With the Iowa caucuses only days away, Democratic Party Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are racing neck to neck to get more votes. While Iowa remains uncertain for Hillary, New Hampshire is looking better with a crucially timed endorsement from the Boston Globe before the Democratic Primary taking place on Feb. 9. The publication issued an editorial Sunday praising Hillary's experience on the Obama administration, her strong support for gun control and her ability to continue Obama's legacy while reinforcing her own strong leadership abilities.
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Having been the Secretary of State for four years, the Globe states, is a big resume boost. And her legislative history makes her the kind of leader that the next president will need to be. In fact, the Globe calls for "someone who can keep what Obama got right, while also fixing his failures, especially on gun control and immigration reform."
Gun control has been a serious talking point in 2015 and continues to be one in 2016, especially with the waves of shooting incidents that have rocked the political landscape. The Globe predicts that Obama will not be able to make much progress on his efforts to reinforce gun control laws, meaning that the burden will be left up to the next president. The editorial suggests that Clinton plans to not only resume investigations into gun violence, but also reimpose the federal ban on assault weapons. In contrast, Bernie Sanders has not been a strong advocate for gun control, having voted to protect gun manufacturers from legal liability.
Another issue is that of health care. We never seem to hear the end of the fight over Obamacare, and this presidential race is no different. While Clinton wants to work within the current system, Bernie Sanders vouches for a single-payer system that is modeled after health care in Europe. Switching health care systems on such a large scale is not worth the trouble, the Globe argues in its endorsement.
Well, it seems that Hillary has another backer in this high-stakes campaign. Whether she will follow through on the promises that the Globe perceives are important to national welfare is to be seen. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary.