“You’re going to want to take off your clothes and touch each other. But if you do touch each other, you will get chlamydia… and die.”
There’s nothing like a little Mean Girls and an overly dramatic sex ed teacher to scare you away from sex. But while your first time may seem scary, you don’t have to worry—because we’re here to guide you through it! You’ve already learned about the risks (perhaps you’ve seen one too many STD pictures) and benefits associated with intercourse, but how’s a girl to know what to realistically expect? We spoke with several sexperts to help you better prepare—physically and mentally—for when you’re ready to take the next step.
Will it hurt?
When thinking about sex, worrying about pain is a perfectly normal concern to have! Many girls assume that losing their virginities will be painful because of what they learn about the hymen, a tissue that lines the opening of the vagina. If it tears, it’s supposed to hurt… right?
Reena Liberman, MS, a private practice sex therapist in Ann Arbor, MI, explains that intercourse may feel uncomfortable at first, but the pain shouldn’t be too overwhelming. “If it’s the first time having intercourse and the hymen is still intact, it might feel like a little pinch, but it shouldn’t be very painful,” she says. Also, before you even have intercourse, you could have broken your hymen when using tampons, during masturbation or even with strenuous exercise.
Along with tearing the hymen (aka “popping the cherry”), it’s normal to experience bleeding during and after the first time. Liberman says that light spotting is typical, but anything more than that may signal that something is wrong (or maybe it’s that time of the month!). “It’s normal to bleed… and it depends on the kind of hymen that the woman has,” she says. “There shouldn’t be too much blood. If it’s flowing, then there is something else going on.” According to Liberman, the hymen varies in size and thickness from girl to girl, and so this can dictate how much bleeding, if any, you will experience.
Yes, sex might feel uncomfortable at first, but the idea that penetration is supposed to hurt is a myth! Much of the pain that we associate with intercourse comes if the woman’s body is overly tense from nerves. “Often because it is a nervous or anxious moment, it can [be] hard for the woman to self-lubricate, and that’s what can make intercourse more uncomfortable or even painful,” Liberman says. “Along with this, the muscles can tense up and add to the discomfort.”
To help ease the pain, Susan Ernst, a physician at the University Health Service Women's Health Clinic at the University of Michigan, says that young women should look into using water-based lubricants. Caution: stay away from oil-based lubricants because these degrade latex condoms faster, making it easier for them to break during intercourse. Liquid Silk ($17.99 at CVS) and K-Y Liquid Personal Lubricant ($11.99 at CVS) are great options to try.
If intercourse is painful or uncomfortable, Taylor*, a senior at the University of Michigan, says that you should speak up to your partner. “My first time, I did not feel comfortable telling the guy that I was with how it was feeling,” she says. “My best advice is to try out different positions, do whatever feels comfortable; if it hurts, switch it up and communicate [with your partner].”
Should I tell him that I’m a virgin?
If you’re not sure if you should tell your partner that you’re a virgin, guess what? Many collegiettes go through the same thing! If you’re worried about disclosing your virginity, you can always make it clear to your partner that you’re inexperienced instead.
“Instead of saying I was a virgin, I told my first partner that I was inexperienced and was feeling nervous,” Kayla*, a senior at Michigan State University, says. “I wasn’t lying; I really was inexperienced! But this way, your partner knows how you’re feeling and you don’t have to explain your virginity if you don’t want to.”
If you want to tell your partner you’re a virgin, it’s best to clear the air in the beginning. Who knows… maybe he’s a virgin as well! And if he has a problem with you being a virgin, then he’s not worth losing it to.
Should there be foreplay?
Foreplay is anything that leads up to intercourse. We’ve come to think of foreplay as an opening act before the main event—an appetizer before the entrée. However, Liberman says that thinking about the experience of foreplay as inferior to the act of intercourse is misleading. “Foreplay suggests that it’s not as important as intercourse, whereas most women can orgasm during this time,” Liberman says.
For the first time having sex, Liberman explains that it’s important to take things slow in order to make sure each partner is ready. You can use this intimate time as you please; there are no set rules to follow! “Foreplay is extremely important for women because that’s when women are most aroused,” she says. “If you jump into intercourse, the woman might not be lubricated enough to enjoy it and may not experience the full pleasure of sex.”
Sarah*, a junior at the University of Michigan, also says that foreplay is important. “What is considered foreplay by many straight couples—oral, fingering, manual stimulation, kissing and touching—is considered sex by many gay and lesbian couples,” she says. “It can be just as fun and important as vaginal sex, so don't just write it off as something that you do on the way to the main event.”
Will I have the “Big O”?
After living vicariously through The Notebook and just about every other Nicholas Sparks inspired-film, you can only dream that your first time will be as romantic and satisfying as the passionate love scenes those couples have. But when it comes to pleasure, it’s important to have realistic expectations.
Ernst says that it’s uncommon for girls to experience an orgasm during sex for the first time because they aren’t familiar with interacting with a partner. “It’s more common that women don’t [orgasm] just because they are not as aware of their own bodies and what it might take to reach that stage of excitement,” she says. “As they get more comfortable with their partner and their partner knows them and they know themselves, that becomes more common.”
Contrary to popular belief, it’s rare that you’ll reach the grand finale solely from intercourse, even with experience. “It’s generally not common for women to have orgasms with intercourse, and most don’t,” Liberman says. “Even after the 10th, 20th, or 100th time, it’s uncommon.”
According to Liberman, the reasoning behind this is that the vaginal canal isn’t the most sensitive area, and so it’s more common for women to orgasm when other areas, such as the clitoris, are stimulated. Collegiettes: this is why foreplay is important!
Amy*, a recent graduate of the University of Michigan, says that over time you will learn what feels good for your body. “I did not experience an orgasm when having sex until I had practiced at it for about three years,” she says. “While my hope for all people is that they experience great orgasms, having an orgasm is not the end-all-be-all. Feel comfortable enough to do whatever feels good.”
What should I do about contraception?
If you’re thinking about having sex, it’s important to consider the different contraception options beforehand. “I think it’s a great idea for young women to think about contraception before they become sexually active, and even come in and have a consultation with a health care provider who can talk about all of the options,” Ernst says. “There are a million options, and there’s one that’s right for everyone.”
Whether you decide to use female or male condoms, they are a must-have for your first time (and any time after that!) Even if you’re on birth control, no love without the glove—it is the only way to protect your body against sexually transmitted diseases and infections. You can find inexpensive female condoms such as FC2 ($6.88 at Walgreens) or male condoms at any local drugstore. It’s always smart to have backup in case things get heated and he doesn’t have protection on him!
And what if your worst nightmare comes true? The condom broke. You forgot to take your birth control pill that day. Ernst wants girls to know that Plan B (emergency contraception) is now offered over-the-counter and is a viable option for collegiettes.
What if I’m feeling anxious?
You’re used to pre-test jitters and the anxiousness associated with going on a first date, but this is a whole new playing field. First things first: it’s okay to be nervous!
“It’s normal to feel anxious because [having intercourse] is probably unlike anything you’ve done before, and so like anything new, it can be scary,” Liberman says.
Rachel*, a senior at the University of Michigan, says it’s okay to be nervous, but that girls should also feel like they are ready to make the decision before they do. “Wait until you are absolutely certain that you are ready to have sex,” she says. “You should realize that sex can be scary, but can also be pleasurable, exciting and a wonderful way to connect with another person. To lessen anxiety, you should become comfortable with your body and with your partner. Knowing beforehand exactly what you would or would not be comfortable with doing is important.”
To make the experience less intimidating, Liberman says that girls should become comfortable with their own bodies before having sex. “It’s important to educate yourself about your body,” she says. “To go into sex for the first time without knowing anything about your body is doing a disservice, because you don’t know what [it] looks like and you don’t know what to expect from yourself. If you’re more familiar with yourself, including masturbation, you’re probably going to feel less anxious [and know what feels good].”
Liberman recommends that women take the time to read about the female body; there are an infinite number of online resources to look at if you have any sex-related questions, including Go Ask Alice! and Scarleteen. Along with reading, she says that it’s helpful to get to know your body more personally (when you have some alone time, if you know what we mean). Once you begin to explore your own body, you will know what to expect from yourself with a partner when that time comes. If you’re self-conscious about trying masturbation, the shower is a natural, easy place to start.
Liberman adds that there are a few checkpoints to hit before you’ll be ready to have sex. “Readiness can be indicated by: making the decision that you want to do it, getting to know yourself, feeling ready and not having too high or unrealistic expectations, so that when you’ve done it, you can say, ‘Okay, that was the first time! Now I can learn more about it and be less nervous the next time,’” she says. “If you expect it to be perfect, of course you are going to [feel] disappointment.”
You may have expectations for your first time, but keep in mind that it’s different for every collegiette! Just remember that it should be your decision and no one else’s. When you’re ready, we hope that our tips help!
*Names have been changed.