Whether you're an old lady at heart or you're just growing up, sometimes it feels like you don't get the kids these days. Here are some signs that you're just not hip anymore.
1. You don't recognize the song that everyone is singing along to
What is this mainstream junk??
2. You need 8 hours of sleep or else
Gone are the days when you could function on 3 hours of slumber.
3. You can't go out more than once a week
It's just too much effort, and neither your feet nor your liver can take it.
4. You will choose Netflix over literally anything
You've learned that there's nothing better.
5. Your hangovers are death
You used to bounce back so fast!
6. You ask 5 year-olds if they remember you from 3 years ago
Bonus points if you pinch their cheeks.
7. You freak out every time you hear the new freshman class' graduation year
Class of 2020? Really? REALLY?!
8. You find yourself actually regretting how things used to be
Ah, the good old days!
9. You spend your life on Urban Dictionary
Among your recent searches: "snatched,""OTP" and "ship."
10. You get called out for still saying "swag" or "rad"
You're all about the oldies but goodies.
11. You're shocked at how young kids get iPhones these days
Why does your 8 year-old cousin need a smartphone?
12. You have fewer but closer friends and meeting new people is a chore
Why find new friends when yours are already everything?
13. You tell lowerclassmen to make the most of everything
14. You enjoy talking to grown-ups
Talking about politics and taxes? No problem!
15. You and your parents are homies
You've come a long way from telling them they ruined your life.
16. You'll gladly take a filet mignon over chicken tenders
17. You won't take anyone's crap anymore
You're older, wiser and all-around a total badass.