We asked for new emojis, and we finally got them. Here are some of the best and how to use them in all your conversations!
1. Rolling Eyes
Finally, the perfect emoji to use when you just can't even anymore. Roommate forgot to change the toilet paper for the hundreth time? Professor assigns extra readings the night before class? Now you can roll your eyes when you text almost as much as you do in real life.
2. Champagne Bottle
Got an A on a test? Your bestie finally dumped that awful guy? 21st birthday? New Year's Eve? Say no more, this is the perfect emoji for any special occasion!
3. Money Mouth Face
The perfect thing to send when you landed that second job interview or got your first paycheck or simply need to channel your inner Biggie Smalls and exclaim "FBGM."
4. Alien Hand
For when you want to call a truce with a friend and say "we come in peace," you're starting a weekend long Star Trek marathon or you're just dressing up as an alien for Halloween and need a cute Instagram caption.
5. Upside Down Smile
For when it's just been, one of those days OR you're so happy you don't know what to do with yourself! Second option is preferred.
6. Nerd
It's finals season. You've been in the library for almost eight hours. Does life outside of this cubicle still exist?
7. Sunglasses
It's Sunday at 11 a.m., and you're too hungover to move. Or, you've had it with your friends and are covering your eyes from their craziness.
8. Middle Finger
Self-explanatory. Not having it today.
9. Taco
Watchu taco bout, Willis? or LET'S GET MEXICAN FOOD
10. Unicorn
For when something is totally not going to happen. "Oh, I'm sure he's going to call you back!" Yeah, and I saw a unicorn on my way home from class today.
11. Cheese
For when bae says something really cheesy or you just really, really want some wine and cheese.
12. Lion
For when you are trying to be fierce but everyone knows that you're just a sad tiger with a wig.
13. Weather Emojis
For when it's one of those fall days where it's 40 in the morning and 70 in the afternoon. WHAT DO I WEAR?
14. Burrito
Chipotle? Chipotle.
15. Thinking Face
Hmmm, can I write two papers and read three books and do a problem set this week? Let me think aobout that. NO.
Happy texting, collegietes!