Hope you all had a fabulous Memorial Day and extended weekend. I for one needed the extra day to play in Austin, Texas. If I do have to get back to reality, it is nice to have it start with The Bachelorette.
Let’s jump right in.
First question: How do you all feel about Chad’s sly, snarky toast that cut the other guys down at the beginning of the episode? It went like this: “To a beautiful girl. To a beautiful life. F--k you guys, I’m gonna make her my wife.”
Great! Be confident but don’t tick off the other guys while doing so. One thing that was special about my season was we all had a mutual respect for one another. No one ever came back to the mansion or hotel room and rubbed in their date. Even if producers thought we were “boring,” we all wanted to respect one another.
Group Date #1
“Let’s heat things up.” JoJo in the firefighter outfit—I think that was a great little touch. She may be our most beautiful Bachelorette. I love her personality. Wells and Grant couldn’t be more opposite from one another. Poor Wells! Way to get JoJo’s attention, though.
Second question: I want to know how you feel about a less-than-strong guy in a relationship. Are you okay with a nerdier guy, or is it important to you to know that a guy can protect you?
I wouldn’t be able to handle a date with Wells. I do think he is adorable and super kind. But I need strength and a protector. Like my dad, remember him? If the burglar comes to the door and I can fight him off better than my guy, then that’s not a good thing in my opinion. Bye Felicia.
Derek's One-on-One Date
Derek got the first one-on-one date. Crazy to think you pack your bag before leaving on your date in preparation to possibly say goodbye to this entire journey.
Behind-the-scenes note: On these dates and while you’re in the car, you are on a mic but producers only let you talk so much. On my date with Sean, we had a walkie talkie, and any time we talked too much off camera, the producers would stop us by yelling through the walkie talkie. They wanted us to save the good talks for our actual date.
Flying to San Fran isn’t a bad first date by the way.
Third question: If you could go anywhere on a first date, where would you LOVE to go?
Group Date #2
Chad calling JoJo “naggy.” What the…
I’d embarrass him right then and there, and tell him to go home. But then that would leave no drama for the rest of the season, so I know he will be around a few more weeks. It got worse during the rose rankings competition when the guys picked Chad as the one JoJo should ditch. I think he missed the point of this fun date. He’s cocky and coming off a bit disrespectful. He won’t make it too terribly far once she starts to gain real feelings for some of the guys. Bye Felicia 2.0.
Oh, and does anyone else think James looks like Kalon from Emily’s season?
Best one-liners and favorite tweets of the evening
If you love tweeting, tag me @ashleefrazier next week and maybe I will retweet yours.
These guys talk about protein a lot. From this point on, I will no longer refer to the guys as having a “bromance.” I call it “Brotein.”
Chad stole the show tonight, and I am not thrilled with it. Brah, get a life and stop awkwardly kissing JoJo.
@peta just placed Chad as their #1 most wanted. #TheBachelorette
— ashlee frazier (@ashleefrazier) May 31, 2016
"Being there for the food" is literally the new "Being there for the right reasons."#GreatSpread#TheBachelorette#watchwithUS
— Michael (@MichaelGarofola) May 31, 2016
JoJo to Chad rn: Did you NEED something? #TheBachelorette
— Her Campus (@HerCampus) May 31, 2016
The Clothes
I found some outfits similar to JoJo’s that won’t break your budget below.
JoJo's Opening Scene Outfit
Pink button-up top:HERE + HERE
Dark jeans:HERE
Light denim option:HERE
JoJo's Group Date #1 Outfit
White cutout sweater dress:HERE
Statement ring:HERE + HERE + HERE
JoJo's One-on-One Date Outfit
Sequin dress:HERE + HERE + HERE
JoJo's Group Date #2 Outfit
Fringe sweater:HERE
JoJo's Rose Ceremony Dress
Red sequin gown:HERE
What another great night full of ChadBrotein excitement! Can’t wait for next week.
If you ever have a question, please don’t hesitate to ask me. You can also check out my blog for fashion inspiration and Friday fitness tips.
Until next week, Lovelies.