different ways to go about treatment.

Oftentimes an ingrown hair will go away on its own; however, the period of time it takes to go away can vary. According to Dr. Rapaport, an ingrown hair can stick around from anywhere to one to 10 days… or longer, meaning never!

“Sometimes I see an ingrown hair on a patient that has coiled around itself over and over and never actually stopped growing, forming a ball under the skin,” Dr. Rapaport says. She recommends consulting a doctor if the ingrown hair becomes painful, big, red, hard or stubborn.

If this is not the case and the hair is clearly visible, you can remove it yourself. “Use very pointy tweezers and gently lift the hair out through the skin that is covering it,” Dr. Rapaport says. While doing so, try not to pierce the skin too much, as this causes inflammation.

If you try to remove the hair and it’s not coming out, STOP! Dr. Rapaport says you can try again the next day, but do not continue attempting if it’s not releasing. “Be patient and wait for it to grow out itself, which it normally does,” she says.

A lot of times an ingrown hair turns into what looks and feels like a regular pimple and can even be “popped.” Dr. Rapaport explains this as the hair being destroyed by the body, and in its place, a tiny infection or pustule has formed. “It is a bit like a whitehead, but with slightly more infectious contents,” she says. You can choose to pop the bump with your fingers as you would with a normal whitehead. “Once popped, place a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide over it for five minutes, then cover it with polysporin and a Band-Aid,” Dr. Rapaport says.

After either tweezing the hair or popping what used to be the ingrown hair, wait until the next day to see how it’s healed. Dr. Rapaport says if it looks better, let it continue to heal on its own, and if it looks worse, contact your doctor or dermatologist. Dr. Elbuluk says, “Your dermatologist can also recommend a regiment of antibacterial washes and creams that can help calm the inflammation in the area and treat any infection that can be present.”

In order to avoid halting treatment, Dr. Elbuluk recommends avoiding shaving if you have an ingrown hair. “Shaving could cause increased irritation to the skin and make the ingrown hair worse or possibly cause it to become infected,” she says.

While they may seem like no biggie, ingrown hairs can be extremely tricky, so it’s important to know what you’re dealing with. Even knowing how to shave your legs (and down there!) can make a huge difference in preventing them. Stay healthy, collegiettes! 

3 Important SOTU Problems No One's Talking About


The State of the Union, in many ways, was monumental. President Barack Obama used the word "transgender" for the first time. He explained his community college plan. The President also highlighted the importance of paid sick and maternity leave, mentioning how behind the U.S. is compared to other developed countries. 

But there were a couple problems.

First, perhaps the public's response may have focused too much on Obama's snappy ad-libbed response to a hostile audience. After the President sighed, "I have no more campaigns to run," in a attempt to transition to a new point, Republicans began booing. Rather than continuing with his speech, Obama quickly replied, "That's because I won both of them." The Internet went wild. The Commander-in-Chief had discovered snark!

But the hype surrounding the tension between Congress and the President is a little bit too high, put in historical perspective. This moment was just another of many jabs across the aisle. It's not uncommon for a second-term President to have a Congress of the opposite party. According to Dick Polman of Newsworks, "The last time a president delivered a seventh SOTU to a Congress controlled by his own party, the year was 1939."

In short, the attention given to this moment is too much, and has only distracted from more important policy questions, while exacerbating political conflict between Republicans and Democrats.

Second, the President's administration has taken a small, but important, step towards political transparency. Traditionally, a copy of the State of the Union draft is only given to members of the press before the President begins to speak. This has, in the past, allowed newspapers to get a head start on reporting and interviewing, before the speech has even concluded. Headlines are prepared while "the public remains in the dark."

Presidential historian Michael Beschloss commented during a PBS News Hour interview: "Sometimes this had unfortunate consequences. For instance, on November 22, 1963, after President Kennedy was assassinated on his way to deliver a luncheon speech at the Dallas Trade Mart, a few newspapers reported that JFK had actually delivered the Trade Mart address, with quotes from what he had ‘said.’"

This year, the speech was made available online to everyone. Obama's face was also streamed live next to Tweets and facts. (Funnily enough, this somewhat mirrored the format of the President's segment as a guest on The Colbert Report, which just ended recently).  

Third, as is well-known, Republicans have continued to struggle with winning the votes of the Hispanic population. However, after this State of the Union, Republicans were caught between a rock and a hard place.

Traditionally, the State of the Union address is followed by a "rebuttal" speech of the opposite party. Usually, a rising political star is chosen, as a method of introducing the individual to the national party.

This year, Senator Jodie Ernst of Iowa was chosen as the lucky representative. Ernst is a member of the Tea Party but is sure to spark conversation in the national arena in the coming years. But while delivering the rebuttal is certainly an honor, it can often result in intense criticism.

But the most important problem in the Republicans' rebuttal had nothing to do with Ernst. Florida Congressman Carlos Curbelo was chosen to deliver the Spanish-language translation of the rebuttal, marketed as essentially the same speech as Ernst's.

But in reality, the Spanish version left out several key points of Ernst's speech, and included points about immigration that the freshman Senator never mentioned. 

"Let's also work through appropriate channels to create permanent solutions to our immigration system—to secure our borders, modernize legal immigration and strengthen our economy," Curbelo translated, using a statement that was significantly different from most hard-right rhetoric on the subject. 

What issues stood out the most to you, collegiettes?

Links We Love 1.25.15


The best things SkyMall ever sold. [Motherboard]

Love this country songs mashup! [NPR]

The aging of Abercrombie & Fitch. [BusinessWeek]

America’s new favorite fruit is the avocado. [The Washington Post]

Sweet Cheetos are coming! [Bustle]

16 reasons your mom is the most important woman in your life. [Your Tango]

How chewing gum makes your mouth healthier. [Newser]

Stubborn little girl has the cutest argument with her dad. [Elite Daily]

University attempts to woo prospective students in an interesting way. [The Huffington Post]

‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ is coming to Broadway! [New York Magazine]

Karl Lagerfeld Has a MAJOR Secret


What would it feel like to have a long-lost relative? If it sounds like it’s straight from a Lifetime movie, think again! Karl Lagerfeld, creative director of Chanel, dropped some pretty big news. Despite telling the New York Times that he considers his entourage of models his “family,” the German designer actually has a biological sister living in the United States! 

Yep, you read that right. Though he has previously claimed that he has no family, Lagerfeld does have an unknown American sister. Christiane Johnson, who is currently living in Connecticut, told US Magazinethat she hasn’t seen her brother in over 40 years. Lagerfeld implied that his sister never tried to reach out to him, while Johnson told The Daily Mail that she would like to meet him again.

Lagerfeld’s sister said that she understands that he has a busy life and the two met such a long time ago that she “can hardly recall it.” She added that she’ll make sure to stock her fridge up with Coca-Cola for his next visit, since it’s Lagerfeld’s beverage of choice.

A strange, but sort of sweet tale between sister and brother will hopefully end on a happy note. After all, if we found out we had any relation to the iconic designer we would be head over heels with joy!

Valentine's Day Jewelry to Add to Your Lust List


Date or no date, every collegiette deserves some bling for the girliest of all holidays. These picks below are romantic enough to be worn festively on Valentine’s Day yet subtle enough to be worn every other day, too. Grab your box of heart-shaped chocolates because you’re in for something sweet!

Cupid's arrow

Who needs cupid? Get your own arrow with this Archer’s Arrow Necklace ($48) from Anthropologie. The rose gold pendant hangs on a 16” chain and will be charming from Valentine’s Day on.

Mini heart

Hearts—especially during Valentine's Day—run the risk of looking a little cheesy, but a teensy one like this Gold Heart Midi Knuckle Ring ($25.99) from The Alchemy Shop is tiny and adorable enough not to look overbearing. Plus, with its midi fit, the ring is totally trendy and can create the best stacks!

Hugs & kisses

What would Valentine’s Day be without a little blue box? Add this subtle Love & Kisses Mini Bracelet ($155) to your V-Day wish list. An original Paloma Picasso, the bracelet was inspired by her childhood memory of her fellow classmates signing letters with X's and O’s, but hugs and kisses seems more appropriate for the holiday.

Not-so-subtle hint

Let your ears do the talking this V-Day with these cheeky Kiss Me Studs ($48) from Kate Spade. They just may be the little hint your crush needs to make a move!

Dainty diamond

We've saved the best for last: This sweet necklace is proof that diamonds can be affordable! Whether you're treating yourself this V-day or you need to send a wishlist along to your SO (a little nudge in the right direction never hurts!), this Tiny Puffy Heart necklace ($60), complete with a sparkling diamond in the center, needs to be your very first pick.

Which stunning piece of jewelry has earned a spot on your lust list, collegiettes?

Online Dating for the Elite is Here


Love at first swipe has become a norm in the mainstream dating world thanks to popularly straightforward—albeit infamously raunchy—‘hookup apps’ like Tinder. Tinder, TechCrunch reported, was piloted on college campuses and then launched in August 2012. The “dating-hookup hybrid,” as GQ calls it, made things sexier and, arguably, “sleazier” in its simplicity: instead of putting yourself out there to the same degree of standard dating websites, you simply accept or decline potential flirtations with a single swipe on your phone.

While the dirty, awkward convos Tinder provides can certainly make a boring night in extremely entertaining, games become old. Amanda Bradford, the creator of the latest and self-proclaimed “classy” dating app The League, encourages you to “Date Intelligently.”

The League currently operates only in San Francisco and just raised a $2.1 million seed round, according to Business Insider. The goal is to make the dating app experience more selective and more sophisticated. “We're not saying Tinder doesn't have its uses (hello Vegas!),” the company said, “but why not spend your time a little more...intelligently?”

After all, Bradford’s ultimate goal for The League is to create so-called power couples. So far, her mission has been a success; the app has reportedly matched 20,000 people since November, which has resulted in 19 couples.

How is The League different from the other dating apps like Hinge and Tinder? For starters, it serves the cream of the crop. While critics have deemed the app “elitist,” Bradford disagrees. She insists the app is merely “curated” based upon methods similar to those used by Ivy League schools and prestigious employers seeking only the best of candidates. In short, The League is the up-and-coming dating mecca for lawyers, doctors and tech executives, who are already frequenting the new app.

"We want people to think of The League as a little more grown up and tasteful, for young professionals who want to go out for a coffee or a drink and aren't just about hooking up," Bradford said.

To determine these qualifications, The League relies heavily on LinkedIn rather than on more leisurely social media platforms like Facebook. This, Bradford suggests, ensures that the potential partners’ personal and professional goals are in sync and equally ambitious.

The League uses an acceptance algorithm to verify that applicants are of the appropriate age group and that they are motivated, career-oriented individuals seeking a significant other. While The League believes in only the best for the best, that doesn't mean you need to be an Ivy grad or an employee of a hot-shot company in order to qualify. So long as you express some sort of potential and a desire to pursue your professional dreams, you’re golden.

"It's not an 'If this, then yes, or, if no, then no' algorithm," Bradford told Business Insider, making clear that membership to The League is about more that one’s salary and title. "These people are going after their dreams. They're just interesting, ambitious, and doing something they're excited about."

The League prides itself on its mission to “Keep It Classy.” When matching you with potential partners, the company conceals your online dating profile, preventing word of your quest for companionship from leaking to your friends, business acquaintances and clients. Further, The League makes sure users aren't shown first connections or current coworkers, to decrease chances of uncomfortable encounters.

Using the app is simple and refined. Accepted users receive a couple of potential matches per day. Then, at the oh-so appropriate "happy hour" (5 p.m.), users can check in again for a new batch of matches to look over.

Bradford has a computer science background and, had she not pursued her startup dream, would most likely be in a product management role at Facebook. Prior to launching The League, Bradford worked at Salesforce, attended Stanford Graduate school and was an intern at elite venture capital firm Sequoia Capital. She had initially hoped to raise $750,000 for her venture, but after working with a number of angel investors (including several of her professors at Stanford), interest in her initiative grew.

IDG Ventures was the first to invest in June; Sherpa Ventures and others shortly followed. Bradford is looking to use this funding to grow her team, which currently sits at four employees.

Though the app is only available in San Francisco at the moment, Bradford has plans to grow; she says the demand is already high in New York City, where she has her sights set next. She's looking to taking the venture abroad, too—namely to London. 

Do you use dating apps like Tinder? Would you sign up for The League? Do you think it is an elitist app, or simply "curated," as Bradford says?

7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Work-Study Job


If you need a little extra money to get yourself through college, a work-study job is a great way to do so. The Federal Work-Study programhelps students earn some extra cash towards their tuition, textbooks and more through working at their school part time. In a world where unpaid internships have become the norm, it can sometimes feel like your job at the library is holding you back from your career—but it doesn’t have to! We talked to career experts about the best ways make the most of your work-study job.

1. Appreciate the positives

Even if your work-study job isn’t necessarily your dream job, think about the fact that someone has hired you and is investing money in you. Your work may not be super exciting, but someone is willing to pay you for it, and that’s not something many interns can say. Don’t take for granted the fact that someone is giving you money so you can gain work experience!

Another huge benefit of a work-study job is that it’s usually way easier to fit into your busy schedule than an internship. “Most students who work on campus can fit hours in between classes and do not need to have a large block of time to fit in 10 hours [for an internship] during the week,” says Won Kang, the senior associate director for career development at Barnard College. “It can be more difficult with internships depending on where the internships are located.”

Since your work-study job is most likely on or near campus, it will be way easier for you to schedule shifts between classes, and you don’t have to worry about the time and money that you would lose commuting to an internship.

2. Develop your skills

If you think your responsibilities at your work-study job are meaningless and won’t get you anywhere, think again. Reyna Gobel, a student loan and career expert and author of CliffsNotes Graduation Debt: How to Manage Student Loans and Live Your Life, says that students with work-study jobs benefit because employers “want to give them tasks that are worth paying them to complete.” People aren’t just handing you money for doing a useless job—whatever you’re doing is worth the money you earn. Your experiences there are valuable!

Kang says “the main objective should be to get the most out of the opportunity that you have been given. Once assigned tasks are completed, make sure to request more work and figure out how best to serve the department.” Take advantage of this chance to learn about the workplace and prove yourself as a valuable employee, no matter what job you have. Through your work-study job, you can learn important workplace skills, such as organization and people skills, that will help you in the real world.

3. Make it work for future job applications

Even if your work-study job is totally irrelevant to what you really want to do after graduation, you can always make it workwhen you apply for the job of your dreams. There’s always a way to make your previous experiences applicable to the job you want.

“Always base resumes on the individual job you’re applying for,” Gobel says. “Look at the job description and then see which skills match what’s needed.” Maybe you worked out a new filing system while working in your school’s admissions office. That kind of innovation and organization will be desirable to tons of employers!

Kang says, “It is important to highlight the skills developed at your work with detailed information with statistics and accomplishments.” You should be customizing your resumefor different jobs anyway, so take a look at your work-study experience from different perspectives to figure out how what you did can apply to different jobs. Don’t be afraid to show off your accomplishments from your work-study job; just find the best way to make them relevant to what you’re applying for.

4. Make it relevant

Your work-study job can be just as applicable to your desired career as an internship. “Traditionally, [a] work-study is tied to specific coursework or major requirements,” Gobel says. This gives you a huge advantage over having an unpaid internship, because while unpaid interns may be working their way along their career path, they aren’t getting paid for it.

If you have a work-study job all throughout college that’s relevant to your major, you can work your way to a job you might really want after graduation. You may not have a ton of options when it comes to where you work, but talk to your career center about how to get a work-study job most suited to your future career goals.

If you can’t get a completely relevant work-study job, don’t be discouraged. Any job is another great addition to your resume; it will demonstrate your work ethic and skills and help fill in gaps between other jobs and internships. Whatever kind of job you have, highlight all of your most relevant duties in your resume so potential employers can see that you’ve been working towards a job in that field

5. Don’t waste your time

Unfortunately, some work-study jobs just require that you sit behind a desk for hours at a time. However, that doesn’t mean that the time you spend at work should be completely wasted!

Emily, a recent graduate of Barnard College, had a work-study job at her school’s library help desk. “Most of my job involved sitting behind a desk waiting to answer questions or give directions, so I would bring my books along,” she says.

Bringing your homework will help you boost your productivity and make your time at work pass by faster. Just be sure you don’t completely ignore your job; check with your boss to see if there’s anything you can help with before settling into a nice, long study session!

6. Make connections

A work-study job doesn’t just boost your resume; it expands your network, too.

“Getting a job after college is about both connections and experience,” Gobel says. Who you know can be just as important as your skills and knowledge when it comes to a job hunt. You’ll be able to ask your manager for a reference, and you never know who your coworkers will know or what they may do with their own careers one day.

So how do you make strong connections at your work-study job? Gobel says to really get to know the people you work with. Everyone from your boss to other students can be great career connections to have in the future. Be sure to connect with all your coworkers on LinkedIn so you can stay in touch. Make close connections now and you’ll have them long into the future!

7. Snag a job post-graduation

If you’re graduating soon and starting to panic about your post-grad plans, talk to your boss at your work-study job.

“Always ask about open positions a couple of months before graduation,” Gobel says.

If your work-study job is at a nonprofit or even on campus, there may be room for you to move up after graduation. You have experience doing whatever your work-study job is, so you’re more qualified to continue working for the organization. Even if it isn’t the job you’ve always dreamed of, staying on after you graduate will show future employers that you’re dedicated to your work, and it will give you a little more time to figure things out.


No matter what you’re doing, your work-study job can be a valuable experience to boost your career in the right direction. Take advantage of it, collegiettes!

Pinkberry is Celebrating its Birthday With 10 Cent Froyo


Anyone up for some froyo? If mentioning the word alone doesn't pique your interest (like it does ours), maybe hearing that Pinkberry will be offering froyo for just a dime will. Yes, you heard right, a dime.

In celebration of its 10th birthday, participating Pinkberry locations will be offering customers a small cup of froyo with toppings from 7 PM to 10 PM on January 30. As part of the event, the upscale froyo chain will be unveiling two new flavors, Raspberry White Chocolate and Sea Salt Chocolate, officially putting the flavor tally over 70. 

Eater LA is even reporting that you can get your froyo topped with edible gold and a birthday candle if you mention the now-not-so-secret words "Birthday Style" at the register. Though there's no official confirmation of this report, we guess there's only one way to find our for yourself!

It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years since the pioneering froyo franchise was established. We still remember the days when Pinkberry was just an LA-based locality that we watched Lauren and Audrina frequent on The Hills as they gossiped about Spencer. But before we get too wrapped up in that, let us just say Happy Birthday Pinkberry—and don't miss out on this offer because everyone needs a reminder of this summery treat in the dead of winter, especially this week!

Valentine's Day: Girls' Expectations vs. Guys' Reality


Whether you're single, in a relationship or somewhere in between, we all have an idea of what we expect on Valentine's Day. We hate to admit it, but our expectations are usually 5,000 miles from the reality of how V-Day really goes down.  Just because we drop hints doesn't mean our guys pick them up...

Girls' Expectation:

He's going to jump out of bed and get started on his huge plans for the day. He can hardly wait for you to get out of class because he has been planning this for months.

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

You'll ask him what he's planned for the day and he'll act all coy, pretending it's nothing big. But you know he has something up his sleeve...

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

Before you head out to class for the day, he'll whisper something super romantic and beautiful into your ear.

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

You can't wait to get home later, because he totally got you that Tiffany necklace you've been eyeing for months. He probably even got it back in October because he wanted to make sure he had the perfect gift in advance. He's so sweet. 

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

Your phone will be blowing up all day from the cute selfies of himself preparing for the big romantic night. One of him cleaning the apartment, another one of him setting the table... maybe even one of him taking a pre-date bubble bath! He knows how to make you laugh while being so adorable. 

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

He'll be waiting for you when you get home from class with his apartment completely covered in balloons and rose petals. Oh, he is so damn cute!

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

You told him not to get you flowers, but he's not stupid. He'll totally get creative and get you some that are unique and out of the ordinary, but so thoughtful. Maybe daisies that are identical to the ones he picked for you on your first date...

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

Oh, and just think of the dinner he's going to make you! Who needs to go out for some overpriced lobster meal when your man is so great (and not to mention sexy) in the kitchen?

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

Then he says he has something totally crazy planned. He's probably going to take you to that hole-in-the-wall karaoke bar you begged him to take you to last summer. He's so cute, remembering stuff like that. 

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

Even if his voice sucks, he will give you his best version of classic love songs all the way to this "crazy" date. 

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

After the crazy (not to mention super thoughtful) date, you suggest a walk before you head home. Of course, he says he couldn't think of anything he'd rather do.

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

At the end of the walk, he'll grab you by the waist and pull you in for a slow dance. Just the two of you, dancing away. You always knew he secretly loved dancing. 

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

When you get home, he'll give you some sexy little show to make you giggle and get you excited...

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

Then he'll pin you up against the wall and you'll have the steamiest hook-up ever. He's so hot and romantic. He always knows how to keep you on your toes. 

Guys' Reality:

Girls' Expectation:

And then he insists you stay up all night, talking and laughing about the most random things: "Do you remember how we first met? Or the first thing I said to you? I remember it like it was yesterday." What a perfect end to a perfect Valentine's Day.

Guys' Reality:

SAG Awards Indicate Possible Oscar Winners


In the thick of awards season the 21st Annual SAG Awards were held on Sunday, January 25. These awards highlight acting in both film and television. Although the SAG Awards may not seem as glamorous as the Oscars or Golden Globes, “The Actor” statuette is not only a great honor but also an important indicator of possible Oscar outcomes next month.

Patricia Arquette and J.K. Simmons both won for their supporting roles in Boyhood and Whiplash, respectively. Arquette and Simmons received Golden Globes as well and seem like safe bets for Best Supporting Actress and Actor at the Academy Awards.

The SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role went to Julianne Moore (Still Alice) who is the popular favorite for the Oscars. The Oscar for Best Actor remains hard to predict between two prominent contenders. Eddie Redmayne won at the SAG Awards for The Theory of Everything and also earned a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama. Many people have predicted, however, that Michael Keaton will ultimately win the Oscar for his performance in Birdman.

Because the Screen Actors Guild emphasizes the actors’ performances, they give out an award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture instead of an overall “Best Picture” title. Birdman won this one, upsetting the common prediction that Boyhood is a shoe-in for Best Picture at the Oscars.

Netflix had a huge night at the SAG Awards, which also rewards exceptional performances on the small screen. Orange is the New Black won Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy series and Uzo Aduba won for her portrayal of Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren. Kevin Spacey also took home a SAG Award for his role in House of Cards.

Although the SAG Awards carved out some strong contenders for the Oscars, at this point it’s still anyone’s game. The Academy gives out many more awards than the Screen Actors Guild, such as Best Original and Adapted Screenplays and Best Director. Hopefully the Oscars will recognize some of the films, such as The Grand Budapest Hotel, that were largely ignored last night.

Our Favorite Looks from the 2015 SAG Red Carpet


The idea behind the Screen Actors Guild Awards is to celebrate a collective love of acting. They are one of the few awards shows that only honors screen performers, both individuals and ensembles. It's also usually a good indicator of the who's at the front of the Oscar race. Many of your favorite actors and actresses made an appearance and many took home a coveted prize. But who were ones who scored in the best dressed category? Here's a look at the best looks of the night.

1. Reese Witherspoon in Armani

This elegant number is proof that sometimes, going back to the basics makes for the most gorgeous red carpet look.

2. Lupita Nyong'o in Elie Saab

Seriously, when does she not stun on the red carpet?! The dramatic pleats actually look beautiful in the colorful print—which looks perfect against her skin tone.

3. Julie Bowen in Georges Hobeika

Bowen is totally elegant and feminine in soft pink and florals.

4. Natasha Lyonne in Proenza Schouler

Lyonne nailed it in graphic shades and a modern sihouette.

5. Sophie Turner in Osman

The sharp cutouts emphasize her waist and provide a bit of edge to Turner's otherwise girly look—and we just can't get over those shoes. Perfect for Valentine's Day, no?

6. Emmy Rossum in Armani Prive

We love how this edgy-yet-romantic gown catches the light in all the right ways.

7. Joanne Frogett in Honor

Joanne opted for classic in both cut and color. The deep pointed neckline adds just the right amount of visual interest.

8. Rashida Jones in Ungaro

We love how the bold, graphic print really takes this otherwise simple silhouette to the next level.

9. Felicity Jones in Balenciaga

This dress may be simple, but it's still a total head-turner—the super-feminine shade is offset by the beautiful structure of the shoulders.

10. Kiera Knightley in Erdem

Now, that is how you dress up a baby bump.

Which look caught your eye the most, collegiettes?

Bella Thorne & Mae Whitman Give Us a Behind-the-Scenes Look at Their New Movie


Long-awaited teen comedy The DUFF will be released February 20 and we couldn't be more excited! This past week, we were lucky enough to sit down with the stars of the movie, Bella Thorne, who plays mean girl Madison, and Mae Whitman, who plays the “DUFF,” Bianca, for an inside look at the making of the film and more. In case you don’t know what a DUFF is, it stands for Designated Ugly Fat Friend—probably not the nicest way to label someone. The movie addresses the problem of bullying in high school and has teamed up with the Secret Deodorant Mean Stinks campaign to help raise awareness and fight again destructive, mean behavior in teens, and teen girls especially. Check out what Bella and Mae had to say about the campaign, the movie and more!

They might not have started out as the best of friends in The DUFF, but they are absolutely adorable IRL, DUFF shirts and all!

Her Campus: Do you guys identify with your respective characters? With Bianca or Madison?

Bella: I mean, I don’t identify with Madison. The reason why I wanted to play Madison is, number one, I was bullied all throughout school and growing up. The thing that’s interesting about playing a bully is hoping—I hope that I can show kids that the reason why people bully one another is because they’re insecure or that person has something that they want and they don’t want that to be taken away from them. It’s really people that just feel bad inside and, instead of talking to a teacher or getting a therapist or something to help them, they kind of just pin it on others, and that’s what mean people are.

HC: So you see that in Madison, that she’s scared of losing the boy or…?

Bella: Yeah, she sees Mae and knows that Mae with her funny, cute, witty personality is going to take Robbie [Amell, who plays Wesley] right from her.

Mae: Tell me more! [Laughs] No I think that’s really smart. I definitely relate to Bianca because I was also bullied in school. I basically don’t know anybody who wasn’t. I think exactly what Bella said: [bullying is] just an easier way for people who don’t know how to channel their emotions to deflect and not look at [themselves]. If you’re trying to make someone else the center of negative attention, it won’t be on you. I think a lot of times people feel threatened, so they try to put people in boxes. If someone’s focusing all their energy on you to try to make you feel bad, it’s probably because you are pretty special. I think once you realize that, hopefully you can look at them with a little more compassion. It doesn’t make it hurt less, but really you don’t have to subscribe to it. That’s the thing that’s amazing about it, it’s that you really can walk away and even sometimes you can use it to grow and be grateful that somebody tried to put you through these challenges because it really makes you step up to the plate and figure out who you are and what you believe in and who you want to be in the future.

HC: Bianca definitely managed to do that in the movie! She wasn’t even angry at the end; she didn’t get revenge—she just realized what you just talked about.

Mae: Yeah, and I think that’s amazing, you know. Once you are able to look at someone like that and realize that it comes from such a deep place of fear and insecurity and that they must be so unhappy, I think it can really help you be compassionate and even grateful to them. Then you can kind of let them go with love and it doesn’t have to be a big negative thing. Everything is what you make it. You can make your experience good by letting go of the bad.

HC: Obviously the issue of bullying is really important to you, with the whole Mean Stinks campaign and everything. Can you tell me about that?

Bella: It’s so awesome to be doing this. I think this film is a funny teen comedy, yes, but there are a lot of messages in there that are very important. The fact that Mean Stinks looked at this film and said “Hey, this is something we want to partner with. We want to put our name to it.” That’s just crazy, the fact that we made that big of an impact, so I hope everybody else sees what Mean Stinks sees.

Mae: Yeah, we want people to tune in on the website, February 4th, because I think also it’s important for kids to hear. We have these very real struggles [with bullying], so I feel like for us to be able to communicate how real that feeling is for everyone, how everyone has felt that way, all of us, people you would never think, you would realize “Oh, well then it makes sense that I feel this way; everybody feels this way.”

Bella: And we’re having the Biggest. Assembly. Ever. which I am so proud to be a part of. I won’t actually be there in person; I just recorded a video for it because I’m shooting a film.

Mae: I’ll be there. I will speak on your behalf.

Bella: Mae will be there. And we have over a thousand schools attending, watching it.

Mae: I’m nervous now, Bella, you’re freaking me out. [Laughs]

HC: And bullying isn’t just a high school thing, right? I feel like it’s something that happens all the time, in college for example.

Mae: Oh yeah, of course! It’s such a world of comparing yourself and judging and other people comparing you and trying to set parameters that are completely subjective and saying that certain people should fit in that or whatever. It never ends; the world is sort of one big high school. I think that’s something that we really wanted to convey as well, that it’s [valid for] anyone if you put yourself out there vulnerably, just being yourself. First of all, that’s incredibly threatening; there’s nothing more threatening than somebody who’s confident in being who they are unabashedly. You’re always going to have somebody trying to tear at you or make you feel inferior in order to build themselves up. Hopefully for people who got out of high school, this will provide a cool perspective, [realizing that high school is] a small world that is so easy to get stuck in and when you get out you realize there were amazing people that were misunderstood in school—and look what they’ve done now!

HC: Speaking of self-expression, that comes through a lot in the outfits that both of you wear in the movie. Did you feel comfortable in those outfits; did they correspond to your fashion sense?

Mae: Yeah, a lot of those are my clothes, believe it or not! That was something I really felt passionate about. I didn’t want it to be some weird thing that seemed like a really obvious choice or something boring or unrelatable. I wanted this struggle to feel really specifically like me. I wear overalls, you know, that came from me; those are my overalls; those are my high-waisted jeans. I felt really comfortable and also that’s not the norm of what kids are wearing in high school, so maybe it would be misunderstood. It was really important to me that it was conveyed, like this is my struggle; this was very real for me and these are all the contributing factors; this is who I am, and see how it’s taken or misconstrued.

Bella: I’ve played the mean girl before and I usually walk in and it’s pink little skirts and high heels and I got so lucky with our director. When I auditioned for Madison and we talked about the role, I was like, “You know, this character has to be different. She can’t be the dumb, twisty blonde-haired mean girl. That’s just not going to happen. People are scared of her for a reason. Mae wouldn’t just be scared of this dumb pretty girl telling her she looks ugly, that would never make sense. She is scary because she’s really smart.” So when I walked in, I saw all black. And white. And gray. And then [the director] said, “I don’t want the character in heels; I want her in flats,” which was a very interesting choice. She’s not the stereotypical mean girl. And I wear almost all black and white and gray [in real life], that’s my whole closet.

HC: Bella, you’re a Neutrogena ambassador. Do you have any specific beauty tricks that you want to share?

Bella: You know when you get done from work, you’re exhausted, you’re not taking off your makeup! You literally go, you lay down and what I do is I put makeup wipes under my pillow, so when I sleep on my pillow, I hear it crinkle. And I just know I have to get up and wash my face. The Neutrogena wipes are seriously my favorite. That and the MoistureSmooth Color Sticks are really good. I really, really like the Very Berry. I’m the brand ambassador for the Deep Clean grapefruit oil-free microtechnology wash and that is really good, it has these beads. You know, sometimes you use scrubs and the beads are cut a certain way, so that when you use it it actually can scar your skin if you have pimples, but our beads are rounded so they’re really good.

HC: People have been talking about The DUFF, saying it’s like the new Mean Girls. The biggest thing about Mean Girls is that it’s so quotable; do you have any favorite quotes from the movie that you think might go viral?

Mae: I really like when Bella says my dress looks like it came from Build-A-Bear. That one really made me laugh in real life. I even tried to have that reaction in the movie. I tried to be impressed and amused by it.

Bella: I think all of Robbie’s lines are really quotable.

Mae: Yeah, he can’t be stopped.

Bella: He really can’t be stopped. The “Boom. Real talk.” is pretty good. [Talking to Mae] It’s not even just your lines that are funny; it’s everything. You can just put a camera on Mae and she’ll make you laugh without even talking.

Mae: I’m paying her.

Bella: That’s an extra fifty!

HC: To circle back to bullying, do you guys have any general tips that will help people stop bullying if they see it around them or if it happens to them?

Bella: Robbie will say “ignore it” and whatever, but no! I did that my whole life and I’m not doing it anymore! Don’t ignore it! You need to go up and go talk some smack, like, “I think that’s really not cool.” Or you know, talk to your teachers, your parents. Sometimes, that doesn’t work. Sometimes, you need to just laugh. If you laugh, what can they say? Or just be like, “You’re right.” What can they say to that? The only time that someone can come back at you is if you deny what they’re saying, so [if someone says] “You’re ugly,” [just reply,] “Cool, dawg.” That’s your response! Brush it off, whatever. 

Mae: Yeah, I mean it’s been a while since I’ve been in high school admittedly, but I will say don’t let that stuff get to the inner armour of who you are and let yourself see it from the outside perspective, see the whole picture. Look at that person and go, “Okay, where is this coming from? Why is this person doing this? Why are they wasting their energy trying to make me feel a certain way? They must be really unhappy in their own life; they must be afraid; they must be sad.” Just let yourself get a perspective on it that’s not personal, because it’s never personal. No matter what they say or do, it’s coming from their own thing and if you talk to a parent or a teacher, whoever, your best friend, and then just be who you are, trust yourself in that moment to have all the facts and know what you know in your heart. It’s like at the end of the movie with [Bella], when I say, “I’m not mad at you, I’m not going to get revenge on you, I don’t want you to feel bad, I just want you to know that I don’t need this.” Maybe you will have a completely straightforward conversation with them and just be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Then who cares how they react? That’s way more than they can say for themselves, you know, they’re trying to hide behind some weird mask of being a strong person.

HC: About the whole “DUFF” thing, I’d actually never heard that word before the movie.

Bella: Me neither.

HC: Exactly! But now thinking back, is that something that you saw a lot in high school?

Bella: It’s only real if you make it real. That is your choice. I mean, “the DUFF?” That’s just a four-letter word. What does that even mean? I mean it’s ridiculous. In the movie, I really hope that it’s obvious that we’re throwing [the word] out the window. [Mae’s character] says at the end, “Okay yeah, I’m a DUFF. What does it matter?” It really doesn’t.

Mae: If it means being yourself and being comfortable with that, then sure! It doesn’t matter what it is they’re saying, what word, what box they’re trying to throw you in, it’s not real. It’s not a real place, so it doesn’t really matter what the term is. [My character] never changes who she is, even if she was confused or tries different things, she never changes as a person.

Bella: And it’s not like a big reveal, like “Oh look, we put some lashes on Mae, now she’s beautiful,” it’s just her.

Mae: It’s just her being her best self and I think that’s what is really going to stick out. It doesn’t matter what word we tried to throw at this person, it’s more about the struggle and the realization that that stuff is ridiculous. 

Bella: And we got a lot of responses like “Wow, that word [“DUFF”] is so mean!” That’s right, it is mean. High school is mean. High school is a dark place. These people in movies and in real life are mean. If we dumbed down the situation, you wouldn’t take it seriously, and you have to, because bullying is such a big thing. 

Mae: Whatever way you’re being repressed or labeled, it doesn’t matter because none of it’s real. Even Robbie, being stereotyped as being dumb, he isn’t! It’s about breaking down everybody’s stereotypes and realizing you don’t need them.

Bella: Oh! I want to go back on one line that I think is funny for my character, when she goes, “Um, I could date older people. I could date thirty year-olds! I could date…” and then Robbie’s like, “Have fun with those saggy balls!” That whole thing is quotable.

Want more from Mae and Bella? Don’t forget to hit theaters in February to see The DUFF (check out the trailer below in the meantime!) and tune into MeanStinks.com on February 4 to learn more about the anti-bullying campaign!

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