Likely a result of issues in past years, music festivals like Coachella and Lollapalooza now have long lists of rules that outline what you can and can't bring with you. Among the understandable outlawed items are fireworks, pets, audio recording devices and weapons, but there are also a few odd ones like totems, hula hoops and... stuffed animals.
As for the latest banned item? The selfie stick. The bold move may not come as a huge surprise, but it will definitely ruffle some feathers.
Though entertainment organizers of the two festivals didn't give a specific reason for the ban, we have some speculations. For practicality's sake, waving a stick that extends up to at least two feet while standing in a crowd seems like a possible safety hazard.
There's also the probability that these organizers despise everything about the near-infamous phone accessory, because it can understandably take away from the festival experience for yourself and others. Festival representatives didn't say this outright, but we get a sense that selfie stick users are of a certain type, hence: "no selfie sticks/narcissists," which is written on both websites.
Just last month, Ultra Music Festival in Miami prohibited the tool from its event and even posted on Twitter, "They will be turned away and we'll probably make fun of you," according to Yahoo!
While can't say we despise the selfie stick (because it has definitely served us well in some cases!), we totally get where these festival organizers are coming from.