While birthing a child is sometimes one of the most simultaneously painful and amazing experiences, moms everywhere are boasting about having the best orgasms during childbirth. That’s right, orgasms.
In a new survey conducted by Mum and Positive Birth Movement, a YouTube channel dedicated to mothers and mothers-to-be, it was discovered that six percent of women experienced orgasm while delivering their newborns.
But, why wasn’t anyone talking about this before? Well, besides women keeping masturbation a secret for years, orgasms during birth just don't happen that often.
Broadly asked moms about their experience with orgasmic birth and one mom said she wouldn’t say she had an orgasmic birth, but birth was definitely an ultimate experience.
“I felt so in tune with my body. Physically it felt painful, but manageable,” she told the website.
Another mom from Australia defnitely felt more orgasmic sensations during her birth. "Every fiber of her being 'was engaged and pulsing. It was the most incredible rush, more sensual than sexual,'" she told Broadly.
Orgasmic Birth, a website dedicated to these kinds of child labor, highlights that orgasmic births aren’t necessarily supposed to be as sexual as they seem. The website states, “Whenever a woman can look back on these moments with joy, when the physical and emotional aspects of birth are fully experienced as pleasurable, we call this orgasmic birth.”
Put that scary health class childbirth video to the back of your mind and read up because delivering your baby may be painful, but you’ll get rewarded.