The first Harry Potter book came out—for most of us—in of our early infancies, and the last movie hit theaters somewhere between middle and high school. So it's no secret that we have a pretty emotional relationship with the franchise. Even though we've seen the movies a solid dozen times, there's just something about them that makes us burst into tears. Every. Single. Time. And why wouldn't we? Each year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is an emotional rollercoaster like no other. TBH, even The Bachelorette doesn't get to us this much. These are just some of scenes that STILL make us ugly cry.
1. The Dursleys try to keep Harry away from Hogwarts
Sooo sad and frustrating.
2. Ron sacrifices himself at wizard's chess
We knew they wouldn't kill off a main character in the first movie, but Ron was always so brave. <3
3. Harry finds out the "prisoner of Azkaban" is in fact his godfather
And Sirius asks him to come live with him. Oh man, so many feels.
4. Harry realizes he saw himself across the lake, not his dad
Of course they couldn't give him just this one.
5. Whenever Ron snogs Lavender in front of Hermione
RON! Why can't you see you're with the wrong person?! Ugh, typical.
6. Cedric Diggory dies
Nooo, not Robert Pattinson!!
7. Dolores Umbridge fires Professor Trelawney
That line alone is enough to make us tear up.
8. Hagrid leaves Grawp with Harry, Ron and Hermione
The poor giant is so alone and clueless!
9. Bellatrix kills her cousin, Sirius
He was Harry's ONLY family!!! This is SO unfair!! Not to mention the pangs of pain we feel every time Bellatrix chants, "I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black."
10. Bellatrix kills Dobby
Dobby the free elf died saving Harry and his friends... we don't have the emotional capacity to handle this.
11. Ron says Hermione's name in his sleep
12. Snape kills Dumbledore
*wipes tear* Okay but you're done killing people off now, right? RIGHT?
13. Hermione erases her parents' memory of her
BRB, hugging our moms.
14. Nagini bites Snape to death
Things weren't always easy between Harry and Snape, but we had grown attached to him in a weird way. And it's good to know he wasn't working for Voldemort after all. But also, stop killing everyone kcool bye.
15. Under the influence of a horcrux, Ron leaves Harry and Hermione
We need wine, chocolate and a blanky right about now.
16. Bellatrix tortures Hermione
One word: sobbing.
17. Fred Weasley dies
Okay, done. We are so done. We've run out of tears.
18. Harry dies
We almost believed that this was actually the end and it was HORRIBLE.
19. Neville is reborn a hero
And got super hot in the process. We're crying because he's come such a long way since he was the clumsy boy who lost control of his broomstick.
20. The last end credits EVER roll around
Time for another HP marathon, y'all.