We all know by now that the early bird gets the worm, but let’s be honest – the early bird clearly doesn’t value the relationship it has with its bed. Sure, we like the idea of being able to jump out of bed in the morning and make it to our 8 a.m. classes without even needing to think about touching the snooze button, but for some of us, that’s a little easier said than done. It takes a special type of person to wake up in the morning with ease, which is why we’re here to give you a few tips on how trick yourself into becoming a morning person.
1. Make a routine
Establishing a regular sleep routine can help your body better understand when it’s time for you to sleep and when it’s time for you to get up. As college students, the recommended amount of sleep for us is around seven to eight hours a night so, for your sake, create a routine or a sleep schedule that you can stay consistent with in order to wake up prepared and ready to take on the day.
2. Turn off your electronics
Nowadays, going to bed means spending a few extra hours staring at our phone screens until we happen to fall asleep. The lights from phone screens and laptops can disturb your sleep cycle more than natural light, so try turning off your electronics and staying unplugged at least an hour before you go to sleep. It makes it easier to get to sleep, not to mention how much you’ll be thanking yourself when it’s time to wake up in the morning.
3. Eat a healthy breakfast
The key to having a good morning is a full stomach. Getting out of bed is one thing, but energizing yourself with a healthy breakfast can at least allow you to have a productive day without feeling like a zombie. Try eating something quick, easy, and healthy like oatmeal or yogurt to make sure you start your day off the right way. Eating breakfast will not only ward off those “hangry” feelings you may have, but it also might be the one thing that allows you to have a productive day. Breakfast is important, so don’t take it for granted.
4. Get creative with your alarm
It’s easy to want to immediately press the snooze button when you have a loud alarm blaring noise in your ear. Sometimes, the only hard part of getting out of bed is actually getting out of bed. As a way to make waking up easier for yourself, try moving your alarm to the other side of the room, so that once you hear it go off, you’re forced to get up.
5. Try a sleep app
Oh, technology. There are so many apps out now that were created under the premise of making sure we get out of bed early and in the best ways possible. Some apps like Wake n Shake require you to shake your phone in order to turn off your alarm. Others, like Better Me, automatically shares a status update to your Facebook friends if you happen to not wake up on time. Try downloading a sleep app not only so that waking up can be slightly easier on you, but also so you can have a little fun with your mornings.
Waking up is hard to do – we know. Be easy on your body and make sure you’re making the right choices throughout the day so that getting up and being productive eventually becomes second nature to you. All you have to do is stay motivated and your body will thank you later.