In this day and age of advanced technology and social media, film and media majors have a reason to celebrate. In case you're not sure you fit the part, here are 17 signs you're a film and media major.
1. Your shoulders are sore from constantly trekking heavy equipment around campus.
Equipment is clunky, chunky and heavy. If you're not the most graceful future cinematographer, expect to take a few tumbles through the quad.
2. You own a trunk of statement scarves and ironic T-shirts alluding to obscure entertainment references.
Everyone has their signature. Allen and his glasses. Varda and her bob. Scorsese and his brows. Until you figure out yours, a stylish scarf should do the trick. Plus, it's great for throwing over your shoulder in a dramatic exit.
3. Your Facebook page is mostly links to your GoFundMe profile.
Ahh, yes. The livelihood of the average college student is built on the kindness of others, but add paying for supplies, software and food on set? Looks like you'll be making some long overdue calls to Aunt Linda and Uncle Jerry.
4. Visible wall space does not exist in your dorm because of all the movie posters.
Creative minds work best in a space that conforms to their thoughts. At least, that's what you tell guests when they get ambushed by retro movie posters falling off your walls and life-size cutouts of famous actors.
5. When awards season rolls around, you invite everyone to your viewing party.
'Tis a joyous day for all, but none more so than you. Pop the champagne, bring on the popcorn and let's get this party started!
6. When your picks for the Oscars and Emmys don't win, you refuse to speak to anyone for 24 hours.
No one beats Meryl. NO ONE. You just need a second, or a day or two weeks to calm down.
7. Your closet has slowly but surely transitioned from a variety of colors to a wave of black, white and neutral tones.
It's all about the now, darling, and right now, you do not need the creative expression of your work being upstaged by some gawdy outfit.
8. Group projects are both the bane of your existence and the best thing to happen to you.
Your vision is the most important thing to you during the creative process. Your group members' execution of said vision will either make or break the project. But when you find a group of collaborators who just get you, those are bonds to last a lifetime.
9. You are the queen of social media. Your Instagram's aesthetic cannot be touched.
Your feed is so cohesive followers instantly recognize one of your posts. Whether it's a boot next to a trash can or some hummus and pretzels, your Instas are ART.
10. When your friends need a new profile picture, you're on it with an extra battery just in case the photo shoot runs overtime.
You're a tiger. A ferocious tiger. Now you're a mermaid in a pool of serenity. Oh, the things you say to get your friends those 100+ likes.
11. Even though you don't speak a word of German or French, you're a regular at the local theatre's weekly international film night.
Subtitles or not, if the cinematography is timeless, all you need to understand is how the director of photography achieved such a sweet hair light.
12. People who don't know you think you're artsy and mysterious, but your friends realize that you're an absolute goofball.
You like to play it cool and be taken seriously as an artist, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. You may be a fan of the classics, but nothing is better than a Spongebob marathon.
13. You fear that people will find your childhood Youtube page.
Things happened in middle school that you would rather forget. Your "early work" may not have been the best.
14. No one is stung like you when great TV shows are canceled or end on Netflix.
It's just not fair when quality work is not appreciated. Yet, somehow, Toddlers & Tiaras is still a thing.
15. You often go missing for hours until your roommate realizes that you're in the studio editing on Final Cut.
When you need to escape to work on a project, human contact may be out of the question for hours on end.
16. Nothing grinds your gears like when a new movie or TV show is released and you swear you had that idea first.
You totally had a student film about a professor having to turn to drugs in order to sustain his family. Walter White was yours.
17. You have a looming fear of what's in store for your future, but it doesn't come close to the overwhelming knowledge that you will be successful in this industry.
Being a film and media major is extremely rewarding, challenging and uncertain. But one thing is clear: you do the work, you will succeed.