These days, it really takes something special to consider an entire episode of any show a winner. Most episodes just have their moments, but this week’s Grey’s Anatomy, "Anybody Have a Map?," just might have landed itself in my list of top five episodes. You guys, it was SO. GOOD. This episode was jampacked with just about every type of drama we crave—rocky relationships, death, destruction, a cliffhanger and more. I give it to you that some of these plot lines have been done again and again, but this episode managed to surprise me at almost every turn.
Without further digression, here is a wide-array of reactions I had to last night's episode.
When Catherine told Richard she was staying in LA for yet another week, and you wondered if they were on the rocks, too
When you realized that you actually like Jackson and Maggie together, and he missed her even though she breaks all his stuff
When they ripped that sleazebag Harper Avery's name off of his medical center
When Catherine revealed that she was the VIP patient and you realized that her neck is full of giant tumor and could incapacitate her at any moment
But as they headed to biopsy her ticking time bomb, she demanded that the grand-reopening and all that it entailed stay on track
When Maggie mistook Jackson's phone for her own and saw texts from another girl
And their following conversation went a little too off the rails
When they took Frankie's baby out and he was WAY TOO LITTLE
But then FRANKIE, this nurse that they carefully planted throughout the season so that we would start to LOVE HER, was the one to die, and Richard couldn't bring himself to call her time of death
When you first hear the actual phrase “Chips for Shots” in an AA meeting
When Maggie tells Jackson to try her ability to have a deep discussion and then bails. AGAIN.
When Richard strolled into the chips for shots bar
But then he grabbed his chip back up and stepped back from the shots
And then he DESTROYED the bar and defended the honor of every recovering alcoholic
When Catherine revealed all of the 'isms' she'd been strong enough to survive to reach where she is now, and knew that she might just be strong enough to survive this tumor, too
And finally, when they closed on a clip of all the nurses surrounding baby Pancake. Who’s going to raise him?? Is he just going to be the hospital baby, like an office cat??
And a bonus: when you saw the preview for the mid-season finale with yet another natural disaster on the way