Instagram feeds are flooding with posts of pictures from 2009 vs. 2019 and it’s a very humbling trip down memory lane for all. Known as the #10YearChallenge, everyone from your middle school crush to Chrissy Teigen are taking part in the viral trend–and, yes, the glow ups are real.
It’s both hilarious and amazing when you remember that “TyPiNg LiKe ThIs WaS CoOl~” or that you so desperately wanted to live your best GTL life with Bumpits. After all, times were simpler when your hardest decision was whether you were #TeamJacob or #TeamEdward. I rounded up 11 of the weirdest yet most amazing things from 2009 you were once obsessed with. You can thank me later, but for now get ready for a wave of nostalgia (or regret).
1. Planking
Before there was the “In My Feelings” Challenge, there was this. Planking was the social phenomenon, and it was nearly impossible to walk into a room and not see someone in position.
2. The 2009 VMAs
From Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi performance to Kanye interrupting T-Swift’s “Best Music Video” Award acceptance, the 2009 VMA’s were hard to get through.
3. Quotes on photos
Forget VSCO or whatever editing app you might use, it was all about Picnik in 2009. Nothing said cool like an overly edited photo with quotes all over it with your bestie.
4. Camera mirror selfies with the flash
Before iPhones were the only obvious way to get a profile pic, you could probably be found in your middle school locker room snapping a mirror selfie.
5. Jersey Shore
2009 was the premiere of the show that gave us “GTL” and “DTF” Jersey Shore.
6. Twilight
Although the movie technically came out in 2008, Twilhards were out and about in '09, especially when New Moon hit theaters—which added to the Team Edward or Team Jacob debate. I mean, Edward left Bella, so how could we not swoon over a shirtless Jacob?
7. Shutter Shades- AKA Kanye Glasses
Nothing like shutting out the haterz back in the day with some shutter shades.
8. Scene Bangs
Rawr xD. Enough said.
9. Studded Belts
Who else remembers hitting up their local Hot Topic to pick up this must have accessory?
10. Bumpits
Embracing the Snookie lifestyle one pouf at a time.
12. Silly Bandz
Ah, I can vividly remember begging my mom for these. Nothing was more exciting than opening a new pack of Silly Bandz. Bonus points if the whole squad was rocking the same one.
#Blessed that Instagram wasn’t a thing back then.