17-year-old (!!!) Amandla Stenberg stunned us once again with their casual webcam chat for ROOKIE magazine, minutes before attending their senior prom! In the video, Stenberg comments on natural hair, self-love, sexuality and activism.
On self-love, Stenberg noted that this process takes time and is never really over and done with or sealed with a pretty bow. “Remember to be patient with yourself... learning to love yourself is a very tough and continual process,” they said. If only we all had this much brilliance and wisdom at 17!
Stenberg also spoke to the presence of bi-erasure, or the ignoring of non-normative sexualities. Stenberg says, “I’ve used the word bisexual just because I feel like for people who don’t necessarily know that vocabulary...it’s easier to just say that I’m bi.” In the video, Stenberg identifies themselves as pansexual, but admits that, because not many people are aware of this term, bisexual is a more convenient identifier. Even so, they say that when the word bisexual is used, “it can obviously oftentimes be kind of negatively conceived.”
Stenberg talked about activism and how to maintain one’s sense of optimism in the face of haters and a culture that doesn’t want to change its ways. They say, “emitting positivity [means] you are affecting other people... you are allowing other people to also be awesome and shine.” Stenberg maintains that positivity and optimism will win out over negativity, so long as we are passionate about the things we care about. “There’s an infinity in these small actions” that is very powerful, adds Stenberg.
Finally, Stenberg touched on the reactions and commentary they receive from critics of them and their politics, which they say they are able to let roll off their back because what critics have to say doesn’t really mean anything. Honestly, where is this young person’s book?! Amandla has so much coming their way, and we can’t wait to see where they take it!