Let's be real: When Kit Harington comes on screen during Game of Thrones, we can't help but start salivating. Jon Snow is bae, but more than that, he's a ridiculously talented actor, which is what Harington really wants to be known for.
In an interview with The Sunday Times, the actor opens up about his own experiences with objectification—which he claims are a form of "sexism"—in the acting industry.
"I like to think of myself as more than a head of hair or a set of looks. It’s demeaning. Yes, in some ways you could argue I’ve been employed for a look I have. But there’s a sexism that happens towards men," said Harington.
As women, we can totally relate to this. Being valued for physical appearance is honestly upsetting, and every person wants to be appreciated for their talents and inner self. Sure, his perfect abs, chiseled jaw line and deep brooding eyes may have gotten him noticed as an actor, but it's important to look past that. I mean, for almost a year he's been able to keep the secret about whether Jon Snow was really dead. This boy has got skills.
Harrington went on to say, "At some points during photo shoots when I’m asked to strip down, I felt that. If I felt I was being employed just for my looks, I’d stop acting."
Thanks Kit for starting an important dialogue about objectification, and good luck with the rest of this season. We love ya!