Do you ever just want to cry because you'retoo broke to have the style that you know you were made for? Yeah, me too. When you're a college girl on a tight budget, there's absolutely no way you can afford the same exact wardrobe as Hailey Bieber. You've got rent to pay, books to buy, and groceries to get — the point is, college girls have a lot of expenses as it is, and we can't really splurge on clothes — our hearts will always say yes, but our bank accounts are never about it. At least we can live by some style tips to achieve high fashion on a bargain.
We totally feel how hard it is to want to dress a certain way but be financially restricted. And, it's all good! We've got to lend a hand to one another. We're here to help you get your dream wardrobe without breaking the bank, so we came up with these few hacks.
1. Buy oversized clothes
We get it: sales are a hit or miss. You won't always find your size, but that's okay! Try opting out for bigger sizes or shop in men's section for better deals. Oversized clothes are SO in right now, anyway. Just look at YouTuber Maggie MacDonald sporting a men's bomber jacket with a baggy sweatsuit. Check out her recent video on how to recreate Hailey Bieber's outfits where she also includes links to every piece she wore.
2. Sign up for email subscriptions
Who has the time to visit retail websites or let alone go to stores every day? Literally, none of us. Take a minute and sign up to get emails from your favorite stores whenever they've got great deals going on. There are specials going on all the time — they might blow up your inbox, but you'll be sure to find a steal somewhere in there.
3. Accessorize to complete your 'fits
As my mom taught me, accessories never fail to make an outfit. From bold earrings to layers of necklaces, you can't go wrong. Throw on a monochrome attire with some gold jewelry of your choice, and you've got yourself a chic look! Don't think only jewelry can upgrade your look because cute hair accessories or statement belts can make a huge difference.
4. Mix and match your current clothes
No worries, we're not going to tempt you to spend money that you should really be putting towards your coffee funds. Open your closet and look at everything you own. You can work with whatever you have right now. We know we don't like an outfit repeater, but no one said it's a crime to wear a sweater or a pair of trousers more than once. You just got to be creative! Mix and match your clothes as much as possible to create different looks. Trust me, this hack is foolproof — only you'll know that you've owned those same jeans forever (we won't tell).
5. If you're ready to invest, make sure they're the important pieces
There's a time where it's perfectly fine to splurge on an item. I mean, just one item at a time. If you see an expensive purse or pair of shoes that you're dying to get your hands on, start saving up your money now. Let's say you want a Gucci bag that typically retails almost for $2,000. Be practical and think about it first (no luxurious impulse buys, promise?). Ask yourself if it's worth it, how much will you use it, and when is the right time to get it.
Our styles are always evolving, but that doesn't mean that we should always drop our coins whenever we find something we want. Hence the word want, we may not always need it. Being in college, we already have a lot of expenses to worry about, so we have to be practical at all times. Follow these style tips to achieve your desired style on a budget. Pay that rent first before you cop yourself the newest Gucci crossbody bag, you feel?