A household name and worldwide phenomenon, Beyoncé is the queen of all things entertainment. And like any other powerhouse sensation, she has her own stan group that has become just as popular: the BeyHive. Now, most BeyHive members are essentially obsessed with everything Beyoncé and are willing to do anything to defend her honor, but if you love Beyoncé and want to prove you adore her as much as a bee loves honey (wink, wink), here are the signs that you are a true VIP member of this pretty inclusive club.
….of everything. There’s not a even a question.
2. The bee emoji has a resident place amongst your most used emojis
3. And now a lemon!!
4. Knowing her birthday date like the back of our hands is a normal thing
5. Even after Lemonade, she and Jay-Z are #RelationshipGoals
6. Whenever we see the initials BIC, we don’t think of the pen, we think of Blue Ivy!
7. Knowing that this symbol is NOT part of the Illuminati
8. Being able to reference her most iconic performances
9. ….Even as a member of Destiny’s Child
10. Repping Houston, TX as your hometown…even if it's really not
11. You try to BeyGood as much as possible
12. Having Beyoncé as the artist with the most songs on your iTunes
13. Still listening to the Dangerously in Love album at least once a week is a rite of passage
14. Knowing who Les Twins and Ashley Everett are
15. Keeping enough money in your Tidal or iTunes account just in case Bey drops any surprise albums
16. Looking at the "Bow Down" video for inspiration on how to walk into class
17. We will defend our queen until the very end because we know she appreciates it