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'Grey's Anatomy': Did Meredith Just Ruin Her Career (Again)?


Hey ya’ll, we're here today to talk about something mind-numbingly infuriating. Do you remember a few weeks ago when Maggie was struggling to keep her mouth shut about Teddy’s pregnancy? Remember how, ultimately, she was incapable of adhering to HIPAA (which boils down to doctor/patient confidentiality), and she spilled the beans to Meredith? But Meredith is a good damn person, so her lips were sealed —saving Maggie's dumb ass from certain career-altering, if not ending, repercussions. 

Well, the mid-season finale of Grey's Anatomy'Blowin' in the Wind', just aired, bringing that drama somewhat full-circle, and I am #stressed. This week, the roles reversed as Meredith broke her own Hippocratic oath when she broke the news of Catherine’s tumor to Maggie in an effort to ensure that she would be there for Jackson when the time came. Because, as I said before, Meredith is a good damn person. She just wanted her friend to have someone to lean on as his mother, his last living relative, went through life-threatening medical treatment for a life-threatening condition. And, having kept Maggie's patient secret, she could only assume hers would be safe.  

WELL (capitalized for EMPHASIS), I'm sure you can guess who, once again, couldn't keep her giant trap shut. Maggie broke the news about his mom to Jackson (to be fair, we only heard her tell Jackson that she had news about his Mom, so she could turn around and a fix this disaster before it starts, but I'm not hopeful.

"Remember that? When she was on track to be the next neuro God, but she slipped Adele Webber the experimental drug after she was randomly assigned the placebo in Derek's clinical trial. Alex found out and reported her, and she should have lost her ability to practice. Instead she just lost her future in neurosurgery, and went on to become a general God."

You guys, I really think this could be worse than the great Alzheimer’s mistrial, if you will, that almost cost Meredith her career the first time around. Remember that? When she was on track to be the next neuro God, but she slipped Adele Webber the experimental drug after she was randomly assigned the placebo in Derek's clinical trial. Alex found out and reported her, and she should have lost her ability to practice. Instead she just lost her future in neurosurgery, and went on to become a general God.

But Meredith’s not a resident anymore: She’s chief of general surgery, and a BFD in both her own hospital and the medical community at large. If Jackson goes on to tell his mom that he knows about her condition, Meredith is totally screwed. There’s no potential specialty to kick her off of, you guys. But there is a whole department, a whole board and a whole hospital to permanently remove her from. She could even go to jail! 

So thanks, Satan. 

Catch Grey's Penitentiary, coming this January. 

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