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The 13 Best Celebrity Instagrams From the 4th of July


Celebrities are just like us; On the fourth of July, they wear stars and stripes, show off their grilling skills, hang out with their famous friends, and #DoItForTheInsta. We rounded up our favorite Independence Day posts.

1. These friendship goals, life goals, and every goal in between


When Ed shows up in a red coat for the 4th of July because he just can't let it go. @teddysphotos

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Because nobody can rock a British red coat better than Ed Sheeran at BFF Taylor Swift's 4th of July BBQ.

2. Proof of Taylor Swift's perfection


She cooks too

A photo posted by Calvin Harris (@calvinharris) on

In case you weren't sure yet, this friendly reminder from boyfriend Calvin Harris should do it.

3. This blissful pair of feet

Featuring Anna Kendrick's sassy humor and American pride.

4. These bro-tastic abs


Happy 4th from the Elgorts, and @matiasdelcastillo American Navy Officer (that's why he has the best abs)

A photo posted by anselelgort (@anselelgort) on

#bromerica #blessed

5. This definition of freedom


Happy 4th of July! Proud to be an American ... where at least I am free to be me.

A photo posted by Caitlyn Jenner (@caitlynjenner) on

Because it's not all about the burgers and fireworks.

6. This ode to nature and the U.S. of A.

Vanessa Hudgens takes the celebration way past her backyard.

7. This country performance


Lovely 4th at @willienelsonofficial's picnic! Star-spangled outfit by @daisy_elizabeth

A photo posted by KACEY MUSGRAVES (@spaceykacey) on

We tried to find something more American. We failed.

8. This real estate cameo


Have a beautiful spotless Independence Day.

A photo posted by Chris Rock (@chrisrock) on

Yes, that is in fact the house from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind making a casual appearance behind Chris Rock's head.

9. These patriotic kids...


Stars and Stripes happy 4th!

A photo posted by Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) on

...and these ones.




A photo posted by Neil Patrick Harris (@nph) on

Too cute, can't deal.

10. This tasteful Southern cookout

In case this whole thing wasn't beautiful enough, Reese Witherspoon spoke to our souls with the hashtag #NeverEnoughFriedChicken.

11. This JoBro-mance


Tradition tried and true. Happy Independence Day yall @joejonas

A photo posted by @nickjonas on

...and this one.


Happy Fourth of July Kids

A photo posted by J O E J O N A S (@joejonas) on

And, well, this one.



A photo posted by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on

12. This epic throwback


Tomorrow gonna have me like.....

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Nothing has changed.

13. And the winner is...


Happy 4th from me, @gigihadid, @marhunt, @britmaack, @serayah and @haimtheband :)

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

This squad, because apparently everyone was hanging out without us. Honestly, TFTI.

How did you celebrate Independence Day, collegiettes?

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