Very important PSA: The overall awareness of endometriosis is low. Like, women who have it – an estimated one in 10 women of reproductive age – may have never even heard of it. Those who have heard of it might think that endometriosis is just “bad cramps” – but that’s not true at all.
Endometriosis can cause really painful periods, pelvic pain even when you’re not on your period, and pain with sex. Women who have endometriosis may experience one or more of these symptoms, which could cause them to miss work or school during that time of the month because the pain is so bad. But because it’s sometimes misunderstood, the pain might be deemed as something that “every woman goes through” during her period, instead of having the pain recognized for what it is: an actual disease that deserves an accurate diagnosis and individualized treatment plan!
Think you might have endometriosis? Don’t worry, we have your back. You don’t have to just suck it up – instead you can have a chat with your healthcare provider about these symptoms. That’s why this fall, we’re hitting the road with SpeakENDO to hang with you and talk all things endometriosis, so you can have better conversations with (and help from!) your gynecologist.
Here’s where you can catch the SpeakENDO Study Break at your university:
- Monday, November 26: University of Georgia Bookstore from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.; 40 Baxter Street, Athens, GA
- Wednesday, November 28: University of Florida Bookstore from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.; 1900 Museum Road, Gainesville, FL
What can you expect? A stress-free study break to learn more about SpeakENDO, capture photo moments, get freebies, and have a mini-massage!
Remember that endometriosis is legit, and you should always feel empowered to talk about your pain with a healthcare provider. We can’t wait to see you!