Let us raise a pint to Ruth Bader Ginsburg!
Boston-based brewing company Samuel Adams is releasing a new Belgian Brut IPA dedicated to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
According to CNBC, the new brew is called “When There Are Nine” as an ode to an iconic RBG quote. In an interview with the 10th Circuit Bench & Bar Conference at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Ginsburg said: “So now the perception is, yes, women are here to stay. And when I’m sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the supreme court]? And I say when there are nine, people are shocked. But there’s been nine men, and nobody’s ever raised a question about that.”
Will New Sam Adams Beer Do Justice To Ruth Bader Ginsburg? https://t.co/G0un7S18DW#CraftBeer#beer@SamuelAdamsBeer@pinkbootsbeerpic.twitter.com/dSQkEE05nI
— American Craft Beer (@AmericaCrftBeer) March 22, 2019
It’s part of the company’s annual event with the Pink Boots Society, a non-profit that supports women in the brewing industry, Today.com reports. The collab is in honor of International Women’s Day, which was earlier this month.
If you’re dying to sip this feminist creation, you can do so if you are in the Boston area. It will be officially unveiled at a celebration hosted by the Pink Boots Society in Samuel Adams taproom on March 29, according to the Eventbrite page. Tickets cost $20, and the event page says “$5 from every ticket and $1 from every When There Are Nine sold to the Pink Boots Society, which fosters advancement and education for women in the beer industry.” According to The Boston Globe, the event will also host a plank contest to support ACLU’s Women’s Right Project, which Ginsburg co-founded.