Plenty of shows from our childhood were actually teaching us life lessons along the way, but we were too focused on the disguises, one-liners and all around anarchy to realize it! Hannah Montana is the perfect example of a show that was so funny and chaotic, but actually helpful as we grew up. Below are the top 22 life lessons Hannah Montana taught us!
1. It explained being a teenager in a few short words.
We've all done impulsive things at least once, right?
2. Sometimes telling a "white" lie can be beneficial.
3. Going out with your friends can be fun, but it's important to know who's really there for us at the end of the day.
As we get older, we realize our bed is one of our favorite people.
4. Never go to extremes to meet celebrities.
Even if it was to meet the Jonas Brothers!
5. Dating should be pretty simple.
6. Even if that means longingly staring at that hottie with the swimmer's body until he notices you.
*Cue the napkin eating*
7. Nobody's perfect.
You live and learn!
8. Don't get ahead of yourself.
Sometimes things happen in life that can make you think you're cooler than you are. You may be the president of a sorority, cheerleading captain or Hannah Montana, but at the end of the day, never forget your true self.
9. Lily taught us the real reason we couldn't figure out guys.
That pretty much summed it up!
10. Guys can say smart things, or at least Lucas Till can.
11. People will let you down.
But it's how you deal with it that counts!
12. Change is inevitable.
We can't hide behind our blonde wigs forever.
13. Real friends have your back.
Especially when mean girls make fun of you for things like your clothes or inability to climb the rope in gym class.
14. Sometimes your friends will tell you things you don't want to hear, but it's for your own good.
15. You'll always look bad in your license photo.
"We promise we aren't this ugly in real life, officer!"
16. Food is the answer to everything.
We feel you, Jackson.
17. Guys and girls can really be just friends!
If only we could all have our own Smokin' Oakin's.
18. Siblings can be mean.
19. And annoy us to no end.
20. But they're family, and they'll always love and support you.
21. And speaking of family, Hannah taught us to always show our parents some recognition.
22. And to always be yourself.
It may be cool to be Hannah Montana, but never forget the Miley Stewart in you!