If you’re just graduating and stressed about finances, you are surely not alone. Chasing your goals can require an investment of time and money, which is why we teamed up with Sallie Mae® to create a competition that can help students get ahead. Whether your focus is on how you’re going to pay off your student debt or how you’re going to kickstart your small business, this may be the headstart you’ve been looking for.
As of today, the application for the Sallie Mae® Funded Futures Competition is LIVE, where four winners will be granted a cash prize (!!!) to use towards advancing their goals. Entries will be judged based on academic achievements and also the creativity and originality of short answer questions about the challenges they’ve faced and their future aspirations. Did we mention each winner will be granted $25,000 so they can make their dreams a reality? Here’s what you need to know:
- Submission questions include detailing personal achievements, explaining challenges you have overcome, outlining aspirations for changing the world, and more. Be yourself and show us your goals!
- Four winners will be chosen: one high school graduate, one undergrad graduate, one grad school graduate, and one winner who is entering into a medical field.
- Each winner will be granted $25K to use however they desire to help them accomplish great things, make a difference, jumpstart their business, or put this towards their future savings and more.
Inspired to share your story and apply to have your future funded?! The applications close at 11:59 PM ET on May 24, 2020, so learn more and submit your entry here today.