One major project while living in quarantine has been reinventing my beauty routine. With the closing of most salons, I've had to make the best of the situation and take matters into my own hands when it comes to hair, nails, brows, and more. From DIY spa nights to face masks galore, I’m doing all of the at-home beauty treatments. Specifically, on days when I feel stuck in a rut, I’ve been styling my hair just to feel a little bit more like myself.
While I’m lucky enough to be quarantined with my cosmetology student sister, I know not everyone has that same luxury. If you dye your hair regularly, you are not alone in missing your hairdresser or hating those outgrown roots. Rather than stress about your roots throwing off your look on Zoom calls, there are some very easy hairstyles that will mask them or blend them into your natural hair.