Season 7 of Modern Family premiered this September, and after many years of watching this hilarious family and their never-ending antics, it's hard not to find yourself comparing your behavior to that of the Dunphy family—a caring but dysfunctional crew that may be all too familiar to your own family. Are you the smart, black sheep of your family like Alex? Let's find out.
1. You’re always true to yourself…
2. …no matter the consequences.
3. Because who need friends when you know what really matters?
4. You're super sassy…
5. …and you love a good laugh—at someone else's expense.
6. You can be very serious…
7. …but you have your own unique brand of fun.
8. You’re always questioning things.
9. You have a “romantic” side…
10. …and you're not afraid to let your partner know exactly what you want…
11. …though things don’t always work out for you in the love department.
12. You have your priorities straight…
13. …but you’re not quite grown-up yet.
14. You’re not afraid to be honest.
15. Sometimes you feel like you just don't fit in…
16. …or that nobody understands you.
17. But in the end, you know you always have something worth celebrating—your family.