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The Stonewall Inn Could Shutter Due to COVID-19—Here’s How You Can Help


COVID-19 has placed the world on hold. Businesses have closed, uncertainty has risen, and it feels as though we have no control.

However, there is one place whose fate we can control. The Stonewall Inn, the birthplace of Pride and the LGBTQ movement, has been closed temporarily due to safety restrictions and needs public support to survive after loss of business.

Two GoFundMes have been organized to support the historic landmark. The first, for the staff, and the second, for the Inn itself. These pages are necessary to not only support what Stonewall represents, but the very individuals who maintain the community it upholds.

The Stonewall riots of 1969 are often considered the turning point prior to the gay liberation movement and the fight for LGBTQ rights in the United States. Stonewall is the first U.S. National Monument dedicated to LGBTQ rights and the LGBTQ movement. Stonewall stands as a reminder of the fight for LGBTQ rights, as well as police brutality, and oppression — which is timely, now more than ever.



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The initial riot at Stonewall only gained momentum. In the days following the event, protesters chanted “we shall overcome” in defiance. Today, June is known as Pride Month in honor of the uprising. Last year marked the 50th anniversary of the riot, and NYC held the largest international Pride celebration in history with millions of attendees.

However, many do not know Stonewall is struggling today.



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The Stonewall Inn has served as a haven for people who lacked support and were in search of a community. It is now our responsibility to protect this haven, this refuge. The Stonewall Inn is more than a simple building. Its brick structure symbolizes decades of fight, community, and rebellious spirit. So, protect it.

Donate here and here. For more information visit thestonewallinnnyc.com

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