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10 Celebrities Who Rock Short Bangs Better than Beyoncé

We've all seen the snaps by now—never one to hide from controversy, Beyoncé (or was it Blue Ivy's handiwork?) recently chopped her locks a little more than we thought was wise, debuting a look we never expected to see on her: short and blunt bangs.

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Dear Bey, you are a queen of many things, but... not these bangs. Short bangs can be a cute tribute to the pin-up look, but only if they suit your personal style and work with your face shape. Naturally, our first thought was, "If Beyoncé can't wear short bangs, then nobody can!" But if you felt the same way, you're wrong—we've rounded up 10 stunning celebs who pull the look off way better than Bey does. Sorry, Bey.

1. Audrey Hepburn

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Audrey was so ahead of the curve, even way back when! She makes the short bangs and 'do work with bold brows and a classic feminine look.

2. Penelope Cruz

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We love the way her choppy bangs accentuate her well-shaped brows and crisp, clean eye makeup!

3. Michelle Williams

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Afraid to try the short bangs look? Take a page from Michelle's book and wear them brushed to the side—they're less choppy and a little more subtle. Plus, they frame her face perfectly!

4. Krysten Ritter

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This look is the definition of rocker-chic—the short bangs up the edge, but they're made glamorous with wavy hair, a gold sequined number and of course, Krysten's signature red lips.

5. Christina Aguilera

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The ultra-short and wispy bangs are an unexpected touch to the sleek long hair, and with Christina's overall cool-girl vibe, we totally approve.

6. Rashida Jones

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Full-out blunt or pushed to the side, short bangs can be worn in so many different ways—especually with Rashida's heart-shaped face.

7. Katy Perry

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As someone who often pays homage to pin-up style, Katy is the ultimate celeb to rock this look. With the cat-eye liner and bold lips, she looks like she's walk right out of the 1940's.

8. Sophie Amoruso

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This Nasty Gal-er is the poster child for how to wear short bangs! Paired with a choppy long bob and casually tousled waves throughout, these look totally embodies Sophie's edgy style.

9. Rooney Mara

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Super-short bangs can look totally elegant, too, as evidenced by Rooney's red carpet look. With slicked back, wet-'do look, this chic style really makes her facial features that much more striking.

10. Betty Page

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Last but not least, we need to pay tribute to the spectacular Betty! How could we leave out the icon who made the short bangs popular in the first place?


What do you collegiettes think of Beyoncé's latest cut? And which celeb wore it best?

Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater? Here’s the Truth

You’ve just started seeing someone awesome who meets all of your qualifications (smart, hilarious, good looking, willing to sing One Direction songs with you… you get the gist). Everything is going smoothly, and why shouldn’t it? You’re the exception.

What do we mean, the “exception”? Well, it turns out your new fling has some skeletons in his closet. He cheated on his last girlfriend; maybe he even cheated on her with you. Even if he cheated once, though, he’d never cheat on you, right? Right?

“Once a cheater, always a cheater”—is that really true?

These are the questions that keep you up at night as you try to figure out whether your new guy or girl is worth trusting. We can’t tell you for sure that he or she won’t cheat again, but we can definitely give you some advice about how to avoid it ahead of time. We spoke with Carole Lieberman, M.D., a Beverly Hills psychiatrist and author, to figure out what being with a cheater really means for your relationship and whether it’s worth it or not to stick it out.

Can you trust him or her?

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Any good relationship is built on trust. If you’re serious about pursuing a meaningful relationship with your partner, sit down with him or her and discuss past behavior, what your expectations are for your relationship and how you’ll deal with any issues that arise.

“If someone has a history of cheating, you need to tread very carefully before committing to a relationship with them,” Dr. Lieberman says. “It's not always true that, ‘once a cheater, always a cheater,’ but once someone has cheated, it is easier for him to rationalize why it's okay to cheat again.”

Basically, once someone has cheated, you should be on alert. It’s not a given that he’ll cheat again, but it’s probably more likely that he will.

“Some cheaters grow up and come to the realization that they want to commit to a deeper relationship, but you can't assume that this will happen,” Dr. Lieberman says.

How can you know he or she won’t cheat on you?

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If your relationship is a new one, it’s a good idea to take things slow — especially if you know your SO has a history of cheating. Keeping your heart guarded a little isn’t totally crazy. If anything, protecting yourself is your smartest move.

You can’t know for sure that your SO won’t cheat. What you can do, however, is be open and honest about your expectations for your relationship.

“Talk openly to him about how you are aware that he has cheated in the past, and you want to know if he thinks he still needs time to date around,” Dr. Lieberman says. “There is no point in trying to make a guy commit to an exclusive relationship if he still wants or needs to sow his wild oats.”

In some cases, a second chance is worth it. Other times, however, a past cheater isn’t willing to put in the work to gain back your trust, or ultimately he’ll cheat again.

Lauren, a senior at Boston College, had a long-term boyfriend who had cheated on girlfriends before.

“I assumed that he had matured and that our relationship was more solid than his previous ones,” Lauren says. “In the end I was wrong. He cheated on me throughout our entire relationship. I didn’t even know about it until later.”

Successful relationships are built on mutual trust and honesty. If you feel that you can’t trust your partner based on his or her history, looking out for yourself isn’t selfish — it’s necessary. If you’ve been burned or know for a fact that your SO has done something shady, cutting ties may be the best thing for your sanity.

How can you prevent your partner from cheating?

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There’s no foolproof formula to keep your partner from straying.

“Some girls think that if they simply do everything their guy wants — from having sex whenever he wants to doing his homework — they will keep him from cheating,” Dr. Lieberman says. Others will play hard to get; they feel that giving their SO some space will be enough to convince him or her to stay.

These tactics will eventually alienate your partner, however, Dr. Lieberman warns. The best way to keep your partner from cheating, she says, is to “keep yourself looking hot and being interesting. Don't wrap your world around him. And keep your options open.”

Whom can you really rely on?

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If you get the feeling that your new guy or girl is genuinely a good person who made a mistake, then chances are you’re right. If, however, you get weird vibes or are inclined to distrust what your SO says, listen to what your heart is telling you! More often than not, what your gut instinct is telling you is true.

What’s more, it’s important to be honest with yourself about why you want to be in a relationship with someone who has cheated in the past. Summer, a collegiette at Boston University, says, “Under no circumstance should you stay in a relationship where there’s a lack of trust, just for the sake of holding on and having a significant other. I’ve done that in the past, and it’s no fun!”

Staying real with yourself and remembering to keep your own best interests at heart will keep you out of toxic relationships (and away from your own temptation to cheat).

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So, is a cheater always a cheater? It works on a case-by-case basis. As long as you build a foundation of trust and honesty, maybe a second chance is worth it. If a guy or girl gives you reason to think he or she will cheat again, odds are that they probably will. Release people from your life who haven’t proven themselves worthy to be there — you deserve to have someone who can commit for real.

Halloween in College: Expectations vs. Reality

Crisp weather, innovative costume ideas, impressive decorations, and amazing parties - Halloween sure is an unforgettable part of the college experience. After being in school for a few months, it's the first major holiday that rolls around, so you're majorly pumped to get dressed up and have a great time! But sometimes that anticipation doesn't quite translate into real life.


You have a master plan for an intricate costume that is totally going to grab everyone’s attention at that big party you’re invited to. You bookmarked all of the websites that you're going to buy the costume components from, and you have a full picture in your mind of what you want to look like.

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It's the day before Halloween and your costume (or lack thereof) is a massive failure. You ran out of funds or forgot about it entirely, and now you have to find something to wear in less than 24 hours.

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You’re going to carve a pumpkin into a jack-o’-lantern that will impress your floormates. It'll be the perfect shape, and every last detail will be intricately sculpted.

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Midway through, you drop your pumpkin, and now it's just a mushy, hot mess. Plus, you manage to cut your hand while carving. Pumpkin pie, anyone?

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You buy a bag of candy with the intention of giving most of it out to your friends. It'll be a little gift for all of your besties. You'll keep a few of the mini chocolate bars to yourself so you can snack on them over the next couple of days. 

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You end up eating the whole thing yourself in one sitting. 

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You’re going to nail that makeup tutorial you found on YouTube that will make your costume look extra amazing. You have the Naked Palette the vlogger used in the video, so how can you go wrong?

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It turns out a bit differently than it looks in the video. And by that, your friends think you’ve dressed up as a diseased zombie who's just come back from the dead. 

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The temperature will be mild, so all you’ll need is a light sweater and you’re golden. It's October; how cool could it get? Just a light breeze.

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By nightfall, it will feel like mid-December and you’ll deeply regret not wearing long pants. 

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You came up with a really creative costume idea that people are going to die over. Your roommates' jaws will drop and your crush will take notice. No one you know has ever done this costume before, and it will therefore be a winner in everyone's eyes.

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No one seems to be able to figure out what you are. Clearly there was a reason why no one had ever attempted the costume before.

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You've been invited to five costume parties and there isn't enough time to go to all of them. You're going to have to start telling some people you can't make it.Image may be NSFW.
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You actually have no plans at all, so it looks like it's just going to be you, some candy and ABC Family's 13 Nights of Halloween. Can you say, party for one?

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11 Cats in Halloween Costumes

Halloween is upon us, and that means collegiettes everywhere are looking to strut their stuff in creative costumes! Looking for some inspiration? It may be closer (and more cuddly) than you think. Take a look at these cute cats, all decked out for Halloween!

All this kitty needs is seven dwarves!

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Make sure your cat isn’t looking too mainstream this Halloween.

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Forget Halloween; This cat and its dog companion look ready for Thanksgiving!

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Even cats like to get down on Halloween. Olé!

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This cat must feel like a true Cat-lifornia Gurl channeling her inner Katy Perry!

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Move over, Jack Sparrow! There’s a new pirate in town.

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Looks like the newly pregnant Kate Middleton has some royal competition.

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Simba, we’ve found your twin!

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Who doesn’t love some noms at the end of a long Halloween night?

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It’s time to man the sails!

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This a great costume if you’re on a super tight budget.

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What costume is your cat rocking this year, collegiettes?

7 Celeb Kids Who Have Better Style Than We Do

We like to think that by college, there are a few things that we have down—how to survive an all-nighter, how to flirt (properly) with that cute guy in your econ lecture and of course, how to dress—well. But when studying takes over your life and you've survived one too many all-nighters, that oversized sweatshirt starts to look pretty good... and especially since you just got through midterms, your style game has taken a little bit of a hit. To give you a little mid-semester boost, we've put together a list of kids (yes, kids) who probably dress better than you do—how's that for inspiration?

1. Honor Warren (Jessica Alba and Cash Warren)

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Honor's style is a great mixture of ultra-girly and a little rough and edgy. One of her most classic looks is a skirt or dress with leggings and a sneaker or boot. The hybrid style that she rocks always has a bohemian vibe (like mother like daughter, right?) and is obviously super easy and comfy. To get Honor's look, pair a mini skirt with some knit tights and a pair of sneakers. Add a chambray shirt on top to keep the outfit casual. 

2. Mason Disick (Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick)

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Mason dresses like a mini-Scott with his super gentlemanly wardrobe. He rocks high fashion designers like Burberry on the reg and has an array of collared shirts... we're going to guess most of them are custom-made, like this monogrammed version here. Want Mason's look? Start off with a Burberry button down shirt, pair that with some white denim and a luxe pair of velvet loafers. 

3. Suri Cruise (Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise)

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This little lady has been on the forefront of fashion since she was a mere babe (she still is). Bloggers and photographers have been closely following her since day 1, allowing us (her loyal fans) to see her style evolve as she grows up. Suri loves to look super girly and wear bright colors, and she isn't afraid to try crazy prints and combos! She's rocked all-pink outfits many times and looked killer in all of them. To copy one of Suri's wintery look, start off with a girlie dress in any color. Add a pair of colorful tights along with some short boots. Top it all off with a fabulous fur coat, and you'll be turning heads—maybe even Suri's!

4. Skyler Berman (Rachel Zoe and Roger Berman)

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Skyler's style can be summed up as "Parisian rocker chic." His effortless basics, always paired with amazing accessories, and his luscious locks give him a cool-guy vibe that most have a hard time pulling off. The first thing you'll need to copy Skyler's style is a classic striped shirt with a bit of a boat neck. Pair that with some relaxed jeans, a pair of canvas sneakers, and an adorable hat to top it all off. 

5. Willow Smith (Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith)

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Willow's style is a mix between rocker and grunge—without ever looking sloppy. Her outfits, which often consist of several layers of clothing in all different colors, always look carefully planned out. To look like Willow, go for an outfit with lots of layers and patterns. Start with a cool graphic tee and some black skinny jeans. Time to add on the layers: get a flannel that pulls colors from the tee shirt and put that on under an oversized denim jacket. Throw on some chunky ankle boots and a 90s-esque choker, and you'll be all set!

6. Arlo Weiner (Linda Brettler and Matthew Weiner)

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Years ago, GQ named him "America's most stylish eight year old." Flash forward 5 years and he's still dressing to the nines like he was back then. Drawing inspiration from Willy Wonka (from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) and other fictional characters like Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, his whimsical style makes him look like he came right out of a storybook. Use his look as a jumping off point for your own menswear-inspired look! Try a pair of cropped trousers with a front-tucked crisp button-down shirt. Throw on an oversized blazer and some loafers and you just might be giving Arlo a run for his money. 

7. Blue Ivy Carter (Beyoncé Knowles and Jay-Z)

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Blue Ivy loves her black and white. She has pretty trendy taste for such a little tot, but when your parents are Beyoncé and Jay-Z, it's hard to not be the best dressed kid on the block. To get Blue Ivy's super duper cool rocker look, throw on any basic white tee and a pair of super skinny jeans. Pair that with a unique leather jacket (if you can't get a personalized one, try a jacket in a different color, or one covered in patches from a vintage shop). Finish the look off with a cool pair of statement sneakers or boots to keep the outfit looking like something an off-duty rock star would wear. Don't forget a pair of sunglasses to keep the camera flashes from blinding you. 

Now that we've brought you some major style inspo from these pint-sized fashionistas, it's your turn, collegiettes—whose look are you coveting?

7 Makeup Looks to Rock on Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner, but whether you’ve picked out the perfect costume or are still desperately seeking the right disguise, you’re going to need an awesome makeup look to go with it. Whether you’re dressing up as a sexy cat or a scary zombie, we have the makeup look you’ll need to look awesome all night long.

1. Mischievous feline

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If you’re dressing up as a mischievous cat for Halloween, this makeup look is simple and sexy. For an intense cat eye, apply smoky eye shadow and winged eyeliner (check out our tutorial here!). Marc Jacobs Beauty Tonite Lights Glitter Dust ($32 at Sephora) will create a smoky, sparkly look. Red lipstick can make the look even more stunning. Try NARS lipstick in Red Lizard ($26 at Sephora).

2. Playful angel

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If you’re being a sweet angel for Halloween, you’re going to need some dainty makeup to go with it. Blue and white eye shadow can create a soft, powdery look, and adding on black eyeliner can make the look sexier if that’s what you’re going for. Estée Lauder Pure Color Gelée Power EyeShadow in Cyber Silver (metallic silver) or Cyber Teal (medium muted teal with shimmer) ($24 at Sephora) will work perfectly. Add rhinestones to the corners of your eyes or underneath your eyes for a girly, glittery touch. A simple nude lipstick or clear lip gloss will do the trick for lips. Try Buxom True Nude Lip Foundation ($19 at Sephora) to find a nude that’s right for your skin.

3. Naughty devil

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To achieve naughty devil makeup, metallic and red eye shadow will be your best friends! Cover your eyelid in red eye shadow and add darker, metallic colors (like black or gray) below your eyebrow. MAKE UP FOR EVER Artist Shadow in Black Diamond and Steel ($21 at Sephora) will be great for the metallic eye shadows, while NYX’s Bad Seed will give you a bold red ($4.50 at NYX). Black eyeliner and heavy mascara will enhance your eyes even more. Make Up For Ever Aqua Eyes Eyeliner in Matte Black ($19 at Sephora) is a great liner to use because it’s waterproof and smudge-proof! Apply dark lipstick for an even naughtier look.

4. Scary zombie

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If you’re going for a scarier look, try this zombie makeup! Apply a gray or black eye shadow to your entire eyelid and below your eye if you desire. Too Faced Smokey Eye Shadow Collection ($36 at Sephora) has the colors you’ll need. Black eyeliner will intensify the look, and false eyelashes will make your look even spookier. Make Up For Ever has a ton of options—type 31 (Carolyn) ($16 at Sephora) are extra long and dense, which will work great for many different looks. Black lipstick and shadowing on the face will top off your zombie look. For face makeup, use your black eye shadow to create grayish markings on your face. To make the look ever scarier, apply red lipstick for fake blood. Use black eyeliner for fake stitches if you want to go over the top.

5. Spooky witch

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For spooky witch makeup that’s sure to impress anyone, try this shimmery green look! First, apply sparkly green eye shadow to your eyelids; try Urban Decay Moondust Eyeshadow in Zodiac ($20 at Sephora). Next, line your top eyelid with black eyeliner and apply plenty of mascara. Use false eyelashes for this look as well; rhinestone false eyelashes can be found on Amazon for $11.96! Or, for another dramatic look, apply gems onto the corners of your eyes. Darken your eyebrows for a harsher vibe by filling them in with tarte’s EmphasEYES For Brows High Definition Eyebrow Pencil in Rich Brown ($20 at Sephora). Use red lipstick if you’re going for a sexy look or black lipstick if you’re going for a scary look. Voila!

6. Cute scarecrow

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To change up the classic farmer look, all you need is adorable scarecrow makeup. Draw orange circles on your cheeks and nose with Orange Cream Makeup (only $1.99 at Party City!). Use black eyeliner to draw stitches on your nose and extending past the corners of your mouth. Draw “eyelashes” under your eyes as well.

7. Vicious vampire

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For a blood-sucking look that’s still sexy, this vampire makeup is for you. First, cover your face with powder that’s lighter than your skin. Cover Girl TruBlend Minerals Loose Powder in a shade that’s right for you ($4.49 at Ulta) will work great. Next, use gray eye shadow around your eyes for a dark, mysterious look. Be sure to apply the eye shadow under your eyes as well. Use red lipstick on your lips and smudge it in order to create a bloodstained effect. To complete the look, wear Plastic Vampire Fangs (only $0.99 at Party City!).

Doing your makeup for Halloween has never been more exciting with tons of looks that can be achieved with spooky products. No matter what you dress up as, there’s a makeup look out there for you to experiment with! You’ll have the hottest costume at the party complete with awesome makeup. Feeling creative? Check out these Halloween nail ideas, too!

We're Giving Away Five $50 Jamberry Nails Gift Cards

Love nail art? Us too. But how many times have you attempted your own DIY nail art, only to end up with disastrous results (and all this after spending hours trying to do an ombré or draw a cat on your thumb)? Yeah, us too.

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That's where our obsession with Jamberry Nails comes in—the brand carries hundreds of vinyl nail wraps in all the patterns you could dream of, and they take mere seconds to apply! Get festive with the season with adorable Halloween designs and more, get in on some sisterly love with the sorority collection, and even show off your school spirit with the collegiate collection (there are more than 80 schools to choose from!). As if that wasn't enough, you can even create your own nail wraps at the Nail Art Studio by uploading your own photos or crafting prints using different patterns and shapes on the site.

Put the nail art pen away—and enter below for a chance to win one of 5 $50 gift cards to Jamberry Nails!

Fill out my online form.

3 Effortless Hairstyles From CFW Chicago That Take 5 Minutes (or Less!)

College Fashion Week is the gift that keeps on giving—you've already seen the stunning looks from Boston and NYC, and as if they didn’t deliver enough hair-spiration, all the coiffed ‘dos at College Fashion Week in Chicago were every collegiette’s best accessory. And lucky for you, we consulted TRESemmé hair whiz Tyler Laswell on the steps and TRESemmé products you need to execute the Chi-Town looks at home. Ahead, your guide to three no-fuss hairstyles suitable for any ensemble! 

Look #1: Imperial Messy Top Knot

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  1. Prep your locks with TRESemmé Thermal Creations Volume Mousse ($5) then rough dry. Maximize texture by using a one-inch curling iron to create tousled waves and then spraying TRESemmé Fresh Start Volumizing Dry Shampoo ($5) at your roots—this must-have will absorb excess oil while boosting texture.
  2. Separate the top half of hair from ear to ear then clip it out of the way. Pull the bottom half into a tight bun at your crown and secure with an elastic.
  3. Release the top half (the section you clipped out of the way) and tease it slightly for added volume. Then, separate this section into three equal parts and clip the middle part out of the way.
  4. Loosely wrap the outer sections around the base of your tight bun, holding each section in place with a bobby pin. Do the same with the middle section.
  5. Once the three equal parts are wrapped around the bun, embellish the effortless chic topknot with your favorite headband. 
  6. Spray TRESemmé 24 Hour Body Finishing Spray ($4) all over your ‘do for perfect touchable hold.

Look #2: Brooklyn Princess Polished Knot

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  1. Apply TRESemmé 24 Hour Body Foaming Mousse ($5) on wet hair then use a medium round brush while blow drying to add volume to your roots.
  2. Brush hair into a tight, low side ponytail on either your left or right side, then start tightly twisting the tail.
  3. When you’ve twisted it all the way to the end, wrap it up toward your head, using bobby pins to anchor it along the way.
  4. Tuck ends under the twist and fasten with bobby pins.
  5. Tame unruly strands with a spritz of TRESemmé TRES Two Extra Firm Hair Spray ($4). Then, give your knot a glossy finish with a mist of the brand’s Keratin Smooth Illuminating Shine Spray ($5).

Look #3: Woodlander French Twist

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  1. Prime your hair with TRESemmé Thermal Creations Volume Mousse ($5) then rough dry.
  2. Apply TRESemmé Keratin Smooth Crème Serum ($5) from root to tip to achieve a frizz-free canvas.
  3. Gather hair at your crown and start tightly twisting down the middle of the back of your head, securing with bobby pins as you go along.
  4. Continue gathering hair and securing with pins while you twist until you reach the nape of the neck (be sure to leave the ends loose).
  5. Complete the look by placing two or three bobby pins under the section of loose hair to secure the twist.

Can’t get enough hair inspo? Head over to TRESemmé’s YouTube channel for simple tutorials from its team of professional Style Setters. Keep your eyes peeled for our coverage of College Fashion Week San Francisco and get even more updates at collegefashionweek.com

The 7 Best Disney Halloween Movies

Whether it was the channel or the studio, Disney never failed to create brilliant Halloween movies that managed to both scare and entertain children around the nation. Every year, kids were treated to a new round of laughably scary movies to watch, which only contributed to Disney's status as a master of the '90s. Let's take a trip back through time to remember some of the most popular Halloween-related Disney movies. 

1. Hocus Pocus (1993)

Perhaps one of the most loved Halloween movies of all time, Hocus Pocus is watched almost religiously during the season of spook. 2013 marked 20 years since its release in 1993, and the film still frequently ranks highly on lists of popular Halloween movies. Hocus Pocus follows the revival of three witches who were hanged in the 1600s and their quest to gain not only revenge, but everlasting youth. Of course, their plot is foiled by a group of teenagers (as always, right?). There were rumors of a potential sequel to the cult classic, but Disney has since laid those rumors to rest by telling The Huffington Post very clearly, "The studio is not developing a sequel to Hocus Pocus." That's a shame, but at least the original is still vastly popular. 

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2. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Debates spring up between those who think this movie is a Christmas movie and those who think it’s a Halloween movie, but regardless of when you decide to watch it, Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas is undoubtedly fit for both holidays. Featuring ghouls and ghosts of all kinds, this movie is another popular choice for Halloween lovers everywhere. It follows Jack Skellington on his mission to take over Christmas and essentially turn it into a second Halloween. Many people argue that The Nightmare Before Christmas wasn’t a Disney movie, but it was released through Touchstone Pictures, which is a division of The Walt Disney Company.

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3. Halloweentown (1998)

Disney does it best. Not only did they bring Hocus Pocus to the people, but they brought us Halloweentown as well, which follows three (apparently magical) siblings as they discover a mystical town that – as the name implies – is decked out in an entire Halloween theme. The film went on to gain three sequels, though the original one is still arguably the best. The effects are cheesy and the entire film throws viewers into a fit of late-'90s nostalgia, which is why Halloweentown is awesome.

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4. Under Wraps (1997)

Under Wraps was another Disney Channel Original Movie created just in time for Halloween, and it's still one of their best classics. The film follows three friends who discover a mummy named Harold and their quest to return him to his sarcophagus before midnight on Halloween. Some people may have trouble remembering this movie, which is understandable as it hasn't been shown on television for some time - or, at least, it hadn't until last year, when it was shown as part of Disney's "Throwback Thursday." So why is a movie that's rarely shown on our list of top Halloween films? It takes the classic mummy, a generally scary thing, and turns him into a bumbling, bashful idiot who requires the help of three kids. What about that isn't perfect?

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5. Don't Look Under the Bed (1999)

Disney’s final attempt at a “true” horror film, Don't Look Under the Bed, was about a teenage girl whose imaginary friend turned out to be a boogeyman. Surprisingly enough, there were actually a few moments of sheer terror in this movie. Author's note: This movie actually made me afraid to look under my bed for years, so I totally understand why this may have been their last shot at making a real horror film... because it worked.

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6. Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire (2000)

Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire starred The Nanny cast member Charles Shaughnessy as Dimitri Denatos, a man who may or may not be a blood-sucking vampire. This 2000 Disney Channel Original found three siblings trying to prove that the man their mom was going out with was actually a vampire. Spoiler alert: He totally is. 

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7. Phantom of the Megaplex (2000)

This one came out just after Halloween, but has still been shown on Disney from time to time around the October holiday. A modern take on Phantom of the Opera, Phantom of the Megaplex took a group of siblings on a humorous adventure through a movie theater to find out who – or what – was haunting the megaplex.

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So now that it's October, the season of scare is officially in motion. Disney will no doubt be showing some of their classics, but we're sure they're ready to introduce a few new movies for today's generation of youngsters. Let's just hope they don't forget their laughably terrifying roots, though!

5 Career Websites Every College Girl Should Bookmark

We’ve all had those days where we feel weighed down with worries about the future. How do I get an internship? Is my resume good enough? What career path should I choose? There’s no need to panic, because you’re not alone! These are questions all collegiettes find themselves asking from time to time. Before you let the stress of internship applications and finding a job after college take over your life, take a look at these websites that will help guide you toward ultimate career success.  

1. The Muse

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On The Muse, you can find tons of articles filled with career advice that will help you find a job that lines up with your passions. You can also find information about grad schools and how to make your job application stand out from the pile. Additionally, you can up for The Daily Muse newsletter to get even more career advice and the latest updates on companies that are hiring.

“The Muse is like a one-stop shop for all things related to your career,” says Lily Herman, a Wesleyan junior who works as an editorial intern for The Muse. “The site features absolutely stunning company profiles, so you can see what working at these organizations is really like. I really believe that The Muse offers some of the best career advice out there. You can never really go wrong reading an article on there.”

2. Levo League

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Sometimes websites can be filled with tons of information, but you still can’t find the specific answers you’re searching for. If you’re looking for one-on-one career advising, Levo League is the perfect source for career advice on a more personal level. Levo offers a mentoring program where you can connect with professionals who will help to jump-start your own career.

“I reached out to a mentor who worked in the field I was interested in, and it was the perfect way to gain insight for future jobs,” says Caitlin Avery, a senior at The Ohio State University. “I got to learn about her experiences, and she even helped me engage in networking opportunities with employers.”

You can sign up for free and ask different career experts questions to steer you toward the right path!

3. CareerRookie

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Sometimes career fairs can be pretty overwhelming, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. CareerRookie is a student-based organization that links job and internship seekers to different opportunities. One of the unique features this website offers is local career fairs. You can also post your resume and interests to the site and let employers reach out to you.

“CareerRookie led me to a career fair near my school, where I met with companies and actually got a couple interviews!”says Rebecca Kid, a senior at Dartmouth College. “It was a great resource to help me get connected with future employers.”

4. Intern Queen

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If you’re looking for internship advice or opportunities, look no further. The Intern Queen Lauren Berger is here to help. Berger started the website in 2009 to share her experiences and help college students find jobs and learn professional skills. She has been featured on The Today Show and Fox & Friends and in The New York Times, the New York Post and Teen Vogue.

“When I was an intern and looking for internships, there were not many helpful websites,” Berger says. “I wanted a website that felt like a community — and I wanted a person to take me by the hand and guide me to great internships. That what I try to do for students.”

Her blog is full of tips and tricks to impress your bosses, use social media in the workplace and boost your resume. Big-name employers and companies can post jobs right on the site for you to browse and apply to. Take advice from Lauren, who has had 15 internships throughout her career. Her website will put you one step ahead of the crowd!

5. Ed2010

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Has it always been your dream to work for a magazine, just as our favorite stars do in all those clichéd films? Turns out it might be possible after all. Ed2010 is the perfect website to find advice on getting into the magazine and media business. On the site, you can find job and internship opportunities all over the country. They even have tips for how you give your resume a complete makeover to attract specific brands.

“Ed2010 is awesome for editorial and magazine internships and jobs,” says Avianne Tan, a senior at New York University. “They also have resume reviews and mentorship programs you can apply to.” Check out Ed2010 to kick-start your magazine career!

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There’s no need to panic about your future just yet. Take time to do some research and find out what’s right for you! These resources will bring you one step closer toyour dream job.

13 Reasons Emma Watson Is Our Hero

If you haven’t fallen in love with Emma Watson yet like the rest of the world has, you have some catching up to do. She's an inspiration to young women everywhere, the poster child for kid actors who haven't fallen of their rockers and basically the perfect human specimen. A list of Emma's good qualities could easily run on to over 100 things, but for your convenience, we've made a compact list of why Emma Watson should be your hero if she isn't already.

1. She played the smartest character in Harry Potter.

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Not only did Emma Watson have a leading role in every single one of the movies in the Harry Potter franchise, she played one of the smartest people at Hogwarts and continuously showed us that being smart doesn't have to make you uncool. 

2. She's a really versatile actress.

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We got the chance to see her American accent in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, her sense of humor in This Is The End and her provocative side in The Bling Ring. If you weren’t excited to see Emma play an overprivileged, undersupervised, sexy criminal in The Bling Ring, you’re lying to yourself and everyone around you.

3. She is the most multitalented a person can be.

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Emma can scuba dive, do yoga and play field hockey. Is there anything she can’t do? The answer is no; she can literally do anything.

4. She helps out good causes.

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She uses her celebrity status for good, supporting feminism with her famous speech to the UN, starting He for She and doing a free trade collab with People Tree.

5. She went to college.

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Emma went to college, unlike most child stars do once they grow up. She attended Brown University and graduated after five years with a B.A. in English literature. She could have done it in four years, but she needed to take off two semesters to film a Harry Potter movie (#EmmaWatsonProblems, right?).

6. She was born in Paris, France.

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If you had to pick the most fitting place for Emma Watson to have been born in, Paris would obviously be your number one choice. Only such an amazing city could produce someone like Emma. She lived there until she was five years old.

7. She tweets what we’re all thinking.

Emma totally gets us. She gets annoyed at the most mundane things like the rest of us. People talking at the movies? So annoying!

8. She rocks any haircut.

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When we first heard that Emma Watson chopped all her hair off, we were a little unsure of how it would look on her. After we saw the pics of her with her fresh new pixie, however, we were so stunned at how she flaunted that cut like nobody’s business.

9. Her sense of style is unreal.

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Emma Watson has managed to master the art of dressing completely classy while still keeping it pretty sexy. How does she do it? Seriously, Emma, how do you do it?

10. She appreciates her fans.

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Emma is never one to shy away from meeting fans of any age. She loves to interact with her fans and truly appreciates their support.

11. She admits she’s awkward like the rest of us.

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Whether or not we really see Emma’s awkward side, it’s nice to hear that she gets embarrassed and feels socially awkward sometimes, too.

12. She disregards silly rumors.

Emma calmly shoots down any rumors that are going around about her. Her direct way of approaching this is something we should all learn from.

13. She was featured in Teen Vogue when she was 15.

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In 2005, Emma Watson was the youngest person (at the time) to ever be on the cover of Teen Vogue. At 16, she already knew how to strike a pose and was deemed worthy of being feautred in a major magazine. No big deal, right?

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She’s pretty, smart, involved and everything we've ever wanted to be. Emma Watson is a daily inspiration for us, and we will continue to follow Emma and her career in the years to come.

Everything You Need for a Post Midterm Spa Day

Congrats, collegiettes—you made it through midterms! It's a time full of stress, anxiety, and very little beauty sleep, so even though it's a relief to be done, those all-nighters are still catching up to you. So how do you fix the dark circles and sore necks that come with long hours in the library? A spa day, of course! And we don't mean the all-inclusive package that'll cost you hundreds—we're talking about a spa day you can do right in your own dorm room. Here's everything you need to give yourself a much-deserved day of relaxation and pampering. 

1. Face masks

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To purify, hydrate, brighten, or mattify skin, use Boscia’s Multi-Masking Medley ($18). The box includes four different masks to give you a flawless complexion after everything your skin has endured from midterms. Each mask is paraben and sulfate free, and they are easily peeled off for removal.

2. Bubble bath

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Have the luxury of your own tub? Take advantage of it! We love LUSH's Big Blue Bath Bomb ($6.40); complete with sea salt and seaweed, it'll transport you to a Caribbean getaway. Filled with lavender and lemon oil, both your mind and body will be able to relax and unwind after those stressful midterms, and the moisturizing oils will leave your skin soft and hydrated. Ahhhh. 

3. Foot scrub

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Eliminate dead, rough skin to make feet soft and smooth using Malibu Beach Pedicure Foot Scrub ($7.50). Massage into wet feet and rinse for exfoliated, beach-worthy feet. Follow up with Malibu Beach Pedicure Foot Cream ($7.50) to moisturize freshly exfoliated feet with avocado butter and give yourself the ultimate pamper.

4. Eye mask

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We all know exam season means studying late into the night. And no sleep means dark circles under your eyes. Let’s be honest, no one wants that. Korres’ Cucumber Fresh De-Puffing Eye Mask ($16) contains cooling gel which helps to revitalize tired, puffy eyes. Cucumber refreshes and moisturizes the under-eye area, while anti-inflammatory chamomile and other ingredients reduce puffiness. Just a few minutes with this miracle product helps your face look totally refreshed—and you'll feel ready to take on the day.

5. Body butter

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Long nights in the cold, arid library mean dry, cracked skin so what better way to cure it than with Shea Body Butter ($20). This thick, creamy lotion soaks right into the skin and leaves skin feeling smooth and soft for the rest of the day. Made with shea butter, this one has a deliciously nutty fragrance.

6. Hair mask

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After having your hair up in messy top knots for days on end, your once-luscious locks are looking a little... lackluster. Bring some life back into your hair with Macadamia’s Deep Repair Hair Mask ($15.99), which will revitalize and nourish your damaged strands. The mask is filled with a plethora of oils, along with aloe and algae extracts, to improve elasticity and shine. 

7. Candle

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Once you've settled into your masks and treatments or sunk into that warm bath, light a candle for a little comforting aromatherapy! It's fall, after all, so burn a Pumpkin Chai candle ($34) from Nest Fragrances to fill your room with that spicy fragrance we all love—and enjoy the spa day you so deserve!

How will you be pampering yourselves post-midterms, collegiettes?

7 Delicious & Healthy Halloween Treats

With Halloween just around the corner, we’re all developing a little bit of a sweet tooth. Looking to indulge in some swoon-worthy Halloween treats without undoing all of your gym efforts? Look no further! These delicious recipes don’t just taste good, but are good for you, too! So hit up the grocery store, put on your favorite Halloween movies and bask in all the healthy deliciousness.

1. “Boo”-nana Pops

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These ghoulish snacks are the perfect combination of fruity and creamy and the perfect way to get your scare—and your healthy—on. Plus, bananas are an awesome source of potassium, which makes them awesome pre-workout snacks, and are super high in antioxidants.

Recipe from Skinnytaste


  • 1 medium banana (at your preferred ripeness)
  • 1 cup white chocolate for melting
  • 8 mini chocolate chips
  • 4 Popsicle sticks
  • Wax paper


  1. Cut the banana into quarters by first cutting lengthwise and then in half.
  2. Insert Popsicle sticks into the flat end of the banana. Place bananas on wax paper and freeze for about an hour.
  3. Once the bananas are frozen, fill a microwave-safe bowl or coffee mug with the white chocolate.
  4. Melt the chocolate by heating it in the microwave for 30-second intervals, stirring between each set.
  5. One at a time, tip the bananas into the chocolate, scraping the excess chocolate off of the back of the banana.
  6. Place the banana on the wax paper and quickly (before the chocolate hardens) place two chocolate chips in the place of eyes.
  7. Put the bananas back into the freezer until frozen.

2. Candy Corn Fruit Cup

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How cute are these? Get all the sweetness of some candy corn with the health of some fruit with this delicious recipe.

Recipe from Family Fresh Meals


  • Cut-up pineapple (about a half cup, but you can eat as little or as much as you’d like)
  • Cut-up oranges
  • Whipped cream


  1. In a clear glass, pour in pineapple.
  2. Layer the oranges on top of those and then the whipped cream.
  3. Store in a refrigerated space.

3. Monster Eggs

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Get some protein in your diet this Halloween with these monstrous hard-boiled eggs!

Recipe from PBS Parents


  • Hard-boiled eggs (one egg will make two monsters)
  • ½ teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon mayonnaise
  • ½ teaspoon pickled relish
  • A pinch of curry powder
  • Black olive slices or shred of skin of eggplant for eyes
  • Broccoli for legs


  1. Hard-boil your eggs.
  2. Cut each egg in half.
  3. Scoop out the yolk and mash it with a spoon.
  4. Mix mustard, mayonnaise, pickled relish and a pinch of curry powder with the yolk. Spoon it back into the egg (this makes the monster’s mouth).
  5. Add black olives/eggplant skin to where the eyes will be.
  6. Place broccoli stems where the legs would be.

4. Zombie Jaws

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These apple treats are as delicious as they are creepy! We’re getting a real The Walking Dead vibe from these zombie jaws.

Recipe from Another Lunch


  • 1 apple
  • A handful of almond slivers


  1. Slice apple lengthwise—do not remove the skin.
  2. Insert almond slivers along the skin edge of the apple.
  3. Arrange slices of apples next to each other to make mouths.

5. Pumpkin Pita Bread

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Who doesn’t love some delicious hummus? Spread it on some pita bread to look like a pumpkin and you’ll have an adorable Halloween snack!

Recipe from BabyCenter


  • Pita bread (1 per “pumpkin”)
  • Hummus (enough to spread over the whole slice of pita bread)
  • Optional yellow food coloring (to make the hummus look more the hue of a pumpkin)
  • Toppings (cheese, carrots, cucumbers, carrots, olives, any other veggies you’d like!)


  1. Spread some hummus over your entire slice of pita bread.
  2. Arrange your toppings to look like a jack-o’-lantern face—try cutting your cucumbers into triangle eyes, using carrots for jack-o’-lantern teeth and using some olives for a nose! Get creative with this to make your creation fun and adorable.

6. Witch’s Broom                                                                                

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These witches’ brooms are exactly what any cheese-lover needs in her life. Props to cheese sticks for being a low-calorie source of dairy, right?

Recipe from A Healthy Slice of Life


  • String cheese sticks
  • Pretzel sticks


  1. Cut cheese sticks in half.
  2. Cut cheese stick vertically about ¾ of the way (do not cut all the way to the top).
  3. Peel cheese stick apart a few more times using the same technique.
  4. Insert pretzel stick into the top of the cheese stick where there are not any cuts made.

7. Clementine Pumpkins

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Deliciously sweet, these clementine “pumpkins” are sure to get you—and your taste buds—in the Halloween mood, all while giving you a great vitamin C boost!

Recipe from One Little Project


  • Clementines (as many as you want to eat)
  • 1 stick of celery


  1. Peel the clementine.
  2. Cut the celery into thin, 1-inch strips.
  3. Pull the pieces at the top of the clementine apart slightly.
  4. Insert one of the celery pieces into the top of the clementine to create a pumpkin stem.

These recipes are sure to appease your Halloween-loving inner Martha Stewart and are way healthier than candy. What are your favorite healthy Halloween treats? Let us know in the comments below!

You Could Win an $800 J.Crew Shopping Spree + A New Pair of Tieks Flats!

Hello, mid-semester slump. It's that period after midterms when you're trying to recuperate, catch up on that beauty sleep, and transition out of your uniform of leggings and sweatshirts. Nope, definitely haven't been going on any first dates lately. Well, what better way to get out of that rut than with a fashion makeover worth $1,000—free?

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We're partnering up with Coffee Meets Bagel, an online dating site like no other. Each day at noon, you're matched with a new “bagel”—you can either pass on the opportunity, or choose to connect with your match. And since you need to look your best when meeting the one, we're setting you up with a chance to win $800 to shop at J.Crew, plus a brand new pair of Tieks foldable flats (so comfy for campus, but cute enough for date night, too)—worth $200!

Enter here now for your chance to win!

Heidi Klum's 8 Craziest Halloween Costumes

Though Halloween may be the one night a year that we can get away with simply accessorizing lingerie with animal ears, former Victoria's Secret model and Queen of Halloween Heidi Klum is known to go the extra mile with her elaborate getups.  From scary and spooky to straight-up kooky, here are Heidi Klum’s eight craziest Halloween costumes.

1. Lady Godiva, 2001

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Klum arrived at her 2001 party on horseback in a floor-length wig as the famousy nude Lady Godiva.

2. Witch, 2004

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Klum’s creative take on the classic witch costume involved an all-red ensemble and a skeleton on piggyback.

3. Vampire, 2005

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In a light-up corset, custom-made fangs and a cobweb cape, Klum killed it as a vampire at her sixth annual Halloween bash.

4. Forbidden Fruit, 2006

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Refusing to let pregnancy stop her from going all out at her 2006 Halloween bash, Klum hid her baby bump in her Garden of Eden forbidden fruit getup. 

5. Hindu Goddess, 2008

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Klum’s most controversial costume was when she dressed up as the Hindu Goddess Kali.  Her portrayal of the benevolent deity with vampire fangs and a bloody skirt upset Hindu leaders.

6. Crow, 2009

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Feathered and fabulous, Klum attended her 10th annual Halloween event in an elaborate crow costume.

7. Alien Transformer, 2010

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At eight feet tall, Klum towered over her guests at her 2010 Halloween Party at Lavo in NYC.

8. "Visible Woman," 2011

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Klum's anatomy-inspired ensemble involved a body suit painted with muscles, veins and tendons, and was completed with an entrance on a stretcher at the Tao Nightclub in Vegas.

9. Old Lady, 2013

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Even while wearing a gray wig, serious prosthetic spide veins and some mega-detailed wrinkles, Klum still looks amazing in this crazy-elaborate getup.


Klum will be holding her 15th annual Halloween event this year, and we're sure the Halloween Queen will blow us away yet again!

What do you think Heidi Klum will dress up as this year? Let us know in the comments below!

    11 Things to Do on Your 21st Birthday (That Aren’t Just Going to a Bar)

    So you’re turning 21 soon, huh? Everyone’s probably asking you if you have any huge plans for the big day, but you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing yet. Unlike most of your other birthdays you’ve celebrated in the past, your 21st is pretty much a rite of passage into the adult world. This might put some added pressure on planning your big day, but have no fear! We compiled a list of fun things for you to do for your 21st (that aren’t just going to a bar or a club) that are guaranteed to make this your most memorable birthday yet.

    For girls who drink

    1. Go to a boozy brunch

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    Bottomless plates and mimosas? Yes, please! Brunch is one of the few times where drinking before noon isn’t frowned upon, so what better way could there be to kick off your birthday? Getting your buzz on in the a.m. while eating delicious breakfast food is how every birthday girl should start her day.

    2. Paint wine glasses

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    Now that you’re 21 and can legally drink all the wine you want, you’re probably going to want some cute wine glasses. The easiest way to get the glasses to come out just like you’re picturing them in your head is to draw or print out the image you want to paint on your glass, stick the paper on the inside of the glass and trace it. Here’s a super easy DIY tutorial to follow if you want to paint your glasses, and a DIY tutorial to follow if you want to glitterize your glasses. They’re both easy peasy and can even be done by those of us who don’t have a crafty bone in our bodies.

    3. Drink your way around the world (Disney World, that is)

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    When you went to Disney World as a kid, you probably had no idea it was a drinking hot spot, but it’s actually a great place to celebrate your 21st! In Epcot, you can get margaritas in Mexico, beer in Germany and sake in Japan, just to name a few. Drinks are also available in Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom and almost all the hotels on site. Check out this full list of suggestions and prices. We suggest printing out a map of the park as well and planning your day ahead of time instead of just wandering around the park looking for bars and restaurants.

    4. Host a wine and cheese tasting

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    When most people think of wine and cheese tastings, they picture a candlelit setup in a nice restaurant or a dinner party and lots of expensive wines and cheeses. Your 21st birthday wine and cheese night doesn’t have to be this formal! Grab some Two Buck Chuck from Trader Joe’s, some cheese and crackers from the grocery store and a chick flick to pop in during the party for the best low-budget wine-and-cheese night.

    5.  Take the classy route

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    If you and your friends are feeling all grown up and want to celebrate your 21st with class, go to a nice dinner at a local restaurant. Order fancy drinks, eat artistically presented small plates and enjoy the finer things in life like adults in the movies do. Don’t forget to order a nice bottle of champagne to share with the table and order something fancy for dessert, like crème brûlée. You and your friends will feel like you’re living in the lap of luxury.

    6. Have a booze-infused potluck

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    Like most other 21-year-olds, you probably don’t have stacks of cash lying around your apartment. If that’s the case for you, too, have a potluck-style party to celebrate your 21st. Instead of your guests each bringing a huge dish, see if they would be willing to bring a slightly smaller dish along with some alcohol. The alcohol doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, and the food doesn’t have to be anything super intricate. As long as there ends up being enough for everyone, you’re all set.

    For girls who don’t drink

    7. Do a 21 selfies challenge

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    Before you go out for the night, have your friends write down 21 funny selfie ideas that you have to complete before the night is over. You could try anything: a selfie while a stranger is giving you a piggyback ride, a selfie wearing a random person’s shirt or a selfie of you dancing on top of a table.

    8. Do 21 dares

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    Have your friends each contribute a few things to a list of dares that all include the number 21 for you to complete on your 21st birthday. Things like getting 21 phone numbers from strangers, leaving a $21 tip at a restaurant and going to 21 different locations in one night are all great possible dares for your list. If you need help thinking of ideas, take a look at some classic dares to put the 21 twist on.

    9. Go on a road trip

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    Many car rental companies like Avis, Enterprise and Hertz have changed their minimum age requirement for renting from 25 to 21. This means that you can finally rent a car under your own name and go wherever your heart desires. Go 10 miles, go 100 miles, go wherever you and your friends want! Pack some yummy snacks, make a killer playlist and hit the road to explore your nearby towns.

    10. Have a mocktail hour

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    If you and your friends aren’t into the whole drinking scene, having a mocktail hour is a fun way to stay in the spirit of celebrating. Look up somerecipes for mocktails, and don’t forget about the food! Pigs in a blanket, spinach puffs, cheese and crackers and quiche are some cocktail-hour classics that you can easily buy at the local supermarket.

    11. Donate to charity

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    Instead of your friends taking you out for drinks or dinner, ask them to donate the money they would have spent that night to a charity of your choice. Donating money to charity a great alternative way to honor your 21st if you don’t plan on going out and spending a lot. Asking your friends to donate $21 is a fun way to tie in your birthday with the cause. If not money, you can ask your friends to get you a small gift from a company that gives back to charity with each purchase.

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    When planning your 21st birthday celebration, the number of options out there might seem a bit overwhelming, but these are a great start! No matter what you do on your big day, just remember to be smart and drink responsibly.

    The 13 Stages of Picking Out the Perfect Halloween Costume

    The end of October is rapidly approaching. Before we know it, thousands of girls will be using eyeliner to draw cat whiskers across their faces and college students everywhere will be hitting the town for a night of freaky and flirty festivities. That crucial moment has arrived—the moment when you must decide what you’re going to be for Halloween! And this year, it has to be perfect. Like any major decision, picking out your Halloween costume comes with lots of different emotions. Those of us who have been through this before know the process goes a little something like this.

    1. Closet Browsing

    You could easily turn that polka-dot dress into a Minnie Mouse costume, but that was so last year. And while your red dress totally slays, the devil look is overdone! Ugh, time to go shopping.

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    2. Planning

    Before you hit the nearest costume shop, some serious brainstorming must be done. You don't want to freeze on your way to parties, but you want to look amazing in case you happen to meet your soul mate or something. But you also need a costume that won't be too uncomfortable so you can show off your dance moves when the time comes. You weigh your options, and now you totally have a game plan. Sexy (but tasteful!) pumpkin, here you come!

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    3. The Thrill of the Chase

    It's finally time to go shopping! You've gathered up a group of your besties whose opinions you trust dearly, and you enter the store with your goal in mind. But everything goes awry when the abundance of options before you suddenly puts your inner desire to shop 'til you freaking drop into overdrive. Say goodbye to sexy-but-tasteful pumpkin, and say hello to EVERY OPTION EVER. Let the costume parade begin.

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    4. Dressing Room Overload

    You and your friends have rounded up a solid amount of costume options, and your wrists are starting to lose circulation from the hangers digging into your skin. It's time to head to the dressing room. After you shamefully admit to the saleswoman the number of costumes on your arm, you finally get to try them on.

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    This may take a while.

    5. Impromptu Fashion Show

    Did you really go shopping with your friends if you didn't parade around outside the dressing rooms in the many fabulous outfits you picked out? It just wouldn't be the same! Cue the music, because here comes your inner Regina.

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    6. Trying On the "My Parents Would Disown Me" Costume

    As you begin to slip into the various costumes you pulled from the racks, you realize that some work better than others... particularily the ones that don't reveal 90 percent of your skin. These tend to be the "slutty (insert occupation here)" costumes. Who can even wear this without multiple body parts slipping out? You'd like to leave at least something to the imagination! If you have to question whether you're able to wear undergarments with your costume, it's probably safe to pass.

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    7. Trying On the "I Look Like a Nun, But at Least I'll Be Warm" Costume

    On the other end of the costume spectrum are the ones that leave just about everything to the imagination. I'm talking about you, Miss Downton Abbey costume.

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    8.  Trying On Multiple"Meh" Costumes

    The rest of the costumes you try on tend to be somewhere in between. There's the classic witch ensemble, the zombie cheerleader and the overdone witch, angel and hippie costumes. Before you know it, they all start to blend together, and you're ready to be rid of the entire costume-shopping experience. The oh-so-unoriginal cat costume even crosses your tired mind as a good idea at this point.

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    9. Finding the Perfect Costume!*

    You've stepped into and out of so many costumes at this point that trying on just one more is almost painful. But as you pull (likely shimmery and nearly see-through) fabric over your head for one last time, you've finally found it: The perfect costume! You look amazing, you won't freeze and it's totally original.

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    10. *Price Tag Regret

    There's just one problem. What college student can afford to spend 70 dollars on one little Halloween costume? Do you know how many burritos I could afford with that kind of money? Back to the rack it goes...

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    11. Process of Elimination

    Now that you found out your perfect costume is unattainably expensive, it's time to go back to brainstorming. This calls for a reconsideration of your dressing room contents and some serious down-to-business shopping questions from your girlfriends.

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    12. Success at Last

    After reevaluation with your friends, you finally decide on an affordable costume that is the perfect comination of sexy and cute. You're already coming up with clever Instagram captions in your head for the all the adorable pictures to be taken in your fabulous Halloween future.

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    13. Party Time!

    You did it! You made it through yet another year of stressfully picking out the perfect Halloween costume. Wait, what did you say? There's a whole Halloweekend? You need more than one costume?! Oh well, there's always the go-to:

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    Happy costume hunting!

    Links We Love 10.26.14

    9 companies everyone wants to work for. [The Muse]

    Meet the 20-somethings who want to be sterilized. [The Huffington Post]

    21 signs your pumpkin spice addiction has gone too far. [YourTango]

    Uh oh! Soda ages our cells as much as smoking does. [Newser]

    How music can boost a high-intensity workout. [The New York Times]

    What your fall boot choices say about you. [Bustle]

    Apps that will help you fall asleep easily. [BuzzFeed]

    Taylor Swift performs ‘Out of the Woods’ for the first time. [Time]

    Risqué Hallowee costumes– are they hot or not? [WhoWhatWear]

    Do you find this political ad condescending? [Marie Clare]


    The Best Girl Group Halloween Costumes for 2014

    If you’re planning Halloween as the ultimate GNO, check out these Halloween costumes for you and your BFFs! You’ll never lose them in the crowd if they’re wearing just what you’re wearing.

    1. Different Beyoncés

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    Between Sasha Fierce, Destiny’s Child and her bejeweled Tom Ford bodysuit at the VMAs, Yoncé has more than enough outfits for you and your friends to copy for an epic group costume.

    2. The Powerpuff Girls

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    Crime-fighting sisters/BFFs who don’t take nonsense from evil? Sounds like you and your friends! Minidresses, black belts, white tights and black flats are all you need to become these pint-sized superheroes.

    3. Beer Pong

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    Formation please, ladies. Show your frat-party sportsmanship with these hilarious costumes. There’s no way you’ll resist making new friends who will—quite literally—try to play you.

    4. Mean Girls on Halloween

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    With a group of four, replicate the classic Halloween party scene in Mean Girls. We guarantee that everyone will get the reference!

    5. Different Miley Cyruses

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    You can have Hannah Montana, wrecking-ball Miley, the wrecking ball itself and countless other variations on our girl Miley.


    What are you and your girl friends going as for Halloween this year? Let us know in the comments below!

    Georgia Southern University

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