Tuesday's long awaited Democratic Presidential Debate was full of both yelling and laughter. However, the latter mostly occured among people discussing the debate on Twitter.
1. The harsh truth
The only thing that could make the #DemDebate any whiter is if #Hillary was sipping a #PumpkinSpiceLatte.
— Holly Renee (@_Holly_Renee) October 14, 2015
2. Where's Taylor when you need her?
I'm only into live performances if there is a surprise guest involved I have taylor swift to blame for this #DemDebate
— Taylor Trudon (@taylortrudon) October 14, 2015
3. #Puns
So BOREDghazi right now #DemDebate
— Betches (@betchesluvthis) October 14, 2015
4. What we wish would have happened
When do Margo & Serena barge in and yell, "vote for Elle!" because that should probably happen. #DemDebate
— Gay BFF (@GayBFFSays) October 14, 2015
5. Because he was the real winner of the debate
*Anderson Cooper asks a bunch of tough questions in a row* us: daddy
— BFF (@YrBFF) October 14, 2015
6. When Bernie Sanders actually talked about his platform
Bernie get to the real issues. What are your kids names and what's your favorite color? #DemDebate
— Betches (@betchesluvthis) October 14, 2015
7. Lincoln Chafee who?
The other Lincoln was way better than @LincolnChafee#justsaying#DemDebatepic.twitter.com/Tv7IpVs5O0
— Elite Daily (@EliteDaily) October 14, 2015
8. The sass was real
Like that little spunk from @HillaryClinton just there. The stage suits her. #DemDebatepic.twitter.com/b7D72iDvtD
— ELLE Magazine (US) (@ELLEmagazine) October 14, 2015
9. *Bernie voice*
"YA DAMN EMAILS!"— @BernieSanders#DemDebate
— refinery29 (@Refinery29) October 14, 2015
10. Don't test him
.@BernieSanders on Putin in a nutshell: "I'm from Brooklyn, I will own him."#BrooklynWeGoHard#DemDebatepic.twitter.com/sLZiOb10Fc
— Elite Daily (@EliteDaily) October 14, 2015
11. *Hair flip*
Hillary on Russia. #DemDebate"Chill, I got this."pic.twitter.com/GVVOsbeAYr
— Elite Daily (@EliteDaily) October 14, 2015