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How She Got There: Jessica Brewer, Senior VP of Engineering at Benefitfocus


Name:  Jessica Brewer
Job Title and Description: Senior Vice President of Engineering and Global Services at Benefitfocus
College/Major: Bachelor’s in Mathematics, Minor in Computer Science; Master’s in Software Engineering Management
Twitter Handle: @JessL1

What does your current job entail? Is there such a thing as a typical day?

Jessica Brewer: As Senior Vice President of Global Services and Engineering at Benefitfocus, I am ultimately responsible for managing client implementations and software delivery across our portfolio of products and services. This includes overseeing the design of software solutions, development, testing, quality and release management/platform control in a multi-tenant, SaaS environment. I manage a world-class engineering team and recruit and retain top talent that support the Benefitfocus culture and our four core values: provide anticipatory service, respect the individual, celebrate and together!

In addition to managing customer relationships and overseeing the quality of our products, I also have executive responsibilities such as budgeting, resource management and other business operations.

Given the dynamic nature of our business there really is no typical day. We work in an agile fashion to best accommodate the needs of our clients while adhering to a structured software development cycle.

What is the best part of your job?

JB: Getting to work with such a talented group of people who never cease to amaze me and challenge me with their passion and innovation.

What was your first entry-level job in your field and how did you get it?

JB: My first entry-level job in this industry was working for a data research company. I actually got the job as a result of an introduction by a friend. They basically hired me on the spot.

What is one thing you wish you knew about your industry when you first started out that you know now?

JB: I think with software it is important to not only know the technology but also to understand the business we are in. How can you write code if you don’t really understand the business?

Who is one person who changed your professional life for the better?

JB: My grandmother had tremendous influence over me throughout my education and early career growth. She was a strong woman who believed in me and in the opportunities in front of me. She supported me early on and taught me to invest in myself and my education.

She never went to college, not many women did in her day, yet she was one of the most intelligent people I have ever known. She worked in a day when most women did not work. She was a pioneer of sorts, plowing new fields, yet humble and optimistic about the future and opportunities for women. She had 17 grandchildren, 14 of whom were girls. She led by example, stressed the importance of education and supported each of us in defining our futures.

What words of wisdom do you find most valuable?

JB: You are a victim of your circumstances only so long and then it is your own fault.  Stop finding excuses for inaction and drive forward.

What is one mistake you made along the way and what did you learn from it?

JB: I think the key is understanding that you will make mistakes. Your ability to recover from it is what will define you. I remember early in my career I made a pretty impactful mistake (I will spare the details). I was embarrassed of course, but worked night and day to correct the error. 

Coincidentally, I had a trip scheduled to visit the impacted client. I was dreading the trip, but knew I needed to face my mistake. When I arrived, the general manager came up to me and hugged me! He said that it took guts to show up and own up to my mistake, and he respected that. It ended up being one of the best business trips of my life.

What has been the most surreal moment of your career thus far?

JB: The most surreal moment was being part of the senior management team at Benefitfocus when we took the company public. I was so proud of all we had accomplished and the company we have built. To be part of the opening bell ceremony at the NASDAQ was an incredible experience.

What do you look for when considering hiring someone?

JB: Outside of the traditional skill sets required for the position, I look for someone who is driven, smart, eager to learn and someone from whom I can learn.

What advice would you give to a 20-something with similar aspirations?

JB: The field is ripe with opportunity. All you need to do is ‘Lean In’ (to borrow from Sheryl Sandberg) and take it.

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The 7 Coolest People You’ll Meet in College


Everyone knows that college is all about meeting people. Between close friends, mentors and acquaintances, you’re probably going to meet more people than you’ll be able to remember by the time you graduate. We’ve narrowed down the coolest people you’ll meet in college who are definitely worth remembering down the road (and who make the journey worth the reward)!

1. The person who’s going places

We’re all going somewhere in life, but this acquaintance of yours is going to be the next Mark Zuckerberg or even the next president. This is the person you will tell people you knew back in college once he or she is famous. This friend is next-level smart, and though you may not always follow what he or she is talking about (like, ever), you’re still fascinated.

2. The hot TA

Sometimes it’s really hard to pay attention in class when all you want to do is stare at him (we know your pain!). Then again, he makes you want to do better, so you might even participate more than you usually would. Why not get noticed and learn something at the same time, right? It’s not a crush you would ever act on, but it’s fun to just sit there and daydream.

3. Your bestie/other half

You may have met her your freshman year first semester, or maybe you’re about to meet her! Regardless, you’re pretty sure she’s your long-lost twin. You binge-watch the same TV shows on Netflix, share each other’s closets, fight over the same celebrity crush and finish each other’s sentences. MFEO, y’all.

Haven’t found your bestie yet? No worries. There’s an app for that! Skout is the leading app for meeting new people and expanding your social circle, and it’s by far the easiest way to find a friend who shares your Mean Girls quoting habit, your love of Crossfit or your obsession with all things Beyoncé.

4. The live-in faculty member

A ton of universities have them, and they become your unofficial moms and dads. They’re awesome because they often invite you and a group of students to their place to talk (about non-school work!) and play board games. Plus, they usually give out free food. Feeling like a grown-up yet? You will when you chill with the faculty! Prepare to feel intelligent, appreciated and totally sophisticated (after all, where else are you going to find a cheese-and-cracker get-together on campus?!).

5. The friend you met while abroad

You’re still reeling over the fact that you’re back in the states. If you had a choice, you would’ve stayed across the pond forever and hung out with this friend who took you around to see the sights (even if it was beyond touristy for a local) and introduced you to the yummiest foreign foods ever. From this friend, you got that certain je-ne-sais-quoi that has everyone back on campus talking. Why? Well, you’ve become cooler simply by association and influence. Plus, you’ll always have someone to talk to when you need a fresh perspective or a break from your campus bubble! Want to meet some more friends across the globe? Skout can help!

6. The professor you can’t seem to crack

This professor is a genius, but he also scares the living daylights out of you. He’s really tough on the outside, but you know there’s a softie in there beneath the stern looks and mountains of homework assignments. Once you finally get to know him by senior year, you realize he’s actually kind of your hero, and you feel like you can accomplish anything.

7. The friend with all the connections

The person who has her campus social life on lock isn’t in your inner circle of friends, but you kind of wish she was. She knows the coolest places to take you, tells you about the best places to eat and is the one everyone knows (and acknowledges) the second she walks into a room. Seriously, how does she have so many friends?! Maybe it’s time for you to branch out of your social circle and meet new people.

If you haven’t come across these types of people yet, don’t worry! Skout can help you in that department (maybe not with the hot TA, but only time will tell). Once you sign up, you can browse through thousands of profiles and chat with people in your area (or anywhere around the world, depending on how you set it). Who knows? One of them could become your next weekly fro-yo date, your study buddy or even your bestie (like, bridesmaid-status bestie)!

How to Throw the Best Halloween Party This Year


You may have stopped trick-or-treating when you went to middle school, but in college, Halloween is exciting again. Sure, there are theme parties on campus every weekend of the year, but nothing beats an awesome Halloween party! We’re super excited about Halloween here at Her Campus, so check out our tips on throwing an amazing party of your own this time around.

Choose a specific theme.

Go for a pop culture reference. Take a cue from Community and plan a spooky, Pulp Fiction-inspired party, or recreate a scene from your favorite horror movie. You can use children’s toy swords and fake blood (red jelly works too) as props to set up crime scenes.

Or use a traditional Halloween theme. Not into spooky stuff? You could also host a less scary Halloween party with inspiration from classic films like Monsters, Inc. Encourage your friends to dress up as their favorite monster (or just like Boo), and play classic tracks like the “Monster Mash” to set the mood.

Encourage your guests to be creative. If your friends are into more nontraditional Halloween costumes, suggest a theme that will let them show their creative sides. Throw a Lady Gaga-themed Monster Ball with everyone wearing their favorite Gaga outfit, or have everyone dress up as characters from a popular TV show or movie. You can still use Halloween decorations and music, but if everyone’s sticking to a common theme, the party will be more cohesive and way more fun!

Use decorations to set the mood.

No party is complete without decorations, so stock up on fun Halloween supplies.

Don’t forget the basics. Orange and black plates, cups, napkins and cutlery are must-buys, as are some festive tablecloths and streamers.

Get creative with the extras. Party favors like eyeball erasers and tiny pumpkins make great table decorations. Spider web decorations and skeleton light strings (you can find these and similar pieces at most party supply stores) will take your party to a new level of fun.

It’s not Halloween without plenty of pumpkins. If you don’t know how to or don’t have the time to carve a pumpkin, use acrylic paints to make faces on a few pumpkins to set out around the house (you can buy pumpkins at most grocery stores in the fall).

Use some decorations outside, too. If you’re in a dorm or apartment, this can be a little tricky since you don’t want uninvited guests crashing your party, but even just a few cutout bats, spiders or tombstones will do the trick to get your guests in a party mood before they walk through the front door.

Go for classic activities with fun twists.

Host a costume contest, but up the stakes. Have an incentive such as a gift card to your favorite local restaurant as prize—if there’s something to win, people will be more likely to go all out with their costumes. If a gift card seems excessive, a bag of candy will do the trick, too.

Bob for apples… or something else! If bobbing for apples feels a bit stale, invent a new game, like eating gummy worms or gummy spiders (or any other Halloween candy) without your hands. It will be fun to watch and bring your party guests together.

Make up your own games. If you know your friends would be into a mummifying contest to see who can wrap each other with toilet paper first, go for it! The point of hosting a party is that it’s your own, so don’t be afraid to improvise and come up with your own activity ideas.

No party is complete without food.

While you should definitely offer basics like soda and chips, put out some cute, Halloween-themed foods to add more fun to the party.

Choose classic Halloween cookies. We love sugar cookies with orange frosting and black sprinkles, but there are tons of other super easy options to choose from. The Pillsbury sugar cookies printed with ghosts and pumpkins are delicious, and all you have to do is slice and bake them. If you want to get more creative—think bat and cat cookies decorated with licorice and candy corn—Pillsbury has tons of recipes.

Or make your own Halloween cupcakes. Create your own Funfetti dough with Halloween sprinkles to bake festive cookies or cupcakes. Use candy pieces and sprinkles to decorate the cupcakes in Halloween style, like these adorable black cat cupcakes.

Go for tried-and-true Halloween foods like dirt pudding. You loved it when you were younger, and it still tastes just as good. Top chocolate pudding with crushed Oreos and gummy worms, and you’ll have an easy and delicious Halloween treat.

Take the pumpkin theme to a new level. You’re already using pumpkins as decorations, so why not serve pumpkin-themed foods, too? Pumpkin pie is always a safe bet, or be adventurous and use Dreyer’s/Edy’s Pumpkin Ice Cream (about $4 for a carton at most grocery stores) to make Halloween sundaes.

Don’t forget to set out some candy. Reese’s Pieces are a must since they’re Halloween colored, and gummies are festive, too. And, of course, you have to serve plenty of candy corn. Set out a few different options to keep everyone satisfied and add a variety of color to your table.

Don’t forget a killer playlist.

If you’re going with a movie theme, you should definitely play a few memorable tracks from the soundtrack, but mix it up with Halloween songs, too. Halloween hits like “Monster Mash” and the Ghostbusters theme are musts, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box. There are tons of ‘80s and ‘90s songs that can be interpreted as Halloween hits—the cheesier, the better. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • “She Blinded Me with Science” by Thomas Dolby. This song is great for an eerie party. Bonus points for the cheesy, faux spooky background noises.
  • “(Don’t Fear) the Reaper” by Blue Oyster Cult. The only prescription for an awesome party is… more cowbell! But seriously, could anything be more fitting of a Halloween party than something with “reaper” in the title?
  • “Werewolves of London” by Warren Zevon. This song is about werewolves. Need we say more?
  • “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC. This classic track is perfect for a holiday that originated from discussion of souls and the afterlife. “Hell’s Bells” is a great choice, too.
  • “Disturbia” by Rihanna. This is a classic party track with just the right amount of eeriness for a Halloween party.
  • “Somebody’s Watching Me” by Rockwell. This song has a spooky vibe you can still dance to.
  • “Secret” by The Pierces. Whether or not you watch Pretty Little Liars, this song will send chills down your spine.
  • “This Is Halloween” from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Even without a theme party, this song is a must (for obvious reasons).
  • “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. No Halloween party would be complete without this ‘80s hit. What’s even better than just playing the track? Learn the dance with your friends before the party and impress your guests with your awesome moves.

There you have it, collegiettes—now start planning your own Halloween parties! What are your Halloween plans? Let us know in the comments section.

We've Found You the Perfect Halloween Costume (and More)--Free!


We're already halfway into October, which means you should've been on top of your Halloween game... yesterday. Of course, it almost never works that way, and come Halloween weekend, you just might find yourself scrambling to make a pair of cat ears to wear with your LBD.

Thanks to AMI Clubwear, that's not happening this year! We've partnered up with this one-stop shop for all your going out needs to bring you the chance to win two $250 gift cards! Almost everything on the site is under $50, and with hundreds of new styles added weekly, it is the place to go for the latest and greatest dresses, shoes, and of course, Halloween costumes. Whether you want to be a sporty ref, a sassy leopard, a character from your favorite Disney show, or are looking for the ultimate couples costume, AMI Clubwear has you covered (the site carries plus-size costumes, too!).

Go ahead, change the meaning of the last-minute Halloween costume and go all-out with one of two $250 AMI Clubwear shopping sprees! Enter to win below—now!

Fill out my online form.

Will & Kate's Second Royal Baby is Due in April


Ten. That’s how many days there are left until Halloween. And 65 is the number of days left until Christmas, but honestly, who cares anymore about those measly holidays when the birth of royal baby #2 is slated for April?! Come on 2015, can you come any slower?!

Confirmation of Kate Middleton’s general due date came this morning in a statement released by Kensington Palace. Hopefully, you won't squeal out loud like we did when we learned of the news (or you will, but those around you will share your excitement)! Depending on the timing, Kate and William’s bundle of joy could arrive on their fourth wedding anniversary. Crazy how it’s almost been four years already; we're still swooning over Kate's wedding dress as if she wore it yesterday!

Duchess Kate, who suffered hyperemesis gravidarum (we can’t pronounce it either) during her pregnancy with baby George, continues to be plagued by the severe morning sickness condition, but is said to be “steadily improving.”

By April, Prince George will already be one and a half and most ready to take the position of older brother (which should be good training for his future role as king, given that he's third in line after his grandfather and his daddy, Prince William). Whether his sibling will be a girl or a boy is still unknown, but our fingers are crossed for a girl this time! Imagine the outfits!

What we really can't wait for is to see how George will react to his new sibling. Maybe he’ll be jealous when he realizes he has competition for the world’s most loved baby slot, but we’re sure that will fade. Hopefully he’ll teach royal baby #2 to be sassy, because the only thing better than one sassy royal baby is two sassy royal babies!

What’re you most excited about, collegiettes? The royal coin that will commemorate the birth? Kate’s post-birth outfit? The baby's future fashion statements? Tell us in the comments, and let the royal baby craze commence!

Dartmouth College's Student Newspaper Calls to Abolish Greek Life Entirely


In a bold move to address the issues that have been damaging its school's reputation, Dartmouth College's student newspaper, The Dartmouth, ran a front-page editorial that called for an end to Greek life at the New Hampshire-based, Ivy League school.

The Dartmouth, which prides itself on being America’s oldest college newspaper, published the opinion piece last Friday and credited the entire editorial board as its author.

The article wastes no time in sugar-coating the issue and instead gets down to the core of argument right off the bat: “The time for cowardice is over. Let’s do what needs to be done … and abolish the Greek system.”

It then tallies off a list of many infractions the school’s fraternities and sororities have gotten wrapped up in over the years. Offenses include unlawful hazing rituals and racially-charged themed parties.

Before you read further, you may think that the editorial board is an uninvolved third party out to bash the system and point to it as the source of all of the college’s issues involving drugs, sexual assault and hazing, but that’s not the case. In fact, Lindsay Ellis, the paper’s editor-in-chief, claims she is affiliated with the Greek system.

In an important distinction, the board points out that Greek life isn’t the root of the problem. The system simply adds fuel to the fire by “[amplifying] students' worst behavior.”

“It facilitates binge drinking and sexual assault," writes the editorial board. "It perpetuates unequal, gendered power dynamics and institutionalizes arbitrary exclusivity."

At Dartmouth, approximately 50 percent of the student body are affiliated with the Greek life system. So as you can imagine, many are firing back in defense. The online version of the article already has 128 comments, not all of which are messages of support for the end of the Greek system at the Ivy League institution.

While the students behind The Dartmouth are proposing an action intended only for their school, they are also taking a dramatic stance that can be translated to a broader landscape of campuses across the country. What do you think of the decision at hand at Dartmouth, collegiettes? What do you think about the Greek life system at your school, if you have one?

5 Flirty Texts That Will Guarantee a Response


So you’ve exchanged numbers, you’ve chatted a few times in person and now you’re ready to take it to the next level with your crush. The only problem: You’re sitting alone in your room.

Getting your crush’s attention can be difficult, especially over text. Once you press send, all that’s left to do is wait and wonder whether you were funny enough, flirty enough and cool enough to get the response you want.

Don’t stress over it! By getting creative with just a few simple templates, you can become a texting pro. Here are some great texts that are sure to capture your crush’s interest.

1. “Hey, I just heard Lauren’s having a party in her dorm tonight. Wanna meet there?”

Carole Lieberman, M.D., psychiatrist and author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets, recommends this approach because you show your crush that you’re thinking of him, but the pressure’s off. “This works because it's a spontaneous and very nonthreatening invitation,” Lieberman says. “There are going to be lots of people. It's not you making the party in order to catch him, and it will be fun.”

Emmett McKinney, a junior from Vanderbilt University, agrees that a party invitation is a great way to start things off. “This one would get my attention because of the social event involved,” Emmett says. “It's easier to feel comfortable with other people around — and you can bring a wingman if you need it.”

Not only is this convo starter comfortable for your crush, but it lets you off the hook, too. “If he shows, great,” Lieberman says. “If not, you'll meet someone else.”

2. “One more calc problem and I might go insane! Want to distract me? :)”

Feeling bold? This ultra-flirty text will grab your crush’s attention without a doubt. Arden Leigh, author of The New Rules of Attraction: How to Get Him, Keep Him, and Make Him Beg for More, says that this tactic is effective because it gives your crush a playful problem to solve. “Many men are wired to find solutions, and so this is a cute and casual way to tap into that,” Leigh says.

It’s key to keep this text flirty but simple so that you don’t seem like you’re trying too hard. “This one is more overtly flirty, and it grabs my attention because it's more suggestive,” Emmett says.

Plus, when used sparingly, emoticons add a great flirty twist to your message.

“Smiley faces in combination with something flirty?” Kevin Davis, a senior at Vanderbilt University says. “I’m interested for sure.”

3. “Guess what just came on TV? A Big Bang Theory marathon! I know it’s your fave. I’m gonna make some popcorn, watch it and chill.”

If you’re hoping for a more intimate but still laid-back encounter, this first text might be the one for you. Here, you give him a few options. You two can discuss the episode and text about what he’s currently doing, or you might even end up watching the show together. “This gives him an opportunity to suggest that you come over and watch it with him, or to ask if he can come watch it with you and share your popcorn,” Lieberman says.

Kevin adds that finding a common interest is always a good move. “Any girl that knows what I want to watch is definitely chill, so I'm headed over,” he says.

4. “Hey! How’d the ultimate Frisbee tournament go last weekend?”

This text lets your crush know that you took the time to remember his other commitments and that you’re interested in his life. “It's always good to show you were paying attention to something he mentioned enough to follow up and ask him about it, especially if it's something important to him,” Leigh says.

Kevin echoes Leigh’s view and says that showing interest in his favorite sports wins any collegiette major points in his book. 

Although this conversation likely won’t end in the two of you meeting up immediately, you may get an invitation to his next game. If not, it’s still great because you’re not asking a yes-or-no question, so you can start a longer conversation if he seems interested.


Asking your crush a personal question might also be a positive way to move from a casual hook-up tosomething more. “If sparks have been flying when you see her out, this text shows that she's interested in more than just casual make-outs,” Emmett says.

5. “Imagine Dragons just came on my Spotify radio… thought of you :)”

Maybe you’re not sure what you crush has been up to lately, but you do know that your crush has awesome taste in music. This simple text gives you another chance to let your crush know that you’re paying attention to his interests and that he’s on your mind.

Leigh says to make sure that you’re listening to a band that the two of you have spent at least some time talking about. Otherwise, this text could come off as too direct, Emmett warns.

Still, Kevin says that this approach is definitely cute. “What would be even better would be if the band were coming to town,” he says. Check out some upcoming concerts in your town, and you could transform this text into an amazing night out!

No matter which approach you decide to take when texting your crush, be confident and fun. And when in doubt, send your text for a reason. “It's best if the conversation starts organically, meaning that a real reason has come up to contact the guy at that very moment,” Lieberman says. Now, go ahead and press send!

18 Thoughts Girls Have While Facebook Stalking Their Crushes


Facebook may be one of the greatest and worst things that has happened to us. It’s a great way to keep in touch with friends, a forum to post pictures and an outlet to post our feelings (even though no one really cares… like, at all). It also fuels one of our guiltiest pleasures: Facebook stalking. Sometimes it’s our friends, sometimes it’s ourselves, and sometimes it’s the most random people from high school. But most of the time, it’s our crushes. Here are every girl’s typical thoughts while Facebook stalking her crush.

1. “Hey, look - [insert crush’s name here] just got tagged in some pictures.” *Click*

2. “Oh, wow, he looks so hot in that shirt.”

3. “His arms. Like, I want those arms around me.”

 4. “Okay, who’s that girl?”

5. “Seriously, who is that girl hanging all over him?”

6. “I wonder if they’re dating… I hope they’re not hooking up.”

7. “I need to do further research.” *Goes to Facebook profile*

8. “I’m gonna go through a few of his pictures...”

1,238 pictures later:

9. “Aw, look how awkward and cute he was in seventh grade! Acne and all.”

10. "Oh no, I just liked one of his super-old pictures. What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?!"

11. "I'm gonna stalk our friendship. Oh, look - we're tagged in a picture together. I think that's me in the far back corner behind that insanely tall kid."


13. “I wonder what he’s into. I’m gonna check out his likes…”

14. “He likes Workaholics?! I’ve seen that show. I should bring that up the next time I see him.”

15. “Aww, he has his mom listed on Facebook. I wonder what she’s like.”

16. "Is it weird that I now know where both of his parents went to high school?"

17. "His dog has a Facebook page?! Haha, his mom is too funny."

18. *30 minutes later* “How did I end up on this random girl from Wyoming’s Facebook page?”

What started as an innocent click on some tagged pictures turns into a private investigation of our crush and everyone he knows. And, before we know it, we look at our clocks and realize we’ve been distracted for hours. Regardless, we’re all guilty of Facebook stalking, and there’s nothing with that. You keep doin’ you, girl!

20 Dogs In Halloween Costumes


Thinking of creative costumes every year for an entire Halloween weekend is hard enough, but some pet owners manage to impress us with their original costumes for their lovable best friends as well. We all know how hard it is to stand out in a sea of costumes. It takes time and preparation. If you’ve ever managed to whip up an original costume the day before Halloween, we praise you.

Somehow, these dog owners found the time to extend their creativity and use it to not necessarily help them be remembered, but to help their dogs be remembered. These pups managed to catch our attention in everything from adorable superhero outfits to utterly confused identities.

Now this is one race all collegiettes should want to watch: Doggy Phelps vs. Michael Phelps.

michael phelps dog

This dog just can’t wait to be king!

lion dog

It’s coloring time in puppy Kindergarten with a canvas and 64 Crayola set.

dog dressed as crayon

The Catholic school uniform is clichéd and completely overdone, but on this shih-tzu, it’s too cute to resist!

dog dressed as catholic school girl

Who wants to break the news to this yawning pup that he’s not actually a cow? We don’t have it in our hearts to.

dog dressed as cow halloween costume pet

With one glove and all, this dog channels his inner Michael Jackson before getting ready to howl “Man in the Mirror.”

michael jackson dog halloween costume pet

Be careful, this dynamite is set to go off any at any moment.

dog dressed as dynamite halloween costume pets

Maybe when Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother, it wasn’t actually a wolf and it was actually this little guy.

dog dressed as grandmother halloween costume pet

Be careful what you say around this dog. You don’t want to unleash the green monster and we’re not talking about jealousy.

hulk dog puppy halloween costume

What happens when a dog wants to chase this mailman and then realizes this mailman is actually another dog? Awkward…

mailman dog halloween costume pet

Why get the iPhone 6 when you can have this amazing combo instead?

iphone dog halloween costume pet

As delicious as s’mores are, this one’s just too fluffy and perfect!

dog halloween costume s'mores puppy

Does someone want to tell him that the '50s are over and, well, he’s not a poodle?

weiner dog dressed as poodle

Puppies are the latest trend in cleaning supplies. Maybe this will help colleges change their rules to allow these cuddly pups in dorms!

mop dog

Who’s your favorite Spiderman – Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield or this heroic Yorkie?

spiderman dog

This shaggy ball of fur doesn’t wait for frat parties, baseball games or Thirsty Thursdays.

dog drinking beer

Hungry? This little guy can hook you up!

Bruce Wayne was covering Batman’s true identity: this gorgeous golden retriever.

batman dog

Forget Batman. Wonder Woman to the rescue!

wonder woman dog costume

Collegiettes, this pup is ready to join you at the gym. I’m sure your instructor won’t mind.

yoga dog halloween costume

Which doggie was your favorite? Tell us in the comments below!

Oregon State University

What's in My Makeup Bag: Beauty Blogger Emily


As a lover of all things beauty related, I could go on for hours showing you the multitude of products that lie in my three makeup bags and large tiered carrying case. (Yes, I know I have a problem.) However, I don’t use all of those products everyday (I would look like a clown, let’s be honest) so today, I'm going to show you my everyday essentials and take you through my makeup routine.

I start with using Clinique’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion ($26), and then I use a pea-sized amount of Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer ($36). This smooths out my skin and keeps my makeup on longer for those days when I'm on campus all day. Since I’m in between my summer and winter complexion, I mix Mary-Kay’s Medium Coverage Foundation ($18) in Ivory 202 with Revlon’s ColorStay ($9.99) in 110 Ivory to match my skin tone. I apply it with my fingers because it warms the foundation and makes it easier to blend.

My next items include a powder foundation and kabuki brush, similar to this one ($6) by e.l.f. I use a powder foundation on top of my liquid foundation to provide full coverage and help minimize shine. I usually use Maybelline Fit Me Pressed Powder ($7.99), but since I just ran out I've started using Clinique’s Superpowder Double Face Makeup ($23). While I discovered that I like Clinique’s product better, the Fit Me line is a great alternative for a lower price.

To contour I apply Nars Laguna bronzer ($38) using e.l.f.’s powder brush ($3). The flat edge of the brush is great for making a line under my cheek, which I then blend. Using a control powder brush, similar to this angled brush ($3) by e.l.f., I applied a mauve blush from the apples of my cheeks to my temples. The Sephora blush I use isn't available online anymore, but Maybelline’s Fit Me blush ($5.99) in Deep Mauve is a great dupe.

On my eyes, I usually just wear Maybelline Colossal Volume Mascara ($6.99). However, if I want to look a bit more done up I use eye shadow and eyeliner. I start with Too Faced Shadow Insurance Primer ($20) to intensify my shadow and make it long-lasting. Next, I apply the champagne and brown from Almay’s Intense i-Color Trio for Browns ($5.99) using e.l.f.’s blending eye brush ($1). If I want to define my eyes for a slightly bolder look, I use Urban Decay’s 24/7 Double Ended Eye Pencil ($16) in Black/Brown. The colors in this pencil stay on all day and don’t bleed or run! Additionally, I almost always fill in my brows using Anastasia Brow Powder Duo ($23) and e.l.f.'s small angled brush ($3). Defining your brows, in my opinion, is so important and frames the face.

I usually don’t wear lip products, but if I feel like changing up my lip color I will use either Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick ($4.79) in Pearl (discontinued) or Revlon Lipstain ($6.84) in Just Bitten. Both products are perfect colors for fall and winter.

Lastly, to hold my makeup in place all day and prevent shine, I spray Urban Decay’s De-Slick Oil-Control Makeup Setting Spray ($30) all over my face. This product is fantastic and I highly recommend it, especially for those with oily skin.

Have you used any of these products, collegiettes? What do you think of them?

7 Ways to Turn an LBD Into a Last-Minute Halloween Costume


With Halloween around the corner, you might be stressing about figuring out easy costumes to throw together. Luckily, that little black dress (LBD) you have in your fashion arsenal is super-versatile to wear for Halloween, so you’re already halfway there! You can easily transform your LBD into a ton of different outfits just by adding a couple of accessories. HC is here to give you ideas on how to throw together your easiest (and cutest) Halloween costume yet!

1. Holly Golightly

Holly Golightly

Wrap dress
$21 - newlook.com




Long necklace



If you’re into Hollywood glamour, take your LBD and transform it into Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly getup from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Chances are you or your friends have a little tiara in that one drawer full of costumes for themed parties and birthday fun, so use it well! Stop by a local costume shop to find Audrey’s classic long gloves and a cigarette holder. If you don’t have a costume store nearby, try a Goodwill or Target – you never know what you’ll find! Finally, glam yourself up in pearls and slip into your black pumps, and you’ll be the most elegant girl at the party.

2. Black Swan

Black Swan


St Martins elastic waist skirt
$64 - vanmildert.com



Want to channel your inner ballerina – or maybe just your dark side? Wear a black tutu over a tight black bodycon dress to be the Black Swan. Pull your hair up into a tight bun, ballerina style. If you don’t want to go all out with your makeup by copying the Black Swan makeup, just do a berry lip and dramatic smoky eye. Wear ballet flats, and you’re all set!

3. A flapper


Black bandage dress
$42 - fashionunion.com




Filigree necklace



Charlotte Russe hair accessory


Want to pretend like you’re going to an extravagant party at Gatsby’s and not a frat basement? Then you should dress like it! That ‘20s flapper glamour is really easy to channel in an LBD. Wear some pearls, a boa, a headband and cute pumps and you’ll be ready to sweep Jay Gatsby – or a frat guy – off his feet. Finish off the look with a smoky eye and bee-stung red lips!

4. Biker chick

Biker Chick

A biker chick is an easy last-minute costume idea for the collegiette who wants to get a little edgy this Halloween. Throw a leather jacket on over your LBD and tie a bandana around your head. Wear some fishnets with a pair of motorcycle boots, and for the finishing touch, add some dark eye makeup.

5. Bunny


Cocktail party dress
$39 - fashionunion.com




For all you Mean Girls fans out there, channel Regina George and be a bunny this Halloween. But rather than wearing only a leotard a la Mean Girls, wear your LBD! Bunny ears are really easy to find around Halloween and are pretty much all you need to make your costume clear.

6. Maleficent



Platform booties



Party bead necklace



Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent is another great way to put your LBD to use. If you can’t find a black or purple cape to go with your outfit, a purple statement necklace is a chic way to get some of Maleficent’s purple in your look. Get a pair of Maleficent’s horns at your local costume shop or tie your hair up in two horns if you want to get creative. For makeup, wear purple eye shadow and a red lip!

7. A Pretty Little Liars character

Pretty Little Liars


High heel shoes


Being one of the four girls from Pretty Little Liars is the easiest way to put your LBD to use. All you need to do is tease your hair and make it look like you’re covered in dirt – try smearing some brown eye shadow or bronzer over your arms, neck and face. Don’t forget your black heels, and as a finishing touch, try a smoky eye and a pale pink or nude lip.


Use these ideas to transform your LBD into an awesome DIY Halloween costume. They’re super easy to pull off and great if you’re in a last-minute scramble to find a costume!

Never Miss Another Deadline with These Chic Watches (Win Them Now!)


Sure, it’s easy to rely on your phone for the time—but where’s the fun in that? As practical as it is stylish, a good watch (or ten) is a must in every collegiette’s wardrobe. But how do you choose just one to go with your varied wardrobe?

Thanks to RumbaTime, you don’t have to! Shop dozens of unique styles (like gem-faceted faces, layerable toggle bracelet watches and sporty digital ones) in every color imaginable—all at incredibly affordable price points. We’re giving away five $100 shopping sprees, so you can get a new watch for every outfit! The Orchard Double Wrap is our favorite style for fall, but every watch on the site is so pretty, you won’t be able to stop looking at the time when you’re wearing one. Your professors might just need to thank us for ensuring you get to class on time, every single day.

Enter now for one of 5 chances to win a $100 RumbaTime shopping spree!

Fill out my online form.

7 LGBTQ+ Novels You Didn’t Know About


Remember being young, curious and in dire need of books about queer people whom you felt you could identify with? And remember feeling pretty disappointed seeing that the role of most queer characters in novels didn’t extend much past the “gay best friend”?  Luckily, that is no longer the case, as more novels featuring interesting and diverse LGBTQ+ characters are being published, talked about and even sold in mainstream bookstores. Here are a few great picks!

1. Nevada by Imogen Binnie

Nevada is a story about Maria Griffiths, a trans woman who lives in New York with her girlfriend. When Maria finds out her girlfriend lied to her, Maria sets out on an adventure around her city that eventually extends out around the country that will change her life forever. Aside from the great plot, Nevada also speaks about the difficulties of transitioning and living as an out trans woman.

2. Blue Is the Warmest Color by Julie Maroh

For those who like a quick read, here’s a book for you. This graphic novel is by no means an easy read, though, as it portrays an honest but difficult relationship between two young girls. Originally written in French, it’s the story of Clementine, an average girl attending high school. After taking a trip to a gay bar with her best friend, she stumbles upon Emma, a cool punk girl whom she immediately falls for. Their relationship tests their families, their friends and their entire world and identities before coming to a dramatic and surprising conclusion. This graphic novel was turned into a romantic French drama in 2013, which won the Palme d’Or at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.

3. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson

Jeannette grows up an orphan in a strict family who is largely associated with the church. She’s very devout and obedient—or else she’ll face the wrath of her adoptive mother. Jeannette does have faith in the church, the people there and God, but an experience with another woman completely stops her in her tracks and causes her to rethink her entire belief system. This novel is fiction, but is largely based on the experiences in the author’s life. A television adaptation was made and aired in 1990, and in 2011 Jeannette Winterson wrote a parallel nonfiction autobiography of her life at the time called Why Be Happy When You Can Be Normal?

4. The Night Watch by Sarah Waters

Lovers of historical fiction, this is a book for you! This novel’s setting begins in 1947 and goes back in time to end with its beginning in 1941. The Night Watch is about four individuals living out their lives in London in the midst of a large and important historical event. As the novel moves forwards but the time moves backwards, you witness an interesting development of all the characters, their relationships, their lives and their connections to one another. The Night Watch won the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Fiction in 2007. 

5. The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth

When her parents die abruptly in a car accident, Cameron feels relief, rather than sadness—relief that they’ll never know that just hours ago their daughter was kissing another girl. Cameron is sent to live with her caring but conservative aunt and her grandmother as she tries to forget her past and blend in. That proves to be difficult when she meets a beautiful new girl—one with a boyfriend. The two form an unexpected friendship, one which leaves room for more to develop, until Cameron’s aunt finds out about them and sends her away to be “fixed.” This is a novel about self-discovery and the courage to live life by your own rules.

6. Adaptation by Malinda Lo

Into mysteries, government conspiracies and aliens? This YA novel has all that and more! Reese isn’t sure what to think when she and her debate team partner wake up in a military hospital after an accident with no recollection of what happened prior to that. When she’s sent back home to San Francisco, she meets the mysterious new girl Amber Gray and her search for the truth is sent into a completely different direction. Who is Amber? What is the government hiding about their accident? And what’s up with all those birds crashing into planes? The best part about this novel: It features a bisexual character whose identity is neither dismissed nor glossed over. Perfect!

“This book was great. It’s so difficult to find LGBT novels with a bisexual person in them, and as a bisexual girl myself, it’s pretty upsetting,” says Josephine, a student at Seneca College. “I loved the characters in this book, and the plot was really interesting as well.”

7. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides 

In 1974, Calliope Stephanides, a student at a girls' school, becomes attracted to her female classmate. However, as their relationship develops, but Callie’s body doesn’t, Callie starts to think she isn’t like other girls. In fact, Callie finds out that she is intersex, and she’s suddenly extremely confused about her gender identity. This novel about intricate and complicated relationships truly questions just what gender is.

This is just a short list of the many books you can find containing LGBTQ+ characters! Need more? Check out these resources:

1. The Lesbrary

The Lesbrary is a book blog that features books with lesbian and bisexual characters. The website is mostly made up of reviews made by a variety of different bloggers. You can find many different genres and types of books with the help of this site!

2.Affinity eBooks

Affinity is a company that publishes lesbian literature in the form of e-books. Affinity gives the authors the utmost control over their own work to provide readers with quality material. The books are all affordable, and there’s even a section of free books! Yay!

3. Bella Books

Through print, e-books, translations and distribution, Bella strives to reach lesbian readers across the world. Bella Books partners with many publishers to bring great fiction to all their readers. Search through a multitude of books and authors, choose a format and purchase it affordably!

My 5 Style Must-Haves: Kara Mendelsohn


Being the dedicated fashion bloggers that we are here at Catwalk to Campus, we're always looking for the best hidden gems of the fashion world. Our current fave? cooper & ella, the recently-launched fashion line headed by Kara Mendelsohn, a mother of two and a seroius fashionista. cooper & ella's collection is now being sold in over 250 stores around the world, despite only having been launched in 2013.

So why exactly are we so obsessed? Mendelsohn explains it best herself: "cooper & ella is modern and chic, but approachable. The clothes are versatile and easy to wear in real, everyday life and easily take you from day to night." Sounds like a dream, right? If that's not convincing, consider the fact that Mendelsohn is not only the Creative Director and designer of the brand, but that she balanaces an undeniably crazy workload with the busy life of a mom. In fact, Mendelsohn named the company after her two kids, son Cooper and daughter Ella. Not surprisingly, Mendelsohn describes the cooper & ella woman as someone who "looks good while doing it all. She has a lot going on in her life and her style is ‘effortless cool’ and one that’s her own." Mendelsohn herself definitely fits the bill, and manages to balance her jobs as mogul and mom while looking fabulous.

As for Mendelsohn's personal style inspiration, she says that her biggest source of inspiration is her nine-year-old daughter, Ella. "I love her confidence!" Mendelsohn says. "She tries and wears what she thinks looks good and doesn’t worry about what anyone else thinks!" Ella definitely knows her stuff, as this element of experimentation is evident in cooper & ella's pieces, which combine accessibility and effortlessness with rich fabrics and details to take them from basic to brilliant.

With the crisp fall days of pumpkin picking and apple cider upon us, we wanted to ask Kara what autumnal trends she's most excited to rock this season, and she shared a few unexpected gems. The first revelation? "The wide leg!" Mendelsohn says. "I am over skinny jeans!" We never thought we'd say this, but we're getting a little tired of the collegiette uniform of skinny jeans and boots, so we can totally get on board with wide-leg styles!

If you aren't ready to let go of your skinnies just yet, the cooper & ella fashionista is all about "flat over-the-knee boots" and we can totally see why. The taller style is a modern take on a classic boot and, in Mendelsohn's own words, the style is "cool, but comfortable." Works for us! And what better to pair skinnies and over-the-knee boots with than an autumn classic: plaid! Mendelsohn's final pick is a no-brainer, and we've totally fallen in love with the rich colors of this cooper & ella Emily Button-Back Blouse (image below!).

Now that we're even more excited about fall fashion than before (if that's possible), we were dying to know what Mendelsohn considers her style must-haves, no matter the season. This fashion-forward mother of two shared with us the five style pieces she can't live without (and we want them all!). 

1. cooper & ella blouses

"I wear one almost every day!" Mendelsohn says. "Yes, because they are mine, but [also] because they’re easy and stylish. I feel good in them." If the plaid Emily blouse ($135) above is any indication, we certainly agree! And for anyone with a busy schedule, the amazing quality and versatility of these tops are perfect for on-the-go: "They work for meetings, lunch with the girls, date night and the rest of my crazy busy life!" Mendelsohn says. 

2. Frame denim

This premium denim brand is a favorite of fashionistas and celebs alike, and Mendelsohn neatly sums up the reason: "A great, flattering fit." Enough said! Whether you're looking for skinny, flare, boyfriend or high-waisted styles, Frame denim ($169-$249) has amazing options for anyone who considers denim a style staple.

3. Leopard flats

For a busy working mom, heels aren't the most practical choice for daily footwear. That's why Mendelsohn loves flats that pack a punch, like leopard flats with cute details. The right pair of flats can actually become a standout accessory to a more understated outfit: "They go with everything!" she says. She especially loves this quirky pair from Marc by Marc Jacobs ($298), complete with a little mouse face on the toe (adorable!).

4. Delicate gold necklace

"A personal piece makes it that much more special to wear every day," Mendelsohn says, and we have to agree. While bright, funky statement necklaces are a staple for summer, more understated, unique pieces are perfect for layering over chunky sweaters. "Mine, by Helen Ficalora ($155), features two simple charms, ‘C’ and ‘E’, for Cooper and Ella—my kids," Mendelsohn says. Sentimental and stylish!

5. Leather backpack

We have to admit, this is our favorite pick of Mendelsohn's. She says that the Deux Lux Wink Woven Front Flap Backpack in Navy ($62.99) is "awesome for lugging around all things life!" We love the idea of incorporating navy into your daily look as a neutral, and the woven leather adds a unique touch.

If the fabulous clothes weren't enough, cooper & ella is also committed to doing good. The brand recently partnered with the Hope Foundation School in India to launch an initiative known as Empower, dedicated to empowering children and helping them become successful adults. With every item purchased from cooper & ella, the company will provide a nutritious meal to a child in need. 

With a passion for philanthropy, a breathtaking collection and an inspirational designer, we can't find a thing not to love about cooper & ella

11 Punny Halloween Costumes


Are you the biggest goofball in your group of friends, and want to find an outfit that will show that off? For all those funny girls out there, consider dressing as a pun this Halloween. Yes, that's right - a pun. These costumes might need a little bit of an explanation, but they're guaranteed to produce some chuckles.

There are endless puns in the world, but we've put together a few clever ideas that also make cute costumes! Punny costumes are also great for those of us who tend to be little last-minute in our planning. Most of them can be made from materials you'll find around your dorm room, even if they do require a little bit of crafting to get the costume just right. We'll list all the easy ones first, and then we'll list some more intricate punny costumes for those of us who aren't afraid of a challenge!

1. Queen of Hearts

queen of hearts costume
Difficulty Level: Easy

Materials: Tiara, craft supplies

How-to: Wear whatever outfit you want, but make it fairly neutral. Then, cut out tons of hearts in a variety of colors and put them all over your outfit. Finish off the look with a tiara or plastic crown and you're done!

2. Anchorwoman

Difficulty Level: Easy

Materials: Business casual dress, craft supplies, microphone

How-to: Dress in your favorite business casual outfit (bonus points for adorable pencil skirts!), and tape a large cutout anchor to your back. That's it - you're an anchorwoman! Feel free to carry around a microphone to complete the outfit.

3. Facebook

facebook costume
Difficulty Level: Easy

Materials: Facepaint

How-to: This is one of the easiest costumes out there, so it's perfect for people who know they won't have much time to get ready. Simply paint the word "BOOK" across your face and you're done. Just like that, you've become the website that you spend hours on every day!

4. Headquarters

Difficulty Level: Easy

Materials: Quarters, headband, hot glue gun

How-to: Although it requires a little bit of crafting, gluing a few quarters onto a headband shouldn't take too long. This is an easy outfit that requires just enough prep so that the glue has time to dry. This outfit is perfect for people who don't love dressing up, and just need to be able to point to their head to prove that they did put a little effort in.

5. Mixed Greens

mixed greens halloween costume
Difficulty Level: Easy

Materials: Green clothing, craft supplies

How-to: Dig out all the green clothing in your closet, and don't worry about whether or not it matches! Put it all on, in layers, with mismatched socks and accessories. This one is super easy because if you have enough in your wardrobe you don't even have to make any purchases. By the time you're done, you'll look like your favorite salad! Feel free to add some construction paper cutouts of tomatoes and carrots to complete the veggie-friendly look.

6. Tic Tac Toes

Difficulty Level: Easy

Materials: Tic Tacs, hot glue, flats

How-to: Get some cheap flats that you don't mind ruining, and hot glue your favorite flavor of Tic Tacs onto them. This is another super easy outfit, and pun enthusiasts can even pair it with something else, like the idea up above for Headquarters!

7. Well Red

Difficulty Level: Medium

Materials: Red clothing, books

How-to: Dress in an all-red outfit, and carry around your favorite novel - but the more pretentious the title sounds, the better! This one gives you a ton of flexibility, because you can make it as elaborate as you want. Use a permanent marker to write your favorite quotes all over a red t-shirt, or just go crazy with red lipstick and glitter.

8. Photographic Memory

Difficulty Level: Medium

Materials: Disposable cameras, hat, hot glue gun

How-to: This one requires a little bit of prep, but it shouldn't be too hard to execute. The basic idea is to hot glue a bunch of disposable cameras onto a hat. This one can be really fun later for capturing memories, as you can get some funky bird’s eye photos by taking photos with your hat throughout the night!

9. Cereal Killer

Difficulty Level: Medium

Materials: Box of cereal, spoon, pajamas

How-to: Dress in your favorite pajamas and pop open your cereal box. Tear off the top third of the box in a jagged line, making it look like an animal tried to rip it open. Carry around the box and the spoon together all night. To really get into the spooky Halloween spirit, carry a fake weapon with this outfit (you are a cereal killer, after all!). Extra points for messy hair that makes it look like you woke up and just couldn't wait to get some breakfast!

10. Peas Corp Member

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Materials: Peas, craft supplies

How-to: Feel like spreading some peace this Halloween? Become a member of the Peas Corp! Dress in whatever outfit you want, but spend some time making signs with cute sayings on them, like "Love and Peas for Everyone!" March around with your signs all night, and if you want to get really into it, walk around handing out peas as if they were Halloween candy!

11. Ceiling Fan

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Materials: Craft supplies, pom poms, megaphone, face paint

How-to: Pretend you are the absolute number one fan for your favorite team - the Ceilings! Dress as a cheerleader, and spend some time decorating signs and t-shirts that show off your ceiling pride. This costume lets you get really creative, as you can make up chants, team statistics, or anything else you need to complete the outfit. This is really easy to turn into a group activity, too, as you and your friends can dress as an ultimate ceiling fan group. Talk your guy friends into going shirtless and painting "CEILINGS" on their chests!


What other punny costume ideas can you come up with? Let us know in the comments!

Remembering a Legend: Oscar de la Renta’s 7 Best Looks


Legendary designer Oscar de la Renta, who passed away Monday night, once said, “I’m not interested in shock tactics. I just want to make beautiful clothes.” Best known for his breathtaking gowns that made countless celebrities, it-girls, and runway models look Cinderella-level stunning over the length of his five-decade career, de la Renta left behind a lasting mark on the fashion world. Below, we rounded up seven of our favorite looks of the designer’s career.

1. Sarah Jessica Parker – 2014 Met Gala

We loved the way this look combined two New York City icons—SJP and one of the most legendary designers to work and show in NYC. Oscar himself is literally present on the dress, his iconic signature placed at the end of Sarah Jessica Parker’s stunning, ladylike train.

2. Magdalena Frackowiak and Karlie Kloss – Fall 2013 Collection

Stunning gowns, like these that de la Renta dressed Karlie Kloss and Magdalena Frackowiak in for the finale of his Fall 2013 collection, were what de la Renta was best known for. The gold details on these dresses, paired with their bright color, are what made these gowns jaw-droppingly memorable.

3. Amy Adams – 2013 Oscars

Adams was a fairy tale-like vision of beauty at the 2013 Oscars in this intricate, tiered creation, which is just one of many examples of the dramatic power of de la Renta’s creations.

4. Shu Pei Qin – Spring 2012 Collection

De la Renta’s spring 2012 collection truly represented a significant new beginning for the designer, in which many of the looks were infused with a new, youthful energy. While the designer was known mostly for his longer gowns, we particularly love this feathered, fringe-y frock.

5. Beyoncé – Vogue March 2013

De la Renta truly made Queen Bey look like the royalty that she is in this stunning red ruffled dress that she wore in her March 2013 shoot for Vogue.

6. Taylor Swift – 2014 Met Gala

T-swift was a vision in sweet, demure pink at this year’s Met Gala. De la Renta’s couture-like creation (just look at that train!) had her on many of the Met Ball’s best dressed lists the next day. 

7. Amal Alamuddin at her wedding to George Clooney

In one of his final projects, de la Renta created a lace fairy-tale wedding dress for what was the biggest celebrity wedding of 2014: Amal Alamuddin’s wedding to George Clooney. Alamuddin probably said it best when she told Vogue of de la Renta, “He is the man every woman wants to hug.”

Oscar de la Renta, you will be missed!

7 Questions About Guys You’re Afraid to Ask


Between dealing with their frustratingly cryptic text messages, random acts of chivalry and awkward glances across the room at a frat party, boys can be mysterious, contradictory and even downright confusing. Their behavior often leaves us with questions: “Why did he do that?” “What is he thinking?” “What’s his opinion on cutout dresses — cute or passé?” However, in no perfect world can we ask all of these questions and receive satisfactory answers… until now.

We’ve taken some of your most burning questions and are explaining some of guys’ most unexplainable behaviors!

1. Why don't they just say what's going on instead of leaving me struggling for days to figure it out for myself?

We’re all familiar with the “fade-out” situation: You think that you have a great thing going with a guy, but then that gradual “Cool” text turns into radio silence. You try the dreaded double-text method, and not even that is effective. You thought you had chemistry, but something has gone awry. Didn’t you think you deserved a little more than a lack of a response to signify that he wasn’t interested anymore? Yeah, we did, too!

Patrick Wanis, a human behavior expert and relationship expert, offers us some answers. Wanis says that phasing someone out without causing an actual breakup could potentially be a guy’s strategy for keeping his options open. Either way, Wanis emphasizes that this method indicates a lack of respect for you.

“Sometimes I don't think we know what we want, either,” says Nick*, a junior at Stanford University. “Depending on the guy, there is a time at the beginning where they are trying to figure out, ‘Do I want to be in a relationship, do I want something serious or do I just want to be friends?’” 

Don’t let yourself get trapped in the “He’s hard to get, so he’s perfect” mindset! If he doesn’t respect you enough to be real with you, he’s definitely not worth it.

2. Why are guys scared to fall in love or hesitant to show emotion?

This age-old stereotype can feel especially true in college. Are guys less mature in general, or are there just fewer guys on campus who want committed relationships? Sometimes, it seems like every guy on campus is either committed to the bachelor life or almost married — but where is that dateable middle realm, collegiettes?

Wanis says guys may be hesitant to show emotion due to a fear of rejection. His example of “guy thinking” was, “If I show her how I really feel, will she reject me? It’ll make me vulnerable, and she’ll reject me because I am vulnerable.”

Brett*, a junior at Stanford University, says, “Some guys fear to appear weak or vulnerable and this can cause them to mask their emotions and underlying desires. They might not want to fall in love because they don't want to end up hurt.” He stresses that it’s important to know your guy well before you criticize him for being afraid of falling in love.

While Wanis says that it’s hard to make a generalization about guys’ lack of eagerness for commitment, he said that it’s best to “look at what’s going on in his life.” Does he want freedom? Does he want to play the field, or is he just interested in finishing his studies?

3. How can I tell if he actually likes me or if he thinks I’m a booty call?

How long have you been waiting for that promised dinner date, collegiettes? “If he really likes you, he’s going to be asking you on a date in advance and not waiting until the last minute,” Wanis says. “If he’s waiting until the last minute, you are then not a priority in his life, or he’s doing the BBO (bigger, better offer).”

Other classic signs you’re not just a booty call? He wants to “take you places, show you places, take you outside of the apartment and bedroom,” Wanis says. If he’s “happy to be seen in public with you and contacting you between nine and five—not after hours,” then you’re probably more to him than a booty call. He’ll also want to have more deep, meaningful conversations with you.

In addition, Wanis says a guy who’s interested in more than a hook-up will want to “do things for you or with you, which is his way of demonstrating love and as a way of connecting with you.” He said that men want to do things with you (like going to the movies), whereas women tend to be happy just being with their significant others (for example, just hanging out together at home).

Contrary to what many girls think, Dr. Wanis says, “Men are good at putting things into boxes. This is the girl I call at the last minute, this is the girl I want to date, this is the girl I want to have sex with.” Even if your relationship seems unclear to you, perhaps it’s not unclear to him.

No matter what, collegiettes, communication is always a good solution to figuring out these problems. Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions to get the answers you need for yourself.

4. How can I ask him to pay more attention to me without seeming clingy?

Many collegiettes face this problem with their SOs: He tells you he likes you, but you need something more out of the relationship. Whether it’s more communication, a day for just the two of you or a regular phone call if you’re long distance, what you need in the relationship can be hard to ask for when you feel the negative stigma of being the clingy, desperate girl.

“Be clear about what you want in the relationship and need from the relationship,” Wanis says. “Get clear on if he’s actually able to fulfill those needs. Maybe he’s not able or capable. Be specific about what you are not getting and what you want.” Perhaps it’s a date off campus, a movie night in with just the two of you or an afternoon where you can introduce him to your friends—whatever it is, just ask him!

The biggest mistake women tend to make is that “they never request things in measurable, tangible terms,” Wanis says. “It’s okay to ask for what you want. The way you ask it will determine whether you seem desperate or clingy. The way you ask and what you ask will determine that.” If you ask in a clear, calm and specific way, you’re bound for success!

In addition, make sure you understand how he’s feeling. “For instance, make sure that you understand when he is busy and swamped with work or activities,” says Evan*, a junior from Stanford University. “If he is super busy, asking him to spend more time with you and pay more attention to you is something that might just make him even more stressed and turn a perfectly good request into something that he might see as annoying.”

5. What does my body language say about me when I’m talking to a guy?

Whether you’re at a party, at a bar or even in class, there are subtle cues that let a guy know that you’re into him (or not into him). Make sure that you’re giving him the impression that you want to give him with these tips.

Smiling is a seemingly obvious cue that you’re into a guy. Wanis reveals some interesting logic behind the smile-equals-flirting cue: Guys often think, “She’s smiling and she feels good, and that’s because of me.”

Alex*, a student at Stanford says, “Everyone likes to feel valued. I think it can be pretty powerful when a girl is able to express her attention or interest in a visual way through body language.”

The best way to let a guy you’re talking to know that he has your full attention is to turn your body to toward him and therefore demonstrate that you’re engaged in the conversation. “Extended gazes and contacts — smiling and looking at him for a couple of seconds,” Wanis says. “If your body is turned towards me (legs crossed, knee pointed at me) — it’s a mating cue.”

6. What kind of flirty things do girls say that are attractive to guys?

Talking to guys — especially ones who don’t naturally open up or find conversation easy — can be a difficult task. While you may feel like you could talk to your girlfriends for literal days, sometimes guys aren’t as easy conversationalists. We’ve got some great tips for talking to guys like a pro!

“If you want to turn on the guy, find out what turns him on — his interests, his passions, his hobbies,” Wanis says. It’s also great if you’re “really well versed or good at asking questions or good at listening.” If it’s hard to get him to open up, it may be easy to get him talking about something that’s interesting to him, so ask him questions! If he’s a keeper, of course, he’ll also want to hear all about you.

“Look for cues — who is this person?” Wanis says. Even where you meet the person could matter — are you at a frat party, a museum or a café? Paying attention to his body language and being sensitive to the situation can greatly improve a conversation.

7. How important are his friends’ opinions to him?

Be sure to know your guy’s friends — are they supportive or judgmental? Wanis says that a “fear of being judged by male friends” can make some guys hesitant to show emotion or really commit. Boys still “want to be the pack leader, still want to be accepted, and don’t want to be outcast or rejected,” Wanis says.

College guys can be epically confusing. Few, if any, college guys can be the perfect Noah, but with the right advice and knowledge, collegiettes can navigate the stormy seas of college dating with ease.

Did we answer all of your questions, collegiettes? Comment below with your thoughts and questions that you want answered for next time!

*Names have been changed.

13 Thoughts Every Girl Has While Pulling an All-Nighter


Pulling an all-nighter is basically a right of passage for most college students. Because, really, when it comes down to it, you've got to balance your social life with your academics, or even a job, plus you need to watch a few hours of Netflix to keep yourself sane. It happens to the best of us. The work piles up while we're worrying about, well, anything but doing work, so we have to pull an all-nighter. 

1. I'm going to need a lot of caffeine if I'm going to make it out of this alive. 

I wonder if I know how to make latte art? Oh, I'm going to look up latte art. 

2. I can't work under these conditions. I need to clean my room. And do laundry. And take out the trash. 

What? It's not wasting time if I'm doing something productive, right?

3. I need to make a playlist worthy of Queen Bey.

I have just as many hours in my day as Beyoncé, and I'm using all of them.

4. I've never been so hungry in my entire life. 

And, of course, I have nothing to eat. 

5. I'll just have to go to Sonic; I need brain fuel.

Some people eat peanut butter and celery; I need cheese fries.

6. Okay, let me get started.

I can do this.

7. I can't do this. Why is this assignment so hard? 

8. Alright, I'm going to write for 15 minutes straight, and then I can take a study break.


9. Halfway done... I deserve a nap.

Warning: A five-minute nap is never really just five minutes.

10. Okay, I need to finish this paper. It's already 4 a.m.

Enough distractions, I can do this. 

11. Facebook is the bane of my existance. 

I wish I knew how to quit you.

12. This is the worst thing I have ever written. 

But also maybe... the best?

13. Who cares? Print.

My grades never bothered me, anyway. 

The 17 College Campuses With The Best Fall Foliage


By now, you’ve probably already begun immersing yourself in many of the traditional autumn activities: going to bonfires with friends, hanging out at football games, sipping on pumpkin spice lattes and exploring pumpkin patches. Not only is fall the ideal season to spend quality time outdoors, but it’s also a great opportunity to embark on your college visits. Whether you’re looking to narrow down your list of potential schools, soak in the beauty of the season or just explore a nearby town, we’ve created a list of the campuses with the best fall foliage to help you get started. 

1. Sewanee: The University of the South (Sewanee, Tennessee)

Despite being a small school, Sewanee has plenty of fall foliage and activities to offer. “There are 13,000 acres of lush forest, caves, trails, streams and waterfalls [on campus],” says Sewanee senior Sarah Christie. “Of course, there are also the quads and parks on campus where students enjoy sitting outside and studying or taking naps in their ENOs. When the weather cools off, students spend their weekends and free afternoons hiking, climbing, bouldering, kayaking, caving and more.”

What better way to top off your college visit than with an outdoor adventure?

2. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, North Carolina)

The Old Well is the trademark spot on the UNC campus and a great place to soak in the beauty of scenic Chapel Hill—including the nearby Davie Poplar tree, named after the university’s founder and known for turning bright shades of yellow and orange in the fall months.

3. Assumption College (Worchester, Massachusetts)

New England has a reputation for boasting stunning fall foliage, and Assumption is no exception. “All of the academic buildings [at Assumption] are pretty much dropped in the middle of the woods, so you can see trees out of every window and on every path to class,” says senior Sara Heath. “It's funny because everyone on campus usually comes up with their favorite tree during the fall and gets sad when mid-November rolls around and the leaves start falling off.”

Be sure to schedule a visit before winter so you have time to explore campus and discover your own favorite tree!

4. Belmont University (Nashville, Tennessee)

You know Nashville for its bustling music culture, but did you know it is also home to some of the most beautiful fall foliage in the country?

“Belmont is surrounded by mountains, trails and parks that turn the prettiest shades of red and orange in the fall,” says freshman Jessica King. “On campus, we have gazebos and paths lined with trees that are gorgeous to walk through to class in all weather, but especially in the fall.”

Not to mention, southern schools don’t have to worry about super-cold fall temperatures, which means the foliage can be enjoyed late into the year!

5. The University of Oregon (Eugene, Oregon)

While the Northwest may be known for rainy days and lush greenery, there’s still plenty of fall foliage to embrace on the Oregon campus! The university keeps careful records of their trees, and the latest atlas reported over 530 individual species of trees present on the environmentally friendly campus.

6. Bucknell University (Lewisburg, Pennsylvania)

Quads are typically popular stops on college visits, and Bucknell is no exception. “The most beautiful places [on Bucknell’s campus] are The Quad and The Grove,” says 2013 alum Sarah Dubow. “A prospective student should definitely take a walk downtown and stop by Hufnagle Park, where you can find kids jumping in piles of leaves and plenty of free apple cider and coffee. Fall Fest also happens every year, which includes big musical acts, bread-bowl chowder, a Ferris wheel, carnival games, hay stacks and more.”

This year’s Fall Fest activities are happening throughout October, so don’t wait to schedule your visit!

7. Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois)

Located close to the shores of Lake Michigan, the Northwestern campus is lined with 200-year-old oaks and maples that shine in the fall. After enjoying a crisp, relaxing day on campus, you’re only a 30-minute drive away from exploring the bustling city of nearby Chicago.

8. Chatham University (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

The Chatham campus is home to over 100 types of trees spread across 30 acres of land, making it an ideal spot to visit when the leaves start changing colors. “Our campus is a designated arboretum, so the foliage is always spectacular,” says senior Mara Flanagan. Not to mention, the arboretum is free and open to the public every day!

9. Colorado State University (Fort Collins, Colorado)

The Oval at Colorado State, an open, grassy area lined with over 60 elm trees, is the perfect spot for relaxing while on your campus visit. In addition to the acres of colorful trees, Colorado State boasts some of the best mountain views of any school in the west.

10. Hanover College (Hanover, Indiana)

Ranked multiple times as one of the most beautiful campuses in the country, it’s no surprise that Hanover is home to stunning fall foliage. “The quad has an open field which is lined with trees and creates a colorful tunnel when the leaves begin to change,” says freshman Katie Lents. “Hanover also has miles and miles of trails which lead to waterfalls, and the colorful leaves just add to the picturesque campus.”

When you’re done visiting campus, be sure to check out nearby downtown Madison, where the fall foliage can be appreciated from the banks of the Ohio River.

11. Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)

Not only does Miami University offer acres of gorgeous trees and nature for exploring, but downtown Oxford is full of quaint little restaurants, cafés and shops, making it the perfect place to spend a crisp, fall day. Be sure to make a stop at the Central Quad and soak in the beauty of the foliage from one of the campus’ best spots.

12. Marquette University (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

While Wisconsin may be known for its harsh winters, it offers some of the most breathtaking views in the fall. “The trees that surround the St. Joan of Arc Chapel turn different colors [in the fall], and it’s a really pretty place to study,” says freshman Haley Wagoner. “Not to mention, Lake Michigan is only a little over a mile away, and it’s really fun to go down there and go to all the festivals.”

After a day visit at Marquette, plan to spend the evening relaxing in downtown Milwaukee, where you can soak in the fall foliage while walking along the lakeshore.

13. Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.)

The Georgetown campus offers the best of both worlds: access to one of the most bustling cities in the country plus the gorgeous trees and leaves you’d expect from an east-coast school. Not to mention, the fall foliage looks especially impressive against the historical buildings and architecture.

14. Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, Indiana)

Southern Indiana has a reputation for boasting some of the most breathtaking fall foliage in all of the Midwest, and the Indiana University campus is located right at the heart of the magic. “IU makes such a big deal about planting trees around campus, so it only makes sense that we have some of the best fall foliage,” says freshman Danielle Hensley. “There [are] trees everywhere you go, and they’re absolutely breathtaking during all of the seasons, but especially in the fall.”

Plus, the university is environmentally conscious: For every tree that is cut down due to the construction of new buildings, two more are planted in its place.

15. Middlebury College (Middlebury, Vermont)

Located in New England, “Middlebury is nestled in a valley between the Green Mountains and the Adirondack Mountains,” says senior Sophie Dodd. “Since the campus is so small and the area is so rural, the fall foliage really does take center stage and actually draws a lot of tourists this time of year.”  Not to mention, you’re only minutes from some of the most breathtaking mountain views on the east coast.

16. Princeton University (Princeton, New Jersey)

Nothing complements the beauty of Ivy League architecture like the breathtaking hues of the red, orange and yellow maple trees that Princeton boasts in the fall. While touring the campus, be sure to stop by the university store and pick up the book The Trees of Princeton University: An Arboreal Tour of the Campus, which details the various families of trees on campus and where they can be found.

17. Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, Missouri)

The fall foliage on the Wash. U. campus complements the Hogwarts-like architecture the school has become known for. “Brookings Quad is beautiful at any time of the year, but especially when the leaves begin to turn colors,” says senior Sydney Davis. “The main quad is also gorgeous when the leaves begin to change because the paths are all tree-lined. The best days are when it's still in the upper 60s and the red, orange and yellow trees are practically glowing in the sunlight.”

Despite all the autumn beauty displayed here, this list is only scratching the surface of all the fall foliage Mother Nature has to offer at campuses across the country. Make a list of schools that interest you, narrow it down and take advantage of these precious autumn days while you can! Whether you’re a junior just starting to look at colleges or a senior ready to make a decision, there’s no better time to visit schools than right now. Big or small, west coast or east coast, public or private—every campus has something to show off in the fall. 

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