Listen up, Bey Hive! You might finally have a shot at your dream—getting free Beyonce concert tickets, that is. All it takes? Switching up your diet.
The singer and her husband JAY-Z have teamed up with the Greenprint Project, an organization started by Bey’s personal trainer Marco Borges. The Greenprint Project’s mission is to get more people eating more plant-based meals—make your meals a little greener, make the earth a little greener… you get the picture.
The big incentive to get people involved in the Greenprint Project is their sweepstakes contest, which, as Beyonce announced in an Instagram post, chooses one winner at random to get one free concert ticket per tour for Beyonce or JAY-Z… for life. (They define “life” as up to 30 years, but hey, that’s still a damn good deal.)
And if going cold turkey on all animal products seems like too much, too fast for you, don’t fret: you can still enter! The Greenprint Project seems to be about taking smaller steps, as they have a list of options for you to choose your personal “Greenprint”: you can be plant-based at breakfast, at work, or on weekdays, you can commit to two plant-based meals a day, you can start off slow with classic Meatless Mondays or, if you’re really ambitious, you can select the “All plants. All the time” option.
“We are not about promoting any one way of living your life," Beyonce and JAY-Z wrote in the foreword to Borges’ book. "You decide what's best for you. What we are encouraging is for everyone to incorporate more plant-based meals into their everyday lives." TBH, we’re glad they think that, because it makes veganism seem so much less intimidating. For her part, Beyonce committed to plant-based meals for breakfast and Meatless Mondays, while JAY-Z is taking on two plant-based meals per day, according to Reuters.
So why not join in on the fun? The winner will be selected on May 22—but even if you don’t win, you can say you helped to reduce your own environmental impact, which is something we should all be proud of.