Being single sures has its benefits, but sooner or later the whole "I’m independent. I’m happy. Single is better!” thing starts to wear off. You'll start asking yourself silly things like "What if I'm not attractive?" or you might even go as far as convincing yourself that you don't have what it takes to be in a relationship—which by the way is total BS. Here are 20 thoughts we've all after being single for way too long.
1. When was the last time I kissed someone? I think I forgot how to kiss.
2. Netflix always makes my day better.
3. Should I get a vibrator?
4. I am more than positive I'll die alone.
5. Wait, I can't tell if he's flirting or just being friendly.
6. Should I text my ex?
7. If need be, I’ll marry myself.
8. I don't need a man! I am an independent woman!
9. Being single is better!
10. What even are #RelationshipGoals?
11. Should I get a Tinder? Who knows—I might actually find the one!
12. How do those two have each other and I have no one?
13. I'm really dumb for watching all these sad movies.
14. SRSLY, what’s wrong with me?
15. What is flirting and how do I do it?
16. Do I talk to my singleness too much?
17. What is cuddling?
18. I don't even know how to begin putting myself out there.
19. I’m just waiting for Prince Charming.But…
20. Why does no one want to take me out on cute, Insta-worthy dates?